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Trebouxiophytes of the genus Prasiola are well known in Antarctica, where they are among the most important primary producers. Although many aspects of their biology have been thoroughly investigated, the scarcity of molecular data has so far prevented an accurate assessment of their taxonomy and phylogenetic position. Using sequences of the chloroplast genes rbcL and psaB, we demonstrate the existence of three cryptic species that were previously confused under Prasiola crispa (Lightfoot) Kützing. Genuine P. crispa occurs in Antarctica; its presence was confirmed by comparison with the rbcL sequence of the type specimen (from the Isle of Skye, Scotland). Prasiola antarctica Kützing is resurrected as an independent species to designate algae with gross morphology identical to P. crispa but robustly placed in a separate lineage. The third species is represented by specimens identified as P. calophylla (Carmichael ex Greville) Kützing in previous studies, but clearly separated from European P. calophylla (type locality: Argyll, Scotland); this alga is described as P. glacialis sp. nov. The molecular data demonstrated the presence of P. crispa in Maritime and Continental Antarctica. P. antarctica was recorded from the Antarctic Peninsula and Shetland Islands, and P. glacialis from the Southern Ocean islands and coast. Such unexpected cryptic diversity highlights the need for a taxonomic reassessment of many published Antarctic records of P. crispa. The results also indicate that marine species of Prasiola form a well‐supported monophyletic group, whereas the phylogenetic diversity of freshwater species is higher than previously suspected (at least three separate lineages within the genus include species living in this type of environments).  相似文献   

A new species, Pseudocodium mucronatum, is described from the Chesterfield platform off the west coast of New Caledonia. The species differs from its congeners in having mucronate utricules. A phylogenetic analysis of rbcL and tufA sequences showed that P. mucronatum is most closely associated with P. natalense De Clerck, Coppejans et Verbruggen and P. devriesii Weber Bosse, with which it shares compressed axes, depressed apices, and plastids in the utricles and the medullar siphons. We studied the evolution of climatic and ecological preferences in the genus using an interdisciplinary approach consisting of relaxed molecular clock analysis, extraction of macroecological data from satellite imagery in a geographic information system (GIS) framework, and ancestral character state estimation. It was shown that the genus originated in tropical waters during the Early Mesozoic. Whereas the P. floridanum‐okinawense lineage remained tropical, the lineage including P. natalense, P. devriesii, and P. mucronatum gradually invaded more temperate waters during Cenozoic times. Except for P. devriesii, which occurs in shallow and intertidal habitats, all Pseudocodium species grow in deep‐water habitats, and this ecological preference appears to be ancestral.  相似文献   

Current taxonomy of the Bryopsidales recognizes eight families; most of which are further categorized into two suborders, the Bryopsidineae and Halimedineae. This concept was supported by early molecular phylogenetic analyses based on rRNA sequence data, but subsequent cladistic analyses of morphological characters inferred monophyly in only the Halimedineae. These conflicting results prompted the current analysis of 32 taxa from this diverse group of green algae based on plastid‐encoded RUBISCO large subunit (rbcL) gene sequences. Results of these analyses suggested that the Halimedineae and Bryopsidineae are distinct monophyletic lineages. The families Bryopsidaceae, Caulerpaceae, Codiaceae, Derbesiaceae, and Halimediaceae were inferred as monophyletic, however the Udoteaceae was inferred as non‐monophyletic. The phylogenetic position of two taxa with uncertain subordinal affinity, Dichotomosiphon tuberosus Lawson and Pseudocodium floridanum Dawes & Mathieson, were also inferred. Pseudocodium was consistently placed within the halimedinean clade suggesting its inclusion into this suborder, however familial affinity was not resolved. D. tuberosus was the inferred sister taxon of the Halimedineae based on analyses of rbcL sequence data and thus a possible member of this suborder.  相似文献   

The small subunit ribosomal RNA (SSU rRNA) gene was amplified from 15 species of the red alga Porphyra and digested with restriction enzymes to generate data for species identification. The subset of species selected for phylogenetic analysis was P. cuneiforms (Setchell et Hus) Krishnamurthy, P. nereocystis anderson, P. schizophylla Hollenberg et Abbott, P. thuretii Setchell et Dawson and Porphyra 1674. Bangia sp. was used as an out-group. Restriction sites were mapped and used as characters in parsimony and maximum likelihood analysis. The phylogenetic hypotheses generated were compared statistically to possible alternative phylogenies based on traditional morphological taxonomic characters. The results indicate that the current subgenera in Porphyra do not represent monophyletic groups and that traditional morphological and ecological taxonomic characters alone may not be adequate for definitive species identification and cannot be relied on as an indication of Porphyra have large insertions in the SSU gene that are apparently splicesd from the final SSU rRNA molecule. The possible character, distribution and potential significance of these putative introns are discussed.  相似文献   

