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Oxidative stress is considered to be one of the most important phenomena involved in the process of aging and age-related diseases. 8-Oxo-7,8-dihydro-2'-deoxyguanosine (8-oxo-dG) has been frequently used as a marker for oxidative stress. However, the origin of extracellular 8-oxo-dG is not well understood. The aim of this work was to investigate the nucleotide pool and the role of the human mutT homologue protein (hMTH1) in the appearance of extracellular 8-oxo-dG in a cellular model system. For this purpose we used primary human fibroblast cells, which were transfected by siRNAs homologous to hMTH1. Extracellular 8-oxo-dG in cell culture media after exposure of the cells to ionizing radiation was measured as enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay reactivity. Our results demonstrate the profound effect of both hMTH1 expression and nucleotide pool size on the cellular excretion of 8-oxo-dG, suggesting that the nucleotide pool is a significant target for the formation of extracellular 8-oxo-dG.  相似文献   

The alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex of Acetobacter xylinum was purified to homogeneity. It consists of three main polypeptide chains with a total molecular weight of about 2.4 X 10(6). It catalyzes the overall Mg2+ and thiamin pyrophosphate-dependent, NAD+- and CoA-linked oxidative decarboxylation of alpha-ketoglutarate, as well as the partial reactions characteristic of the three enzyme components described for the complex from other sources. Initial velocity studies revealed marked positive cooperativity for the substrate alpha-ketoglutarate (Hill coefficient (nH) = 2.0; concentration of ligand at half-maximum effect (S0.5) = 8 mM). The sigmoidal [alpha-ketoglutarate]-velocity relationship became hyperbolic upon addition of AMP or 3-acetylpyridine adenine dinucleotide (AcPyAD) or in the presence of high concentrations of NAD. S0.5 (alpha-ketoglutarate) decreased to 1 mM, but Vmax was unchanged. Saturation curves for NAD and AMP are sigmoidal (nH = 2) at low alpha-ketoglutarate concentrations and become hyperbolic at high alpha-ketoglutarate concentrations. As judged by S0.5, the relative efficiency of the allosteric effectors is AcPyAD greater than AMP greater than alpha-ketoglutarate- greater than NAD+. Half-maximal changes in nH, S0.5, and activation by AMP occur at a pH significantly different from that of half-maximal activity. A model for the allosteric behavior of the complex is proposed in which the first enzyme component of the complex (E1) is the site for the allosteric interactions and AMP is the primary positive modifier, whereas NAD and AcPyAD act as AMP analogues. The overall reaction is competitively inhibited by NADH with respect to NAD (K1 = 20 micronM) and by succinyl-CoA with respect of CoA (K1 = 3 micronM). The properties of the alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex of A. xylinum appear to provide for appropriate partitioning of alpha-ketoglutarate carbon between competing pathways in response to the energy state of the cells.  相似文献   

Objective: The objective of this paper was to link the phytochemical and metabolic research treating quinolinic acid induced oxidative stress in neurodegenerative disorders.

Methods: Quinolinic acid, a metabolite of the kynurenine pathway of tryptophan catabolism, plays a role in the oxidative stress associated with many neurological disorders and is used to simulate disorders such as Parkinson’s disease.

Results: In these models, phytochemicals have been shown to reduce striatal lesion size, reduce inflammation and prevent lipid peroxidation caused by quinolinic acid.

Conclusion: These results suggest that phenolic compounds, a class of phytochemicals, including flavonoids and diarylheptanoids, should be further studied to develop new treatments for oxidative stress related neurological disorders.  相似文献   

It has been widely accepted that vascular hypoperfusion induces oxidative stress and the outcome of this misbalance is brain energy failure. This abnormality leads to neuronal death which manifests as cognitive impairment and the development of brain pathology as in Alzheimer's disease (AD). It has been demonstrated that the AD brain is characterized by impairments in energy metabolism. We theorize that hypoperfusion induced mitochondrial failure plays a key role in the generation of reactive oxygen species, resulting in oxidative damage to brain cellular compartments, especially in the vascular endothelium and in selective population of neurons with high metabolic activity in the AD brain. All of these abnormalities have been found to occur before classic AD pathology inducing neuronal degeneration and amyloid deposition during the progression of AD. Therefore, expanding investigations into both the mechanisms behind amyloid beta (Abeta) deposition and the possible accelerating effects of environmental factors such as chronic hypoxia/reperfusion may open a new avenue for effective treatments of AD. Future studies examining the importance of mitochondrial pathobiology in brain cellular compartments provide insight not only into the better understanding of the neurodegenerative and/or cerebrovascular disease but also provide targets for treating these conditions.  相似文献   

