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Dye coupling in the organ of Corti   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary Dye-coupling in an in vitro preparation of the supporting cells of the guinea-pig organ of Corti was evaluated by use of the fluorescent dyes, Lucifer Yellow, fluorescein and 6 carboxyfluorescein. Despite the presence of good electrical coupling in Hensen cells (coupling ratios >0.6) the spread of Lucifer yellow was inconsistent. Hensen cells are very susceptible to photoinactivation, i.e., cell injury upon illumination of intracellular dye; and this in conjunction with Lucifer Yellow's charge and K+-induced precipitability may account for its variability of spread. Fluorescein and 6 carboxyfluorescein, on the other hand, spread more readily and to a greater extent than Lucifer Yellow, often spreading to cell types other than those of Hensen. Dye spread is rapid, occurring within a few minutes. These results suggest that molecules of metabolic importance also may be shared by the supporting cells of the organ of Corti.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional motion of the organ of Corti   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
The vibration of the organ of Corti, a three-dimensional micromechanical structure that incorporates the sensory cells of the hearing organ, was measured in three mutually orthogonal directions. This was achieved by coupling the light of a laser Doppler vibrometer into the side arm of an epifluorescence microscope to measure velocity along the optical axis of the microscope, called the transversal direction. Displacements were measured in the plane orthogonal to the transverse direction with a differential photodiode mounted on the microscope in the focal plane. Vibration responses were measured in the fourth turn of a temporal-bone preparation of the guinea-pig cochlea. Responses were corrected for a "fast" wave component caused by the presence of the hole in the cochlear wall, made to view the structures. The frequency responses of the basilar membrane and the reticular lamina were similar, with little phase differences between the vibration components. Their motion was rectilinear and vertical to the surface of their membranes. The organ of Corti rotated about a point near the edge of the inner limbus. A second vibration mode was detected in the motion of the tectorial membrane. This vibration mode was directed parallel to the reticular lamina and became apparent for frequencies above approximately 0.5 oct below the characteristic frequency. This radial vibration mode presumably controls the shearing action of the hair bundles of the outer hair cells.  相似文献   

Morphometry of the chinchilla organ of Corti and stria vascularis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This research describes a procedure for a morphometric analysis of the organ of Corti and stria vascularis in the chinchilla. In nine normal cochleae the length of the basilar membrane and the stria vascularis measured 18.47 and 25.22 mm, respectively. An average of 1910 inner and 7501 outer hair cells were present while an average of 15 inner and 90 outer hair cells were absent. In all cochleae examined there were always some missing hair cells in varying numbers even though the animals had no known ototoxic exposure. Stria area, width and thickness increased from the cochlear apex toward the base. Consistency of changes in stria dimensions among animals was enhanced by expressing position in terms of percentage stria length rather than distance as such. Total stria volume was estimated at 0.15 microliter.  相似文献   

The auditory sensory cells are sensitive to a variety of influences such as noise, ototoxic drugs and aging. In the cochlea of mammals, the destroyed sensory cells are not replaced by new sensory cells. That leads to cochlear deafness, a frequent disease in human. Unfortunately, such auditory impairment is out of reach of treatment. The development of new therapeutic strategies in this field requires a precise knowledge of the mechanisms involved in auditory sensory cells disappearance and in organ of Corti's degeneration. The aim of our study was to characterize cellular and molecular changes in the cochlea of rats which had been intoxicated with the ototoxic antibiotic amikacin. The animals were sacrificed at different survival times during and after the antibiotic treatment and their cochleas were investigated using transmission and scanning electron microscopy and using confocal microscopy after tissue labellings with different fluorescent probes. The results revealed the existence of three periods. The first one corresponds to the disappearance of the sensory cells which die by apoptosis. During the second period, the organ of Corti undergoes a scarring process; concomitantly, a contingent of nonsensory supporting cells attempts to transdifferentiate directly into sensory cells. This process however fails, and the supporting cells never reach the status of hair cells. A general process of dedifferentiation of all the epithelial cells of the organ of Corti followed by a massive apoptosis of numerous epithelial cells and of most ganglion cells occurs during the third period. After that, the organ of Corti is definitely reduced to a simple monolayered epithelium. On the basis of these data, experimental strategies aimed i) to protect the sensory cells against apoptosis and ii) to promote sensory cell regeneration are now under study. They might have important implications in human therapy.  相似文献   

Age-related changes in microtubules in the guinea pig organ of Corti   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Biochemical and immunocytochemical analyses have been used to provide new insights into age-related changes in the sensory and supporting cells of the guinea pig organ of Corti. Quantitative densitometry of immunoblots showed that, while levels of alpha-tubulin remained relatively constant in guinea pigs from 3 weeks to 18 months old, there were progressive shifts in some tubulin isoforms. Levels of tyrosinated tubulin increased with age, nontyrosinatable tubulin (delta2-tubulin) showed a compensatory decrease, but detyrosinated tubulin did not change; acetylated, polyglutamylated, and glycylated tubulin levels also decreased. Immunolabeled tissue sections showed that cell type-specific distribution of tubulin seen in young guinea pigs (tyrosinated in the microtubules of the sensory cells, and post-translationally modified isoforms in the supporting cells) did not change as animals aged. However, there were age-related decreases in labeling for alpha-tubulin and all post-translationally modified isoforms. Biochemical and immunocytochemical results both support an age-related decrease in the number and/or length of microtubules as well as an increase in the pool of soluble tyrosinated and detyrosinated tubulin. They further suggest that microtubules containing nontyrosinatable tubulin from older animals are the sites for further modification of tubulin by acetylation, polyglutamylation, and glycylation. Changes in tubulin isoform levels and stability of microtubules in the organ of Corti may alter its micromechanical properties; the resulting changes in conduction of sound-induced vibration would provide one mechanism for age-related hearing loss.  相似文献   

Hearing loss in mammals is irreversible because cochlear neurons and hair cells do not regenerate. To determine whether we could replace neurons lost to primary neuronal degeneration, we injected EYFP-expressing embryonic stem cell-derived mouse neural progenitor cells into the cochlear nerve trunk in immunosuppressed animals 1 week after destroying the cochlear nerve (spiral ganglion) cells while leaving hair cells intact by ouabain application to the round window at the base of the cochlea in gerbils. At 3 days post transplantation, small grafts were seen that expressed endogenous EYFP and could be immunolabeled for neuron-specific markers. Twelve days after transplantation, the grafts had neurons that extended processes from the nerve core toward the denervated organ of Corti. By 64-98 days, the grafts had sent out abundant processes that occupied a significant portion of the space formerly occupied by the cochlear nerve. The neurites grew in fasciculating bundles projecting through Rosenthal's canal, the former site of spiral ganglion cells, into the osseous spiral lamina and ultimately into the organ of Corti, where they contacted hair cells. Neuronal counts showed a significant increase in neuronal processes near the sensory epithelium, compared to animals that were denervated without subsequent stem cell transplantation. The regeneration of these neurons shows that neurons differentiated from stem cells have the capacity to grow to a specific target in an animal model of neuronal degeneration.  相似文献   

Almasan A 《Radiation research》2000,153(3):347-350
The basic elements of the machinery of programmed cell death (apoptosis) are built into all mammalian cells and are conserved evolutionarily from nematodes to humans. The workshop on Commitment to Radiation-Induced Apoptosis at the 11th International Congress of Radiation Research in Dublin, Ireland reviewed recent information regarding the basic molecular mechanisms which are fundamental to the understanding of the process of apoptosis after treatment with ionizing radiation and some other agents.  相似文献   

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