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1. Emergence and inland dispersal of adult stoneflies (Plecoptera) and caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Broadstone Stream, an acidic and iron-rich stream in southern England, were studied over 10 months in 1996–1997. Fifteen pyramidal emergence traps were placed randomly in a 200-m stretch. Three Malaise traps were placed above the stream and six more on each side (one wooded, one open) along a transect at distances of 1, 15, 30, 45, 60 and 75 m from the channel. 2. More than 16 000 stoneflies, belonging to 11 species, and just under 400 caddisflies (22 species) were caught. Four dominant stoneflies (Leuctra fusca, Leuctra nigra, Leuctra hippopus and Nemurella pictetii) accounted for 96% and 95% of the catches in the emergence and Malaise traps, respectively. Two caddisflies (Plectrocnemia conspersa and Potamophylax cingulatus) accounted for 63% of the catch in the Malaise traps. Few caddisflies were taken in emergence traps. 3. The emergence periods of L. fusca, L. nigra and L. hippopus were well-defined and unimodal, whereas that of N. pictetii was prolonged and erratic. Overall, more females (1285) emerged than males (740). 4. Female stoneflies and caddisflies were in the majority in the Malaise traps above the stream. On land, significantly more females than males of L. fusca, L. nigra and P. cingulatus were caught. The sex ratio of the remaining species did not deviate significantly from 1:1. 5. The three Malaise traps placed above the stream caught most of the stoneflies though there was also dispersal away from the channel, the numbers caught declining with distance. Exponential models explained between 67% and 99% of the variation in numbers of individuals with distance from the channel in the four common stoneflies. Half the individuals went less than 11–16 m from the stream, while 90% travelled less than 51 m. Significantly more L. nigra and N. pictetii were caught in the woodland than on the open side, whereas L. hippopus showed no overall preference for either side.  相似文献   

The distribution of Atyoida pilipes (Newport, 1847) and Caridina weberi De Man, 1892 was studied at two spatial scales on Nuku-Hiva Island (Marquesas, French Polynesia). At the stream reach scale, the two species were present at 40 and 39 sites, respectively, out of a total of 49 sites sampled. These two taxa represented more than half of the invertebrates collected at 9 sites. There was no difference in distribution between the species at the reach scale. However, clear differences appeared between the two species at the microhabitat scale. A. pilipes was more abundant in lotic habitats, even waterfalls, while C. weberi was associated with accumulations of leaves in lentic habitats. A. pilipes, particularly males, were tolerant to parameters such as water velocity, leaves, and the presence of algae and rocks. C. weberi had a more restricted altitudinal distribution and were scarce upstream from large waterfalls. These differences were linked to differences in climbing ability rather than the effect of chemical parameters, such as oxygen content. Our results suggest that little competition for space or food resources occurs between the two species. Both are feeding on small detritus particles, but through differing mechanisms and in differing habitats.  相似文献   

The effect of 19 environmental variables on species richness of macrophytes was studied in 39 Slovak streams. The studied streams were poor in species; in total, 88 macrophyte taxa were found and the average number of macrophytes per sampling site was 4, ranging from 0 to15. The most frequently occurring macrophytes were filamentous algae (occurrence at 38.6% of sampling sites), followed by Rhynchostegium riparioides (28.4%) and Phalaris arundinacea (19.3%). The strongest environmental gradient in the sampling site detected by factor analysis (factor 1 explains more than 32% variability) is related to the portion of artificial banks, shading by woody vegetation along banks, flexuosity of stream course and the portion of natural land cover in the contact zone of the stream, and can be interpreted as a natural-anthropogenic gradient. The following variables had the highest correlations with species richness of macrophytes: shading by woody vegetation (r=?0.507), portions of artificial bank (r=0.488), flexuosity (r=?0.457) and distance from stream source (r=0.388).  相似文献   