Isocitrate dehydrogenase was found in Pisum sativum chloroplasts purified on sucrose density gradients. A chloroplast-enriched pellet obtained by differential centrifugation formed two chlorophyll-containing bands. The lower one containing intact chloroplasts had NADP-specific isocitrate dehydrogenase and triose-phosphate isomerase activities. Mitochondria and peroxisomes were observed to band well away from the intact chloroplast region, as indicated by peak activities of fumarase and catalase, respectively. The presence of isocitrate dehydrogenase in chloroplasts suggests that chloroplasts may generate at least some of the α-ketoglutarate required for glutamate synthesis.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial dysfunction subsequent to increased oxidative stress and alterations in energy metabolism is considered to play a role in the development of cardiac hypertrophy and its progression to failure, although the sequence of events remains to be elucidated. This study aimed at characterizing the impact of hypertrophy development on the activity and expression of mitochondrial NADP+-isocitrate dehydrogenase (mNADP+-ICDH), a metabolic enzyme that controls redox and energy status. We expanded on our previous finding of its inactivation through posttranslational modification by the lipid peroxidation product 4-hydroxynonenal (HNE) in 7-wk-old spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR) hearts before hypertrophy development (Benderdour et al. J Biol Chem 278: 45154-45159, 2003). In this study, we used 7-, 15-, and 30-wk-old SHR and Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats with abdominal aortic coarctation. Compared with age-matched control Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) rats, SHR hearts showed a significant 25% decrease of mNADP+-ICDH activity, which preceded in time 1) the decline in its protein and mRNA expression levels (between 10% and 35%) and 2) the increase in hypertrophy markers. The chronic and persistent loss of mNADP+-ICDH activity in SHR was associated with enhanced tissue accumulation of HNE-mNADP+-ICDH and total HNE-protein adducts at all ages and contrasted with the profile of changes in the activity of other mitochondrial enzymes involved in antioxidant or energy metabolism. Two-way ANOVA of the data also revealed a significant effect of age on most parameters measured in SHR and WKY hearts. The mNADP+-ICDH activity, protein, and mRNA expression were reduced between 25% and 35% in coarctated SD rats and were normalized by treatment of SHR or coarctated SD rats with renin-angiotensin system inhibitors, which prevented or attenuated hypertrophy. Altogether, our data show that cardiac mNADP+-ICDH activity and expression are differentially and sequentially affected in hypertrophy development and, to a lesser extent, with aging. Decreased cardiac mNADP+-ICDH activity, which is attributed at least in part to HNE adduct formation, appears to be a relevant early and persistent marker of mitochondrial oxidative stress-related alterations in hypertrophy development. Potentially, this could also contribute to the aetiology of cardiomyopathy.  相似文献   

Pannexins, which contain three subtypes: pannexin‐1, ‐2, and ‐3, are vertebrate glycoproteins that form non‐junctional plasma membrane intracellular hemichannels via oligomerization. Oxidative stress refers to an imbalance of the generation and elimination of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Studies have shown that elevated ROS levels are pivotal in the development of a variety of diseases. Recent studies indicate that the occurrence of these oxidative stress related diseases is associated with pannexin hemichannels. It is also reported that pannexins regulate the production of ROS which in turn may increase the opening of pannexin hemichannels. In this paper, we review recent researches about the important role of pannexin hemichannels in oxidative stress related diseases. Thus, pannexin hemichannels, novel therapeutic targets, hold promise in managing oxidative stress related diseases such as the tumor, inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), pulmonary fibrosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), cardiovascular disease, insulin resistance (IR), and neural degeneration diseases.

