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Investigations were performed to better understand the carbon economy in the elongation zone of tall fescue leaf blades. Plants were grown at constant 21°C and continuous 300 micromoles per square meter per second photosynthetic photon flux density where leaf elongation was steady for several days. Elongation occurred in the basal 20 mm of the blade (0-20 millimeters above the ligule) and was maximum at 9 to 12 millimeters. Eight 3-millimeter long segments were sampled along the length of the elongation zone and analyzed for water-soluble carbohydrates. Sucrose concentration was high in the zone of cell division (0-6 millimeters) whereas monosaccharide concentration was high at and distal to the location where cell elongation terminated (20 millimeters). Fructan concentration increased in the basal part, then remained constant at about 85% of the total mass of water-soluble carbohydrates through the remainder of the elongation zone. Data on spatial distribution of growth velocities and substance contents (e.g. microgram fructan per millimeter leaf length) were used to calculate local net rates of substance deposition (i.e. excess rates of substance synthesis and/or import over substance degradation and/or export) and local rates of sucrose import. Rates of sucrose import and net deposition of fructan were positively associated with local elongation rate, whereas net rates of sucrose deposition were high in the zone of cell division and those of monosaccharide were high near the termination of elongation. At the location of most active elongation imported sucrose (29.5 milligrams per square decimeter per hour) was used largely for synthesis of structural components (52%) and fructan (41%).  相似文献   

Our objective was to examine alterations in carbohydrate status of leaf meristems that are associated with nitrogen-induced changes in leaf elongation rates of tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.). Dark respiration rates, concentrations of nonstructural carbohydrates, and soluble proteins were measured in leaf intercalary meristems and adjacent segments of elongating leaves. The two genotypes used differed by 43% in leaf elongation rate. Application of high nitrogen (336 kilograms per hectare) resulted in 140% higher leaf elongation rate when compared to plants receiving low nitrogen (22 kilograms per hectare). Leaf meristems of plants receiving high and low nitrogen had dark respiration rates of 5.4 and 2.9 microliters O2 consumed per milligram structural dry weight per hour, respectively. Concentrations of soluble proteins were lower while concentrations of fructan tended to be slightly higher in leaf meristems of low-nitrogen plants when compared to high-nitrogen plants. Concentrations of reducing sugars, nonreducing sugars, and takadiastase-soluble carbohydrate of leaf meristems were not affected by nitrogen treatment. Total nonstructural carbohydrates of leaf meristems averaged 44 and 39% of dry weight for low- and high-nitrogen plants, respectively. Within the leaf meristem, approximately 74 and 34% of the pool of total nonstructural carbohydrate could be consumed per day in high- and low-nitrogen plants, respectively, assuming no carbohydrate import to the meristem occurred. Plants were able to maintain high concentrations of nonstructural carbohydrates in leaf meristems despite a 3-fold range in leaf elongation rates, suggesting that carbohydrate synthesis and transport to leaf intercalary meristems may not limit leaf growth of these genotypes.  相似文献   

Luscher M  Nelson CJ 《Plant physiology》1995,107(4):1419-1425
High concentrations of water-soluble carbohydrates, mainly fructan, accumulate in the growth zone of tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) leaf blades. We studied sucrose-hydrolyzing activities in the leaf growth zone because of their importance in carbohydrate partitioning. Sucrose hydrolysis in the basal 1.5 cm was largely due to fructosyltransferases, which had activities up to 10 times higher than in fully developed leaf tissue. Three fructosyltransferases (F1, F2, and F3) were purified from the leaf growth zone. Each synthesized, from either sucrose or 1-kestose, a mixture of trisaccharides and higher-order oligofructans identical with the low-degree of polymerization fructan extracted from similar plant tissue. The highly purified fructosyltransferases retained ability (13%) to transfer fructose from sucrose to water. Time-dependent and substrate-dependent studies, using sucrose as the substrate, showed proportional production of fructose and glucose, indicating that both products are from the same enzyme. Fructosyltransferase was calculated to contribute about half the total transfer of fructose to water in the basal 1.5 cm. Invertase activity increased to near 2.0 cm when fructosyl transfer to sucrose and other oligofructans decreased. Invertase was the major activity for sucrose hydrolysis at positions distal to 3.0 cm.  相似文献   

