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Abstract: During the past 30 years, nonnative mute swan (Cygnus olor) populations have greatly increased, and continue to increase, in the eastern United States and within the lower Great Lakes (LGL) region. As a result, there is much concern regarding impacts of mute swan on native waterfowl, aquatic plants, and marsh habitats. There are presently only limited dietary data for mute swans in North America and none exist for birds in the LGL region. Thus, in 2001, 2002, and 2004 we collected 132 mute swans from LGL coastal marshes in Ontario, Canada, to determine dietary composition and to evaluate 1) seasonal and sex-related variation in adult diets and 2) age-related dietary differences. Adult diets did not differ among years, collection sites, or seasons, but female diets contained more pondweed spp. (Potamogeton spp.) and less slender naiad (Najas flexilis) and common waterweed (Elodea canadensis) than did diets of males. Adult males, adult females, and cygnets had similar diets during summer and autumn. Overall, mute swan diets mainly consisted of above-ground biomass of pondweed spp., muskgrass (Chara vulgaris), coontail (Ceratophyllum demersum), slender naiad, common waterweed, wild celery (Vallisneria americana), and wild rice (Zizania palustris); below-ground parts of wild celery, sago pondweed (Stuckenia pectinatus), and arrowhead spp. (Sagittaria spp.) were eaten infrequently. Comparison of our findings with those of other diet studies suggested considerable dietary overlap between mute swans and several other species of native waterfowl. Thus, we suggest that mute swans have potential to compete with native waterfowl and impact aquatic plants that are important waterfowl foods within LGL coastal marshes. Further, our results can be used to assess which aquatic plant species may be most impacted by foraging activities of mute swans at other important waterfowl stopover and wintering sites in North America. (JOURNAL OF WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT 72(3):726–732; 2008)  相似文献   

The increases in mute swan (Cygnus olor Gmelin) population size have caused concern among stakeholders, who sometimes consider it as a pest species. Here, we aim to review existing studies on the ecological effects that mute swans have on wetlands. Claim that mute swans threaten other waterbirds were partly supported: mute swans sometimes behave territorially towards conspecifics and other waterbird species, but this does not systematically occur. A second common claim, that mute swans damage aquatic plant beds, was upheld in that the species did indeed affect aquatic plant communities in several studies. However, grazing by mute swans does not systematically have negative effects on aquatic plants. Habitat patch size, distance between habitat patches, resource availability and water velocity affect habitat selection process by mute swans, with varying effects depending on season and mute swan breeding status. Scientific knowledge does not support the idea that mute swan population increase can be considered as a biological invasion in Europe. Conversely, there is a genuine risk of biological invasion in North America. In light of the literature review, we discuss the relevance of mute swan population management in Europe and in North America, and propose future research avenues.  相似文献   

Breeding population of the whooper swan Cygnus cygnus has increased dramatically in Finland during the last 50 yr, from ca 15 to 1500 pairs. We studied if the recent recolonization by the whooper swan into waterfowl communities in Finland has had negative effects on Anas species belonging to the same foraging guild. Using data of foraging behaviour and ecomorphology of the whooper swan and Anas species, we studied the position of the former in the dabbling guild. We used long-term duck census data from different parts of Finland to study changes in breeding numbers of Anas species in lakes that have been recently colonized by the whooper swan and in control lakes that have not been colonized. Overall, foraging and ecomorphological similarity between the whooper swan and the other species decreased in the following order: pintail A. acuta (most similar), mallard A. platyrhynchos , shoveler A. clypeata , garganey A. querquedula. wigeon A. penelope. teal A. crecca (least similar). We did not find evidence of adverse impact by the whooper swan colonization on population densities of the other species. Neither did we find any indication that species relatively more similar with the whooper swan in terms of foraging ecology would show relatively more negative response to the whooper swan colonization. Our results suggest that whooper swans have occupied vacant niche space when colonizing boreal waterfowl communities.  相似文献   

