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Changes in composition, numbers and biomass of benthic fauna of the Tees below Cow Green Reservoir and an unregulated tributary Maize Beck were followed between 1972 and 1975 and pre- and post-impoundment conditions were compared. Species diversity was lowest just below the dam and numbers and biomass were highest 240 m downstream of the dam. Faunal densities increased in the Tees after impoundment but in Maize Back no major changes were observed.Freshwater Biological Association, Cow Green UnitFreshwater Biological Association, Cow Green Unit  相似文献   

Fluctuations in numbers and biomass of Copepoda, Cladocera and Hydra drifting out of the Cow Green reservoir via the outflow were investigated during the period August 1972-November 1973. Cladocera, chiefly Daphnia hyalina var. lacustris Sars and Copepoda, were most abundant between July and September, occurring at mean densities of 1278 and 215 m?3 respectively. Hydra was most abundant between August and October at a mean density of 19 m?3. Winter densities of all groups were low and 98% of the total annual output occurred between July and October. An estimated 150 kg (136 kg of Cladocera, 13kg of Copepoda and 1 kg of Hydra) dry weight was released from the reservoir during the year November 1972-October 1973. During periods of peak abundance about 1–2% of the total fauna drifting out of the reservoir was found 6·5 km below the dam. The effect of reservoir discharge and flow in tributaries of the Tees on this transport downstream is discussed. It is suggested that the micro-crustaceans and Hydra, even if not fed upon directly, will have considerable influence on the Tees benthos when they settle out and decompose to produce a nutrient-rich detritus.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. The Cow Green dam was completed in the summer of 1970 and invertebrate drift was sampled below the dam and in an adjacent tributary, Maize Beck, on thirty-one occasions between July 1970 and September 1973. Drift was sampled by pumping river water through a filter. The intake was placed in Maize Beck for the first sample and in the Tees for the second, and so on alternately for the rest of the sampling period. Nets were used on ten occasions, nine of these in winter months and once when the pump broke down. A total of ninety-five taxa were recognized, of which eighty-six occurred in Maize Beck and seventy-one in the Tees. The Tees fauna was dominated numerically and in terms of biomass by a large population of micro-crustaceans originating in the reservoir. Hydra and Naididae also formed a large proportion of the Tees drift but contributed little to the biomass. Ephemeroptera were most abundant in Maize Beck samples. Diptera were abundant in drift catches in both streams with simuliid larvae most numerous in Maize Beck and chironomid larvae most numerous in the Tees. The greatest drift densities of the benthic fauna were observed between April and October; the mean number of organisms per 10 m3 were seventy-three in Maize Beck and 144 in the Tees. The mean densities in winter were very low, respectively two and seventeen per 10 m3 in the two rivers. There was no significant difference between the mean levels of the total bottom fauna (numbers and biomass) in the drift in the two rivers during the period April-October, but vrtnter biomass was significantly greater in the Tees. In July 1970 micro-crustaceans represented 29% (14 per 10 m3) of total drift numbers and 3% (0.7 mg wet-weight per 10 m3) of the biomass, whereas in 1973 they represented 99% of both the numbers (37 670 per 10 m3) and weight (2.2 g wet-weight per 10 m3). The relation between benthos and drift was examined. In the drift Plecoptera and Baetidae were more abundant in Maize Beck than in the Tees. Only Chironomidae and Nais spp. were more abundant in the Tees, In the benthos the density of Plecoptera and Baetidae was not significantly different in the two rivers, but all other groups with the exception of Simuliidae occurred at greater densities in the Tees. The proportion of baetids present in the drift was greatest in Maize Beck. No such difference was demonstrated for total fauna. Diel rhythms were observed in baetids and simuhids with densities greater in night catches. Nocturnal peaks of these organisms were less pronounced in the Tees. Chironomid larvae showed no diel changes in abundance. Significant diel changes in the mean weights of individual animals were not detected in baetid nymphs or chironomids. Micro-crustaceans showed no nocturnal peaks of abundance. Preliminary observations on the quality and quantity of seston caught in drift samples between April and October showed great differences between the rivers. In the Tees the bulk ofeach sample consisted of algal filaments derived from the river and micro-crustaceans from the reservoir. In Maize Beck algae were un-common and the sample was composed of peat and mineral particles. Data are presented on seston output at different discharges.  相似文献   

