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We compared the influence of the pericardium on left and right ventricular (LV, RV) filling by measuring LV and RV pressures and segment lengths (SL, LV free wall, and RV inflow and outflow tracts) in six open-chest, pentobarbital sodium-anesthetized dogs before and after pericardiectomy. End-diastolic pressure (EDP) was varied by partial caval occlusion and dextran infusion. At each site the ln EDP-SL relation was fitted by linear regression and characterized by its slope and 1-Torr EDP intercept. The slope and 1-Torr intercept of the LV ln EDP-SL relation changed variably after pericardiectomy, but in each dog a change occurred that shifted this relation downward. In contrast, the RV inflow tract slope invariably decreased significantly after pericardiectomy, whereas its intercept was unchanged in all but one dog. The RV outflow tract results were similar to the inflow tract but less consistent. By the use of the raw EDP-SL data points, we calculated that the absolute contribution of the pericardium to EDP (i.e., the effective pericardial surface pressure) was similar at the three sites. However, as EDP values increased the proportional contribution of the pericardium to right ventricular end-diastolic pressure (RVEDP) increased, whereas that to left ventricular end-diastolic pressure (LVEDP) remained relatively constant. As a result, at the higher EDP values tested, the pericardium was responsible for a larger proportion of RVEDP than LVEDP.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Aberrant concentrations of cardiac extracellular matrix (ECM) fibrillar collagen cross-linking have been proposed to be an underlying cause of cardiac diastolic dysfunction however the role of the adaptive immune system in this process has yet to be investigated. Fibrillar collagen cross-linking is a product of the enzymatic activities of lysyl oxidase (LOX and LOXL-3) released by the cardiac fibroblast and possibly cardiac myocytes. Our hypothesis is that stimulation of the TH1 lymphocytes activates lysyl oxidase mediated ECM cross-linking and thereby alters left ventricular function. Three-month old C57BL/J female mice were treated with selective TH1 lymphocyte inducers — T-cell receptor Vβ peptides (TCR). After 6 weeks, candidate gene expression, tissue enzymatic activity, ECM composition, and left ventricular mechanics were quantified. Lymphocyte gene expression and cytokine assay revealed TH1 immune polarization with TCR administration which was associated with a 2.6-fold and 3.1-fold increase of LOX and LOXL3 gene expression, respectively, and a 55% increase in cardiac LOX enzymatic activity. The ECM cross-linked fibrillar collagen increased by 95% when compared with the control. Concurrently, there was a 33% increased ventricular stiffness, decreased cardiac output, and normal ejection fraction. These data implicate the TH1 lymphocyte in the pathogenesis of diastolic dysfunction which has potential clinical application in the pathogenesis of diastolic heart failure.  相似文献   

During incremental exercise, the left ventricular ejection fraction increases up to the intensity of the anaerobic threshold and tends to level off at higher exercise intensities. Since there is a correlation between the response of peak filling rate and ejection fraction to exercise, this study was conducted to determine whether the response of left ventricular diastolic function is similar to the response of systolic function relative to lactate threshold. Twelve healthy men performed two exercise tests on a cycle ergometer. In the first test, lactate threshold and maximal power output were determined. In the second exercise test, gated radionuclide ventriculography was performed at rest, at the lactate threshold intensity, and at peak exercise to measure ejection fraction and peak filling rate. Ejection fraction increased significantly from rest [mean (SD): 62 (5)%] to lactate threshold [76 (7) %] and did not change significantly from lactate threshold to peak exercise [77 (7)%]. Likewise, peak filling rate (normalized for stroke counts) increased from resting [6.1 (0.9)V s · s–1] to lactate threshold [9.4 (1.8)V s · s–1] and did not change significantly from lactate threshold to peak exercise [9.6 (2.9)V s · s–1]. There was no correlation between the change in peak filling rate and the change in ejection fraction from rest to lactate threshold. Thus, during incremental exercise, left ventricular diastolic function responds qualitatively similar to systolic function.  相似文献   

