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Slow stretch ramps (velocity: 0.17 fiber lengths s-1) were imposed during fused tetanic contractions of intact muscle fibers of the frog (1.4-3.0 degrees C; sarcomere length: 2.12-2.21 microns). Instantaneous force-extension relations were derived both under isometric conditions and during slow stretch by applying fast (0.2 ms) length steps to the fiber. An increase in tonicity (98 mM sucrose added to control Ringer solution) led to significant reduction of the maximum isometric tension but at the same time to marked increase in the force enhancement during slow stretch. The maximum force level reached during the stretch was affected very little. Experiments on relaxed fibers showed that recruitment of passive parallel elastic components were of no relevance for these effects. Hypertonicity slightly increased the instantaneous stiffness of the active fiber both in the presence and in the absence of stretch. The total extension of the undamped fiber elasticity was considerably reduced by increased tonicity under isometric conditions but was only slightly affected during slow stretch. The change in length of the undamped cross-bride elasticity upon stretch was thus greater in the hypertonic than in the normotonic solution suggesting a greater increase in force per cross-bridge in the hypertonic medium. The contractile effects are consistent with the assumptions that hypertonicity reduces the capability of the individual cross-bridge to produce active force and, furthermore, that hypertonicity has only minor effects on the number of attached cross-bridges and the maximum load-bearing capacity of the individual bridge.  相似文献   

Single fibers from the tibialis anterior muscle of Rana temporaria at 0.8-3.8 degrees C were subjected to long tetani lasting up to 8 s. Stretch of the fiber early in the tetanus caused an enhancement of force above the isometric control level which decayed only slowly and stayed higher throughout the contraction. This residual enhancement was uninfluenced by velocity of stretch and occurred only on the descending limb of the length-tension curve. The absolute magnitude of the effect increased with sarcomere length to a maximum at approximately 2.9 micrometers and then declined. The phenomenon was further characterized by its dependence on the amplitude of stretch. The final force level reached after stretch was usually higher than the isometric force level corresponding to the starting length of the stretch. The possibility that the phenomenon was caused by nonuniformity of sarcomere length along the fiber was examined by (a) laser diffraction studies that showed sarcomere stretch at all locations and (b) studies of 9-10 segments of approximately 0.6-0.7 mm along the entire fiber, which all elongated during stretch. Length-clamped segments showed residual force enhancement after stretch when compared with the tetanus produced by the same segment held at the short length as well as at the long length. It is concluded that residual force enhancement after stretch is a property shown by all individual segments along the fiber.  相似文献   

Tension responses to ramp stretches of 1-3% Lo (fiber length) in amplitude were examined in resting muscle fibers of the rat at temperatures ranging from 10 degrees C to 36 degrees C. Experiments were done using bundles of approximately 10 intact fibers isolated from the extensor digitorum longus (a fast muscle) and the soleus (a slow muscle). At low temperatures (below approximately 20 degrees C), the tension response consisted of an initial rise to a peak during the ramp followed by a complex tension decay to a plateau level; the tension decay occurred at approximately constant sarcomere length. The tension decay after a standard stretch at approximately 3-4.Lo/s contained a fast, an intermediate, and a (small amplitude) slow component, which at 10 degrees C (sarcomere length approximately 2.5 microns) were approximately 2000.s-1, approximately 150.s-1, and approximately 25.s-1 for fast fibers and approximately 2000.s-1, approximately 70.s-1 and approximately 8.s-1 for slow fibers, respectively. The fast component may represent the decay of interfilamentary viscous resistance, and the intermediate component may be due to viscoelasticity in the gap (titin, connectin) filament. The two- to threefold fast-slow muscle difference in the rate of passive tension relaxation (in the intermediate and the slow components) compares with previously reported differences in the speed of their active contractions; this suggests that "passive viscoelasticity" is appropriately matched to contraction speed in different muscle fiber types. At approximately 35 degrees C, the fast and intermediate components of tension relaxation were followed by a delayed tension rise at approximately 10.s-1 (fast fibers) and 2.5.s-1 (slow fibers); the delayed tension rise was accompanied by sarcomere shortening. BDM (5-10 mM) reduced the active twitch and tetanic tension responses and the delayed tension rise at 35 degrees C; the results indicate stretch sensitive activation in mammalian sarcomeres at physiological temperatures.  相似文献   

