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Aphidius ervi and Aphidius eadyi, two parasitoids of the pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum, were attracted to components of the aphid sex pheromone in laboratory bioassays. Pre-test experience with host aphids in the presence of aphid sex pheromone did not affect the response of A. ervi to pheromone in a 4-way olfactometer, compared with that of naive parasitoids. Aphidius ervi females exposed only to the pheromone prior to testing did not respond in the olfactometer, suggesting habituation to the foraging cue by the parasitoid. In a wind tunnel, aphid sex pheromone increased the attraction of A. ervi to the plant-host complex (Vicia faba/A. pisum), suggesting an additive effect when two different foraging cues are present simultaneously.  相似文献   

Oviposition by a parasitoid wasp in an already parasitized host (= superparasitism) may result in larval competition and the loss of offspring. Consequently, in solitary species, the decision to superparasitize should be based on the probability of offspring survival. Females of Aphidius ervi Haliday and A. smithi Sharma & Subba Rao (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae), two parasitoids of the pea aphid, discriminated between conspecific-and heterospecific-parasitized hosts. Both species showed partial preference for aphids previously attacked by A. smithi, a result predicted from the fact that A. ervi is superior to A. smithi in larval competition under most conditions. Females of A. smithi selectively attacked conspecific-parasitized pea aphids when given a choice between these and self-parasitized hosts. Results indicated that females of both species responded to an external pheromone-like marker to discriminate between selfconspecific-and heterospecific-parasitized aphids. In addition, A. smithi may use internal cues to recognize, and avoid oviposition in, aphids previously parasitized by A. ervi.
Résumé L'oviposition par une guêpe parasite dans un hôte qui a déjà été parasité (= superparasitisme) pourrait conduire à une compétition entre larves et à une perte de progéniture. Par conséquent, dans les espèces solitaires, la décision de superparasiter devrait être basée sur la probabilité de survie de la progéniture. Les femelles de Aphidius ervi Haliday et de A. smithi Sharma & Subba Rao (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae), deux parasites du puceron du pois, ont discriminé entre les hôtes parasités par des individus de la même espèce et ceux parasités par des individus d'une espèce différente. Les deux espèces de parasite ont montré une préférence partielle pour les pucerons préalablement parasités par A. smithi, résultat qui était prévisible du fait que, dans la majorité des cas, A. ervi est supérieur à A. smithi dans la compétition entre larves. Les femelles de A. smithi ont sélectivement attaqué les pucerons parasités par un individu de la même espèce lorsqu'il leur était donné de choisir parmi ceux-ci et ceux parasités par les même individu. Les résultats indiquaient que les femelles des deux espèces répondaient à une sorte de phéromone externe pour distinguer les pucerons parasités par le même individu de ceux parasités par un individu de la même espèce et ceux parasités d'une autre espèce. En plus, A. smithi pourrait utiliser des signaux internes pour reconnaître et éviter l'oviposition dans les pucerons préalablement parasités par A. ervi.

Temperature dependencies were established for the egg-to-mummy and mummy-to-adult phases, for mummy mortality, and for parasitism of Aphidius ervi Haliday, Aphidius rhopalosiphi De Stefani-Perez, and Praon volucre (Haliday) (Hymenoptera, Aphidiidae), three parasitoids of Sitobion avenae (Fabricius) (Homoptera, Aphididae), at 8°C, 12°C, 16°C, 20°C, and 25°C on winter wheat (cv. Haven). A physiological model described temperature-dependent development over the full temperature range, whereas a linear model was fitted for data above 8°C and used to estimate the lower temperature thresholds and day-degrees (° D) required for development. The thresholds for A. ervi were 2.2°C for egg-mummy development and 6.6°C for mummy-adult development, those for A. rhopalosiphi were 4.5°C and 7.2°C, and those for P. volucre were 3.8°C and 5.5°C. The time to develop into mummies and adults differed significantly between the three species: A. ervi development into mummies required an average of 159 ° D, while development into adults took an average of 73 ° D. The corresponding average times required for A. rhopalosiphi and P. volucre to develop mummies were 124° D and 126° D, while their development into adults required an average of 70° D and 150° D, respectively. Mummy mortality was 25–35% at 8°C and less at the higher temperatures tested, but began to increase again at 25°C, showing a quadratic relationship between mortality and temperature. Parasitization was very low or, in the case of P. volucre, absent up to 12°C and thereafter increased with increasing temperature. The relationship between parasitization, recorded as percent aphids mummified, and temperature was linear at the temperatures tested and depended on species. A. ervisuperparasitized 11.1% aphids at 20°C and 16.6% aphids at 25°C, whereas superparasitism was low in A. rhopalosiphi and absent in P. volucre. From 16°C to 25°C the P. volucre sex ratio increased. For A. ervi and A. rhopalosiphi there was no trend with temperature, but at 20°C and 25°C it was close to even. Field data for 1996 and 1997 allowed for a comparison of actual and expected emergence of overwintering mummies. In both years, parasitoids were predicted to have emerged from overwintering mummies well in advance of the onset of aphid infestation, and more than a month earlier than the first parasitized aphids were found in winter wheat. Observations from trap plants in other crops supported the predictions of the models. Other factors that can affect biological control by cereal aphid parasitoids are discussed.  相似文献   

