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The influence of N availability on C sequestration under prolonged elevated CO2 in terrestrial ecosystems remains unclear. We studied the relationships between C and N dynamics in a pasture seeded to Lolium perenne after 8 years of elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration (FACE) conditions. Fertilizer‐15N was applied at a rate of 140 and 560 kg N ha2?1 y2?1 and depleted 13C‐CO2 was used to increase the CO2 concentration to 60 Pa pCO2. The 13C–15N dual isotopic tracer enabled us to study the dynamics of newly sequestered C and N in the soil by aggregate size and fractions of particulate organic matter (POM), made up by intra‐aggregate POM (iPOM) and free light fraction (LF). Eight years of elevated CO2 did not increase total C content in any of the aggregate classes or POM fractions at both rates of N application. The fraction of new C in the POM fractions also remained largely unaffected by N fertilization. Changes in the fractions of new C and new N (fertilizer‐N) under elevated CO2 were more pronounced between POM classes than between aggregate size classes. Hence, changes in the dynamics of soil C and N cycling are easier to detect in the POM fractions than in the whole aggregates. Within N treatments, fractions of new C and N in POM classes were highly correlated with more new C and N in large POM fractions and less in the smaller POM fractions. Isotopic data show that the microaggregates were derived from the macro‐aggregates and that the C and N associated with the microaggregates turned over slower than the C and N associated with the macroaggregates. There was also isotopic evidence that N immobilized by soil microorganisms was an important source of N in the iPOM fractions. Under low N availability, 3.04 units of new C per unit of fertilizer N were sequestered in the POM fractions. Under high N availability, the ratio of new C sequestered per unit of fertilizer N was reduced to 1.47. Elevated and ambient CO2 concentrations lead to similar 15N enrichments in the iPOM fractions under both low and high N additions, clearly showing that the SOM‐N dynamics were unaffected by prolonged elevated CO2 concentrations.  相似文献   

Leaf 15N signature is a powerful tool that can provide an integrated assessment of the nitrogen (N) cycle and whether it is influenced by rising atmospheric CO2 concentration. We tested the hypothesis that elevated CO2 significantly changes foliage δ15N in a wide range of plant species and ecosystem types. This objective was achieved by determining the δ15N of foliage of 27 field‐grown plant species from six free‐air CO2 enrichment (FACE) experiments representing desert, temperate forest, Mediterranean‐type, grassland prairie, and agricultural ecosystems. We found that within species, the δ15N of foliage produced under elevated CO2 was significantly lower (P<0.038) compared with that of foliage grown under ambient conditions. Further analysis of foliage δ15N by life form and growth habit revealed that the CO2 effect was consistent across all functional groups tested. The examination of two chaparral shrubs grown for 6 years under a wide range of CO2 concentrations (25–75 Pa) also showed a significant and negative correlation between growth CO2 and leaf δ15N. In a select number of species, we measured bulk soil δ15N at a depth of 10 cm, and found that the observed depletion of foliage δ15N in response to elevated CO2 was unrelated to changes in the soil δ15N. While the data suggest a strong influence of elevated CO2 on the N cycle in diverse ecosystems, the exact site(s) at which elevated CO2 alters fractionating processes of the N cycle remains unclear. We cannot rule out the fact that the pattern of foliage δ15N responses to elevated CO2 reported here resulted from a general drop in δ15N of the source N, caused by soil‐driven processes. There is a stronger possibility, however, that the general depletion of foliage δ15N under high CO2 may have resulted from changes in the fractionating processes within the plant/mycorrhizal system.  相似文献   

