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凋落物与单宁酸对森林土壤无机氮的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用室内培养试验,研究了不同凋落物和单宁酸对森林土壤硝态氮和铵态氮的影响.结果表明:凋落物和单宁酸加入均降低了土壤硝态氮和铵态氮含量.杉木凋落物使红壤硝态氮和铵态氮含量分别降低6.1%~25.9%和19.7%~68.6%.杉木凋落物中黄红壤无机氮含量的降幅大于毛竹,对铵态氮的影响极显著.与对照相比,单宁酸处理能显著降低黄红壤中铵态氮含量,单宁酸浓度越高,其降幅越大,至高浓度(HG)时,其降幅达31.9%~57.8%.随着培养时间的延长,低浓度单宁酸处理(HL)中硝态氮含量降幅逐渐增大,第84天达到4.5%;在HG处理下,第7~28天的硝态氮含量增加了10.3%~18.5%,而第56和85天分别降低 23.9%和42.3%.  相似文献   

外源无机氮素形态对土壤氨基糖动态的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
微生物生长对底物的可利用性存在不同的响应,外源氮素的形态可以显著影响微生物代谢过程,而土壤氨基糖作为微生物细胞壁残留物,其形成、分解和周转特征与外源碳氮供给密切相关,对土壤氨基糖的研究与同位素标记技术相结合,可以进一步反映微生物对底物的利用特征.本文以葡萄糖及15N标记的NH4+和NO3-为底物,利用气相色谱-质谱联机技术,通过测定氨基糖中同位素富集比例,跟踪新形成(标记)和原有(非标记)的土壤氨基糖的动态变化.结果表明:在培养过程中,15N标记的氨基糖含量显著增加,NH4+向氨基糖的转化显著高于NO3-,反映出微生物对NH4+的选择性利用.土壤中原有的氨基糖也发生了不同变化.其中,非标记氨基葡萄糖在N H4+为底物时,其含量有所增加,但在NO3-为底物时含量逐渐下降;非标记胞壁酸含量在2个处理中均不断下降,尤其以NO3-为底物时更为显著;非标记氨基半乳糖含量的增减幅度均小于20%.这种特异性变化表明,不同来源的微生物细胞壁残留物对土壤氮素周转和稳定的作用不同,真菌细胞壁残留物易于在土壤中积累,有利于土壤有机质的稳定,而细菌细胞壁残留物容易分解,在土壤有机质周转过程中起重要作用.  相似文献   

Excess nutrients from fertilizer application, pollution discharge, and water regulations outflow through rivers from lands to oceans, seriously impacting coastal ecosystems. A reasonable representation of these processes in land surface models and River Transport Models (RTMs) is very important for understanding human–environment interactions. In this study, the schemes of riverine dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) transport and human activities including nitrogen discharge and water regulation, were synchronously incorporated into a land surface model coupled with a RTM. The effects of anthropogenic nitrogen discharge on the DIN transport in rivers were studied based on simulations of the period 1991–2010 throughout the entire world, conducted using the developed model, which had a spatial resolution of about 1° for land processes and 0.5° for river transport, and data on fertilizer application, point source pollution, and water use. Our results showed that rivers in western Europe and eastern China were seriously polluted, on average, at a rate of 5,000–15,000 tons per year. In the Yangtze River Basin, the amount of point source pollution in 2010 was about four times more than that in 1991, while the amount of fertilizer used in 2010 doubled, which resulted in the increased riverine DIN levels. Further comparisons suggested that the riverine DIN in the USA was affected primarily by nitrogen fertilizer use, the changes in DIN flow rate in European rivers was dominated by point source pollution, and rivers in China were seriously polluted by both the two pollution sources. The total anthropogenic impact on the DIN exported to the Pacific Ocean has increased from 10% to 30%, more significantly than other oceans. In general, our results indicated that incorporating the schemes of nitrogen transport and human activities into land surface models could be an effective way to monitor global river water quality and diagnose the performance of the land surface modeling.  相似文献   