Patterns of change in specific leaf weight (SLW), water-solublecarbohydrate (WSC) content and leaf width were used to delineatethe region of secondary cell wall accumulation, and determinethe rate of increase in structural material along a developingleaf blade of tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.). Structuralspecific leaf weight (SSLW) was determined by subtracting WSCmass from dry weight to emphasize structural material. Becausemeristematic activity, cell elongation, and cellular maturationare arranged successively in the grass leaf, these patternsrepresent a developmental sequence through which each segmentof the leaf blade passes. Patterns were generally similar fortwo genotypes, one selected for high (HYT) and the other forlow (LYT) yield per tiller, for a single genotype grown at 17or 25 C, and for two field-grown populations which differedin leaf area expansion rate (LAER). In all three studies, the elongation zone of the developingleaf had 31 to 39 per cent WSC on a dry weight basis. The LYTgenotype had a higher SLW at all stages of development whengrown at 17 than at 25 C, due to greater WSC accumulation.At 20 C, the HYT genotype had a higher SLW all along the elongatingleaf blade than the LYT genotype. This difference was due toa difference in SSLW, while WSC content was similar. The LERwas 64 per cent higher in the high population than the low,but elongation zones were similar in WSC. In all cases, SSLWwas high in the meristematic region, lowest near the distalend of the cell elongation zone, then increased linearly astissue matured. Rate of increase in SSLW was 8.5 and 5.2 g m–2d–1 for the HYT and LYT genotypes, respectively, and 7.6and 6.7 g m–2 d–1 for the high and low LAER populations,respectively. Festuca arundinacea Schreb., tall fescue, specific leaf weight, leaf width, water-soluble carbohydrates, leaf elongation rate  相似文献   

Previous work suggested that cell wall peroxidase activity increased as cells were displaced through the elongation zone in leaf blades of tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.). In this study, two genotypes that differ in length of the elongation zone were used to examine the relationship between peroxidase activity in apoplastic fluid of intact leaf blade segments and the spatial distribution of leaf growth. Apoplastic fluid was extracted by vacuum infiltration and centrifugation, and peroxidase activity was assayed spectrophotometrically. Isoelectric focusing was used to characterize the isoforms of apoplastic peroxidase within the region of elongation and in the region of secondary cell wall deposition, which is distal to the elongation zone. A striking correlation was found in each genotype between both the location and timing of increase in apoplastic peroxidase activity and the onset of growth deceleration. Only cationic isoforms of apoplastic peroxidase could be identified in the elongation zone, whereas additional anionic isoforms appeared in the region of secondary cell wall deposition. We conclude that cessation of elongation growth in tall fescue leaf blades is likely to be related to the secretion of cationic isoforms of peroxidase into the cell wall.  相似文献   

Longitudinal elongation contributes most to leaf area expansionof grasses and its rate is known to be strongly affected byN. Our objective was to determine the effect of two N regimes(N0and N+) on the gradient of leaf tissue formation in meristemsof two contrasting tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.)genotypes. Proportions of epidermal, mesophyll and vasculartissue as well as intercellular air space were determined throughoutthe base of actively elongating leaves. The area of leaf transversesections nearly doubled between the ligule and the distal endof the growth zone (about 30 mm), and was mainly associatedwith lateral epidermal and mesophyll cell division in the proximal5.0–7.5 mm. Further increase in transverse area was dueto the formation of intercellular airspace and transverse expansionof epidermal cells. Depending on genotype and N treatment themesophyll, epidermis, vascular bundles and air space comprised45–54%, 20–28%, 6–9%, and 17–21%, respectively,of transverse leaf area in the distal part of the growth zone.After a slight increase close to the leaf base, the area ofvascular tissue remained constant throughout the growth zone.The proportion of air space to mesophyll space was higher atN0than at N+ because mesophyll area was enhanced by N+ to agreater degree than by N0. In the genotype with slow leaf elongation,the increase in cross-sectional leaf area was due to an increasein both leaf width and leaf thickness. In the genotype whichhad faster leaf elongation and wider leaves, only leaf thicknesswas enhanced by N+. Copyright 2001 Annals of Botany Company Festuca arundinacea(Schreb.), tall fescue, leaf anatomy, growth zone, nitrogen  相似文献   

