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Since testicular orphan nuclear receptor 4 (TR4) was cloned, its physiological function has remained largely unknown. Throughout postnatal development, TR4-knockout (TR4-/-) mice exhibited behavioral deficits in motor coordination, suggesting impaired cerebellar function. Histological examination of the postnatal TR4-/- cerebellum revealed gross abnormalities in foliation; specifically, lobule VII in the anterior vermis was missing. Further analyses demonstrated that the laminations of the TR4-/- cerebellar cortex were changed, including reductions in the thickness of the molecular layer and the internal granule layer, as well as delayed disappearance of the external granule cell layer (EGL). These lamination irregularities may result from interference with granule cell proliferation within the EGL, delayed inward migration of postmitotic granule cells, and a higher incidence of apoptotis. In addition, abnormal development of Purkinje cells was observed in the postnatal TR4-/- cerebellum, as evidenced by aberrant dendritic arborization and reduced calbindin staining intensity. Expression of Pax-6, Sonic Hedgehog (Shh), astrotactin (Astn), reelin, and Cdk-5, genes correlated with the morphological development of the cerebellum, is reduced in the developing TR4-/- cerebellum. Together, our findings suggest that TR4 is required for normal cerebellar development.  相似文献   

Early in vitro cell culture studies suggested that testicular orphan nuclear receptor 2 (TR2), a member of the nuclear receptor superfamily, may play important roles in the control of several pathways including retinoic acids, vitamin D, thyroid hormones, and ciliary neurotrophic factor. Here we report the surprising results showing that mice lacking TR2 are viable and have no serious developmental defects. Male mice lacking TR2 have functional testes, including normal sperm number and motility, and both male and female mice lacking TR2 are fertile. In heterozygous TR2(+/-) male mice we found that beta-galactosidase, the indicator of TR2 protein expression, was first detected at the age of 3 weeks and its expression pattern was restricted mainly in the spermatocytes and round spermatids. These protein expression patterns were further confirmed with Northern blot analysis of TR2 mRNA expression. Together, results from TR2-knockout mice suggest that TR2 may not play essential roles in spermatogenesis and normal testis development, function, and maintenance. Alternatively, the roles of TR2 may be redundant and could be played by other close members of the nuclear receptor superfamily such as testicular orphan receptor 4 (TR4) or unidentified orphan receptors that share many similar functions with TR2. Further studies with double knockouts of both orphan nuclear receptors, TR2 and TR4, may reveal their real physiological roles.  相似文献   

The estrogen-related receptor alpha (ERRalpha) is an orphan member of the superfamily of nuclear hormone receptors expressed in tissues that preferentially metabolize fatty acids. Despite the molecular characterization of ERRalpha and identification of target genes, determination of its physiological function has been hampered by the lack of a natural ligand. To further understand the in vivo function of ERRalpha, we generated and analyzed Estrra-null (ERRalpha-/-) mutant mice. Here we show that ERRalpha-/- mice are viable, fertile and display no gross anatomical alterations, with the exception of reduced body weight and peripheral fat deposits. No significant changes in food consumption and energy expenditure or serum biochemistry parameters were observed in the mutant animals. However, the mutant animals are resistant to a high-fat diet-induced obesity. Importantly, DNA microarray analysis of gene expression in adipose tissue demonstrates altered regulation of several enzymes involved in lipid, eicosanoid, and steroid synthesis, suggesting that the loss of ERRalpha might interfere with other nuclear receptor signaling pathways. In addition, the microarray study shows alteration in the expression of genes regulating adipogenesis as well as energy metabolism. In agreement with these findings, metabolic studies showed reduced lipogenesis in adipose tissues. This study suggests that ERRalpha functions as a metabolic regulator and that the ERRalpha-/- mice provide a novel model for the investigation of metabolic regulation by nuclear receptors.  相似文献   

