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The acrodermatitis enteropathica (AE) mutation affects intestinal zinc absorption. Our goal was to determine whether the AE mutation affects zinc uptake in human fibroblasts. Zinc uptake was determined during initial rates of uptake (10 min) following incubation in HEPES/saline buffer. Zinc uptake (from 0.25 to 1 μM) into normal fibroblasts was significantly greater than into the AE fibroblasts (p<0.05). In order to identify factors that may alter cellular zinc uptake and be affected by the AE mutation, zinc uptake in the presence of albumin or bicarbonate was measured. Albumin restricted zinc uptake in both normal and AE fibroblasts, whereas bicarbonate stimulated zinc uptake in the normal fibroblasts. The effect of bicarbonate on zinc uptake in the AE fibroblasts was significantly reduced in both the Pronase-sensitive and Pronase-resistant compartments. Following loading of the fibroblasts with 1 μM zinc for 60 min, zinc efflux and retention were measured. The AE mutation did not affect zinc retention compared to normal fibroblasts. We conclude that the AE mutation affects both zinc binding to the cell surface and its translocation across the plasma membrane into the cell, possibly mediated through a defective anionic exchange mechanism.  相似文献   

The acrodermatitis enteropathica (AE) mutation affects zinc (Zn) metabolism in human fibroblasts. We hypothesize that the mutation affects the cell Zn content, which subsequently affects the activity of various zinc-dependent enzymes, such as 5′-nucleotidase. Therefore, normal and AE fibroblasts were grown in normal medium containing physiological levels of Zn (16 Μmol/L) for ∼24 h. The medium was replaced by normal medium (16 Μmol/L Zn), Zn-depleted medium (1.5 Μmol/L Zn), or Zn-supplemented medium (200 Μmol/L Zn) for another 24 h. Regardless of the Zn concentration of the growth medium, the AE fibroblasts contained significantly less Zn than normal fibroblasts grown in comparable medium. Nevertheless, growth of the fibroblasts in 200 Μmol/L Zn medium significantly increased the cell Zn content fourfold of both normal and AE fibroblasts. The activity of 5′-nucleotidase in the AE fibroblasts grown in 16 Μmol/L Zn or 1.5 Μmol/L Zn medium was also significantly lower than in normal fibroblasts. Changing the growth medium from 16 Μmol/L Zn to 1.5 Μmol/L Zn medium did not affect the activity of the enzyme in either genotype. Cells grown in 200 Μmol/L Zn medium exhibited threefold greater 5′-nucleotidase activity in AE fibroblasts, but had no affect on enzyme activity in normal cells. In summary, altering the cell Zn content of normal fibroblasts did not result in a significant change in their 5′ -nucleotidase activity. However, AE fibroblasts grown in 200 Μmol/L Zn medium exhibited recovery of their 5′-nucleotidase activity to normal levels. These results support the hypothesis that the AE mutation affects the cellular Zn content. The lower cell Zn content subsequently affects the activity of 5′-nucleotidase.  相似文献   

The influence of K+ and Ca2+ on Zn2+ transport into cultured human fibroblasts was investigated. Zn2+ uptake was markedly reduced in the presence of both valinomycin and nigericin (electrogenic and electroneutral K + ionophores, respectively), and by reduction in the transmembrane K+ gradient produced by replacement of extracellular K+ with Na+, suggesting that Zn2+ may be driven by a Zn2+/K+ counter-transport system. To test the counter-transport hypothesis, we used 86Rb as an analog of K + for efflux studies. The rate of Rb+ efflux was 3760 times that of Zn2+ uptake, thus the component of K+ involved in the Zn2+ counter-transport system was only a small proportion of the total K+ efflux. In investigating the effect of Ca2+ on Zn2+ uptake, we identified two components: (1) a basal Zn2+ uptake pathway, independent of hormonal or growth factors which does not require extracellular Ca2+ and (2) a Ca2+-dependent mechanism. The absence of Ca2+ decreased Zn2+ uptake, while increasing extracellular C+a2+ stimulated Zn2+ uptake. The effect was mediated by Ca2+ influx as the ionophores A23187 and ionomycin also stimulated Zn2+ uptake. We could not ascribe the Ca2+ effect to known Ca2+ influx pathways. We conclude that Zn2+ uptake occurs by a K+-dependent process, possibly by Zn2+/K+ counter-transport and that a component of this is also Ca2+-dependent.  相似文献   

