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Background: Prevalence of gastroschisis has inexplicably been increasing over the past few decades. Our intent was to explore whether early gestational exposures to pesticides were associated with risk of gastroschisis. Methods: We used population‐based data, accompanied by detailed information from maternal interviews as well as information on residential proximity to a large number of commercial pesticide applications during early pregnancy. The study population derived from the San Joaquin Valley of California ( ). Cases were 156 infants/fetuses with gastroschisis and controls were 785 infants without birth defects. Results: Among 22 chemical pesticide groups analyzed, none had an elevated odds ratio with an associated confidence interval that excluded 1.0, although exposure to the triazine group showed borderline significance. Among 36 specific pesticide chemicals analyzed, only exposure to petroleum distillates was associated with an elevated risk, odds ratio = 2.5 (1.1–5.6). In general, a substantially different inference was not derived when analyses were stratified by maternal age or when risk estimation included adjustment for race/ethnicity, body mass index, folic acid supplement use, and smoking. Conclusion: Our study rigorously adds to the scant literature on this topic. Our a priori expectation was that we would observe certain pesticide compounds to be particularly associated with young age owing to the disproportionate risk observed for young women to have offspring with gastroschisis. We did not observe an exposure profile unique to young women. Birth Defects Research (Part A), 100:686–694, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

With federal financial support, an area health education center was established in the central San Joaquin Valley of California. The center is a cooperative health sciences education and health care program organized by the University of California and some of the educational and health care institutions of the valley. The center''s goals include providing and improving primary health care education, and improving the distribution of health personnel. These goals are achieved through the cooperative development of a number of independent and interdependent activities. An extensive evaluation of the Area Health Education Center has shown that it is a highly effective program.  相似文献   

We describe four cases of pulmonary paragonimiasis in Southeast Asians who emigrated to the central San Joaquin Valley of California. Physicians should be alerted to the possibility of this disease in Asian patients with hemoptysis and pulmonary infiltrates. Paragonimiasis can masquerade as pulmonary tuberculosis, especially in patients from areas that are endemic for both the parasite and the tubercle bacillus. The ease and safety with which this infection can be treated, in contrast to tuberculosis, reiterates the importance of diagnosing this lung fluke when it is present.  相似文献   

Laboratory bioassays of overwintering field populations of the California red scale parasitoidAphytis melinus DeBach showed a shift in sex ratio of F1 progeny after prolonged exposure to winter temperatures in Tulare County, California. In 7 of 8 tests, short-term winter field exposure (<75 days) did not result in a significant male bias in sex ratios of F1 progeny when compared to sex ratios observed in laboratory cultures maintained at 27°C. Long term exposure (109–139 days), however, resulted in significantly (P<0.05) higher male bias in F1 sex ratios in 5 of 6 tests. These results from field populations ofA. melinus agree with conclusions of low temperature laboratory tests onAphytis species (lingnanensis, melinus) by other workers. Mention of a proprietary or commercial product in this paper does not constitute an endorsement of this product by the University of California.  相似文献   

White muscle disease and other selenium deficiency syndromes, once extremely common in young calves and lambs in Oregon, especially in the areas of volcanic origin east of the Cascade mountain range, prompted extensive investigations in the Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station that resulted in the implementation of large-scale selenium supplementation programs. Although selenium deficiency in livestock is consequently now rare in Oregon, selenium-deficient soils and attendant selenium deficiency conditions have been reported near the Kesterson Wildlife Refuge in the Northern part of the San Joaquin Valley, California, where, paradoxically, selenium toxicity in wildfowl, nesting near evaporation ponds, occurred and attracted wide attention. This review cites studies which explain why there is no evidence of selenium toxicity in livestock, but some selenium deficiency on the east side of the San Joaquin Valley. They also show that there is no threat to the food supply owing to excessive selenium in this area and that the consumption of meat and milk from the herds would not exceed the safe range of selenium for humans.  相似文献   

