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Time-series are presented of wind, sea levels, currents and temperature in the central region of the Great Barrier Reef continental shelf over the period 1980 to 1982 (inclusive). Except for occasional periods of calm weather or during the passage of tropical cyclones, the wind was alternately southwestward or northwestward, with periods of several days to several weeks. The fluctuations of the low-frequency sea level, longshore current and wind components, but not temperature, were highly coherent over distances >400 km longshore and over the shelf width. The temperature and the atmospheric pressure controlled much of the seasonal changes in the sea level. A simple model for wind-driven circulation using a non-linear bottom friction law is able to account for most of the variance of the currents with perios <20 days. An additional poleward base flow was present at all sites, probably driven by the circulation in the Coral Sea. There were also large interannual variations, possibly associated with the El Niño Southern Oscillation phenomena. These observations imply that the advection and dispersion over the Great Barrier Reef of fish eggs and larvae, coral planulae etc., and hence reef recruitment, experience considerable variability at time scales of days of years.  相似文献   

Bioerosion experiments at Lizard Island,Great Barrier Reef   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The rates at which dead coral substrates are modified by bioerosional processes were determined by exposing recently killed corals for up to four years in a variety of reef environments at Lizard Island (northern Great Barrier Reef). Grazers were the major croding agents of these coral substrates and exhibited differences between sites that varied between sampling periods. Subtidal reef slopes and lagoon environments of water depths < 20 m were subjected to higher average rates of grazing erosion (0.30–1.96 kg/m2/y) than shallow depths less than 1 m (0.07–0.26 kg/m2/y). A deep site at 20 m experienced low average rates of grazing (0.08–0.29 kg/m2/y). Boring rates by worms (polychaetes and sipunculans), sponges and molluscs were relatively low and varied between sites, but increased with length of sampling period as larger borers succeeded the initial colonizing small polychaete worms. We hypothesize from these experiments that the extent of boring in reef substrates will be influenced by the interaction between the succession of the boring community and the rate at which the substrate is destroyed by grazing. We suggest that the level of grazing modifies the successional pattern of borers by removing the surface substrate and continually exposing bare substrate that can be colonized by early boring colonists. Thus, constant high levels of grazing may maintain the boring community at an early successional stage and prevent the development of a mature boring community. In order to establish large borer populations, reef substrates must be protected from extensive grazing bioerosion. This interaction of grazing and boring has important implications for the way dead coral is preserved in different reef environments.  相似文献   

High concentrations of acrylate, 542–683 μmol g−1 of the non-skeletal dry mass (DM), were measured in the Great Barrier Reef coral, Acropora millepora, using quantitative nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (qNMR). As the amount of NaCl salt in the samples was substantial but variable, the total carbon (TC) in the coral extracts was determined, and the carbon due to acrylate found to represent 13–15% of the TC present in the total organic extracts (TOE). Acrylate, a C3 compound, is thus a substantial carbon source in the coral holobiont and is known to be derived from dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP), which has previously been found in corals and other organisms that harbor Symbiodinium spp. The reason for such high levels of acrylate in the corals is unknown; possible functions include antimicrobial and/or antioxidant roles, as well as playing a role in the structuring of the healthy resident coral bacteria.  相似文献   

The bioerosive potential of the intertidal chiton Acanthopleura gemmata on One Tree Reef was determined by quantification of CaCO3 in daily faecal pellet production of individuals transplanted into mesocosms after nocturnal-feeding forays. Mean bioerosive potential was estimated at 0.16 kg CaCO3 chiton−1 yr−1. Bioerosion rates were estimated for populations on two distinct chiton habitats, reef margin (0.013 kg CaCO3 m−2 yr−1) and beachrock platform (0.25 kg CaCO3 m−2 yr−1). Chiton density on the platform was orders of magnitude greater than on the reef margin. The surface-lowering rate (0.16 mm m−2 yr) due to bioerosion by the beachrock population is a substantial contribution to the total surface-lowering rate of 2 mm m−2 yr−1 previously reported for One Tree Reef across all erosive agents. At high densities, the contribution of A. gemmata to coral reef bioerosion budgets may be comparable to other important bioeroders such as echinoids and fish.  相似文献   

