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拟环纹豹蛛的生物生态学研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王智 《昆虫学报》2007,50(9):927-932
运用田间观察和室内外饲养相结合的方法,对稻田蜘蛛优势种拟环纹豹蛛Pardosa pseudoannulata的生物生态学特性进行了研究。拟环纹豹蛛在湘西北1年发生2~3代,第3代不完整,以第2代历期最短,第3代(越冬代)历期最长;以成蛛、亚成蛛或幼蛛越冬,其分布图式为聚集分布;4月下旬即由田埂向稻田内迁移,在水稻生育期有3次数量高峰; 属游猎型蜘蛛,可步行在水稻、水面、陆地等处捕食飞虱、叶蝉等多种目标害虫; 受惊时潜入水中或潜伏。雌雄蛛均可多次交配,雌蛛一生最多可产卵5次,实验种群卵囊含卵量76~337粒,平均156粒。孵化的幼蛛,先群集在雌蛛背面,3~5天后开始扩散,6~7天扩散到高峰。幼蛛期47~158天;成蛛期121~236天,雌蛛较雄蛛长21~62天。性比除第2代外的各代均为雄性多于雌性。本文详细记述了拟环纹豹蛛的求偶与交配行为,产卵与护卵习性,孵化与携幼行为,幼蛛生长、蜕皮、各龄期形态特征及耐饥、耐旱能力等。  相似文献   

The production of silk in adult females of the wolf spider Pardosa amentata (CI.) has been studied. The role of female silk in courtship behavour is discussed on teh basis of experimental data.  相似文献   

Summary In the eight Pardosa species studied, aerial dispersal occurs generally in the young instars. The climatic conditions, particularly wind but also temperature and humidity, affect the occurrence of aerial dispersal. Within the different systematic groups in the genus, species with relatively high and relatively low dispersal capacities occur. These differences in dispersal capacity are discussed in relation with the abundance and stability of the habitat, in which the species are found.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) is useful for identification and phylogenetic analyses among arthropods, but there are no sufficient mitogenome data for wolf spiders. To enrich the mitogenome database of wolf spiders, the complete mitogenome of Pardosa pusiola was sequenced by high-throughput sequencing. It is 14,284 bp, comprising 13 protein-coding genes (PCGs), 22 transfer RNA genes (tRNAs), two ribosomal RNA genes (rRNAs), and a control region (CR). It represents a high bias toward A and T nucleotides with an A + T content of 76.49%. The mitogenome exhibited a negative AT skew (−0.13) and a positive GC skew (0.32). Most PCGs started with ATN codons and ended with TAA, TAG, or an incomplete T. In addition, most tRNAs had aberrant secondary structures with the absence of DHU arm or TΨC arm. Analysis performed with CREx software demonstrated that large-scale rearrangements of tRNAs were observed in the mitogenome of P. pusiola as compared with the putative ancestral mitogenome. The Bayesian inference (BI) and maximum likelihood (ML) phylogenetic trees based on the 13 PCGs of 25 spiders had the same topology, which could be presented as (Araneidae + (Agelenidae + (Dictynidae + Desidae)) + (Salticidae + (Thomisidae + (Oxyopidae + (Pisauridae + Lycosidae))))). This study offers a useful genetic resource for the taxonomy and phylogeny of spiders.  相似文献   