ObjectivesInvestigation of the effect of SGLT2 inhibition by empagliflozin on left ventricular function in a model of diabetic cardiomyopathy.BackgroundSGLT2 inhibition is a new strategy to treat diabetes. In the EMPA-REG Outcome trial empagliflozin treatment reduced cardiovascular and overall mortality in patients with diabetes presumably due to beneficial cardiac effects, leading to reduced heart failure hospitalization. The relevant mechanisms remain currently elusive but might be mediated by a shift in cardiac substrate utilization leading to improved energetic supply to the heart.MethodsWe used db/db mice on high-fat western diet with or without empagliflozin treatment as a model of severe diabetes. Left ventricular function was assessed by pressure catheter with or without dobutamine stress.ResultsTreatment with empagliflozin significantly increased glycosuria, improved glucose metabolism, ameliorated left ventricular diastolic function and reduced mortality of mice. This was associated with reduced cardiac glucose concentrations and decreased calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase (CaMKII) activation with subsequent less phosphorylation of the ryanodine receptor (RyR). No change of cardiac ketone bodies or branched-chain amino acid (BCAA) metabolites in serum was detected nor was cardiac expression of relevant catabolic enzymes for these substrates affected.ConclusionsIn a murine model of severe diabetes empagliflozin-dependent SGLT2 inhibition improved diastolic function and reduced mortality. Improvement of diastolic function was likely mediated by reduced spontaneous diastolic sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) calcium release but independent of changes in cardiac ketone and BCAA metabolism.  相似文献   

A realistic model of the left ventricle of the heart was previously constructed, using a cast from a dog heart which was in diastole. Previous studies of the three-dimensional heart model were conducted in systole only. The purpose of this investigation was to extend the model to both systole and diastole, and to determine what the effect of a previous cardiac cycle was on the next cardiac cycle. The 25.8 cc ventricular volume was reduced by 40% in 0.25 seconds, then increased to the original volume in another 0.25 seconds and then allowed to rest for 0.25 seconds. Runs done with an ejection fraction of 60% showed little variation from one cardiac cycle to another after the third cardiac cycle was completed; the maximum velocity could vary by over 30% between the first and second cardiac cycles. In systole, centerline and cross-sectional velocity vectors greatly increased in magnitude at the aortic outlet. Most of the pressure drop occurred in the top 15% of the heart. The diastolic phase showed complex vortex formation not seen in the systolic contractions; these complex vortices could account for experimentally observed turbulent blood flow fluctuations in the aorta.  相似文献   

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) may lead to pulmonary hypertension (PH) and reduced function of the right ventricle (RV). However, COPD patients may also develop left ventricular (LV) diastolic dysfunction. We hypothesized that alveolar hypoxia induces LV diastolic dysfunction and changes in proteins governing Ca(2+) removal from cytosol during diastole. Mice exposed to 10% oxygen for 1, 2, or 4 wk were compared with controls. Cardiac hemodynamics were assessed with Doppler echocardiography and a microtransducer catheter under general anesthesia. The pulmonary artery blood flow acceleration time was shorter and RV pressure was higher after 4 wk of hypoxia compared with controls (both P < 0.05). In the RV and LV, 4 wk of hypoxia induced a prolongation of the time constant of isovolumic pressure decay (51% RV, 43% LV) and a reduction in the maximum rate of decline in pressure compared with control (42% RV, 42% LV, all P < 0.05), indicating impaired relaxation and diastolic dysfunction. Alveolar hypoxia induced a 38%, 47%, and 27% reduction in Ser16-phosphorylated phospholamban (PLB) in the RV after 1, 2, and 4 wk of hypoxia, respectively, and at the same time points, Ser16-phosphorylated PLB in the LV was downregulated by 32%, 34%, and 25% (all P < 0.05). The amounts of PLB and sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum Ca(2+) ATPase (SERCA2a) were not changed. In conclusion, chronic alveolar hypoxia induces hypophosphorylation of PLB at Ser16, which might be a mechanism for impaired relaxation and diastolic dysfunction in both the RV and LV.  相似文献   

