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The structure of catecholamine-containing dumb-bell shaped cells of the taste buds was studied by luminescent microscopy in the epithelial layer of the frog's tongue (Rana temporaria). On the unilateral section of the lingual nerve, a maintained adrenergic innervation of vessels and of the epithelium was observed, a decreased number of dumb-bell shaped cells in the taste bud, and their significant enlargement, and increased cathecholamine luminescence. With desympathization, no adrenergic nerves were observed on the vessels and the epithelium of the tongue. The size of the taste buds in desympathized cells of the tongue is sharply decreased and their number is increased. There is a tendency to grouping of the dumbbell shaped cells into 3--4 taste buds in one fungiform papillina. The experiments with sensory and sympathetic denervation of the frog tongue distinctly showed the trophic action of sensory and sympathetic nerves on the taste organ of the frog.  相似文献   

Summary Taste buds of rabbit foliate papillae were observed in control, after denervation and during reinnervation by the glossopharyngeal nerve. In control, taste bud cells could be divided into three groups according to their shapes and staining characteristics. Most of the cells were identified as either dark (corresponding to gustatory) or light (corresponding to supporting) cells. However, some cells were encountered which could not readily be placed in either group; they have been termed intermediate cells. Nine to twelve hours after axotomy, wandering cells were observed in many of the taste buds. Thereafter taste buds gradually decreased in size and disappeared, for the most part, by the 14th postoperative day. It was found that dark cells disappeared first, then at a later stage the light cells also disappeared. During reinnervation, dark cells were first to appear about 40 days after the operation and light cells were not seen till about 9 days later.From the observations, it is concluded that the dark cells of the taste bud differentiate from epithelial cells under the influence of nerves and mature into light cells through intermediate cells.  相似文献   

Denervation of taste buds in the rabbit   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Cutaneous taste buds in cod   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The distribution of cutaneous taste buds was determined quantitatively in larvae, juveniles and young adults of cod, using scanning electron microscopy. Changes in these distributions associated with development were followed in laboratory reared fish. Taste buds were first seen on the snout and lips of cod at a total length of 8 mm, and on the barbel at a length of 22 mm. The highest taste bud densities were seen at a length of around 90 mm, and subsequently declined on the barbel and pelvic fins with further growth. In these late 0-group fish, mean taste bud densities over much of the head, e.g. throat, dentary and sides of the snout were <100 mm−2. On the tip of the snout and the lips, mean densities were in the region of 350–400 mm−2, while on projecting parts of the fish, especially the barbel, anterior naris flap and extremities of the fins, spot densities occasionally exceeded 1000 mm−2 at some sites. Mean taste bud diameter increased rapidly from 2.23μ± 0.35 μm (S.D.) at a length of 22 mm to 7.19 ± 0.23 μm at 90 mm length, with a much slower increase to about 8 μm associated with a further doubling in body length. These changes indicate a phase of rapid proliferation and growth in size of cutaneous taste buds in the period preceding the adoption of a benthic habit in their first summer. The presence of high taste bud densities on the barbel and pelvic fins in particular appears to correlate with the known feeding behaviour of cod.  相似文献   

Summary Empty spaces are seen under both light and electron microscopes inside the taste buds of the dog lingual circumvallate papillae. They average 10 in diameter and 20 in length. Lacking endothelial lining, they are bordered directly by cell membranes of neighboring bud cells, and thus represent enlarged intercellular spaces. Intergemmal blood capillaries encircle the buds in close proximity to these intragemmal spaces. It is suggested that these spaces act as reservoirs for tissue fluid which may flow from them to the exterior via the intercellular spaces and the gustatory pores. This provides an effective mechanism whereby taste buds may be flushed of stimulating agents.Supported by Emory University Research Funds; Publication No. 650 of Division of Basic Health Sciences.  相似文献   

