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 We have studied the binding pattern of antibody mAB 2B8 directed against even-skipped orthologous proteins (EVE) in honeybee embryos. Primary and secondary EVE stripes form in roughly anterior-to-posterior succession; there are 8 primary and 16 secondary stripes. The most posterior primary stripes appear only after the onset of gastrulation. The secondary stripes form by a splitting of primary stripes; they demarcate the parasegmental pattern. While these findings resemble EVE expression in long-germ beetles, the honeybee differs from both beetles and dipterans by two transient pair-rule traits in the parasegmental EVE pattern: the secondary stripes in head and thorax alternate in strength, yet out of register with the Drosophila pattern, and over the whole pattern the odd-numbered stripes vanish earlier than their even-numbered counterparts. As in Drosophila, however, the strong EVE stripes coincide with the weak engrailed (EN) stripes. These findings are taken to indicate that (1) honeybee and beetles share a conserved mode of EVE stripe formation whilst Drosophila has diverged in this respect, (2) honeybee and Drosophila have diverged from the beetles in specific pair-rule traits during the parasegmental expression of both EVE and EN, and (3) some of these traits differ in the register of segment pairing and thus may reflect regulatory divergences at the pair-rule level between dipterans and the honeybee.  相似文献   

We isolated genomic clones containing sequences encoding globins I and IA from a Chironomus thummi thummi genomic library. Three clones contain globin IA (ctt-1A) genes, while one contains a globin I (ctt-1) gene. The coding regions of the four genes are identical except for the single base substitution accounting for the globin I/IA polymorphism. The noncoding DNA flanking the coding region is more than 98% similar, confirming a previous hypothesis that the globin ctt-1 and ctt-1A genes are alleles. Hemoglobins I and IA are monomeric in the insect hemolymph. Earlier in situ hybridization studies suggested that monomeric and dimeric globin genes are clustered at different chromosomal loci. In situ hybridization of ctt-1 DNA to polytene salivary gland chromosomes places the ctt-1 gene on the same band as genes for the dimeric globins II and VIIB, forcing revision of the earlier hypothesis that genes for monomeric and dimeric globin genes are at different loci. The evolution of the ctt-1 and ctt-1A alleles and of the two globin gene loci are discussed. Correspondence to: G. Bergtrom  相似文献   

The origin and evolution of insect wings has been the subject of extensive debate. The issue has remained controversial largely because of the absence of definitive fossil evidence or direct developmental evidence of homology between wings and a putative wing origin. Recent identification of wing serial homologs (WSHs) has provided researchers with a potential strategy for identifying WSHs in other species. Future comparative developmental analyses between wings and WSHs may clarify the important steps underlying the evolution of insect wings.  相似文献   

In this study, bioinformatics analysis, tissue distribution and developmental expression pattern of lipoprotein lipase (lpl) and hepatic lipase (lipc) in zebrafish Danio rerio are reported. In adult D. rerio, lpl was highly expressed in liver. This is remarkably different from the tissue expression pattern of LPL in mammals, which is not detected in the adult liver. The expression of lipc was liver specific, which is consistent with that in mammals. During embryogenesis, lpl mRNA was increased gradually in concentration from 0·5 hpf (hour post fertilization) to 6 dpf (days post fertilization), but lipc was not expressed at the early stage of the embryo until 3 dpf. In situ hybridization further displayed the expression pattern of lpl mainly restricted to the head region including cells surrounding the mouth opening, branchial arches, pectoral fin and lateral line neuromast, whereas lipc was mainly restricted to the liver and part of head regions including lens. This lays a foundation for further investigation of lpl or lipc function and evolution in fishes.  相似文献   

Arabidopsis and most other Brassicaceae produce an elongated inflorescence of mainly ebracteate flowers. However, the early-flowering species violet cress (Jonopsidium acaule) and a handful of other species produce flowers singly in the axils of rosette leaves. In Arabidopsis the gene LEAFY (LFY) is implicated in both the determination of flower meristem identity and in the suppression of leaves (bracts) that would otherwise subtend the flowers. In this study we examined the role of LFY homologs in the evolution of rosette flowering in violet cress. We cloned two LFY homologs, vcLFY1 and vcLFY2, from violet cress. Their exon sequences show ~90% nucleotide similarity with Arabidopsis LFY and 99% similarity to each other. We used in situ hybridization to study vcLFY expression in violet cress. The patterns were very similar to LFY in Arabidopsis except for stronger expression in the shoot apical meristem outside of the region of flower meristem initiation. It is possible that the relatively diffuse expression of vcLFY contributes to the lack of bract suppression in violet cress. Additionally, the earliest flowers produced by violet cress express vcLFY, suggesting that accelerated flowering in violet cress could also result from changes in the regulation of vcLFY.  相似文献   

