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提起猴,人们自然联想到吴承恩写的《西游记》中的美猴王孙悟空。以《西游记》为题材拍摄的电视连续剧,上个世纪90年代问世以来,每年暑期中央电视台都要重播,小朋友们却百看不厌。孙悟空那神通广大、一身正气、活泼淘气的形象深得少年儿童的喜爱。尤其是当它斗妖降魔“金猴奋起千钧棒,玉宇澄清万里埃”之时,更使千万电视机前的小朋友们欢呼雀跃、兴奋不己……猴属灵长类哺乳动物,灵  相似文献   

人和猴T淋巴细胞表面TRBC受体和E受体的比例研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
In 1985, rosette formation of human and macaque pan-T lymphocytes with tree shrew red blood cells (TRBC) (TRBC rosette) was first found by Ben K et al, showing different physico-chemical properties from that of rosette formation with sheep red blood cells (E-rosette). In order to approach the correlation between TRBC receptor, E receptor (CD2) and other differentiation antigens (CDs) on T lymphocytes, rosette inhibition assay and antigenic modulation or co-modulation were performed with monoclonal antibodies (McAbs) to CDs, and the distribution of TRBC receptor in other peripheral immunocytes, cell lines was also examined. TRBC rosette appeared in 88.8% of E rosette positive peripheral blood lymphocytes (E(+)-PBL) and in 4.16% of E(-)-PBL. TRBC receptor was also found on all T cell lines tested (CEM, H33 HJ-JA 1, Jurkat, MLA-144, Molt-3, Molt-4, Molt-4 clone 8, PEER) and some myeloid lines (U 937 and HL 60), but not on human granulocytes, B cell lines (Daudi, Raji and Reh) and myeloid line K 562. The modulation or co-modulation of CD 3, TCR, CD 5, CD 6 and CD 7 with McAbs OKT 3, T 108 (F 1), T 136 (F 101-15), T 149 (M-T 604) and T 152 (7 G 5) did not affect TRBC rosette formation of PBL. TRBC rosette of human and rhesus monkey PBL was not inhibited by T 11.1 McAb OKT 11 (CD 2 McAb), in contrast human and rhesus monkey E rosette formations were obviously blocked at inhibition rates of 77.9% and 49.3%, respectively.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

观察到以前描述的中国兔猴不同种的特征在禄丰的全部中国兔猴标本中交叉地存在、并通过连续的中间表现型而衔接,本文建议石灰坝中国兔猴是厚齿中国兔候的同种异名,因而前一名称应予取消。以犬齿和下第四前臼齿为材料研究了中国兔猴的两性差别。本文使用双变量分布确定两性重叠分布的测量性状的性别差异取得较好的效果。  相似文献   

廖咏梅  韦毅 《四川动物》2005,24(4):630-632
对广西各猴场新引进的食蟹猴进行人拟腹盘吸虫检查,发现食蟹猴的人拟腹盘吸虫感染率随年龄增长而增加,雌性个体感染率为29.7%,雄性个体感染率为17%,雌雄个体之间感染率呈显著性差异(P<0.05).用不同剂量的吡喹酮治疗该病,结果显示剂量为150 mg/kg能达到很好的治疗效果,转阴率达100%;而剂量小于70 mg/kg投喂,则无效;剂量大于150 mg/kg投喂,副作用太大,呕吐严重.为此,用吡喹酮驱治人拟腹盘吸虫时,应在剂量上严格控制.  相似文献   

罗桐秀  许名宗  周祥  李石旺 《遗传》2001,23(3):220-222
本研究对猴和人的手(脚)掌纹进行了观察,并应用χ2检验进行比较分析,结果显示:(1)指(趾)间区、小鱼际区、脚弓区纹型出现频率,猴远远高于人。猴指(趾)间区纹型出现频率达95.5%以上,而人的指间区最高的Ⅰ4为72.1%,最低的Ⅰ1仅为1.0%,趾间区fⅠ3为34.6%,fⅠ1是3.7%;猴的手掌小鱼际区纹型频率为131.8%,脚掌小鱼际区为59.1%,而人分别为14.4%和18.5%;脚弓区也类似。(2)上述区的纹型类型,猴与人也有明显差异。最明显的特点是猴的斗形纹频率明显高。如指间区、趾间区、手掌小鱼际区和脚掌小鱼际区的斗形纹频率分别是77.3%、40.9%、59.1%和22.7%,而人分别为0.1%、0.3%、0和0。本研究结果对研究灵长目皮纹的遗传与进化有重要意义。 Abstract:Dermal ridges of palms (soles) in monkeys and men were observed.Using the method of χ2 examination to make a comparative study and analysis.The results showed the ridge pattern frequencies of the monkeys i n their interdigital areas were much higher than men.The ridge pattern frequenc y of the monkeys in each interdigital area and sole interdigital area was over 9 5.5%,but men’s Ⅰ4 was 72.1% at the highest, and Ⅰ1 was only 1.0% at the l owest, fⅠ3 was 34.6% and fⅠ1 was 3.7%.The ridge pattern frequency of the m onkeys in their hypothenars of palms was 131,8%,soles was 59.1%,but that of men were 14.4% and 18.5%.These similar phenomenon also existed in the arch areas of the feet.There were obvious differences between monkeys and men in their types o f ridge patterns.The obvious character was that the whorl frequency of the monke ys was obviously higher. For example ,the whorl frequency of the monkeys in thei r interdigital areas and sole interdigital areas ,hypothenar of the palms and so le were 77.3% and 40.9%,59.1%and 22.7% respectively.But those of the men were 0. 1% and 0.3%,zero and zero.The results are very significant for researching the i nheritance and evolvement of the primates'dermal ridges.  相似文献   

