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《L' Année biologique》1998,37(2):95-105
Viruses are a biological pollution in wastewaters. Their elimination results from treatment processes of polluted effluents in the sewage treatment plant or in the lagooning pilot plant. Bacteriophages are regarded as viruses models and as indicators of faecal contamination. In an expiremental study, two pilot plants laboratories have been used (natural lagooning and activated sludge pilot) to follow and evaluate the elimination rate of somatic coliphage X-174 or the ARN F-specific one MS2. The two phages removal, ranging to 99 % in the two systems, are related with previous values on enteric viruses. The main factors of viral removal and inactivation (adsorption to solid matters, microbial activities, solar radiations, dissolved matters) have been studied too. Adsorption of infectious particles to solid matters is a very significant process. This was obtained in the pilot plant laboratory experiment and in in vitro study (X-174 or MS2 in the presence of the kaolinite or the montmorillonite). Otherwise, 12 hours of solar rays exposition were efficient ro inactivate nearly the whole phagic suspension. The ciliate protozoan Tetrahymena pyriformis does not seem to have an important role for elimination of phages (X-174 and MS2.  相似文献   

C. Cabanis 《Andrologie》1995,5(4):516-520
Sex and cancer, pleasure and death are words very difficult and painful to associate and to evoke. The sexuality of patients with cancerous diseases is unrecognized by physicians and very little present in the practice of sexology. the sexual life of cancerous patients must be preserved. The preventions must have aims, means and time. The aims are: to allow, to keep, to find or to rediscover a sexual and relational life. The means are:
  • ? systematic information on the clinical reality and his results,
  • ? directed information on the sexual reality and his capacities,
  • ? thinked information on the sense and the value of the sexuality and of the pleasure.
  • The time is before, during and after the treatment for cancer. The prevention is also sexological treatments if sexuals symptoms occur.  相似文献   

    《Médecine Nucléaire》2020,44(5-6):351-359

    《Médecine Nucléaire》2014,38(6):478-482

    《Médecine Nucléaire》2013,37(12):601-606

    Sexual dysfunction can cause sterility, but the failure of IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) or Sperm Donor Insemination (SDI) sterility treatments can also be responsible for sexual dysfunction. Emotional reactins to the failure of sterility treatments can be compared to a bereavement process, with the loss of a possible life plan and often the bereavement of sexuality. About 70% to 80% of both men and women facing a definitive diagnosis of sterility, present depressive reactions, sexual dysfunction and relational difficulties following failure of IVF and SDI. To avoid these poor outcomes, the couple's sex life, sexual violence, and well-being must be systematically discussed. Better counselling and prevention of sexual disorders related to failure of sterility treatment must be provided by a multidisciplinary approach (gynaecologist-obstetrician, andrologist, sexologist, psychiatrist, sophrologist, nurses).  相似文献   

    《Médecine Nucléaire》2017,41(6):460-464

    《Médecine Nucléaire》2018,42(6):471-479

    From a survey of 30 species and varieties of ladybugs the presence of alkaloids appears to be correlated with the existence of aposematic colour and not with being carnivorous or phytophagous. The alkaloids described until now all belong to the Coccinellini and are closely related, but other types of bases have been detected in some genera. The observed distributions are in agreement with the modern taxonomy of the family.Ladybug alkaloids constitute an effective defence against ants, Myrmica rubra, and quails, Coturnix coturnix, but all the beetles containing alkaloids do not possess the same degree of protection. Individual quail react differently towards moderately protected species.The bioassay used for the first isolation of coccinelin is described. The repulsive activities of aqueous solutions of coccinellin and convergin towards ants have been compared.  相似文献   

    Sans résuméCes diverses études conduisent toutes à cette conclusion que la séparation des protéines effectuée à basse température par la méthode dite à l'acétone de MM.Piettre etVila respecte l'intégrité des molécules protéiques.  相似文献   

    L. Lison 《Protoplasma》1928,4(1):367-387
    Resumé Dans la première partie de ce travail, nous avons montré que, contrairement à la conception deFauré-Fremiet, les mouvements que présentent les amibocytes des Invertébrés à l'état actif ne peuvent s'expliquer par le seul jeu des forces de tension superficielle. Ces forces, si elles interviennent das le mécanisme du mouvement, ne peuvent en expliquer l'origine; l'amibocyte, tel qu'il est constitué, est un système inerte, incapable de se mouvoir sans apport d'énergie.Les faits exposés dans la seconde partie montrent qu'on peut dissocier physiologiquement le granuloplasme nucléé de l'hyaloplasme. Des coelamibocytes d:'Allobophora longa soumis à l'action de toxiques ou d'anesthésiques peuvent présenter des mouvements de leur hyaloplasme longtemps après que le granuloplasme nucléé a cessé toute activité fonctionnelle (mort ou anesthésie). Ces substances inhibent les activités complexes du granuloplasme, probablement les activités diastasiques, tout en conservant intactes les activités d'ordre plus simple qui président aux mouvements de l'hyaloplasme.  相似文献   

    Fadila Naji 《CMAJ》2015,187(12):E400-E401

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