Maize (Zea mays L.) productivity under drought stress dependsto some extent upon a hybrid's capacity to produce and translocateassimilate to its developing kernels during the stress periodand/or after the stress is relieved. The objective of this studywas to evaluate differences in carbon and nitrogen accumulationand partitioning under drought stress among maize hybrids thatdiffer in yield potential and/or physiological metabolism duringreproductive development. The hybrids B73 x LH38, FS854, B73xMol7and US13 were subjected to drought stress from the 7th leafstage until pollination was completed, at which time the soilof the stressed plots was replenished with water. For d. wtand chemical constituent determinations, plants of each hybridwere harvested from the irrigated and drought stressed plotsat silking, mid-grain fill, and physiological maturity. Averagedover hybrids, vegetative biomass at silking was reduced 25%as a result of the drought stress treatment, with B73 x LH38and FS854 accumulating more total biomass during the later portionof grain fill than the other two hybrids under both soil moisturetreatments. At silking, the total non-structural carbohydratecontent of the hybrids' vegetative tissue was not changed asa result of drought stress, whereas their reduced nitrogen (N)contents were decreased by an average of 33%. B73 x LH38 andFS854 had greater grain carbohydrate and reduced N contentsunder irrigation and smaller decreases in those variables asa result of soil moisture deficit than did the other two hybrids.These results indicate that the greater drought tolerance ofB73 x LH38 and FS854 to stress imposed during vegetative andearly reproductive development resulted from their more activeN uptake and assimilation and sugar production during the laterportion of grain fill and from their more efficient partitioningof assimilate to the developing kernels. Zea mays L., maize, drought stress, nitrogen, carbohydrates, hybrids, partitioning  相似文献   

Maize (Zea mays L. cv. Pioneer 3184) leaf elongation rate was measured diurnally and was related to diurnal changes in the activities of sucrose metabolizing enzymes and carbohydrate content in the elongating portion of the leaf. The rate of leaf elongation was greatest at midday (1300 hours) and was coincident with the maximum assimilate export rate from the distal portion of the leaf. Leaf elongation during the light period accounted for 70% of the total observed increase in leaf length per 24 hour period. Pronounced diurnal fluctuations were observed in the activities of acid and neutral invertase and sucrose phosphate synthase. Maximum activities of sucrose phosphate synthase and acid invertase were observed at 0900 hours, after which activity declined rapidly. The activity of sucrose phosphate synthase was substantially lower than that observed in maize leaf source tissue. Neutral invertase activity was greatest at midday (1200 hours) and was correlated positively with diurnal changes in leaf elongation rate. There was no significant change in the activity of sucrose synthase over the light/dark cycle. Sucrose accumulation rate increased during a period when leaf elongation rate was maximal and beginning to decline. Maximum sucrose concentration was observed at 1500 hours, when the activities of sucrose metabolizing enzymes were low. At no time was there a significant accumulation of hexose sugars. The rate of starch accumulation increased after the maximum sucrose concentration was observed, continuing until the end of the light period. There was no delay in the onset of starch mobilization at the beginning of the dark period, and essentially all of the starch was depleted by the end of the night. Mobilization of starch in the elongating tissue at night could account for a significant proportion of the calculated increase in the tissue dry weight due to growth. Collectively, the results suggested that leaf growth may be controlled by the activities of certain sucrose metabolizing enzymes and may be coordinated with assimilate export from the distal, source portion of the leaf. Results are discussed with reference to diurnal photoassimilation and export in the distal, source portion of the leaf.  相似文献   

