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Effects of ultraviolet-B radiation on the photosynthesis of seagrasses (Halophila engelmanni Aschers, Halodule wrightii Aschers, and Syringodium filiforme Kütz) were examined. The intrinsic tolerance of each seagrass to ultraviolet-B, the presence and effectiveness of photorepair mechanisms to ultraviolet-B-induced photosynthetic inhibition, and the role of epiphytic growth as a shield from ultraviolet-B were investigated.  相似文献   

The response of bean leaves to UV-B radiation was extensively investigated. UV-B radiation caused increase of ion leakage, loss of chlorophyll, and decrease of the maximum efficiency of PSII photochemistry (Fv/Fm) and the quantum yield of PSII electron transport (PhiPSII) of bean leaves. H2O2 contents and the extent of thylakoid membrane protein oxidation increased, indicated by the decrease of thiol contents and the increase of carbonyl contents with the duration of UV-B radiation. Addition of sodium nitroprusside, a nitric oxide (NO) donor, can partially alleviate UV-B induced decrease of chlorophyll contents, Fv/Fm and PhiPSII. Moreover, the oxidative damage to the thylakoid membrane was alleviated by NO. The potassium salt of 2-(4-carboxyphenyl)-4,4,5,5-tetramethylimidazoline-1-oxyl-3-oxide, a specific NO scavenger, arrested NO mediated protective effects against UV-B induced oxidative damage. Incubation of thylakoid membrane with increasing H2O2 concentrations showed a progressive enhancement in carbonyl contents. H2O2 contents were decreased in the presence of NO under UV-B radiation through increased activities of superoxide dismutases, ascorbate peroxidases, and catalases. Taken together, the results suggest that NO can effectively protect plants from UV-B damage mostly probably mediated by enhanced activities of antioxidant enzymes.  相似文献   

In our earlier communication we have shown that Lupeol inhibits early responses of tumour induction in murine skin. The free radical mediated damage to the cellular macromolecules such as DNA, proteins, lipids and alteration in the activities of quinone reductase and xanthine oxidase are important biochemical parameters of tumor development. The suppression of free radical mediated damage to cellular macromolecules and induction of quinone reductase along with depletion of xanthine oxidase are prominent characteristics of chemopreventive agents. In the present investigation, we have elucidated the mechanism of action of lupeol (Lup-20 (29)-en-3beta-ol), a triterpene found in moderate amount in many vegetables, fruits and anti-tumor herbs. In the present investigation, lupeol significantly reduced the free radical mediated DNA-sugar damage and microsomal lipid peroxidation in an iron/ascorbate free radical generating system in vitro. Benzoyl peroxide, a known free radical generating tumor promoter mediated oxidation of proteins and modulation in the activities of quinone reductase as well as xanthine oxidase was significantly prevented by lupeol when tested on murine skin in vivo. It was concluded from this study that lupeol acts as an effective chemopreventive agent against cutaneous toxicity.  相似文献   

Onion and garlic essential oils were previously shown to inhibit mouse skin tumor promotion, as were the enzymes, lipoxygenase, and cyclooxygenase. In the present study, the inhibition of soybean lipoxygenase (EC by onion and garlic components and related compounds was investigated. The IC50 values as well as the kinetic inhibition constants were determined for the most active compounds. Di-(1-propenyl) sulfide, an analog of the substrate moiety required for oxygenase action, was the only irreversible inhibitor observed with Ki = 59 microM and k3 = 0.53/min. Inhibition in the presence of substrate was uncompetitive at 88 and 132 microM linoleic acid with Ki = 129 microM. At 173 microM linoleic acid, however, inhibition was competitive with Ki = 66 microM. Dially trisulfide, allyl methyl trisulfide, and diallyl disulfide were competitive inhibitors, while 1-propenylpropyl sulfide and (E, Z)-4,5,9-trithiadodeca-1,6,11-triene 9-oxide (ajoene) were mixed inhibitors. Nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NDGA), the most potent lipoxygenase inhibitor, was a competitive inhibitor with Ki = 0.29 microM. The results indicate a relative potency of inhibition for structural features in the following order: di(1-propenyl) sulfide greater than an alkenyl trisulfide greater than an alkenyl disulfide. Di(n-propyl) disulfide, a major onion oil component, inhibited neither lipoxygenase nor promotion. Di(1-propenyl) sulfide and ajoene inhibited both. This suggests that the inhibition of lipoxygenase may be involved in antipromotion.  相似文献   

