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The extent to which bone marrow (BM) contributes to physiological cell renewal is still controversial. Using the marker human placental alkaline phosphatase (ALPP) which can readily be detected in paraffin and plastic sections by histochemistry or immunohistochemistry, and in ultrathin sections by electron microscopy after pre-embedding staining, we examined the role of endogenous BM in physiological cell renewal by analysing tissues from lethally irradiated wild-type inbred Fischer 344 (F344) rats transplanted (BMT) with unfractionated BM from ALPP-transgenic F344 rats ubiquitously expressing the marker. Histochemical, immunohistochemical and immunoelectron microscopic analysis showed that the proportion of ALPP(+) capillary endothelial cells (EC) profoundly increased from 1 until 6 months after BMT in all organs except brain and adrenal medulla. In contrast, pericytes and EC in large blood vessels were ALPP(-) . Epithelial cells in kidney, liver, pancreas, intestine and brain were recipient-derived at all time-points. Similarly, osteoblasts, chondrocytes, striated muscle and smooth muscle cells were exclusively of recipient origin. The lack of mesenchymal BM-derived cells in peripheral tissues prompted us to examine whether BMT resulted in engraftment of mesenchymal precursors. Four weeks after BMT, all haematopoietic BM cells were of donor origin by flow cytometric analysis, whereas isolation of BM mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) failed to show engraftment of donor MSC. In conclusion, our data show that BM is an important source of physiological renewal of EC in adult rats, but raise doubt whether reconstituted irradiated rats are an apt model for BM-derived regeneration of mesenchymal cells in peripheral tissues.  相似文献   

Dimebon is an anti-histamine with central nervous system activity. In this report the effects of dimebon as a neuroprotectant in animal models of Parkinson's disease were tested as assessed in methamphetamine- and MPTP-induced striatal dopaminergic toxicity. Dimebon (1mg/kg) administered at 30 min prior to methamphetamine (40mg/kg) significantly reduced the amount of striatal dopamine depletion in mice, without altering the initial methamphetamine-induced increase in body temperature. In contrast, dimebon at either 1 or 25mg/kg administered at 30 min prior to MPTP (35 mg/kg) was unable to prevent MPTP-induced striatal dopamine loss as determined at 7 days post-methamphetamine/MPTP. These data suggest that dimebon may be exerting a neurotoxin specific neuroprotective effect upon the striatal dopaminergic system and may serve as an important tool for discriminating the mechanistic basis of these two dopaminergic neurotoxins.  相似文献   

Substrates critical for transformation by pp60v-src remain unknown, as does the precise role of the src homology 2 (SH2) domain in this process. To continue exploring the role of the SH2 domain in pp60v-src-mediated transformation, site-directed mutagenesis was used to create mutant v-src alleles predicted to encode proteins with overall structural integrity intact but with reduced ability to bind phosphotyrosine-containing peptides. Arginine-175, which makes critical contacts in the phosphotyrosine-binding pocket, was mutated to lysine or alanine. Unexpectedly, both mutations created v-src alleles that transform chicken cells with wild-type (wt) efficiency and are reduced for transformation of rat cells; these alleles are host dependent for transformation. Additionally, these alleles resulted in a round morphological transformation of chicken cells, unlike 12 of the 13 known host-dependent src SH2 mutations that result in a fusiform morphology. Analysis of phosphopeptide binding by the mutant SH2 domains reveal that the in vitro ability to bind phosphopeptides known to have a high affinity for wt src SH2 correlates with wt (round) morphological transformation in chicken cells and in vitro ability to bind phosphopeptides known to have a low affinity for wt src SH2 correlates with rat cell transformation. These results suggest that the search for critical substrates in rat cells should be among proteins that interact with pp60v-src with low affinity.  相似文献   

