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萧氏松茎象幼虫龄数的估测   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
室内和林间调查的结果表明 ,萧氏松茎象HylobitelusxiaoiZhang幼虫期为 5~ 7龄。该虫在林间以老熟幼虫的前 1龄幼虫 ,即以第 4~ 6龄幼虫越冬 ,其中以 5~ 6龄幼虫为主 ,4龄幼虫仅占少数  相似文献   

萧氏松茎象幼虫的空间分布型和抽样技术   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
萧氏松茎象Hylobitelus xiaoi Zhang是我国近年来发现的危害松林的新害虫。该文利用1wao等7种方法对萧氏松茎象幼虫的空间分布型进行了测定。结果表明,萧氏松茎象幼虫在林间呈聚集分布,且符合负二项分布,由此得出了林间理论抽样数公式,其抽样方式以对角线最佳;其有虫株率与平均虫口密度之间的关系可用冥函数曲线方程:Y=2.916X^0.887来进行描述。  相似文献   

根据萧氏松茎象产卵的生物学特性,用几种涂干剂涂刷湿地松,结果表明:用生石灰、硫磺、水配成的涂干剂防治效果达80%以上,绿色威雷则高达95%,其有效期均长达一年;用前者开展林间大面积防治,防效80%,防治平均成本0.106元.株-1。用乳胶漆把树干涂成不同颜色,结果表明:防治效果可达70%-95%,黑色、褐色的防效高于黄色和白色,萧氏松茎象对颜色的选择更趋向于偏暖的色彩。  相似文献   

为摸清萧氏松茎象Hylobitelus xiaoi zhang受害松林的环境因子特征,应用林地环境因子常规观测方法进行观测,结果表明:8月份受害松林地面平均光照强度、地面温度、距地表20 cm高处温度、5 cm深处土壤温度、70 cm高处蒸发量分别为3748 lx、254℃、271℃、255℃、16 mm,分别比健康松林低948%、70%、46%、59%、273%,受害松林在距地表20 cm高处空气相对湿度为858%,比健康松林高71%。由实验得知,萧氏松茎象受害松林的光照强度、地面温度、空气温度、土壤温度、蒸发量均比健康松林低,空气相对湿度比健康松林高,距地表越近,这一差异就越明显。两类林分中的光照强度、空气温度、土壤温度、空气相对湿度4因子均存在明显差异,是影响萧氏松茎象发生的重要因素。  相似文献   

萧氏松茎象危害与松树松脂量关系研究初报   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
萧氏松茎象HylobitelusxiaoiZhang是近年来暴发性松树害虫 ,主要危害 3种松树 :湿地松 (PinuselliottiiEngelm)、火炬松 (P .taeda)、马尾松 (P .massoniaanaLamb) ,其中以湿地松受害最为严重。为明确萧氏松茎象的危害与松脂流量的关系 ,作者对萧氏松茎象危害前后 3种松树 (湿地松、马尾松、火炬松 )松脂流量变化进行了研究。结果显示 ,在松树受害植株和未受害植株间松脂总流量间存在一定差异 ,其中以马尾松松脂流量变化最大 ,对受害株和未受害株松脂流量t-测验 ,差异达到显著水平 ;而湿地松和火炬松松脂总流量在受害植株和未受害植株间没有显著差异。对上述 3种松树松脂流量随时序动态变化的分析显示 ,松脂流量在 1年中以 5月到 6月之间为松脂流量高峰期 ,此后逐渐下降 ,到 3月中旬以后松脂流量又开始上升。就松脂流量时序动态而言 ,萧氏松茎象为害对马尾松松脂流量影响最大 ,对其它2个松树影响不明显。另外 ,不同松树树种在松脂流量及其时序动态上也存在一定差异 ,其中以马尾松脂流量较高。  相似文献   