陈敏  唐文倩  沈杰  王丹 《昆虫知识》2016,(6):1402-1407
【目的】在昆虫基因表达和功能研究中,RNA原位杂交技术越来越受到青睐。该技术不仅能定性定量反应基因表达的时空特异性,而且能在细胞水平上检测基因表达的调控模式。为了将该技术更好地在昆虫小器官研究中运用,我们以果蝇幼虫翅芽为例优化了改技术。【方法】解剖果蝇3龄幼虫翅芽进行原位杂交实验。【结果】我们发现影响原位杂交结果的因素十分复杂,包括取材时期,探针的合成,预杂交/杂交的时间和温度,清洗时间,适当的对照等。通过RNA荧光原位杂交实验,我们揭示了调控细胞记忆的trithorax基因在3龄翅芽广泛表达,并且受到转录因子Optomotor-blind的负调控。【结论】这一技术方法为研究昆虫小器官的基因表达和调控提供了便捷手段。  相似文献   

The pattern of localization of the ribosomal genes was studied by means of fluorescence in situ hybridization in 39 species of the tribe Harpalini. Most of them show one pair of autosomes carrying the ribosomal genes in a distal position of a single chromosome arm. This pattern is hypothesized to be ancestral for the whole tribe. Both, chromosome number and the number and localization of rDNA loci, show little variation and are therefore of little phylogenetic value. Only in the subtribe Ditomina is there enough variation to characterize phyletic relationships. The stability of rDNA loci is even higher than the constancy of chromosome number, as most species of Ditomina (genera Dixus, Eocarterus, Carterus, Odontocarus and Ditomus) have the usual pair of autosomes with rDNA loci, in spite of remarkable differences in the diploid number. Only Dixus sphaerocephalus and Dixus clypeatus have two autosomal pairs with a fluorescent signal. These results do not support the hypothesis that the high chromosome numbers found within Ditomina are the result of polyploid change from the ancestral 2n = 37 karyotype of the tribe Harpalini. Chromosomal translocations or the presence of mobile genetic elements are plausible sources of the few cases of intraspecific polymorphism in the rDNA loci found in species of Harpalus.  相似文献   

The genomes of barley and wheat, two of the world's most important crops, are very large and complex due to their high content of repetitive DNA. In order to obtain a whole-genome sequence sample, we performed two runs of 454 (GS20) sequencing on genomic DNA of barley cv. Morex, which yielded approximately 1% of a haploid genome equivalent. Almost 60% of the sequences comprised known transposable element (TE) families, and another 9% represented novel repetitive sequences. We also discovered high amounts of low-complexity DNA and non-genic low-copy DNA. We identified almost 2300 protein coding gene sequences and more than 660 putative conserved non-coding sequences. Comparison of the 454 reads with previously published genomic sequences suggested that TE families are distributed unequally along chromosomes. This was confirmed by in situ hybridizations of selected TEs. A comparison of these data for the barley genome with a large sample of publicly available wheat sequences showed that several TE families that are highly abundant in wheat are absent from the barley genome. This finding implies that the TE composition of their genomes differs dramatically, despite their very similar genome size and their close phylogenetic relationship.  相似文献   

In this work, we have analysed the karyotypes of six species of Timarcha for the first time and updated the cytological information for two additional taxa, for one of them confirming previous results ( Timarcha erosa vermiculata ), but not for the other ( T. scabripennis ). We describe the remarkable karyotype of T. aurichalcea , the lowest chromosome number in the genus (2 n  = 18), distinctive as well for the presence of an unusual chiasmatic sexual bivalent hitherto unreported for Timarcha . This study increases the number of species studied cytologically in this genus to forty. Additional cytogenetic analyses are performed on several species, including Ag-NOR staining and fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) studies with ribosomal DNA probes. Karyotype evolution is analysed by tracing different karyotype coding strategies on a published independent phylogenetic hypothesis for Timarcha based on the study of three genetic markers. The implementation of a likelihood model of character change optimized onto the phylogeny is tentatively used to detect possible drifts in chromosome changes. These analyses show that karyotype is conservative in the evolution of the genus and that there is an apparent trend to reducing chromosome number. Cytological and phylogenetic data are used to explain the evolutionary origin of the karyotype of T. aurichalcea by two centric fusions involving one pair of acrocentric autosomes and the sexual chromosomes.  相似文献   