Previous reports showed that hydrogen peroxide and the NO-generating reagent sodium nitroprusside (SNP)-modulated enzymatic activity of animal glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH, EC These modifications are suggested to have a physiological regulatory role. To gain further insight into this regulatory process the model ciliated protozoan Tetrahymena pyriformis was chosen. Both reagents inhibited growth of T. pyriformis cultures and produced a specific increase of GAPDH protein but only NO seemed to reduce GAPDH activity in cell-free extracts. Both specific activity and pI were found to be altered in the in vivo NO-treated purified enzyme, but no effect was detected by the in vivo H(2)O(2) treatment. Analytical chromatofocusing showed a single basic isoform (pI 8.8) in enzyme preparations from control and H(2)O(2)-treated cells. In contrast to this, three more acidic isoforms (pIs, 8.6, 8.0 and 7.3) were resolved in purified fractions from SNP-treated cells, suggesting post-translational modification of the enzyme by NO. Nevertheless, a decrease of GAPDH activity by H(2)O(2) and NO, mainly due to a decrease in its V(max) without apparent change in substrate affinity, was observed in vitro in the whole enzyme population. The increase of GAPDH protein level found in vivo suggests a cell response in order to compensate for the inhibitory effect on activity observed in the purified enzyme. This is the first report of NO- and H(2)O(2)-dependent effects on GAPDH of T. pyriformis, and identifies this key protein of central carbon metabolism as a physiological target of oxidative and nitrosative stress in this ciliated protozoan.  相似文献   

Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenases catalyze key steps in energy and reducing power partitioning in cells of higher plants. Because non-phosphorylating glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (NP-Ga3PDHase) is involved in the production of reductive power (NADPH) in the cytosol, its behavior under oxidative stress conditions was analyzed. The specific activity of the enzyme was found to increase up to 2-fold after oxidative conditions imposed by methylviologen in wheat and maize seedlings. Under moderate oxidant concentration, lack of mRNA induction was observed. The increase in specific activity would thus be a consequence of a significant stability of NP-Ga3PDHase. Our results suggest that the enzyme could be modified by oxidation of cysteine residues, but formation of disulfide bridges is dependent on levels of divalent cations and 14-3-3 proteins. The latter differential effect could be critical to relatively maintain energy and reductant levels in the cytoplasm of plant cells under oxidative stress.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 (ALDH2) plays a major role in acetaldehyde detoxification. The alcohol sensitivity is associated with a genetic deficiency of ALDH2. We have previously reported that this deficiency influences the risk for late-onset Alzheimer's disease. However, the biological effects of the deficiency on neuronal cells are poorly understood. Thus, we obtained ALDH2-deficient cell lines by introducing mouse mutant Aldh2 cDNA into PC12 cells. The mutant ALDH2 repressed mitochondrial ALDH activity in a dominant negative fashion, but not cytosolic activity. The resultant ALDH2-deficient transfectants were highly vulnerable to exogenous 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal, an aldehyde derivative generated by the reaction of superoxide with unsaturated fatty acid. In addition, the ALDH2-deficient transfectants were sensitive to oxidative insult induced by antimycin A, accompanied by an accumulation of proteins modified with 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal. Thus, these findings suggest that mitochondrial ALDH2 functions as a protector against oxidative stress.  相似文献   

Several in vitro and in vivo studies have suggested that surface bleb formation during oxidative cell injury is related to alteration in cytoskeleton organization. Various cell lines different in origin and growth characteristics were exposed to 2-methyl-1,4-naphthoquinone (menadione) which is known to induce bleb formation and cytotoxicity by generating considerable amounts of oxygen-reactive species. Treated cells were analyzed by means of immunocytochemistry and electron microscopy in order to investigate the morphological and molecular features underlying bleb generation. The results obtained indicate that menadione-induced bleb formation is a widely observed phenomenon present mainly in round or mitotic cells. Surface blebs appear free of organelles and contain only few ribosomes and amorphous material. Occasionally, they undergo detachment from the cell surface as large cytoplasmic vesicles. Bleb surfaces with protein clusters as well as bald blisters with an almost exclusive localization of intramembrane particles on their narrow base were detected using freeze-fracture techniques. Immunocytochemical investigations performed on menadione-exposed cells revealed that some surface proteins (collagen IV, sialo-proteins, beta 2 microglobulin and fibronectin) and adhesion molecules (vinculin) underwent changes in their expression over the bleb surface. Moreover, different behavioural characteristics of actin microfilaments, vimentin and keratin intermediate filaments and microtubules was observed. Alpha-actinin, vimentin and microtubular proteins (tubulin, MAPs and tau) were detected within the blebs. On the other hand, actin and keratin filaments appeared to be absent. The results presented here demonstrate that cytoskeletal structures and the microfilament system in particular, represent important targets in menadione-induced morphological changes in cultured cells. These changes appear to lead to the redistribution of several cytoskeletal and membrane proteins as well as dissociation of the cytoskeleton network from its anchoring domains in the plasma membrane thus generating sites of structural weakness where blebs would arise and progressively grow. Experimental evidence supporting a crucial role of thiol oxidation and elevation of cytoplasmic calcium concentration in bleb formation is also provided.  相似文献   

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