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Methyl halides have a significant impact on atmospheric chemistry, particularly in the degradation of stratospheric ozone. Bacteria are known to contribute to the degradation of methyl halides in the oceans and marine bacteria capable of using methyl bromide and methyl chloride as sole carbon and energy source have been isolated. A genetic marker for microbial degradation of methyl bromide ( cmuA ) was used to examine the distribution and diversity of these organisms in the marine environment. Three novel marine clades of cmuA were identified in unamended seawater and in marine enrichment cultures degrading methyl halides. Two of these cmuA clades are not represented in extant bacteria, demonstrating the utility of this molecular marker in identifying uncultivated marine methyl halide-degrading bacteria. The detection of populations of marine bacteria containing cmuA genes suggests that marine bacteria employing the CmuA enzyme contribute to methyl halide cycling in the ocean.  相似文献   

The marine viromes of four oceanic regions   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Viruses are the most common biological entities in the marine environment. There has not been a global survey of these viruses, and consequently, it is not known what types of viruses are in Earth's oceans or how they are distributed. Metagenomic analyses of 184 viral assemblages collected over a decade and representing 68 sites in four major oceanic regions showed that most of the viral sequences were not similar to those in the current databases. There was a distinct “marine-ness” quality to the viral assemblages. Global diversity was very high, presumably several hundred thousand of species, and regional richness varied on a North-South latitudinal gradient. The marine regions had different assemblages of viruses. Cyanophages and a newly discovered clade of single-stranded DNA phages dominated the Sargasso Sea sample, whereas prophage-like sequences were most common in the Arctic. However most viral species were found to be widespread. With a majority of shared species between oceanic regions, most of the differences between viral assemblages seemed to be explained by variation in the occurrence of the most common viral species and not by exclusion of different viral genomes. These results support the idea that viruses are widely dispersed and that local environmental conditions enrich for certain viral types through selective pressure.  相似文献   

Very small eukaryotic organisms (picoeukaryotes) are fundamental components of marine planktonic systems, often accounting for a significant fraction of the biomass and activity in a system. Their identity, however, has remained elusive, since the small cells lack morphological features for identification. We determined the diversity of marine picoeukaryotes by sequencing cloned 18S rRNA genes in five genetic libraries from North Atlantic, Southern Ocean, and Mediterranean Sea surface waters. Picoplankton were obtained by filter size fractionation, a step that excluded most large eukaryotes and recovered most picoeukaryotes. Genetic libraries of eukaryotic ribosomal DNA were screened by restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis, and at least one clone of each operational taxonomic unit (OTU) was partially sequenced. In general, the phylogenetic diversity in each library was rather great, and each library included many different OTUs and members of very distantly related phylogenetic groups. Of 225 eukaryotic clones, 126 were affiliated with algal classes, especially the Prasinophyceae, the Prymnesiophyceae, the Bacillariophyceae, and the Dinophyceae. A minor fraction (27 clones) was affiliated with clearly heterotrophic organisms, such as ciliates, the chrysomonad Paraphysomonas, cercomonads, and fungi. There were two relatively abundant novel lineages, novel stramenopiles (53 clones) and novel alveolates (19 clones). These lineages are very different from any organism that has been isolated, suggesting that there are previously unknown picoeukaryotes. Prasinophytes and novel stramenopile clones were very abundant in all of the libraries analyzed. These findings underscore the importance of attempts to grow the small eukaryotic plankton in pure culture.  相似文献   