Habitat degradation through agricultural land use is the major factor threatening lotic ecosystems. Although black flies are major components of these ecosystems, the impact of agricultural land use on species diversity and species assemblages has been largely ignored in tropical streams of the Oriental region. The objectives of this study are to examine patterns of species distribution and species richness and to compare black fly species richness and species assemblages in forest and agricultural streams in Thailand. A total of 143 collections were made from 70 stream sites between June 2007 and May 2008. Whereas 19 black fly species found in these collections were all found in forest sites, only 13 species were found in agricultural sites. High species richness was associated with larger, faster, and cooler streams with larger streambed particles and the presence of riparian trees. Logistic regression analyses revealed that stream size, velocity, and riparian vegetation are among the most important factors determining patterns of spatial distribution. The results are largely consistent with studies in other zoogeographic regions, suggesting the existence of general rules for black fly species distributions. Comparisons of the physicochemical conditions between forest and agricultural streams indicated that streams in agricultural areas are warmer, with higher conductivity and fewer riparian trees. Species richness was significantly higher in forest than in agricultural streams (t = 3.61, P < 0.001). Streams in forest areas were predominantly occupied by S. siamense (73%) but other species were also found at a relatively high frequency (>20%) of the sampling sites. In contrast, streams in agricultural areas were predominantly occupied by S. aureohirtum (>80%) among the sole black fly species at 27% of the sites. The results indicate that agricultural land use has a significantly detrimental impact on black fly diversity and species assemblages. Handling editor: D. Dudgeon  相似文献   

The abundance and taxonomic richness of adult caddisfly faunas were determined at varing distances (up to 200 m) away from three North Island, New Zealand, streams to help define appropriate forested riparian zone widths for adult aquatic insects. Adults were collected using sticky traps and ultraviolet light traps on four occasions over summer. Light traps were more effective at catching caddisflies than sticky traps, but both methods gave similar patterns of declining abundance and taxonomic richness with distance from the stream edge. Abundances of total caddisflies at 20 m were <21% of those caught at the stream edge for both trapping techniques. The same trends were evident for abundances of most common species in light traps, whereas bimodal peaks were evident with distance from the channel edge for percentage females of three common species. More than 30% of species caught at the stream edge was found in light traps at least 70 m into forest at all sites. A faster rate of decline for abundance than richness with distance away from the stream reflected the relatively large distances travelled by representatives of many species. Similar results from the three sites for numbers and species richness indicate that the main area of activity for adult Trichoptera in forested riparian zones was within 30 m of the stream edge at these sites.  相似文献   

The temporal occurrence and dispersal of stoneflies were investigated at a forest stream in the South Island, New Zealand. Although 12 species were taken in Malaise traps, only Spaniocerca zelandica and Cristaperla fimbria (Notonemouridae) were abundant. Adults of S. zelandica were present throughout the year and a wide range of different-sized nymphs, including very small individuals, was also found in all months. In contrast, the emergence period of C. fimbria was limited to about four months in summer and as nymphs are mainly hyporheic, few were taken in Surber samples. Malaise trapping on a 16 m long transect away from the stream and with more distantly located traps in forest and grassland resulted in a very high proportion of males and females of both species being caught within 1 m of the stream edge. Captured females of both species included immature, gravid, and spent individuals. Males and females of both species had almost identical diets dominated by sooty mould fungi, fungal spores, pollen and fine particulate organic matter. High proportions of them were also infected by the encysted larvae of a gordian worm (Nematomorpha) and may be important vectors in its life cycle.  相似文献   

Southern Mali mainly belongs to the Sudanian savanna bioclimatic zone, but forest patches showing botanical affinities with Guinean humid forest remain as gallery forests or ravine forests. To characterize the rodent diversity of this area and check for the presence of some species of Guinean affinities in this group, rodent assemblages were sampled in four regions of southern Mali, using trapping and observational data in forest and surrounding habitats. Twenty-four species were recorded, comprising a representative sample of the expected overall diversity in this group according to rarefaction curves. Praomys rostratus was the dominant species in the most humid, closed lowland forest. Praomys daltoni was also present in this habitat type, being all the more abundant as habitat degradation was apparent. It became the dominant species in ravine forest on rocky substrate where P. rostratus was completely absent. In Sudanian savanna habitats and in herbaceous and cultivated areas, Mastomys erythroleucus dominated a diverse rodent community. A few species were found that testified for Guinean affinities of the most humid forest patches, especially in the extreme southeast of the country (region of Sikasso). Rodent assemblages of the Bafing and Mts Mandingues areas, in the western part of the study area, showed the highest similarity, in relation with environmental characteristics of this region representing an extension of the Fouta Djallon plateau in Guinea. The results obtained highlight the high biodiversity value of this forest-savanna mosaic, and provide new arguments in favour of the preservation of West African forest patches and their surrounding habitats.  相似文献   