刘军和  禹明甫 《昆虫知识》2013,50(4):912-920
农业景观结构影响昆虫的物种组成与多样性,本文选择复杂景观和简单景观的麦田景观为研究对象,研究了不同麦田景观结构对麦蚜天敌种群的影响。在简单与复杂两种景观下,分析了麦蚜寄生蜂和捕食性天敌的迁入时间、迁入量、种群增长率及种群密度之间的差异。结果表明:复杂景观中麦蚜寄生蜂和捕食性天敌的物种多样性较高,复杂景观下寄生蜂的迁入量高于简单景观下寄生蜂的迁入量。景观复杂性同样影响捕食性天敌的迁入时间,且捕食性天敌在复杂景观下迁入量均高于简单景观,而且存在显著性差异。两种景观中寄生蜂和捕食性天敌种群增长速率与最大种群密度均存在显著性差异。  相似文献   

The host preference behaviour of the generalist aphid parasitoid Aphidius colemaniwas investigated using a Y-tube olfactometer. Female A. colemanishowed a preference for the host-plant complex on which they had been reared, even though the same aphid host was involved, demonstrating a host plant preference. This preference was not evident when the parasitoids were dissected from their mummies prior to adult emergence. Host plant preference exhibited during host selection appeared to be induced by chemical cues encountered on the mummy case at the time of emergence, but preferences could be changed by subsequent foraging experiences. It is concluded that plant chemical cues play a major role in determining initial preferences through a process of emergence conditioning but that learning processes, involving cues encountered during oviposition in or contact with the host, can modify these initial preferences.  相似文献   

Cereal aphids infesting spring wheat in southwestern Idaho were surveyed during 1988 and 1989 for the presence of entomophthoralean fungi and hymenopterous parasitoids. Cereal aphids killed by the fungi (cadavers) and parasitoids (mummies) includedDiuraphis noxia (Mordvilko),Metopolophium dirhodum (Walker),Sitobion avenae (F.), andSchizaphis graminum (Rondani). Taylor's power law was used to describe the relationships between mean densities of cadavers or mummies (number per tiller) and associated variances. Except forS. graminum mummies, which were at low levels throughout the growing seasons and tended to be randomly distributed, Taylor's slopes exceeded 1.0 for all the aphid cadavers and mummies, indicating varying degrees of clumping in spatial pattern. The spatial patterns ofD. noxia andM. dirhodum cadavers were similar, simply reflecting those of their own populations, but more aggregated than were their respective mummies resulting from parasitoid attack. The intercepts and slopes from the power law analysis were used to generate functional relationships between the proportion of wheat tillers bearing cadavers or mummies of each aphid species and the mean density, and develop optimal numerical (direct counting) and binomial (presence or absence) sample size curves for both cadavers and mummies of each aphid species.   相似文献   