alpha11beta1 constitutes the most recent addition to the integrin family and has been shown to display a binding preference for interstitial collagens found in mesenchymal tissues. We have previously observed that when alpha11beta1 integrin is expressed in cells lacking endogenous collagen receptors, it can mediate PDGF-BB-dependent chemotaxis on collagen I in vitro. To determine in which cells PDGF and alpha11beta1 might cooperate in regulating cell migration in vivo, we studied in detail the expression and distribution of alpha11 integrin chain in mouse embryos and tested the ability of PDGF isoforms to stimulate the alpha11beta1-mediated cell migration of embryonic fibroblasts. Full-length mouse alpha11 cDNA was sequenced and antibodies were raised to deduced alpha11 integrin amino acid sequence. In the embryonic mouse head, alpha11 protein and RNA were localized to ectomesenchymally derived cells. In the periodontal ligament, alpha11beta1 was expressed as the only detectable collagen-binding integrin, and alpha11beta1 is thus a major receptor for cell migration and matrix organization in this cell population. In the remainder of the embryo, the alpha11 chain was expressed in a subset of mesenchymal cells including tendon/ligament fibroblasts, perichondrial cells, and intestinal villi fibroblasts. Most of the alpha11-expressing cells also expressed the alpha2 integrin chain, but no detectable overlap was found with the alpha1 integrin chain. In cells expressing multiple collagen receptors, these might function to promote a more stable cell adhesion and render the cells more resistant to chemotactic stimuli. Wild-type embryonic fibroblasts activated mainly the PDGF beta receptor in response to PDGF-BB and migrated on collagens I, II, III, IV, V, and XI in response to PDGF-BB in vitro, whereas mutant fibroblasts that lacked alpha11beta1 in their collagen receptor repertoire showed a stronger chemotactic response on collagens when stimulated with PDGF-BB. In the cellular context of embryonic fibroblasts, alpha11beta1 is thus anti-migratory. We speculate that the PDGF BB-dependent cell migration of mesenchymal cells is tightly regulated by the collagen receptor repertoire, and disturbances of this repertoire might lead to unregulated cell migration that could affect normal embryonic development and tissue structure.  相似文献   

Neuroblastoma (NB) is a heterogeneous, and particularly malignant childhood neoplasm in its higher stages, with a propensity to form metastasis in selected organs, in particular liver and bone marrow, and for which there is still no efficient treatment available beyond surgery. Recent evidence indicates that the CXCR4/CXCL12 chemokine/receptor axis may be involved in promoting NB invasion and metastasis. In this study, we explored the potential role of CXCR4 in the malignant behaviour of NB, using a combination of in vitro functional analyses and in vivo growth and metastasis assessment in an orthotopic NB mouse model. We show here that CXCR4 overexpression in non-metastatic CXCR4-negative NB cells IGR-NB8 and in moderately metastatic, CXCR4 expressing NB cells IGR-N91, strongly increased tumour growth of primary tumours and liver metastases, without altering the frequency or the pattern of metastasis. Moreover shRNA-mediated knock-down experiments confirmed our observations by showing that silencing CXCR4 in NB cells impairs in vitro and almost abrogates in vivo growth. High levels of CXCL12 were detected in the mouse adrenal gland (the primary tumour site), and in the liver suggesting a paracrine effect of host-derived CXCL12 on NB growth. In conclusion, this study reveals a yet unreported NB-specific predominant growth and survival-promoting role of CXCR4, which warrants a critical reconsideration of the role of CXCR4 in the malignant behaviour of NB and other cancers.  相似文献   

The pathophysiology of the hepatic vascular response to anaphylaxis in guinea pig is not known. We studied effects of anaphylaxis on hepatic vascular resistances and liver weight in isolated perfused livers derived from guinea pigs sensitized with ovalbumin. We also determined whether nitric oxide (NO) or carbon monoxide (CO) modulates the hepatic anaphylaxis. The livers were perfused portally and recirculatingly at constant flow with diluted blood. With the use of the double-occlusion technique to estimate the hepatic sinusoidal pressure (Pdo), portal venous resistance (Rpv) and hepatic venous resistance (Rhv) were calculated. An antigen injection caused venoconstriction characterized by an increase in Rpv greater than Rhv and was accompanied by a large liver weight gain. Pretreatment with the NO synthase inhibitor NG-nitro-l-arginine methyl ester, but not the heme oxygenase inhibitor zinc protoporphyrin IX, potentiated the antigen-induced venoconstriction by increasing both Rpv and Rhv (2.2- and 1.2-fold increase, respectively). In conclusion, anaphylaxis causes both pre- and postsinusoidal constriction in isolated guinea pig livers. However, the increases in postsinusoidal resistance and Pdo cause hepatic congestion. Endogenously produced NO, but not CO, modulates these responses.  相似文献   