Forest fragments embedded within agricultural landscapes have the potential to provide a “forest reset effect” by mitigating agricultural effects on water quality, and acting as refugia and conservation reserves for aquatic species. We investigated the ability of forest fragments to reset agricultural effects using four catchments in the South Island, New Zealand. Two catchments were dominated by agricultural activities, but each had an isolated forest fragment in the lower valley, and two catchments had continuous riparian forest along the valley floor. Riffles sampled in continuous forest were generally deeper than those in agricultural and forest fragments, and not surprisingly streams in forest fragments and continuous forest received less light than those in agricultural land. All sites had circum-neutral pH, but both conductivity and temperature were significantly lower at continuous forest sites than agricultural and forest fragment sites. Taxonomic richness, Margalef’s index and numbers of Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera (EPT) taxa were significantly higher in continuous forest than at forest fragment sites, but overall invertebrate densities did not differ between fragments and continuous forest. Several taxa were abundant at agricultural and forest fragment sites, but absent or at low densities in continuous forest. They included the blackfly Austrosimulium spp. and two caddisflies Pycnocentrodes sp. and Hydrobiosis parumbripennis. Conversely, the mayflies Austroclima sp. and Coloburiscus humeralis and the blepharicerid Neocurupira chiltoni were either restricted to continuous forest, or abundant in continuous forest but rare in agricultural and forest fragments. An ordination of communities separated those in agricultural and continuous forest sites, but communities at forest fragment sites were clustered among the agricultural sites. In this study forest fragments of 5–7 ha, located in the lower reaches of the catchment did not mitigate the negative upstream effects of agriculture on stream functioning. Fragment size (or riparian forest length), riparian forest width and vegetation type, and fragment location in the catchment may have critical roles in enabling forest fragments to reset the negative impacts of agriculture. Determining these characteristics of fragments has important consequences for stream remediation.  相似文献   

1. Although many studies have focussed on the effects of catchment land use on lotic systems, the importance of broad (catchment) and fine (segment/reach) scale effects on stream assemblages remain poorly understood. 2. Nine biological metrics for macrophytes (498 sites), benthic macroinvertebrates (491) and fish (478) of lowland and mountain streams in four ecoregions of France and Germany were related to catchment and riparian buffer land use using partial Redundancy Analysis and Boosted Regression Trees (BRTs). 3. Lotic fauna was better correlated (mean max., r = 0.450) than flora (r = 0.277) to both scales of land use: the strongest correlations were noted for mountain streams. BRTs revealed strong non‐linear relationships between mountain assemblage metrics and land use. Correlations increased with increasing buffer lengths, suggesting the importance of near‐stream land use on biotic assemblages. 4. Several metrics changed markedly between 10–20% (mountain ecoregions) and 40–45% (lowland) of arable land use, irrespective of the buffer size. At mountain sites with >10% catchment arable land use, metric values differed between sites with <30% and sites with >30% forest in the near‐stream riparian area. 5. These findings support the role of riparian land use in catchment management; however, differences between mountain and lowland ecoregions support the need for ecoregion‐specific management.  相似文献   