Flavonoids are a class of secondary metabolites abundantly found in fruits and vegetables. In addition, flavonoids have been reported as potent antioxidants with beneficial effects against oxidative stress-related diseases such as cancer, aging, and diabetes. The present study was carried out to investigate the cytoprotective effects of morin (2′,3,4′,5,7-pentahydroxyflavone), a member of the flavonoid group, against hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)-induced DNA and lipid damage. Morin was found to prevent the cellular DNA damage induced by H2O2 treatment, which is shown by the inhibition of 8-hydroxy-2′-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) formation (a modified form of DNA base), inhibition of comet tail (a form of DNA strand breakage), and decrease of nuclear phospho histone H2A.X expression (a marker for DNA strand breakage). In addition, morin inhibited membrane lipid peroxidation, which is detected by inhibition of thiobarbituric acid reactive substance (TBARS) formation. Morin was found to scavenge the intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) generated by H2O2 treatment in cells, which is detected by a spectrofluorometer, flow cytometry, and confocal microscopy after staining of 2′,7′-dichlorodihydrofluorescein diacetate (DCF-DA). Morin also induces an increase in the activity of catalase and protein expression. The results of this study suggest that morin protects cells from H2O2-induced damage by inhibiting ROS generation and by inducing catalase activation.  相似文献   

Iron nitrilotriacetate (Fe-NTA), a chief environmental pollutant, is known for its extensive toxic manifestations on renal system. In the present study, caffeic acid, one of the most frequently occurring phenolic acids in fruits, grains, and dietary supplements was evaluated for its shielding effect against the Fe-NTA-induced oxidative, inflammatory, and pathological damage in kidney. Fe-NTA was administered (9 mg Fe/kg body weight) intraperitoneally to the Wistar male rats on 20th day while caffeic acid was administered orally (20 and 40 mg/kg body weight) before administration of Fe-NTA. The intraperitoneal administration of Fe-NTA-enhanced lipid peroxidation, xanthine oxidase, and hydrogen peroxide generation with reduction in renal glutathione content, antioxidant enzymes, viz., catalase, glutathione peroxidase, and glutathione reductase. A sharp elevation in the levels of myloperoxidase, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), and serum creatinine has also been observed. Tumor promotion markers viz., ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) and [(3)H] thymidine incorporation into renal DNA were also significantly increased. Treatment of rats orally with caffeic acid (20 and 40 mg/kg body weight) resulted in a significant decrease in xanthine oxidase (P < 0.001), lipid peroxidation (P < 0.001), γ-glutamyl transpeptidase (P < 0.01), and H(2)O(2) (P < 0.01). There was significant recovery of renal glutathione content (P < 0.001) and antioxidant enzymes (P < 0.001). There was also a reversal in the enhancement of renal ODC activity, DNA synthesis, BUN, and serum creatinine (P < 0.001). All these changes were supported by histological observations. The results indicate that caffeic acid may be beneficial in ameliorating the Fe-NTA-induced oxidative damage and tumor promotion in the kidney of rats.  相似文献   

Iron overload has been shown to enhance chemically mediated cutaneous tumor promotion in animals. However, the majority of these animal studies have used high concentrations of iron before initiating tumor development. The current study was designed to evaluate the effect of small doses of iron on the promotion stage of chemically mediated cutaneous carcinogenesis. We found an increased tumor response in mice initiated with dimethylbenz(a)anthracene (DMBA) when iron at the dose levels of 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5mg/mouse was injected (intramuscularly) once a week into mice at the promotion stage of skin carcinogenesis, employing 12-O-tetradecanoyl phorbol-13-acetate (TPA)/benzoyl peroxide (BPO) as tumor promoter. The appearance of first papilloma and the number of tumors/mouse were recorded weekly. When compared to the control (non-iron-treated) group, the iron-treated groups showed an augmented incidence of tumors and number of tumors/mouse. In iron-treated mice, tumors appeared earlier than in the control group. TPA/BPO treatment resulted in a significant decrease in the activities of antioxidant enzymes and depletion in the level of epidermal reduced glutathione (GSH). TPA treatment in non-iron-treated mice resulted in approximately 20-40% decrease in GSH level and in the activities of antioxidant enzymes, whereas 1.5-mg iron treatment along with TPA treatment resulted in about approximately 30-70% decrease in GSH level and in the activities of antioxidant enzymes. Similarly, treatment of iron along with BPO treatment resulted in a dose-dependent higher depletion of GSH and the antioxidant enzymes as compared to non-iron-treated animals treated with BPO. Further, TPA/BPO-mediated induction in ornithine decarboxylase activity and [3H]thymidine incorporation in cutaneous DNA was approx two- to threefold higher in mice treated with iron as compared to non-iron-treated mice. Cutaneous lipid peroxidation and iron levels were also higher in mice treated with iron as compared to non-iron-treated mice. These data suggest that progressive iron overload can enhance the tumor promotion ability of TPA/BPO in DMBA-initiated murine skin.  相似文献   