A glycoprotein (PAS IV) of apparent Mr 76,000 was purified from bovine milk-fat-globule membrane and partially characterized. PAS IV contained mannose, galactose, and sialic acid as principal sugars (approximately 5.3% total carbohydrate [wt/wt]) and existed in milk in at least four isoelectric variants. The glycoprotein appeared to be an integral membrane protein by several criteria. PAS IV was recovered in the detergent phase of Triton X-114 extracts of milk-fat-globule membrane at room temperature. When bound to membrane, PAS IV was resistant to digestion by a number of proteinases, although after solubilization with non-ionic detergents, the protein was readily degraded. Amino acid analysis of the purified protein revealed a high percentage of amino acids with nonpolar residues. The location of PAS IV was determined in bovine tissues by using immunofluorescence techniques. In mammary tissue, PAS IV was located on both the apical surfaces of secretory epithelial cells and endothelial cells of capillaries. This glycoprotein was also detected in endothelial cells of heart, liver, spleen, pancreas, salivary gland, and small intestine. In addition to mammary epithelial cells, PAS IV was also located in certain other epithelial cells, most notably the bronchiolar epithelial cells of lung. The potential usefulness of this protein as a specific marker of capillary endothelial cells in certain tissues is discussed.  相似文献   

Epithelial cells perform important roles in the formation and function of organs and the genesis of many solid tumors. A distinguishing feature of epithelial cells is their apicobasal polarity and the presence of apical junctions that link cells together. The interacting proteins Par-6 (a PDZ and CRIB domain protein) and aPKC (an atypical protein kinase C) localize apically in fly and mammalian epithelial cells and are important for apicobasal polarity and junction formation. Caenorhabditis elegans PAR-6 and PKC-3/aPKC also localize apically in epithelial cells, but a role for these proteins in polarizing epithelial cells or forming junctions has not been described. Here, we use a targeted protein degradation strategy to remove both maternal and zygotic PAR-6 from C. elegans embryos before epithelial cells are born. We find that PKC-3 does not localize asymmetrically in epithelial cells lacking PAR-6, apical junctions are fragmented, and epithelial cells lose adhesion with one another. Surprisingly, junction proteins still localize apically, indicating that PAR-6 and asymmetric PKC-3 are not needed for epithelial cells to polarize. Thus, whereas the role of PAR-6 in junction formation appears to be widely conserved, PAR-6-independent mechanisms can be used to polarize epithelial cells.  相似文献   

Central mechanisms leading to ischemia induced allograft rejection are apoptosis and inflammation, processes highly regulated by the urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA) and its specific receptor (uPAR). Recently, up-regulation of uPA and uPAR has been shown to correlate with allograft rejection in human biopsies. However, the causal connection of uPA/uPAR in mediating transplant rejection and underlying molecular mechanisms remain poorly understood. In this study, we evaluated the role of uPA/uPAR in a mice model for kidney ischemia reperfusion (IR) injury and for acute kidney allograft rejection. uPAR but not uPA deficiency protected from IR injury. In the allogenic kidney transplant model, uPAR but not uPA deficiency of the allograft caused superior recipient survival and strongly attenuated loss of renal function. uPAR-deficient allografts showed reduced generation of reactive oxygen species and apoptosis. Moreover, neutrophil and monocyte/macrophage infiltration was strongly attenuated and up-regulation of the adhesion molecule ICAM-1 was completely abrogated in uPAR-deficient allografts. Inadequate ICAM-1 up-regulation in uPAR(-/-) primary aortic endothelial cells after C5a and TNF-alpha stimulation was confirmed by in vitro experiments. Our results demonstrate that the local renal uPAR plays an important role in the apoptotic and inflammatory responses mediating IR-injury and transplant rejection.  相似文献   

The Notch signaling pathway plays important roles in cell-fate determination during embryonic development and adult life. In this study, we focus on the role of Notch signaling in governing cell-fate choices in human embryonic stem cells (hESCs). Using genetic and pharmacological approaches, we achieved both blockade and conditional activation of Notch signaling in several hESC lines. We report here that activation of Notch signaling is required for undifferentiated hESCs to form the progeny of all three embryonic germ layers, but not trophoblast cells. In addition, transient Notch signaling pathway activation enhanced generation of hematopoietic cells from committed hESCs. These new insights into the roles of Notch in hESC-fate determination may help to efficiently direct hESC differentiation into therapeutically relevant cell types.  相似文献   