The siphonous green alga Codium edule P. C. Silva (Bryopsidales, Chlorophyta) has the highest covering ratio among the macroalgae on the coral reef of Nanwan Bay in southern Taiwan, but its population in the subtidal region drastically decreases from July to September each year. The objective of this study was to determine whether the high temperature of summer could be the basis for this population decrease. Chlorophyll fluorescence measurements revealed that when the algae were incubated at 35°C (a temperature that can be reached in southern Taiwan during the summer), their photosynthetic activities were almost completely inhibited after about 8 h. The circadian rhythm of photosynthesis was disrupted at a temperature as low as 32°C. TEM studies showed that 4 h incubation at 35°C induced a decrease in turgidity accompanied by vacuole shrinkage and plasmolysis. The marked disintegrative changes, including damage to organelles, such as chloroplasts and nuclei, occurred after about 8 h, at which time central vacuoles collapsed and the cell interior was then filled with numerous small vesicles. Our results suggested that the rise in seawater temperature during the summer could be one of the major causes of the massive death of C. edule in the field.  相似文献   

Complete sequences of the Rrn 18 genes were obtained from 13 strains of the nonphotosynthetic algal genus Polytoma. Phylogenetic analyses showed that these strains formed two clades. One clade shows only modest sequence diversity but is represented by strains collected at widely dispersed sites in Europe and America. The other clade consists of a single isolate from the Canary Islands. Both clades lie well within the extended clade that includes all species of Chlamydomonas for which sequence data are available. The two Polytoma clades are separated from each other by several green species, suggesting that the extant nonphotosynthetic Chlamydomonadaceae arose from photosynthetic ancestors at least twice. These results suggest that nonphotosynthetic mutants are capable of establishing lineages that can spread widely but have a higher probability of extinction than their photosynthetic congeners.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic position of microfilamentous marine green algae assigned to the species Phaeophila dendroides, Entocladia tenuis (Phaeophila tenuis, and Ochlochaete hystrix was examined through phylogenetic analyses of nuclear‐encoded small subunit rDNA and chloroplast‐encoded tufA gene sequences. These analyses placed the P. dendroides strains within the Ulvophyceae, at the base of a clade that contains representatives of the families Ulvaceae, Ulvellaceae, and the species Bolbocoleon piliferum, supporting an earlier hypothesis that P. dendroides constitutes a distinct lineage. Substantial divergence in both nuclear and plastid DNA sequences exists among strains of P. dendroides from different geographic localities, but these isolated strains are morphologically indistinguishable. The lineage may have an accelerated rate of gene sequence evolution relative to other microfilamentous marine green algae. Entocladia tenuis and O. hystrix are placed neither in the P. dendroides clade nor in the Ulvellaceae as previous taxonomic schemes predicted but instead form a new clade or clades at the base of the Ulvaceae. Ruthnielsenia gen. nov. is proposed to accommodate Kylin's species, which cannot be placed in Entocladia (=Acrochaete), Phaeophila, or Ochlochaete. Ruthnielsenia tenuis (Kylin) comb. nov., previously known only from Atlantic coasts, is reported for the first time from the Pacific coast of North America (San Juan Island, WA, USA). Isolates of R. tenuis from the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of North America have identical small subunit rDNA and tufA gene sequences.  相似文献   

Mastocarpus papillatus (C. Agardh) Kütz. is a common intertidal red alga occurring along the west coast of North America from Baja California to Alaska. Sequencing of both the chloroplast‐encoded rbcL gene and the nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions of ~200 specimens from California to Alaska revealed that M. papillatus is actually a complex of at least five species. All five species have high bootstrap support in phylogenetic analyses of both genetic regions, and in the case of the ITS marker, the species also have distinctive patterns of indels. Three of the species are localized in the mid‐ to upper intertidal, whereas two of the species occur in the low intertidal. The species also have different geographic ranges that overlap in the Vancouver Island area of British Columbia. No distinctive, reliable morphological differences were observed among the species. Although a variety of names are available for species in the complex, it is not yet clear which name goes with which species. As part of the survey, I also sequenced other species of Mastocarpus in the northeast Pacific region, and I provide new distribution records for M. jardinii ( J. Agardh) J. A. West and for a nonpapillate and probably undescribed species of Mastocarpus.  相似文献   

Thirty-five green algal species, representing 17 orders in 5 classes, were examined for the presence of the xanthophyll loroxanthin by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography. Of these, 16 possessed loroxanthin, including at least one member of each class of green algae. The distribution of loroxanthin as established by this and previous studies is disjunct within the Chlorophyta and does not appear to have any taxonomic significance. Most of the green algae examined possessed one or more xanthophyll pigments that have not been found in land plants.  相似文献   