When activated skeletal muscles are stretched, the force increases significantly. After the stretch, the force decreases and reaches a steady-state level that is higher than the force produced at the corresponding length during purely isometric contractions. This phenomenon, referred to as residual force enhancement, has been observed for more than 50 years, but the mechanism remains elusive, generating considerable debate in the literature. This paper reviews studies performed with single muscle fibres, myofibrils and sarcomeres to investigate the mechanisms of the stretch-induced force enhancement. First, the paper summarizes the characteristics of force enhancement and early hypotheses associated with non-uniformity of sarcomere length. Then, it reviews new evidence suggesting that force enhancement can also be associated with sarcomeric structures. Finally, this paper proposes that force enhancement is caused by: (i) half-sarcomere non-uniformities that will affect the levels of passive forces and overlap between myosin and actin filaments, and (ii) a Ca(2+)-induced stiffness of titin molecules. These mechanisms are compatible with most observations in the literature, and can be tested directly with emerging technologies in the near future.  相似文献   

To demonstrate the most satisfactory way of using electrical activities of respiratory nerves and muscles, activities of phrenic nerve and external intercostal muscle (ICM) and the airway pressure changes generated by respiratory muscle contraction were recorded in anesthetized cats during complete airway occlusion. Electrical activities were rectified, integrated and processed in terms of peak and average inspiratory rates per 0.1 s and of total activity per breath. Peak rate of phrenic nerve activity exhibited a high linear correlation (r = 0.974) with peak inspiratory pressure. Average phrenic rate showed a similar high correlation (r = 0.973). Peak rate of external ICM was linearly related to peak pressure but the correlation was less good (r = 0.915). Total phrenic activity per breath was too dependent upon inspiratory duration to be a satisfactory correlate (r = 0.674). In this experiment occlusion pressure was an index of muscle force generation and respiratory control system output. It is concluded that peak or average rates of phrenic activity provide an electrical index of output changes. On theoretical grounds, peak rate is probably better.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that during repeated long-term stretch-shortening cycle (SSC) exercise the decreased neuromuscular function may result partly from alterations in stiffness regulation. Therefore, interaction between the short latency stretch-reflex component (M1) and muscle stiffness and their influences on muscle performance were investigated before and after long lasting SSC exercise. The test protocol included various jumps on a sledge ergometer. The interpretation of the sensitivity of the reflex was based on the measurements of the patellar reflexes and the M1 reflex components. The peak muscle stiffness was measured indirectly and calculated as a coefficient of the changes in the Achilles tendon force and the muscle length. The fatigue protocol induced a marked impairment of the neuromuscular function in maximal SSC jumps. This was demonstrated by a 14.1%–17.7% (n.s. –P < 0.001) reduction in the mean eccentric forces and a 17.3%–31.8% (n.s. –P < 0.05) reduction in the corresponding M1 area under the electromyograms. Both of these methods of assessing the short latency reflex response showed a clear deterioration in the sensitivity of the reflex after fatigue (P < 0.05–0.001). This was also the case for the eccentric peak stiffness of the soleus muscle which declined immediately after fatigue by 5.4% to 7.1% (n.s. –P < 0.05) depending on the jump condition. The results observed would suggest that the modulation of neural input to the muscle was at least partly of reflex origin from the contracting muscle, and furthermore, that the reduced muscle stiffness which accompanied the decreased reflex sensitivity could have been partly responsible for the weakened muscle performance due to impaired utilization of elastic energy. Accepted: 28 April 1998  相似文献   