Overwinter and snowmelt processes are thought to be critical to controllersof nitrogen (N) cycling and retention in northern forests. However, therehave been few measurements of basic N cycle processes (e.g.mineralization, nitrification, denitrification) during winter and littleanalysis of the influence of winter climate on growing season N dynamics.In this study, we manipulated snow cover to assess the effects of soilfreezing on in situ rates of N mineralization, nitrification and soilrespiration, denitrification (intact core, C2H2 – based method),microbial biomass C and N content and potential net N mineralization andnitrification in two sugar maple and two yellow birch stands with referenceand snow manipulation treatment plots over a two year period at theHubbard Brook Experimental Forest, New Hampshire, U.S.A. The snowmanipulation treatment, which simulated the late development of snowpackas may occur in a warmer climate, induced mild (temperatures >–5 °C) soil freezing that lasted until snowmelt. The treatmentcaused significant increases in soil nitrate (NO3 )concentrations in sugar maple stands, but did not affect mineralization,nitrification, denitrification or microbial biomass, and had no significanteffects in yellow birch stands. Annual N mineralization and nitrificationrates varied significantly from year to year. Net mineralization increasedfrom 12.0 g N m–2 y–1 in 1998 to 22 g N m–2 y–1 in 1999 and nitrification increased from 8 g N m–2 y–1 in 1998 to 13 g N m–2 y–1 in 1999.Denitrification rates ranged from 0 to 0.65 g N m–2 y–1. Ourresults suggest that mild soil freezing must increase soil NO3 levels by physical disruption of the soil ecosystem and not by direct stimulation of mineralization and nitrification. Physical disruption canincrease fine root mortality, reduce plant N uptake and reduce competitionfor inorganic N, allowing soil NO3 levels to increase evenwith no increase in net mineralization or nitrification.  相似文献   

林分类型是影响土壤可溶性有机碳、氮库大小的重要因素,但目前对其研究主要集中在表层土壤(0~10 cm).本研究以亚热带地区天然林、毛竹林、格式栲人工林和杉木人工林为对象,用3种不同的浸提方式(冷水、热水和KCl溶液)提取表层(0~10 cm)和深层(40~60 cm)土壤中可溶性有机碳(DOC)和有机氮(DON),研究林分类型对表层和深层土壤可溶性有机碳、氮库的影响.结果表明: 林分类型对表层土壤DOC及其占土壤总有机碳(TOC)的比重有显著影响,深层土壤受林分类型的影响不显著;不同林分土壤DON含量仅在表层土壤存在显著差异,在深层土壤差异不显著.林分间土壤微生物生物量碳的差异仅在表层土壤达到显著水平.DON占土壤总氮(TN)的比重在各林分表层和深层土壤间差异均不显著.3种浸提方法得到的DOC和DON库大小顺序为热水>KCl>冷水,不同浸提方法得到的DOC库及DON库的相关性均达到显著水平,表明冷水、热水和KCl溶液浸提得到的有机碳、氮库含有相似组分.冷水和热水浸提方法得到的表层土壤DOC和DON含量及DOC占TOC比重在天然林和毛竹林均显著大于格式栲和杉木人工林,表明天然林和毛竹林土壤可溶性有机碳、氮含量高于格式栲和杉木人工林,更有利于土壤肥力的恢复.  相似文献   

In a chain of lakes along which nutrient availability varies in a gradient, we performed factorial nutrient enrichment experiments to determine if nitrogen limitation was the principal factor controlling the differences in phytoplankton biomass, photosynthetic productivity, diversity, and species composition among two of the lakes in the chain. In the least productive lake, East Graham Lake, P and C enrichments (in the absence of N enrichment) had no effect on biomass and diversity, whereas within two weeks the N enrichments (alone or in any combination with P and/or C) increased the biomass and decreased the diversity of East Graham Lake phytoplankton to levels similar or identical to those in more productive Shoe Lake. Short-term 14C photosynthetic rates in East Graham Lake water also responded only to N in the third week. However, photosynthesis was stimulated by P in the first week, and a few species did increase in numbers with P enrichment, suggesting that some degree of P limitation remains in addition to the strong N limitation in East Graham Lake. A number of species responded individually to the enrichments in a manner similar to that of the overall community, and a strong overlapping of discriminant analysis scores for N-enriched East Graham Lake with those of Shoe Lake was consistent with our prediction that the community structure of N-enriched East Graham Lake water would shift toward that of Shoe Lake. However, many species did not respond consistently with these results, and the nutrients tested were clearly not a major factor in the differences in abundance of those species among the two lakes. The results support the argument that overall biomass production and diversity of the phytoplankton community in a lake can be a relatively simple function of a single most-limiting nutrient. However, many of the species responses also confirm that, while nutrient availability is an important factor in the control of the species composition of the community, other factors are likely to prevent reliable predictions of all species effects on the basis of nutrient availability alone.  相似文献   