In 1967 a programme was initiated by the Freshwater Biological Association to study fish populations within the proposed Cow Green reservoir basin and in the Tees downstream of the dam, before and after impoundment. This paper describes the result of a supporting study on aquatic invertebrates covering the pre-impoundment period 1967–70. The benthic faunas of six streams in the reservoir basin, the Tees below Cauldron Snout and Maize Beck, a tributary ofthe Tees below the dam, were studied. Species list are presented for each habitat and changes in seasonal and annual abundance are discussed. All areas sampled lie at altitudes between 440 and 550 m O.D. and are situated amongst moorland and limestone grassland. Conditions in the streams ranged from slow-flowing peaty reaches to small streams with moss-covered bottoms and larger stony rivers and streams with relatively unstable bottoms. Samples were taken in riffles and pools using the ‘kick’ method wherever possible. An attempt was made to quantify kick-sample catches by comparing them with shovel-sample catches which cover a known area of stream bottom. It was found that 10 5 kicks gave a catch equivalent to the populations of 1 m2, giving a population density of about 1200 animals/m for the reservoir-basin riffles. Over 120 taxa were recorded, 100 of which were at the species level. In the reservoir-basin streams, 116 taxa were found with seventy-one in Maize Beck and fifty-six in the Tees below Cauldron Snout. Ephemeroptera were the most abundant group in the reservoir basin and Maize Beck faunas with Rhithrogena semicohrata, Heptagenia lateralis and Baetidae being the most abundant forms, although Ecdyonurus spp. especially E. dispar were much more common in Maize Beck. In other groups Leuctra spp. and Gammarus pulex were very common. In the Tees below Cauldron Snout Limnaea peregra, Chironomidae and Baetidae formed the bulk of the fauna and Plecoptera were uncommon. Amongst the reservoir basin streams Weelhead Sike supported the largest number of species and species groups (eighty-one), and all the streams had forty-nine or more taxa represented. Information on seasonal changes in the numbers of those species or species groups composing 90% or more of the total fauna is presented. Faunal density was high in May with Ephemeroptera, particularly Ecdyonuridae, and the plecopteran Leuctra inermis being the most abundant forms. In August, the numbers of animals appeared t o fall and common members of the community were Baetidae, Diptera, Leuctra fusca and Ecdyonuridae. In October, Ecdyonuridae particularly R. semicolorata, were most abundant. A comparison ofthe bottom fauna of riffles and pools was made and more animals were found in riffles than in pools. The effect of gravel extraction on the bottom fauna of the Tees was examined. A severe drop in the numbers of animals was observed after extraction. Diptera were the first group to return to their pre-disturbance density. Elminthidae and Annelida were worst affected and slowest to recover. The fauna of the area is discussed and possible reasons for its relative species richness are put forward. Habitat diversity and chemical richness appear to be the most likely reasons for the relatively large number of species found.  相似文献   

