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Eight new species of the family Cytheridae have been identified in the Upper Miocene deposits of the Turiec Basin (Slovakia), a small isolated intermountain depression. Six species are new - Euxinocythere aphroditae, E. delicata, E. lactea, E. minuscula, E. quadricostata, E. satyrica - and two are kept in open nomenclature. Their attribution to the genus Euxinocythere is based on arrangement of the hinge elements and of anterior marginal zone. This genus is known from brackish ostracod assemblages of the Paratethys and the Eastern Mediterranean while the species from the Turiec Basin are associated to fresh-water assemblages. The Euxinocythere have been found in littoral as well in deep limnic environment.  相似文献   

The lion's share of articles dealing with the thumb anatomy of Plio-Pleistocene hominids has focussed on the capacity to manipulate and manufacture tools, and has largely neglected the locomotor aspects. However, in these hominids, the forelimb was still employed in locomotion. Certain of the anatomical characters classically associated with manipulation and/or fabrication of tools are already present in the Late Miocene species Orrorin tugenensis as shown by the terminal thumb phalanx BAR 1901'01. This specimen reveals crucial information suggesting that thumb morphology is not exclusively related to such tool using and manufacturing activities but reflects in a frequently bipedal creature a deeper adaptation concerning the precision grip essential for climbing and balancing, different from that of apes.  相似文献   

The large mammals from travertine deposits in the Denizli basin include the following species: Archidiskodon meridionalis meridionalis, Equus cf. altidens s. l., E. cf. apolloniensis, Stephanorhinus cf. etruscus, Metacervoceros rhenanus, Cervalces (Libralces) ex gr. minor-gallicus, Palaeotragus sp., Bovinae gen. and sp. indet. This association resembles those from the late Villafranchian of Southern and Eastern Europe, and, to some extent, fromWestern Asia, and could be older than 1.2 Ma.  相似文献   

Twelve species of the family Cyprididae were found in the Upper Miocene of the Turiec Basin, of which three are new - Herpetocypris denticulata nov. sp., H. pusilla nov. sp. et Psychrodromus janzi nov. sp. The occurrence of Mediocypris suggests that ostracods occupied the Turiec Basin since the Middle Miocene. The psychrophilic genera (Psychrodromus and Cavernocypris) provide evidence of cold springs around the lake. In the sediments studied, the Cyprididae are associated with other ostracods that characterise shallow aquatic habitats and a diverse community of both aquatic and terrestrial plants. The sexual paleo-populations of Heterocypris salina (Brady, 1868), Herpetocypris pusilla nov. sp. and Psychrodromus janzi nov. sp. are observed.  相似文献   

The Candona clivosa-group, a new group of Candoninae - is erected on the base of the folded inner lamella observed on the postero-ventral border of the female valve. The elongated sub-triangular and rectangular valves of this group are described from the Miocene and Quaternary deposits of Europe. A folded inner lamella is also observed in 11 species of Candona from the Upper Miocene of the Turiec Basin of which 8 are new - Candona fatrica nov. sp., C. tatrica nov. sp., C. lacustris nov. sp., C. palustris nov. sp., C. stagnosa nov. sp., C. laterisimilis nov. sp., C. jiriceki nov. sp. and C. incurva nov. sp. They show a higher variability of the outline, calcification of the valves and width of the zone of concrescence. The extrinsic and intrinsic aspects of this morphological diversification in the Turiec Basin are discussed.  相似文献   

The trapezoidal Candoninae from the Turiec Basin in Slovakia referred to the Candona sitari- and to C. aculeata-groups have characters that contrast with the valves of the Recent central European Candonines. The particularities concern the degree of calcification, the zone of concrescence, the overlap, and the presence of protuberances, the dorsum and the tubercles. Within the sitari-group, these characters evolve simultaneously with rapid evolution of the valve outline from subtrapezoidal to trapezoidal in shape. The species of this group acquire valve contours similar to those of the trapezoidal Candoninae of the Lake Pannon and the recent fauna of the long-lived lakes. The trapezoidal Candoninae of the Turiec Basin are associated with candonines that have triangular and rectangular carapaces with a pointed posteroventral margin. These three morphotypes indicate relatively stable habitats with weak environmental fluctuations. The trapezoidal species are rare in the littoral facies in both the north and the marginal areas of the Turiec Basin, but very abundant in the centre and south of the Basin. They probably lived in a profundal environment and their evolution probably occurred in relation to both sexual reproduction and a benthonic mode of life. The two groups comprise 18 species, of which 15 are described as new.  相似文献   