Few studies have investigated the effects of elevated CO2 on the physiology of symbiotic N2-fixing trees. Tree species grown in low N soils at elevated CO2 generally show a decline in photosynthetic capacity over time relative to ambient CO2 controls. This negative adjustment may be due to a reallocation of leaf N away from the photosynthetic apparatus, allowing for more efficient use of limiting N. We investigated the effect of twice ambient CO2 on net CO2 assimilation (A), photosynthetic capacity, leaf dark respiration, and leaf N content of N2-fixing Alnus glutinosa (black alder) grown in field open top chambers in a low N soil for 160 d. At growth CO2, A was always greater in elevated compared to ambient CO2 plants. Late season A vs. internal leaf p(CO2) response curves indicated no negative adjustment of photosynthesis in elevated CO2 plants. Rather, elevated CO2 plants had 16% greater maximum rate of CO2 fixation by Rubisco. Leaf dark respiration was greater at elevated CO2 on an area basis, but unaffected by CO2 on a mass or N basis. In elevated CO2 plants, leaf N content (μg N cm?2) increased 50% between Julian Date 208 and 264. Leaf N content showed little seasonal change in ambient CO2 plants. A single point acetylene reduction assay of detached, nodulated root segments indicated a 46% increase in specific nitrogenase activity in elevated compared to ambient CO2 plants. Our results suggest that N2-fixing trees will be able to maintain high A with minimal negative adjustment of photosynthetic capacity following prolonged exposure to elevated CO2 on N-poor soils.  相似文献   

We assessed the effects of doubling atmospheric CO2 concentration, [CO2], on C and N allocation within pedunculate oak plants (Quercus robur L.) grown in containers under optimal water supply. A short-term dual 13CO2 and 15NO3? labelling experiment was carried out when the plants had formed their third growing flush. The 22-week exposure to 700 μl l?1 [CO2] stimulated plant growth and biomass accumulation (+53% as compared with the 350 μl l?1 [CO2] treatment) but decreased the root/shoot biomass ratio (-23%) and specific leaf area (-18%). Moreover, there was an increase in net CO2 assimilation rate (+37% on a leaf dry weight basis; +71% on a leaf area basis), and a decrease in both above- and below-ground CO2 respiration rates (-32 and -26%, respectively, on a dry mass basis) under elevated [CO2]. 13C acquisition, expressed on a plant mass basis or on a plant leaf area basis, was also markedly stimulated under elevated [CO2] both after the 12-h 13CO2 pulse phase and after the 60-h chase phase. Plant N content was increased under elevated CO2 (+36%), but not enough to compensate for the increase in plant C content (+53%). Thus, the plant C/N ratio was increased (+13%) and plant N concentration was decreased (-11%). There was no effect of elevated [CO2] on fine root-specific 15N uptake (amount of recently assimilated 15N per unit fine root dry mass), suggesting that modifications of plant N pools were merely linked to root size and not to root function. N concentration was decreased in the leaves of the first and second growing flushes and in the coarse roots, whereas it was unaffected by [CO2] in the stem and in the actively growing organs (fine roots and leaves of the third growth flush). Furthermore, leaf N content per unit area was unaffected by [CO2]. These results are consistent with the short-term optimization of N distribution within the plants with respect to growth and photosynthesis. Such an optimization might be achieved at the expense of the N pools in storage compartments (coarse roots, leaves of the first and second growth flushes). After the 60-h 13C chase phase, leaves of the first and second growth flushes were almost completely depleted in recent 13C under ambient [CO2], whereas these leaves retained important amounts of recently assimilated 13C (carbohydrate reserves?) under elevated [CO2].  相似文献   

N2 fixation by Acacia species increases under elevated atmospheric CO2   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the present study the effect of elevated CO2 on growth and nitrogen fixation of seven Australian Acacia species was investigated. Two species from semi‐arid environments in central Australia (Acacia aneura and A. tetragonophylla) and five species from temperate south‐eastern Australia (Acacia irrorata, A. mearnsii, A. dealbata, A. implexa and A. melanoxylon) were grown for up to 148 d in controlled greenhouse conditions at either ambient (350 µmol mol?1) or elevated (700 µmol mol?1) CO2 concentrations. After establishment of nodules, the plants were completely dependent on symbiotic nitrogen fixation. Six out of seven species had greater relative growth rates and lower whole plant nitrogen concentrations under elevated versus normal CO2. Enhanced growth resulted in an increase in the amount of nitrogen fixed symbiotically for five of the species. In general, this was the consequence of lower whole‐plant nitrogen concentrations, which equate to a larger plant and greater nodule mass for a given amount of nitrogen. Since the average amount of nitrogen fixed per unit nodule mass was unaltered by atmospheric CO2, more nitrogen could be fixed for a given amount of plant nitrogen. For three of the species, elevated CO2 increased the rate of nitrogen fixation per unit nodule mass and time, but this was completely offset by a reduction in nodule mass per unit plant mass.  相似文献   