Mixed background SHP(-/-) mice are resistant to diet-induced obesity due to increased energy expenditure caused by enhanced PGC-1α expression in brown adipocytes. However, congenic SHP(-/-) mice on the C57BL/6 background showed normal expression of PGC-1α and other genes involved in brown adipose tissue thermogenesis. Thus, we reinvestigated the impact of small heterodimer partner (SHP) deletion on diet-induced obesity and insulin resistance using congenic SHP(-/-) mice. Compared with their C57BL/6 wild-type counterparts, SHP(-/-) mice subjected to a 6 month challenge with a Western diet (WestD) were leaner but more glucose intolerant, showed hepatic insulin resistance despite decreased triglyceride accumulation and increased β-oxidation, exhibited alterations in peripheral tissue uptake of dietary lipids, maintained a higher respiratory quotient, which did not decrease even after WestD feeding, and displayed islet dysfunction. Hepatic mRNA expression analysis revealed that many genes expressed higher in SHP(-/-) mice fed WestD were direct peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha (PPARα) targets. Indeed, transient transfection and chromatin immunoprecipitation verified that SHP strongly repressed PPARα-mediated transactivation. SHP is a pivotal metabolic sensor controlling lipid homeostasis in response to an energy-laden diet through regulating PPARα-mediated transactivation. The resultant hepatic fatty acid oxidation enhancement and dietary fat redistribution protect the mice from diet-induced obesity and hepatic steatosis but accelerate development of type 2 diabetes.  相似文献   

Agrin activates MuSK, a receptor tyrosine kinase expressed in skeletal muscle, leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of the acetylcholine receptor (AChR) beta-subunit and clustering of AChRs. The importance of AChR beta-subunit tyrosine phosphorylation in clustering AChRs and regulating synaptic differentiation is poorly understood. We generated mice with targeted mutations in the three intracellular tyrosines of the AChR beta-subunit (AChR-beta(3F/3F)). Mice lacking AChR beta-subunit tyrosine phosphorylation thrive postnatally and have no overt behavioral defects, indicating that AChR beta-subunit tyrosine phosphorylation is not essential for the formation of neuromuscular synapses. Nonetheless, the size of synapses and the density of synaptic AChRs are reduced in AChR- beta(3F/3F) mutant mice. Moreover, synapses are structurally simplified and the organization of postjunctional folds is aberrant in mice lacking tyrosine phosphorylation of the AChR beta-subunit. Furthermore, mutant AChRs cluster poorly in response to agrin and are readily extracted from the cell surface of cultured myotubes by non-ionic detergent. These data indicate that tyrosine phosphorylation of the AChR beta-subunit has an important role in organizing AChRs and regulating synaptic differentiation.  相似文献   

Testicular orphan nuclear receptor 4 (TR4) has been suggested to play important roles in the development and functioning of the central nervous system (CNS). We find reduced myelination in TR4 knockout (TR4(-/-)) mice, which is particularly obvious in forebrains and in early developmental stages. Further analysis reveals that CC-1-positive (CC-1+) oligodendrocytes are decreased in TR4(-/-) forebrains. The O4+ signals are also reduced in TR4(-/-) forebrains when examined at postnatal d 7. However, the number and proliferation rate of platelet-derived growth factor receptor alpha-positive (PDGFalphaR+) oligodendrocyte precursor cells (OPCs) remain unaffected in these regions, suggesting that loss of TR4 interrupts oligodendrocyte differentiation. This is further supported by the observation that CC-1+ oligodendrocytes derived from 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine incorporating OPCs are significantly reduced in TR4(-/-) forebrains. We also find higher Jagged1 expression levels in axon fiber-enriched regions in TR4(-/-) forebrains, suggesting a more activated Notch signaling in these regions that correlates with previous reports showing that Notch activation inhibits oligodendrocyte differentiation. Together, our results suggest that TR4 is required for proper myelination in the CNS and is particularly important for oligodendrocyte differentiation and maturation in the forebrain regions. The altered Jagged1-Notch signaling in TR4(-/-) forebrain underlies a potential mechanism that contributes to the reduced myelination in the forebrain.  相似文献   