Hunting is one of the human activities that directly affect wildlife and has received increasing attention given its socioeconomic dimensions. Most studies have been conducted on coastal and wetland areas and showed that hunting activity can greatly affect bird behaviour and distribution. Hunting-free reserves for game species are zones where birds find an area of reduced disturbance. We evaluated the effect of hunting activities on the behaviour and use of hunting-free areas of lapwings Vanellus vanellus , golden plovers Pluvialis apricaria and little bustards Tetrax tetrax in agricultural areas. We compared the habitat use and behaviour of birds on days before, during and after hunting took place. All three studied species showed strong behavioural responses to hunting activities. Hunting activity increased flight probability and time spent vigilant (higher on hunting days than just before and after a hunting day), to the detriment of resting. We also found distributional (use of hunting-free reserve) responses to hunting activities, with hunting-free reserves being used more frequently during hunting days. Thus, reserves can mitigate the disturbance caused by hunting activities, benefiting threatened species in agricultural areas. Increasing the size or number of hunting-free areas might be an important management and conservation tool to reduce the impacts of hunting activities.  相似文献   

Aerial surveys flown at low altitudes allow detection, identification, and enumeration of waterfowl and other waterbirds, but few studies have assessed disturbance to these guilds during the nonbreeding period. Excessive disturbance can potentially increase energy expenditure and exposure to hunting mortality contrary to objectives of many waterfowl sanctuaries where surveys are conducted. We used concurrent ground and aerial surveys to estimate the proportion of waterfowl and other waterbirds that exhibited a noticeable reaction (i.e., disturbance) or left the survey area entirely (i.e., abandonment) during low-altitude (i.e., 60–90 m above ground level) aerial surveys during September through January 2014–2017 in Illinois, USA. Overall, disturbance and abandonment probabilities of waterfowl (x̄ = 14 ± 2% [SE] and x̄ = 3 ± 1%, respectively) during aerial surveys were low. However, disturbance and abandonment probabilities varied considerably among taxa (e.g., American coot [Fulica americana] x̄ = 2 ± 1% and x̄ = 0 ± 0%, respectively; killdeer [Charadrius vociferus] x̄ = 92 ± 8% and x̄ = 17 ± 17%, respectively). Additionally, disturbance and abandonment probabilities of light geese (i.e., snow goose [Chen caerulescens] and Ross's goose [C. rossii]) and greater white-fronted geese (Anser albifrons) were relatively high, and nearly all light geese abandoned a survey location as a result of the aerial survey. Among waterfowl taxa, the odds of disturbance from the survey aircraft were 2.2–6.2 times greater at locations closed to waterfowl hunting than locations open to waterfowl hunting. Temperature, wind speed, and cloud cover were not important predictors of disturbance for most guilds, except for a negative influence of temperature on disturbance of geese. Low-altitude aerial surveys were not a significant source of disturbance for many taxa and abandonment events were rare, except events involving light geese. Periodic low-altitude aerial surveys appear to be compatible with objectives of providing sanctuary conditions for most waterfowl and other waterbirds. © 2020 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

1. A spatial depletion model of the responses of grazing wildfowl to the availability of intertidal vegetation at Lindisfarne National Nature reserve, north-east England, was used to investigate the capacity of the site's beds of Zostera and other intertidal vegetation to support brent geese Branta bernicla hrota and wigeon Anas penelope .
2. Recent total winter counts of brent geese and wigeon were both only 40% of the maximum that the food supply at the site could theoretically support. Other factors must have been restricting their numbers. Earlier arrival of brent geese at the site could increase the number of brent goose-days which could be supported, but would have only a slight negative effect on the wigeon-days.
3. The model was used to examine three conservation issues: encroachment of Spartina anglica , sea level rise and loss of food plants from the whole site (which could result from increased autumn storms or plant disease). Loss from the top of the shore through encroachment by Spartina anglica had the greatest effect on the site's capacity to sustain geese and wigeon. Loss from the bottom of the shore, as would occur through sea level rise, had less impact. Increased loss of vegetation over the whole site would have an intermediate effect.
4. This work has important implications for the management of the site. Factors such as hunting, that may be restricting current numbers below those that could be supported by the food supply, require urgent investigation. Model predictions indicate that encroachment of Spartina is likely to depress local populations of brent geese and wigeon under current conditions only if it results in the complete loss of Zostera from the top 500 m of the shore.  相似文献   