Many arachnids like other terrestrial arthropods, provide extensive maternal care. Few studies have quantified the underlying physiological costs of maternal care. We investigated how maternal care affects the free-moving wolf spider’s (Pardosa saltans) energy requirements. We described in detail their basic reproduction biology (i.e. carrying cocoon and young) and we evaluated the variation in the females’ energy reserves during maternal care. Our results show that mothers guard eggs until hatching and then guard their spiderlings for 27–30 more days. Laboratory observations indicated that spiderlings start leaving the maternal abdomen gradually 5–7 days after hatching. Females carry an egg sac (cocoon) that can weigh up to 77% of their post-reproduction weight and carry young that weigh 87–100% of their body mass. Females lost weight over time despite regular food intake, while carrying cocoon and young; but their weights increased gradually during the dispersal of young. The contributions of proteins, glucose and triglycerides to maintain females’ energy were calculated. Their energetic state varied during maternal care, in particular lipid levels declined, during the care of spiderlings when the females’ predatory behaviour was inhibited. Our results show that the maternal care provided by P. saltans females is particularly costly physiologically, during the 30 days following egg sac formation and development of spiderlings, even when food is available.  相似文献   

屈蕾蕾、彭贤锦、尹长民2010年记述的中国豹蛛1新种一双齿豹蛛Pardosa bidentata Qu.Peng&Yin,2010(Oriental Insect 44: 388, figs.1, 7)经Norman I.Platnick博士确认为Pardosa bidentata Franganillo,1936(Estudios de“Belen.”1936:76,fig.35)的异物同名。现将屈蕾蕾、彭贤锦、尹长民2010年命名的双齿豹蛛Pardesa bidentata Qu,Peng&Yin,2010重新命名为拟柴氏豹蛛,新名Pardosa pseudochapini Peng,nom.nov。  相似文献   

The adult Pardosa fulvipes male has a stridulatory apparatus in which the file is the hairless striated surface of the book lung opercula, and the scraper part is formed by several stout denticulated hairs re-trolaterally on the fourth coxae and trochanters. The microscuipture of th; opsrcula and specialized hairs in the adult male are studied with the aid of scanning electron microscope and compared with homologous structures in the adult female and immatures. The microscuipture of the book lung opercula is also compared with that of related Pardosa species. A gradual transformation of the opercular microscuipture occurs in both male and female P. fulvipes leading to the species-specific sculpture in the adults. The behavioural prerequisites for stridulation in this species are discussed. P. fulvipes is hitherto the only lycosid known to have a stridulatory apparatus.  相似文献   

结合野外调查及室内实验观察,对云南洱海周边地区的拟环纹豹蛛Pardosa pseudoannulata(Boesenberg et Strand,1906)和星豹蛛Pardosa astrigera L.Koch,1878卵袋中寄生蜂种类及其寄主的选择性作了为期1年的调查研究.共发现了2种寄生蜂,即Idiolispa sp.和Idris sp.,两种寄生蜂均可不同程度地寄生在两种蜘蛛的卵袋里.Idiolispa sp.偏好寄生拟环纹豹蛛的卵袋,而Idris sp.则不具寄生偏好性,两种蜘蛛均是其适合的寄主.分析了Idiolispa sp.产生寄主选择偏好性的原因.  相似文献   

The histology of the four types of silk gland, occurring in the wolf spider Pardosa amentata are given. The changes in epithelium height, lumen breadth and size of the granules were studied in relation to silk production in the sub-adult and adult stage of the life-cycle.  相似文献   

Variations in species morphology and life‐history traits strongly correlate with geographic and climatic characteristics. Most studies on morphological variations in animals focus on ectotherms distributed on a large geographic scale across latitudinal and/or altitudinal gradient. However, the morphological variations of spiders living in the same habitats across different seasons have not been reported. In this study, we used the wolf spider, Pardosa astrigera, as a model to determine seasonal differences in adult body size, melanism, fecundity, and egg diameter both in the overwintering and the first generation for 2010 and 2016. The results showed that in 2010, both females and males of the overwintering generation were significantly darker than the first generation. Moreover, the overwintering females were markedly larger and produced more and bigger eggs than the first generation in both 2010 and 2016. Considering the overwintering P. astrigera experiencing low temperature and/or desiccation stress, these results suggest that substantially darker and larger body of the overwintering generation is adaptive to adverse conditions.  相似文献   

