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peg10, an imprinted gene, plays a crucial role in adipocyte differentiation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hishida T  Naito K  Osada S  Nishizuka M  Imagawa M 《FEBS letters》2007,581(22):4272-4278
An imprinted gene, paternally expressed gene (peg) 10, was isolated as one of the genes expressed early in adipogenesis. The expression of peg10 was elevated after the addition of inducers, and was detected in adipocyte differentiable 3T3-L1 cells, but not observed in the non-adipogenic cell line NIH-3T3. Moreover, the knockdown of peg10 by RNA interference (RNAi) inhibited the differentiation of 3T3-L1 cells into lipid-laden adipocytes. Interestingly, peg10 RNAi-treatment reduced the expressions of C/EBPbeta and C/EBPdelta, and inhibited mitotic clonal expansion. These findings strongly indicate that peg10 plays a crucial role at the immediate early stage of adipocyte differentiation.  相似文献   

Summary Certain chromosomal markers inStreptomyces glaucescens behave unstably, being lost at high frequency as a result of extensive genomic deletion. Additionally, mutant strains possessing such deletions frequently display intense DNA amplification. With the help of a wild-type cosmid library we investigated the structure of the amplified DNA sequences (ADS) and the corresponding wild-type amplifiable units of DNA (AUD). The reiterations were heterogeneous in location, copy number and sequences involved and originated predominantly from a single 100 kb region of the chromosome called the AUD locus. All strains bearing reiterations possessed associated deletions which terminated either close to or at the ADS. The termini of four AUDs were sequenced in order to gain more knowledge about these heterogeneous amplifications. In three of the four cases investigated small, interrupted homologies were found bordering the AUDs. With the help of orthogonal-field-alternation gel electrophoresis (OFAGE) we were able to visualize a tandem reiteration of more than 1500 kb in length.  相似文献   

DNA Ligase IV has a crucial role in double-strand break (DSB) repair through nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ). Most notably, its inactivation leads to embryonic lethality in mammals. To elucidate the role of DNA Ligase IV (Lig4) in DSB repair in a multicellular lower eukaryote, we generated viable Lig4-deficient Drosophila strains by P-element-mediated mutagenesis. Embryos and larvae of mutant lines are hypersensitive to ionizing radiation but hardly so to methyl methanesulfonate (MMS) or the crosslinking agent cis-diamminedichloroplatinum (cisDDP). To determine the relative contribution of NHEJ and homologous recombination (HR) in Drosophila, Lig4; Rad54 double-mutant flies were generated. Survival studies demonstrated that both HR and NHEJ have a major role in DSB repair. The synergistic increase in sensitivity seen in the double mutant, in comparison with both single mutants, indicates that both pathways partially overlap. However, during the very first hours after fertilization NHEJ has a minor role in DSB repair after exposure to ionizing radiation. Throughout the first stages of embryogenesis of the fly, HR is the predominant pathway in DSB repair. At late stages of development NHEJ also becomes less important. The residual survival of double mutants after irradiation strongly suggests the existence of a third pathway for the repair of DSBs in Drosophila.  相似文献   

Genetic defects in DNA repair mechanisms and cell cycle checkpoint (CCC) genes result in increased genomic instability and cancer predisposition. Discovery of mammalian homologs of yeast CCC genes suggests conservation of checkpoint mechanisms between yeast and mammals. However, the role of many CCC genes in higher eukaryotes remains elusive. Here, we report that targeted deletion of an N-terminal part of mRad17, the mouse homolog of the Schizosaccharomyces pombe Rad17 checkpoint clamp-loader component, resulted in embryonic lethality during early/mid-gestation. In contrast to mouse embryos, embryonic stem (ES) cells, isolated from mRad17(5'Delta/5'Delta) embryos, produced truncated mRad17 and were viable. These cells displayed hypersensitivity to various DNA-damaging agents. Surprisingly, mRad17(5'Delta/5'Delta) ES cells were able to arrest cell cycle progression upon induction of DNA damage. However, they displayed impaired homologous recombination as evidenced by a strongly reduced gene targeting efficiency. In addition to a possible role in DNA damage-induced CCC, based on sequence homology, our results indicate that mRad17 has a function in DNA damage-dependent recombination that may be responsible for the sensitivity to DNA-damaging agents.  相似文献   