This study evaluated right ventricular (RV) and left ventricular (LV) diastolic tolerance to afterload and SERCA2a, phospholamban and sodium-calcium exchanger (NCX) gene expression in Wistar rats. Time constant tau and end diastolic pressure-dimension relation (EDPDR) were analyzed in response to progressive RV or LV afterload elevations, induced by beat-to-beat pulmonary trunk or aortic root constrictions, respectively. Afterload elevations decreased LV- tau, but increased RV-tau. Whereas LV- tau analyzed the major course of pressure fall, RV- tau only assessed the last fourth. Furthermore, RV afterload elevations progressively upward shifted RV EDPDR, whilst LV afterload elevations did not change LV-EDPDR. SERCA2a and phospholamban mRNA were similar in both ventricles. NCX-mRNA was almost 50 % lower in RV than in LV. Left ventricular afterload elevations, therefore, accelerated the pressure fall and did not induce diastolic dysfunction, indicating high LV diastolic tolerance to afterload. On the contrary, RV afterload elevations decelerated the late RV pressure fall and induced diastolic dysfunction, indicating small RV diastolic tolerance to afterload. These results support previous findings relating NCX with late Ca(2+) reuptake, late relaxation and diastolic dysfunction.  相似文献   

Wave intensity analysis (WIA) is a powerful technique to study pressure and flow velocity waves in the time domain in vascular networks. The method is based on the analysis of energy transported by the wave through computation of the wave intensity dI = dPdU, where dP and dU denote pressure and flow velocity changes per time interval, respectively. In this study we propose an analytical modification to the WIA so that it can be used to study waves in conditions of time varying elastic properties, such as the left ventricle (LV) during diastole. The approach is first analytically elaborated for a one-dimensional elastic tube-model of the left ventricle with a time-dependent pressure-area relationship. Data obtained with a validated quasi-three dimensional axi-symmetrical model of the left ventricle are employed to demonstrate this new approach. Along the base-apex axis close to the base wave intensity curves are obtained, both using the standard method and the newly proposed modified method. The main difference between the standard and modified wave intensity pattern occurs immediately after the opening of the mitral valve. Where the standard WIA shows a backward expansion wave, the modified analysis shows a forward compression wave. The proposed modification needs to be taken into account when studying left ventricular relaxation, as it affects the wave type.  相似文献   

Left and right ventricular pressures in mice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Accurate determination of LV volume, ejection fraction and segmental wall motion abnormalities is important for clinical decision-making and follow-up assessment. Currently, echocardiography is the most common used method to obtain this information. Three-dimensional echocardiography has shown to be an accurate and reproducible method for LV quantitation, mainly by avoiding the use of geometric assumptions. In this review, we describe various methods to acquire a 3D-dataset for LV volume and wall motion analysis, including their advantages and limitations. We provide an overview of studies comparing LV volume and function measurement by various gated and real-time methods of acquisition compared to magnetic resonance imaging. New technical improvements, such as automated endocardial border detection and contrast enhancement, will make accurate on-line assessment with little operator interaction possible in the near future.  相似文献   

The feasibility of blood-pool pinhole ECG gated SPECT was investigated in healthy mice to assess right and left ventricular function analysis. Anaesthetized (isoflurane 1-1.5%) adult CD1 mice (n=11) were analyzed after intravenous administration of 0.2 ml of 550 MBq of (99m)Tc human albumin. For blood-pool gated SPECT imaging, 48 ventral step and shoot projections with eight time bins per RR over 180 degrees with 64x64 word images were acquired with a small animal gamma camera equipped with a pinhole collimator of 12 cm in focal length and 1.5 mm in diameter. For appropriate segmentation of right and left ventricular volumes, a 4D Fourier analysis was performed after reconstruction and reorientation of blood-pool images with a voxel size of 0.55x0.55x0.55 mm(3). Average right and left ejection fractions were respectively 52+/-4.7% and 65+/-5.2%. Right end diastolic and end systolic volumes were significantly higher compared with the corresponding left ventricular volumes (P<0.0001 each). A linear correlation between right and left stroke volumes (r=0.9, P<0.0001) was obtained and right and left cardiac outputs were not significantly different 14.2+/-1.9 and 14.1+/-2 ml/min, respectively. To cite this article: C. Goetz et al., C. R. Biologies 331 (2008).  相似文献   

