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Several specimens of the genus Ascocystites (Blastozoa, Eocrinoidea) are described for the first time in Late Ordovician deposits (Bou M’Haoud Formation) from the Ougarta Range, Algeria. This genus was previously known in Darriwilian–Sandbian deposits of four other areas of the Mediterranean Province (Czech Republic, France, Morocco and Portugal). The Algerian material completes its palaeobiogeographic distribution in the peri-Gondwanan area, restricted in shallow water settings.  相似文献   

Jean Chauvel  Joel Nion 《Geobios》1977,10(1):35-49
Two specific genera of Bohemian Llanvirn(Sarka Formation), Reticulocarpos and Lagynocystis have been recognized in Traveusot, le Pissot and Pierre Melière Formations (Llanvirn and Llandeilo of the Armorican Massif). Though three species are new (R. pissotensis, R. sp., Lagynocystis sp.) this discovery once more underlines the relationships between Bohemia and Armorican Massif during this period.  相似文献   

Middle Ordovician formations of the Anti-Atlas ranges of southern Morocco provided a diverse record of trilobites, molluscs, echinoderms, brachiopods, graptolites and micro- and ichnofossils from about 180 fossil localities. These were mainly found during the national geological mapping to the 1:200.000 scale, and most of them remained unreferenced until now. The lithostratigraphic position of all fossil localities is briefly studied showing, in some cases, noteworthy discrepances with previous works. Besides this stratigraphical reappraisal, a review of the fossil record for each formation and locality is done, together with a taxonomical update. From a chronostratigraphical point of view, the whole sucession constituted by the Tachilla Formation and First Bani Group formations are here referred to the Mediterranean regional scale. The Oretanian-Dobrotivian and Dobrotivian-Berounian boundaries are located respectively in the Bou-Zeroual Formation and at the top of the Izegguirene Formation. The transition between the lower and upper Oretanian is provisionally established in the upper third of the Tachilla Formation, and those between the lower and upper Dobrotivian at the base or in the lower part of the Ouine-Inirne Formation. A general correlation with the global standard and British regional scales is also suggested for the Middle Ordovician of the Moroccan Anti-Atlas. The basal limit of the Upper Ordovician series probably lies within the lower part of the Izegguirene Formation. Paleobiogeographical data confirm the interest of this area as an important diversification center for many Mediterranean faunas that underwent remarkable dispersal in northern Gondwanan shelves.  相似文献   

A re-examination of the trilobite Baniaspis globosa Destombes (Phacopina) from the Ashgill of the Anti-Atlas (Morocco) shows that it has several derived characters which allow us to classify it in the family Calmoniidae. Calmoniids were characteristic members of the Malvino-Kaffric province during the Lower Devonian. Hence we regard the origins of this palaeogeographic province as located on the northern Gondwanan margin as early as Ashgill, or even Caradoc, times. We agree with those authors who have suggested that the trilobite associations present in the Anti-Atlas, the Montagne Noire (France) and Bohemia during the earlier Ordovician argue against the existence of a 'proto-Tethys' ocean.  相似文献   

During the Llandeilo, the sandy lithological units which develop locally in the Armorican Massif, Spain and Morocco, are all characterized by similar trilobite associations in which endobenthic homalonotids. well adapted to shallow water and sandy substrate, are predominant. During the Llandeilo, on the northern Gondwanan margin, the wide geographical distribution of most of the trilobites, controlled by environmental factors, shows that the existence of a 'Proto-Tethys' ocean is unlikely. □ North Gondwana, Trilobita, Homalonotidae, Ordovician, Llandeilo. palaeoenvironment.  相似文献   

P. Bultynck  P. Morzadec 《Geobios》1979,12(5):675-685
In the Reun ar C'Hrank section (Rade de Brest), the Conodonts from just above the base of the Beg an Arreun Formation of the Troaon Group in the Armorican Massif indicate the Polygnathus laticostatus Zone, which belongs to the highest Zlichvian and the base of the Dalejan. Species of Icriodus from the same beds indicate a correlation with the lower and middle part of the Hierges Formation, which represents the Upper Emsian in the Ardennes. Conodonts from Le Fret Formation are tentatively assigned an Upper Emsian/Dalejan age.  相似文献   