DAX-1 (dosage-sensitive sex reversal adrenal hypoplasia congenital critical region on the X chromosome, gene 1) (NROB1) is an atypical member of the nuclear receptor family, which lacks the classical zinc finger DNA binding domain and acts as a coregulator of a number of nuclear receptors. In this study, we have found that DAX-1 is a novel coregulator of the orphan nuclear receptor Nur77 (NR4A1). We demonstrate that DAX-1 represses the Nur77 transactivation by transient transfection assays. Specific interaction between Nur77 and DAX-1 was detected by coimmunoprecipitation, yeast two-hybrid, and glutathione-S-transferase pull-down assays. The ligand binding domain of DAX-1 and the activation function-2 domain of Nur77 were determined as the direct interaction domains between DAX-1 and Nur77. In vitro competition binding assay showed that DAX-1 repressed Nur77 transactivation through the competition with steroid receptor coactivator-1 for the binding of Nur77. Moreover, DAX-1 repressed Nur77- and LH-dependent increase of cytochrome P450 protein 17 promoter activity in transient transfection assays. Furthermore, Nur77-mediated transactivation was significantly increased by down-regulation of DAX-1 expression with DAX-1 small interfering RNA in testicular Leydig cell line, K28. LH treatment induced a transient increase in Nur77 mRNA, whereas LH repressed DAX-1 expression in a time- and dose-dependent manner in K28 cells. In addition, immunohistochemical analysis showed the expression of Nur77 in mouse testicular Leydig cells. These results suggest that DAX-1 acts as a novel coregulator of the orphan nuclear receptor Nur77, and that the DAX-1 may play a key role in the regulation of Nur77-mediated steroidogenesis in testicular Leydig cells.  相似文献   

Testicular orphan nuclear receptor 4 (TR4) is specifically and stage-dependently expressed in late-stage pachytene spermatocytes and round spermatids. In the developing mouse testis, the highest expression of TR4 can be detected at postnatal days 16 to 21 when the first wave of spermatogenesis progresses to late meiotic prophase. Using a knockout strategy to delete TR4 in mice, we found that sperm production in TR4(-/-) mice is reduced. The comparison of testes from developing TR4(+/+) and TR4(-/-) mice shows that spermatogenesis in TR4(-/-) mice is delayed. Analysis of the first wave of spermatogenesis shows that the delay can be due to delay and disruption of spermatogenesis at the end of late meiotic prophase and subsequent meiotic divisions. Seminiferous tubule staging shows that stages X to XII, where late meiotic prophase and meiotic divisions take place, are delayed and disrupted in TR4(-/-) mice. Histological examination of testis sections from TR4(-/-) mice shows degenerated primary spermatocytes and some necrotic tubules. Testis-specific gene analyses show that the expression of sperm 1 and cyclin A1, which are genes expressed at the end of meiotic prophase, was delayed and decreased in TR4(-/-) mouse testes. Taken together, results from TR4(+/+) and TR4(-/-) mice indicate that TR4 is essential for normal spermatogenesis in mice.  相似文献   

The rev-erbAalpha orphan protein belongs to the steroid nuclear receptor superfamily. No ligand has been identified for this protein, and little is known of its function in development or physiology. In this study, we focus on 1) the distribution of the rev-erbAalpha protein in adult fast- and slow-twitch skeletal muscles and muscle fibers and 2) how the rev-erbAalpha protein influences myosin heavy chain (MyHC) isoform expression in mice heterozygous (+/-) and homozygous (-/-) for a rev-erbAalpha protein null allele. In the fast-twitch extensor digitorum longus muscle, rev-erbAalpha protein expression was linked to muscle fiber type; however, MyHC isoform expression did not differ between wild-type, +/-, or -/- mice. In the slow-twitch soleus muscle, the link between rev-erbAalpha protein and MyHC isoform expression was more complex than in the extensor digitorum longus. Here, a significantly higher relative amount of the beta/slow (type I) MyHC isoform was observed in both rev-erbAalpha -/- and +/- mice vs. that shown in wild-type controls. A role for the ratio of thyroid hormone receptor proteins alpha1 to alpha2 in modulating MyHC isoform expression can be ruled out because no differences were seen in MyHC isoform expression between thyroid hormone receptor alpha2-deficient mice (heterozygous and homozygous) and wild-type mice. Therefore, our data are compatible with the rev-erbAalpha protein playing an important role in the regulation of skeletal muscle MyHC isoform expression.  相似文献   

King-Jones K  Charles JP  Lam G  Thummel CS 《Cell》2005,121(5):773-784
A critical determinant of insect body size is the time at which the larva stops feeding and initiates wandering in preparation for metamorphosis. No genes have been identified that regulate growth by contributing to this key developmental decision to terminate feeding. We show here that mutations in the DHR4 orphan nuclear receptor result in larvae that precociously leave the food to form premature prepupae, resulting in abbreviated larval development that translates directly into smaller and lighter animals. In addition, we show that DHR4 plays a central role in the genetic cascades triggered by the steroid hormone ecdysone at the onset of metamorphosis, acting as both a repressor of the early ecdysone-induced regulatory genes and an inducer of the betaFTZ-F1 midprepupal competence factor. We propose that DHR4 coordinates growth and maturation in Drosophila by mediating endocrine responses to the attainment of critical weight during larval development.  相似文献   