萧氏松茎象种群发生与植被盖度的关系   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
在江西赣州发生萧氏松茎象HylobitelusxiaoiZhang危害的松林内 ,对不同虫株率松林灌木层群落多样性和植被盖度进行测定 ,在此基础上对松林的虫株率分 3次 ( 1 1月 ,次年 5月和次年 8月 )进行调查 ,最后结合各调查因子组建了萧氏松茎象种群发生量预测模型 ,植被盖度与虫口密度间存在显著相关性 ,虫口密度随植被盖度降低而减少 ,不同月份间虫口密度间均达到极显著水平。进一步对各因子进行多元回归分析 ,得到线性回归方程 :Y =-2 0 62 6+1 41 7T2 +0 2 3 3T1 -0 1 4 1G ;逐步回归分析得到最优回归方程Y=-0 0 91 1 +1 2 5 82 ,R =0 992 ,P <0 0 1。由逐步回归方程可知 ,次年 5月份虫口密度与次年 8月份虫日密度关系最为密切。  相似文献   

萧氏松茎象的生活史、产卵和取食习性   总被引:39,自引:0,他引:39  
萧氏松茎象Hylobitelus xiaoi是严重蛀害国外松的新害虫。在江西赣南地区两年发生一代,以幼虫在蛀道、成虫在蛹室或土中越冬。卵和蛹的发育起点温度分别为8.4℃和7.5℃,有效积温分别为215.9和345.3日·度。各虫态历期:13~28℃间,卵为52.9~11.4天;13~30℃间,蛹为60.1~16.4天; 25℃恒温下,幼虫128.9天。成虫靠爬行活动,极少飞翔。成虫具夜出性活动节律:即傍晚上树行取食、交配和扩散等活动,早晨回到树干基部或土缝中。成虫需取食松枝作为补充营养,产卵前期46.3天,产卵期 105.3天,卵产于近表土的寄主树皮内,每雌产卵35.7粒。幼虫5~7龄,以幼树危害最烈。  相似文献   

萧氏松茎象线粒体基因组全序列测定与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李国宏  尚娜  魏建荣 《昆虫学报》2012,55(11):1306-1314
象甲是鞘翅目中物种最丰富的类群, 目前关于其线粒体基因组全序列的研究还未见报道。本研究利用长距PCR和引物步移法对萧氏松茎象Hylobitelus xiaoi Zhang线粒体基因组全序列进行了测定。结果显示: 萧氏松茎象线粒体基因组序列全长16 123 bp(GenBank登录号为JX847496), 共编码37个基因和1个非编码的控制区, 基因次序与典型的六足动物线粒体基因排列一致, 未发现基因重排现象。在基因组中两个值得注意的发现分别是: 1)N链上存在1个额外的trnV-like序列, 反密码子为GAC, 长度为69 bp, 其中65 bp与J链上的trnD重叠; 2)trnSUCN和nad1之间存在1个长度为232 bp的基因间隔区。全部13个蛋白质编码基因的起始密码子均为ATN, 9个蛋白质编码基因的终止密码子为TAA, 其余4个蛋白质编码基因中, nad1和cox2的终止密码子为TAG, nad4和nad5则以不完整的终止密码子T作为终止信号。除trnSAGN外, 其余的tRNAs均可形成典型的三叶草结构。而trnSAGN的反密码子由TCT替代GCT, 反密码子臂延长形成9 bp(中间含1个碱基突起), TΨC臂由正常的5 bp变为6 bp, DHU臂缩短仅1 bp, 各个臂之间没有连接碱基。线粒体控制区中包括10处长度不少于5 bp的poly-T(最长poly-T长度为14 bp)和2处微卫星样重复序列 (TA)6和(TA)9。本研究结果为探讨象甲总科在鞘翅目中的系统学地位及其与其他总科间的系统发生关系等问题提供了重要的分子生物学数据。  相似文献   

中黑盲蝽的寄主及其寄主转移的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
刘汉民 《昆虫知识》1991,28(3):140-143
6年的系统调查,揭示了中黑盲蝽在苏北沿海棉区的寄主有19科57种植物。寄主间变化是以成虫随着季节演替或植物性状变化而更换的,在常年间有4个转移高峰,进入棉田繁殖危害的途径有5条。文章就寄主转移与控制为害的关系进行了讨论,并提出狠治一代和重治四代的防治策略。  相似文献   