Populations of North American waterbirds, particularly lesser scaup, have been declining due to habitat disturbance, changing food resources, contaminants, bad water quality, and competition. However, epizootic diseases, including parasitism, may also play an important role in further decline. Trematode-associated mortality of migrating waterbirds, mainly American coot and lesser scaup, has been occurring in the Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife and Fish Refuge since 2002. We examined the levels of infective stages of Cyathocotyle bushiensis and Sphaeridiotrema globulus in the invasive, intermediate host snail, Bithynia tentaculata, during the fall of 2005 and compared these to infection levels in moribund or dead bird hosts. Our results show different infection levels of these 2 parasites in the 2 bird species; C. bushiensis is found more frequently in coot, and S. globulus is more common in scaup. This result is interesting because both bird species are presumed to forage on the same snail population and thus should be experiencing the same extent of exposure. These differences in infections could be attributed to differences in resources of gastrointestinal tracts of coot and scaup, or host resistance. Alternatively, differences in feeding behaviors of coot and scaup may also contribute to differential infections of the 2 trematodes.  相似文献   

Many wild species, like waterbirds, are exploited for their economic interests. At present, the annual western Palearctic duck bag is at least 17 million birds. From a sustainable management perspective, wetland users and managers request predictions of spatial distribution and abundance variations of these bird populations. The objective of this study was to analyze local factors potentially influencing the diurnal distribution and population size of wintering ducks and coots, the main game species, in Camargue (southern France). First, we showed that marshland surface area, salinity and hunting disturbance were the principal variables explaining the duck and coot distribution. Secondly, we tested the hypothesis that hunting disturbance would reduce the carrying capacity of the Camargue with two analyses: the effect of creating a protected area and the change of the hunting closing date. This hypothesis was not validated. Our study therefore led us to reconsider the research orientations on the carrying capacity in this wetland. The surface of protected day roosts seems presently sufficient in the Rhone delta. Consequently, to increase the population size with the same level of hunting disturbance at the scale of the Camargue, alternative strategies should be envisaged, such as the creation of nature reserves on nocturnal feeding ground or the creation of large management units with limited disturbance.  相似文献   

Aim Waterbirds may play an important role in the maintenance of aquatic ecosystem biodiversity by transporting plants and invertebrate propagules between different wetlands. The aim of this study is to provide the first quantitative analysis of the transport of plant and animal propagules by a community of waterbirds. Location Doñana marshes in south‐west Spain. Methods We quantified the number of intact seeds and invertebrate eggs in 386 faecal samples from 11 migratory waterfowl species (10 ducks and coot), collected from 3 November to 3 December 1998 (when birds were arriving from further north), and 22–25 February 1999 (when birds were leaving Doñana). Results Intact seeds of at least 7 plant genera, and invertebrate eggs (ephippia of at least 2 crustacea, statoblasts of at least 2 bryozoans and eggs of Corixidae) occurred in 65.6% of the faecal samples in early winter and 67.8% in late winter. Main conclusions The abundance of different propagule types varied between waterfowl species in a seasonal and species specific manner, probably owing to differences in foraging strategies, bill and gut morphology, and seasonal shifts in propagule availability or distribution. Lamellar density was positively correlated with the abundance of intact propagules. Our results confirm that waterfowl play an important role in the dispersal of organisms in aquatic environments by internal transport. Wherever there is a propagule bank accessible to waterbirds, transport can occur even when propagule production and waterfowl movements do not overlap in time.  相似文献   

Wetland restoration in highly modified landscapes involves balancing target ecosystem functions and values with constraints of landscape and stakeholder context. Often, a restored wetland complex cannot meet all target conditions simultaneously, and tradeoffs must be understood, evaluated, and quantified. We examined the tradeoff between providing migratory bird sanctuary and increasing public recreational opportunities within a restored floodplain wetland complex along the Illinois River. We surveyed the distribution and behavior of waterbirds in response to a gradient of spatial and temporal disturbances from waterbird hunting activities. Using ArcMap and spatial interpolation of waterbird densities as a novel approach to quantify sanctuary area, we estimated that approximately 42% of Emiquon Preserve functioned as sanctuary across disturbance intensities, hunter distribution, and time periods during autumn migration. Waterbird abundance did not increase with short-term temporal sanctuary or decreased hunting intensity. Disturbance distance around hunting locations was 752.1 m, overall, and increased 38.4 m for each additional hunting party. Exclusion distance around hunting locations was greater in areas with greater mean disturbance frequency. We question the effectiveness of short-term temporal sanctuary for waterbirds at the expense of recreational opportunities and advocate our analytical approach to quantify sanctuary area and disturbance buffers without experimentally causing disturbances.  相似文献   