Musculo-articular stiffness of the triceps surae (TS) increases with age in prepubescent children, under both passive and active conditions. This study investigates whether these changes in muscle stiffness influence the amplitude of the reflex response to muscle stretch. TS stiffness and reflex activities were measured in 46 children (7-11 yr old) and in 9 adults. The TS Hoffmann reflex (H reflex) and T reflex (tendon jerk) in response to taping the Achilles tendon were evaluated at rest and normalized to the maximal motor response (Mmax). Sinusoidal perturbations of passive or activated muscles were used to evoke stretch reflexes and to measure passive and active musculoarticular stiffness. The children's Hmax-to-Mmax ratio did not change with age and did not differ from adult values. The T-to-Mmax ratio increased with age but remained significantly lower than in adults. Passive stiffness also increased with age and was correlated with the T-to-Mmax ratio. Similarly, the children's stretch reflex and active musculoarticular stiffness were significantly correlated and increased with age. We conclude that prepubescent children have smaller T reflexes and stretch reflexes than adults, and the lower musculoarticular stiffness is mainly responsible for these smaller reflexes, as indicated by the parallel increases in reflex and stiffness.  相似文献   

Non-cross-bridge calcium-dependent stiffness in frog muscle fibers   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
At the end of the force transient elicited by a fast stretch applied to an activated frog muscle fiber, the force settles to a steady level exceeding the isometric level preceding the stretch. We showed previously that this excess of tension, referred to as "static tension," is due to the elongation of some elastic sarcomere structure, outside the cross bridges. The stiffness of this structure, "static stiffness," increased upon stimulation following a time course well distinct from tension and roughly similar to intracellular Ca2+ concentration. In the experiments reported here, we investigated the possible role of Ca2+ in static stiffness by comparing static stiffness measurements in the presence of Ca2+ release inhibitors (D600, Dantrolene, 2H2O) and cross-bridge formation inhibitors [2,3-butanedione monoxime (BDM), hypertonicity]. Both series of agents inhibited tension; however, only D600, Dantrolene, and 2H2O decreased at the same time static stiffness, whereas BDM and hypertonicity left static stiffness unaltered. These results indicate that Ca2+, in addition to promoting cross-bridge formation, increases the stiffness of an (unidentified) elastic structure of the sarcomere. This stiffness increase may help in maintaining the sarcomere length uniformity under conditions of instability. intact muscle fiber; static stiffness; tension inhibitors; titin  相似文献   

Whereas the mechanical behavior of fully activated fibers can be explained by assuming that attached force-producing crossbridges exist in at least two configurations, one exerting more force than the other (Huxley A. F., and R. M. Simmons. 1971. Nature [Lond.]. 233:533-538), and the behavior of relaxed fibers can be explained by assuming a single population of weakly binding rapid-equilibrium crossbridges (Schoenberg, M. 1988. Biophys. J. 54:135-148), it has not been possible to explain the transition between rest and activation in these terms. The difficulty in explaining why, after electrical stimulation of resting intact frog skeletal muscle fibers at 1-5 degrees C, force development lags stiffness development by more than 15 ms has led a number of investigators to postulate additional crossbridge states. However, postulation of an additional crossbridge state will not explain the following three observations: (a) Although the lag between force and stiffness is very different after stimulation, during the redevelopment of force after an extended period of high velocity shortening, and during relaxation of a tetanus, nonetheless, the plots of force versus stiffness in each of these cases are approximately the same. (b) When the lag between stiffness and force during the rising phase of a twitch is changed nearly fourfold by changing temperature, again the plot of force versus stiffness remains essentially unchanged. (c) When a muscle fiber is subjected to a small quick length change, the rate constant for the isometric force recovery is faster when the length change is applied during the rising phase of a tenanus than when it is applied on the plateau. We have been able to explain all the above findings using a model for force production that is similar to the 1971 model of Huxley and Simmons, but which makes the additional assumption that the force-producing transition envisioned by them is a cooperative one, with the back rate constant of the force-producing transition decreasing as more crossbridges attach.  相似文献   