We describe sciurids from Lower and Middle Miocene karstic sites located in the south of France. Four new taxa are recognized here: Atlantoxerus martini nov. sp., Atlantoxerus sp. 1, Freudenthalia cuencae nov. sp. and Aragoxerus nov. sp. The last two genera are recognized for the first time in the south of France. A comparison with the Iberian peninsula is carried out, it tackles the problems of diversity, phylogeny and settlement. Hypothesis concerning the predation of these terrestrial squirrels and paleoenvironment is proposed.  相似文献   

The Upper Pleistocene/Lower Holocene fossil-bearing sites of the Serra da Capivara National Park Region have yielded three cervid species: Mazama gouazoubira, M. americana and Blastocerus dichotomus, all currently living in South America, the two first in the region. A grand total of more than one hundred remains demonstrates the presence of Mazama gouazoubira in seven sites, mainly the Toca das Moendas, the Toca do Serrote do Artur, the Toca da Cima dos Pilão. This small species shows, since the Upper Pleistocene, a conspicuous tendency to reduce the average dimensions of its teeth and long bones. From the taller M. americana, only a dozen of remains were found in four sites, mainly the Sitio do Meio. In all of these it is sympatric with M. gouazoubira. It differs from this last one by its cheek teeth and its limb bones size and proportions. The oldest site where the species is known is Tarija (Bolivia, Middle Pleistocene) and it does not show any significant changes in size and proportions between recent and fossil samples. Sixteen remains of the large B. dichotomus were found in five sites, mainly the Toca das Moendas and the Toca da Barra do Antonião. The species is a rare fossil, but is frequently figured in the rock art painting of the region, where it is presently unknown.  相似文献   

Ostracodes populations have been studied in 19 samples from the upper Neogene of the Atlantic coast of NW of Morocco, between Tangier and Asilah. One hundred and two species belonging to 53 genera have been indentified. Analysis of the species assemblages allowed to reconstruct the palaeoenvironmental evolution of these deposits. This begins with the transgression of the upper Tortonian which corresponds to a relatively deep circalittoral environment. The series continues by deposits showing a general regressive character, punctuated by few transgressives pulses. Shallowing starts at the end of the upper Tortonian with the deposition of calcarenites in massive banks, in an infralittoral exposed environment. This facies pass towards the top to a detrital facies, assigned to the Messinian and deposited under high energy conditions in a shallow-marine environment. The lower Pliocene transgression shows a more generalized character. The maximum deepening corresponds to the grey clay facies deposited in the external infralittoral environment, relatively protected and rich in phytal biotopes. The more recent deposits are shallower, from coastal environments, and show a more limited extension.  相似文献   

The Late Pleistocene hominin fossil assemblage from Liujiang, South China include a fairly well-preserved cranium, a right os coxa, a complete sacrum, and other postcranial elements all belonging to a single individual. This rare discovery offers us a unique and singular opportunity in understanding this Late Pleistocene hominin's body proportion and relative cranial capacity (encephalization quotient [EQ]), and also pelvic morphology. Using the available right innominate and its mirror-imaged left side, we reconstruct Liujiang hominin's pelvis. Our analysis of the pelvis indicates that the Liujiang hominin has a very gracile and modern-like pelvic morphology. Indeed, all of the pelvic dimensions are smaller than those of other Pleistocene hominins. Moreover, the pelvic characteristics typical of Middle and Late Pleistocene hominins including Neanderthals cannot be identified in the Liujiang pelvis. In contrast, both Liujiang's metric and non-metric features indicate affinities to more recent human populations including our modern Chinese collections from Guangxi of south China. Further support of this assessment comes from the EQ value of 5.754 for Liujiang which is closer to Minatogawa 2 and modern Chinese populations than to Middle and Late Pleistocene fossil hominins. Our analysis of body shape shows that Liujiang has body proportion (i.e. body height relative to body breadth) typical of warm-adapted populations. Based on these findings, we reason that the modern physical characteristics of Liujiang may allude to a more recent geological age. Alternatively, its morphological “modernity” could also point to a much higher degree of skeletal variation within Late Pleistocene hominins in East Asia.  相似文献   