We have previously described in rat liver two protein kinases tightly bound to DNA, one is serine-specific, the other arginine-specific. In this work we show that both enzymes are present in various rat tissues and in liver from various species. Both kinase specific activities are strongly decreased in methyl-DBA-induced hepatomas and in HTC cells but not in regenerating liver after hepatectomy. This decrease is then not related to cell proliferation.  相似文献   

Silicosis is an incurable and progressive lung disease characterized by chronic inflammation and fibroblasts accumulation. Studies have indicated a vital role for epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) in fibroblasts accumulation. NLRP3 inflammasome is a critical mediator of inflammation in response to a wide range of stimuli (including silica particles), and plays an important role in many respiratory diseases. However, whether NLRP3 inflammasome regulates silica-induced EMT remains unknown. Our results showed that silica induced EMT in human bronchial epithelial cells (16HBE cells) in a dose- and time-dependent manner. Meanwhile, silica persistently activated NLRP3 inflammasome as indicated by continuously elevated extracellular levels of interleukin-1β (IL-1β) and IL-18. NLRP3 inflammasome inhibition by short hairpin RNA (shRNA)-mediated knockdown of NLRP3, selective inhibitor MCC950, and caspase-1 inhibitor Z-YVAD-FMK attenuated silica-induced EMT. Western blot analysis indicated that TAK1-MAPK-Snail/NF-κB pathway involved NLRP3 inflammasome-mediated EMT. Moreover, pirfenidone, a commercially and clinically available drug approved for treating idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), effectively suppressed silica-induced EMT of 16HBE cells in line with NLRP3 inflammasome inhibition. Collectively, our results indicate that NLRP3 inflammasome is a promising target for blocking or retarding EMT-mediated fibrosis in pulmonary silicosis. On basis of this mechanism, pirfenidone might be a potential drug for the treatment of silicosis.  相似文献   

Aim of our study was to clarify if the occurrence of apoptosis in oocytes and cumulus cells is correlated to bovine oocyte developmental competence. The cumulus-oocyte complexes (COCs) were selected according to cumulus status: G1 with more than five layers of compact cumulus cells, G2 with one to five layers of compact cumulus cells and G3 with expanded cumulus cells. The degree of apoptosis in cumulus cells and oocytes measured by caspase staining and TUNEL assay before and after maturation, and 24 h post-insemination was compared to the cleavage, blastocyst formation and hatching rates of each group. Highest cleavage, blastocyst and hatching rates were found in cumulus-oocyte complexes with more than five layers of compact cumulus cells, but no apoptosis was detected in immature or in vitro matured oocytes, regardless of the cumulus status. Many cumulus cells contained active caspases before maturation, but caspase activity declined dramatically after maturation. TUNEL positive cells were rarely observed in each cumulus-oocyte complex upon oocyte recovery, but a huge increase of them was seen after in vitro maturation. Significantly more TUNEL and caspase positive cells were found in G2 cumulus-oocyte complexes. Our results suggest that: (i) oocyte apoptosis does not account for the inferior oocyte quality of G2 and G3; (ii) apoptosis occurs in cumulus cells regardless of the number and compactness of cumulus cells; and (iii) the degree of apoptosis in the compact cumulus-oocyte complexes (G1 and G2) is negatively correlated to the developmental competence of oocyte.  相似文献   

Growth and expansion of the embryonic kidney is driven in large part by continuous branching morphogenesis and nephron induction that occurs in a restricted domain beneath the renal capsule called the nephrogenic zone. Here, new ureteric bud branches and nephron aggregates form surrounded by a layer of cortical stromal cell progenitors. The boundaries and inductive activities of the nephrogenic zone are maintained as the kidney grows. As new ureteric bud branches and nephrogenic aggregates form, older generations of ureteric bud branches, renal vesicles and stromal progenitors are displaced from the nephrogenic zone and undergo further differentiation surrounded by medullary stroma, a different population of stromal cells. Recent studies suggest that cortical and medullary stromal progenitors may be an important source of signals that maintain outer and inner zones of differentiation in the embryonic kidney, and regulate distinct events important for differentiation of nephrons and the collecting duct system.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated the expression of TLR5 in human corneal epithelial cells (CEC), and the functional outcome of TLR5 triggering by flagellins of pathogenic- and nonpathogenic bacteria. Flagellins derived from Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella typhimurium, Serratia marcescense or Bacillus subtilis were used. The TLR5 protein and TLR5 specific mRNA expression was evident on human CEC. In human corneal epithelium tissues, TLR5 protein was detected at the basal and wing cells of the tissues. Ocular pathogenic bacteria, namely P. aeruginosa and S. marcescense, derived flagellin induced the significantly increased level of gene activation and IL-6 and IL-8 production. In contrast, ocular nonpathogenic S. typhimurium- and B. subtilis-derived flagellin induced neither the gene activation nor the increased production of IL-6 and IL-8 in human CEC. Human CEC would respond only to flagellin derived of ocular pathogenic bacteria, but not to those derived of ocular nonpathogenic bacteria, to generate pro-inflammatory cytokines.  相似文献   

The matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) family is heavily implicated in many diseases, including cancer. The developmental functions of these genes are not clear, however, because the >20 mammalian MMPs can be functionally redundant. Drosophila melanogaster has only two MMPs, which are expressed in embryos in distinct patterns. We created mutations in both genes: Mmp1 mutants have defects in larval tracheal growth and pupal head eversion, and Mmp2 mutants have defects in larval tissue histolysis and epithelial fusion during metamorphosis; neither is required for embryonic development. Double mutants also complete embryogenesis, and these represent the first time, to our knowledge, that all MMPs have been disrupted in any organism. Thus, MMPs are not required for Drosophila embryonic development, but, rather, for tissue remodeling.  相似文献   

The gC1qR (i.e., gC1q receptor, gC1q binding protein, p32, p33) is a multifunctional cellular protein that interacts with components of the complement, kinin, and coagulation cascades and select microbial pathogens. Enhanced gC1qR expression has been reported in adenocarcinomas arising in a variety of organs. The present study compared gC1qR expression in normal, inflammatory, dysplastic, and malignant tissue of epithelial and mesenchymal origin. gC1qR expression was visualized in tissue sections by immunohistochemistry using the 60.11 monoclonal antibody (i.e., IgG(1) mouse monoclonal antibody directed against gC1qR) and the UltraVision LP Detection System. Sections were counterstained with hematoxylin and examined by light microscopy. Strongest gC1qR expression was noted in epithelial tumors of breast, prostate, liver, lung, and colon, as well as in squamous and basal cell carcinoma of the skin. However, increased gC1qR staining was appreciated also in inflammatory and proliferative lesions of the same cell types, as well as in normal continuously dividing cells. In contrast, tumors of mesenchymal origin generally stained weakly, with the exception of osteoblasts, which stained in both benign and malignant tissues. The data suggest that increased gC1qR expression may be a marker of benign and pathologic cell proliferation, particularly in cells of epithelial origin, with potential diagnostic and therapeutic applications.  相似文献   

Yersinia virulence is dependent on the expression of plasmid-encoded secreted proteins called Yops. After bacterial adherence to receptors on the mammalian cell membrane, several Yops are transported by a type III secretion pathway into the host cell cytoplasm. Two Yops, YopH and YopE, prevent macrophages from phagocytosing Yersinia by disrupting the host cell cytoskeleton and signal transduction pathways. In contrast to this active inhibition of phagocytosis by Yersinia , other pathogens such as Salmonella , Shigella , Listeria and Edwardsiella actively promote their entry into mammalian cells by binding to specific host surface receptors and exploiting existing cell cytoskeletal and signalling pathways. We have tested whether Yersinia Yops can prevent the uptake of these diverse invasive pathogens. We first infected epithelial cells with Yersinia to permit delivery of Yops and subsequently with an invasive pathogen. We then measured the level of bacterial invasion. Preinfection with Yersinia inhibited invasion of Edwardsiella , Shigella and Listeria , but not Salmonella . Furthermore, we found that either YopE or YopH prevented Listeria invasion, whereas only YopE prevented Edwardsiella and Shigella invasion. We correlated the inhibitory effect of the Yops with the inhibitory action of the cell-signalling inhibitors Wortmannin, LY294002 and NDGA, and concluded that the four invasive pathogenic species enter epithelial cells using at least three distinct host cell pathways. We also speculate that YopE affects the rho pathway.  相似文献   

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