The numbers of mute swans (Cygnus olor) at 98 wetland locations in France were monitored monthly during the winter (December–February) for 16 years by a national network of observers as part of a broader national wildfowl monitoring scheme. Log-linear Poisson regressions with TRIM software were used to estimate missing counts and produce national numbers and indices. These corrected indices were in turn used to calculate an average annual rate of change and the associated confidence interval that subsequently enabled the computation of a cumulated (global) rate of change and associated confidence interval. The latter were interpreted to classify the numerical trends over the whole period. For the six wetlands with the largest numbers of mute swans, average numbers of swans were also compared between wetlands and months. General Linear Models were then used to test simultaneously for (1) differences between years and between wetlands for each month and (2) between years and between months separately for each of the six wetlands. The mute swan average annual rate of change was >7% for each month. The global rate of variation corresponded to a “strong increase” after TRIM analyses. This result strongly supports the necessity of maintaining both national and international monitoring schemes in order to be able to quickly detect major increases in swan numbers at specific sites, particularly where increasing numbers may result in a conflict with farmers or in inter-specific competition with other waterbirds and/or represent a possible sanitary/public health hazard due to the potential for swans to carry avian influenza viruses.  相似文献   

A number of native and exotic animal species show dramatic population increases in terms of both numbers and geographic range. Understanding the habitat selection processes behind such increases is crucial to implement adequate management measures. Mute swan (Cygnus olor) populations have experienced a tremendous demographic and geographic expansion in Western Europe during the twentieth century, colonizing a wide variety of aquatic habitats. We aimed at assessing how swans select nesting sites during the pre-laying and laying periods on medium to large fishponds (from 10 to 50 ha) in Eastern France, while accounting for detectability biases and testing for the effects of fishpond spatial configuration, vegetation resources, human disturbance and habitat management. Our results demonstrate that the mute swan is a non-selective species regarding its nesting habitat among such fishponds, using these independently from the parameters considered although fishpond characteristics varied. Although mute swan is one of the least cryptic Anatidae, owing to its white colour and large size, detection of breeding pairs remained imperfect for each over several sampling occasions. However, because we repeated the sampling sessions, detection of swan pairs by the end of the monitoring period was as high as 0.94. These results are consistent with previous assertions that the mute swan is a species of high ecological plasticity, which may partly explain its recent colonization rates. Given that even swan breeding events were imperfectly detected on each occasion, we highlight the fact that most studies of breeding ducks (which are more cryptic) would be considerably improved by better considering detection biases.  相似文献   

This study investigated the potential overlap between breeding and hunting seasons for a population of common quail Coturnix coturnix in the Alexandria District. Seasonal abundance (assessed as the number of birds flushed per unit effort), sex ratios and reproductive condition (based on gonad sizes) of the quail were measured over a period of 16 months, including two hunting seasons. Hunting impacts were assessed in terms of the number of birds killed per unit of hunting effort. Quail exhibited a spring peak in abundance and reproduction, which coincided with the legal hunting season, and bird numbers varied markedly between years. Sex ratio varied, with males dominating early in spring. Hunters killed nearly 60% of the birds flushed, and hunter efficiency was positively correlated with the abundance of quail. These results confirm the dilemma for managers, as quail are currently hunted during the main breeding season and offtakes are high. The development of management strategies is hampered by a lack of understanding of the population biology and ecology, and impacts of hunting. A number of possible hunting strategies are discussed. Since current harvests may not be sustainable, further research is necessary.  相似文献   