The Upper Pleistocene and the Holocene of Aigion have delivered an abundant microfauna with 35 ostracode species. The Pleistocene from Aigion borehole generally provides Ostracodes from oligohaline environment with Cyprideis torosa, Candona angulata and Tyrrhenocythere amnicola while, in the Holocene, marine infralittoral species dominate with Cytheridea neapolitana, Carinocythereis whitei, Loxoconcha ovulata and Cytherois frequens. The marine sedimentation occurred at depth from some meters to some tens of meters. In the Aghios Constantinos section, the lagoonal marls are characterised by Euxinocythere schuldtae and a dwarf species of Xestoleberis. Then, a drastic environmental change occurs around the Pleistocene-Holocene boundary and presumably affected the whole Corinth gulf.  相似文献   

Wei Dong 《Geobios》2008,41(3):355
New remains of Leptobos (Smertiobos) crassus have been identified among the fossils excavated from a new early Pleistocene site at the Renzidong in Anhui Province, Eastern China. It is a Leptobos bearing frontal appendices with a simple curvature and its distal part turns higher than the other species of the subgenus. The present study shows that the first appearance of Leptobos in China is in the zone equivalent to the European MNQ 16b, later than its first appearance in Western Europe (MNQ 16a); and the genus Leptobos can serve as index fossil of the lower Pleistocene in China (2.5-0.78 Ma, Chinese definition).  相似文献   

A study of sea level fluctuation records based on foraminiferal assemblages was carried out for the first time in a sediment core taken at the Lac Retba edge. A total of 37 foraminifera species were collected along the core, among which most are known in the modern estuaries and lagoons of Senegal. A succession of four assemblages dominated by Ammonia parkinsoniana and A. tepida were identified; they correspond to different stages of evolution of the lake. The first association, at the base of the core, indicates a lagoon slightly opened to the sea and bordered with vegetation, under relatively humid climate. The second has the richest and most diversified microfauna with a high proportion of coastal, marine benthic and planktonic species (about 10%) that indicate a small coastal gulf bordered with mangroves. The third association is oligospecific and typical of a closed and hypersaline lagoon under a dry climate. The last association again contains coastal, marine benthic and scarce planktonic species (3%) indicating a change to a saltier and more open lagoon under dry climate. The disappearance of planktonic foraminifera at the top of the core indicates the closure of the lagoon. The biocenotic indicators are evidence for two marine intrusions that are referred to the Dakarian (3000 years B.P.) and Saint-Louisian (2140-680 years B.P.) stages of the Upper Holocene of the senegalo-mauritanian stratigraphic scale. Evidence of the Lac Retba closure since 680 years B. P. appears in the core by high reduction of foraminifers’ abundance and diversity absence of planktonic species, and salts precipitated at the bottom of the lake.  相似文献   

In the continental sediments filling a cave that developed in Middle Pleistocene deposits near Casablanca, Morocco, a very rich mammal fauna from the last climatic cycle was discovered. It was associated with a Middle Palaeolithic poor and atypical lithic assemblage manufactured on blocks and pebbles. The lower fossiliferous layer contained abundant carbonized remains of felids. Unfortunately, the site was destroyed by quarrying before adequate excavations could be carried out.  相似文献   

During the study of the Quaternary Maghrebian bovines in 1985, the review of the Bovini (aurochs and buffalos) found in Upper Pleistocene sites of Algeria showed that in comparison with most of the African bovine assemblage the attribution of genus Pelorovis to the species antiquus was inappropriate. The biometric and cladistic data revealed a close kinship with genus Syncerus. Later, other authors’conclusions confirmed its relevance. The antique buffalo of the Aterian site of the Phacochoeri has all the characteristics of genus Syncerus, but is different in that it shows a certain number of specific characteristics described in this article.  相似文献   

The paleontological analysis of the fauna from three Late Pleistocene localities in Southern Caucasus (Saka?hia, Ortvala, and Bronze cave) confirmed the presence of Ursus spelaeus, Canis lupus, Equus ferus, Rhinocerotidae, Cervus elaphus, Capreolus capreolus, Alces alces, Bison priscus, Capra caucasica, Ovis ammon and Sus scrofa. The study also permitted the identification of new taxa for these localities. There may be the presence of reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) at Saka?hia, however it has not yet been confirmed. Moreover, remains of aurochs (Bos primigenius) were identified, in particular at Bronze cave where its abundance is exceptional. Indeed, Bos and Bison are generally very rare in Southern Caucasus. The analysis of the proportion of the different species in each locality revealed the two types of occupations of the caves, one dominated by hominids and the other by carnivores. At Saka?hia, where fauna is dominated by the presence of cave bear, the cave was seasonally occupied by Neanderthal groups. On the other hand, Bronze cave corresponds to a habitat of hunters, which occupied the site for longer periods.  相似文献   