The Na+-dependent accumulation of α-aminoisobutyric acid (AIB), measured in normal growing and quiescent (serum-deprived) HSWP cells (human diploid fibroblast), was found to be twofold higher (AIBin/AIBout = 20–25) under the normal growing conditions. Serum stimulation of quiescent cells increases their AIB concentrating capacity by approximately 70% within 1 hr. These observations suggest that the driving forces for AIB accumulation may be reversibly influenced by the serum concentration of the growth medium. Addition of valinomycin (Val) to cells preequilibrated with AIB causes an enhanced accumulation of AIB, suggesting that the membrane potential can serve as a driving force for AIB accumulation. After preequilibration with AIB in 6 mM K+, transfer to 94 mM K+ with Val results in a marked and rapid net loss of AIB. The effect of Val on the accumulation of AIB is greatest in quiescent cells, with the intracellular AIB concentrations reaching those seen both in Val-stimulated normal cells and in Val-stimulated serum-stimulated cells. By adjusting [K+]0, in the presence of Val, the membrane potential of growing cells can be matched to that of quiescent cells or vice versa. When this is done, the two accumulate AIB to the same extent. Hence the AIB accumulating capacity is characteristic of the membrane potential rather than of the growth state. In summary, these data suggest that the accumulation of AIB in HSWP cells is influenced by changes in membrane potential and that a serum-associated membrane hyperpolarization could be responsible for the increased capacity for AIB accumulation in serumstimulated cells.  相似文献   

The in vitro uptake of zinc by erythrocytes was measured under near-physiological conditions, using65Zn as a radioactive tracer. Because of the presence of serum albumin—a strong zinc ligand—a low concentration of medium free zinc was maintained. Under these conditions a high-affinity carrier for zinc transport over the cell membrane was identified. With human erythrocytes, a Michaelis constant (K m ) of 0.2 nM with respect to free medium zinc was measured and aV max of 4.5 nmoles Zn transported per h/g dry wt. TheK m for medium Zn increases when the size of the internal erythrocytic Zn pool is augmented, whereasV max remains virtually unchanged. A model to explain this phenomenon is proposed. It is suggested that this phenomenon could underlie observations, confirmed here, that the in vitro uptake of Zn by animal erythrocytes depends on the Zn status of the animal.  相似文献   

In vitro zinc uptake by human erythrocytes was studied under a range of zinc concentrations representing three different plasma zinc levels i.e., zinc deficient [0.35–0.61 ppm], zinc normal [0.74–1.59 ppm], and zinc excess [1.65–2.3 ppm]. Further, interactions of physiological levels of riboflavin, flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD), nicotinic acid, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD), thiamine, thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP), folic acid, and ascorbic acid with zinc uptakes were studied in independent experiments. In control experiments, as compared to the normal zinc state, the rate of change of zinc uptake over change in zinc levels was 1.6 times in the excess state and 0.12 times in the deficient state, indicating three distinct patterns. Under the zinc-deficient state, thiamine significantly enhanced the zinc uptakes (p<0.05), whereas ascorbic acid and riboflavin inhibited zinc uptakes (p<0.05). The percent hemolysis of the cells was also significantly lower in the presence of thiamine (p<0.05). Under normal and excess zinc states, the vitamin-zinc interactions were not significant. The results suggest that with erythrocytes as the vehicles, thiamine might be playing an enhancer role in uptake of zinc, whereas the action of ascorbic acid might be inhibitory for zinc uptakes under deficient zinc states.  相似文献   

