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  • 1.1. The axonal pathways of thirteen giant neurons identified in the right parietal and the visceral ganglia, found in the suboesophageal ganglia of an African giant snail (Achatina fulica Férussac), were investigated by intracellular injections of Lucifer Yellow, with regard to their axonal projections into the following six peripheral nerves: lap n (left anterior palliai nerve), lpp n (left posterior palliai nerve), int n (intestinal nerve), anal n (anal nerve), rpp n (right posterior palliai nerve) and rap n (right anterior palliai nerve).
  • 2.2. These projections were confirmed by the recording of the axonal responses from the nerves.
  • 3.3. On the dorsal surface of the right parietal ganglion, the following four giant neurons were identified: PON (periodically oscillating neuron), TAN (tonically autoactive neuron), RAPN (right anterior palliai neuron), and d-RPLN (dorsal-right parietal large neuron).
  • 4.4. The PON axonal pathways projected into int n; those of TAN into all of the nerves examined; those of RAPN into lap n, lpp n, int n, anal n and rap n.; and those of d-RPLN into pd nn (pedal nerves) through the pedal ganglia, lpp n, anal n, rap n and sometimes lap n.
  • 5.5. On the dorsal surface of the visceral ganglion, the following four giant neurons were also identified: VIN (visceral intermittently firing neuron), FAN (frequently autoactive neuron), INN (intestinal nerve neuron) and d-VLN (dorsal-visceral large neuron).
  • 6.6. The VIN axonal pathways, which had no branch into the six nerves examined, went to both the right and the left pedal ganglia, sending a branch into the cerebro-pleural connective; those of FAN projected into lap n, anal n and rap n, and sometimes into lpp n and rpp n; those of INN into int n; and those of d-VLN into pd nn, lap n, lpp n, anal n and rap n.
  • 7.7. On the ventral surface of the right parietal ganglion, v-RPLN (ventral-right parietal large neuron) was identified. The axonal pathways went to pd nn, lap n, lpp n, anal n and rap n.
  • 8.8. On the ventral surface of the visceral ganglion, the four giant neurons, v-VNAN (ventral-visceral noisy autoactive neuron), v-VLN (ventral-visceral large neuron), r-VMN (right-visceral multiple spike neuron) and 1-VMN (left-visceral multiple spike neuron) were identified.
  • 9.9. The axonal pathway of v-VNAN projected into rpp n and rap n; those of v-VLN into pd nn, lap n, anal n, rap n and sometimes to lpp n; those of r-VMN into int n and rpp n; and those of 1-VMN also into int n and rpp n.
  • 10.10. The present morphologial investigations of the giant neurons confirmed well the identifications of the neurons previously studied. The axon of the neurons examined here, except for VIN, projected into some of the peripheral nerves, while the VIN axon extended into the cerebro-pleural connective.
  • 11.11. The five neurons, PON, TAN, v-VNAN, r-VMN and 1-VMN, formed fine axonal arborizations terminating at the neuropile, while the arborizations of the other neurons were not clearly observed.
  • 12.12. Although the anatomical structures of the portion examined of the suboesophageal ganglia are asymmetrical, three pairs of symmetrically-situated neurons, d-RPLN and d-VLN, v-RPLN and v-VLN, and r-VMN and 1-VMN, were found, indicating the existence of symmetrical components in the ganglia.