The diversity of Ochrobactrum anthropi, Ochrobactrum intermedium, Ochrobactrum tritici and Ochrobactrum grignonense in agricultural soil and on the wheat rhizoplane was investigated. O. anthropi was isolated both from soil and from the rhizoplane, O. intermedium and grignonense only from bulk soil, and O. tritici only from the wheat rhizoplane. On the genetic level, the immunotrapped isolates and a number of strains from culture collection mainly of clinical origin were compared with rep-PCR profiling using BOX primers, and a subset of these isolates and strains using REP primers. The isolates clustered according to their species affiliation. There was no correlation between rep clusters of O. anthropi isolates and habitat (place of isolation). The genetic diversity of Ochrobactrum at the species level as well as microdiversity of O. anthropi (number of BOX groups) was higher in soil than on the rhizoplane. Similarity values from genetic rep-PCR profiles correlated positively with DNA-DNA reassociation percentages. Isolates with >80.7% similarity in BOX profile and >86.4% in rep profile clustered within the same species. Similarity analysis of rep-PCR profiles is hence an alternative to DNA-DNA hybridization as a genomic criterion for species delineation within the genus Ochrobactrum. We used the substrate utilization system BIOLOG-GN to compare the immunotrapped isolates on the phenetic level. For the isolates from bulk soil, substrate utilization versatility (number of utilized substrates) and substrate utilization capacity (mean conversion rate of substrates) were slightly but significantly higher than for the isolates from the rhizoplane. This trend was also seen using API 20E and 20NE systems. Plate counts of total bacteria and the number of immunotrapped Ochrobactrum isolates per gram dry weight were higher for the rhizoplane than for the soil samples. The results of genetic and phenotypic analyses indicated a 'rhizosphere effect'; the diversity and metabolic capacity of Ochrobactrum isolates were higher in bulk soil, and the population density was higher on the wheat rhizoplane.  相似文献   

The sulfate transport mechanism of a marine bacterium, Alteromonas luteo-violaceus, was unique among microorganisms in its extremely low affinity for the sulfate analog thiosulfate. Distinguishing characteristics included weak inhibition of sulfate transport by thiosulfate, inability to transport thiosulfate effectively, poor growth using thiosulfate as the sole source of sulfur, and a mild effect of the sulfhydryl reagent para-hydroxymercuribenzoate. In contrast, sulfate transport by a marine pseudomonad, Pseudomonas halodurans, was strongly inhibited by thiosulfate, and para-hydroxymercuribenzoate reversibly but completely blocked sulfate transport.  相似文献   

In the present study we evaluate the prevalence of antibodies to F. tularensis in 480 serum samples obtained from healthy forest workers from different regions of Poland. The investigations were performed using the tube agglutination test and ELISA. The cut-off limit of serum antibodies was set at mean antibody titre determined in the sera of 115 blood donors exceeded by three standard deviations. In none serum samples we detected antibodies to F. tularensis by tube agglutination test. Of the 480 tested sera IgA antibodies were detected by ELISA in 4.6%, antibodies IgG in 3.8% and antibodies IgM in 2.70% serum samples. The results of our study showed that antibodies to F. tularensis were slightly, but not statistically significant, more often diagnosed in healthy forest workers than healthy blood donors.  相似文献   

Ecology and evolution of bacterial microdiversity   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Using high resolution molecular fingerprinting techniques like random amplification of polymorphic DNA, repetitive extragenic palindromic PCR and multilocus enzyme electrophoresis, a high bacterial diversity below the species and subspecies level (microdiversity) is revealed. It became apparent that bacteria of a certain species living in close association with different plants either as associated rhizosphere bacteria or as plant pathogens or symbiotic organisms, typically reflect this relationship in their genetic relatedness. The strain composition within a population of soil bacterial species at a given field site, which can be identified by these high resolution fingerprinting techniques, was markedly influenced by soil management and soil features. The observed bacterial microdiversity reflected the conditions of the habitat, which select for better adapted forms. In addition, influences of spatial separation on specific groupings of bacteria were found, which argue for the occurrence of isolated microevolution. In this review, examples are presented of bacterial microdiversity as influenced by different ecological factors, with the main emphasis on bacteria from the natural environment. In addition, information available from some of the first complete genome sequences of bacteria (Helicobacter pylori and Escherichia coli) was used to highlight possible mechanisms of molecular evolution through which mutations are created; these include mutator enzymes. Definitions of bacterial species and subspecies ranks are discussed in the light of detailed information from whole genome typing approaches.  相似文献   