The placement of Avrainvillea and Cladocephalus in the family Udoteaceae (order Bryopsidales) has been questioned on the basis of nuclear, plastid, and other ultrastructural characteristics unique to these genera. Bayesian analysis of the chloroplast‐encoded LSU RUBISCO (rbcL) gene showed that the Udoteaceae is paraphyletic. Cladocephalus luteofuscus (P. Crouan et H. Crouan) Børgesen, Avrainvillea nigricans f. floridana D. Littler et Littler, and A. mazei G. Murray et Boodle form a clade with the freshwater alga Dichotomosiphon tuberosus (A. Braun ex Kütz.) A. Ernst that is basal to a clade that includes other members of the Udoteaceae, the Halimedaceae, and the Caulerpaceae. The noncalcified species Boodleopsis pusilla (Collins) W. R. Taylor, A. B. Joly et Bernat. groups with species of the calcified Udoteacean genera Penicillus, Rhipocephalus, Udotea, and Halimeda.  相似文献   

Molecular phylogenetic relationships within the Chlorophyta have relied heavily on rRNA data. These data have revolutionized our insight in green algal evolution, yet some class relationships have never been well resolved. A commonly used class within the Chlorophyta is the Ulvophyceae, although there is not much support for its monophyly. The relationships among the Ulvophyceae, Trebouxiophyceae, and Chlorophyceae are also contentious. In recent years, chloroplast genome data have shown their utility in resolving relationships between the main green algal clades, but such studies have never included marine macroalgae. We provide partial chloroplast genome data (~30,000 bp, 23 genes) of the ulvophycean macroalga Caulerpa filiformis (Suhr) K. Herig. We show gene order conservation for some gene combinations and rearrangements in other regions compared to closely related taxa. Our data also revealed a pseudogene (ycf62) in Caulerpa species. Our phylogenetic results, based on analyses of a 23‐gene alignment, suggest that neither Ulvophyceae nor Trebouxiophyceae are monophyletic, with Caulerpa being more closely related to the trebouxiophyte Chlorella than to Oltmannsiellopsis and Pseudendoclonium.  相似文献   

Cell wall chemistry in the coencocytic green seaweed Codium vermilara (Olivi) Delle Chiaje (Bryopsidales, Chlorophyta) is well understood. These cell walls are composed of major amounts of neutral β‐(1→4)‐D‐ mannans (Mn), sulfated polysaccharides (SPs), which include pyranosic arabinan sulfates (ArpS), pyruvylated galactan sulfates (pGaS), and mannan sulfates (MnS); also minor amounts of O‐glycoproteins are present. In this study, cell wall samples of C. vermilara were investigated with regard to their monosaccharide composition and infrared spectra (using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy coupled to principal component [FTIR‐PC] analysis). Samples from three different populations of C. vermilara from the Argentine coast showed: (i) an important variation in the relative arabinan content, which increases from north to south, and (ii) a measurable degree of cell wall variability in the sulfate distribution between the different sulfated polysaccharides, independent of the amount of each polysaccharide present and of total sulfate content. When cell wall composition was analyzed over three consecutive years in a single geographic location, the quantity of Mn and overall sulfate content on SPs remained constant, whereas the pGaS:ArpS molar ratio changed over the time. Besides, similar cell wall composition was found between actively growing and resting zones of the thallus, suggesting that cell wall composition is independent of growth stage and development. Overall, these results suggest that C. vermilara has developed a mechanism to adjust the total level of cell wall sulfation by modulating the ArpS:pGaS:MnS molar ratio and also by adjusting the sulfation level in each type of polymer, whereas nonsulfated Mn, as the main structural polysaccharide, did not change over the time or growing stage.  相似文献   

Two species of the colonial green flagellate family Volvocaceae are worldwide in distribution yet exhibit contrasting species structure. Geographically disparate isolates of Gonium pectorale Mueller can interbreed while isolates of Pandorina morum Bory behave quite differently. More than 20 sexually isolated subpopulations occur within this species; these have been termed “syngens” (sensu Sonneborn). Because prezygotic barriers to mating cause intersyngen pairings to fail, breeding analyses cannot be used to estimate genetic relatedness among the syngens of P. morum. DNA comparisons provide an alternative method of assessing genetic relatedness. We compared the nucleotide sequence of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of the nuclear ribosomal repeat among clones of P. morum and of G. pectorale. Members of syngens of P. morum with distribution restricted to one small geographical area show great similarity. Likewise, members of any syngen of worldwide distribution show near uniformity, even those from different continents. However, the ITS sequence of each syngen differs from that of other syngens. In contrast, G. pectorale, which has an ITS region that is remarkably uniform throughout the world, appears to consist of a single syngen within North America and Europe by mating tests. The molecular data are in complete conformity with previous syngen assignment. Because the latter is based on mating affinity, with two complementary mating types per syngen, the evolution of new mating type pairs appears to be the basis of microevolution in these algae. We infer that either P. morum is a more ancient species than G. pectorale or that P. morum has a less stable genome. In either case, the biogeographic distribution of certain syngens may reflect climatological changes of the past.  相似文献   