The biology of the weevil Hylobitelus xiaoi Zhang was studied in both field and laboratory in Shangyou, Jiangxi Province, China. This species required 2 yr to complete one generation with overwintering by adults in pupal chambers and larvae in galleries in the bark of host trees. Adults emerged from early March to early April and fed on the inner bark of branches of the trees. Adults fly little. Adults exhibited a diel periodicity, climbing up the trees around sunset and returning to the tree base the next morning. The mean preovipostion period was 46 d. Oviposition commenced in early May and ended in late August. The average fecundity per female was 36 eggs. Overwintered adult females and males lived 208 and 227 d, respectively. At 25 degrees C, the mean egg incubation period was 13 d. In the field, egg hatch occurred in 12-15 d with 83% survival. There were five to seven instars. At 25 degrees C, duration of the larval stage averaged 129 d. Pupation commenced in late August. At 25 degrees C, pupation averaged 20 d. In the field, pupation required 20-26 d. Transformation to adults occurred from late September to October. New adults remained in the pupal chambers until the next year. Infection by Beauveria bassiana Vuill. occurred in 0.8% of the pupae and 8.8% of the overwintered adults.  相似文献   

Abstract  Fuller's rose weevil (FRW; Pantomorus cervinus ) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), a polyphagous pest of citrus and other horticultural plants, was studied in laboratory assays designed to identify potential semiochemicals from host plants that might be exploited for weevil pest management. Using still-air bioassays, weevils were found to be most attracted to fresh whole lemon leaves compared with cut and/or dried lemon leaves. White clover, an understorey plant in kiwifruit orchards, was also found to be attractive to weevils in the dual-choice tests. Coupled gas chromatography-electrophysiological recording of weevil antennal responses to commercial extracts of lemon leaves indicated that weevils detected at least eight monoterpene components of the oil, i.e. linalool, terpinen-4-ol, nerol, neral, geraniol, geranial, neryl acetate and geranyl acetate. Significant antennal dose–responses were evident to lemon leaf oil, lemon constituent odours and two major green leaf volatiles detected from clover ( Z )-3-hexenol and ( Z )-3-hexenyl acetate. Still-air dual-choice tests on individual chemicals showed significant repellency from seven of the lemon leaf compounds at 500 µg/100 µL (all except geranyl acetate). Weevils were attracted to a synthetic blend consisting of the green leaf volatiles over a range of concentrations (1, 10 and 100 mg/100 µL), as well as to clover leaves. These plant kairomone components may be potentially useful as repellents or attractants for FRW control and management programme.  相似文献   

Cornops aquaticum (Bruner) is host specific on Eichhornia spp. and Pontederia spp. (Pontederiacae). Its present distribution ranges from Mexico to Argentina. The number of juvenile instars (5-7) apparently mirrors the photoperiod and temperature pulses of different climatical conditions in the respective geographical regions. Based on life-history data, three working hypotheses are proposed for forthcoming studies. These will test whether the varying number of juvenile instars represents a phenotypic plasticity of a single genotype or an adaptation that is genetically fixed, due to an evolutionary relationship of the host with its host-plant.  相似文献   

Paleontological Journal - A new genus Rovnoslonik Legalov, Nazarenko and Perkovsky gen. nov. (type species Rovnoslonik damzeni Legalov, Nazarenko and Perkovsky sp. nov.; tribe Stromboscerini,...  相似文献   

Since the erection of the weevil subfamily Baridinae by Schönherr in 1836, no phylogenetic hypothesis using cladistic methods has been proposed for this extraordinarily diverse group. This study provides the first hypothesis for the evolution of Baridinae using phylogenetic methods, including 301 taxa and 113 morphological characters. Despite fairly well‐resolved results, indicating paraphyly of nearly all of the currently recognized intrasubfamilial divisions, no change to the current classification is made. Even though groupings are proposed based on the final results, it is believed that more rigorous analyses need to be made prior to a re‐evaluation and subsequent alteration of the current classification. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010.  相似文献   

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