Summary In eight Pardosa species studied there is a correlation between the structure of the habitat in which the species live, the quantity of silk (drag-lines) produced, the plane in which the silk is spun and the degree of development of the silk glands (the gl. ampullaceae). In general, species living in field-type vegetation have large gl. ampullaceae, produce large quantities of silk and spin proportionally more silk in the vertical plane, while the converse is true for species from open-ground type vegetation.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Seasonal changes in resource investment into individual offspring are well documented, but no attention has been paid to the allocation of the invested resource among the body parts of the offspring. In the present study, seasonal changes in the absolute and relative sizes in a spiderling of the wolf spider Pardosa pseudoannulata Boes. et Str. are investigated, and the relationship between spiderling body size and the ability to moult during a food shortage is clarified. Spiderlings that emerge in November have a significantly larger cephalothorax and abdomen than those that emerge in June. In addition, the abdomen–cephalothorax size ratio is significantly greater in November than in June offspring. Under limited food availability conditions, only 40% of spiderlings moult. Nymphs that do moult have a significantly larger cephalothorax, abdomen and abdomen–cephalothorax size ratio than nymphs that do not moult. Thus, both the quantity of resources invested in the cephalothorax and abdomen of a spiderling and the proportional allocation of resources between the two body parts change seasonally in Pa. pseudoannulata ; alteration of the resource allocation occurs in late autumn. Larger spiderlings of Pa. pseudoannulata that emerge in late autumn would be able to develop into advanced instars even during food shortage, and therefore may have better overwintering survival rates.  相似文献   

Male Pardosa milvina wolf spiders use their pedipalps both for copulation and courtship. Pedipalp loss is significantly more common among adult males compared to females. We measured the courtship and mating effects associated with the loss of one or both pedipalps among adult male P. milvina. Pedipalp loss significantly reduced courtship intensity, but had no influence on mounting success. Intact males were less likely to be cannibalized and suffered fewer predatory attacks by females than autotomized males. Loss of the left pedipalp resulted in significantly less intense courtship, higher female aggression levels, and delayed onset of courtship whereas loss of the right pedipalp minimally affected male and female behavior relative to intact males. Pedipalp displays may function in reducing female aggression rather than increasing female receptivity.  相似文献   

The respiratory system of the wolf spider Pardosa lugubris consists of a pair of well-developed lungs and four unbranched tube tracheae. We used stereological morphometric methods to investigate the morphological diffusing capacity of the lungs and of the walls of the tracheae ('lateral diffusing capacity'). We examined three groups of female P. lugubris with different mean body masses. The barrier thickness of the gas-exchange epithelium of the lungs was 0.17 microm for the total diffusion barrier and the calculated oxygen diffusing capacity (D(O2)) for the lungs was between 12.9 and 13.4 microl min(-1)g(-1)kPa(-1). Measured metabolic rates compared with the D(O2) of the lungs result in necessary oxygen partial pressure differences of 0.2 kPa during rest and 2.1 kPa during maximum measured activity. The diffusion barrier of the entire tracheal walls was 0.31-0.50 microm and the calculated lateral D(O2) was 0.05-0.2 microl min(-1)g(-1)kPa(-1). Therefore, tracheae are of no importance for the overall oxygen exchange. However, they might be of some importance in local oxygen supply or in overall carbon dioxide release. The comparison with the respiratory system of the jumping spider Salticus scenicus reveals that the lungs have very similar mass-specific D(O2) in both species, and that, in addition, jumping spiders possess a much better developed tracheal system.  相似文献   