人类活动显著增加了氮沉降,对森林生态系统产生了不同程度的影响;凋落物在其分解过程中输入的大量有机碳、氮也会影响土壤碳氮的形成、稳定及转化.本研究选择亚热带常绿阔叶林,对样地进行8年氮添加[对照(0)、低氮(75 kg·hm-2·a-1)、高氮(150 kg·hm-2·a-1)]和控制凋落物处理(保留凋落物、去除凋落物),之后采集土壤样品,通过K2SO4、Na2B4O7、Na4P2O7、NaOH、H2SO4、Na2S2O4、HF等化学试剂逐级浸提土壤,测定各浸提液和残渣中的碳、氮含量,研究凋落物及氮添加对土壤矿物结合态碳、氮的影响.结果表明: 整体上,胡敏素(humin,H)组分的土壤碳、氮含量均为最高,分别占土壤全量的33.5%和33.3%.Na2B4O7溶液提取的土壤可溶性碳、氮含量最高,其次是NaOH和Na4P2O7溶液,3种试剂提取的土壤可溶性总碳、可溶性总氮以及可溶性有机氮分别占提取总量的46.2%、47.9%和76.5%.与对照相比,氮添加增加了Na2S2O4和H组分碳、氮含量;与保留凋落物比较,去除凋落物降低了Na2B4O7、H2SO4、Na2S2O4和H组分的碳含量,以及NaOH、HF和H组分的氮含量.保留凋落物和氮添加显著增加了K2SO4组分氮含量.可见,保留凋落物和外源氮通过影响化学稳定性不同的土壤组分的碳氮变化来改变土壤碳氮过程.  相似文献   

气候变化引发的季节性雪被改变可能对高寒森林土壤氮循环产生深刻影响.以遮雪棚去除雪被,研究了雪被去除样方和对照样方在不同关键时期(雪被初期、深雪被期和雪被融化期)土壤氮库和矿化速率的变化.结果表明: 季节性雪被对土壤具有良好的保温作用,雪被去除使得5 cm深度土壤平均温度和最低温度分别降低0.33和1.17 ℃,并明显增加了土壤冻结深度和冻融循环.土壤活性氮在不同雪被时期存在显著差异.雪被去除使得冬季土壤铵态氮、硝态氮和可溶性有机氮增加38.6%、23.5%和57.3%.此外,雪被去除也促进了融化期土壤硝化和矿化速率的增加.因此,未来气候变暖引起的雪被减少可能加快川西亚高山森林冬季土壤氮循环.  相似文献   

Current nitrogen (N) deposition rates are considerably higher than during pre-industrial times and the growing interest in forest fertilisation requires better understanding of how the N and carbon (C) cycles interact. This study is based on experimental data showing how Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) forests respond to single or consecutive pulse doses of N. The data were used to support the implementation of a dynamic feedback mechanism in the Q model, allowing for changes in soil N availability to regulate the rate of decomposer efficiency. Simulations of the long-term effects of slowly increasing N deposition with and without dynamic decomposer efficiency were then compared. Both versions of the model accurately predicted the response of tree growth to N fertilisation. Slowly increasing inputs of N over a century in the modified version acted on the inputs and outputs of soil C in opposing ways: (a) rate of litter input slowed down because more N was retained in the soil and thus not available for tree growth; (b) rate of C output, through soil heterotrophic respiration, was also gradually reduced due to increasing decomposer efficiency, although not enough to sufficiently balance the reduced litter input. Accurate prediction of the amount of added N retained in the ecosystem seems to be one of the key issues for estimating enhanced C sequestration.  相似文献   

Despite growing attention concerning therole of dissolved organic matter (DOM) inelement cycling of forest ecosystems, thecontrols of concentrations and fluxes of bothdissolved organic carbon (DOC) and nitrogen(DON) under field conditions in forest soilsremain only poorly understood. The goal ofthis project is to measure the concentrations and fluxes of DON, NH4 +, NO3 and DOC in bulkprecipitation, throughfall, forest floorleachates and soil solutions of a deciduousstand in the Steigerwald region (northernBavaria, Germany). The DOC and DONconcentrations and fluxes were highest inleachates originating from the Oa layer of theforest floor (73 mg C L–1, 2.3 mg NL–1 and about 200–350 kg C, 8–10 kg Nha–1 yr–1). They were observed to behighly variable over time and decreased in themineral topsoil (17 mg C L–1, 0.6 mg NL–1 and about 50–90 kg C, 2.0 to 2.4 kg Nha–1 yr–1). The annual variability ofDOC and DON concentrations and subsequentialDOC/DON ratios was substantial in allsolutions. The DOC and DON concentrations inthroughfall were positively correlated withtemperature. The DOC and DON concentrationsdid not show seasonality in the forest floorand mineral soil. Concentrations were notrelated to litterfall dynamics but didcorrespond in part to the input of DOC and DONfrom throughfall. The throughfall contributionto the overall element fluxes was higher forDON than for DOC. Concentrations and fluxes ofDON were significantly correlated to DOC inthroughfall and the Oi layer. However, thecorrelation was weak in Oa leachates. Inaddition, seasonal and annual variation ofDOC/DON ratios indicated different mechanismsand release rates from the forest floor forboth components. The concentrations of DOC andDON in forest floor leachates were in mostcases dependent neither on the pH value orionic strength of the solution, nor on thewater flux or temperature changes. As aconsequence, the DOC and DON fluxes from theforest floor into the mineral soil werelargely dependent on the water flux if annualand biweekly time scales are considered.  相似文献   