1. The taxonomic composition and biomass of the phytoplankton and the taxonomic composition of the phytobenthos of the San Joaquin River and its major tributaries were examined in relation to water chemistry, habitat and flow regime. Agricultural drainage and subsurface flow contribute to a complex gradient of salinity and nutrients in this eutrophic, ‘lowland type’ river. 2. Because of light‐limiting conditions for growth, maintenance demands of the algae exceed production during summer and autumn in the San Joaquin River where there is no inflow from tributaries. In contrast to substantial gains in concentration of inorganic nitrogen and soluble reactive phosphorus during the summer of normal‐flow years, net losses of algal biomass (2–4 μg L?1 day?1 chlorophyll a) occurred in a mid‐river segment with no significant tributary inflow. However, downstream of a large tributary draining the Sierra Nevada, a substantial net gain in algal biomass (6–11 μg L?1 day?1) occurred in the summer, but not in the spring (loss of 1–6 μg L?1 day?1) or autumn (loss of 2–5 μg L?1 day?1). 3. The phytoplankton was dominated in summer by ‘r‐selected’ centric diatoms (Thalassiosirales), species both tolerant of variable salinity and widely distributed in the San Joaquin River. Pennate diatoms were proportionally more abundant (in biomass) in the winter, spring and autumn. Abundant taxa included the diatoms Cyclotella meneghiniana, Skeletonema cf. potamos, Cyclostephanos invisitatus, Thalassiosira weissflogii, Nitzschia acicularis, N. palea and N. reversa, and the chlorophytes Chlamydomonas sp. and Scenesdesmus quadricauda. Patterns in the abundance of species indicated that assembly of the phytoplankton is limited more by light and flow regime than by nutrient supply. 4. The phytobenthos was dominated by larger, more slowly reproducing pennate diatoms. Few of the abundant species are euryhaline. The diatoms Navicula recens and Nitzschia inconspicua and cyanophytes, Oscillatoria spp., were the principal late‐summer benthic species upstream in the mainstem and in drainages of the San Joaquin Valley. Many of the other abundant diatoms (Amphora veneta, Bacillaria paxillifer, Navicula symmetrica, Nitzschia amphibia, N. fonticola, N. palea, Pleurosigma salinarum) of late‐summer assemblages in these segments also are motile species. While many of these species also were abundant in segments downstream of confluences with rivers draining the Sierra Nevada, the relative abundance of prostrate (Cocconeis placentula var. euglypta, Navicula minima) and erect or stalked (Achnanthidium deflexum, Achnanthes lanceolata, Gomphonema kobayasii, G. parvulum var. lagenula) diatoms and Stigeoclonium sp. was greater in these lower San Joaquin River segments. 5. A weighted‐averaging regression model, based on salinity and benthic‐algal abundance in the San Joaquin River and segments of its major tributaries within the San Joaquin Valley, yielded a highly significant coefficient‐of‐determination (r2=0.84) and low prediction error between salinity inferred from the species and that observed, indicating that salinity tolerance is a primary constraint on growth and assembly of the phytobenthos. The same measures of predictability indicated poor performance of a model based on inorganic nitrogen. However, with a greater representation of tributaries (including segments within the Sierra Nevada foothills) in the sample set, an inorganic nitrogen model also yielded a highly significant coefficient‐of‐determination (r2=0.87) and low prediction error between the species‐inferred and the observed concentration. As with the salinity model (r2=0.94) for the enlarged data set, a systematic difference (increased deviation of residuals) existed at high inorganic nitrogen concentrations. These results indicate substantial interaction between salinity and inorganic nitrogen as constraints on the structure of benthic‐algal communities of the San Joaquin River basin.  相似文献   

Twenty sites in the lower San Joaquin River drainage, California, were sampled from 1993 to 1995 to characterize fish communities and their associations with measures of water quality and habitat quality. The feasibility of developing an Index of Biotic Integrity was assessed by evaluating four fish community metrics, including percentages of native fish, omnivorous fish, fish intolerant of environmental degradation, and fish with external anomalies. Of the thirty-one taxa of fish captured during the study, only 10 taxa were native to the drainage. Multivariate analyses of percentage data identified four site groups characterized by different groups of species. The distributions of fish species were related to specific conductance, gradient, and mean depth; however, specific conductance acted as a surrogate variable for a large group of correlated variables. Two of the fish community metrics – percentage of introduced fish and percentage of intolerant fish – appeared to be responsive to environmental quality but the responses of the other two metrics – percentage of omnivorous fish and percentage of fish with anomalies – were less direct. The conclusion of the study is that fish communities are responsive to environmental conditions, including conditions associated with human-caused disturbances, particularly agriculture and water development. The results suggest that changes in water management and water quality could result in changes in species distributions. Balancing the costs and benefits of such changes poses a considerable challenge to resource managers.  相似文献   