Conlan  J. A.  Bay  L. K.  Jones  A.  Thompson  A.  Francis  D. S. 《Coral reefs (Online)》2020,39(6):1753-1765
Coral Reefs - To understand how environmental conditions and reproductive events affect coral energetic status, seasonal variations in lipid and fatty acid profiles of the common scleractinian...  相似文献   

Coral reef sponge populations were surveyed at two spatial scales: different depths and different reef locations across the continental shelf of the central Great Barrier Reef. The surveys were conducted on the forereef slopes of 12 reefs from land-influenced, inner-shelf reefs to those in the oligotrophic waters of the Coral Sea. Few sponges occur in shallow waters and the largest populations are found between 10 and 30 m depth. Sponges are apparently excluded from shallow waters because of excessive turbulence and possibly by high levels of damaging light. Sponge biomass is highest on the innershelf reefs and decreases away from the coast, whereas abundance is generally higher on middle-shelf reefs. There are considerable overlaps in the species composition on middle-, outer-shelf and Coral Sea reefs, but those on inner-shelf reefs are significantly different. The nature and size of sponge populations reflect environmental conditions across the continental shelf. The larger inner-shelf populations probably reflect higher levels of organic and inorganic nutrients and reduced amounts of physical turbulence, whereas sponges on reefs further from shore may be able to resist greater turbulence but appear more sensitive to the effects of fine sediments. These latter populations are smaller, reflecting the reduced availability of organic matter, however, many of these sponges rely on cyanobacterial symbionts to augment nutrition in these clearer, more oligotrophic waters.Contribution no. 487 from the Australian Institute of Marine Science  相似文献   

Summary Changes in the structure of fish communities along a transect from the Australian mainland to the Coral Sea, in the Central region of the Great Barrier Reef, were examined. Visual censuses of fish were made on the outer reef slopes (0 to 13 m deep) of two inshore reefs, approximately 10 km offshore, three reefs on the mid-shelf, 50 km offshore, three reefs on the outer shelf, 100 km offshore, and three reefs in the Coral Sea approximately 200 km offshore. The Pomacentridae, Chaetodontidae, Acanthuridae and Scaridae were examined in detail—the Labridac, Siganidae and the lutjanid genus Caesio in less detail. Major changes in the composition of fish communities occurred along the transect (Fig. 3). There were differences in the composition of assemblages among replicate censuses within individual reefs and also differences between reefs at the same location on the transect but these differences were small compared to those among locations. The nature of the distribution of species across the transect differed between families (Figs. 4–6). Pomacentrid and chaetodontid species were significantly more restricted in distribution than acanthurids, scarids or labrids.  相似文献   



Chimeras are organisms containing tissues or cells of two or more genetically distinct individuals, and are known to exist in at least nine phyla of protists, plants, and animals. Although widespread and common in marine invertebrates, the extent of chimerism in wild populations of reef corals is unknown.

Methodology/Principal Findings

The extent of chimerism was explored within two populations of a common coral, Acropora millepora, on the Great Barrier Reef, Australia, by using up to 12 polymorphic DNA microsatellite loci. At least 2% and 5% of Magnetic Island and Pelorus Island populations of A. millepora, respectively, were found to be chimeras (3% overall), based on conservative estimates. A slightly less conservative estimate indicated that 5% of colonies in each population were chimeras. These values are likely to be vast underestimates of the true extent of chimerism, as our sampling protocol was restricted to a maximum of eight branches per colony, while most colonies consist of hundreds of branches. Genotypes within chimeric corals showed high relatedness, indicating that genetic similarity is a prerequisite for long-term acceptance of non-self genotypes within coral colonies.


While some brooding corals have been shown to form genetic chimeras in their early life history stages under experimental conditions, this study provides the first genetic evidence of the occurrence of coral chimeras in the wild and of chimerism in a broadcast spawning species. We hypothesize that chimerism is more widespread in corals than previously thought, and suggest that this has important implications for their resilience, potentially enhancing their capacity to compete for space and respond to stressors such as pathogen infection.  相似文献   

