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A consideration of developmental constraints at the tissue level brings into focus the relationship between genes, cell behavior and morphological evolution. This common framework provides a rationale for phenomena as seemingly divergent as the lack of homeotic appendages in humans and the Cambrian explosion.  相似文献   

Comparing related organisms with differing ecological requirements and evolutionary histories can shed light on the mechanisms and drivers underlying genetic adaptation. Here, by examining a common set of hundreds of loci, we compare patterns of nucleotide diversity and molecular adaptation of two European conifers (Scots pine and maritime pine) living in contrasted environments and characterized by distinct population genetic structure (low and clinal in Scots pine, high and ecotypic in maritime pine) and demographic histories. We found higher nucleotide diversity in Scots pine than in maritime pine, whereas rates of new adaptive substitutions (ωa), as estimated from the distribution of fitness effects, were similar across species and among the highest found in plants. Sample size and population genetic structure did not appear to have resulted in significant bias in estimates of ωa. Moreover, population contraction–expansion dynamics for each species did not affect differentially the rate of adaptive substitution in these two pines. Several methodological and biological factors may underlie the unusually high rate of adaptive evolution of Scots pine and maritime pine. By providing two new case studies with contrasting evolutionary histories, we contribute to disentangling the multiple factors potentially affecting adaptive evolution in natural plant populations.  相似文献   

In response to parasitic infection, hosts may evolve defences that reduce the deleterious effects on survivorship. This may be interpreted as a form of resistance, as long as infected hosts are able to either recover or reproduce. Here we distinguish two important routes to this form of resistance. An infected host may either: (1) tolerate pathogen damage, or (2) control the pathogen by inhibiting its growth. A model is constructed to examine the evolutionary dynamics of tolerance and control to a free-living microparasite, where both forms of resistance are costly in terms of other life-history traits. We do not observe polymorphism of tolerant genotypes. In contrast, the evolution of control may lead to disruptive selection, and ultimately dimorphism of extreme strains. The optimal host genotype also varies with the type of resistance-individuals invest more in tolerance and pay a greater cost. The free-living framework used makes the distinction between tolerance and control explicit but the distinction applies equally to directly transmitted parasites. Due to the evolutionary differences exhibited, it is important to design experiments that distinguish between the two forms of resistance.  相似文献   

Summary A diverse group of theoretical and empirical studies are integrated into a composite model of sympatric speciation via habitat specialization. It is shown that disruptive selection on a continuous distribution of habitat preference can lead to the evolution of prezygotic reproductive isolation as a correlated character. The form of selection eliminates the major theoretical objections to the process of sympatric speciation. The principal difference between this model and the allopatric model of speciation is that the initial barrier to gene flow between subpopulations is produced by the evolution of gaps in the phenotypic distribution of spatial/temporal habitat use, rather than an extrinsic geographical barrier.  相似文献   

J Wu  K V Krutovskii  S H Strauss 《Genetics》1998,150(4):1605-1614
We examined mitochondrial DNA polymorphisms via the analysis of restriction fragment length polymorphisms in three closely related species of pines from western North America: knobcone (Pinus attenuata Lemm.), Monterey (P. radiata D. Don), and bishop (P. muricata D. Don). A total of 343 trees derived from 13 populations were analyzed using 13 homologous mitochondrial gene probes amplified from three species by polymerase chain reaction. Twenty-eight distinct mitochondrial DNA haplotypes were detected and no common haplotypes were found among the species. All three species showed limited variability within populations, but strong differentiation among populations. Based on haplotype frequencies, genetic diversity within populations (HS) averaged 0.22, and population differentiation (GST and theta) exceeded 0.78. Analysis of molecular variance also revealed that >90% of the variation resided among populations. For the purposes of genetic conservation and breeding programs, species and populations could be readily distinguished by unique haplotypes, often using the combination of only a few probes. Neighbor-joining phenograms, however, strongly disagreed with those based on allozymes, chloroplast DNA, and morphological traits. Thus, despite its diagnostic haplotypes, the genome appears to evolve via the rearrangement of multiple, convergent subgenomic domains.  相似文献   