弧核受体的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Son JC 《生理科学进展》2001,32(2):177-179
弧核受体是没有配体或尚未发现配体的核受体。数十种弧核受体亚家庭广泛分布于机体各组织。弧核受体可以在弧核受体相关辅助因子的调控下,以单体或多聚体形式与弧核受体作用元件作用来调控基因转录,从而调节机体的各种生理活动。目前已有部分弧核受体的配体被发现,这对弧核受体的研究具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The estrogen-related receptor alpha (ERRα) is an orphan receptor belonging to the nuclear receptor superfamily that regulates a number of target genes encoding enzymes that participate in various metabolic pathways involved in maintaining energy balance in animals. In this study, whether long-term caloric restriction (alternate days of fasting for 3 months) in mice modulates the expression of ERRα in various tissues was investigated. Western blot analyses showed positive immunoreactive ERRα protein (53 kDa) band in various mice tissue extracts, though at varying levels. Heart, kidney, and skeletal muscles expressed significant levels of ERRα, with a comparatively lower level detected in the intestine, brain, and liver. Cardiac ERRα expression was the highest, with the least detected in the liver. Caloric restricted mice exhibited a significant increase in ERRα level in the heart (5.45-fold), kidney (3.70-fold), skeletal muscle (3.0-fold), small intestine (2.72-fold), and liver (2.44-fold) extracts as compared to ad libitum fed. However, caloric restriction could not evoke any detectable receptor level change in the brain. Notably, the highest ERRα up-regulation was detected in the heart. This up-regulation in ERRα level especially in highly oxidative tissues such as heart, kidney, small intestine, and skeletal muscle of caloric restricted mice may be helpful in modulating ERRα responsive genes that participates in maintaining energy balance. This may potentially strengthen the metabolic and biochemical adaptation in such tissues, which is necessary for animal survival under long-term caloric restriction.  相似文献   



Small heterodimer partner (SHP, NR0B2) is involved in diverse metabolic pathways, including hepatic bile acid, lipid and glucose homeostasis, and has been implicated in effects on the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ (PPARγ), a master regulator of adipogenesis and the receptor for antidiabetic drugs thiazolidinediones (TZDs). In this study, we aim to investigate the role of SHP in TZD response by comparing TZD-treated leptin-deficient (ob/ob) and leptin-, SHP-deficient (ob/ob;Shp−/−) double mutant mice.


Both ob/ob and double mutant ob/ob;Shp−/− mice developed hyperglycemia, insulin resistance, and hyperlipidemia, but hepatic fat accumulation was decreased in the double mutant ob/ob;Shp−/− mice. PPARγ2 mRNA levels were markedly lower in ob/ob;Shp−/− liver and decreased to a lesser extent in adipose tissue. The TZD troglitazone did not reduce glucose or circulating triglyceride levels in ob/ob;Shp−/− mice. Expression of the adipocytokines, such as adiponectin and resistin, was not stimulated by troglitazone treatment. Expression of hepatic lipogenic genes was also reduced in ob/ob;Shp−/− mice. Moreover, overexpression of SHP by adenovirus infection increased PPARγ2 mRNA levels in mouse primary hepatocytes.


Our results suggest that SHP is required for both antidiabetic and hypolipidemic effects of TZDs in ob/ob mice through regulation of PPARγ expression.  相似文献   

Nuclear receptors represent key regulators in cell proliferation, differentiation, and development. Here we demonstrate that the nuclear orphan receptor TR4 is highly expressed in hematopoietic cells and tissues and have analyzed the impact of TR4 in this cell compartment. We show that TR4, when ectopically expressed in bone marrow cells via retrovirus vector, promotes proliferation of myeloid progenitor cells. Cells represent promyelocytes as judged by morphological features, expression of cell surface molecules, and specific markers like Mim-1 and CAAT/enhancer binding protein beta. We also demonstrate that the growth promoting activity of TR4 is not exclusively dependent on its association with DNA, because expression of a mutated TR4 version devoid of its DNA binding domain exhibits a similar proliferative potential as wild-type TR4. In conclusion, these data position the orphan receptor TR4 as an important regulator of myeloid progenitor cell proliferation and development.  相似文献   

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