将分别携带SHIV—KB9(SIV/HIV—1KB9)基因组的3′端和5′端的两个半长克隆,体外连接成SHIV—KB9全基因组克隆。含有全长基因的质粒培养时易发生同源重组和缺失,采用JM109作为宿主菌以及30℃、低转速的培养条件,可保持质粒的稳定性。通过PCR,RT—PCR和猴免疫缺陷病毒(SIV)gagp27核心抗原滴度检测表明:感染性克隆SHIV—KB9可有效在人、恒河猴及食蟹猴的外周血单核细胞中复制。  相似文献   

目的确定SHIV1157ipd3N4静脉途径感染中国恒河猴的有效病毒浓度,明确SHIV1157ipd3N4感染实验猴体内病毒复制和免疫损伤情况。方法 10只正常中国恒河猴分成6组,分别用10倍系列稀释的病毒液1 mL静脉感染,测定血浆病毒载量,CD4+/CD8+,CD4+T淋巴细胞绝对数,分析感染后恒河猴体内病毒复制和免疫损伤情况。结果 5TCID50/mL以上浓度的SHIV1157ipd3N4能通过静脉途径感染中国恒河猴。结论该实验的成功进行为SHIV/中国恒河猴疾病及评价模型的建立奠定了良好的基础,为今后使用此模型评价抗病毒药物或疫苗提供了条件。  相似文献   

猴及人胎儿延髓内脏带的化学神经解剖学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本实验采用免疫组织化学ABC法,观察儿茶酚胺类(以酪氨酸羟化酶-TH作标记物)、5-羟色胺及神经肽(P物质、亮氨酸-脑啡肽、胆囊收缩素、神经肽Y、生长抑素)在猴及人胎儿延髓内脏带的分布及形态特点。结果发现,上述物质均程度不同地集中分布于猴及人胎儿延髓内脏带,即位于延髓中尾段的一条从背内侧至腹外侧的弧形带状区。这表明猴及人胎儿延髓内脏带是一个相对独立的机能结构区,其化学构筑具有独特特点。  相似文献   

用FISH技术对人、恒河猴、食蟹猴染色体的研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
用人类5号、 9号、13号、15号、17号、20号整条染色体探针分别对人、恒河猴和食蟹猴的中期细胞进行荧光原位杂交,结果表明:人的5号、13号、17号探针分别杂交到恒河猴的5号、16号、17号染色体上;9号探针杂交到恒河猴14号染色体的长臂及部分短臂上; 15号探针杂交到恒河猴7号染色体短臂及部分长臂上;20号探针杂交到恒河猴的13号染色体长臂上。食蟹猴的杂交结果与恒河猴完全一致。结合G带带型分析,对人与猕猴的染色体同源性及其进化进行了讨论。 Abstract:Fluorescent in situ hybridizaiton(FISH)was used on the metaphase of Macaca mulatta and Macaca fasicularis with human chromosome specific DNA libraries for chromosome 5、9、13、15、17 and 20.In Macaca mulatta,the result showed that chromosome 5、16 and 17 was entirely painted by human chromosome 5、13 and 17 specific libraries respectively.The long arm and the partial short arm of chromosome 14 and the short arm and the partial long arm of chromosome 7 were painted by human chromosome 9 and 15 specific libraries respectively.And the long arm of chromosome 13 was painted by human chromosome 20 library.The result was the same in Macaca fasicularis.Combinded with the comparative analysis of G-banding,the evolutional relationship of these chromosomes between human and macaques was discussed.  相似文献   