Host plant nutritional quality can directly and indirectly affect the third trophic levels. The aphid–parasitoid relationship provides an ideal system to investigate tritrophic interactions (as the parasitoids are completely dependent for their development upon their hosts) and assess the bottom up forces operating at different concentrations of nitrogen applications. The effects of varying nitrogen fertilizer on the performance of Aphidius colemani (V.) reared on Sitobion avenae (F.) and Aphidius rhopalosiphi (D.) reared on Rhopalosiphum padi (L.) were measured. Parasitism and percent emergence of parasitoids were positively affected by nitrogen fertilizer treatments while developmental duration (egg, larval, and pupal stages) was not affected by increasing nitrogen inputs. In males and females of both parasitoid species, adult longevity increased with the increasing nitrogen fertilizer. Hind tibia length and mummy weight of both parasitoid species increased with nitrogen fertilizer concentrations, as a result of larger aphids. This study showed that nitrogen application to the soil can have important consequences for aboveground multitrophic interactions.  相似文献   

Aphidius ervi (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) is an important biological control agent of aphids, and a model organism for the study of host–parasitoid ecology and evolution. We isolated microsatellite loci from A. ervi to examine the genetic effects of its introduction from Europe to North America. We present primers for 11 microsatellites from A. ervi. We have assayed six of these loci for variability and found from two to 37 alleles. These six primer pairs were tested on 17 related species and appear broadly applicable. These microsatellite loci provide a new tool for research on A. ervi and its relatives.  相似文献   

Abstract. In Y-tube olfactometer tests, Aphidius ervi Hal., Trioxys sp., Praon sp., Aphelinus flavus (Nees), Lysiphlebus fabarum (Marsh.) and Aphidius rophalosiphi De Stef. responded positively to the odour of the plant on which aphid mummies containing them had been collected. The response to host plant odour was greater than the response to the odour of host aphids, their honeydew or a combination of the two. The strongest response was to a combination of plant and host aphids. A. rhopalosiphi showed a strong positive response to three wheat volatiles (cis-3-hexenyl acetate, cis-3-hexen-1-ol and trans-2-hexenal) as well as to indole-3-acetaldehyde (a breakdown product of tryptophan in aphid honeydew). In both olfactometer tests with odours and choice trials with whole plants, newly emerged A. rhopalosiphi distinguished and preferred the variety of wheat on which their development had occurred to other wheat varieties.  相似文献   

The biochemical profile and metabolism of Acyrthosiphon pisum(Harris) (Homoptera, Aphididae) are markedly altered and redirected in response to parasitization by the endophagous braconid Aphidius erviHaliday (Hymenoptera, Braconidae). In the present study, the role played in the host regulation process by teratocytes, cells deriving from the dissociation of the embryonic membrane of the parasitoid, is taken into consideration. The protein synthesis activity of these cells of embryonic origin is analysed in vitroand an essential characterization of those proteins de novosynthesized and released in the incubation medium is provided. Teratocytes, obtained by dissecting parasitized host aphids, 3, 4 and 5 days after parasitoid oviposition, were incubated in vitroand, at the end of the incubation period, were separated from the medium for SDS-PAGE analysis of both cellular and secreted proteins. Various cellular proteins were more abundant as the time between parasitization and teratocyte collection increased. Furthermore, two proteins, showing an approximate molecular mass of 15 kD (p15) and 45 kD (p45) respectively, were abundantly secreted in the incubation medium by 5 day-old teratocytes. Incubations in presence of 35S radiolabelled amino acids indicated that p15 and p45 are both synthesized by A. erviteratocytes. The amino acid composition of these two proteins was similar to that reported for other insect proteins with a demonstrated nutritional function. The p45 protein was found to be glycosylated. A tentative physiological model describing the host regulation role played by different parasitoid-derived factors is proposed.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Phenols and amino acids have previously been involved in the resistance of cereals to aphids. In the present study, the mean total concentrations of both compounds were quantitatively estimated from leaf-tissue samples collected at three growth stages (third, fifth and seventh leaf stages) from maize and barley seedlings and then correlated with the mean 7-day fecundity of Rhopalosiphum padi (L.) and Sitobion avenae (F.) (Homoptera, Aphididae) reared separately on the corresponding growth stages of each cereal. Results revealed an inverse correlation between the total concentration of each chemical in aphid-infested maize and barley plants and the fecundity of each aphid on every growth stage of the cereals. Moreover, R. padi led to an increase in total amino acids when reared on maize or barley without affecting the phenol concentration, while S. avenae induced a decrease in phenol levels but did not change the total amino acids on each growth stage of the plants. The significance of these results for understanding potential differences in requirements of cereal aphids for host selection and acceptance are discussed.  相似文献   