Found in Chiapas (South-East of Mexico), Praealveolina michaudi nov. sp. and Chubbina jamaicensis (of Campanian-Maestrichtian age) are described, both evolved from Nummoloculina sp. while Raadshoovenia guatemalensis (upper Paleocene-lower Eocene) arises from Quinqueloculina. We precisely analyze and modelize the nepionic coiling during the evolutionary change from Miliolacea to Alveolinacea. During ontogenesis as well as during phylogenesis, quinqueloculine coiling progresses to streptospiral and then to planispiral chamber arrangement with the increase of volume of embryo and of chambers. Appearance of these large foraminifers are understood as a consequence of the rise of K-strategies in their mode of life, following the development of photosynthetic symbioses.  相似文献   

Numerous fragments of spatangoid echinoids have been discovered in the Pliocene deposits of Challans, in Vendée (western France). In spite of the fragmentary data of the samples, a reconstitution of a complete test could be realized using the different fragments and their symetrization. The general shape of the test, and its architectural and ornemental characters allow establishing the presence of the genus Spatangus in western France during the end of Neogene. It allows to precise the biogeography of the genus Spatangus and of the morphological group S. (S.) purpureus on the Atlantic coast after the Messinian crisis. The Pliocene species is compared to the Miocene Spatangus (Phymapatagus) brittanus, abundant in Anjou, Brittany and Touraine. This older species was refered to the subgenus Phymapatagus according to the presumed lack of primary tubercles on its posterior interambulacrum. The discovery of well-preserved specimens, with primary tubercles on every parts of the test, in the Middle Miocene of Brittany allows to refute this subgeneric distinction and to refer the species brittanus to the subgenus Spatangus (Spatangus). The presence of this subgenus in western France is finally confirmed from Middle Miocene to Pliocene.  相似文献   

A 122 cm-long core was taken in the El-Guettiate Sebkha of Skhira (southeastern part of Tunisia) in order to investigate the recent palaeoenvironmental evolution of this region. The quantitative and qualitative analysis of ostracod and benthic foraminifera assemblages coupled with a correspondence analysis allows the reconstruction of palaeoenvironmental changes during the Holocene in this area. Four typical associations of ostracods (open marine, coastal marine, lagoonal and estuarine brackish) and two associations of benthic foraminifera (coastal and lagoonal) were distinguished. The onset of restricted lagoonal environments linked to the building-up of sand spit led to the onset of restricted lagoon and brackish environment at cal. 5408 years BP. The Shannon and equitability index of diversity were used to decipher the structural variations of the populations of ostracods and benthic foraminifera along the sampled core. We note a reduction in the Shannon index from the bottom to the top, which indicates a progressive isolation of the biotope. The open lagoonal episode is characterized by high values of diversity. During restricted lagoonal episodes the Shannon and equitability index are reduced. The correspondence analysis reveals an environmental gradient related to the marine influence. It shows an antagonism between the widely opened estuarian lagoonal species and those of restricted lagoon. The less opened estuarian lagoonal taxa occupy an intermediate position. Based on these evidences, microfauna carried out in the El-Guettiate Sebkha allows us to recognize four phases beginning with a widely opened estuarian lagoon (ca. cal. 7460 years PB), followed by a restricted lagoon (ca. cal. 5408 years BP) and finally a brackish lagoon evolving towards the present-day sebkha environment. The opened estuarine lagoon is characterized by high values of species richness and diversity indices.  相似文献   

Qualitative and quantitative analyses of planktonic foraminifera (completed by calcareous nannofossils in some localities) from 8 sections and boreholes located in 7 Neogene basins of the South Rifian Corridor (Morocco) enable us to identify 16 bioevents calibrated with the geomagnetic polarity time scale. These events are useful for (1) assigning the sediments to the Tortonian (bioevents 1 to 7), the Messinian (bioevents 9 to 14, the event 8 indicates the Tortonian/Messinian boundary), the Early Pliocene (bioevent 15) and the Middle Pliocene (bioevent 16), (2) establishing high resolution correlations between the sections and boreholes studied herein, (3) locating the South Rifian Corridor sections and boreholes within the framework of biostratigraphic events recognized during the latest ten years in time-equivalent Atlantic and Mediterranean sequences, and (4) estimating the variation of sedimentation rates in the studied basins. With respect to Morocco, previous detailed studies concerned only the Rabat area (Bou Regreg valley) and Guercif basin. Our results extend correlations to the other basins of the South Rifian Corridor, a key area to understand connections between the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea at the end of the Miocene.  相似文献   

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