The youngest fully expanded leaves of young plants of tall fescue(Festuca arundinacea Schreb. cv. S 170) were allowed to assimilate14CO2 either (a) at the fifth leaf stage immediately beforetransfer from 17/14?C to 7/4?C (non-acclimated), or (b) aftertransfer from 17/14?C to 7/4?C at the fifth leaf stage, andfurther development in 7/4?C of one or two more leaves (acclimationfor one or two plastochrons). Controls were maintained in 17/14?C and allowed to assimilate 14CO2 at the corresponding (fifth,sixth, or seventh) leaf stages. Allocation of 14C amongst sinksand biochemical fractions was analysed during a subsequent periodof growth at 7/4 ?C (cold) or 17/14 ?C (control). Allocationof assimilate to growing parts of the shoot was less than controlsin the non-acclimated plants transferred to the cold and morethan controls in plants acclimated for one plastochron. Afterthe imbalance induced initially by transfer from 17/14?C to7/4 ?C, acclimation for one or two plastochrons brought theallocation amongst sinks and amongst biochemical fates closerto the balance existing in controls. The main shoot and sidetillers differed in the time during acclimation when they becamemore like the controls. The percentage of assimilate in thesoluble carbohydrate fraction of non-acclimated plants and ofplants acclimated for one plastochron, was higher than in controls.The percentage of assimilate in the cell wall fraction was lowerin non-acclimated plants than in controls but the differencefrom controls after two plastochrons acclimation again was less.During the first plastochron after transfer to cold, diversionof assimilate to a reserve pool in sinks could be a factor limitingcell wall synthesis and growth and this limitation may be relievedwhen the reserve pool is ‘full’. Low temperaturereduced the percentage of assimilate in the protein fractionof growing parts of the shoot and the difference was found evenafter two plastochrons acclimation. Key words: Low temperature, metabolism, tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb. cv. S. 170)  相似文献   

Infection by the fungal endophyte Acremonium coenophialum affected the accumulation of inorganic and organic N in leaf blades and leaf sheaths of KY 31 tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) grown under greenhouse conditions. Total soluble amino acid concentrations were increased in either the blade or sheath of the leaf from infected plants. A number of amino acids were significantly increased in the sheath, but only asparagine increased in the blade. Infection resulted in higher sheath NH4+ concentrations, whereas NO3 concentrations decreased in both leaf parts. The effects on amino acid, NO3, and NH4+ concentrations were dependent upon the level of N fertilization and were usually apparent only at the high rate (10 millimolar) of application. Administration of 14CO2 to the leaf blades increased the accumulation of 14C in their amino acid fraction but not in the sheaths of infected plants. This may indicate that infection increased amino acid synthesis in the blade but that translocation to the sheath, which is the site of fungal colonization, was not affected. Glutamine synthetase activity was greater in leaf blades of infected plants at high and low N rates of fertilization, but nitrate reductase activity was not affected in either part of the leaf. Increased activities of glutamine synthetase together with the other observed changes in N accumulation and metabolism in endophyte-infected tall fescue suggest that NH4+ reassimilation could also be affected in the leaf blade.  相似文献   

Ho  L. C.; Adams  P. 《Annals of botany》1994,73(5):539-545
The regulation of the partitioning of dry matter and calciumin relation to fruit growth was investigated in cucumber plantsgrown in the salinity range of 3-8 mS cm-1 in NFT (NutrientFilm Culture), with or without a fruit pruning treatment. Thedry weight gain of the plants was proportional to the outdoorintegral irradiance, with a common daily rate of 1 g MJ-1 m-2in two crops grown under summer (18 MJ m-2 d-1) and autumn (7MJ m-2 d-1) conditions. Within the salinity range studied, thereduction of plant dry weight was 9% mS-1 cm-1. However, fruitdry weight was only reduced at salinities above 5·5 mScm-1, although the daily dry matter accumulation by fruit, asa percentage of total dry matter accumulation, was increased.Salinity reduced the dry matter accumulation in the young shootproportionally more than in the fruit. Although the total plantCa content was reduced by 13% mS-1 cm-1, the Ca content of theyoung shoot was reduced by 16·6%, compared to 11% inthe fruit. Pruning fruit reduced neither plant dry weight norCa uptake. The growth of the remaining fruit, and to a lesserdegree of the young shoot, accounted for all surplus assimilates.Thus, fruit were the dominant sinks for assimilates whilst themature leaves were the strongest sinks for Ca. Nevertheless,the fruit sustained the capacity to import Ca better than theyoung shoot, when supplies of both assimilates and Ca were reducedby high salinity.Copyright 1994, 1999 Academic Press Cucumber, Cucumis sativus L., salinity, fruit pruning, dry matter and calcium  相似文献   