Genetic exchange is an important process in bacteriophage evolution. Here, we examine the role of homologous recombination in the divergence of closely related cyanophage isolates from natural marine populations. Four core-viral genes (coliphage T4 homologues g20 , g23 , g43 and a putative tail fibre gene) and four viral-encoded bacterial-derived genes ( psbA , psbD , cobS and phoH ) were analysed for 60 cyanophage isolates belonging to five Rhode Island Myovirus (RIM) strains. Phylogenetic analysis of the 60 concatenated sequences revealed well-resolved sequence clusters corresponding to the RIM strain designations. Viral isolates within a strain shared an average nucleotide identity of 99.3–99.8%. Nevertheless, extensive microdiversity was observed within each cyanophage strain; only three of the 60 isolates shared the same nucleotide haplotype. Microdiversity was generated by point mutations, homologous recombination within a strain, and intragenic recombination between RIM strains. Intragenic recombination events between distinct RIM strains were detected most often in host-derived photosystem II psbA and psbD genes, but were also identified in some major capsid protein g23 genes. Within a strain, more variability was observed at the psbA locus than at any of the other seven loci. Although most of the microdiversity within a strain was neutral, some amino acid substitutions were identified, and thus microdiversity within strains has the potential to influence the population dynamics of viral–host interactions.  相似文献   

Sulfate transport capacity was not regulated by cysteine, methionine, or glutathione in Pseudomonas halodurans, but growth on sulfate or thiosulfate suppressed transport. Subsequent sulfur starvation of cultures grown on all sulfur sources except glutathione stimulated uptake. Only methionine failed to regulate sulfate transport in Alteromonas luteo-violaceus, and sulfur starvation of all cultures enhanced transport capacity. During sulfur starvation of sulfate-grown cultures of both bacteria, the increase in transport capacity was mirrored by a decrease in the low-molecular-weight organic sulfur pool. Little metabolism of endogenous inorganic sulfate occurred. Cysteine was probably the major regulatory compound in A. luteo-violaceus, but an intermediate in sulfate reduction, between sulfate and cysteine, controlled sulfate transport in P. halodurans. Kinetic characteristics of sulfate transport in the marine bacteria were similar to those of previously reported nonmarine systems in spite of significant regulatory differences. Sulfate and thiosulfate uptake in P. halodurans responded identically to inhibitors, were coordinately regulated by growth on various sulfur compounds and sulfur starvation, and were mutually competitive inhibitors of transport, suggesting that they were transported by the same mechanism. The affinity of P. halodurans for thiosulfate was much greater than for sulfate.  相似文献   

The diversity and abundance of the Bolidophyceae (Heterokonta), a newly described picoplanktonic algal class which is a sister group to the diatoms, was assessed in the equatorial Pacific Ocean and in the Mediterranean Sea by culture isolation, molecular biology techniques, and pigment analyses. Eight strains of Bolidophyceae were isolated in culture from different mesotrophic and oligotrophic areas. The corresponding small subunit (SSU) rRNA gene sequences allowed us to design two probes specific for the Bolidophyceae. These probes have been used in natural samples (i) to selectively amplify and detect Bolidophyceae sequences and (ii) to quantify the relative abundance of Bolidophyceae within the picoeukaryote community. Sequences available to date indicate that the class Bolidophyceae comprises at least three different clades, two corresponding to the previously described species Bolidomonas pacifica and Bolidomonas mediterranea and the third one corresponding to a subspecies of B. pacifica. Amplification of the SSU rRNA gene from natural samples with universal primers and hybridization using a Bolidomonas-specific probe followed by a eukaryote-specific probe allowed us to estimate the contribution of the Bolidophyceae to the eukaryotic DNA in both Pacific and Mediterranean waters to be lower than 1%. Similarly, high-performance liquid chromatography analyses of fucoxanthin, the major carotenoid present in Bolidophyceae, indicated that less than 4% of the total chlorophyll a in the picoplanktonic fraction in the equatorial Pacific was due to Bolidophyceae. Consequently, although strains of Bolidophyceae have been isolated from samples collected at several stations, this new class seems to have been a minor component of the natural picoeukaryotic populations in the ecosystems investigated, at least during the periods sampled.  相似文献   