Tees bay on the north-east coast of England receives the waters from the highly industrialised Tees estuary. Since 1970 there have been considerable reductions in both the industrial and domestic sewage discharges to the estuary.The benthic populations of Tees bay have been routinely monitored since 1971, grabbing surveys have been completed at six areas in the spring, summer and autumn of each year. In 1979 the survey was extended to include stations within the Tees estuary itself.Tees bay appears to have a stable benthic fauna. Though the simple analysis of faunal statistics has demonstrated fluctuations within the benthos, neither this analysis nor classification analysis has indicated that there were any long-term changes in abundance or diversity.Classification analysis has also failed to differentiate between the fauna of the different areas within Tees bay. However, studies of biomass and T. fabula growth rate did indicate a difference between the areas close to the mouth of the Tees and those remote from it.The studies of the Tees estuary benthos indicated an improvement in both the abundance and the diversity of the fauna. However, the monitoring took place over a limited period and further work is necessary to ensure that this improvement does not simply represent natural fluctuations within the estuarine benthic population.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. An account is given of the distribution of macrophytes in the River Tees and its tributaries, north-east England, together with a critical discussion of the problems involved in recording data in a form which can be used for monitoring long-term changes of vegetation in rivers. Among the conventions and methods adopted in the present study are an attempt to define the vertical limits of the river sensu strictu as opposed to the bank, the extension of the term macrophyte to include as many visually obvious photosynthetic organisms as possible, the use of a check-list prepared in advance which contains a wider range of species than are actually expected for the river, and the collection of two different types of standard record for each 0.5 km length of river. The Tees has been the subject of intermittent observations on its vegetation for some 45 years. The most obvious change has taken place since 1965, with a substantial upstream spread of four submerged angiosperm species. Potamogeton crispus, Zannichellia palustris and Myriophyllum spicatum were previously present only in the lower reaches of the Tees, and have spread 25, 9.5 and 4.5 km respectively upstream from their previously known most upstream localities. Ranunculus penicillatus var. calcareus is an apparent invader to the river. It seems probable that these changes have taken place since 1971 as a result of regulation of the Tees by Cow Green Reservoir. Further changes are predicted with the advent of water transfer from the Tyne to Tees around 1980, because at least twenty-six macrophytes are known to be present in the former river that are either absent or confined to the lowest stretches of the latter.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. The paper describes observations on water temperature and dissolved oxygen in Cow Green reservoir and also changes caused by impoundment to temperature, chemistry, dissolved oxygen and the discharge regime of the River Tees immediately downstream of the dam.
Impoundment and river regulation have considerably smoothed-out fluctuations in discharge of the Tees and have ehminated the very low and very high discharges which were characteristic of the natural river.
Reservoir water levels show an annual pattern of draw-down during summer, refilling in autumn and overflow during winter and spring. Tliermal stratification of the reservoir occurs rarely and is generally of short duration. Water temperatures at mid-reservoir correspond closely to those of water discharged from the reservoir. The temperature regime in the river downstream is modified as follows:
  • (1)

    reduction in amplitude of annual temperature fluctuations by 1–2°C,

  • (2)

    marked reduction of diel fluctuations, (3) delay of the spring rise in water temperature by 20–50 days and of the autumn fall by 0–20 days. These temperature changes could reduce the annual maintenance ration of a 10 g brown trout ( Salmo trutta L.) by about 15% and delay the annual peak of metabolism by about 1 month. The effect upon growth rate of trout would be negligible.

Fluctuations in ionic content at the reservoir inflow are comparatively large and can be related approximately to river discharge. Fluctuations at the outflow are smaller and appear to be largely seasonal. Regulation has not appreciably altered the dissolved oxygen content of the River Tees.  相似文献   

The stomach contents of 1003 brown trout, 1551 bullheads and 800 minnows taken from the reservoir basin and below the dam, before and after impoundment of the river Tees, were examined. Their composition reflected observations by other workers on river and reservoir benthos, except for the increase in numbers of Hydra and Nais below the dam, and Mollusca, Hirudinea and oligochaetes in the reservoir.
Trout below the dam ate more Ephemeroptera nymphs and Chironomidae larvae but fewer terrestrial casualties after river regulation, whereas bullheads ate more Mollusca but fewer Plecoptera nymphs. In both species Baetidae nymphs increased in numerical importance relative to Ecdyonuridae. Trout, but not bullheads, took zooplankton discharged from the reservoir.
Before impoundment, trout within the reservoir basin ate chiefly benthic organisms and terrestrial casualties. Inundated terrestrial material, mainly earthworms, formed the bulk of their food for at least three years after impoundment, whilst from the second year onwards Chironomidae and, in some years, Gammarus became increasingly important. Zooplankton was taken by all sizes of reservoir trout.
Bullheads within the reservoir basin ate chiefly river benthos before impoundment, with Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera nymphs predominant in older fish, and aquatic Diptera and Coleoptera also important in the fry. After impoundment, Chironomidae and Gammarus were the main items taken by older bullheads, and Chironomidae and micro-crustacea by the fry. Among all sizes of minnow, Chironomidae, micro-crustacea and detritus increased in numerical importance after impoundment.  相似文献   