Superior growth and persistence has been reported in endophyte-infectedgrasses; however, findings may have been confounded by experimentconditions including plant genotype. A controUed-environmentstudy was designed to address some growth characteristics offour tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) accessions asinfluenced by endophyte (Acremonium coenophiahim Morgan-Joneset Gams) and water regime. Endophyte-infected plants were collected,vegetatively propagated and some treated with propiconazole(11 kg a.i. ha–1) to develop non-infected isolines ofeach accession. The phenotypically diverse accessions, eachrepresented by infected and non-infected isolines, were grownwith adequate (–0–03 MPa), or a series of deficit(<–1·5 MPa) and recovery water regimes, replicatedthree times. Plant growth characteristics were measured during(leaf elongation and tillering) and upon conclusion (phytomassproduction, tillering, and leaf area) of the study. Leaf elongation,as a function of leaf length, was significantly different amongaccessions, and generally decreased with water deficit althoughsome non-infected isolines were not affected. Water deficitdepressed tiller production in virtually all accessions whileendophyte effects depended upon accession. Leaf blade yieldwas not significantly influenced by endophyte status or interactionof endophyte, with water regime and accession; however, pseudostem(stem base and leaf sheath), root and dead leaf yields wereaffected in some cases. Non-structural carbohydrate concentrationin all plant parts except roots, was decreased by water deficit,whereas root non-structural carbohydrate concentration tendedto increase with water deficit. Non-structural carbohydratesof all plant parts was not influenced by endophyte status. Tallfescue-endophyte association responses vary due to genotype,therefore a simple generalization of endophyte impact upon tallfescue productivity and persistence is not possible based uponthe results of this study Festuca arundinacea Schreb., Acremonium coenophiahim Morgan-Jones et Gams, leaf elongation, phytomass production, tillering, water deficit, non-structural carbohydrate  相似文献   

We previously reported that the net photosynthetic rate of a decaploid genotype (I-16-2) of tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) was 32 to 41 versus 22 milligrams CO2 per square decimeter per hour in a hexaploid genotype (V6-802) (Randall, Nelson, Asay Plant Physiol 59: 38-41). The high rate was later correlated with increases in total ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase protein (17%) and activity (27%) (Joseph, Randall, Nelson Plant Physiol 68: 894-898). This report characterizes photosynthesis with respect to light saturation and early products of photosynthesis in an attempt to identify regulatory metabolic site(s) in these two genotypes. Analysis of the early products of photosynthesis indicated that both genotypes fixed CO2 via the Calvin-Benson cycle with phosphoglyceric acid as the initial primary product. Both genotypes had similar 14C-labeled intermediates. Sucrose was the primary sink of 14CO2 assimilation. After 10 min of 14CO2 assimilation with attached leaves, sucrose accounted for 89% (decaploid) and 81% (hexaploid) of the total 14C incorporated. In 10 min, this amounted to 1.3 (decaploid) and 0.8 (hexaploid) μmol [14C]sucrose formed g fresh weight−1 and reflected the observed differences in photosynthetic rates. There was limited labeling of starch (1%) and fructan (1%). Results of total nonstructural carbohydrates and Pi analysis also demonstrated sucrose was the predominant carbohydrate in fescue leaves. Quantitative differences in sucrose and Pi between the two genotypes may reflect changes in partitioning and this possibility is discussed.  相似文献   

ROBINSON  DAVID 《Annals of botany》1986,58(6):841-848
Equations are derived relating relative growth rate (RGR) toroot:shoot ratio, root length, nitrogen inflow rate, leaf area,photosynthesis and carbon and nitrogen concentrations in theplant. The extents to which changes in specific root lengthand root: shoot ratio can compensate for the effects of lowN availability upon RGR are examined. Such responses could haveseveral compensatory functions: maximizing RGR; maintaininggrowth in which the activities of root and shoot limit RGR equally;and maximizing the efficiency of increase in RGR. Growth, nitrogen, carbon, dry matter, partitioning, root:shoot ratio, relative growth rate  相似文献   