氮沉降对温带森林土壤甲烷氧化菌的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张丹丹  莫柳莹  陈新  张丽梅  徐星凯 《生态学报》2017,37(24):8254-8263
大量研究显示氮沉降影响森林甲烷吸收量,但其中的微生物驱动机制仍缺乏研究。基于长白山典型温带森林长期氮沉降模拟实验平台样地,采用定量PCR和克隆测序技术,研究了长期施加不同形态氮((NH_4)_2SO_4、NH_4Cl和KNO_3)处理下森林土壤甲烷氧化菌的数量和群落组成随季节变化的特征。结果表明,夏季,森林土壤甲烷氧化菌pmo A基因丰度在不同施氮处理之间无显著性差异(每克干土1.54×10~6-3.20×10~6拷贝数);秋季,pmo A基因丰度在施加NH_4Cl和(NH_4)_2SO_4处理小区(每克干土1.93×10~5-7.6×10~5拷贝数)与对照(每克干土(4.03×10~6±1.2×10~6)拷贝数)相比有所降低,尤其在(NH_4)_2SO_4处理小区(每克干土(4.61×10~5±2.61×10~5)拷贝数)显著降低;无论夏季还是秋季,施加不同形态氮处理土壤甲烷氧化菌均以Type I型为主(相对丰度在70.6%-85.4%之间),并以Methylobacter-group(Type I)为优势类群,占Type I型的55.1%-91.7%;Methylobacter-group(Type I)的相对丰度在夏季不同形态氮处理土壤样品中无显著差异,但秋季样品中在施加(NH_4)_2SO_4(52.7%±6.5%)和NH_4Cl(56.1%±8.9%)的处理显著低于对照土壤(77.0%±2.9%),Methylococcus-group(Type I)的相对丰度则在(NH_4)_2SO_4和NH_4Cl处理土壤呈增加的趋势。这些结果表明铵态氮肥添加对温带森林土壤甲烷氧化菌的生长具有抑制作用并导致其群落结构发生改变,受夏季温度和水分的影响,这种抑制作用在秋季表现更明显,而NO_3~--N添加对土壤甲烷氧化菌的群落组成和丰度无显著影响。这些结果解释了以往观测到的施铵态氮肥显著降低秋季温带林地土壤甲烷净吸收量,而在夏季无显著影响的观测结果,解释了长期氮沉降影响森林土壤甲烷吸收的微生物机制。  相似文献   

通过室内培养试验,研究了不同浓度氯嘧磺隆(20、200、2000 μg·kg-1土)单一施用及与尿素(120 mg· kg-1土)配合施用情况下,土壤微生物生物量碳、氮和土壤铵态氮、硝态氮随时间的动态变化规律.结果表明:各浓度氯嘧磺隆单独处理在整个培养期(60 d)中对微生物生物量碳、氮均有抑制作用,且浓度越高,后期抑制作用越强;各浓度氯嘧磺隆处理在培养前期对硝态氮、铵态氮没有明显影响,中期(15 d)能显著提高土壤中铵态氮的含量,后期(30 d后)显著提高了土壤中硝态氮的含量.尿素单独施用及与氯嘧磺隆配施均能在短时间内增加微生物生物量碳、氮,但随后配施处理的促进作用减弱;尿素单独和配施均能持久增加土壤中铵态氮、硝态氮含量.  相似文献   