During our study of the 16S rRNA gene sequence-based archaeal diversity of a deep-sea site located at a 3000 m depth at the Antarctic Polar Front, we detected several phylotypes ascribed to already known Group II and III Euryarchaeota, and a cluster of distinct sequences that branched off at the base of haloarchaea. The position of this lineage (marine Group IV) was very robust using distance (neighbour-joining) and maximum-likelihood methods. Subsequently, we designed specific primers for the detection of this archaeal group in other marine environments using polymerase chain reaction amplification and sequence comparison. Group IV archaea were found in the Antarctic area (across a gradient from the Southern ocean to the South Atlantic), and also in North Atlantic and Mediterranean waters. In all oceanic locations, Group IV archaea were never detected in surface waters, but were vertically distributed in the deepest part of the water column.  相似文献   

Fine-scale diversity of natural bacterial assemblages has been attributed to neutral radiation because correspondence between bacterial phylogenetic signals in the natural environment and environmental parameters had not been detected. Evidence that such correspondence occurs is provided for Vibrio cholerae, establishing a critical role for environmental parameters in bacterial diversity.  相似文献   

In the course of a bioprospective study of marine prokaryotes for cosmetic purposes, four strains, MD_567T, MD_652T, MD_674 and PS_109T, were isolated that 16S rRNA gene affiliation indicated could represent three new species within the family Alteromonadaceae. A thorough phylogenetic, genomic and phenotypic taxonomic study confirmed that the isolates could be classified as three new taxa for which we propose the names Alteromonas antoniana sp. nov., Alteromonas lipotrueae sp. nov. and Alteromonas lipotrueiana sp. nov. In addition, the consistent monophyletic nature of the members of the genera Alteromonas and Salinimonas showed that both taxa should be unified, and therefore we also propose the reclassification of the genus Salinimonas within Alteromonas, as well as new combinations for the species of the former. As the specific epithets profundi and sediminis are already used for Alteromonas species, we created the nomina novaAlteromonas alteriprofundi” nom. nov. and Alteromonas alterisediminis nom. nov. to accommodate the new names for “Salinimonas profundi” and Salinimonas sediminis. Whole genome comparisons also allowed us to detect the unexpected codification of aromatic hydrocarbon biodegradative compounds, such as benzoate and catechol, whose activity was then demonstrated phenotypically. Finally, the high genomic identity between the type strains of Alteromonas stellipolaris and Alteromonas addita indicated that the latter is a junior heterotypic synonym of Alteromonas stellipolaris.  相似文献   

Sulfate concentration in the growth medium exerted a strong influence on the sulfur content of protein in two marine bacteria, Pseudomonas halodurans and Alteromonasluteo-violaceus, but the distribution of sulfur in major biochemical fractions was not affected. 90% of the total cellular sulfur was contained in low molecular weight organic compounds and protein; inorganic sulfate was not an important component. The sulfur content of isolated protein and total cellular sulfur increased in proportion to the external sulfate concentration for both bacteria, reaching a maximum at about 100–250 M. The growth rate of P. halodurans only was dependent on the sulfate concentration.Sulfur starvation of cells labeled to equilibrium with 35S-sulfate resulted in a rapid decrease in low molecular weight organic S with a concommitant increase in alcohol soluble (P. halodurans) or residue protein (A. luteo-violaceus). Although cell division was prevented, total protein increased in both bacteria, resulting in synthesis of sulfur-deficient protein. This effect was most pronounced in P. halodurans.Addition of 35S-sulfate to sulfur-starved A. luteo-violaceus further demonstrated that sulfur metabolism was restricted primarily to the synthesis and utilization of sulfurcontaining protein precursors. The low molecular weight organic S pool was replenished rapidly, and the pool size per cell reached twice the normal value before cell division resumed. Incorporation into protein was very rapid.Abbreviations L.M.W. low molecular weight - TCA trichloroacetic acid  相似文献   

