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The timing of salmon migration from the estuary of the Aberdeenshire Dee into the river in relation to tidal phase and time of day was studied by combined acoustic and radio-tracking of individual fish and by analysing records of untagged fish from a resistivity fish counter 0.8 km upstream from the tidal limit. Up-estuary movements that led to river entry were predominantly nocturnal and tended to occur during the ebb tide. Penetration into the non-tidal reaches of the river also tended to occur at night, but the timing of salmon movements was no longer significantly associated with tidal phase. The tracking data suggested that the reduction in the strength of the association between salmon migration and tidal phase resulted from variability in rates of progress from the estuary to the river. This variability may have been random, or related to changes in migratory behaviour during entry to fresh water. A simulation of upstream progress by groups of salmon illustrated the decay of the relationship between salmon movements and tidal phase and the advance of the average tidal phase of observed salmon movements with increasing distance of the observation point from where movements were initiated. The magnitude of these effects depended on the average rate of upstream progress and variability in the rate of progress, being greatest when upstream progress was slow and variable. These results highlight a limitation of point observations of migration with regard to identifying environmental stimuli for migration and quantifying their effects.  相似文献   

During their upstream migration through the lower reaches of the Aberdeenshire Dee, Scotland, radio-tagged adult Atlantic salmon passed a Crump weir-based fish counter without substantial delay over a range of river flows and water temperatures. Tagged salmon were detected sequentially by automatic listening stations placed along the river and were detected at the counter site for a median time of 18 min, compared with a median time of 5 min before the weir was built. One fish out of 16 spent 6·7 h in the vicinity of the weir, but such migratory pauses also occurred before the weir existed. The results suggest that the number of salmon crossing the counter per unit time is a function of the number of fish present downstream and their tendency to migrate upstream, without being limited by their ability to surmount the weir. The apparent slight delay at the weir is probably insignificant in terms of the overall progress of riverine migration and in the context of using counter records to relate salmon movements to environmental Variables.  相似文献   

Predation on adult salmon, Salmo salur L., by otters, Lurra lutra (L.), varied seasonally on the R. Dee, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, being highest during the spawning season in winter. Predation is described for some tributaries of the river. Male fish were caught by otters more often than females, and it is suggested that they were most vulnerable during their extensive excursions up and down stream, particularly as they negotiated shallow riffles. Otters appeared to prey upon healthy fish rather than those infested with Saprolegnia sp. but there was no difference in the size, freshwater- or sea-age offish killed by otterscompared with 'kelts' which had died non-violently. At least some of the otters obtained most of their daily food requirements by catching a single salmon per night.
Considerable numbers of adult salmon may be killed by otters during the spawning period but it is suggested that, because most are males, this is unlikely to affect the breeding success of the salmon population. Most predation occurs outside the fishing season and so is unlikely to reduce the numbers of salmon caught by anglers.  相似文献   

River entry of adult Atlantic salmon Salmo salar into the River Tornionjoki, monitored during three migration seasons (1997–1999) by horizontal split-beam hydroacoustics, started early in June when water temperature was c . 9° C and when the discharge varied between 1700 and 2000 m3 s−1. In 1997 and 1999, migration peaked during the latter half of June, 17 days after the peak flood, at water temperatures ranging from 11· 5 to 18·2° C. Few statistically significant correlations were observed between river entry and six measured environmental factors and those that were significant were not persistent over the years. The strongest correlation (  r  = −0·60) was between the number of upstream migrants and seawater level, with a time lag of 1 day in 1998. In 1998 and 1999, no clear diurnal migration pattern was observed, although in 1997 the intensity of midday migration was higher than that of the midnight migration. It is concluded that environmental factors have little effect on river entry of Atlantic salmon in a large pristine river located at high latitude.  相似文献   

In this study, effects of stock origin, fish size, water flow and temperature on time of river ascent of adult Atlantic salmon Salmo salar were tested. Brood stocks were collected in eight Norwegian rivers situated between 59 and 69° N. The fish were reared to smolts, individually tagged and released in the River Imsa, south-west Norway (59° N). Adults from all stocks approached the Norwegian coast concurrently, but Atlantic salmon ≥70 cm in natural tip length entered coastal water slightly earlier during summer than smaller fish. Atlantic salmon <70 cm, however, ascended the river significantly earlier and at lower water flow and higher water temperature than larger fish. Although largest in size, the fish from the northern populations (62–69° N) ascended the River Imsa almost 1 month earlier than those from the south (59–60° N). They seemed less restricted by the environmental factors than the fish originating from the more southern rivers. There was no apparent trend among years in time of river ascent. Maximum ascent per day occurred at water discharges between 12·5 and 15 m3 s−1 and at water temperatures between 10 and 12·5° C. There was a significant positive correlation between water flow and river ascent during the first part of the upstream run from July to September with best correlation for September, when multiple regression analysis indicated that water temperature had an additional positive effect. Stock origin, fish size and water discharge were important variables influencing the upstream migration of Atlantic salmon in small rivers.  相似文献   