Age-dependent decreases in the protein concentrations of the nucleocytoplasmic transport factors karyopherin alpha2, CAS, and RanBP1 were found by comparing fibroblast cultures obtained from young, mature, and old human donors. Karyopherin beta1 levels do not change with age and present very little variation among donors. The decrease in the concentration of transport factors is accompanied by a reduction in the protein import rate in fibroblasts from old donors, as detected by a change in the intracellular localization of a test transport substrate that shuttles between the cytoplasm and the nucleus. Measurements of concentrations of the same import factors in organs and tissues of old mice revealed a decrease of CAS in kidney, lung, and spleen. The import reduction in old age is expected to lead to impaired activity of proteins whose functions depend on timely import into the nuclei.  相似文献   

Summary Population doublings versus time in culture were compared in human postnatal skin fibroblasts from normal donors, a cancer patient, and from donors suffering from Cockayne syndrome, Ataxia telangiectasia, and Fanconi’s anemia (FA). Confluent cultures were maintained in a nonproliferating state for 14 to 27 d in 0.5% serum medium. The results show that the ability of cells to resume division after a resting stage can be influenced by pathologic conditions. In arrested FA cell populations an increase of the population doublings and of the calendar time were observed. It is possible that in some cell populations the resting stage favors the expression of growth potentialities related to an instability of the cells. This work was supported by contract CRL 802030 from the I.N.S.E.R.M. and by Euratom.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of hydrocortisone and ascorbic acid on growth parameters were measured in human diploid skin fibroblasts from fetal and adult donors. In the presence of culture medium containing 10% fetal bovine serum, 0.3 μM hydrocortisone produced a 20% increase in the population growth rate and a 50 to 70% increase in the confluent density of fibroblasts from adult donors. Daily addition of 28 μM ascorbic acid also stimulated the population growth rate and cell density at confluency. The effects of hydrocortisone and ascorbic acid on the final cell density were additive. The action of hydrocortisone was restricted to cells in log-phase growth, whereas ascorbic acid affected cells in both the log and the postconfluent phases of the growth cycle. In fibroblasts from fetal donors, ascorbic acid was stimulative but hydrocortisone was not. The data suggest that whereas both compounds stimulate cell growth in an additive manner, they do so by different cellular mechanisms. This investigation was supported in part by USPHS Grants AM 02456, AM 05020 and AM 15312, and by the Kroc Foundation, No. UW 63-2986. Dr. Rowe is a fellow of the Helen Hay Whitney Foundation. Dr. Fujimoto is a recipient of a Research Career Development Award, AM 47142, from NIAMDD.  相似文献   

目的观察和评价酪酸梭菌活菌散与制霉菌素片联用治疗婴幼儿鹅口疮的临床疗效。方法将97例鹅口疮患儿随机分为观察组和对照组,观察组47例,在涂抹制霉菌素片的基础上服用酪酸梭菌活菌散,0.5g/次,3次/d,疗程28 d,对照组50例,单独制霉菌素片,观察复发率和不良反应。结果观察组的总复发率为8.5%,显著低于对照组的30%(P<0.05)。结论酪酸梭菌活菌散与制霉菌素片联用治疗婴幼儿鹅口疮预防复发疗效显著,且未见不良反应,值得临床推广应用。  相似文献   