土壤及凋落物源氮对中亚热带森林土壤SON的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马红亮  马芬  邱泓  高人  尹云锋  彭园珍 《生态学报》2018,38(22):8167-8175
土壤可溶性有机氮(SON)含量虽低,却是土壤氮库中最活跃的组分之一;主要来源于凋落物分解和土壤氮素转化。但是它们各自对土壤的影响还不清楚。通过添加杉木和~(15)N标记的阔叶凋落物于土壤表面,研究针阔叶凋落物分解对土壤SON的影响,及与土壤氮的关系。结果表明:由于没有降水的淋溶影响,培养期间,凋落物SON的显著降低,并没有直接增加土壤SON。与对照比较,杉木凋落物添加显著增加了土壤无机氮的含量,而较高C/N比的阔叶凋落物在其分解初期首先需要吸收更多的土壤氨态氮。添加~(15)N标记的阔叶凋落物提高了土壤SON在培养90—210天来自凋落物的比例,在第210天高达74.8%;来自凋落物的氨态氮比例在实验30天开始增加,到第210天高达39.8%;但是对硝态氮的影响不大。结果表明,土壤SON在培养初期因受凋落物的影响,主要来自土壤有机质的分解,而来自凋落物的SON更容易矿化;且土壤源的氮更容易发生硝化作用。可见,土壤中的SON是与凋落物分解动态、以及对土壤的影响有关。  相似文献   

The effect of inorganic nitrogen (N) fertilizer on the ionic composition of the soil solution under maize (Zea mays L.) was studied. A pot experiment was carried out with two treatments combined factorially, with or without N application (Ca(NO3)2; +N and –N treatments, respectively), and with or without plants. Three looped hollow fiber samplers were installed in each pot to sample soil solutions nondestructively from the root zone, seven times during the 50-day growth period. Plants were harvested on the 50th day, and their nutrient contents determined.Effects of N fertilizer on the soil solutions were observed by the first sampling, 2 days after sowing. The concentrations of Ca and NO3 and electrical conductivity (EC) increased significantly in the +N treatments as direct effects of fertilizer application. In addition, the concentrations of Mg, K, Na and H+ also increased and that of P decreased significantly as indirect effects caused by the re-establishment of chemical equilibria. This suggested the greater supply as well as the greater possibility of leaching loss not only of NO3 but also of Ca, Mg and K. In the treatments with plants, the concentrations of NO3 , Ca, Mg and K decreased with time and pH increased significantly compared with the unplanted soil. The depletion of N in the soil solution roughly agreed with the amount of N taken up by the plant. The depletions of K from the soil solution amounted to less than 10% of the amount of the K taken up, suggesting intensive replenishment of K from exchange sites in the soil. Depletions of Ca and Mg were several times higher than the amounts taken up, indicating that the depletions resulted from the adsorption of the divalent cations by the soil rather than uptake by plants. Because NO3 is hardly absorbed by exchange sites in soil and was the dominant anion in solution, it was concluded that NO3 had a major role in controlling cation concentrations in the soil solution and, consequently, on their availability for uptake by plants as well as their possible leaching loss. ei]H Marschner  相似文献   

Elevated anthropogenic nitrogen (N) deposition is suggested to affect ecosystem phosphorus (P) cycling through altered biotic P demand and soil acidification. To date, however, there has been little information on how long-term N deposition regulates P fluxes in tropical forests, where P is often depleted. To address this question, we conducted a long-term N addition experiment in a mature tropical forest in southern China, using the following N treatments: 0, 50, 100, and 150 kg N ha?1 year?1. We hypothesized that (i) tropical forest ecosystems have conservative P cycling with low P output, and (ii) long-term N addition decreases total dissolved phosphorus (TDP) leaching losses due to reduced litter decomposition rates and stimulated P sorption deriving from accelerated soil acidification. As hypothesized, we demonstrated a closed P cycling with low leaching outputs in our forest. Under experimental N addition, TDP flux in throughfall was significantly reduced, suggesting that N addition may result in a less internal P recycling. Contrary to our hypothesis, N addition did not decrease TDP leaching, despite reduced litter decomposition and accelerated soil acidification. We find that N addition might have negative impacts on biological P uptake without affecting TDP leaching, and that the amount of TDP leaching from soil could be lower than a minimum concentration for TDP retention. Overall, we conclude that long-term N deposition does not necessarily decrease P effluxes from tropical forest ecosystems with conservative P cycling.  相似文献   