Dry Matter Partitioning in Tomato: Validation of a Dynamic Simulation Model   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
HEUVELINK  E. 《Annals of botany》1996,77(1):71-80
A model for dynamic simulation of dry matter distribution betweenreproductive and vegetative plant parts and the distributionamong individual fruit trusses in glasshouse tomato, is validated.The model is part of the crop growth model TOMSIM and is basedon the hypothesis that dry matter distribution is regulatedby the sink strengths of the plant organs, quantified by theirpotential growth rates, i.e. the growth rates at non-limitingassimilate supply. Within the plant, individual fruit trussesare distinguished and sink strength of a truss is describedas a function of its development stage. Truss development rateis a function of temperature only. The same potential growthcurve, proportional to the number of fruits per truss, is adoptedfor all trusses. In a simple version of the model, vegetativeplant parts are lumped together as one sink with a constantsink strength. In a more detailed version, vegetative sink strengthis calculated as the sum of sink strengths of vegetative units(three leaves and stem internodes between two trusses). The model was validated for six glasshouse experiments, coveringeffects of planting date, plant density, number of fruits pertruss (pruning at anthesis), truss removal (every second trussremoved at anthesis), single- and double-shoot plants and atemperature experiment conducted in climate rooms at 17, 20or 23 °C. Daily increase in above-ground dry weight, averagedaily temperatures and number of set fruits per truss were inputsto the model. Both the simple and the more detailed model showedgood agreement between measured and simulated fraction of drymatter partitioned into the fruits over time. For the simpleversion of the model, the slope of the lines relating simulatedto measured fraction partitioned into the fruits (16 data sets),varied between 0.92 and 1.11, on average it was 1.04, implying4% over-estimation for this fraction. For the detailed modelthese numbers were slightly better: 0.89, 1.08 and 1.01, respectively.The temperature experiment revealed no important direct influenceof temperature on the ratio between generative and vegetativesink strength. Simulated truss growth curves showed reasonableagreement with the measurements, although both models over-estimated(17% on average) final dry weight of the lower trusses (truss1 –3) on a plant. Modelling dry matter partitioning basedon sink strengths of organs is promising, as it is a general,dynamic and flexible approach, showing good agreement betweenmeasurements and simulation for a range of conditions. Applicabilityof the model is, however, still limited as long as the numberof fruits per truss (flower and /or fruit abortion) is not simulated,as this is a major feedback mechanism in plant growth. Dry matter distribution; sink strength; glasshouse; model; partitioning; simulation; temperature; tomato; TOMSIM; validation  相似文献   

The leaf extension rate (LER) of tall fescue (Festuca arundinaceaSchreb.) was studied in the field under various nitrogen andtemperature regimes. The LER was closely related to temperaturewhen N was not limiting plant growth. Two distinct relationshipsbetween the LER and the temperature were obtained, one for vegetativegrowth and one for the reproductive period. These relationships,described by a Gompertz function, were exponential at temperaturesbelow 8 °C and linear at temperatures above 8 °C. Theymade possible the calculation of an optimal LER correspondingto non-limiting N conditions for plant growth. The strong influence of the temperature on the LER was stillobserved under N limiting conditions. The N status of the swardswas described by the ratio between the actual N content (Nactual)and the optimal N content (Noptimal). The Noptimal was definedas the N content experienced at a non-limiting level of N nutritionbut without N luxury consumption. The Noptimal, expressed asa function of dry matter yield, declined during growth. Theeffect of the N status of the swards on the LER was analysedby calculating the ratio between the actual LER and the optimalLER, and relating it to the ratio between Nactual and Noptimal.It was shown that these two ratios were highly correlated. Leaf extension, Festuca arundinacea, nitrogen, temperature  相似文献   