Although there are many indications that N cycling in grassland ecosystems changes under elevated atmospheric CO2 partial pressure (pCO2), most information has been obtained in short‐term studies. Thus, N budgets were established for four years under ambient and 60 Pa pCO2 at two levels of N fertilization in two contrasting model ecosystems: Trifolium repens L. (white clover) and Lolium perenne L. (perennial ryegrass) were planted in soil in boxes in the Swiss FACE experiment. While T. repens showed an 80% increase in harvested biomass with no change in biomass allocation under elevated atmospheric pCO2 compared to ambient conditions, L. perenne showed an increase only in the biomass of the roots. During the four years of the experiment, the systems gained N both from N retained in the soil and from stubble/stolon and roots left after the final harvest; in total between 11 and 86 gN m−2. Nitrogen retention in the soil was between 4 and 64 g m2. The L. perenne system gained the most N and retained the most N in the soil at high N fertilization and elevated atmospheric pCO2. The input of new C and N into the soil correlated well in the L. perenne systems but not in the T. repens systems. Elevated atmospheric pCO2 led neither to an increase in N retention in the soil nor did it reduce the loss of N from the soil. In the L. perenne systems, N fertilization played the main role in both the retention of N and the sequestration of C, while in the T. repens systems symbiotic N2 fixation may have controlled N retention in the soil.  相似文献   

The fate of immobilized N in soils is one of the great uncertainties in predicting C sequestration at increased CO2 and N deposition. In a dual isotope tracer experiment (13C, 15N) within a 4‐year CO2 enrichment (+200 ppmv) study with forest model ecosystems, we (i) quantified the effects of elevated CO2 on the partitioning of N; (ii) traced immobilized N into physically separated pools of soil organic matter (SOM) with turnover rates known from their 13C signals; and (iii) estimated the remobilization and thus, the bio‐availability of newly sequestered C and N. (1) CO2 enrichment significantly decreased NO3? concentrations in soil waters and export from 1.5 m deep lysimeters by 30–80%. Consequently, elevated CO2 increased the overall retention of N in the model ecosystems. (2) About 60–80% of added 15NH415NO3 were retained in soils. The clay fraction was the greatest sink for the immobilized 15N sequestering 50–60% of the total new soil N. SOM associated with clay contained only 25% of the total new soil C pool and had small C/N ratios (<13), indicating that it consists of humified organic matter with a relatively slow turn over rate. This implies that added 15N was mainly immobilized in stable mineral‐bound SOM pools. (3) Incubation of soils for 1 year showed that the remobilization of newly sequestered N was three to nine times smaller than that of newly sequestered C. Thus, inorganic inputs of N were stabilized more effectively in soils than C. Significantly less newly sequestered N was remobilized from soils previously exposed to elevated CO2. In summary, our results show firstly that a large fraction of inorganic N inputs becomes effectively immobilized in relative stable SOM pools and secondly that elevated CO2 can increase N retention in soils and hence it may tighten N cycling and diminish the risk of nitrate leaching to groundwater.  相似文献   