Blue light photoreceptors, cryptochromes (CRYs), regulate multiple aspects of plant growth and development. However, our knowledge of CRYs is predominantly based on model plant Arabidopsis at early growth stage. In this study, we elucidated functions of CRY1a gene in mature tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) plants by using cry1a mutants and CRY1a‐overexpressing lines (OE‐CRY1a‐1 and OE‐CRY1a‐2). In comparison with wild‐type plants, cry1a mutants are relatively tall, accumulate low biomass, and bear more fruits, whereas OE‐CRY1a plants are short stature, and they not only flower lately but also bear less fruits. RNA‐seq, qRT‐PCR, and LC‐MS/MS analysis revealed that biosynthesis of gibberellin, cytokinin, and jasmonic acid was down‐regulated by CRY1a. Furthermore, DNA replication was drastically inhibited in leaves of OE‐CRY1a lines, but promoted in cry1a mutants with concomitant changes in the expression of cell cycle genes. However, CRY1a positively regulated levels of soluble sugars, phytofluene, phytoene, lycopene, and ß‐carotene in the fruits. The results indicate the important role of CRY1a in plant growth and have implications for molecular interventions of CRY1a aimed at improving agronomic traits.  相似文献   

Several commercially improved strains of Penicillium chrysogenum have been shown to carry amplifications of the entire penicillin biosynthesis gene cluster. Analysis previously carried out using the strain BW 1890 has here been extended to the characterisation of other members of the SmithKline Beecham strain improvement series. We have determined the length of the amplicon to be 57.4 kb and shown a general increase in copy number and penicillin titre through the series. Sequence analyses of the promoter regions of the acvA, ipnA and aat genes in the high titre strain BW 1901, and comparisons with wild-type sequences have not identified any potentially titre-enhancing mutations. In addition, cDNA screening has failed to identify any further transcribed elements within the co-amplified region. The homogeneity of hybridisation patterns and the identification and analysis of a single copy revertant has shown that the amplification is of a direct tandem nature and we propose a model of chromatid misalignment and recombination as its mode of generation. Hybridisation analysis of penicillin non-producing mutants has indicated the loss, in all those investigated, of the entire penicillin biosynthesis gene cluster, similarities between the deletion junctions in these strains and comparison with previously published data indicating the presence of recombinogenic regions flanking the penicillin biosynthesis gene cluster. Received 05 November 1996/ Accepted in revised form 25 April 1997  相似文献   

Tcp-11 is a candidate for a distorter gene within the t-complex on mouse chromosome 17; although t-complex genes appear to affect sperm function, relatively little is known about mechanisms whereby these genes might play a specific physiological role. We present evidence that the protein TCP-11 is found on the surface of mature epididymal spermatozoa. Although detected on both the acrosomal cap region of the head and the flagellum of acrosome-intact cells, it is absent from the heads of acrosome-reacted cells. When epididymal spermatozoa were incubated in the presence of anti-TCP-11 IgG Fab fragments for a total of 120 min and assessed using chlortetracycline fluorescence, we observed a stimulation of capacitation and an inhibition of spontaneous acrosome loss, suggestive of enhanced fertility compared with untreated suspensions. In vitro fertilization experiments confirmed that Fab-treated suspensions became fertile more quickly and then maintained high fertility. Because these responses were remarkably similar to those obtained using the TRH-related peptide FPP (fertilization promoting peptide; pGlu-Glu-ProNH2) and adenosine, we investigated responses to Fab fragments, FPP, and adenosine. Results indicated that the Fab fragments appear to work at the same extracellular site as FPP, one that is distinct from the adenosine site of action. Further evidence for this conclusion was obtained using pGlu-Gln-ProNH2, an FPP-related tripeptide known to competitively inhibit responses to FPP; as with FPP, pGlu-Gln-ProNH2 inhibited the stimulatory effect of Fab fragments in a concentration-dependent manner. From these results we suggest that TCP-11 may be the receptor for FPP and that the adenylate clyclase/cyclic AMP pathway may be the signal transduction pathway activated by interactions between extracellular effector molecules (e.g., Fab fragments or FPP acting as an agonist) and TCP-11. A mechanism such as this that promotes capacitation but inhibits spontaneous acrosome loss in vivo would play a very important role by helping to maximize the fertilizing potential of the few spermatozoa that reach the site of fertilization. The fact that there is a human homolog of Tcp-11 suggests that this gene could play an important role in regulation of human, as well as mouse, sperm function. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 48:375–382, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The promoters of several E2F-regulated genes identified in plants contain a variety of E2F motifs, notably a composite element consisting of a "CDE-like element" C/GGCGG on one strand, described as repressor in animals, associated with an E2F element on the complementary strand. This detailed study throughout plant development using ribonucleotide reductase promoters, allows us to propose a model, where E2F and composite elements play a dual role. Such regulation is mainly conditioned by the availability of E2F factors in tissues and during the cell cycle in tobacco.  相似文献   