Caloin  M. 《Annals of botany》1994,73(6):665-669
The dry matter partitioning in vegetative plants of Dactylisglomerata was studied from experiments performed in controlledenvironments. Plants were grown hydroponically in growth chambers,at two constant temperatures (17 and 25 °C). In both experimentsthe root fraction decreased regularly with time, an effect thatwas more accentuated in the higher temperature regime. In orderto explain the change in dry matter partitioning, the experimentalshoot and root growth were analysed using a carbon budget modelwhich includes shoot and root maintenance requirements. Themodel predicts a relationship between the root specific growthrate and the product of shoot specific growth rate and shootto root dry weight ratio. In the range of experimental accuracy,this relationship was found to be linear at both temperatures,which should indicate that the partitioning coefficients andthe root maintenance coefficient remained constant during vegetativegrowth. The effect of temperature on the value of these coefficientscan be specified from a linear regression analysis. Between17 and 25 °C, the root maintenance coefficient increasedby about a factor of two, whereas the partitioning coefficientsdid not vary significantly. On the basis of these results, itwas shown that the decrease in root fraction during vegetativegrowth should be mainly attributed to the decrease in net specificactivity of shoots.Copyright 1994, 1999 Academic Press Dactylis glomerata L., vegetative growth, model, partitioning, root:shoot ratio, shoot specific activity, maintenance requirements  相似文献   

The effect of low phosphate supply (low P) was determined on the diurnal changes in the rate of carbon export, and on the contents of starch, sucrose, glucose, and fructose 2,6-bisphosphate (F2,6BP) in leaves. Low-P effects on the activities of a number of enzymes involved in starch and sucrose metabolism were also measured. Sugar beets (Beta vulgaris L. cv. F58-554H1) were cultured hydroponically in growth chambers and the low-P treatment induced nutritionally. Low-P treatment decreased carbon export from the leaf much more than it decreased photosynthesis. At growth chamber photon flux density, low P decreased carbon export by 34% in light; in darkness, export rates fell but more so in the control so that the average rate in darkness was higher in low-P leaves. Low P increased starch, sucrose, and glucose contents per leaf area, and decreased F2, 6BP. The total extractable activities of enzymes involved in starch and sucrose synthesis were increased markedly by low P, e.g. adenosine 5-diphosphoglucose pyrophosphorylase, cytoplasmic fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase, uridine 5-diphosphoglucose pyrophosphorylase, and sucrose-phosphate synthase. The activities of some enzymes involved in starch and sucrose breakdown were also increased by low P. We propose that plants adapt to low-P environments by increasing the total activities of several phosphatases and by increasing the concentrations of phosphate-free carbon compounds at the expense of sugar phosphates, thereby conserving Pi. The partitioning of carbon among the various carbon pools in low-P adapted leaves appears to be determined in part by the relative capacities of the enzymes for starch and sucrose metabolism.  相似文献   

BIEMOND  H.; VOS  J. 《Annals of botany》1992,70(1):37-45
Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) were planted in pots in a temperature-controlledglasshouse The treatments consisted of three levels of nitrogensupply, ie 25, 8 and 16 g N per pot (treatments called N1, N2and N3) The accumulation rates of dry matter and nitrogen showedan upper limit of response to nitrogen supply, N3 plants continuedto accumulate dry matter and N at a constant rate for a longerperiod of time than N2 and N1 plants The uptake of nitrogenslowed earlier in time than the rate of dry matter accumulationin all treatments. The proportion of the dry matter in tubersof mature plants was not affected by nitrogen treatment, butthe start of tuber bulking was delayed in the N3 plants Thefinal proportion of total plant nitrogen in the tubers was similarfor all treatments The concentration of nitrogen in the drymatter of mature plants increased with the level of N supplyMaximum haulm weight increased with the level of N supply Apicallateral branches of the first and second order made up largerproportions of the total haulm dry weight and total leaf areaas more nitrogen was supplied. Yet, the distribution of drymatter over stems and leaves was not different between nitrogentreatments Stems were the most responsive to N treatment interms of N concentrations In each of the component organs (stems, leaves, tubers) theconcentration of nitrogen declined with time Fairly strong associationswere observed between the concentrations of N in component organs.The concentration of nitrate in leaves usually increased initiallywith leaf age, peaked and declined. A substantial part of thedifferences between treatments in the concentrations of N inleaf dry matter were attributable to differences in nitrateconcentration Nitrate in stems and tubers fell virtually belowthe limit of detection at total nitrogen concentrations of lessthan 1%, but increased in proportion to total N above that threshold,especially in stems Potato, Solanum tuberosum L, dry matter production, dry matter distribution, nitrogen nutrition, nitrogen distribution, nitrogen concentration  相似文献   

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