In the absence of spider mites, tydeids (Pronematus anconaiBaker and Pronematus ubiquitus [Mc Gregor ]) may serve as alternate prey to maintain good numbers of the predatory mite, Metaseiulus occidentalis (Nesbitt ) (Acarina, Phytoseiidae), late in the season. This late-season predator and alternate prey relationship is necessary to stabilize Pacific mite populations and perpetuate balance in San Joaquin Valley vineyards. Thriving laboratory colonies of tydeids were reared on a diet of windblown pollens, including cattail pollen (Typha sp., Typhaceae) and bottlebrush pollen (Melaleuca sp., Myrtaceae).M. occidentalis was successfully reared on a diet of tydeids and ovipositing predator females were obtained. In addition, pollen dusted on grapevines significantly increased both tydeid and indirectly M. occidentalis populations late in the season. These studies suggest that artificially disseminating cattail pollen or manipulating good pollen producing flora in and around vineyards may be used to correct situations where Pacific mites have become serious pests.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT San Joaquin kit foxes (Vulpes macrotis mutica) occur in central California, USA, and are endangered due to habitat loss and degradation. As the human population of California grows, more roads are being constructed in remaining kit fox habitat. We examined effects of 2-lane roads on demographic and ecological patterns of kit foxes on the Lokern Natural Area (LNA) from August 2001 to June 2004. Of 60 radiocollared kit foxes, only one was struck by a vehicle. Foxes were assigned to 1 of 3 risk categories (high, medium, or low) based on proportion of time spent in road-effect zones, which were defined by the probability of a fox encountering a road during nocturnal movements. Fox survival probabilities, reproductive success, litter size, nocturnal movements, and den placement all were similar among risk categories. Nocturnal locations of foxes were closer to roads than were den locations, and den fidelity was lowest for medium-risk foxes and highest for low-risk foxes but intermediate for high-risk foxes. Food availability and use were not affected by proximity to roads. We were unable to detect any significant detrimental effects from 2-lane roads on kit fox demography and ecology. Our results suggest that standard mitigation strategies, such as crossing structures and exclusionary fencing, would not benefit kit foxes on the LNA.  相似文献   

The grape mealybug, Pseudococcus maritimus (Ehrhorn), is an important pest of table grapes in California's San Joaquin Valley. The mealybug causes direct damage by infesting grape bunches, resulting in very low economic injury levels. To develop a sampling program to help growers predict damage and make control decisions, we destructively sampled six entire grapevines each month to determine mealybug abundance and within-vine distribution. These absolute counts were then used to evaluate several relative sampling methods: sticky tape barriers on canes, excised spur samples, standard-sized pieces of bark, timed counts, and nondestructive counts on spurs. At midseason we sampled additional vines to correlate mealybug numbers with economic damage at harvest. Finally, mealybug life stages and natural enemies were recorded throughout the study. Timed 5-min counts show the strongest correlation with total mealybug numbers, and a simple count of mealybugs on three spurs per vine at midseason is the best predictor of economic damage. Mealybugs completed approximately equals 2.5 generations in 1998. Comparison to data on mealybug development suggests that exceptionally long growing seasons could exacerbate infestations by allowing the completion of a third generation. No mealybugs were found on bunches before early August, when second-generation crawlers moved out of the bark. Grape bunches that touched old wood had significantly higher damage and mealybug densities. The majority of mealybugs were always found in protected locations (under the bark of the trunk, spurs or canes), indicating the need for chemical or biological controls that can penetrate these refugia.  相似文献   

We report the rapid acidification of forest soils in the San Bernardino Mountains of southern California. After 30 years, soil to a depth of 25 cm has decreased from a pH (measured in 0.01 M CaCl2) of 4.8 to 3.1. At the 50-cm depth, it has changed from a pH of 4.8 to 4.2. We attribute this rapid change in soil reactivity to very high rates of anthropogenic atmospheric nitrogen (N) added to the soil surface (72 kg ha(-1) year(-1)) from wet, dry, and fog deposition under a Mediterranean climate. Our research suggests that a soil textural discontinuity, related to a buried ancient landsurface, contributes to this rapid acidification by controlling the spatial and temporal movement of precipitation into the landsurface. As a result, the depth to which dissolved anthropogenic N as nitrate (NO3) is leached early in the winter wet season is limited to within the top approximately 130 cm of soil where it accumulates and increases soil acidity.  相似文献   

施氮量对麦后直播棉氮素吸收利用的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以早熟棉中棉所50为材料进行麦后直播棉花试验,研究施氮量(0、60、120、150、180、240 kg N·hm-2)对棉株氮素吸收、利用和分配的影响.结果表明: 增施氮肥提高了麦后直播棉不同生育阶段的氮吸收量,以盛花到见絮期的氮积累增量最大,并且改变了不同生育期间氮吸收比例,使棉花出苗到盛花期的氮吸收比例降低,盛花到吐絮期的氮吸收比例升高;增施氮肥还降低了生育后期中上部位果枝氮浓度的下降速率.麦后直播棉氮素和生物量累积以中下部果枝为主,在150~180 kg N·hm-2施氮量下棉花产量、氮肥表观利用率、各果枝部位干物质和氮在生殖器官中的分配比例较高,氮浓度和氮累积量动态特征参数比较协调.高于180 kg N·hm-2的施氮量导致棉花中部和下部果枝生殖器官生物量和氮素累积量、产量增幅和氮肥利用率降低,而低于150 kg N·hm-2施氮量降低棉花整株干物质和氮经济系数,不利于高产形成.综合分析,150~180 kg N·hm-2施氮量可作为长江流域下游棉区麦后直播棉的推荐施氮量.  相似文献   

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