Functional imaging computational fluid dynamics simulations of right ventricular (RV) inflow fields were obtained by comprehensive software using individual animal-specific dynamic imaging data input from three-dimensional (3-D) real-time echocardiography (RT3D) on a CRAY T-90 supercomputer. Chronically instrumented, lightly sedated awake dogs (n = 7) with normal wall motion (NWM) at control and normal or diastolic paradoxical septal motion (PSM) during RV volume overload were investigated. Up to the E-wave peak, instantaneous inflow streamlines extended from the tricuspid orifice to the RV endocardial surface in an expanding fanlike pattern. During the descending limb of the E-wave, large-scale (macroscopic or global) vortical motions ensued within the filling RV chamber. Both at control and during RV volume overload (with or without PSM), blood streams rolled up from regions near the walls toward the base. The extent and strength of the ring vortex surrounding the main stream were reduced with chamber dilatation. A hypothesis is proposed for a facilitatory role of the diastolic vortex for ventricular filling. The filling vortex supports filling by shunting inflow kinetic energy, which would otherwise contribute to an inflow-impeding convective pressure rise between inflow orifice and the large endocardial surface of the expanding chamber, into the rotational kinetic energy of the vortical motion that is destined to be dissipated as heat. The basic information presented should improve application and interpretation of noninvasive (Doppler color flow mapping, velocity-encoded cine magnetic resonance imaging, etc.) diastolic diagnostic studies and lead to improved understanding and recognition of subtle, flow-associated abnormalities in ventricular dilatation and remodeling.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of diabetes mellitus on left ventricular function. Using Doppler echocardiography we examined a group of 49 young (20-32 years old) persons with type 1 diabetes mellitus and a group of healthy age-matched men and evaluated the parameters of diastolic filling of the left ventricle (LV). We found significant differences in peak velocity of early filling of the left ventricle ((70.07+/-10.84 vers. 78.2+/-10.59 cm.s(-1), p+/-0. 01), peak velocity of late diastolic filling of LV (A = 47.74+/-11.6 vers. 43.15+/-7.48 cm.s(-1), p < or = 0.027), ratio E/A (1.53+/-0.4 vers. 1.84+/-0.33), time velocity integral of peak E (TVIE = 0.083+/-0.014 vers. 0.1+/-0.022 m, p < or = 0.001), time velocity integral of peak A (TVIA = 0.039+/-0.011 vers. 0.037+/-0.012 m, p < or = 0.3), ratio TVIE/TVIA (2.3+/-0.73 vers. 2.9+/-0.9, p < or = 0.001), time E (204.4+/-31.59 vers. 198.4+/-19.09 ms, p < or = 0.27), time A (126.9 < or = 23.0 vers. 113.5+/-15.59 ms, p < or = 0.002), time E/time A (1.64+/-0.3 vers. 1.76+/-0.22, p < or = 0.039) and duration of isovolumic relaxation period (IVRT = 88.2+/-10.8 vers. 71.13+/-8.4 ms, p < or = 0.0001). Despite significant differences all the results were in the range of values for the healthy population. However in detailed analysis we found that the values measured in young (20-32 years old) persons with type 1 diabetes mellitus corresponded with diastolic parameters of healthy men of the age of 50 years and more. Thus, diabetes mellitus can influence the relaxation properties of the left ventricle.  相似文献   

Measurement of left ventricular (LV) function is often overlooked in murine studies, which have been used to analyze the effects of genetic manipulation on cardiac phenotype. The goal of this study was to address the effects of changes in LV contractility on indexes of contractility in mice. LV function was assessed in vivo in closed-chest mice by echocardiography and by LV catheterization using a conductance pressure-volume (P-V) catheter with three different interventions that alter contractility by 1) atrial pacing to increase inotropy by augmentation of the force-frequency relation (modest increment of inotropy), 2) dobutamine to maximize inotropy, and 3) esmolol infusion to decrease contractility. Load-independent parameters derived from P-V relations, such as slope of end-systolic P-V relations (ESPVR) and slope of the first maximal pressure derivative over time (dP/dt(max))-end-diastolic volume relation (dP/dt-EDV), and standard echocardiographic parameters were measured. The dP/dt-EDV changed the most among parameters after atrial pacing and dobutamine infusion (percent change, 162.8 +/- 95.9% and 271.0 +/- 44.0%, respectively). ESPVR was the most affected by a decrease in LV contractility during esmolol infusion (percent change, -49.8 +/- 8.3%). However, fractional shortening failed to detect changes in contractility during atrial pacing and esmolol infusion and its percent change was <20%. This study demonstrated that contractile parameters derived from P-V relations change the most during a change in LV contractility and should therefore best detect a small change in contractility in mice. Heart rate has a modest but significant effect on P-V relationship-derived indexes and must be considered in the evaluation of murine cardiac physiology.  相似文献   



Mathematical modeling can be employed to overcome the practical difficulty of isolating the mechanisms responsible for clinical heart failure in the setting of normal left ventricular ejection fraction (HFNEF). In a human cardiovascular respiratory system (H-CRS) model we introduce three cases of left ventricular diastolic dysfunction (LVDD): (1) impaired left ventricular active relaxation (IR-type); (2) increased passive stiffness (restrictive or R-type); and (3) the combination of both (pseudo-normal or PN-type), to produce HFNEF. The effects of increasing systolic contractility are also considered. Model results showing ensuing heart failure and mechanisms involved are reported.