1. The objective was to determine the time spent in the drift by different taxa of stream invertebrates. Most data were obtained from an earlier experimental study to determine the distances travelled by drifting invertebrates of 16 taxa in Wilfin Beck. Experiments were performed at two sites: ‘site 4’ in a stony, fast‐flowing, section of stream, ‘site 3’ in a deeper stream section where macrophytes were abundant. 2. The significant relationship between the mean distance x (m) travelled in the drift and modal water velocity V (m s?1) was described by a power function in the earlier study but, as the power was close to one, a linear relationship has now been found to provide a satisfactory model. The rate of increase in x (m) with increasing V varied considerably between taxa. The mean time [mean t (s)] spent in the drift was estimated by dividing each x (m) by the appropriate V. Mean t (s) for each taxon was usually very constant over a wide range of V at each site (0.10–0.60 m s?1 at site 4, 0.15–0.53 m s?1 at site 3). A simple model estimated the time spent in the drift by different percentages (e.g. 75, 50, 10 and 1%) of the drifting invertebrates. 3. The experimental taxa at site 4 were divided into three groups according to the mean time spent in the drift. Mean t (s) for the five taxa in group 1 (32.8 s) was not significantly different from that obtained in control experiments with a mixed group of dead invertebrates. A similar time (33.0 s) was obtained for the five taxa in group 2, except at water velocities less than 0.2 m s?1 when the mean t (s) decreased to 15–21 s. Mean t (s) was constant for each of the six taxa in group 3, and significantly less than that for groups 1 and 2. Mean values ranged from 28.8 s for Ephemerella ignita to only 9.4 s for Baetis rhodani and Gammarus pulex. All mean values were lower at site 3, presumably because of the dense stands of macrophytes, with mean values of 12.9 s for the five taxa in group 1 (equalling the value for dead invertebrates). Mean values for the six remaining taxa varied from 6.4 s for Simulium spp. to only 4.9 s for Baetis rhodani and 4.8 s for Gammarus pulex. It was concluded from a discussion of this study that the time spent in the drift may provide a useful measure for comparing the downstream dispersal of invertebrates in different streams, and may be a useful addition to models for the drift feeding of salmonids.  相似文献   

The longitudinal zonation patterns of invertebrate species were studied in the River Oriège (Pyrénées, France) from 920 to 819 m a.s.l. At 912 m a.s.l., the river receives hypolimnetic water diverted from a nearby reservoir lake, and the natural flow may be enhanced several times a day from 1 to 11 m3 s—1 in summer and winter, and from 5 to 15 m3 s—1 during spring spates. During hydropeaking, the water was cooled in summer and slightly warmed in winter, but this was attenuated 3500 m downstream from the plant. Invertebrate densities were recorded in July (end of spates) and October (low flow period) at ten sampling sites : a reference site upstream of the hydrostation's discharge point (site 1), and nine sites each 400 m below the outlet (sites 2—10). The longitudinal distribution of invertebrate taxa was studied using Factorial Analyses, taxa and sites were clustered using Analysis of Dynamic Cluster. The hydroelectric facility did not clearly modify the qualitative composition of the benthic fauna, but clearly affected the longitudinal zonation of several populations. The low abundance of several species below the outlet reflected the impact of both hydropeaking and zonation. These species were high mountain species, the density of which decreases towards downstream sites in the Pyrenees, and low mountain species, the density of which naturally decreases towards upstream sites. Some taxa disappeared in the regulated section, so their distribution in the River Oriège was primarily influenced by hydropeaking. Finally, some taxa preferentially lived in the lower section of the river where the impact of peaking flows was strongly attenuated, so their longitudinal distribution was first governed by their natural longitudinal zonation. Under this kind of river regulation (natural discharge and temperature except during periods of power generation, intermittent hydropeaking from a separate reservoir) modifications of the thermal regime had a minor effect on the population dynamics, unlike hydraulic disturbances which strongly influenced the structural attributes of benthic communities.  相似文献   