Stiffness and force in activated frog skeletal muscle fibers.   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Single fibers, isolated intact from frog skeletal muscles, were held firmly very near to each end by stiff metal clasps fastened to the tendons. The fibers were then placed horizontally between two steel hooks inserted in eyelets of the tendon clasps. One hook was attached to a capacitance gauge force transducer (resonance frequency up to approximately 50 kHz) and the other was attached to a moving-coil length changer. This allowed us to impose small, rapid releases (complete in less than 0.15 ms) and high frequency oscillations (up to 13 kHz) to one end of a resting or contracting fiber and measure the consequences at the other end with fast time resolution at 4 to 6 degrees C. The stiffness of short fibers (1.8-2.6 mm) was determined directly from the ratio of force to length variations produced by the length changer. The resonance frequency of short fibers was so high (approximately 40 kHz) that intrinsic oscillations were not detectably excited. The stiffness of long fibers, on the other hand, was calculated from measurement of the mechanical resonance frequency of a fiber. Using both short and long fibers, we measured the sinusoids of force at one end of a contracting fiber that were produced by relatively small sinusoidal length changes at the other end. The amplitudes of the sinusoidal length changes were small compared with the size of step changes that produce nonlinear force-extension relations. The sinusoids of force from long fibers changed amplitude and shifted phase with changes in oscillation frequency in a manner expected of a transmission line composed of mass, compliance, and viscosity, similar to that modelled by (Ford, L. E., A. F. Huxley, and R. M. Simmons, 1981, J. Physiol. (Lond.), 311:219-249). A rapid release during the plateau of tetanic tension in short fibers caused a fall in force and stiffness, a relative change in stiffness that putatively was much smaller than that of force. Our results are, for the most part, consistent with the cross-bridge model of force generation proposed by Huxley, A. F., and R. M. Simmons (1971, Nature (Lond.), 213:533-538). However, stiffness in short fibers developed markedly faster than force during the tetanus rise. Thus our findings show the presence of one or more noteworthy cross-bridge states at the onset and during the rise of active tension towards a plateau in that attachment apparently is followed by a relatively long delay before force generation occurs.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

We tested the null hypothesis that theseverity of injury to single muscle fibers following a singlepliometric (lengthening) contraction is not dependent on the velocityof stretch. Each single permeabilized fiber obtained from extensordigitorum longus muscles of rats was maximally activated and thenexposed to a single stretch of either 5, 10, or 20% strain [%of fiber length (Lf)] ata velocity of 0.5, 1.0, or 2.0 Lf /s. Theforce deficit, the difference between maximum tetanic isometric force(Po) before and after the stretch expressed as apercentage of the control value forPo before the stretch, provided anestimate of the magnitude of muscle injury. Despite a fourfold rangefrom the lowest to the highest velocities, force deficits were notdifferent among stretches of the same strain. At stretches of 20%strain, even an eightfold range of velocities produced no difference inthe force deficit, although 40% of the fibers were torn apart at a velocity of 4 Lf /s. We conclude that, withinthe range of velocities tolerated by single permeabilized fibers, theseverity of contraction-induced injury is not related to the velocityof stretch.


Force responses to fast ramp stretches of various amplitude and velocity, applied during tetanic contractions, were measured in single intact fibers from frog tibialis anterior muscle. Experiments were performed at 14 degrees C at approximately 2.1 microm sarcomere length on fibers bathed in Ringer's solution containing various concentrations of 2,3-butanedione monoxime (BDM) to greatly reduce the isometric tension. The fast tension transient produced by the stretch was followed by a period, lasting until relaxation, during which the tension remained constant to a value that greatly exceeded the isometric tension. The excess of tension was termed "static tension," and the ratio between the force and the accompanying sarcomere length change was termed "static stiffness." The static stiffness was independent of the active tension developed by the fiber, and independent of stretch amplitude and stretching velocity in the whole range tested; it increased with sarcomere length in the range 2.1-2.8 microm, to decrease again at longer lengths. Static stiffness increased well ahead of tension during the tetanus rise, and fell ahead of tension during relaxation. These results suggest that activation increased the stiffness of some sarcomeric structure(s) outside the cross-bridges.  相似文献   