The effect of pretreatment with ultraviolet-B (UV-B) light (280-320 nanometers) on the enzymatic conversion of the diepoxyxanthophyll violaxanthin to the epoxy-free zeaxanthin occurring in thylakoid membranes was investigated. When isolated chloroplasts of pea (Pisum sativum) were exposed to UV-B, a biologically effective fluence of 7000 joules per square meter caused about 50% inhibition of the activity of the violaxanthin deepoxidase, measured as the first order rate constant of the absorbance change at 505 nanometers. The dose requirement for the inhibition of the deepoxidase in intact leaves, however, was about 2 orders of magnitude higher. The inhibition of the rate constant was observed for both the dark deepoxidation at pH 5, and for the light-driven deepoxidation induced by the lumen acidification due to electron transport from H2O to methylviologen or due to a photosystem I partial reaction with duroquinol as the electron donor. The availability of violaxanthin was not directly affected by UV-B radiation, as shown for UV-B-treated chloroplasts by the final extent of the 505 nanometer change measured in the dark at pH 5 or by the partial photosystem I reaction. A significant decrease in the violaxanthin availability was observed when lumen acidification was caused by electron transport from H2O to methylviologen. That effect was probably caused by the wellknown UV-B inhibition of photosystem II with a subsequent decreased ability to reduce the plastoquinone pool, the redox state of which is believed to regulate the final amount of converted violaxanthin.  相似文献   

T paper deals with studying the effect of alpha-tocopherol and its analogues (alpha-tocopheryl acetate and alpha-tocopheryl quinine) showing no antioxidant properties on rat thymocytes survival and intracellular content of reactive oxygen species (ROS) at H2O2 and menadione-induced oxidative stress. It is established, that the ability of alpha-tocopherol to inhibit the thymocytes destruction induced by the development of oxidative stress is insignificant. It does not depend on the presence of free OH-group in the structure of alpha-tocopherol molecule responsible for development of antioxidant properties, and does not correlate with its influence on intracellular ROS content. The efficiency of the glutathione synthesis predecessor N-acetyl-L-cysteine in the given model testifies to the involving of other systems of antioxidative protection in these processes. The obtained data allow to conclude, that alpha-tocopherol does not play the main role in the protection of cells against ROS damaging action that calls into question its ability to prevent the oxidative stress.  相似文献   

The piperidine nitroxides Tempamine and Tempace have been studied for their effect on doxorubicin (DOX) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) cytotoxicity in immortalized B14 cells, a model for neoplastic phenotype. The significance for nitroxide performance of the substituent in position 4 of the piperidine ring was evaluated. The cells were exposed to DOX/H2O2 alone or in combination with the nitroxides Tempamine or Tempace. Two other piperidine nitroxides, Tempo and Tempol, were used for comparison. All the nitroxides except Tempamine modestly reduced DOX cytotoxicity. Tempamine evoked a biphasic response: at concentrations lower than 200 μmol/L the nitroxide decreased DOX cytotoxicity, while at concentrations higher than 200 μmol/L, it enhanced DOX cytotoxicity. In contrast to Tempo and Tempol, Tempamine and Tempace ameliorated hydrogen peroxide cytotoxicity, but none of the nitroxides influenced TBARS stimulated by hydrogen peroxide. The cytoprotective effect of Tempace, Tempo and Tempol in DOX-treated cells correlated with the inhibition of DOX-induced lipid peroxidation. The bioreduction rates of the investigated nitroxides differed significantly and were variously affected by DOX depending on the nitroxide substituent. In combination with DOX, Tempo and Tempol were reduced significantly more slowly, while no influence of DOX on Tempamine and Tempace bioreduction was observed. Our results suggest that the structure of the 4-position substituent is an important factor for biological activity of piperidine nitroxides. Among the investigated nitroxides, Tempace displayed the best protective properties in vitro but Tempamine was the only nitroxide that potentiated cytotoxicity of DOX and did not influence DOX-induced lipid peroxidation. However, this nitroxide showed different performance depending on its concentration and conditions of oxidative stress.  相似文献   