A survey was carried out to establish the nature and composition of the benthos along the Naro Moru, a tropical river in central Kenya using artificial substrate baskets, from November 1986 to October 1987. A clear longitudinal zonation existed for Diptera and Ephemeroptera which were the major benthic taxa. Maximum colonization took place after ten days of exposure. Seasonal variations in abundance were also observed. All taxa collected from the bottom samples were also collected in the drift samples, but the percentage composition of the benthos showed variations with that of the drift. Simulium sp. dominated the benthos whilst Baetis spp. dominated the drift. There was a positive correlation between drift rate and benthic fauna density.  相似文献   

1. Longitudinal changes in physicochemical factors and the composition of the invertebrate community were examined in the hyporheic zone of a glacial river (Val Roseg, Switzerland) over a distance of 11 km from the glacier terminus. Multivariate analysis was used to determine the habitat preferences of taxa along an upstream‐downstream gradient of increasing temperature and groundwater contribution to river flow. 2. The hyporheos conformed to the longitudinal distribution model described for zoobenthic communities of glacial rivers in that taxonomic richness increased with distance from the glacier terminus. Spatial variation in taxonomic richness was best explained by temperature, the influence of groundwater, and the amount of organic matter. The overriding importance of these variables on the distribution of taxa was confirmed by the multivariate analysis. 3. The hyporheic zone contributed significantly to the overall biodiversity of the Roseg River. Whereas insect larvae were predominant in the benthos, hyporheic invertebrates were dominated by taxa belonging to the true groundwater fauna and the permanent hyporheos. Several permanently aquatic taxa (e.g. Nematoda, Ostracoda, Cyclopoida, Harpacticoida, Oligochaeta) appeared exclusively in the hyporheic zone or they extended farther upstream in the hyporheic layer than in the benthic layer. Leuctridae, Nemouridae, and Heptageniidae colonised hyporheic sediments where maximum water temperature was only 4 °C. 4. Despite strong seasonal changes in river discharge and physicochemistry in hyporheic water, the density and distribution of the hyporheos varied little over time. 5. Taxonomic richness increased markedly in the downstream part of a floodplain reach with an extensive upwelling zone. Upwelling groundwater not only maintained a permanent flow of water but also created several species‐rich habitats that added many species to the community of the main channel.  相似文献   

Diel changes in the density of the fauna of stones and of drift were investigated in the Toorongo River, an upland river of southern Australia. The densities of the ten most common taxa and of the total fauna in the drift and on the stones were negatively correlated, with 16 out of 33 cases being significant (p < 0.05). Five of the ten most common taxa displayed a general trend of reaching day-time peaks in the benthos (11 out of 15 cases) and night-time peaks in the drift (10 out of 15 cases). The total density on the stones reached a significant peak in the day-time while the total drift density peaked at night.  相似文献   