Multiplicatispirifer, a new delthyridoid brachiopod genus with a gently divergent capillate micro-ornamentation and bifurcating costae on flanks, sulcus and fold, has been identified in the Mdâouer-el-Kbîr Formation of the Dra Valley (southern Anti-Atlas, Morocco). Its type speciesMultiplicatispirifer foumzguidensis n. gen., n. sp., at present the only species of this genus, is described. This form has hitherto been determined asFimbrispirifer orStruveina by various authors. In this work, the new genus is compared with the multiplicate and capillate spiriferid genera with bifurcating costae which also have costae in the sulcus and on the fold:Costispirifer andPerryspirifer from North America,Elymospirifer from South China,Borealispirifer from Asia andMultispirifer from Central Europe. The relation ofMultiplicatispirifer to the fimbriateFimbrispirifer, Struveina andVandercammenina, from which it is distinguished by its capillate micro-ornamentation, is discussed. The new genus is hitherto only known from the Moroccan southern Anti-Atlas. Its colsest relatives, taxa ofCostispirifer, occur in the Eastern American Realm (Gaspé, Canada and the eastern United States) and the Nevada Province (western United States).Multiplicatispirifer occurrences are restricted to the Lower/Upper Emsian boundary interval (upper Lower Devonian). The reasons for a possible migration corridor between North America and North Africa before Emsian time are discussed.  相似文献   

In the Alnif region of the Eastern Atlas (Morocco), seven fossiliferous horizons within the Lower-Ktaoua and Upper-Tiouririne formations (Ktaoua Group), as well as in the glaciomarine microconglomeratic shales of the Upper Formation of the Second-Bani Group have yielded biostratigraphically significant brachiopods and other taxa, such as trilobites and echinoderms. Several brachiopod species with short stratigraphic ranges, well-known in south-western Europe, allow a precise chronostratigraphic control of a succession that displays important lateral lithological and facies changes, when compared with the type sections in the Central Anti-Atlas. They have also permitted a better consensus between the macrofauna-determined age and that based on micropaleontological analyses. For the first time, the occurrence of a Hirnantia Fauna within the microconglomeratic shales of the Upper Formation of the Second Bani Group is reported. The biostratigraphic conclusions restrict the age of the Latest Ordovician glaciation to the early Hirnantian.  相似文献   

A new species of DionideBarrande, Dionide mareki nov. sp., is described from siltstones of Llandeilo age in the Armorican Massif and north Portugal. The known geographical distribution of this species presents new evidence for the strong palaeobiogeographical relationship, during the Llandeilo, between the Valongo district (near Porto) and the Martigné-Ferchaud and Saint-Julien-de-Vouvantes synclinoriums south of Rennes.  相似文献   

Two stylophoran carpoids from the Lower Ordovician (Arenig) of the Montagne Noire (France) are described. One of them,Nanocarpus dolambii n. g., n. sp., is a cornute which shares many features withAmygdalotheca griffei, Reticulocarpos hanusi andProkopicystis mergli; it is mainly characterized by its very small size, the shortness of its aulacophore, and the presence of non-plated integuments on both faces of the theca. The other one is a mitrate very close to, if not identical with,Lagynocystis pyramidalis from the Llanvirn of Bohemia and the Llanvirn-Llandeilo of the Armorican Massive (France).  相似文献   

The acritarch genus Coryphidium Vavrdová, 1972 is one of the most frequently recorded acritarch taxa in the Ordovician. The original diagnoses, stratigraphical ranges and geographical distribution of all Coryphidium species are critically evaluated in a review of published literature supplemented by studies of material from the British Isles, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Germany, Spain, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya and China, including sections from type areas. The taxonomic concept of the genus is here rationalized: the genus Coryphidium is emended and the informal category of coryphid acritarchs is introduced to include all morphotypes with the characteristic vesicle shape of the two genera Coryphidium and Vavrdovella Loeblich and Tappan, 1976. Nine of the previously described species can be attributed to the genus, and two other species possibly belong to it. The attribution to Coryphidium of the species C. sichuanense Wang and Chen, 1987 is rejected here. Intraspecific variability is very important and the attribution of Coryphidium specimens at the specific level is sometimes difficult. The genus is found in all palaeoenvironments from nearshore to offshore settings and apparently does not occupy specific palaeoecological niches. Coryphidium is very useful biostratigraphically and palaeobiogeographically. The review indicates that the genus first appears in the uppermost Tremadocian Araneograptus murrayi graptolite Biozone and is common through the upper Lower Ordovician and the Middle Ordovician, while Upper Ordovician occurrences might be the result of reworking. Palaeogeographically, Coryphidium is an indicator of the peri-Gondwanan acritarch “palaeoprovince” during the Early/Middle Ordovician.  相似文献   

Orthoconic cephalopods from the Ordovician Katkoyeh Formation at Banestan, Kerman Province, Iran, comprise a single species named as Sactorthoceras banestanensis Evans nov. sp. Associated faunas suggest close palaeobiogeographical linkage with other regions of north peri-Gondwana, notably Morocco and Bohemia (Perunica), while Sactorthoceras itself is also indicative of relationships with Baltica and the Sino-Korean Plate.  相似文献   