A total of 56 salmon was tagged in the Usk estuary using combined acoustic and radio tags. Those fish migrating within the estuary oscillated with the tide over c . 10 km, being towards the seaward end at low water and moving upstream on the flood tide. Fish migrating through the estuary moved upstream on the flood tide and stemmed displacement downstream during the ebb. These findings, together with information on the hydrodynamics of the estuary, indicate that the fish utilize tidal currents to migrate passively in their preferred direction.  相似文献   

The relationship between river flow and rod and net catches of salmon and grilse have been analysed for four of the major fisheries on the Aberdeenshire Dee. On the lower two fisheries there is a good correlation between the rod catch and the average flow on the day of the catch and the preceding 3 days but there is no such correlation at the highest fishery. There is also a good correlation between the annual flow during the rod season and the total annual rod catch at the lowest fishery, while there is an inverse correlation between the flow during the rod season and the net catch. When the nets are off there is no longer any correlation between river flow and rod catch at the lowest fishery.  相似文献   

The relationship between the width of the first vertebra ( WV ) and the fork length ( LF ) of Atlantic salmon differs between parr and smolts. The previous use of the first vertebra to reconstruct the diets of predators from the bone remains of ingested prey will have underestimated the size of smolts and probably also their frequency of occurrence in the diet. Using the ratio WV:LF provides potential for differentiating between intact parr, smolts and pre-smolts in the diet.  相似文献   

An examination of data on both water quality in the Thames Estuary and on the count of salmon. Salmo salar L . trapped in fresh water above the head of the tide in 1982–1989, was carried out to establish statistical correlations. The annual and monthly return of salmon as 1-sea-winter fish (grilse) in June to September was negatively correlated with water temperature, a nil catch being associated with a maximum value of 24.2° C, coupled with lower values maintained over substantial lengths of the estuary (e.g. 21.5° C over a distance of no more than 50 km). The annual return was negatively related to the extent to which the estuary was predicted to be lethal from the combination of low concentration of dissolved oxygen (DO) and high temperature, a reduction in DO of 1 mg 1 1 being equivalent to an increase in temperature of 4° C. The annual return for the whole year was directly related to the return in July to September. Depending upon the year, the monthly returns were related to both DO and temperature; they were reduced to a tenth at a 95 percentile DO of 2.7 mg 1 1, whilst the weekly catches were reduced to zero at 2.4 mg 1−1. Weekly catches increased with river flow and daily catches increased with both river flow and tidal height. The few mortalities observed in the estuary in July are generally related to the quality of the water as predicted from the combination of high temperature and low DO.  相似文献   

The feeding behaviour of juvenile Atlantic salmon Salmo salar in the Sainte‐Marguerite River, Quebec, Canada, varied with the characteristics of turbulent flow. Simulations indicated that juveniles would decrease their swimming costs during attacks by 19·8% in low and by 31·1% in high turbulent conditions by initiating movements in low‐speed flow events. The real swimming costs did not differ from the swimming costs estimated for a situation where fish initiate their movements at randomly selected flow velocities. The juvenile Atlantic salmon did not seem to prefer low‐speed flow events when initiating their movements. The proportion of time used for movements by fish decreased with an increase in the mean and the s . d . of the flow velocity.  相似文献   

What little is known about the seaward migration of Salmo salar smolt migration through standing waters indicates that it is both slow and results in high mortality rates, compared with riverine migration. This may be partly because smolts in lakes need to swim more actively and require more complex directional cues than they do in rivers. In this telemetry study of smolt migration through Loch Lomond, S. salar smolts made repeated movements in directions away from the outflowing river, which considerably increased migration time.  相似文献   

Serum thyroid hormone levels were determined in adult Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar ) of both sexes caught in the ocean and at a sequence of locations on their return migration to spawn. Tri-iodothyronine (T3) levels were greatest in fish caught in coastal or estuarine waters or in a river near head-of-tide. T3 levels were lower in fish caught in rivers throughout the angling season and lowest in those captured entering a tributary near spawning. Thyroxine (T4) levels were lowest in immature fish captured in the ocean in winter but raised in fish captured in spring; many of the latter group showed endocrine evidence of their becoming sexually mature. T4 levels were greatest in fish captured in coastal waters and progressively lower in fish captured in an estuary, near head-of-tide and in rivers. T4 levels in fish captured at tributary entry near spawning exceeded those in fish caught in rivers earlier in the year. In general, these data support the hypothesis that motor activity level in migrant fish is a determinant of thyroid status.  相似文献   

The possibility of using intense sound as an acoustic barrier for downstream migrating smolt of the Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar ) was studied by observing, the reactions of smolt to 10 and 150 Hz sounds in a small river. At the observation site the river branched into a main course and a minor channel, the latter rejoining the main stream after 30 m. The sound sources were positioned at the lower end of the channel. The number of smolt re-entering the mam stream at the lower end of the channel was recorded during alternating periods with and without sound. Intense 150 Hz sound had no observable effects on the smolt, even at intensities 114 dB above the hearing threshold at this frequency. At intensities above 1.0. 10−2ms−2 the 10 Hz sound was an effective deterrent for the smolt, which turned and left the channel at the upstream branching point.  相似文献   