The physiological mechanism of resistance to the endophagous braconid Aphidius ervi Haliday (Hymenoptera, Braconidae) by a pink clone (PC) of Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris) (Homoptera, Aphididae) has been investigated. Comparative data on parasitoid development and associated host biochemical changes in the resistant PC aphids and in a susceptible green clone (GC) of A. pisum are reported. When the PC aphids were attacked as early 4th instars, the developing parasitoid larvae showed a strongly reduced increase in size, compared to those synchronously developing in GC aphids, and were unable to produce a regular mummy. In contrast, parasitism of 2nd instar PC aphids, allowed completion of parasitoid development, but adults had a prolonged developmental time, due to a longer duration of parasitoid’s final (3rd) instar. In all cases, teratocytes, cells deriving from the A. ervi serosal membrane, and the proteins abundantly synthesised by them, were never found in the haemolymph of parasitised PC aphids. Host castration, as demonstrated by total protein incorporation into reproductive tissues, was total in the majority of early (2nd instar) parasitised host aphids, while it was limited when later instars (4th) of PC aphids were parasitised. This is partly due to the absence of the cytolytic activity of teratocytes on host embryos, which, through their persistence, may compete for nutritional resources with the developing parasitoid larvae. In parasitised PC aphids, this competitive effect is further aggravated for the parasitoid by the absence of the regulated amino acid titre increase in the host haemolymph, which is regularly observed in GC aphids. Failure of teratocyte development in the PC clone of the pea aphid is, then, the major functional constraint accounting for the reduction/inhibition of A. ervi larval growth. The reported results allow to assess in vivo the role of teratocytes in the host physiological redirection and nutritional exploitation by the parasitoid, and to integrate and validate the proposed physiological model of host-parasitoid interactions in the system A. pisum-A.ervi.  相似文献   

Aphids are attacked by a large guild of natural enemies including many primary parasitoids which mummify their hosts. These mummies are themselves attacked by a guild of mummy parasitoids which are potentially important in regulating primary parasitoids at densities below which they can exert biological control. The response of mummy parasitoids to mummy densities was investigated in an experiment in which mummy densities of the pea aphid (Acyrthosiphon pisum) attacked by the parasitoid Aphidius ervi were manipulated across host plant patches. Overall, the risk of parasitism was density independent, though with very high inter-patch variability which may allow probabilistic refuges from secondary parasitism. Six species of four genera of mummy parasitoids were recorded. Of the responses of the individual genera, Coruna were reared most frequently from patches of high host density while amongst patches from which Syrphophagus was reared parasitism was inversely density dependent.  相似文献   

The role of pollen odour in resource location by the pollen beetle, Meligethes aeneus (Fabricius) (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae), a pollen-feeding insect regarded as a pest of oilseed rape, Brassica napus L., (Brassicaceae) crops, was investigated in a linear track olfactometer. Both male and female beetles were attracted to the odour of whole oilseed rape flowers, indicating that these insects can locate their host plants using floral odours as cues. The attractive odour of flowers was found to emanate from all floral parts tested: the petals/sepals, the anthers, and from pollen itself. Therefore, at least part of the attractive odour of oilseed rape flowers emanates from pollen. Beetles were more attracted to floral samples containing anthers than those without anthers when these odours were directly compared in a choice-test, and this indicates that there were detectable differences between them. Anthers and pollen may therefore release distinctive odours that are quantitatively and/or qualitatively different from the odour of the rest of the flower. These experiments support the hypothesis that pollen-seeking insects use pollen odour cues to locate this food source.  相似文献   