We examined how acceptability characteristics displayed by 28-day-old seedlings of 12 species of Western Australian Proteaceae affect the likelihood of seedling herbivory in the field. The seedling attributes quantified were cotyledon phenolic, cyanide and nitrogen concentrations, and cotyledon area, thickness and specific leaf area. Only phenolic content was significantly correlated (negatively) with field rates of herbivore attack. This finding shows that the phenomenon of selective herbivore attack on seedlings may be influenced by a specific plant life-history trait, (in this case cotyledon phenolic concentration). In addition, we also studied the interaction between fire, serotiny and herbivory in matched burned and unburned plots. Although herbivore activity was greater in unburned plots, weakly serotinous species were as prone to defoliation as congeneric, strongly serotinous species, even though their seedlings recruit successfully in the absence of fire. This result suggests that seedlings of species able to establish between fires are not better defended against the higher levels of herbivory normally associated with unburned vegetation.  相似文献   

The need for efficient molecular interplay in time and space within a cell imposes strong constraints that could be partially relaxed if relative gene positions along chromosomes were appropriate. Comparative genomics studies have demonstrated the short-scale conservation of gene proximity along bacterial chromosomes. Additionally, the long-range periodic positioning of evolutionarily correlated genes within Escherichia coli has recently been highlighted. To gain further insight into these different genetic organizations, we examined the compromise between chromosomal proximity and periodicity for all available eubacterial genomes by evaluating groups of evolutionarily correlated genes from a benchmark data set. In enterobacteria, strict chromosomal proximity is found to be limited to groups under 20 genes, whereas periodicity is significant in all groups over 50. The E. coli K12 genome bears 511 periodic genes (12% of the genome), whose orthologs are found to be periodic in all eubacterial phyla. These periodic genes predominantly function in macromolecular synthesis and spatial organization of cellular components. They are enriched in essential and housekeeping genes and tend to often be constitutively expressed. On this basis, it is argued that chromosomal proximity and periodicity are ubiquitous complementary genomic strategies that favor the build-up of local concentrations of co-functional molecules. In particular, the periodic layout may facilitate chromosome folding to spatially organize the construction of major cell components. The transition at 20 genes is reminiscent of the size of the longest operons and of topological microdomains. The range for which DNA neighborhood optimizes biochemical interactions might therefore be defined by DNA topology.  相似文献   

When organisms are faced with new or changing environments, a central challenge is the coordination of adaptive shifts in many different phenotypic traits. Relationships among traits may facilitate or constrain evolutionary responses to selection, depending on whether the direction of selection is aligned or opposed to the pattern of trait correlations. Attempts to predict evolutionary potential in correlated traits generally assume that correlations are stable across time and space; however, increasing evidence suggests that this may not be the case, and flexibility in trait correlations could bias evolutionary trajectories. We examined genetic and environmental influences on variation and covariation in a suite of behavioural traits to understand if and how flexibility in trait correlations influences adaptation to novel environments. We tested the role of genetic and environmental influences on behavioural trait correlations by comparing Trinidadian guppies (Poecilia reticulata) historically adapted to high‐ and low‐predation environments that were reared under native and non‐native environmental conditions. Both high‐ and low‐predation fish exhibited increased behavioural variance when reared under non‐native vs. native environmental conditions, and rearing in the non‐native environment shifted the major axis of variation among behaviours. Our findings emphasize that trait correlations observed in one population or environment may not predict correlations in another and that environmentally induced plasticity in correlations may bias evolutionary divergence in novel environments.  相似文献   

Crocodilians show a high degree of cranial variation and convergence throughout their 80 million-year fossil record that complicates their phylogenetic reconstruction. Conflicting phylogenetic results from different data partitions and character homoplasies typify crocodilian phylogeny, and differences between molecular and morphological phylogenetic hypotheses are believed to be associated with the slender-snout skull shape of Gavialis gangeticus and Tomistoma schlegelii. Slender-snout skulls are one of five identified eusuchian cranial ecomorph shape categories (ESCs) thought to reflect functional or ecological specialization. This paper tested the effect of transitions among general, blunt and slender ESCs on cranial character-state distributions in phylogeny using the concentrated changes test. In addition, 'tree-free' character compatibility analysis of character independence was conducted on the morphological character matrix to determine if character correlations are observed independent of specific tree topologies. Results suggest cranial ESCs do affect cranial character-state gains in phylogeny. Concentrated changes identify a broad suite of character-state changes that significantly correlate with transitions to slender, general and blunt ESCs on morphological, molecular and combined-data tree topologies, but numbers of correlated characters for each category differ according to topology. Character compatibility analysis results do not mirror the concentrated changes test results and reflect hierarchically distributed support throughout the data. As cranial ESCs affect character-state transitions, it is possible that nonphylogenetic variables could affect inferences of crocodilian phylogeny by affecting cranial morphology.  相似文献   