Zinc (Zn) is recognized as an essential nutrient, and is added as a supplement to animal and human diets. There are claims that zinc methionine (ZnMet) forms a stable complex that is preferentially transported into tissues, and this has contributed to uncertainty about conflicting reports on the bioavailability of various Zn compounds. This study evaluated the cellular and intestinal uptake of inorganic and organic forms of Zn. Steady-state uptake of65Zn by human intestine epithelial cells, and monkey kidney fibroblasts was not significantly different with zinc chloride (ZnCl2), ZnMet, or zinc propionate (ZnProp) (P > 0.05). Uptake of65Zn from zinc chelated with EDTA was significantly lower (P < 0.01). In live mice,65Zn uptake by perfused intestine and deposition in intestine and liver showed no significant difference between ZnCl2 and ZnMet. Equimolar [65Zn]methionine and zinc[35S]methionine were prepared according to a patented method that yields “ complexed” Zn. Cellular uptake of the radiolabeled methionine was <0.1% of the radiolabeled Zn from these complexes, indicating separate uptake of the Zn and methionine. Gel filtration did not distinguish between65Zn in ZnCl2, ZnProp, or reagent ZnMet, though feed-grade ZnMet containing >10% protein did give a higher-mol-wt form of65Zn. Results of this study show equivalent uptake of Zn from inorganic and organic compounds, and support recent feed trials on Zn bioavailability.  相似文献   

DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) signals that induce the G2 checkpoint response were examined using proliferative secondary cultures of diploid human fibroblasts. Treatments that generated DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) directly were effective inducers of checkpoint response, generally producing >80% inhibition of mitosis (G2 delay) and the kinase activity of M-phase-promoting factor within 2 h of treatment. Effective inducers of G2 checkpoint response included γ-irradiation and the cancer chemotherapeutic drugs, bleomycin and etoposide. Treatments that produced DNA single-strand breaks, directly or indirectly through nucleotide excision repair, were not effective inducers of G2 delay. Ineffective treatments included incubation with camptothecin, an inhibitor of topoisomerase I (topo I), and irradiation with sublethal fluences of UVC, followed by incubation with aphidicolin. Transient severe inhibition of DNA synthesis with aphidicolin did not affect mitosis substantially, suggesting that the replication arrest input to the G2 checkpoint required more than brief inhibition of DNA synthesis. In contrast, moderate camptothecin-induced inhibition of DNA synthesis was associated with a strong inhibition of mitosis that developed 4–12 h after drug treatment. This result suggested that G2 delay was not expressed until the cells that were in S-phase at the time of treatment with camptothecin proceeded into G2. DNA damage was not necessary for induction of mitotic delay. An inhibitor of topoisomerase II (topo II), ICRF-193, which inhibits chromatid decatenation in G2 cells without damaging DNA, induced a severe inhibition of mitosis and M-phase-promoting factor kinase activity. The results suggest that DNA double-strand breaks and insufficiency of chromatid decatenation effectively induce the G2 checkpoint response, but DNA single-strand breaks do not.  相似文献   

The effect of cystine starvation on the transport system of cystine and glutamate was examined in cultures of human diploid fibroblasts. The 2-min uptake of cystine and glutamate increased progressively after a lag of 6 h of cystine starvation. There was approx. 2–3-fold increase, and the increased rate of uptake was accompanied by an increase in the Vmax and unchanged Km. The cystine starvation-induced enhancement appeared specific for the uptake of cystine and glutamate. Actinomycin D or cycloheximide completely blocked the time-related increase in the uptake. Depletion of glutamate did not lead to the enhanced uptake, whereas depletion of glycine and serine caused as much increase in the uptake as depletion of cystine did. The intracellular pool of glutathione was extremely reduced by depletion of cystine, or of glycine and serine, but to a far less extent by depletion of glutamate. The results indicate that the transport system for cystine and glutamate appears to undergo adaptive regulation. It is suggested that glutathione may function as a regulatory signal to this transport system.  相似文献   