Of particular concern for the health of astronauts during space travel is radiation from protons and high atomic number (Z), high energy particles (HZE particles). Space radiation is known to induce oxidative stress in astronauts after extended space flight. In the present study, the total antioxidant status was used as a biomarker to evaluate oxidative stress induced by proton and HZE particle radiation in the plasma of CBA mice and the protective effect of dietary supplement agents. The results indicate that exposure to proton and HZE particle radiation significantly decreased the plasma level of total antioxidants in the irradiated CBA mice. Dietary supplementation with l-selenomethionine (SeM) or a combination of selected antioxidant agents (which included SeM) could partially or completely prevent the decrease in the total antioxidant status in the plasma of animals exposed to proton or HZE particle radiation. These findings suggest that exposure to space radiation may compromise the capacity of the host antioxidant defense system; this adverse biological effect can be prevented at least partially by dietary supplementation with agents expected to have effects on antioxidant activities.  相似文献   

We investigated the efficacy of Pistacia lentiscus fruit oil (PLFO) for protecting human skin from damage due to oxidative stress. PLFO contains natural antioxidants including polyphenols, sterols and tocopherols. We compared the antioxidant potential of PLFO with extra virgin olive oil (EVOO). Explants of healthy adult human skin were grown in culture with either PLFO or EVOO before adding hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). We also used cultured skin explants to investigate the effects of PLFO on lipid oxidation and depletion of endogenous antioxidant defense enzymes including glutathione peroxidase (GPx), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) one day after 2 h exposure to H2O2. We found that PLFO scavenged radicals and protected skin against oxidative injury. PLFO exhibited greater antioxidant and free radical scavenging activity than EVOO. Skin explants treated with PLFO inhibited H2O2 induced MDA formation by inhibition of lipid oxidation. In addition, the oil inhibited H2O2 induced depletion of antioxidant defense enzymes including GPx, SOD and CAT. We found that treatment with PLFO repaired skin damage owing to its antioxidant properties.  相似文献   

过氧化氢预处理对抗氧化应激诱导的PC12细胞凋亡   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tang XQ  Chen J  Tang EH  Feng JQ  Chen PX 《生理学报》2005,57(2):211-216
氧化应激可明显地诱导细胞凋亡。本研究旨在探讨H2O2预处理能否对H2O2诱导的PC12细胞凋亡生产保护作用及ATP敏感性K^ (ATP-sensitive potassinm,KATP)通道在其中的作用。采用PI染色流式细胞仪(flow cytometry, FCM)检测PC12细胞凋亡。结果表明,经10μmol/L H2O2预处理90min的PC12细胞,分别在20、30、50和100μmol/L H2O2作用24h后,其细胞凋亡率明显下降,与未经H2O2的预处理的PC12细胞相比,差异极显著(P<0.01),表明H2O2预处理对H2O2诱导PC12细胞凋亡具有保护作用。用10μmol/L的KATP通道激动齐pinacidil(Pin)可显著减少30和50μmol/L H2O2诱导的PC12细胞凋亡,10μmol/L的KATP通道拮抗齐glybenclamide(Gly)则可显著地抑制甚至取消KATP通道激动剂Pin对H2O3诱导PC12细胞凋亡的保护作用,但并不影响H2O2预处理对H2O2诱导PC12细胞凋亡的保护作用;然而,当联合应用H2O2预处理与Pin时,对PC12细胞凋亡的保护作用显大于各自的细胞凋亡作用。提示KATP通道开放不仅对H2O2诱导PC12细胞凋亡具有保护作用,而且与H2O2预处理一起产生抗PC12细胞凋亡的协同作用。但KATP通道开放可能不参与H2O2预处理的适应性保护作用。  相似文献   