We examined soil porewater concentrations of sulfate, alkalinity, phosphorus, nitrogen, and dissolved organic carbon and solid phase concentrations of pyrite in relation to mangrove species distributions along a 3.1-km-long transect that traversed a 47.1-km2 mangrove forest in the Dominican Republic. Iron, phosphorus, and sulfur dynamics are closely coupled to the activity of sulfate-reducing bacteria, the primary decomposers in anoxic soils of mangrove ecosystems. Patterns in the chemistry data suggested that sulfate reduction rates and storage of reduced sulfur were greater in the inland basin forest dominated by Laguncularia racemosa than the Rhizophora mangle dominated forest of the lower tidal region. The distribution of Laguncularia was significantly correlated with concentrations of total phosphorus (r= 0.99) and dissolved organic carbon (r= 0.86), alkalinity (r= 0.60), and the extent of sulfate depletion (r= 0.77) in the soil porewater and soil pyrite concentrations (r= 0.72) across the tidal gradient. Leaf tissue chemistry of Laguncularia was characterized by lower C:N and C:P ratios that could fuel the higher rates of decomposition in the Laguncularia-dominated forest. We suggest that a plant-soil-microbial feedback contributes to the spatial patterning of vegetation and soil variables across the intertidal zone of many mangrove forest communities. Received: 28 May 1997 / Accepted: 23 January 1998  相似文献   

Theoretical models suggest that environmental variability can promote biodiversity, both in terms of richness and evenness of species. These findings have been supported experimentally in simplified communities with simplified regimes of environmental variability. Here we test the importance of environmental variability in a more natural setting by comparing the composition of benthic algal communities along a natural gradient of environmental variability created by internal waves in an elongated lake basin. Algal communities were grown on tiles at five upwind and five downwind sites in the lower littoral zone of South Arm, in Lake Opeongo, Ontario, Canada. Upwind sites were 1°C colder, on average, than downwind sites and had more variable water temperatures. The ranges of mean water temperatures and of water temperature variability were greater among upwind sites than among downwind sites. We used water temperature variability as a proxy for environmental variability. Total algal biovolume was similar at all sites, but the composition of these communities varied systematically with temperature variability. An observed shift in the relative dominance between Achnanthidium minutissimum, Surirella sp. and Pinnularia spp. is consistent with what we know about these species. Diatom richness increased from 12 to 15 genera with increasing variability at upwind (p=0.10, r2=0.65) and downwind sites (p=0.11, r2=0.63). Community evenness also increased with increasing variability (p=0.03, r2=0.82 at upwind sites; p=0.0002, r2=0.99 at downwind sites). These relationships were observed despite low nutrient and light availability, as well as the presence of grazers. Furthermore, environmental variability affected diatom communities in the presence of several competing factors (temperature, light, nutrients and disturbance). Our results suggest that increased environmental variability can lead to higher biodiversity in a complex natural system.  相似文献   

Mount (Mt) Elgon forest in western Kenya is important for biodiversity, environmental protection and socio‐economic development. Characterizing forest conditions is essential for evaluation of sustainable management and conservation activities. This paper covers findings of a study which determined and analysed indicators useful in monitoring disturbance levels in the Mt Elgon Forest. A systematic survey was carried out and covered 305 plots of 0.02 ha and 250 smaller nested regeneration plots along 10 belt transects that were distributed in five blocks within the moist lower montane forest type. Collected and analysed data include types of disturbance, tree species composition, abundance and logged species. Correlation breakdown among disturbance types revealed that, paths were indicators of the number of tree harvesting sites (rs =1.00, P < 0.01) and of de‐vegetated areas through grass harvesting (rs = 0.90, P = 0.04). Solanum mauritianum Scop. was an indicator of old‐charcoal production sites. Logging targeted 13 tree species and harvested trees with diameter at breast height above 20 cm. The most exploited species were Olea capensis L. and Deinbolia kilimandscharica Taub. All exploited species had low regeneration but tree regeneration was not an effective indicator of logging.  相似文献   

This study determined the relative influences of environmental variation versus spatial autocorrelation on benthic macroinvertebrate community composition of temperate headwater streams. We enumerated fauna in riffle zones of 23 separate (i.e., not tributaries to each other) but closely grouped from first- to third-order woodland streams surrounding Zoar Valley Canyon, western New York State, USA, during spring, summer, and fall of 2006. Watershed geomorphology (stream order, catchment area, and forest cover) and semi-quantitative habitat characteristics, the latter of which were incorporated into a Qualitative Habitat Evaluation Index (QHEI), were also recorded for each stream. Non-metric Multidimensional Scaling (NMDS) ordination was used to establish patterns of biotic similarity among these streams. Matrices of biological and environmental Euclidean distances were constructed for all between-stream pairings. Additionally, a between-stream spatial matrix was constructed based on global position system coordinates of sampling sites. Non-significant partial Mantel coefficients indicated that biological distances were uncorrelated with spatial distances both among all 23 study streams and among 12 first-order streams only. In contrast, biological distances were positively correlated with environmental distances (r M = 0.375 and 0.289 for all streams and for first-order streams only, respectively; P values < 0.05). Environmental and spatial distances were uncorrelated (partial Mantel P values > 0.05), indicating that the measured environmental characteristics were not spatially structured. Each of the geomorphological and habitat variables was statistically associated with NMDS community composition axes (stepwise multiple regression, one-factor MANOVA). These results suggest that environmental filters and niche-based species sorting may operate here between separate streams, and that study sites appear to be effectively insular in their biota despite close physical proximity. Handling editor: Sonja Stendera  相似文献   