Exposure of Nyctotherus ovalis to low temperatures or vinblastine caused similar reactions of classes of microtubules (mt) present in the mitotic micronucleus of this ciliate towards both treatments. However, differences of sensitivity between certain classes of mt at individual mitotic stages exist. Unlike the kinetochore mt (kmt) of most other eukaryotic cells, kmt in Nyctotherus completely disassemble after incubation at 6–8 ° C (60 min) and most disappear after prolonged exposure to vinblastine (10–5 M, 16 h). The depolymerization of kmt causes the collapse of the spindle and a dislocation of chromosomes at metaphase, yet the reduced number of kmt after vinblastine-treatment still allows an alignment of composite complexes at the spindle equator. The data suggest that three individual sets of mt exist in the interpolar spindle region during ana- and telophase: 1) interpolar mt (int mt), which are assembled during anaphase, are cold- and vinblastine sensitive; 2) manchette mt (ma mt), which are first observed underneath the nuclear envelope during mid-anaphase, are cold-stable and insensitive to vinblastine treatment (10–5 M); after prolonged treatment (16 h) they form spiral structures; 3) stembody mt (st mt), comprising the interpolar region of the nucleus during telophase, are cold- and vinblastine insensitive. Paracrystalline structures resembling a stembody are formed in telophase-like division stages after prolonged vinblastine exposure (16 h, 10–5 M). Since kmt and int mt possess the same sensitivity under depolymerizing conditions, they probably have a similar composition. Thus the idea that the int mt in this organism arise by elongation of kmt is supported. However, st mt apparently do not originate from an extension of preexistent int mt, but appear to represent a new set of stable mt. This is emphasized not only by their greater stability compared to the int mt but also by the distribution of cold-stable mt in late anaphase micronuclei. The ma mt may be an intermediary step in formation of st mt since their stability resembles that of the st mt. A comparison of the substructure of vinblastine-induced paracrystals in Nyctotherus with those observed in in vitro systems with known composition suggests that a turnover of MAPs may be responsible for the different stability of mt and thus could specify and regulate mt sensitivity and function. Another organelle, possibly involved in conferring stability to mt, is the nuclear membrane. The assumption that the nuclear envelope possesses an intrinsic property to nucleate mt and thus aid in the alignment of mt is supported.  相似文献   

Journal of Comparative Physiology B - Saturated fatty acids are implicated in the development of metabolic diseases, including obesity and type 2 diabetes. There is evidence, however, that...  相似文献   

Forer A  Pickett-Heaps JD  Spurck T 《Protoplasma》2008,232(3-4):137-141
Summary. We discuss models for production of tubulin flux in kinetochore microtubules. Current models concentrate solely on microtubules and their associated motors and enzymes. For example, in some models the driving force for flux is enzymes at the poles and the kinetochores; in others the driving force is motor molecules that are associated with a stationary spindle matrix. We present a different viewpoint, that microtubules are propelled poleward by forces arising from the spindle matrix, that the forces on the microtubules “activate” polymerising and depolymerising enzymes at kinetochores and poles, that matrix forces utilise actin, myosin, and microtubule motors, and that the matrix itself may not necessarily be static. Correspondence: A. Forer, Biology Department, York University, 4700 Keele Street, Toronto, ON M3J 1P3, Canada.  相似文献   

1. Mytilus pedal ganglion contains a small population of glial cells that are immunopositive for interleukin-1 alpha. Positively stained fibers can also be seen in the neuropil of these sections. 2. The marine worm Nereis diversicolor also exhibits positive neural immunostaining for interleukin-1 alpha. 3. Both organisms contain hemocytes that contain immunoactivity for interleukin-1 alpha. The study suggests interleukin-1 alpha to be an ancient cytokine given its presence in organisms that evolved significantly earlier than mammals.  相似文献   

Two giant neurons, d-RCDN (dorsal-right cerebral distinct neuron) and d-LCDN (dorsal left cerebral distinct neuron), with a diameter of about 100 microns, were found symmetrically on the dorsal surface of the cerebral ganglia of an African giant snail (Achatina fulica Férussac). They showed spontaneous spike discharges at a stable frequency. Two giant neurons, v-RCDN (ventral-right cerebral distinct neuron) and v-LCDN (ventral-left cerebral distinct neuron), (diameter, approx. 150 microns) were identified on the ventral surface of the same ganglia. No spontaneous spike discharges were evident. Both d-RCDN and d-LCDN were equally inhibited by dopamine, octopamine, 5-hydroxytryptamine and histamine. Acetylcholine sometimes showed inhibitory effects, but they were not so stable. No substance having excitatory effects on the neurons was found. Both v-RCDN and v-LCDN were equally excited by octopamine, 5-hydroxytryptamine, GABA and acetylcholine and inhibited by dopamine and beta-hydroxy-L-glutamic acid.  相似文献   