In this study, the response of N2 fixation to elevated CO2 was measured in Scirpus olneyi, a C3 sedge, and Spartina patens, a C4 grass, using acetylene reduction assay and 15N2 gas feeding. Field plants grown in PVC tubes (25 cm long, 10 cm internal diameter) were used. Exposure to elevated CO2 significantly (P < 0·05) caused a 35% increase in nitrogenase activity and 73% increase in 15N incorporated by Scirpus olneyi. In Spartina patens, elevated CO2 (660 ± 1 μ mol mol 1) increased nitrogenase activity and 15N incorporation by 13 and 23%, respectively. Estimates showed that the rate of N2 fixation in Scirpus olneyi under elevated CO2 was 611 ± 75 ng 15N fixed plant 1 h 1 compared with 367 ± 46 ng 15N fixed plant 1 h 1 in ambient CO2 plants. In Spartina patens, however, the rate of N2 fixation was 12·5 ± 1·1 versus 9·8 ± 1·3 ng 15N fixed plant 1 h 1 for elevated and ambient CO2, respectively. Heterotrophic non-symbiotic N2 fixation in plant-free marsh sediment also increased significantly (P < 0·05) with elevated CO2. The proportional increase in 15N2 fixation correlated with the relative stimulation of photosynthesis, in that N2 fixation was high in the C3 plant in which photosynthesis was also high, and lower in the C4 plant in which photosynthesis was relatively less stimulated by growth in elevated CO2. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that carbon fixation in C3 species, stimulated by rising CO2, is likely to provide additional carbon to endophytic and below-ground microbial processes.  相似文献   

Soil organic matter (SOM) dynamics ultimately govern the ability of soil to provide long‐term C sequestration and the nutrients required for ecosystem productivity. Predicting belowground responses to elevated CO2 requires an integrated understanding of SOM transformations and the microbial activity that governs them. It remains unclear how the microorganisms upon which these transformations depend will function in an elevated CO2 world. This study examines SOM transformations and microbial metabolism in soils from the Duke Free Air Carbon Enrichment site in North Carolina, USA. We assessed microbial respiration and net nitrogen (N) mineralization in soils with and without elevated CO2 exposure during a 100‐day incubation. We also traced the depleted C isotopic signature of the supplemental CO2 into SOM and the soils' phospholipid fatty acids (PLFA), which serve as biomarkers for living cells. Cumulative net N mineralization in elevated CO2 soils was 50% that in control soils after a 100‐day incubation. Respiration was not altered with elevated CO2. C : N ratios of bulk SOM did not change with elevated CO2, but incubation data suggest that the C : N ratios of mineralized organic matter increased with elevated CO2. Values of SOM δ13C were depleted with elevated CO2 (?26.7±0.2 vs. ?30.2±0.3‰), reflecting the depleted signature of the supplemental CO2. We compared δ13C of individual PLFA with the δ13C of SOM to discern incorporation of the depleted C isotopic signature into soil microbial groups in elevated CO2 plots. PLFA i15:0, a15:0, and 10Met18:0 reflected significant incorporation of recently produced photosynthate, suggesting that the bacterial groups defined by these biomarkers are active metabolizers in elevated CO2 soils. At least one of these groups (actinomycetes, 10Met18:0) specializes in metabolizing less labile substrates. Because control plots did not receive an equivalent 13C tracer, we cannot determine from these data whether this group of organisms was stimulated by elevated CO2 compared with these organisms in control soils. Stimulation of this group, if it occurred in the elevated CO2 plot, would be consistent with a decline in the availability of mineralizable organic matter with elevated CO2, which incubation data suggest may be the case in these soils.  相似文献   