The mute swan (Cygnus olor Gmelin) is one of the largest herbivorous waterbirds in the world. Its population increased dramatically over the last decades in Western Europe, leading to concerns about its potential impact on aquatic ecosystems. Indeed, swan consequences on fishponds remain poorly investigated, although fishpond animal communities and economic value both largely depend on aquatic macrophytes. We carried out an experiment in the Dombes region (Eastern France) with 96 exclosures on 24 fishponds. Our aim was to assess the impact of swan grazing on aquatic macrophyte presence, abundance and community structure (diversity and evenness) during the growing season (April to July). We also considered the potential effect of swan stay (i.e. number of swan days ha−1) and nutrient availability on macrophyte depletion. Swan grazing negatively affected the presence and abundance (% cover) of macrophyte beds, particularly at high swan density. No significant effect on dry biomass was found. Furthermore, swan grazing negatively affected community structure, suggesting that mute swan promoted the dominance of a few species in macrophyte communities. Whatever the macrophyte variable considered, nutrient availability in fishponds did not affect macrophyte depletion rate. It is speculated that both the repeated use of the same fishponds by birds and their expansion within the landscape may lead to more acute and broader consequences for macrophyte beds over the longer term.  相似文献   

The isolation of lysozyme from the egg white of several representative species of waterfowl is described. The purified lysozymes were analyzed to determine the type and molecular weight of each enzyme. All enzymes found in duck egg whites were found to be of the c-type. In contrast all true geese, and the mute swan species as well as the northern blackneck screamer contain lysozyme g in their egg white.  相似文献   

Disturbance is most likely to have an impact during those periods of the annual cycle when food is scarce and birds have difficulty in meeting their energy requirements. The provision of disturbance-free refuges has been shown to enhance the abundance and diversity of waterfowl wintering on such sites. Lough Neagh, a large shallow lake in Northern Ireland, hosts internationally important numbers of wintering waterfowl, the most numerous being Common Pochard Aythya ferina , Tufted Duck A. fuligula , Greater Scaup A. marila and Common Goldeneye Bucephala clangula. Hunting is the predominant winter recreational activity. A small number of refuges have been provided to limit the effects of shooting disturbance on the wintering populations. The use of one of these refuges (Doss Bay) was studied during the winter of 1997/8 and compared with a non-refuge site (Brockish Bay) during the winter of 1998/9. Shooting intensity was greater at weekends than midweek, and significantly more birds used the refuge at weekends than midweek during the shooting season. In contrast, significantly fewer birds were observed in Brockish Bay at weekends. This trend ceased when the shooting season closed, suggesting that the effect was due to shooting disturbance. Furthermore, significantly fewer birds used Doss Bay after the shooting season had closed, whereas significantly more birds were observed at Brockish Bay. Shooting disturbance had the greatest impact on dabbling duck species and rails at both sites. Diving ducks moved away from shoreline disturbance to shallow areas where they could still feed. The value of shoreline refuges for waterfowl populations on lakes is discussed.  相似文献   

天津地区水鸟区系组成及多样性分析   总被引:31,自引:1,他引:31  
1997年10月-2000年12月间,作者对天津地区的20处湿地的水鸟进行了调查,共记录到水鸟107种,分属7目14科39属。其中候鸟103种,占总数的96.2%。Xing形目和雁形目无论在种类上还是在数量上都占绝对优势,分别占水鸟群落种类组成的41.1%和31.1%。记录到包括东方白鹳(Ciconia boyciana)、黑鹳(Ciconia nigra)、丹顶鹤(Grus japonensis)、白鹤(Grus leucogeranus)、大鸨(Otis tarda)及遗鸥(Larus relictus)在内的国家Ⅰ级保护物种6种。记录到国家Ⅱ级保护物种8种,分别为白枕鹤(Grus vipio)、蓑羽鹤(Anthropoides virgo)、灰鹤(Grus grus)、海鸬鹚(Phalacrocorax pelagicus)、大天鹅(Cygnus cygnus)、小天鹅(C.columbianus)、疣鼻天鹅(C.olor)、白额雁(Anser albifrons)。对包括北大港水库、团泊洼水库、七里海水库及尔王庄水库在内的4个重点调查区域进行水鸟多样性分析表明,北大港水库的物种多样性及科、属多样性均较高,且有众多的珍稀物种,是一个重要的水鸟停歇地,应加强对该区域的保护。此外,本文提出在分析生物群落多样性时,应将分类因素与物种的数量因素综合起来考虑,因而同时使用G-F指数与Shannon-Wiener指数,可更为全面地评价某一地区的群落多样性。  相似文献   