Seasonal and diel migration timing of wild Atlantic salmon Salmo salar smolts and adults were investigated annually (2001–2004) in the subarctic River Utsjoki, a tributary of the large River Teno (70° N), using underwater video monitoring. Submerged video cameras provided information on the exact timing and intensity of both migrations in a natural river channel, without disturbing the fish. In contrast to the mainly nocturnal migration pattern described from temperate rivers, the River Utsjoki smolts and adults migrated throughout the day. Smolts migrated most intensively during hours of rising (0300–0900 hours) and high sun (0900–1500 hours), while adults favoured the period of low sun (2100–0300 hours). Smolt migrations started in June and lasted on average 42 days. Adults usually ascended the site 2–3 weeks before the first descending smolts were observed and the adult migrations extended to the end of August. Seasonal synchrony was observed between smolt and adult migrations in years of slowly warming water, whereas in a year of exceptionally warm early summer (2002), smolts migrated earlier than adults. Thus, water temperature seemed to be an important environmental factor triggering the smolt migration, while the migration of adults was probably more fixed to a certain season. Weak positive correlations between fish counts and water temperature were observed, indicating that increasing water temperature may have promoted both smolt and adult migrations. The influence of discharge was negligible, although increasing discharge late in the season may have activated the remaining individuals in both groups.  相似文献   

Atlantic salmon straying from the River Imsa   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
Mean estimated straying rate for Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. leaving the River Imsa as smolts during 1976–1999 was 15% for hatchery fish and 6% for wild conspecifics. Hatchery Atlantic salmon selected for production traits during four or more generations strayed >50%. The straying rate was higher for Atlantic salmon staying 2 rather than 1 year at sea before attaining maturity. For spawning, 96% of the strays entered streams within 420 km from the River Imsa, and c . 80% entered streams within 60 km of the mouth of the River Imsa, whether the fish were wild or hatchery released. Within the 60 km zone, the number of strays caught in a river increased with the Atlantic salmon catch in that river, but there was no significant relationship between straying rate and water discharge or distance from the river to the River Imsa. The observed straying rate of hatchery Atlantic salmon decreased with increasing number of fish entering the River Imsa. Sexual maturation as parr did not influence the tendency to stray. The results suggest that the establishment of temporary zones, free of fish farms, outside important Atlantic salmon rivers by the fisheries authorities in Norway should be large, whole fjords, to be effective.  相似文献   

This study confirmed earlier evidence for a correlation between otolith increment width and resting metabolic rate in the absence of somatic growth in Atlantic salmon parr. However, increment width responded more conservatively to a change in temperature than did resting metabolic rate. Consequently, the study demonstrated that although increment width varied with temperature the process governing accretion rate was not simply related to resting metabolic rate.  相似文献   

Relative ventricular weight (RVW, ventricular weight/body weight · 100) was measured for five groups of Atlantic salmon parr from the Girnock Burn in Scotland. The mean RVW was: mature males, 0.087; immature resident males, 0.054; immature resident females, 0.056; immature migrant males, 0.056; immature migrant females, 0.053. For a group of mature male parr from the R. Nith, Galloway, Scotland, the mean RVW was 0.108. There were no significant differences in the RVW between groups of immature fish. The RVW of each group of mature male parr was significantly greater than those of each, group of immature parr. Condition indices (weight/length3) were closely similar between all groups of parr. The functional significance of plasticity in ventricular weight is discussed in relation to life histories of Atlantic salmon.  相似文献   

We tested the null hypothesis that differences in the seasonal return patterns between stocks of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., are a result of a direct response to the environment, and not under genetic control. Two stocks were used in the experiments, originating from the R. Figga and R. Imsa, respectively. In their native habitat fish from the former are known to return to the home stream as adult salmon early in the summer, while from the latter return during late summer and autumn. By rearing these stocks in the same hatchery and releasing smolts of both stocks together at three sites in southern Norway, it was demonstrated that salmon from the R. Figga stock returned earlier to coastal Norway than salmon from the R. Imsa stock, as maturing adults. Thus, we reject the hypothesis that these stocks are genetically identical in this trait. Within both stocks, multi-sea-winter fish returned earlier than one-sea-winter fish. Within stocks, there was no significant difference in time of return between salmon released as 1- and 2-year-old smolts, or between fish reared from parents ascending the R. Imsa early or late in the season.  相似文献   

This study reports descent of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar fry from their natal streams to brackish waters of the Baltic Sea and their use of this environment as an alternative rearing habitat before ascending back to freshwater streams. To the authors' knowledge, residency in a brackish environment has not previously been demonstrated in S. salar fry. Recruitment success and evolutionary significance of this alternative life‐history strategy are presently not known.  相似文献   

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