The spatial and temporal distributions of scoliid wasps in the coastal sand dunes at Hakoishi, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan, were investigated using three different sampling methods in 2002 and 2003. Of eight scoliid species collected in the present study, five species, Scolia historionica, Campsomeriella annulata, Scolia decorata, Scolia oculata, and Megacampsomeris schulthessi, were dominant. The flying insects caught by Malaise traps and flower‐visiting insects caught by insect nets were mostly males, and this biased pattern was due to the active mate‐searching behavior of male wasps and their frequent visits to flowers to supplement energy consumed by such behavior. Given that the ground traps caught females exclusively, female wasps seemed to actively engage in host‐searching behavior on and below the ground. Of the wasps caught by Malaise traps and flower‐visit sampling, five dominant species showed spatially different habitat use: S. historionica and C. annulata mainly occupied the grassland zone on the plain (Gp), S. decorata occupied the grassland zone on the terrace (Gt) and the forest zone (Fp), S. oculata occupied the small scrub zone on the plain (Sp), and M. schulthessi occupied the small scrub zone on the terrace (St). Ground trap samples also indicated that S. historionica and C. annulata shared habitats. On the basis of the observed seasonal changes in wasp abundance and the degree of wing wear as an index of wasp age, S. historionica and C. annulata are thought to be bivoltine species, whereas S. decorata, S. oculata, and M. schulthessi are thought to be univoltine species. These scoliid wasp species may play an important role in pollinating coastal plants in the grassland zone.  相似文献   

Up to 30 species of fish were generally found in medium-sized rainforest streams in Sabah, Malaysia. However, depauperate fish communities were found in two streams above large (>8 m) waterfalls (five and nine species) and in two very small streams located in deep forest (five and six species). A fifth stream with small cascades and waterfalls had a faunal list of 12 species. Species resident above waterfalls were predominantly herbivores while fishes in the two forest streams were from a variety of trophic groups. Abundance and biomass of fishes above waterfalls were significantly lower than all other sites. A translocation experiment was performed in one stream to distinguish between the hypotheses that fish communities above waterfalls were determined solely by colonization ability and were unsaturated with species or that they were limited by habitat quality or food. Seven species (775 individuals) were trans located into one isolated section and four species (570 individuals) into another. Species that were trans located included trophic groups that were not represented by resident species. Twelve months after translocation, only four and one trans located species were collected in the two sections, all at greatly reduced densities. After 20 months, the number of species were three and two, respectively. One trans located species, Rasbora sumatrana , had increased in abundance from 12 months and juveniles were present in the population. Individuals of other trans located species appeared to be remnants of stocked populations. Abundance and biomass of resident species fluctuated widely between years. Interpretation of results was complicated by a large flood which substantially changed habitat conditions about a month after translocations were performed. It is suggested that two different factors were responsible for depauperate communities: movement barriers for waterfall sites and physicochemical conditions and/or habitat availability at other sites.  相似文献   