We employ our previously described H-CRS model with modified pulmonary compliances to better mimic normal pulmonary blood distribution. IR-type is modeled by changing the activation function of the left ventricle (LV), and R-type by increasing diastolic stiffness of the LV wall and septum. A 5th-order Cash-Karp Runge-Kutta numerical integration method solves the model differential equations.


IR-type and R-type decrease LV stroke volume, cardiac output, ejection fraction (EF), and mean systemic arterial pressure. Heart rate, pulmonary pressures, pulmonary volumes, and pulmonary and systemic arterial-venous O2 and CO2 differences increase. IR-type decreases, but R-type increases the mitral E/A ratio. PN-type produces the well-described, pseudo-normal mitral inflow pattern. All three types of LVDD reduce right ventricular (RV) and LV EF, but the latter remains normal or near normal. Simulations show reduced EF is partly restored by an accompanying increase in systolic stiffness, a compensatory mechanism that may lead clinicians to miss the presence of HF if they only consider LVEF and other indices of LV function. Simulations using the H-CRS model indicate that changes in RV function might well be diagnostic. This study also highlights the importance of septal mechanics in LVDD.


The model demonstrates that abnormal LV diastolic performance alone can result in decreased LV and RV systolic performance, not previously appreciated, and contribute to the clinical syndrome of HF. Furthermore, alterations of RV diastolic performance are present and may be a hallmark of LV diastolic parameter changes that can be used for better clinical recognition of LV diastolic heart disease.  相似文献   

Left ventricular shape and shape change are easy to measure and their analysis has been proposed as a noninvasive method to determine myocardial anisotropy. In preparation for applying this approach to studies of rats with experimentally induced cardiac hypertrophy, the goals of this study were to describe normal shape changes during diastolic filling in the rat and to utilize a finite-element model to estimate the relative importance of three factors that determine left ventricular shape change during filling: global chamber compliance, fiber to crossfiber stiffness ratio, and fiber architecture. The results suggest that left ventricular shape change is least sensitive to fiber to cross fiber stiffness ratio, and that this will likely limit the practical utility of using shape changes to diagnose changes in myocardial anisotropy.  相似文献   

During ischemic heart diseases and when heart failure progresses depletion of myocardial energy stores occurs. D-Ribose (R) has been shown to improve cardiac function and energy status after ischemia. Folic acid (FA) is an essential cofactor in the formation of adenine nucleotides. Therefore, we assessed whether chronic R-FA administration during the development of hypertrophy resulted in an improved cardiac function and energy status. In Wistar rats (n = 40) compensatory right ventricular (RV) hypertrophy was induced by monocrotaline (30 mg/kg; MCT), whereas saline served as control. Both groups received a daily oral dose of either 150 mg.kg(-1).day(-1) dextrose (placebo) or R-FA (150 and 40 mg.kg(-1).day(-1), respectively). In Langendorff-perfused hearts, RV and left ventricular (LV) pressure development and collagen content as well as total RV adenine nucleotides (TAN), creatine content, and RV and LV collagen content were determined. In the control group R-FA had no effect. In the MCT-placebo group, TAN and creatine content were reduced, RV and LV diastolic pressure-volume relations were steeper, RV systolic pressures were elevated, RV and LV collagen content was increased, and RV-LV diastolic interaction was altered compared with controls. In the MCT-R-FA group, TAN, RV and LV diastolic stiffness, RV and LV collagen content, and RV-LV diastolic interaction were normalized to the values in the control group while creatine content remained depressed and RV systolic function remained elevated. In conclusion, the depression of energy status in compensated hypertrophic myocardium observed was partly prevented by chronic R-FA administration and accompanied by a preservation of diastolic function and collagen deposition.  相似文献   

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