The effect of substance P (SP) on monoamine-containing cells of the frog taste buds was studied by fluorescent microscopy. Intraperitoneal injection of SP resulted in a gradual increase of cell serotonin content. In monoamine deficiency caused by previous injection of rausedyl, SP favoured the recovery of the serotonin level to initial. When SP and rausedyl were used combined, SP protected the serotonin-containing cells from the depleting effect of rausedyl. The functional role of SP in the taste apparatus is discussed.  相似文献   

J S Law  K Watanabe  R I Henkin 《Life sciences》1985,36(12):1189-1195
Calmodulin is higher in particulate fractions from bovine taste buds containing taste bud membranes which specifically bind sweet tastants compared to corresponding fractions from control non-taste bud bearing lingual epithelial tissue. As biochemical purity (i.e., membrane enzyme marker activity) of these membrane enriched fractions increased (P4B greater than P3B greater than P2B) calmodulin correspondingly increased (P4B greater than P3B greater than P2B); these increases also correlated with increased membrane purity as demonstrated by electron microscopy. All PB subfractions from taste buds contained a greater membrane concentration than those from PD subfractions and calmodulin was significantly increased in each corresponding subfraction. The presence of calmodulin in taste bud membranes, its correlation with membrane purification and reports that numerous drugs which induce taste loss are potent inhibitors of calmodulin suggest a role for calmodulin in taste function.  相似文献   

We analyzed the differentiation of taste bud cells, by precisely describing expression profiles of cytokeratins (CKs) 8 and 14 in relation to those of marker molecules including label of 5-bromo-2′-deoxy uridine (BrdU) injected. In rat circumvallate papillae, cell division was observed at the basal layer of the epithelium expressing CK14 and located outside taste buds. The progenitor cells began to migrate toward the apical surface and maintained CK14 expression at 1 day after BrdU injection (day 1). On the other hand, a minor population of newly divided cells was infrequently incorporated into taste buds and also maintained CK14 expression at day 1. In taste buds, the conversion of CK subtypes occurred from CK14 to cytokeratin 8 (CK8) at day 2–3, showing the differentiation from immature cells expressing CK14 into mature or maturing cells expressing CK8. Functionally matured cells such as taste receptor cells expressing inositol triphospate receptor type 3 (IP3R3) never expressed CK14, suggesting that CK14 would be expressed only in immature cells. On the other hand, a small but distinct population of BrdU-positive cells still showed CK14 immunoreactivity in taste buds even at day 12, which might correspond to the cells that remain undifferentiated for a long period within taste buds.  相似文献   

Keratin 19-like immunoreactivity in receptor cells of mammalian taste buds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Three monoclonal antibodies, 4.62, LPZK and 170.2.14, were usedto evaluate keratin 19-like immunoreactivity in gustatory epithelia.Keratin 19-like immunoreactivity was restricted to the intragemmalcells for all types of mammalian taste buds examined. Thesetaste buds included fungiform, foliate and vallate taste budsin rat, gerbil and rabbit, and nasopalatine, epiglottal andpalatine taste buds in rat. There was no keratin 19-like immunoreactivityin basal cells or in perigemmal cells lateral to the immunoreactivetaste receptor cells. Denervation of the rat vallate papillaeliminated all taste buds, as well as all immunoreactive tastecells. That the immunoreactive material in the taste cells waskeratin 19 was supported by the comparable staining of rat tastebuds with each of three monoclonal antibodies specific for keratin19. Furthermore, as predicted, these antibodies selectivelystained luminal cells of ral bile ducts, bladder, salivary ducts,trachea, ureter and uterus. It was concluded that monoclonalantibodies against keratin 19 can usefully distinguish intragemmaltaste receptor cells from keratinocytes, and from the perigemmaland basal cells of gustatory epithelia. Anti-keratin 19 antibodiesmay serve to identify differentiated taste cells in gustatoryepithelia undergoing taste bud development, renewal, degenerationor regeneration.  相似文献   