土壤溶液被称作"土壤的血液",是土壤中各种生物化学反应的中介物质,在外界环境发生变化时,土壤溶液化学成分能在其他土壤指标尚无变化之前对环境变化做出迅速响应。为了探索持续增加的大气氮(N)沉降对森林生态系统的影响,以华西雨屏区亚热带常绿阔叶林为对象,设置对照(CK,0 g m-2 a-1),低N(LN,5 g m-2 a-1),高N(HN,15 g m-2 a-1)三种N处理,通过人工施加硝酸铵(2017年9月起改施硝酸钠及氯化铵)的方法模拟N沉降增加情景,N处理42个月后,使用负压土壤溶液采样器定位收集A层(37-45 cm)及B层(52-60 cm)土壤溶液,并进行分析(每月1次,为期1 a)。结果表明:对照处理中A、B两层土壤溶液NO3-浓度达(3.94±0.77)mg/L、(4.27±1.13)mg/L,N添加显著提高两层土壤溶液NO3-浓度和B层NH4+浓度;N添加显著降低土壤溶液pH,且显著增加Al3+浓度,Ca2+和Mg2+含量有增加趋势,但影响不显著;N处理使A层土壤溶液可溶性有机碳(DOC)浓度显著降低,对两层土壤溶液芳香化指数(AI)无显著影响;两层土壤溶液电导率(EC)及氧化还原电位(Eh)显著增加;此外,两层土壤溶液中许多化学成分均呈现极显著相关,特别是NO3-与EC相关系数达到了0.855。本研究中,对照处理极高的NO3-含量以及B层土壤溶液硝酸盐浓度高于A层,表明该亚热带常绿阔叶林N的有效性超过植物和微生物的总营养需求而发生淋溶,该生态系统已达到氮饱和状态,此外N添加会显著促进土壤酸化和铝离子活化,表层土壤溶液DOC的降低一定程度反映了凋落物分解受N添加的抑制作用,显著升高的氧化还原电位可能导致土壤中某些金属元素的迁移率降低。  相似文献   

土壤强还原处理(reductive soil disinfestation,RSD)可以有效修复退化设施蔬菜地土壤,但实施过程中亦会存在可溶性有机碳(DOC)与无机氮(NO3--N和NH4+-N)的淋溶风险。本研究选用水稻秸秆及其制备的生物质炭(biochar,BC)作为修复材料,采用BC、RSD以及RSD+BC三种方法修复退化蔬菜地土壤,探究修复过程中土壤基本性质、DOC与无机氮的动态变化。结果表明,与对照土壤相比,BC处理显著提高了土壤pH、EC和DOC含量(P<0.05),但对土壤NO3--N和NH4+-N无显著影响。对于RSD和RSD+BC处理,土壤NO3--N含量在1~3 d内快速下降,之后维持在较低水平;土壤DOC含量呈先上升后下降趋势,在整个培养时段均显著高于对照处理(P<0.05)。方差分析表明,BC与RSD处理对土壤DOC、全碳(TC)、全...  相似文献   

Iinvestigated controls of stream dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) sources andcycling along a stream size and productivity gradient in a temperate forestedwatershed in northern California. Dissolved CO2 (CO2(aq))dynamics in heavily shaded streams contrasted strongly with those of larger,open canopied sites. In streams with canopy cover > 97%, CO2 (aq)was highest during baseflow periods (up to 540 M) and wasnegatively related to discharge. Effects of algal photosynthesis on CO2(aq) were minimal and stream CO2 (aq) was primarily controlledby groundwater CO2 (aq) inputs and degassing losses to theatmosphere. In contrast to the small streams, CO2 (aq) in larger,open-canopied streams was often below atmospheric levels at midday duringbaseflow and was positively related to discharge. Here, stream CO2(aq) was strongly influenced by the balance between autotrophic andheterotrophic processes. Dynamics of HCO3 werelesscomplex. HCO3 and Ca2+ were positivelycorrelated, negatively related to discharge, and showed no pattern with streamsize. Stable carbon isotope ratios of DIC (i.e. 13C DIC)increased with stream size and discharge, indicating contrasting sources of DICto streams and rivers. During summer baseflows, 13C DIC were13C-depleted in the smallest streams (minimum of–17.7) due to the influence of CO2 (aq) derived frommicrobialrespiration and HCO3 derived from carbonateweathering. 13C DIC were higher (up to –6.6)inthe larger streams and rivers due to invasion of atmospheric CO2enhanced by algal CO2 (aq) uptake. While small streams wereinfluenced by groundwater inputs, patterns in CO2 (aq) and evidencefrom stable isotopes demonstrate the strong influence of stream metabolism andCO2 exchange with the atmosphere on stream and river carbon cycles.  相似文献   

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