The skin is chronically exposed to pro-oxidant agents, leading to the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). To protect the skin against an over-load of oxidant species, we studied the chemoprotective effect of one new natural product: "date seed oil: DSO". This oil may serve as a potential source of natural antioxidants such as phenols and tocopherols. Here, the antioxidative potential of DSO was compared that of to extra virgin olive oil. Adult human skin was maintained in organ culture in the presence of the DSO and extra virgin olive oil before the addition of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), in order to prevent the tissue from its oxidizing effects. Skin specimens were collected for histology and for melanin studies. In the investigated model system, DSO protects skin against oxidative injuries. It has a significant chemoprotective effect, by inhibition of damage caused by H_{2}O_{2} compared with specimens without such addition endowing with a radical scavenging ability. The various components from DSO were much more potent antioxidant and more free radical scavengers of the H2O2 than those of olive oil. Our study shows that topical DSO treatment of the skin stimulates events in the epidermis leading to repair skin damage possibly due to antioxidant synergisms.  相似文献   

1. Formation of peroxides by benxoyl peroxide (BPO) and CuCl2 was examined in the human red blood cell ghost. 2. Amounts of peroxides formed increased with the amount of the ghost solution added. 3. Of all the cations tested only manganese ion inhibited the formation of peroxides in BPO-CuCl2 reaction system. 4. The formation of peroxides was inhibited approx. 50% with 0.4 microM manganese. 5. The inhibitory manner of manganese was non-competitive against copper.  相似文献   

Salvinia natans L. response to hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) induced oxidative stress through physiological activities was evaluated. The plants were incubated with varying concentrations (0, 50, 100 µM) of H2O2 and 100 µM of H2O2 supplemented with 1 mM putrescine (Put) in hydroponic culture. This is observed with the decline in proline content and its biosynthetic enzymes viz. γ-glutamyl kinase and γ-glutamyl phosphate reductase activity. Protein carbamylated derivative by protein oxidation was another trait for oxidative damages by H2O2. The antioxidative enzymes like guaiacol peroxidase (GPX), glutathione reductase (GR), and catalase (CAT) recorded to express through in-gel staining with the H2O2 exposure. On nuclear level, plants were sensitive to H2O2 where the DNA disintegration was studied with comet assay and maximum comet tail observed at 100 µM H2O2 treatment. Application of Put reduced the generation of protein oxidation and comet tail length as well as moderated the enzyme activity as revealed through in-gel staining.  相似文献   

Aeromonas hydrophila, an opportunist human pathogen of low virulence, was shown to display a high degree of sensitivity upon exposure to hydrogen peroxide. As with other species, Aer. hydrophila is able to develop the capacity to resist loss of viability induced by such oxidative stress. Development of stress resistance follows the archetypal profile where pre-exposure of a population to sub-lethal levels of H2O2 stimulates onset of tolerance to further exposure. Acquisition of tolerance critically requires nascent protein synthesis. Further analysis demonstrated population growth phase influences the degree of sensitivity of the organism. Late stationary phase cultures demonstrate a decreased sensitivity compared with younger populations. Significantly, it was also determined that stock culture age influenced the level of sensitivity of the derived experimental culture, where an increased stock culture age corresponded with enhanced resistance to H2O2. These data show that Aer. hydrophila population phenotype is influenced by the phenotype of the donor stock culture.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to assess whether or not oxidative stress had developed in a dwarf shrub bilberry ( Vaccinium myrtillus L.) under long-term exposure to enhanced levels of ultraviolet-B (u.v.-B) radiation. The bilberry plants were exposed to increased u.v.-B representing a 15% stratospheric ozone depletion for seven full growing seasons (1991–1997) at Abisko, Swedish Lapland (68°N). The oxidative stress was assessed on leaves and stems by analysing ascorbate and glutathione concentrations, and activities of the closely related enzymes ascorbate peroxidase (EC and glutathione reductase (EC The affects of autumnal leaf senescence and stem cold hardening on these variables were also considered. The results showed that the treatment caused scarcely any response in the studied variables, indicating that u.v.-B flux representing a 15% ozone depletion under clear sky conditions is not sufficient to cause oxidative stress in the bilberry. It is suggested that no strain was evoked since adaptation was possible under such u.v.-B increases. The studied variables did, however, respond significantly to leaf senescence and especially to stem cold hardening.  相似文献   

Molecular Biology Reports - A number of liver diseases are known to be caused by oxidative stress. Petroselinum sativum (P. sativum; parsley) is popular for its anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial,...  相似文献   

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