Electron microscopic studies have been made on the developing taste buds in fungiform and vallate papillae of prenatal rats. Three stages of differentiation of these buds are described. The first stage is characterized by presence of the nervous fibers in the connective tissue of the papillae and dense granules of various size, as well as dense-cored vesicles (500-700 A in diameter) in the basal parts of some epithelial cells at the top of the papillae (16-17th days of gestation). The second stage is characterized by nerve processes entering the epithelium and by formation of afferent synaptic contacts between the differentiating epithelial cells and the nervous fibers (19th day of gestation). At the third stage, the cluster of differentiating epithelial cells attains a form which is similar to mature taste buds (21-22nd days of gestation). Thus, to the birthday of rats, differentiation of the basal parts of the taste buds takes place, whereas the apical parts of the taste buds remain undeveloped and do not communicate with the oral cavity. Peculiarities of fine structure of differentiating epithelial cells at the three stages are discussed.  相似文献   

Cutaneous taste buds in gadoid fishes   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Cutaneous taste buds occurred on the head and fins in five species of juvenile gadoid fishes from the west of Scotland, but there were significant differences in their density between regions on the fish and between species for individual regions. The highest taste bud densities were recorded on the edge of the anterior naris flap, the barbel, pelvic fin rays, snout tip and upper lip. Cod Gadus morhua and poor cod Trisopterus minutus had significantly higher taste bud densities on the first two pelvic fin rays than the other species. This appears to correspond with their more benthic lifestyle, in which the pelvic fins are frequently trailed over the sea bed when searching for prey.  相似文献   

Junctional resistance between coupled receptor cells in Necturus taste buds was estimated by modeling the results from single patch pipette voltage clamp studies on lingual slices. The membrane capacitance and input resistance of coupled taste receptor cells were measured to monitor electrical coupling and the results compared with those calculated by a simple model of electrically coupled taste cells. Coupled receptor cells were modeled by two identical receptor cells connected via a junctional resistance. On average, the junctional resistance was approximately 200-300 M omega. This was consistent with the electrophysiological recordings. A junctional resistance of 200-300 M omega is close to the threshold for Lucifer yellow dye-coupling detection (approximately 500 M omega). Therefore, the true extent of coupling in taste buds might be somewhat greater than that predicted from Lucifer yellow dye coupling. Due to the high input resistance of single taste receptor cells (> 1 G omega), a junctional resistance of 200-300 M omega assures a substantial electrical communication between coupled taste cells, suggesting that the electrical activity of coupled cells might be synchronized.  相似文献   

An attempt was made to identify specific monoamines contained in the dumb-bell shape cells of the frog taste bud by means of histochemical analysis. It was shown by fluorescent microscopy that preliminary administration of exogenous serotonin into the blood channel of frog tongue resulted in a sharp increase of specific fluorescence of the dumb-bell shape cells, whereas serotonin synthesis inhibition with p-chlorphenylalanine led to reduction and elimination of specific fluorescence. It was concluded that-specific monoamine of the dumb-bell shape cells was possibly of serotonin-like nature.  相似文献   

Summary Several precursor substances and biogenic amines were admistered intraperitoneally to mice and were examined by the histochemical formaldehyde induced fluorescence method. It was found that after treatment with l-Dopa a number of cells inside the taste buds showed fluorescence.  相似文献   

Apoptotic cells in the taste buds of mouse circumvallate papillae after the sectioning of bilateral glossopharyngeal nerves were examined by the method of DNA nick-end labeling (TUNEL), together with standard electron microscopy. The taste buds decreased in number and size 3–11 days after denervation and disappeared at 11 days. The TUNEL method revealed only a few positively stained nuclei in normal taste buds but, in those of mice 1–5 days after denervation, the number of positive nuclei had increased to 3–5 times that of taste buds from normal mice. Electron-microscopic observation after denervation demonstrated taste bud cells containing condensed and fragmentary nuclei in a cytoplasm with increased density. The results show that taste bud cells under normal conditions die by apoptosis at the end of their life span, and that gustatory nerve sectioning causes apoptosis of taste bud cells with taste buds decreasing in number and ultimately disappearing. Received: 20 November 1995 / Accepted: 15 May 1996  相似文献   

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