Samples of recently produced shoot material collected in winter/spring from common plant species of mulga vegetation in eastern and Western Australia were assayed for 13C and 15N natural abundance. 13C analyses showed only three of the 88 test species to exhibit C4 metabolism and only one of seven succulent species to be in CAM mode. Non-succulent winter ephemeral C3 species showed significantly lower mean δ13C values (– 28·0‰) than corresponding C3-type herbaceous perennials, woody shrubs or trees (– 26·9, – 25·7 and – 26·2‰, respectively), suggesting lower water stress and poorer water use efficiency in carbon acquisition by the former than latter groups of taxa. Corresponding values for δ15N of the above growth and life forms lay within the range 7·5–15·5‰. δ15N of soil NH4+ (mean 19·6‰) at a soft mulga site in Western Australia was considerably higher than that of NO3 (4·3‰). Shoot dry matter of Acacia spp. exhibited mean δ15N values (9·10 ± 0·6‰) identical to those of 37 companion non-N2-fixing woody shrubs and trees (9·06 ± 0·5‰). These data, with no evidence of nodulation, suggested little or no input of fixed N2 by the legumes in question. However, two acacias and two papilionoid legumes from a dune of wind-blown, heavily leached sand bordering a lake in mulga in Western Australia recorded δ15N values in the range 2·0–3·0‰ versus 6·4–10·7‰ for associated non-N2-fixing taxa. These differences in δ15N, and prolific nodulation of the legumes, indicated symbiotic inputs of fixed N in this unusual situation. δ15N signals of lichens, termites, ants and grasshoppers from mulga of Western Australia provided evidence of N2 fixation in certain termite colonies and by a cyanobacteria-containing species of lichen. Data are discussed in relation to earlier evidence of nitrophily and water availability constraints on nitrate utilization by mulga vegetation.  相似文献   

The response of forest soil CO2 efflux to the elevation of two climatic factors, the atmospheric concentration of CO2 (↑CO2 of 700 μmol mol−1) and air temperature (↑ T with average annual increase of 5°C), and their combination (↑CO2+↑ T ) was investigated in a 4-year, full-factorial field experiment consisting of closed chambers built around 20-year-old Scots pines ( Pinus sylvestris L.) in the boreal zone of Finland. Mean soil CO2 efflux in May–October increased with elevated CO2 by 23–37%, with elevated temperature by 27–43%, and with the combined treatment by 35–59%. Temperature elevation was a significant factor in the combined 4-year efflux data, whereas the effect of elevated CO2 was not as evident. Elevated temperature had the most pronounced impact early and late in the season, while the influence of elevated CO2 alone was especially notable late in the season. Needle area was found to be a significant predictor of soil CO2 efflux, particularly in August, a month of high root growth, thus supporting the assumption of a close link between whole-tree physiology and soil CO2 emissions. The decrease in the temperature sensitivity of soil CO2 efflux observed in the elevated temperature treatments in the second year nevertheless suggests the existence of soil response mechanisms that may be independent of the assimilating component of the forest ecosystem. In conclusion, elevated atmospheric CO2 and air temperature consistently increased forest soil CO2 efflux over the 4-year period, their combined effect being additive, with no apparent interaction.  相似文献   

Soil carbon is returned to the atmosphere through the process of soil respiration, which represents one of the largest fluxes in the terrestrial C cycle. The effects of climate change on the components of soil respiration can affect the sink or source capacity of ecosystems for atmospheric carbon, but no current techniques can unambiguously separate soil respiration into its components. Long‐term free air CO2 enrichment (FACE) experiments provide a unique opportunity to study soil C dynamics because the CO2 used for fumigation has a distinct isotopic signature and serves as a continuous label at the ecosystem level. We used the 13C tracer at the Duke Forest FACE site to follow the disappearance of C fixed before fumigation began in 1996 (pretreatment C) from soil CO2 and soil‐respired CO2, as an index of belowground C dynamics during the first 8 years of the experiment. The decay of pretreatment C as detected in the isotopic composition of soil‐respired CO2 and soil CO2 at 15, 30, 70, and 200 cm soil depth was best described by a model having one to three exponential pools within the soil system. The majority of soil‐respired CO2 (71%) originated in soil C pools with a turnover time of about 35 days. About 55%, 50%, and 68% of soil CO2 at 15, 30, and 70 cm, respectively, originated in soil pools with turnover times of less than 1 year. The rest of soil CO2 and soil‐respired CO2 originated in soil pools that turn over at decadal time scales. Our results suggest that a large fraction of the C returned to the atmosphere through soil respiration results from dynamic soil C pools that cannot be easily detected in traditionally defined soil organic matter standing stocks. Fast oxidation of labile C substrates may prevent increases in soil C accumulation in forests exposed to elevated [CO2] and may consequently result in shorter ecosystem C residence times.  相似文献   