1. We investigated the effects of a flood on the fauna and physical habitat of the hyporheic zone of the Kye Burn, a fourth order gravel‐bed stream in New Zealand. 2. Freeze core hyporheic samples (to 50 cm depth) and benthic samples (to 10 cm) were taken, along with measurements of vertical hydrological gradient, before, 2 days after and 1 month after the flood (estimated return period: 1.5 years, estimated Qmax = 10.4 m3 s?1). 3. The composition of the hyporheos differed over the three sampling occasions with fewer taxa collected immediately postflood than preflood. The equitability of the community was higher on both postflood occasions, consistent with the reduced densities of two abundant taxa (Leptophlebiidae and Copepoda). 4. Total invertebrate abundance was lower on the postflood occasions than preflood in both benthic (0–10 cm) and hyporheic (10–50 cm) sediments. Several taxa, including asellotan isopods and amphipods, recovered within 1 month of the event. Hyporheic densities of larval Hydora and nematodes did not differ among the three sampling occasions, but the water mite Pseudotryssaturus was more abundant 1 month after the flood than preflood. There was no evidence of vertical movements (to 50 cm) by any taxa in response to the flood. 5. The proportion of fine sediments (<1 mm) in the subsurface sediments (10–50 cm) increased over the three sampling occasions and median particle size declined, but sediment porosity did not change. More particulate organic matter was found in the sediments after the flood. 6. Our study provides little evidence that the hyporheic zone (to 50 cm) acted as a significant refuge during the flood event, although movements to or recolonisation from sediments deeper than 50 cm could explain the recovery of many crustacean and mite taxa within 1 month.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. The development of marginal (shore-line), sub-littoral (3–6 m) and profundal (15–18 m) fauna was followed using timed collections in shallow water and artificial substrata in deeper regions. The reservoir started filling in July 1970 and was close to top water level in the autumn of that year. Samples in the marginal zone contained drowned terrestrial organisms and some Cladocera (Chydoridae) in February 1971 but by October, Chironomidae and Oligochaeta became abundant and micro-crustaceans (copepods and cladocerans) formed about 98% of the total catch. Peak densities of micro-crustaceans in the marginal zone were reached in the summer of 1971, but chironomids and oligochaetes were most abundant in the second year after filling. The numbers of marginal zone animals were greatest at the most sheltered site, and lowest at a site on the windward shore. At a stream mouth the rheophilic fauna present in April 1971 was replaced with limnophilic organisms (Chironomidae and Tubificidae) by September 1971. In the sub-littoral, Hydra, Enchytraeidae, Orthocladiinae Tanytarsini and oribatoid mites were the most abundant taxa, whereas Naididae, Hirudinea, Ostracoda, Gammarus pulex, Chironomini and Pisidium spp. were numerous in the profundal zone. Total faunal numbers and biomass were greatest in the profundal zone in all years. The highest annual mean estimate of biomass in the sub-littoral was 3.07 g (wet wt)m?2 in the second year after filling, thereafter both numbers and biomass fell. In the profundal the maximum biomass (about 29 gm?2) was observed in the third and fourth years after filling. An estimate of total standing crop of benthic organisms below the drawdown limit, made in July 1974, gave a figure of about 43 tonnes, wet weight. Biomass estimates at Cow Green were compared with those in eighteen other reservoirs and were found to be high especially in relation to those from other upland areas.  相似文献   

The distribution, growth and reproduction of bullhead, Cottus gobio , L., and minnow, Phoxinus phoxinus (L.), were studied at Cow Green Reservoir, Upper Teesdale, for 10 years following impoundment in 1970. Comparisons were made with pre-impoundment results. The length-for-age of bullheads increased after impoundment. The length-for-age of minnows decreased. In winter both species were confined mainly to deep water or to the stone facing of the earth dam. In summer they were found throughout the reservoir though bullheads were scarce in the littoral zone. Female bullheads became sexually mature at an earlier age (84% at age-group I) than before impoundment (33% at age-group I) but no change was apparent amongst males (67–62% in age-group I). The post-impoundment sex ratio did not differ from 1:1 and individual fecundity did not change after impoundment. There was a significant reduction in individual fecundity of the minnow. The mean instantaneous rate of mortality ( Z ) for bullhead of age-groups II to IV was 0.96 ± 0.34 year−1, compared with 0.85 ± 0.29 year in the Tees before impoundment.  相似文献   

Spatial patterns in macroinvertebrate communities and some abiotic factors were examined in three rheocrene springs and their springbrooks (Kraków-Cz?stochowa Upland, southern Poland). The mean discharge of particular springs ranged from 5 to 11 L s?1, and its annual fluctuations were small. Water temperature was very stable at all sampling sites. In the eucrenon the number of benthic taxa was the smallest (9–14 determined to the family level), but the densities were the highest (approx. 14000 ind. m?2). The biggest changes in macroinvertebrate composition were observed in the modified hypocrenon, which is an artificial pond. The lowest number of taxa were found in a natural, short springbrook with a nondiversified bottom substrate. The density of crenophilic taxa (Drusus trifidus, Dugesia gonocephala, Elmidae) diminished along the springbrooks, while the opposite trend was observed for ubiquitous taxa (some Oligochaeta, Asellus aquaticus and Chironomidae). Even in a very short natural springbrook (30 m), Drusus trifidus, the only species of Trichoptera found in the springs discussed here, goes through the entire development cycle. The strongest influence of a big river was observed at the outflow of one of the natural springbrooks, where the highest number of riverine oligochaete species were found. The benthic fauna of the springs studied here differed from that found in other springs in this area — the absence of the typical crenophilic species Bithynella austriaca (Gastropoda) and the presence of Gianus aquedulcis (Oligochaeta) may indicate the autonomy of the spring fauna in the Mstów area, possibly resulting from the postglacial geomorphological formation of this region or differences in habitat conditions.  相似文献   