Predators frequently leave behind chemical information (i.e., semiochemicals such as pheromones or kairomones) that can be detected by their prey and used to avoid areas where predators are likely present. Prey that have interacted indirectly with predators via chemical information thus may gain insight into their risk of being consumed that naïve individuals lack. Pardosa milvina (Araneae: Lycosidae) is a chemosensitive wolf spider that shows adaptive responses to chemotactile cues deposited by the larger wolf spider Tigrosa helluo. We raised offspring from P. milvina to examine the effect of experience with a predation cue on activity, foraging, and antipredator behavior. Spiders differed in activity and foraging behavior across ontogeny and between sexes, but there was no effect of experience with a predation cue. However, a sex‐specific effect of experience was found in antipredator behavior. Male spiders, but not females, used experience with a predator cue to increase their survival in the presence of a live predator. Specifically, naïve males were attacked sooner than experienced males, indicating that prior exposure to predator cues can modify Pardosa antipredator behavior. Intersexual differences in how spiders respond to experience with a predation cue likely reflect the risk of predation faced by males and females in nature.  相似文献   

The wolf spider, Pardosa milvina, exhibits reduced movement when detecting chemical cues (silk and excreta) from a larger wolf spider, Hogna helluo. We tested if cue age influenced Pardosa activity. Pardosa response was measured during 1-h trials using video-tracking equipment. Five treatments of predator cues were used: 5-day-old, 1-day-old, 1-h-old, and fresh cues and a control lacking predator cues. Pardosa moved significantly more slowly on substrates with fresh or 1-h-old cues compared to all other treatments and spent less time walking in all Hogna treatments relative to the control except with 5-day-old cues. Pardosa survived longer in the presence of Hogna with fresh compared to older cues. Prey may evaluate cue age as a measure of predation risk and grade antipredator behavior accordingly.  相似文献   

The wolf spider, Pardosa milvina, reduces activity in the presence of chemical cues (silk and excreta) from a larger predatory wolf spider, Hogna helluo. Hogna is sexually dimorphic in body size and males and females differ in their propensity to attack prey. Consequently, each sex may present different levels of risk to Pardosa. We measured predation risk of Pardosa in the presence of male or female Hogna. We also assessed Pardosa antipredator responses and survival in the presence or absence of previously deposited chemical cues from male or female Hogna. In the absence of predator chemical cues, Pardosa survived significantly longer in the presence of male Hogna compared with female Hogna. We then assessed Pardosa survival in the presence of chemical cues from each Hogna sex by placing Pardosa in containers previously occupied by a female Hogna, a male Hogna, or no Hogna (control). We then introduced a female Hogna into each container and measured predation latency. Pardosa survived significantly longer in the presence of female and male cues compared with the control treatment. Median survival time of Pardosa was over four times longer on substrates with female Hogna cues compared with male cues, but this difference was not statistically significant. We tested Pardosa activity levels in the presence of chemical cues from male or female Hogna. Both Hogna sexes were maintained in separate containers after which we placed an adult female Pardosa in one of the containers or a blank control container. Pardosa significantly decreased activity in the presence of chemical cues from either sex relative to the control. Activity was lowest on substrates with female Hogna cues, but not significantly lower than on substrates with male Hogna cues. Results suggest that chemical information from male or female Hogna significantly reduces Pardosa activity which results in increased survival.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2023,26(1):102018
Heavy metals are known to modulate the life history traits of spider species. This study aimed to explore the divergence in life-history traits, including survival, growth, development, and reproduction, in Pardosa birmanica and Lycosa terrestris housed on artificial soil or fed artificial food containing10mM of CuSO4 and10mM of PbCl2 either separately or in a binary mixture(i.e., 10 mM CuSO4 + 10 mM PbCl2) from 4thto 8th instars under laboratory conditions. The results revealed that all metals treatments caused developmental delays, and reduced growth rate. Metals treated females laid lower number of eggs with high hatching success but prolonged hatching time. The co-exposure of metals had great potential to affect the life-history traits of spiders than did Cu or Pb alone, specially by dietary uptake. This study demonstrated that the lifehistory traits of spider’s species provided sensitive endpoints and biomarkers for ecotoxicological risk assessments. Spiders are beneficial sentinel species and bioindicators because they help us monitor the risk to the organisms themselves and the ecosystem.  相似文献   

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