free air carbon dioxide enrichment (FACE) and open top chamber (OTC) studies are valuable tools for evaluating the impact of elevated atmospheric CO2 on nutrient cycling in terrestrial ecosystems. Using meta‐analytic techniques, we summarized the results of 117 studies on plant biomass production, soil organic matter dynamics and biological N2 fixation in FACE and OTC experiments. The objective of the analysis was to determine whether elevated CO2 alters nutrient cycling between plants and soil and if so, what the implications are for soil carbon (C) sequestration. Elevated CO2 stimulated gross N immobilization by 22%, whereas gross and net N mineralization rates remained unaffected. In addition, the soil C : N ratio and microbial N contents increased under elevated CO2 by 3.8% and 5.8%, respectively. Microbial C contents and soil respiration increased by 7.1% and 17.7%, respectively. Despite the stimulation of microbial activity, soil C input still caused soil C contents to increase by 1.2% yr?1. Namely, elevated CO2 stimulated overall above‐ and belowground plant biomass by 21.5% and 28.3%, respectively, thereby outweighing the increase in CO2 respiration. In addition, when comparing experiments under both low and high N availability, soil C contents (+2.2% yr?1) and above‐ and belowground plant growth (+20.1% and+33.7%) only increased under elevated CO2 in experiments receiving the high N treatments. Under low N availability, above‐ and belowground plant growth increased by only 8.8% and 14.6%, and soil C contents did not increase. Nitrogen fixation was stimulated by elevated CO2 only when additional nutrients were supplied. These results suggest that the main driver of soil C sequestration is soil C input through plant growth, which is strongly controlled by nutrient availability. In unfertilized ecosystems, microbial N immobilization enhances acclimation of plant growth to elevated CO2 in the long‐term. Therefore, increased soil C input and soil C sequestration under elevated CO2 can only be sustained in the long‐term when additional nutrients are supplied.  相似文献   

Water repellency is a widespread characteristic of soils that can modify soil moisture content and distribution and is implicated in important processes such as aggregation and carbon sequestration. Repellency arises as a consequence of organic matter inputs; as elevated atmospheric CO2 is known to modify such inputs, we tested the repellency of a grassland soil after 5 years of exposure to elevated CO2 in a free air carbon dioxide enrichment experiment. Using a water droplet penetration time test, we found a significant reduction in repellency at elevated CO2 in samples at field moisture content. As many of the processes potentially influenced by repellency have been shown to be modified at elevated CO2 (e.g. soil aggregation, C sequestration, recruitment from seed), we suggest that further exploration of this phenomenon could enhance our understanding of CO2 effects on ecosystem function. The mechanism responsible for the change in repellency has not been identified.  相似文献   