Distribution patterns of soft coral genera were examined at 11 reefs situated in a broad transect from inshore to the Coral Sea in the central region of the Great Barrier Reef. Twenty-five genera representing the Orders Alcyonacea and Stolonifera were recorded, and the survey also included one genus of the Order Gorgonacea. Total living soft coral cover is greatest on outershelf reef slopes, and is often less than and inversely related to the cover by stony corals. Soft coral diversity is generally low on reef flats, where soft coral cover is low or nil except in protected, inshore areas. The most diverse assemblages occur on reef slopes in midshelf and outershelf areas, where Efflatounaria and nephtheid genera predominate, and widely distributed alcyoniid genera are common. These richer assemblages are less well represented in the Coral Sea, while innershelf reefs support a less diverse fauna of somewhat different generic composition. Distribution patterns of soft corals across the transect broadly match similar variations in the distributions of stony corals and fishes, inshore reefs being generally depauperate. Such variations across the continental shelf are closely associated with changes in prevailing environmental conditions, but further research will be required to elucidate the effects of environmental parameters on benthic community structure.  相似文献   

Tropical Cyclone Winifred (1 February 1986) provided an ideal opportunity to examine the fate of high river discharge in the Central Great Barrier Reef by producing near-record floods between Townsville and Cairns. Comparison of the carbon isotope ratio of organic matter in shelf sediment collected immediately before and after the cyclone showed that the bulk of terrestrial plant detritus from the Johnstone River was deposited within 2 km of the rivermouth and none moved more than 15 km offshore. By comparing the magnitude of the Johnstone River flow to the maximum recorded flows on other rivers in the Great Barrier Reef Province, we conclude that terrestrial runoff has not reached the Reef in historical times except, perhaps, during rare Burdekin River floods. Terrestrial detritus initially deposited near chore, however, is resuspended during tropical cyclones and may eventually be transported to the Reef.  相似文献   

The morphology and distribution of seabed features on the shelf edge and upper slope adjacent to the Great Barrier Reef, Australia, has been examined using shallow seismic profiling, side-scan sonar and precision echo sounding data, supplemented by submersible investigations. The data reveal a submerged barrier reef system at different locations between 15° 45 S and 21° 00 S. At two locations, an extensive offshore platform rising above the 50 m isobath and extending for over 20 km parallel to the shelf edge is backed by a relict lagoon at an average depth of 75 m. In addition, outer shelf and upper slope terraces are found at many depths; however, only some occur consistently throughout the region while most others occur only locally. Frequency distributions indicate the greatest occurrence of features at depths of 44–46, 60–66, 72–78, 80–84, 102–106 and 146–148 m. Caution should be exercised when interpreting these features with respect to specific lower sea level stands.  相似文献   

Intra- and intercolony diversity and distribution of zooxanthellae in acroporid corals is largely uncharted. In this study, two molecular methods were applied to determine the distribution of zooxanthellae in the branching corals Acropora tenuis and A. valida at several reef locations in the central section of the Great Barrier Reef. Sun-exposed and shaded parts of all colonies were examined. Single-stranded conformational polymorphism analysis showed that individual colonies of A. tenuis at two locations harbour two strains of Symbiodinium belonging to clade C (C1 and C2), whereas conspecific colonies at two other reefs harboured a single zooxanthella strain. A. valida was found to simultaneously harbour strains belonging to two distinct phylogenetic clades (C and D) at all locations sampled. A novel method with improved sensitivity (quantitative polymerase chain reaction using Taqman fluorogenic probes) was used to map the relative abundance distribution of the two zooxanthella clades. At two of the five sampling locations both coral species were collected. At these two locations, composition of the zooxanthella communities showed the same pattern in both coral species, i.e. correlation with ambient light in Pioneer Bay and an absence thereof in Nelly Bay. The results show that the distribution of genetically distinct zooxanthellae is correlated with light regime and possibly temperature in some (but not all) colonies of A. tenuis and A. valida and at some reef locations, which we interpret as acclimation to local environmental conditions.  相似文献   

The extent to which fish communities are structured by spatial variability in coral reef habitats versus stochastic processes (such as larval supply) is very important in predicting responses to sustained and ongoing habitat degradation. In this study, butterflyfish and benthic communities were surveyed annually over 15 years on 47 reefs (spanning 12° of latitude) of the Great Barrier Reef (GBR). Spatial autocorrelation in the structure of butterflyfish communities versus key differences in reef habitats was investigated to assess the extent to which the structure of these fish communities is influenced by habitat conditions. Benthic communities on each of the 47 reefs were broadly categorised as either: 1. Poritidae/Alcyoniidae, 2. mixed taxa, 3. soft coral or 4. Acropora-dominated habitats. These habitat types most reflected increases in water clarity and wave exposure, moving across the GBR shelf from coastal to outer-shelf environments. In turn, each habitat type also supported very distinct butterflyfish communities. Hard coral feeders were always the dominant butterflyfish species in each community type. However, the numerically dominant species changed according to habitat type, representing spatial replacement of species across the shelf. This study reveals clear and consistent differences in the structure of fish communities among reefs associated with marked differences in habitat structure.  相似文献   