Dispersal of adult Trichoptera at a Danish forest brook   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
  • 1 The dispersal of adult Trichoptera at the small Danish forest brook, Stamperenden, was studied from 10 May to 6 October 1990 using Malaise traps placed across the brook, parallel to the brook at distances of 2, 20 and 40m, and perpendicular to it at a distance of 1–3m.
  • 2 Of the total of 4175 specimens caught, lotic species breeding in Stamperenden accounted for 95.6%. The dominant species were Agapetus fuscipes, Lype reducta, Plectrocnemia conspersa, Potamophylax nigricornis and Silo pallipes.
  • 3 The sex ratios in the catches of most species were uneven. Agapetus fuscipes males were in excess, probably because males fly more frequently than females.
  • 4 The dominant species flew predominantly above the surface of the brook. Whereas both sexes of A. fuscipes, L. reducta and S. pallipes were rarely found even as little as 20–40m from the brook, the dispersal range of P. conspersa was much wider.
  • 5 The implications of low dispersal for the biological recovery of damaged but subsequently restored streams and stream catchments are discussed. It is concluded that complete biological recovery may be a process requiring decades unless the original aquatic fauna is re-established artificially.

Predation is a key determinant of prey community structure, but few studies have measured the effect of multiple predators on a highly diverse prey community. In this study, we asked whether the abundance, species richness, and species composition of a species‐rich assemblage of termites in an Amazonian rain forest is more strongly associated with the density of predatory ants or with measures of vegetation, and soil texture and chemistry. We sampled termite assemblages with standardized hand‐collecting in 30 transects arranged in a 5 km × 6 km grid in a terra firme Amazonian rain forest. For each transect, we also measured vegetation structure, soil texture, and soil phosphorus, and estimated the density of predatory ants from baits, pitfall traps, and Winkler samples. Seventy‐nine termite species were recorded, and the total density of predatory ants was the strongest single predictor of local termite abundance (r = ?0.66) and termite species richness (r = ?0.44). In contrast, termite abundance and species richness were not strongly correlated with edaphic conditions (¦r¦ < 0.01), or with the density of non‐predatory ants (rabund = ?0.27; rs = ?0.06). Termite species composition was correlated with soil phosphorus content (r = 0.79), clay content (r = ?0.75), and tree density (r = ?0.42). Assemblage patterns were consistent with the hypothesis that ants collectively behaved as generalist predators, reducing total termite abundance, and species richness. There was no evidence that ants behaved as keystone predators, or that any single termite species benefited from the reduction in the abundance of potential competitors.  相似文献   

1. Flight activity of Trichoptera, Plecoptera and Ephemeroptera was studied by sticky trapping for 12 months at five sites along a New Zealand mountain stream. Over 19 000 insects were captured by the traps, which were located in forest and grassland reaches, including a reach with intermittent flow.
2. Most species occurred predominantly in forest or grassland, although some were trapped throughout the stream. Longitudinal distributions of adults and their larvae were strongly correlated.
3. Flight periods of 24 caddisflies, three mayflies and four stoneflies ranged from 2 to 12 months. Six species were trapped in all months and 17 (55%) in more than 5 months.
4. The most abundant forest-dwelling caddisfly species were over-represented on the downstream sides of sticky traps located in, and immediately below, forest indicating a majority was flying upstream. Upstream flight compensates for downstream drift of larvae and should maximize the likelihood that forest-dwelling species will locate preferred habitat for egg, larval and/or adult development. Unlike the caddisflies, the stonefly Spaniocerca zelandica was over-represented on the upstream sides of traps, suggesting that some adults may float or fly downstream following emergence.
5. In contrast to forest-dwelling species, only one common caddisfly ( Oxyethira albiceps ) was over-represented on the downstream sides of traps at grassland sites. Unlike the forest-dwelling species, most species taken at the downstream sites probably came from a variety of sources, including a nearby stream.  相似文献   

The lotic communities in Øvre Heimdalen were completely dominated by insects. The species distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera), mayflies (Ephemeroptera) and caddisflies (Trichoptera) is given together with autecological notes on the Plecoptera and certain other major species. The species distribution of these groups, especially the Plecoptera, was clearly related to the deciduous vegetation along the streams. There was a reduction in species parallel to a reduction in Salix vegetation.
The main inlet stream to the lake, Øvre Heimdalsvatn, the outlet and the outlet stream had different faunal compositions. The inlet fauna consisted to a large extent of winter growing species, mainly detritus feeders, while the outlet and outlet stream had a fauna dominated by summer growing species, several of which were filter feeders.  相似文献   

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