Highlights? α-TAT mutants have short microtubules and variable protofilament number ? α-tubulin K40 acetylation promotes interprotofilament salt bridges ? α-tubulin K40 acetylation is a key constraint on protofilament number in vivo  相似文献   

Thirteen synthetic biologically-active peptides, which were classified into the peptides proposed as neurotransmitters in mammals and invertebrates and neural venom peptides, were investigated for their effects on the following six identifiable giant neurons of an African giant snail (Achatina fulica Férussac): RAPN (right anterior pallial neuron), INN (intestinal nerve neuron), RPeNLN (right pedal nerve large neuron), LPeNLN (left pedal nerve large neuron), d-LPeLN (dorsal-left pedal large neuron) and d-LPeCN (dorsal-left pedal constantly firing neuron). Oxytocin and proctolin at 10(-4)M excited the RAPN membrane potential, whereas FMRFamide at the same concentration inhibited the same neuron. FMRFamide at 10(-4)M markedly inhibited the d-LPeLN membrane potential, sometimes produced inhibition of RPeNLN and LPeNLN, showed varied effects (excitatory or inhibitory) on INN, and had no effect on d-LPeCN. The other peptides examined had almost no effect on any of the neurons tested.  相似文献   

The refractory periods of an aggregate of simple “counter” neurons are assumed distributed according to some probability frequency. The output of the aggregate is computed for rectangular and triangular distributions. In particular, it is shown that the maximum output of an aggregate with any triangular distribution cannot exceed the maximum output of its average neuron by a factor greater than 2 ln 2. This puts an upper bound on the amount of departure from the behavior of the average neuron which an aggregate characterized by a certain type of distribution can show. Next, the aggregate is supposed to be subjected to regularly spaced stimuli. Under these conditions, a single neuron will give a discontinuous output curve. If, however, the refractory periods are distributed according to some frequency, the output curve may be “smoothed out.” A general condition on the distribution is derived which makes the output monotone increasing with the input. The condition is applied to some special cases.  相似文献   

Summary To date it has been accepted that preprophase bands of microtubules (PPBs) either do not precede cell division or do so inconsistently in suspension cultures, the assumption being that such cultures proliferate in an unorganized state in which placement of cell plates is not regulated by the PPB system that is widespread in organized tissues. Using indirect immunofluorescence microscopy with antitubulin, the relative frequency of occurrence of PPBs in enzymatically separated cells from root tips and suspension cultures of carrot and tobacco, was quantified by taking the ratio of the number of PPBs: phragmoplast. This ratio was termed the PPB index.One carrot suspension culture proliferated in a medium containing 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), and recognizable stages in somatic embryogenesis formed when 2,4-D was removed from the medium. Another carrot suspension culture was nonembryogenic and removal of 2,4-D resulted in a reduction of cell division and increase in cell elongation. The tobacco culture was a cytokinin habituated cell line and also required 2,4-D to maintain cell division. It ceased proliferation, and cell elongation took place if 2,4-D was removed.The PPB index in the root tips from both species, and in both types of carrot suspension culture was approximately the same but was approx. 15-fold lower in the tobacco suspension. PPBs in the tobacco suspension were atypical in structure as well as sparse in numbers. The PPB index allows quantitative comparisons between different tissues to be made. The low PPB index and the irregular PPBs in the tobacco suspension correlates with its inability to undergo organized morphogenesis and generate spatially defined cell lineages upon 2,4-D removal. In contrast, the high PPB index in the carrot suspension cultures correlates with their potential for organized embryo formation, whether or not that potential is realized by withdrawal of 2,4-D. However, their high PPB index is not obligatorily coupled to embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Oswald Kiermayer 《Planta》1968,83(3):223-236
Summary As an extension of earlier cytophysiological and morphological studies on differentiating cells of Micrasterias denticulata, a fine structural investigation of glutaraldehyde-osmium tetroxide fixed material has been made. Special emphasis has been placed on the distribution of cytoplasmic microtubules and on their possible role in the processes of growth and differentiation. Four distinct systems of microtubules were found: (a) a band in the cortical protoplasm of the isthmus region which surrounds the nucleus; (b) several bands in the cortical protoplasm of the old half cells, with rod-like cross bridges between individual microtubules and between the microtubules and the plasmalemma; (c) clusters of microtubules near the posttelophase nucleus, some separated by intertubular structures possibly fibrils; and (d) microtubules in the internal and cortical protoplasm of differentiating half cells.This work was supported by a National Science Foundation Senior Foreign Scientist Fellowship to Dr. Oswald Kiermayer,and by funds of Training Grant 5-T1-GM-707-06 to Dr. Keith R. Porter.  相似文献   