Cluster analyses and non-metric multidimensional scaling of ammonoid assemblages from six successive Early Carboniferous time intervals (two Tournaisian, Viséan, and Serpukhovian) show that increasing provincialism is the main biogeographic trend through the period. While the assemblages from the Tournaisian to the early Late Viséan are globally similar in the tropical occurrences, dissimilarities appear in the middle Late Viséan and become pronounced in the latest Viséan, Pendleian, and Arnsbergian. From the latest Viséan, two major biogeographic realms are recognisable. A north-western realm consists of the four North Variscan regions (Rhenish Mountains, North England, South Portugal, and Moroccan Meseta) as well as the American Midcontinent and the Antler Foreland Basin. The second realm includes the South Urals, which is the most diverse region and thus has an isolated position, as well as the Jadar Block of Serbia, the Cantabrian Mountains of Spain, the Anti-Atlas of Morocco, and the Saoura Valley of Algeria.  相似文献   

Thirty three species of Chitinozoans are recorded inthe Upper Ktaoua and in the Lower Deuxième Bani Formations (Anti-Atlas, Morocco). These two lithological units have been refered to the upper part of the Ashgill Series on Trilobite, Brachiopod and Echinoderm evidence. This age assignment is well supported by the present study of the Chitinozoans. Strong affinities with North american Chitinozoan assemblages (Anticosti Island, Québec; Oklahoma, U.S.A.) are pointed out. The Upper Ktaoua Formation can be correlated with part of the Vaureal Formation (Richmodian of Quebec); the Lower Deuxième Bani Formation seems to be of the same age as the lower part of the Ellis-Bay Formation (Gamachian of Quebec).  相似文献   

A small fauna of phosphatic plates of the enigmatic organism Eurytholia bohemica [Ferretti A., Serpagli E., ?torch P., 2006. Problematic phosphatic plates from the Silurian-Early Devonian of Bohemia, Czech Republic. Journal of Paleontology 80 1026–1031.], is described for the first time from upper Silurian beds of Austria. Other known Silurian occurrences of this taxon were restricted to Bohemian localities even if the genus had been previously reported from several Ordovician outcrops. The extension of E. bohemica from the microcontinent of Perunica to that of Carnica suggests that Eurytholia was not an uncommon constituent of Silurian fauna, at least at intermediate latitudes in the southern hemisphere.  相似文献   

The study of genus LeptaenopyxisHavlicek, 1963 in the Lower Devonian from Armorican Massif allows to recognize four species: Leptaenopyxis kerfornei n. sp., Leptaenopyxis cf. bouei (Barrande), Leptaenopyxis sp. 1 and Leptaenopyxis sp. 2. These species were described, until now, under specific name boueiBarrande, 1848. From this study it follows some biostratigraphical and palaeobiogeographical results for the Armorican Massif and its relations with surrounding areas during Lower Devonian time.  相似文献   

Seven taxa of gastropods are described from the Ordovician (Caradoc) upper Katkoyeh Formation of the Kerman region, east-central Iran. Three are named species and four are under open nomenclature. The most abundant is the minute bellerophontiform Tritonophon peeli Horný, 1977, indicative of a shallow water plectonotid community. Shell material is not preserved in this species, but a small, simple bulbous protoconch is present. Two new species are Slehoferia pachyta and Nonorios kleistos, both with prominent thick-shelled conchs. Shell repair is documented in both of these forms, interpreted as a result of failed predation. Other micromorphic species occur in the samples, but only Tropidodiscus sp. and Nonorios? sp. are named. The Kerman assemblage is comparable directly with similar, closely coeval faunas in Bohemia, France, Portugal, Morocco, and Italy, corresponding with the Palaeozoic Mediterranean Province of northern peri-Gondwana.  相似文献   

The carbonate sediments of the Agadir Basin (Morocco) deposited during the Upper Bathonian-Lower Kimmeridgian p.p. interval are rich in agglutinated complex benthic foraminifera. The detailed inventory of several field-sections allows to identify and to describe these benthonic foraminifera, some of them being recorded for the first time in Morocco. They belong to the main genera Archaeosepta, Andersenolina, Praekurnubia, Pseudocyclammina, Everticyclammina, Alveosepta, Kurnubia, Parurgonina, Neokilianina, Labyrinthina and Rectocyclammina. The stratigraphic and paleobiogeographic distribution of these foraminifera seem to be related to the geodynamic events occurring on the Moroccan Atlantic margin during this time-interval. The stratigraphic distribution of the principal species is generally controlled by the occurrence of ammonites, brachiopods and of some foraminifera which are considered as good stratigraphic markers.  相似文献   

The study of Chonetacean Brachiopods from Cantabrian Mountains allows to recognize several new taxa restricted to this area. A new genus and seven species of which six are new, are described in this paper; their vertical distribution is from Gedinnian to Upper Givetian: Chonetes bediae n. sp., Chonetes? kerforneiRenaud, 1942, Plebejochonetes coliensis n. sp., Plebejochonetes moniellensis n. sp., Luanquella cantabriensis n. g., n. sp., Plicanoplia sotoi n. sp. et Longispina truyolsi. n. sp. The species kerfornei, from the Middle Devonian of Armorican Massif is cited here for the first time from Spain.  相似文献   

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