The endosymbiotic dinoflagellates (genus Symbiodinium) within coral reef invertebrates are critical to the survival of the holobiont. The genetic variability of Symbiodinium may contribute to the tolerance of the symbiotic association to elevated sea surface temperatures (SST). To assess the importance of factors such as the local environment, host identity and biogeography in driving Symbiodinium distributions on reef-wide scales, data from studies on reef invertebrate-Symbiodinium associations from the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) were compiled.

Methodology/Principal Findings

The resulting database consisted of 3717 entries from 26 studies. It was used to explore ecological patterns such as host-specificity and environmental drivers structuring community complexity using a multi-scalar approach. The data was analyzed in several ways: (i) frequently sampled host species were analyzed independently to investigate the influence of the environment on symbiont distributions, thereby excluding the influence of host specificity, (ii) host species distributions across sites were added as an environmental variable to determine the contribution of host identity on symbiont distribution, and (iii) data were pooled based on clade (broad genetic groups dividing the genus Symbiodinium) to investigate factors driving Symbiodinium distributions using lower taxonomic resolution. The results indicated that host species identity plays a dominant role in determining the distribution of Symbiodinium and environmental variables shape distributions on a host species-specific level. SST derived variables (especially SSTstdev) most often contributed to the selection of the best model. Clade level comparisons decreased the power of the predictive model indicating that it fails to incorporate the main drivers behind Symbiodinium distributions.


Including the influence of different host species on Symbiodinium distributional patterns improves our understanding of the drivers behind the complexity of Symbiodinium-invertebrate symbioses. This will increase our ability to generate realistic models estimating the risk reefs are exposed to and their resilience in response to a changing climate.  相似文献   

Halimeda bioherms of the northern Great Barrier Reef   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The reefless tract directly behind the ribbon reefs on the outer shelf off Cooktown supports a luxuriant growth of Halimeda that, during the Holocene, has developed into bioherms. These mounded biodies of unconsolidated sediment have formed banks that vary in height between 2 and 20 m. Combined shallow, high-resolution seismic reflection profiles and side-scan sonar have diferentiated three areas of biohermal complexes behind the ribbon reefs of Cooktown. Observations by SCUBA and submersible plus the sedimentology of the bioherms indicate that they are in situ accumulations. Evidence from dating of cores suggests that the Halimeda bioherms began to grow about 10 000 years B.P. and their growth has continued to the present time, even though their tops are presently restricted to a depth of -20 m. It is suggested that the origin and morphology of the bioherms are related to a specific hydrodynamic phenomenon, involving jets of nutrient-rich, upwelled oceanic water intruding onto the outer shelf via the narrow passes between the ribbon reefs, and forming eddies behind the ribbons.  相似文献   

Dynamics of phytoplankton in the Great Barrier Reef Lagoon   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The characteristics of the phytoplankton crop in the centralregion of the Great Barrier Reef were analyzed through two annualcycles together with basic oceanographic parameters. Chlorophylla standing crop and primary production were size fractionatedinto nanoplankton and microplankton components. Community compositionwas determined using the Utermöhl settling technique andcommunity diversities estimated by the Shannon-Weaver equation.The data and analysis are the most comprehensive in existencefor the region, and the first detailed study since the 1928–29Great Barrier Reef expedition. A marked seasonal cycle was identified,contrary to most assumptions, closely associated with precipitationpatterns and nutrients introduced by land drainage. The regionwould rank as mesotrophic with some eutrophic areas in the innerreaches of the Lagoon. Oscillatoria spp. accounted for a largefraction of the majority of phytoplankton maxima and were inverselyrelated to diatom crop densities even under conditions favoringdiatom growth. Microplankton crop species diversities usuallydecreased during extended Oscillatoria blooms. The reduced diversitypersisted after the bloom suggesting that Oscillatoria spp.were the source of extracellular metabolites and/or decompositionproducts adversely influencing diatom microplankton.  相似文献   

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