1999-2003年,在捷克共和国特布盆地生物圈保护区(Tebo Basin Biosphere Reserve)内,我们对13个采矿后形成的人工湖中水鸟群落的形成过程进行了研究.我们假定生活在邻近鱼塘中的水鸟会逐渐向这些人工湖迁移和聚集.在这些人工湖中共记录到42种水鸟,隶属于10个目,其中17种典型的海滨鸟类是该群落的重要组成部分.这些水鸟的季节动态过程与各物种自身的生活史阶段有关(如筑巢、迁徙),同时也被人类的采矿活动所影响.环境因素和人类干扰影响了绿头鸭(Anas platyrhynchos)、疣鼻天鹅(Cygnus olor)和凤头鸊鷉(Podiceps cristatus) 等优势种的分布.沙坑湖作为一种独特的生境为本保护区的濒危物种提供了栖息地,如:小苇(开鸟)(Ixobrychus minutus)、大苇莺(Acrocephalus arundinaceus)及其它潜在分布的鸟类.对南波西米亚地区沙坑湖鸟类的研究,可为其它相似地区水鸟群落演替研究提供了重要经验  相似文献   

A key component for biologists managing mobile species is understanding where and when a species occurs at different locations and scaling management to fit the spatial and temporal patterns of movement. We established an automated radio-telemetry tracking network to document multi-year movement in 2016–2018 of 3 endangered waterbirds among wetlands on Oʻahu, Hawaiʻi, USA: ʻalae ʻula or Hawaiian gallinule (gallinule; Gallinula galeata sandvicensis), ʻalae keʻokeʻo or Hawaiian coot (coot; Fulica alai), and aeʻo or Hawaiian stilt (stilt; Himantopus mexicanus knudseni), each with different ecological requirements. There were marked differences in the movement propensity of the species, with no movement among sites detected in gallinules, 31% of coots moving among wetlands, and very high levels of daily movement in stilts. A network analysis revealed strong evidence for fidelity among individual stilts to specific wetlands, indicating different groups of wetlands supported different birds. There was also strong evidence for patterns in daily and seasonal movement patterns of stilts. Our work indicates the importance of each wetland to the waterbirds they support, as each individual had strong fidelity to a single wetland. In addition, for Hawaiian coots and stilts, which were documented moving among multiple wetlands, a network of wetlands may be key for long-term persistence of these endangered species, and coordinated regional management of waterbirds as a shared resource could provide greater benefits to waterbirds than independent management of each wetland.  相似文献   

Understanding hunter motivations and strategies is of particular importance in regions fraught with wildlife hunting, due to the critical hunter’s role in linking wildlife supply and consumption. However, such information is extremely scarce in China despite the worrisome situation of wildlife hunting. This study documents the techniques, motivations and hunting frequencies of bird hunters who have economic interests in the city of Guiyang, Southwest China, where numerous wild birds have been observed in trade. The data were collected using semi-structured questionnaires given to 50 hunters in a public market between March and July 2015. At least 9 kinds of tools and 10 kinds of techniques have been employed in local bird hunting practices. Up to eight factors have stimulated the collection of wild birds, of which commercial benefit was undoubtedly the most important. Hunting activities were conducted throughout the year, and efficient and low-cost hunting techniques, such as hunting with nets and neck snares were the predominant hunting techniques. The use of bait birds, whistles and bird song recordings was common, with the aim of improving the harvest by finding and attracting target species, highlighting a preference for hunting certain species of birds. The various hunting motivations underscore the complexity of the current hunting issue. Conservation management was discussed by considering the hunting strategies employed and the needs of hunters, as well as the market demand, which highlights the necessity of the combined actions of law enforcement, commercial breeding, social welfare, the development of hunting grounds and environmental education.  相似文献   

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