This review covers essentially all aspects of the organisms in the green algal family Volvocaceae and suggests the genetic history of the various steps in their evolution from their unicellular ancestors.  相似文献   

The kelp Lessonia nigrescens Bory is the most ecologically and economically important seaweed in rocky intertidal and shallow subtidal habitats along the temperate Pacific South American coasts. Recent molecular studies suggest the existence of two lineages, one (northern lineage) from 17° S to 30° S and a second (central lineage) from 29° S to 41° S. To identify and name these lineages we performed morphological, nomenclatural and field studies. Four external and three internal anatomical traits permitted a morphological separation of the two lineages. The internal structure of both lineages was different from the isolectotype of Lessonia nigrescens. It is therefore concluded that the name Lessonia nigrescens should not be used for the Chilean material. Chordaria spicata Suhr appears as the oldest available name for the central lineage, while Lessonia berteroana Montagne is the oldest name for the northern lineage. In both cases, the type material consisted of small‐sized, apical branches of larger plants. The new combination Lessonia spicata (Suhr) Santelices is proposed for the central lineage and we reinstate Lessonia berteroana for the northern lineage. Laminaria scissa Suhr is reduced to synonym of L. spicata. Representative specimens of Lessonia nigrescens were not found during new visits to its type locality in Cape Horn and along Chile. Future studies should verify the status of this species.  相似文献   

The seaweed Cladophoropsis membranacea (Hofman Bang ex. C. Agardh) Børgesen is a widely distributed species on coral reefs and along rocky coastlines throughout the tropics and subtropics. In a recent population‐level survey openface>1600 individuals with eight microsatellite loci, a number of isolates from biogeographically disjunct locations could not be amplified for any of the loci. Nonamplifiable and amplifiable isolates co‐occurred within the Canary Islands, Cape Verde Islands, and in the Caribbean. These unexpected results led to question whether or not C. membranacea is a single species. Phylogenetic relationships were evaluated using rDNA ITS1 and ITS2 sequence comparisons from 42 isolates sampled from a subset of 30 of the 66 locations. Four well‐supported clades were identified. Sequence divergence within clades was <1%, whereas between‐clade divergence was 2%–3%. Intraindividual variation was extremely low with no effects on the analysis. A strong, but imperfect, correspondence was found between ITS clades and amplifiable microsatellite loci. It is concluded that C. membranacea consists of three cryptic species. Using Pacific isolates as an outgroup, the most basal clade included the Central Canary Islands, Cape Verde, and Bonaire (Caribbean) isolates and thus spanned the widest latitude. Two derived sister clades consisted of a southern transtropical group stretching across the SE Caribbean to the Cape Verde Islands and African coast (but not the Canary Islands) and a NE‐Canary Island‐Mediterranean clade that also included the Red Sea. The detection of overlapping biogeographic distributions highlights the importance of ecotypic differentiation with respect to temperature and the importance of shifting sea surface isotherms that have driven periodic extinctions and recolonizations of the Canary Islands—a crossroads of marine floral exchange—since the last glacial maximum.  相似文献   

The new species Rhipilia coppejansii is described from Guam. This species, which has the external appearance of a Chlorodesmis species, features tenacula upon microscopical examination, a diagnostic character of Rhipilia. This unique morphology, along with the tufA and rbcL data presented herein, set this species apart from others in the respective genera. Phylogenetic analyses show that the taxon is nested within the Rhipiliaceae. We discuss the diversity and possible adaptation of morphological types in the Udoteaceae and Rhipiliaceae.  相似文献   

A blue light– (peak at 470 nm) induced photomovement was observed in the filamentous eukaryotic algae, Spirogyra spp. When Spirogyra filaments were scattered in a water chamber under a unilateral light source, they rapidly aligned toward the light source in 1 h and bound with neighboring filaments to form thicker parallel bundles of filaments. The filaments in the anterior of the bundles curved toward the light first and then those in the posterior began to roll up toward the light, forming an open‐hoop shape. The bundle of filaments then moved toward the light source by repeated rolling and stretching of filaments. When the moving bundle met other filaments, they joined and formed a bigger mat. The coordination of filaments was essential for the photomovement. The average speed of movement ranged between 7.8 and 13.2 μm·s?1. The movement was induced in irradiance level from 1 to 50 μmol photons·m?2·s?1. The filaments of Spirogyra showed random bending and stretching movement under red or far‐red light, but the bundles did not move toward the light source. There was no distinct diurnal rhythm in the photomovement of Spirogyra spp.  相似文献   

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