The searching behaviour of two aphid parasitoids, Lysiphlebus testaceipes (Cresson) and Aphidius colemani Viereck (Hymenoptera, Aphidiidae), was analysed. Both species searched banana plants (Musa spec.) infested with the banana aphid Pentalonia nigronervosa Coq. in a different way. L. testaceipes restricted its search to open plant structures and avoided concealed areas. A. colemani partitioned its time spent on the plant between open and concealed areas. This general pattern was independent of aphid colony size and was also observed in the absence of aphids. As a consequence of these searching tactics, the borders of a host patch differed for both parasitoid species. For L. testaceipes, the patch consisted only of aphids feeding on open structures, while it comprised the whole aphid colony for A. colemani. The observed searching patterns resulted in a different exploitation of the aphid colonies.
Zusammenfassung Eine Analyse des Suchverhaltens der beiden Blattlausparasitoide Lysiphlebus testaceipes (Cresson) and Aphidius colemani Viereck zeigte, daß beide Arten Bananenpflanzen (Musa spec.), die von der Bananenblattlaus Pentalonia nigronervosa Coq. befallen waren, auf unterschiedliche Weise absuchten. L. testaceipes beschränkte seine Wirtssuche auf frei zugängliche Pflanzenteile und vermied ein Eindringen in geschützte Pflanzenstruckturen. Dagegen hielt sich A. colemani gleichermaßen häufig auf offenen und in geschützten Pflanzenteilen auf. Dieses generelle Suchmuster war unabängig von der Blattlauskoloniegröß und wurde auch beim Fehlen von Wirten beobachtet. Als Konsequenz aus diesem unterschiedlichen Suchverhalten ergaben sich verschiedene Patchgrenzen für beide Parasitoide. Für L. testaceipes bestand der Patch nur aus Blattläusen, die an frei zugänglichen Pflanzenstrukturen saugten, während der Patch für A. colemani alle Blattläuse einschließlich der Tiere umfaßte, die sich in geschützten Pflanzenteilen aufhielten. Damit führte dieses unterschiedliche Suchverhalten beider Parasitoidenarten zu einer unterschiedlichen Ausnutzung der Blattlauskolonien.

In autumn 1991, aphid parasitoids of the genusPraon (Hymenoptera; Braconidae) were caught in water traps with lures containing synthetic aphid sex pheromone components at three sites in England and one in Germany. At two of the English sites and at the German site, the traps were placed in winter cereal fields whilst the third English site was in woodland. Three species were caught,P. volucre, P. dorsale andP. abjectum. Those caught in cereal fields were almost entirelyP. volucre, whilstP. dorsale dominated at the woodland site. Of the known aphid sex pheromone components, the most effective lure was the (+)-(4aS, 7S, 7aR)-nepetalactone. Nepetalactone traps placed at the woodland site in spring and summer caught fewPraon females, and attraction may be confined to the autumn, when sexual female aphids are present in the field. Male parasitoids did not respond to the aphid pheromones at any time, although they were caught in suction traps operated at the woodland site during the autumn. At the cereal sites height had a significant influence on the efficiency of the pheromone traps, those placed just above the crop canopy being most effective. There was no evidence that any other genus of parasitoid responded to aphid sex pheromones at these sites.  相似文献   

The oviposition behaviour of the aphid parasitoid Aphidius ervi Haliday is influenced by both chemical and physical cues. Oviposition attack responses were elicited by paint pigments sealed into the tip of a glass capillary tube. Parasitoids reacted to yellow pigments with repeated oviposition attack responses, but they did not react to green pigments. The spectrum of reflected light from the yellow pigments was very similar to that from the `green' natural host Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris), with a high proportion of the total radiation energy being emitted in the yellow-orange wavebands (580–660 nm). Pea aphid cornicle secretion also elicited oviposition attack responses, which were not exclusively induced by its pale yellow-green colour. In fact, the oviposition attack response to capillary tips coated with cornicle secretion remained evident under red light conditions, which, in contrast, nearly completely suppressed the response to yellow pigments. Chemical compounds from cornicle secretion do not appear to be involved in parasitoid orientation, even though they stimulate intense oviposition attack responses. Olfactometer experiments showed that the putative kairomone involved acts only at very short range or on contact. Host exuviae, which also elicited strong and persistent oviposition reactions from A. ervi females, appear to be a good alternative source of ovipositional kairomone(s). This work confirms the existence of an aphid cuticular kairomone.  相似文献   

Abstract 1. Motivated by a community study on aphids and their fungal pathogens, three hypotheses were tested experimentally to investigate the influence of the fungal pathogen, Erynia neoaphidis Remaudière and Hennebert, on aphid population and community ecology.
2. Field experiments were performed in 2 years to test whether two susceptible aphid species on different host plants might interact through the shared fungal pathogen. No strong pathogen-mediated indirect interactions (apparent competition) between populations of pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum Harris and nettle aphid Microlophium carnosum Buckton were detected.
3. In the first of the field experiments, pea aphids exposed to the fungus showed a weak tendency to produce more winged dispersal morphs than control populations not exposed to the fungus. In a laboratory test, however, no support was found for the hypothesis that the presence of volatiles from fungus-infected cadavers promotes production of winged offspring.
4. The response of the pea aphid parasitoid Aphidius ervi Halliday to colonies containing hosts infected 1 and 3 days previously was assessed. Wasps initiated fewer attacks on 1-day-old infected colonies than on healthy colonies, with the numbers on 3-day-old fungus-infected colonies intermediate.  相似文献   