Radial stiffness in various conditions of mechanically skinned fibers of semitendinosus muscle of Rana catesbeiana was determined by compressing the fiber with polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP K-30, Mr = 40,000) in incubating solution. The change in width (D) of fibers with increasing and decreasing PVP concentrations was highly reproducible at a range 0-6% PVP. Radial stiffness of relaxed fibers was almost independent of the sarcomere length. On the other hand, radial stiffness of rigor fibers showed a linear relation against the sarcomere length. These results indicate that cross-bridge attachment would be a major factor in the increase of the radial stiffness. Radial stiffness of relaxed and rigor fibers was (2.14 +/- 0.52) X 10(4) N/m2 (mean +/- SD) and (8.76 +/- 2.04) X 10(4) N/m2, respectively, at the relative fiber width (D/D0) of 0.92, where D0 denotes the fiber width in the rigor solution at 0% PVP. Radial stiffness of a fiber in a rigor solution containing pyrophosphate (PPi) was between those of relaxed and rigor fibers, i.e., (4.76 +/- 0.86) X 10(4) N/m2 at D/Do of 0.92. In PPi and rigor solutions, radial stiffness reversibly increased to around 150 and 130%, respectively, in the presence of 10(-6) M Ca2+. To explain these results, especially the Ca2+-induced change in the radial stiffness, some factor in addition to the number of attached cross-bridges has to be taken into account. The variation of radial stiffness under various conditions will be discussed in relation to the possible manner of cross-bridge attachment.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to evaluate active muscle stiffness with the stretch reflex according to changes (in 110-ms period after stretching) in torque and fascicle length during slower angular velocity (peak angular velocity of 100 deg·s−1) in comparison with active muscle stiffness without the stretch reflex (in 60-ms period after stretching) during slower and faster (peak angular velocity of 250 deg·s−1) angular velocities. Active muscle stiffness in the medial gastrocnemius muscle was calculated according to changes in estimated muscle force and fascicle length with slower and faster stretching during submaximal isometric contractions (10–90% maximal voluntary contractions). Active muscle stiffness significantly increased for both angular velocities and analyzed periods as torque levels exerted became higher. The effects of angular velocities and the interaction between angular velocities and torque levels were not significantly different between 250 deg·s−1 (in 60-ms period after stretching) and 100 deg·s−1 (in 110-ms period after stretching) conditions. The effects of the analyzed periods and the interaction between analyzed periods and torque levels were not significantly different between the analyzed periods (60-ms and 110-ms periods after stretching) for the 100 deg·s−1 condition. Furthermore, active muscle stiffness measured during the same angular velocity had significant correlations between those calculated in the different analyzed periods, whereas those under 250 deg·s−1 (60-ms period after stretching) did not correlate with those under 100 deg·s−1 (110-ms period after stretching). These results suggest that active muscle stiffness is not influenced by the stretch reflex.  相似文献   

Objectives:Stretch reflex responses were considered to be affected by the velocity of muscle fiber lengthening and angular velocity. However, the results of previous studies in vivo and in vitro are inconsistent in this regard. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effects of the velocity of fascicle lengthening on the amplitude of the stretch reflex for each trial with a high angular velocity and wide range of motion.Methods:Thirteen healthy men volunteered for this study. While the ankle was passively moved from 100 to 80 deg at five different angular velocities (100, 200, 300, 500, and 600 deg⋅s-1), the velocity of fascicle lengthening in the soleus muscle was measured using ultrasonography. In addition, the amplitude of the short latency stretch reflex in the soleus muscle was also measured.Results:As angular velocity increased, the amplitude of the stretch reflex and velocity of fascicle lengthening significantly increased (both p<0.001). For each trial in all subjects, the amplitude of the stretch reflex was not correlated with the velocity of fascicle lengthening at any of the angular velocities.Conclusion:In conclusion, the stretch reflex size is not related to the fascicle behavior in each trial.  相似文献   