Summary Monolayer cultures of fetal human fibroblasts, preincubated in serum-free culture medium overnight (about 18 hr), were incubated with insulin (0.1 to 100 mU per ml), then washed and incubated in an insulin-free medium. The effect of insulin on glucose utilization, uridine incorporation into RNA and leucine incorporation into protein was maintained after removal of insulin and washing. For both glucose utilization and uridine incorporation into RNA, this effect was demonstrated at physiologic levels of insulin (0.1 mU per ml). When anti-insulin serum was added to the cultures after the cell preincubated with insulin were washed, this effect was greatly attenuated. This lasting effect of insulin was probably not due to nonspecifically bound insulin becoming available to the cells. Binding of125I-monoiodoinsulin was examined in monolayer cultures of fetal human fibroblasts. When unlabeled insulin was present at about 1 mU per ml concentration, 50% displacement of monoiodoinsulin occured. When fibroblasts were incubated with monoiodoinsulin and then removed from the radioactive medium, initial dissociation of the bound hormone occurred rapidly but then reached a plateau. This prolonged insulin effect appears to result from persistent binding of insulin to its receptor. Supported in part by PHS Grants AM-02456, AM-05020 and AM-15312, by the Kroc Foundation and by the Diabetes Center (AM-17047). Supported in part by Research Career Development Award AM-47142 from NIAMDD.  相似文献   

The primary effects of nystatin, a polyene antibiotic, on the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae were investigated. Though K+ leakage was observed shortly after the addition of nystatin, Ca2+ leakage was delayed 2–3 h after its application and it occurred only at an acidic pH and in the absence of K+, Na+ or Mg2+ from the medium. However, within 4 min after application nystatin induced a passive influx of Ca2+ into the cells even at a concentration of 1 μM in the medium. These results led to the conclusion that the primary membranal lesion induced by nystatin is not restricted to monovalent cations but is also manifested by increased permeability to Ca2+. The delayed leakage of Ca2+ is explained by the assumption that the bulk of cellular calcium is sequestered so that the concentration of free Ca2+ in the cytoplasm is very low. The sequestered calcium may be liberated 2–3 h after the addition of nystatin as a consequence of secondary damage to the cells such as intracellular acidification and loss of cations.  相似文献   

A tyrosine protein kinase activity has been detected in the mitochondrial fraction purified from human fibroblasts. By enzymatic and sedimentation analysis this activity appeared to be localized in the mitochondrial outer membrane. Mitochondrial tyrosine phosphorylation was strictly dependent on the presence of Mn2+ ions. An inverse relationship between cell proliferation and mitochondrial protein phosphorylation on tyrosine residues has been found: a marked increase in the mitochondrial tyrosine kinase activity occurred when a significant reduction in the growth rate followed serum step-down. In mitochondria purified from resting cells, a protein band with apparent molecular weight of 50 kd appeared to be phosphorylated on tyrosine.  相似文献   

Rice (Oryza sativa) is the worlds’ most important cereal and potentially an important source of zinc (Zn) for people who eat mainly rice. To improve Zn delivery by rice, plant Zn uptake and internal allocation need to be better understood. This study reports on within‐plant allocation and potential Zn accumulation in the rice grain in four so‐called aerobic rice cultivars (Handao297, K150, Handao502 and Baxiludao). Two controlled‐condition experiments were carried out, one with a wide range of constant Zn concentrations in the medium and one with a range of plant growth rate‐related supply rates. In both experiments, increased Zn supply induced increased plant Zn uptake rate throughout crop development, when expressed as daily Zn uptake (μg day?1) or as daily Zn uptake per gram of plant dry matter (μg g?1). Zinc mass concentration (ZnMC) in all plant organs increased with an increase in Zn supply but to various degrees. At higher uptake levels, the ZnMC in stems increased most, while the ZnMC in hulled grains (brown rice) increased least. The increase in leaf ZnMC was generally small, but at toxic levels in the medium, leaf ZnMC increased significantly. It appears that regulation of grain Zn loading differs from regulation of Zn loading to other organs. A milling test on seeds of Baxiludao and Handao502 showed that when ZnMC in brown rice increased from 13 to 45 mg kg?1, ZnMC in polished rice grains (endosperm) also increased from 9 to 37 mg kg?1 but remained three to five times lower than that in the bran. Irrespective of the ZnMC in the brown rice, around 75% of total grain Zn was present in the endosperm. In both cultivars, there was a major difference in ZnMC between bran and endosperm (120 and 37 mg kg?1, respectively), suggesting a barrier for Zn transport between the two tissues. There seems to be a second barrier between stem and rachis, as their ZnMCs also differed greatly (300 and 100 mg kg?1, respectively) in both cultivars at higher plant ZnMC. It is concluded that there is too little scope from a human nutrition perspective to enhance ZnMC in rice endosperm by simply increasing the Zn supply to rice plants because Zn allocation to the endosperm is limited, while observed genotypic differences indicate scope for improvement through breeding.  相似文献   