Physical maps of the 18S–5.8S–26S ribosomal RNA genes (rDNA) were generated by fluorescent in situ hybridization for five diploid Paeonia species, P. delavayi and P. rockii of section Moutan, and P. emodi, P. tenuifolia, and P. veitchii of section Paeonia. Of five pairs of mitotic chromosomes, rDNA loci were mapped near the telomeres of chromosomes 3, 4, and 5 of P. rockii and P. tenuifolia, chromosomes 2, 3, 4, and 5 of P. delavayi, and all five pairs of chromosomes of P. emodi and P. veitchii. Combining this information with the previously obtained rDNA maps of P. brownii and P. californica of section Oneapia, we hypothesized that the most recent common ancestor of extant peony species had three rDNA loci located on chromosomes 3, 4, and 5. Increase in number of rDNA loci occurred later in each of the three sections, and the increase from three to four loci represents a parallel gain of an rDNA locus on chromosome 2 in P. delavayi of section Moutan and P. brownii of section Oneapia. The increase in number of rDNA loci likely resulted from the translocation of rDNA repeats from chromosomes bearing rDNA loci to chromosomes without them; such translocation is probably facilitated by the telomeric location of rDNA loci. For allotetraploid peony species lacking polymorphism in sequences of the internal transcribed spacers (ITS) of rDNA, the rDNAs derived from divergent diploid parents may have been homogenized through concerted evolution among at least six rDNA loci in the allotetraploids. Chromosomal location of rDNA loci has a more substantial impact on the tempo of concerted evolution than the number of loci.  相似文献   

Visualization of spatiotemporal expression of a gene of interest is a fundamental technique for analyzing the involvements of genes in organ development. In situ hybridization (ISH) is one of the most popular methods for visualizing gene expression. When conventional ISH is performed on sections or whole-mount specimens, the gene expression pattern is represented in 2-dimensional (2D) microscopic images or in the surface view of the specimen. To obtain 3-dimensional (3D) data of gene expression from conventional ISH, the “serial section method” has traditionally been employed. However, this method requires an extensive amount of time and labor because it requires researchers to collect a tremendous number of sections, label all sections by ISH, and image them before 3D reconstruction. Here, we proposed a rapid and low-cost 3D imaging method that can create 3D gene expression patterns from conventional ISH-labeled specimens. Our method consists of a combination of whole-mount ISH and Correlative Microscopy and Blockface imaging (CoMBI). The whole-mount ISH-labeled specimens were sliced using a microtome or cryostat, and all block-faces were imaged and used to reconstruct 3D images by CoMBI. The 3D data acquired using our method showed sufficient quality to analyze the morphology and gene expression patterns in the developing mouse heart. In addition, 2D microscopic images of the sections can be obtained when needed. Correlating 2D microscopic images and 3D data can help annotate gene expression patterns and understand the anatomy of developing organs. These results indicated that our method can be useful in the field of developmental biology.  相似文献   

Molecular morphology seeks to integrate the traditional morphologic criteria of surgical pathology with immunohistochemical and in situ hybridization techniques that allow demonstration of a variety of molecules, proteins, RNA and DNA in a tissue section. While immunohistochemistry has proven to be successful for demonstrating lineage related biomarkers of value for diagnosis and classification of tumors, concerns have been raised periodically about validation of reagents, overall reproducibility of the staining method, and interpretation of results. These concerns have been heightened by the burgeoning interest in prognostic markers, where the question extends beyond a relatively simple positive or negative result to an absolute need for quantification of the staining result; not only is it positive, but how much is there? In this presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Biological Stain Commission in June, 2005, I advocate a total test approach that requires systematic attention to pre-analytic, analytic, and post-analytic issues. The approach encompasses all aspects of test performance from specimen acquisition, through fixation, antigen retrieval, processing, staining, interpretation, and reporting of results. A similar systematic approach also may be adopted for in situ hybridization methods, which have performance requirements that in many ways parallel immunohistochemistry.  相似文献   

In performing in situ hybridizations, nonisotopic nucleic acid labeling coupled with colorimetric detection offers a safer, easier and more rapid alternative to using radioactively labeled nucleic acid probes and microscopic autoradiography. Whole mount in situ hybridization is also advantageous, because many samples can be processed identically and the reduced handling of specimens greatly reduces the risk of exposing tissues to RNase(s). The thickness of whole mount specimens, however, often prevents accurate determination of sites of expression within specific tissues. Although post-hybridization embedding and sectioning is a solution to this problem, the precipitate formed following the common colorimetric detection procedure is soluble in the organic solvents used for dehydration prior to embedding. We have developed a dehydration and embedding procedure that takes advantage of the compatibility of L.R. White® resin containing 10% (v/v) polyethylene glycol 400, and heat polymerized. The addition of the plasticizer allows L.R. White® embedded tissues to be sectioned at 10 μm providing excellent signal contrast.  相似文献   

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