This study aimed to establish whether the temperature-dependent effect of acidification on maximum force observed in mammalian muscles also applies to frog muscle. Measurements of force, stiffness, and unloaded velocity of shortening in intact single muscle fibers from the anterior tibialis muscle of Rana temporaria were performed between 0 and 22°C during fused tetani in H2CO3-CO2-buffered Ringer solution with pH adjusted to 7.0 and 6.3, respectively. The force-to-stiffness ratio increased as a rectilinear function of temperature between 0 and 20°C at pH 7.0. Lowering the pH to 6.3 reduced the tetanic force by 13.5 ± 1.2 and 11.5 ± 1.4% at 2.8 and 20.5°C, respectively, with only a minor reduction in fiber stiffness. The maximum speed of shortening was decreased by lowered pH by 12.9 ± 1.5 and 7.8 ± 1.1% at low and high temperature, respectively. Acidification increased the time to reach 70% of maximum force by 18.0% at 2°C; the same pH change performed at 20°C in the same fibers reduced the rise time by 24.1%. The same increase in the rate of rise of force at high temperature was also found at normal pH after the fibers were fatigued by frequent stimulation. It is concluded that, in frog muscle, the force-depressant effect of acidification does not vary significantly with temperature. By contrast, acidification affects the onset of activation in a manner that is critically dependent on temperature. muscle contraction; pH  相似文献   

Equatorial x-ray diffraction pattern intensities (I10 and I11), fiber stiffness and sarcomere length were measured in single, intact muscle fibers under isometric conditions and during constant velocity (ramp) shortening. At the velocity of unloaded shortening (Vmax) the I10 change accompanying activation was reduced to 50.8% of its isometric value, I11 reduced to 60.7%. If the roughly linear relation between numbers of attached bridges and equatorial signals in the isometric state also applies during shortening, this would predict 51-61% attachment. Stiffness (measured using 4 kHz sinusoidal length oscillations), another putative measure of bridge attachment, was 30% of its isometric value at Vmax. When small step length changes were applied to the preparation (such as used for construction of T1 curves), no equatorial intensity changes could be detected with our present time resolution (5 ms). Therefore, unlike the isometric situation, stiffness and equatorial signals obtained during ramp shortening are not in agreement. This may be a result of a changed crossbridge spatial orientation during shortening, a different average stiffness per attached crossbridge, or a higher proportion of single headed crossbridges during shortening.  相似文献   

Alpha-sarcoglycan (ASG) is a transmembrane protein of the dystrophin-associated complex, and absence of ASG causes limb-girdle muscular dystrophy. We hypothesize that disruption of the sarcoglycan complex may alter muscle extensibility and disrupt the coupling between passive transverse and axial contractile elements in the diaphragm. We determined the length-tension relationships of the diaphragm of young ASG-deficient mice and their controls during uniaxial and biaxial loading. We also determined the isometric contractile properties of the diaphragm muscles from mutant and normal mice in the absence and presence of passive transverse stress. We found that the diaphragm muscles of the null mutants for the protein ASG show 1) significant decrease in muscle extensibility in the directions of the muscle fibers and transverse to fibers, 2) significant reductions in force-generating capacity, and 3) significant reductions in coupling between longitudinal and transverse properties. Thus these findings suggest that the sarcoglycan complex serves a mechanical function in the diaphragm by contributing to muscle passive stiffness and to the modulation of the contractile properties of the muscle.  相似文献   

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