Summary Prolonged maintenance of human dermal fibroblasts in McDB-104 medium supplemented with pooled human serum or platelet factor deficient preparations of human serum led to appearance of a large number of membrane bound inclusions, resembling lysosomes, and proliferation of small, Golgi associated vesicles. These inclusions did not appear if the cells were grown in Dulbecco-Vogt's modification of Eagle's minimal essential medium or in minimal essential medium supplemented with the same human serum fractions. Cells that acquired inclusions during a 10 d incubation in MCDB-104 subsequently lost these inclusions when transferred to Dulbecco-Vogt's mediumfor 4 d. Similar reversal of effects of MCDB-104 was also produced by MCDB-104 buffered with bicarbonate instead of HEPES. This research was supported by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, National Institute of Health Grants RR 00166, AM 02456, AM 15312, AM 17047, and HL 07312, and by R. J. Reynolds Industries. Inc.  相似文献   

This study aimed to observe the effects of tyroserleutide (tyrosyl-seryl-leucine, YSL) on the growth of human hepatocarcinoma BEL-7402 that was transplanted into nude mice, and explore its anti-tumor mechanism preliminarily. YSL, at doses of 80 μg-kg-1 · d-1, 160 μg·kg-1 ·d-1 and 320 μg · kg-1 · d-1 significantly inhibited the growth of the human hepatocarcinoma BEL-7402 tumor in nude mice, producing inhibition of 21.66%, 41.34%, and 34.78%, respectively. Ultra structure of BEL-7402 tumor in nude mice showed that YSL could induce tumor cells apoptosis and necrosis, cell organelle mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum damage, and calcium overload. By confocal laser scanning microscopy and flow cytometry, we found that 10 μg/mL YSL rapidly induced an increase of the concentration of cytoplasmic free calcium in BEL-7402 cells in vitro, and maintained high concentrations of cytoplasmic free calcium for 1 h. Then the calcium concentration began to decrease after 2 h, and was lower than that of the control group at 4 h and 24 h (P< 0.05). YSL also decreased the mitochondrial transmembrane potential of BEL-7402 cells in vitro, but had no effect on the calcium homeostasis or mitochondrial transmembrane potential of Chang liver hepatocytes. So affecting calcium homeostasis, then inducing apoptosis and necrosis may be a mechanism by which YSL inhibits the tumor growth in animal model.  相似文献   

(1) The receptor mediated endocytosis of homologous LDL by human skin fibroblasts can be significantly enhanced by prior incubation of the cells with sphingolipids. Gangliosides GM1 or GD1a, their desialylated derivatives and sphingosine stimulate binding and uptake to LDL by up to 40% of normal values. The effect is observed in normal fibroblasts, LDL receptor deficient fibroblasts or in tunicamycin-treated cells with a reduced number of functional receptors but is dependent on the time of preincubation of the cells and the concentration of the sphingolipid in the medium. (2) Detailed studies on the ganglioside effect revealed, that cell bound gangliosides intensify the LDL-induced supression of [14C]acetate incorporation into cholesterol. (3) The receptor dependence and relative receptor specificity of the sphingolipid effect is evident from the fact that (a) after complete suppression of receptor synthesis gangliosides fail to stimulate uptake of LDL, that (b) fatty acids or lipids not containing sphingosine are without effect and that (c) the receptor specific internalisation of α2-macroglobulin or epidermal growth factor is not influenced by exogenous sphingolipids.  相似文献   

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