重组人血小板生成素(rhTPO)是一种能促进巨核系祖细胞增殖、分化生成血小板的造血因子,研究表明它能促进射线照射小鼠造血功能恢复,前期工作证明rhTPO早期干预可显著提高致死剂量照射小鼠的活存率.本文以7.0Gy照射恒河猴为重度骨髓型急性放射病(ARS)模型,研究了rhTPO早期干预对重症ARS的治疗作用,并与WR2721和"500"的辐射防护作用进行了比较,结果发现rhTPO早期干预可明显促进ARS猴造血功能恢复,改善ARS猴症状,简化对症治疗措施,提高重度骨髓型ARS猴活存率,其对重度骨髓型ARS的防治作用优于现有的辐射防护药WR2721和"500",有望开发成安全有效的新型辐射防治药物.  相似文献   

Society's total assets as of 30 May 2005:

The fact that mammals are diploid sets a barrier to rapidly understand the function of non-coding and coding genes in the genome. Recently, Yang et al. reported successful derivation of monkey haploid embryonic stem cells from parthenotes, which provide an effective platform for studying mammalian gene function and enable reverse genetic screening of genes for recessive phenotypes in monkeys.According to the Zodiac in the Chinese Calendar, the next year of the monkey is not slated until February 2016, but a recent paper in this month''s Cell Research suggests that it may have arrived early for the field of stem cell biology. In a stunning technical “Tour de Force”, Jinsong Li and his colleagues report for the first time the generation of several independent haploid monkey embryonic stem (ES) cell lines1, building on the previous work from their lab and others that described the generation of murine haploid ES cell lines2,3,4,5 (Figure 1). They first activated metaphase II monkey oocytes with ionomycin followed by cycloheximide treatment. These activated oocytes could develop into blastocysts in vitro and haploid ES cells (haESCs) can be derived by culturing the inner cell mass in a standard monkey ES cell culture system and using Hoechst FACS technique. Remarkably, one of the cell lines remained stable during long term passage, obviating the need for FACS sorting for the haploid cell lines during subsequent propagation. The cell lines can be genetically manipulated by insertional mutagenesis or by PiggyBac transposon technology, suggesting the possibility of genome-wide screening strategies. In this regard, a series of parallel scientific advances suggest that this technology platform may be particularly timely as the field of stem cell biology moves towards regenerative medicine and therapeutics.Open in a separate windowFigure 1The scheme of parthenogenetic (PG) and androgenetic (AG) haploid embryonic stem cells (haESCs) derivation. (A) For the generation of PG-haESCs, metaphase II oocytes were activated with either strontium chloride (SrCl2) for mice or ionomycin/cycloheximide (CHX) for monkeys and further cultivated to the blastocyst stage. With the help of Hoechst FACS technique, PG-haESCs can be derived. (B) For the generation of AG-haESCs, metaphase II oocytes were enucleated followed by sperm injection. In addition, the reconstructed oocytes were activated with SrCl2 for mice and further developed to the blastocyst stage in vitro. AG-haESCs can be derived by several rounds of Hoechst FACS based on DNA contents. The derivation of non-human primate AG-haESCs has not been reported yet.For many years, it has proven quite difficult to engineer site-specific mutations, knock-ins, and knock-outs in human ES or induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells, and only a handful of genetically engineered lines have been created by conventional homologous recombination strategies6. However, recent advances in RNA-guided nuclease technology has led to a marked improvement in the efficiency of the knockout of genes in human pluripotent stem cells7, suggesting that it may be possible to create knock-out haploid non-human primate (NHP) ES cell lines that harbor specific disease genes and surrogate reporter readouts, and then to look for genetic complementation that could identify critical genes that could be potential drug targets. A library of individual NHP haploid ES cell lines that harbor a loss-of-function mutation across the entire NHP genome could find multiple uses in quickly identifying signaling pathways in differentiated cell types. Given recent advances in screening in human ES and iPS cell lines8, direct drug screening on the haploid monkey ES cell lines should also be possible. In addition, it will likely be possible to set up genome-wide screening to systematically identify entire network of genes that drive specific differentiation events, and early steps of primate organogenesis. If androgenetic NHP haploid cell lines can be developed (see Figure 1), a leap in the efficiency of the generation of monkey KO animal models could be envisioned over the long term. In this regard, the recent generation of chimeric monkeys9, as well as future technical advances related to this achievement, could become of significant interest.At the same time, the study indirectly raises the query as to the need for monkey model systems when the technology for genetic manipulation in the mouse is without peer, and human ES and iPS cell lines can now be easily generated and genetically manipulated. The recent pronouncement of the termination of NIH support for primate research (http://news.sciencemag.org/people-events/2013/06/nih-will-retire-most-research-chimps-end-many-projects), along with the growing awareness of the need to re-examine the need for NHP models, suggests that there must be very solid scientific grounds for pursuing NHP model systems in the future.In this regard, a growing body of evidence is now pointing to the lack of fidelity of mouse models of human disease to the in vivo human setting, a problem that has plagued cancer therapeutics for decades. Recently, the lack of predictability of human responses from models of murine sepsis has been cogently made10, and the divergence in the physiology of mice and humans, particularly in terms of metabolism and cardiovascular, are enormous. The complexity and scalability of primate versus murine organogenesis also may be an issue. For example, the human heart is 10 000 times larger than the murine, has a much larger diversity of cell types, and a level of tertiary morphology that is not found in the murine heart (for review see11). Murine cardiogenesis is largely completed with 48 h, while human cardiogenesis occurs over months, and recent studies that suggest a much larger diversity and markedly extended period of proliferation of the family of heart progenitors in the human fetal versus murine heart12. To date, there are no approved drugs that have come from genetically engineered murine models of cardiovascular (CV) disease, and the biggest CV drugs have actually been discovered based on human genetics (statins, PCSK9, etc.). The increased importance of CV side effects for new drugs in the diabetes space, as well as for other chronic diseases, points to the importance of their study in more sophisticated primate systems, as all these drugs (Avandia, Vioxx, etc.) had cleared conventional screening in rodent model systems. Given the above, we may have to put the Chinese Calendar on auto-repeat mode, as we enter the “Years of the Monkey” in this decade and the next.  相似文献   