O Iu Sentsova 《Mikrobiologiia》1979,48(6):1102-1107
The incidence of hydrocarbon-oxidizing microorganisms in water was determined by the method of plating on solid media. Vertical distribution of hydrocarbon-oxidizing microflora was different near the shore and in the open ocean; the incidence of the microorganisms was low in the surface water layer but increased at depths of 25 and 75 m in the open ocean in contrast to regions near the shore. Pure bacterial and fungal cultures were isolated and their properties were described. The cultures were grown in a liquid mineral medium with diesel fuel and 50 cultures out of 66 were found to be true hydrocarbon-oxidizing microorganisms surviving under the laboratory conditions. It was shown that bacteria and fungi have grown on tarballs collected from the surface of the ocean during their incubation at 30 degrees C.  相似文献   

Géron  Charly  Lembrechts  Jonas J.  Borgelt  Jan  Lenoir  Jonathan  Hamdi  Rafiq  Mahy  Grégory  Nijs  Ivan  Monty  Arnaud 《Biological invasions》2021,23(6):1765-1779

When colonizing new areas, alien plant species success can depend strongly on local environmental conditions. Microclimatic barriers might be the reason why some alien plant species thrive in urban areas, while others prefer rural environments. We tested the hypothesis that the climate in the native range is a good predictor of the urbanity of alien species in the invaded range. The relationship between climate in the native range and the percentage of artificially sealed surfaces (urbanity) at the occurrences of 24 emerging alien plant species, in European areas with a temperate climate (termed oceanic Europe) was evaluated. We found that alien species growing in more urban environments originated from warmer or drier native ranges than found in oceanic Europe. These results have strong conservation implications as climate-warming will likely lift climatic barriers that currently constrain numerous alien plant species to cities, boosting the role of cities as points of entry for invasive plants.


Phospholipase activity is important in bacterial pathogenicity and could contribute to the pathogenic role of Helicobacter pylori by degradation of the gastric mucus, and in maintaining long-term colonisation. Our aim was to determine the degree of variation in the phospholipase A gene (pldA) of H. pylori from different geographic locations, and to investigate links between pldA genotype and clinical disease severity, as well as with variation in cagA status and vacA genotypes. PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis with MboI and HaeIII was used to study 124 isolates from 10 countries that included the two genome-sequenced strains (26695 and J99), as well as Tx30a and NCTC 11637 (type strain). The 925-bp pldA fragment was amplified with a frequency of 90%. The presence of pldA was confirmed in the other strains using an alternative forward primer. Isolates were distinguished by PCR-RFLP analysis with 10 MboI and four HaeIII restriction patterns that combined to give 25 distinct pldA RFLP types. The pldA M2H2 strain genotype was most common (20%) in the UK but similar strains came from several other countries. Microdiversity was evident in pldA sequences of strains representing different RFLP types, and five M2H2 strains each had a distinct pldA sequence type. Intragenic variation was independent of gastric disease severity as well as strain cagA status and vacA genotype, with the exception of eight geographically diverse strains all with the pldA M4H3/cagA+/vacA s1m1 genotype predominantly from peptic ulcer patients. The study indicated a spectrum of genotypic variants and was supportive of a pldA function in H. pylori colonisation and persistence rather than in chronicity of infection.  相似文献   

Drip irrigation systems using reclaimed water often present clogging events of biological origin. Microbial communities in biofilms from microirrigation systems of an experimental greenhouse in Almería, SE Spain, which used two different qualities of water (treated wastewater and reclaimed water), were analyzed by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis and subsequent sequencing of amplified 16S rRNA gene bands. The most remarkable feature of all biofilms was that regardless of water origin, sequences belonging to Firmicutes were prevalent (53.5 % of total mean band intensity) and that almost all sequences recovered had some similarity (between 80.2 and 97 %) to thermophilic microorganisms. Mainly, sequences were closely related to potentially spore-forming organisms, suggesting that microbial communities able to grow at high temperatures were selected from the microbiota present in the incoming water. These pioneer results may contribute to improve management strategies to minimize the problems associated to biofouling in irrigation systems.  相似文献   

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