  • 1 We tested switching behaviour in four species of aphidiid parasitoids, using a two-aphid experimental system consisting of second-instar nymphs of pea aphid (Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris)) and alfalfa aphid (Macrosiphum creelii Davis) feeding on broad beans in the laboratory.
  • 2 Aphidius ervi Haliday, A.pisivorus Smith, A.smithi Sharma & Subba Rao, and Pram pequodorum Viereck showed an innate preference for pea aphid when both host species were provided in equal numbers.
  • 3 Wasps encountered both aphid species equally but differed in their acceptance of alfalfa aphid. Females of A.pisivorus and P.pequodorum accepted alfalfa aphids when few pea aphids were available, but A. smithi always concentrated attacks on pea aphid. Aphidius ervi super-parasitized an increasing proportion of pea aphids as their availability declined.
  • 4 Switching to the alfalfa aphid occurred in A.ervi and P.pequodorum (but not in A.pisivorus and A.smithi) under the condition of a 1:3 ratio of pea aphids:alfalfa aphids. Wasps did not switch when more pea aphids than alfalfa aphids were provided (3:1 ratio).
  • 5 Alfalfa aphids were more likely than pea aphids to escape from parasitoid attack.
  • 6 Switching to the most abundant host may not be adaptive in these four species of aphid parasitoids. A foraging wasp incurs a potentially higher cost in lost opportunity time when attacking (and failing to oviposit in) alfalfa aphids. In addition, alfalfa aphids may have lower host quality than pea aphids, a difference that could influence offspring fitness.

Females of the solitary aphid parasitoids Aphidius ervi Haliday and A. smithi Sharma & Subba Rao (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae) discriminated between unparasitized pea aphids and those parasitized by the other species. Oviposition restraint varied with the attack sequence and the length of the interval between successive attacks. The tendency to reject a previously parasitized host increased with interval length; A. smithi females rarely oviposited in aphids that had been parasitized 30 h earlier by A. ervi. Early first-instar larvae of A. ervi physically attacked and killed older A. smithi larvae, and older A. ervi larvae killed younger A. smithi, possibly by physiological suppression. Neither species appeared to have a competitive advantage when their eggs hatched at the same time. The evolution of heterospecific host discrimination in A. ervi and A. smithi is discussed. It is suggested that avoidance of multiparasitism is adaptive for both parasitoid species: for A. smithi because it is the inferior larval competitor, and for A. ervi because immatures develop more slowly in multiparasitized than in initially unparasitized hosts.
Compétition interspécifique et discrimination des hôtes chez deux parasitoïdes de pucerons: Aphidius ervi et A. smithi
Résumé Les femelles des parasitoïdes de pucerons: Aphidius ervi Haliday et A. smithi Sharma & Subba Rao (Hyméno. Aphidiidae) distinguent les pucerons du pois sains des parasités par d'autres espèces. La rétention de la ponte dépend de la séquence de l'attaque et du temps écoulé entre des attaques successives. La tendance au rejet d'un puceron précédemment parasité augmente avec l'importance du délai; A. smithi a rarement pondu dans des pucerons qui avaient été parasités 30 h avant par A. ervi. Les jeunes larves de premier stade de A. ervi ont attaqué physiquement et tué les larves plus âgées de A. smithi, et les larves plus âgées de A. ervi ont tué des larves plus jeunes de A. smithi par élimination physiologique. Aucune espèce ne semble avoir un avantage quand les oeufs ont éclos en même temps. L'évolution de la discrimination interspécifique de l'hôte chez A. ervi et A. smithi est discutée. On estime que la tendance à éviter le multiparasitisme est adaptative chez les 2 espèces: pour A. smithi parce qu'il est dominé dans la compétition larvaire et pour A. ervi parce que les larves se développent plus lentement dans un hôte multiparasité que dans un hôte initialement sain.

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