The impact of elevated CO2 on terrestrial ecosystem C balance, both in sign or magnitude, is not clear because the resulting alterations in C input, plant nutrient demand and water use efficiency often have contrasting impacts on microbial decomposition processes. One major source of uncertainty stems from the impact of elevated CO2 on N availability to plants and microbes. We examined the effects of atmospheric CO2 enrichment (ambient+370 μmol mol?1) on plant and microbial N acquisition in two different mesocosm experiments, using model plant species of annual grasses of Avena barbata and A. fatua, respectively. The A. barbata experiment was conducted in a N‐poor sandy loam and the A. fatua experiment was on a N‐rich clayey loam. Plant–microbial N partitioning was examined through determining the distribution of a 15N tracer. In the A. barbata experiment, 15N tracer was introduced to a field labeling experiment in the previous year so that 15N predominantly existed in nonextractable soil pools. In the A. fatua experiment, 15N was introduced in a mineral solution [(15NH4)2SO4 solution] during the growing season of A. fatua. Results of both N budget and 15N tracer analyses indicated that elevated CO2 increased plant N acquisition from the soil. In the A. barbata experiment, elevated CO2 increased plant biomass N by ca. 10% but there was no corresponding decrease in soil extractable N, suggesting that plants might have obtained N from the nonextractable organic N pool because of enhanced microbial activity. In the A. fatua experiment, however, the CO2‐led increase in plant biomass N was statistically equal to the reduction in soil extractable N. Although atmospheric CO2 enrichment enhanced microbial biomass C under A. barbata or microbial activity (respiration) under A. fatua, it had no significant effect on microbial biomass N in either experiment. Elevated CO2 increased the colonization of A. fatua roots by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, which coincided with the enhancement of plant competitiveness for soluble soil N. Together, these results suggest that elevated CO2 may tighten N cycling through facilitating plant N acquisition. However, it is unknown to what degree results from these short‐term microcosm experiments can be extrapolated to field conditions. Long‐term studies in less‐disturbed soils are needed to determine whether CO2‐enhancement of plant N acquisition can significantly relieve N limitation over plant growth in an elevated CO2 environment.  相似文献   

Arbuscular mycorrhizae, ubiquitous mutualistic symbioses between plant roots and fungi in the order Glomales, are believed to be important controllers of plant responses to global change, in particular to elevated atmospheric CO2. In order to test if any effects on the symbiosis can persist after long-term treatment, we examined root colonization by arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) and other fungi of several plant species from two grassland communities after continuous exposure to elevated atmospheric CO2 for six growing seasons in the field. For plant species from both a sandstone and a serpentine annual grassland there was evidence for changes in fungal root colonization, with changes occurring as a function of plant host species. We documented decreases in percentage nonmycorrhizal fungal root colonization in elevated CO2 for several plant species. Total AM root colonization (%) only increased significantly for one out of the five plant species in each grassland. However, when dividing AM fungal hyphae into two groups of hyphae (fine endophyte and coarse endophyte), we could document significant responses of AM fungi that were hidden when only total percentage colonization was measured. We also documented changes in elevated CO2 in the percentage of root colonized by both AM hyphal types simultaneously. Our results demonstrate that changes in fungal root colonization can occur after long-term CO2 enrichment, and that the level of resolution of the study of AM fungal responses may have to be increased to uncover significant changes to the CO2 treatment. This study is also one of the first to document compositional changes in the AM fungi colonizing roots of plants grown in elevated CO2. Although it is difficult to relate the structural data directly to functional changes, possible implications of the observed changes for plant communities are discussed.  相似文献   

Clonal plants of white clover (Trifolium repens L.), grown singly in pots of Perlite and solely dependent for nitrogen on root nodule N2 fixation, were maintained in controlled environments which provided four environments: 18/13 °C day/night temperature at 340 and 680 μmol mol?1 CO2 and 20·5/15·5°C day/night temperature at 340 and 680 μmol mol?1 CO2. The daylength was 12 h and the photon flux density 500±25 μmol m?2 s?1 (PFD). All plants were defoliated for about 80d, nominally every alternate day, to leave the youngest expanded leaf intact on 50% of stolons, plus expanding leaves (simulated grazing). Elevated CO2 increased the yield of biomass removed at defoliation by a constant 45% during the second 40d of the experiment and by a varying amount in the first half of the experiment. Elevated temperature had little effect on biomass yield. Nitrogen, as a proportion of the harvested biomass, was only fractionally affected by elevated CO2 or temperature. In contrast, N2 fixation increased in concert with the promoting effect of elevated CO2 on biomass production. The increased yield of biomass harvested in 680 μmol mol?1 CO2 was primarily due to the early development and continued maintenance of more stolons. However, the stolons of plants grown in elevated CO2 also developed leaves which were heavier and slightly larger in area than their counterparts in ambient CO2. The conclusion is that, when white clover plants are maintained at constant mass by simulated grazing, they continue to respond to elevated CO2 in terms of a sustained increase in biomass production.  相似文献   

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