Aquatic macroinvertebrates living in anastomosing lowland rivers use different habitats and respond differently to the hydrological regime. In this paper, the structure and composition of benthic, drifting and marginal macroinvertebrate assemblages are analyzed in the lowland river Ctalamochita (Córdoba, Argentina). The assemblages were studied in an annual cycle; a comparison among the composition of benthos, drift and marginal fauna was carried out; and size structure of the assemblages was characterized. Samples were obtained from two sites: a rural and an urban site. In total 73 taxa of aquatic macroinvertebrates were collected. Benthos was characterized by Chironomidae and Oligochaeta; marginal fauna was mainly constituted by Coleoptera, Heteroptera, Decapoda, the Trichoptera Nectopsyche sp., Ephemeroptera and Odonata. Drifting assemblage was composed by macroinvertebrates from local and remote upstream benthos, and from the marginal zone. Marginal fauna diversity was higher than benthos and drift. Total biomass of the assemblages pooled together was relatively equitably among size classes. Larger size classes consisted of organisms from the marginal zone whereas the smallest ones were composed by benthic and drifting organisms. In the study area there is habitat partitioning in the lateral dimension of the river. Marginal fauna was more diverse due to the asymmetry of transport and deposit processes, which generate a heterogeneous habitat in the bankside. The relation between fine substrate and high current velocity determines an unstable habitat in the central channel, which makes colonization by benthic macroinvertebrates difficult.  相似文献   

Benthic macroinvertebrate fauna plays a major role in river ecosystems, especially those of tropical islands. Since there is no information on the distribution of benthic invertebrates along a Jamaican river, we report here on the composition of the benthic fauna of the Buff Bay river, on the Northern coast of Jamaica. A total of 14 samples were collected from five sites, using kick nets and a Surber sampler, between May 1997 and October 1998. We also examined the applicability of the rhithron/potamon model, and some of the premises of the River Continuum Concept (RCC) in relation to the distribution of invertebrate taxa. The results showed a total of 38 taxa of identified invertebrates. A group of dominant taxa, composed mainly of immature stages of insects, occurred at all sites. Two notable characteristics of the river were the absence of a true potamonic fauna and the low representation of the shredder functional feeding group in the community We conclude that, while there was minor variation in the composition of the benthic macroinvertebrate fauna among the sites, this was a response to local conditions within the river system. The characteristics of the community did not conform to either of the models.  相似文献   

Temporal changes in epilithon biomass and benthic macroinvertebrate density were investigated in the Ashley River, a flood-prone river with an unpredictable discharge regime. Biomass, primary production and respiration of the epilithic community were highest in spring when filamentous algae were present and lowest following two large floods that occurred in close succession. Sixty invertebrate species were taken in benthic samples including 24 species of Trichoptera, 15 Diptera and 4 Ephemeroptera. Larvae of the mayfly Deleatidium (Leptophlebiidae) were numerically dominant and comprised up to 83 % of the fauna in any one month. Mean benthic invertebrate density was highest (9170–18 580 m–2) following long periods of low stable flow (< 30 m–3 s–1) and lowest (230 m–2) after a major flood (454 m–3 s–1). Reductions in benthic density occurred when flow exceeded about 30 m–3 s–1, the minimum discharge at which small cobbles are moved. Refuge seeking behaviours, flexible life histories and effective recolonization mechanisms enable the benthos of the Ashley River to persist and recover from frequent, temporally unpredictable disturbances.  相似文献   

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