W. Herth 《Protoplasma》1982,112(1-2):17-25
Summary The chrysoflagellate algaPoterioochromonas bears two unequal flagella. There is a short naked one and a long flagellum with mastigonemes. Ultrastructural investigation reveals that the centralpair microtubules in both flagella have no fixed position with respect to the flagellar base and root system, or the mastigoneme rows in the long flagellum. The central-pair microtubules are twisted several times along the length of the flagellum. This might indicate active or passive rotation of the central-pair microtubules during flagellar beat.  相似文献   

1. Pharmacological characteristics of the two largest neurons, r-PLN (right-parietal large neuron) and d-VLN (dorsal-visceral large neuron), situated symmetrically on the anterior-dorsal surface in the suboesophageal ganglia of an African giant snail (Achatina fulica Férussac), were determined.2. Of the catecholamines examined, dopamine (DA) showed marked but complex effects on the two neurons. DA produced a transient excitation followed by either hyperpolarization or depolarization of the neuromembranes. L-Norepinephrine produced a slight depolarization of the neurons.3. 5-Hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) produced marked excitation of both neurons. Bufotenine showed the same effects, but they were weaker than those of 5-HT.4. Histamine showed inhibatory effects on the two neurons examined, whereas L-histidine had rather slight or no excitatory effects.5. Of the amino acids examined, L-homocysteic acid (L-HCA) and erythro-β-hydroxy-L-glutamic acid had marked excitatory effects on r-PLN and d-VLN. L-Homocysteine sulfinic acid also showed the excitatory effects, but they were weaker than those of L-HCA. Glycine and L-methionine had slight excitatory effects on both neurons, whereas L-aspartic acid, L-glutamic acid and GABA had none.6. Acetylcholine (ACh) exhibited marked and complex effects on r-PLN and d-VLN. In trials, ACh produced either excitation or inhibation of both neurons. Propionylcholine and butyrycholine had slightly less effect, producing a slight inhibation of r-PLN and either excitation or inhibation of d-VLN in trials.  相似文献   

Summary Small intensely fluorescent (SIF) cells appeared singly or, more frequently, in variably-sized clusters in the sacroccygeal 8th and 9th sympathetic ganglia of the bullfrog. Smaller clusters containing only two to nine SIF cells accounted for 61% of 1773 clusters examined. The largest cluster contained 283 cells. The number of cells in individual ganglia also varied from 21 to 3332. SIF cells, solitary as well as in smaller clusters, received no distinct form of the synaptic contact. In contrast, the cells in larger clusters were frequently innervated by nerve endings that were similar in vesicular constitution to the nerve endings on principal ganglion (PG) cells. No synaptic contact was found between SIF cells and PG cells. SIF cells were also characterized by their location in the vicinity of blood capillaries with a continuous endothelium. p]Our observation seems to suggest that larger clusters of SIF cells receiving nerve endings are linked to a paracrine and/or endocrine system. Chemical influence via the blood stream and intraganglionic milieu for non-innervated SIF cells in the solitary or smaller clusters is a subject for speculation. An interneuronal role of SIF cells to relay stimuli to PG cells seems unlikely. The possible functions here assigned to SIF cells could be variable in efficiency depending on their population and density.  相似文献   