The evolution of biological materials is a critical, yet poorly understood, component in the generation of biodiversity. For example, the diversification of spiders is correlated with evolutionary changes in the way they use silk, and the material properties of these fibers, such as strength, toughness, extensibility, and stiffness, have profound effects on ecological function. Here, we examine the evolution of the material properties of dragline silk across a phylogenetically diverse sample of species in the Araneomorphae (true spiders). The silks we studied are generally stronger than other biological materials and tougher than most biological or man-made fibers, but their material properties are highly variable; for example, strength and toughness vary more than fourfold among the 21 species we investigated. Furthermore, associations between different properties are complex. Some traits, such as strength and extensibility, seem to evolve independently and show no evidence of correlation or trade-off across species, even though trade-offs between these properties are observed within species. Material properties retain different levels of phylogenetic signal, suggesting that traits such as extensibility and toughness may be subject to different types or intensities of selection in several spider lineages. The picture that emerges is complex, with a mosaic pattern of trait evolution producing a diverse set of materials across spider species. These results show that the properties of biological materials are the target of selection, and that these changes can produce evolutionarily and ecologically important diversity.  相似文献   

Parasitism refers to a particular symbiosis (deBary 1879) of organisms that live at the cost of their hosts. Virulent microbes (viruses and bacteria) proliferate unlimited causing toxic infections that end either by the host's death or its protective immunity. By this opposing survival strategy, via the population density, i.e. the contact rate, finally results a sequence of epidemic and endemic periods. The host population is kept at a reasonable level to resources, but host and pathogenic agent are wasted in the evolutionary arms race. Sparing such losses, eukaryotic proto- and metazoan parasites induce in natural hosts a delayed infection course by self-controlled propagation and avoid protective immunity. Hosts are ‘immunized but not immune’ and parasites propagate simultaneously with them. Metazoic and some protozoic parasitoses end with the parasite's natural death, pathogenic effects remain irrelevant. Nevertheless, the host's fitness becomes reduced by multiple re-infections and/or by increasing parasite loads. This balancing survival strategy controls host populations at lower costs. A network of parasitoses offers considerable selection advantages and explains the polyphyletic origin of eukaryotic parasites. Parasitism and other kinds of symbioses contribute to the stability of ecosystems and to stasis in long-term evolution but are invisible in the fossil record.  相似文献   

Kin selection,kin avoidance and correlated strategies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Kin selection of correlated strategies is examined for both weak and strong altruism under simple haploid inheritance. While kin assortment enhances the range of evolutionary stability for (strongly altruistic) correlated strategies (defined herein), kin avoidance is possible under a weakly altruistic correlated strategy. When social competition induces role assignments of variable fitness, group mates may prefer association with non-relatives. Even when group life is mandatory, an individual may accept the risk of abandonment (and reproductive death) rather then associate with kin: a competitive superior may behave altruistically by permitting competitively inferior kin to emigrate. Thus, kin selection and social competition are not necessarily mutually supportive processes within groups. I conclude by interpreting dominance as a strongly altruistic correlated strategy in two social hymenopteran contexts.  相似文献   

Summary Artificial selection results in biolgical changes, creating artificial evolution. When using selection indexes, the artificial evolution depends on the relative economic (or other) weight of traits in the breeding objective, and on the phenotypic and genetic variances and covariances among these traits and the traits recorded in the selection index. As shown here, the selection strategy (in this case, individual selection versus progeny test selection) can also have marked effects on the kind of artificial evolution produced. Thus, where economic weights are uncertain, choice between alternative selection strategies might take into account the different types of animal or plant resulting.  相似文献   

Investigations into the evolution of the primate brain have tended to neglect the role of connectivity in determining which brain structures have changed in size, focusing instead on changes in the size of the whole brain or of individual brain structures, such as the neocortex, in isolation. We show that the primate cerebellum, neocortex, vestibular nuclei and relays between them exhibit correlated volumetric evolution, even after removing the effects of change in other structures. The patterns of correlated evolution among individual nuclei correspond to their known patterns of connectivity. These results support the idea that the brain evolved by mosaic size change in arrays of functionally connected structures. Furthermore, they suggest that the much discussed expansion of the primate neocortex should be re-evaluated in the light of conjoint cerebellar expansion.  相似文献   