Pancreatic cancer is a lethal disease with no known effective chemotherapy and radiotherapy, and most patients are diagnosed in the late stage, making them unsuitable for surgery. Therefore, new therapeutic strategies are urgently needed. 1α,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 [1α,25(OH)2D3] is known to possess antitumor actions in many cancer cells in vitro and in vivo models. However, its clinical use is hampered by hypercalcemia. In this study, we investigated the effectiveness and safety of a new generation, less calcemic analog of 1α,25(OH)2D3, 19-nor-2α-(3-hydroxypropyl)-1α,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (MART-10), in BxPC-3 human pancreatic carcinoma cells in vitro and in vivo. We demonstrate that MART-10 is at least 100-fold more potent than 1α,25(OH)2D3 in inhibiting BxPC-3 cell proliferation in a time- and dose-dependent manner, accompanied by a greater upregulation of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors p21 and p27 and a greater downregulation of cyclin D3 and cyclin-dependent kinases 4 and 5, leading to a greater increase in the fraction of cells in G0/G1 phase. No induction of apoptosis and no effect on Cdc25 phosphatases A and C were observed in the presence of either MART-10 or 1α,25(OH)2D3. In a xenograft mouse model, treatment with 0.3 µg/kg body weight of MART-10 twice/week for 3 weeks caused a greater suppression of BxPC-3 tumor growth than the same dose of 1α,25(OH)2D3 without inducing hypercalcemia and weight loss. In conclusion, MART-10 is a promising agent against pancreatic cancer growth. Further clinical trial is warranted.  相似文献   

The cellular DNA mismatch repair (MMR) pathway, involving the DNA mismatch repair genes MLH1 and MSH2, detects and repairs DNA replication errors. Defects in MSH2 and MLH1 account for most cases of hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer as well as for sporadic colorectal tumors. Additionally, increased expression of MSH2 RNA and/or protein has been reported in various malignancies. Loss of DNA MMR in mammalian cells has been linked to resistance to certain DNA damaging agents including clinically important cytotoxic chemotherapeutics. Due to other functions besides its role in DNA repair, that include regulation of cell proliferation and apoptosis, MSH2 has recently been shown to be of importance for pathogenesis and progression of cancer. This review summarizes our present understanding of the function of MSH2 for DNA repair, cell cycle control, and apoptosis and discusses its importance for pathogenesis, progression and therapy of cancer.  相似文献   

In vitro cultures of Eleutherococcus sieboldianus originating from surface sterilized leaf explants were found to be associated with several microorganisms. The associations included bacteria, fungi and protozoa within the rhizosphere and inside root hairs. To determine if this phenomenon is unique to this species, plant tissue cultures of E. gracilistylus and E. senticosus were included in our studies for comparison. A methodology consisting of isothermal amplification, cloning and sequencing was established for analysing 16S ribosomal DNA of cultivated and non-cultivated bacteria from different tissue types. The same methodology was used to obtain internal transcribed spacer regions and 18S regions of fungal and protozoan rDNA. Comparative analyses of sequencing data resulted in the identification of various genera within the Firmicutes and γ-proteobacteria kingdoms and a broad spectrum of fungal genera related to several uncultured fungi. In addition, amoebal and chrysophyte species were detected. Most of the species were identified in different plant organs and in in vitro culture cell types indicating the microorganisms are systemically distributed. The presence of identical microorganisms in different plant species argues for an evolutionary long-lasting and stable association between the plant genus and the microinhabitants.  相似文献   

The Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata, is a pest of major economic importance and has become a model for the development of SIT control programs for insect pests. Significant information has been accumulated on classical and population genetics of this species during the past 2 decades. However, the availability of molecular markers is limited. Here, we present the isolation and characterization of 159 microsatellite clones and the development of 108 polymorphic microsatellite markers for this insect pest. Mapping by in situ hybridization to polytene chromosomes of 21 microsatellite clones enriched the cytogenetic map that was previously constructed by our group. The enriched map provides a large number of STSs for future genome mapping projects. Cross-species amplification of these microsatellite loci in 12 Tephritidae species and sequence analysis of several amplification products indicated a varying degree of transferability and their possible usefulness as molecular and genetic markers in these species where genetic and molecular tools are limited. E. E. Stratikopoulos and A. A. Augustinos contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

Summary Using heterologous complementation of a glutamine synthetase deficient (glnA; GS-) Escherichia coli mutant strain and heterologous DNA hybridization probes from Rhizobium meliloti and Bradyrhizobium japonicum, three distinct Agrobacterium tumefaciens loci involved in glutamine biosynthesis were identified. These loci correspond to the glnA (GSI), glnII (GSII) and a third previously unidentified locus, which is capable of complementing an E. coli glnA mutant, but may be cryptic in A. tumefaciens. The gene products encoded by the cloned glnA and glnII loci were identified using maxicells. Single insertion mutations in the glnA (GSI) and glnII (GSII) genes and a glnA glnII double mutant were constructed using gene replacement techniques. These mutant strains were examined for GSI and II activities, for growth on a variety of nitrogen (N) sources and for virulence properties on Kalanchoë plants. Neither glnA (GSI) nor glnII (GSII) were found to be essential for tumour induction on Kalanchoë nor for opine catabolism.  相似文献   

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