Summary Previous pharmacological studies in co-culture systems have indicated, the presence of β-adrenoreceptors on intrinsic cardiac neurons of the guinea pig (Horackovaet al., 1993) but radiologand binding studies of tissue sections failed to provide a definite answer as to the presence of such receptors on cardiac neuronsin situ, due to the iodine-binding properties of cardiac nerve bundles and ganglia (Molenaaret al., 1992). We therefore addressed this question by immunohistochemistry, using antisera raised against synthetic peptides of the β2-adrenoreceptor. For comparison, cholinergic and catecholaminergic neurons were identified immunohistochemically by means of antibodies against the enzymes involved in the synthesis of acetylcholine (choline acetyltransferase), and of catecholamines (tyrosine hydroxylase). Virtually all intrinsic cardiac neurons contained both β2-adrenoreceptor- and choline acetyltransferase-immunoreactivities. In addition, some nerve fibre bundles exhibited β2-adrenoreceptor-immunoreactivity. Several ganglia were innervated by tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive axons, but the majority of ganglia did not receive tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive nerve terminals, and additional intraganglionic sources of catecholamine synthesis could not be identified. Thus, the results are in favour of β-adrenergic modulation of guinea pig cardiac ganglia by humorally and, partially, by locally released catecholamines.  相似文献   

The specific precursors for neurotransmitter pools of glutamate giving rise to GABA in GABAergic neurons and nerve endings have not been clearly established. Glutamate is the immediate precursor for the production of GABA and it is suggested that ornithine (from arginine) might be serving as one of the precursors of glutamate for the formation of neurotransmitter pool of GABA. Damage to GABAergic neurons in different regions of the brain in anoxia is well known. If arginine and ornithine act as precursors for GABA in GABAergic neurons, a decrease in the activities of arginase and ornithine--transferase (Orn-T) is possible in areas having the lesions involving the GABAergic neurons due to anoxia. Estimation of Orn-T and arginase in different regions of the brain of rats exposed to anoxia revealed such a possiblity.  相似文献   

Tang XL  Deng LB  Li GL  Liu SM  Lin JR  Xie JY  Liu J  Kong FJ  Liang SD 《遗传》2012,34(2):198-207
Diabetic neuropathy (DN) is defined as the presence of symptoms and/or signs of peripheral nerve dysfunction in people with diabetes. The aim of this study is to screen differentially expressed genes in peripheral ganglia in early stage type Ⅱ experimental diabetic rats. We compared gene expression profiles of peripheral ganglia in type Ⅱ diabetic and nondiabetic rats based on Illumina? Sentrix? BeadChip arrays. The results showed that 158 out of a total of 12 604 known genes were significantly differentially expressed, including 87 up-regulated and 71 down-regulated genes, in diabetic rats compared with those in the nondiabetic rats. It is noted that some up-regulated genes are involved in the biological processes of neuronal cytoskeleton and motor proteins. In contrast, the down-regulated genes are associated with the response to virus\biotic stimulus\ other organism in diabetic rats. Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) analysis revealed that the most significant pathway enriched in the changed gene set is metabolism (P < 0.001). These results indicated that metabolic changes in peripheral ganglia of diabetic rats could be induced by hyperglycemia. Hyperglycemia could change the expression of genes involved in neuronal cytoskeleton and motor proteins through immune inflammatory response, and then impair the structure and function of the peripheral ganglia.  相似文献   

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