Monkey business     

A New Subdivision,Marginal Division,in the Neostriatum of the Monkey Brain   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
A new subdivision, the marginal division (MrD), was discovered at the caudal border of the striatum and surrounds the rostral edge of the globus pallidus in the rat brain in our previous studies. The neuronal somata of the MrD are mostly fusiform in shape with their long axes lining dorsoventrally. The MrD is more densely filled with substance P (SP)-, Leucine-enkephalin (L-Enk)-, dynorphin B-, neurotensin-, somatostatin- and cholecystokinin (CCK)-immunoreactive fibers and terminal-like structures than the rest of the striatum. The MrD was confirmed in the cat neostriatum as well. The present study intended to explore whether the MrD exists in the monkey neostriatum (putamen) with Nissl, histochemical and immunohistochemical methods. A band of fusiform neurons were obviously identified at the caudomedial edge of the putamen. These neurons lie outside the lateral medullary lamina and indirectly surround the rostrolateral border of the globus pallidus. The abundance of SP-, L-Enk-, neuropeptide Y-, CCK-, dopamine- and serotonin-positive fibers and terminal-like structures with a few positive fusiform neurons accumulating at the caudomedial border of the putamen obviously distinguishes this zone from the rest of neostriatum and globus pallidus. The acetylcholinesterase (AChE) positive and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate diaphorase (NADPH-d) containing fusiform neurons are distinctly visualized in the same zone. The morphological figure and the location of these neurons, and the histochemical and immunohistochemical characteristics of this area coincide well with those of the MrD in the rat and cat striatum. This study thus convincingly identifies the existence of the MrD in the monkey neostriatum. It is fairly asserted that the MrD is a universal structure in the mammalian brain.  相似文献   

The present study evaluated the efficacy of an adapted version of the Mollon-Reffin test for the behavioral investigation of color vision in capuchin monkeys. Ten tufted capuchin monkeys (Sapajus spp., formerly referred to as Cebus apella) had their DNA analyzed and were characterized as the following: one trichromat female, seven deuteranope dichromats (six males and one female), and two protanope males, one of which was identified as an “ML protanope.” For their behavioral characterization, all of the subjects were tested at three regions of the Commission International de l''Eclairage (CIE) 1976 u′v′ diagram, with each test consisting of 20 chromatic variation vectors that were radially distributed around the chromaticity point set as the test background. The phenotypes inferred from the behavioral data were in complete agreement with those predicted from the genetic analysis, with the threshold distribution clearly differentiating between trichromats and dichromats and the estimated confusion lines characteristically converging for deuteranopes and the “classic” protanope. The discrimination pattern of the ML protanope was intermediate between protan and deutan, with confusion lines horizontally oriented and parallel to each other. The observed phenotypic differentiation confirmed the efficacy of the Mollon-Reffin test paradigm as a useful tool for evaluating color discrimination in nonhuman primates. Especially noteworthy was the demonstration of behavioral segregation between the “classic” and “ML” protanopes, suggesting identifiable behavioral consequences of even slight variations in the spectral sensitivity of M/L photopigments in dichromats.  相似文献   

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