Using structural similarity clustering of protein domains: protein domain universe graph (PDUG), and a hierarchical functional annotation: gene ontology (GO) as two evolutionary lenses, we find that each structural cluster (domain fold) exhibits a distribution of functions that is unique to it. These functional distributions are functional fingerprints that are specific to characteristic structural clusters and vary from cluster to cluster. Furthermore, as structural similarity threshold for domain clustering in the PDUG is relaxed we observe an influx of earlier-diverged domains into clusters. These domains join clusters without destroying the functional fingerprint. These results can be understood in light of a divergent evolution scenario that posits correlated divergence of structural and functional traits in protein domains from one or few progenitors.  相似文献   

Atlantic salmon (Salmo solar, Salmonidae) show a diversity of life history, behavioural and morphological adaptations for reproduction which have evolved as an outcome of competition to maximize reproductive success. Reproductive traits of females have been shaped principally by natural selection for offspring production and survival, those of males by sexual selection for access to matings. Female Atlantic salmon invest approximately six times more energy in offspring production (i.e. gonads) than males and face an important trade-off between number and size of eggs to produce that will maximize the number of surviving offspring. Timing of breeding and the construction of nests appear adapted to increase offspring survival. The most important determinant of female breeding success is body size because it affords high fecundity, access to breeding territories and decreased probability of nest destruction. Asynchronous female spawning and the male ability to spawn rapidly and repeatedly results in male-biased operational sex ratios that generate intense male competition for mates. This has likely been responsible for the evolution of elaborate male secondary sexual characters associated with fighting and status signalling. Furthermore, it has given rise, through frequency-dependent selection, to two alternative male breeding phenotypes: (1) large, anadromous males; and (2) small, mature male parr. Anadromous males invest heavily in behavioural activity on the spawning grounds, searching and fighting for mates and courting them, with body size being an important determinant of their breeding success. This behavioural activity carries a heavy cost, as anadromous males have significantly reduced survival relative to females. In contrast, mature male parr invest proportionally more in testes for sperm competition and attempt to sneak access to matings. While this behaviour also carries costs in terms of subsequent growth and survival, male parr are more likely to breed again, either prior to or following a migration to sea, than anadromous males. While knowledge about the breeding of Atlantic salmon is detailed, we are only beginning to understand the ultimate causes and/or functional significances of their reproductive strategies. Predictive models of the life history variation are developing, focusing on the need for empirical study and testing of life history and reproductive patterns.  相似文献   

Given a robust phylogeny for a particular higher taxon, it is possible to map the evolution of various character changes onto the phylogeny and study the extent to which they co-occur. Of particular interest are the questions of (a) whether particular morphological changes tend to accompany changes in ecology or behaviour to which they bear a functional relationship and (b) whether changes in those ‘primary’ morphological characters tend to be associated with correlated changes in other aspects of morphology, as would be expected given the high level of morphological integration that characterizes most organisms. Here we report a study of this kind, looking at morphological correlates of the evolution of flightlessness in birds, and using the concentrated changes test to determine whether associations are significant. We find that pectoral reduction, pelvic enlargement and changes in skull morphology significantly co-occur, and that these are usually achieved through heterochrony rather than other kinds of developmental reprogramming. This revised version was published online in November 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Behavioral syndromes and the evolution of correlated behavior in zebrafish   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Studies of "behavioral syndromes" in different populations andspecies of animals can be used to shed light on the underlyingmechanisms of evolution. For example, some personality syndromessuggest the existence of an underlying hormonal link, whereasother relationships between boldness and aggression appear tobe the result of similar selective pressures. Here, we used1 wild-derived and 2 laboratory strains of zebrafish (Daniorerio) to examine relationships among 5 behavioral measures:shoaling, activity level, predator approaches, latency to feedafter a disturbance, and biting to a mirror stimulus. We foundevidence of an activity syndrome, as if underlying metaboliccosts influence variation in multiple forms of behavior. Evidencefor a relationship between boldness and aggression was alsoapparent but depended both on strain and which specific behaviorpatterns were identified as measures of "boldness." Althoughsome comparisons of laboratory and wild-derived strains wereconsistent with a domestication syndrome, others were not. Mostobserved relationships were relatively weak and occasionallyinconsistent, arguing against strong underlying genetic linkagesor pleiotropic effects relating any of the behavioral measures.Instead, it may be more important to study the details of selectivecontext or the long-term impact of linkages between some, butnot all, of a large set of genes influencing complex behavioraltraits. We found profound differences among strains in mostbehavior patterns, but few sex differences. One strain (TM1)was consistently different from the others (SH and Nadia) beingmore social, more likely to approach predators, and taking lesstime to recover from disturbance than were the other 2 strains.  相似文献   

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