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Captive white-throated sparrows (Zonotrichia albicollis), held under a natural photoperiod, were pair tested to evaluate dominance and aggressiveness in relation to plasma androgen levels and plumage morphology. Androgen levels were determined in November, 1 week before behavioral testing began; in January, at the conclusion of behavioral testing; and again in March. November plasma androgen levels of captive birds did not differ from those of a group of feral birds and were greater than androgen levels in January and March. Androgen levels of male and female white-striped and tan-striped birds did not differ for any collection date. November plasma A levels were significantly positively correlated with the display of aggressive behaviors by test birds and were inversely correlated, though not significantly, with hierarchy position. Plasma androgen levels determined in January and March were not related to aggressiveness or dominance. These data suggest that circulating androgens and morphological characters may act synergistically, at the onset of flock formation, to influence avian winter dominance hierarchies.  相似文献   

《Hormones and behavior》2010,57(5):510-518
In the polymorphic white-throated sparrow (Zonotrichia albicollis), tan-striped males provision nestlings at higher rates than do white-striped males. In a previous study, we found that tan-striped males had lower baseline corticosterone levels than white-striped males during the nestling stage. To determine if this variation in corticosterone influences morph-specific differences in nestling provisioning behavior, we used intraperitoneal osmotic pumps to increase baseline corticosterone levels in tan-striped males (TS CORT) and administer RU486, a glucocorticoid receptor antagonist, in white-striped males (WS RU486). These manipulations essentially reversed morph-specific nestling provisioning behavior in males. TS CORT males fed nestlings at lower rates than TS controls (vehicle-only implant), and at similar rates to WS controls (vehicle-only implant), while WS RU486 males fed nestlings at higher rates than WS controls, and at similar rates to TS controls. These results demonstrate that (1) increases in baseline corticosterone (i.e., below concentrations associated with the adrenocortical response to stress) can directly or indirectly inhibit nestling provisioning behavior, and (2) corticosterone influences morph-specific variation in parental behavior in male white-throated sparrows. This study contributes to the growing evidence that modulating baseline CORT mediates parental care and self-maintenance activities in birds, and thus may serve as a mechanism for balancing current reproductive success with survival.  相似文献   

Many vertebrate species exhibit alternative phenotypes (or morphs), in which one sex displays phenotypic variation equal to or greater than the variation between the sexes. Males in such species typically display differences in reproductive strategies and morphology. Steroid hormones such as testosterone are known modulators of reproductive behavior and morphology and therefore are obvious candidates for the mediation of phenotypic differences between morphs. We conducted a year-round study in the white-throated sparrow (Zonotrichia albicollis) that exhibits alternative phenotypes in plumage coloration and behavior in both sexes: during the breeding season, white-striped males and females are more aggressive and have higher song rates than tan-striped individuals. At the beginning of the breeding season, free-living white-striped males had higher plasma testosterone concentrations than tan-striped males. However, this finding might have been due to different social experiences because captive male morphs sampled at similar times of year did not differ in testosterone concentrations. Captive white-striped males had larger testis and cloacal protuberance sizes than tan-striped males, which might be related to the divergent mating strategies of the morphs. Male morphs showed similar increases in luteinizing hormone following injections of gonadotropin-releasing hormone, but white-striped males showed larger increases in testosterone, indicating differences between morphs in gonadal testosterone production. Females had low concentrations of testosterone, and morphs did not differ. Plasma dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) concentrations were elevated in both sexes and morphs during the breeding and non-breeding seasons. These data do not support the hypothesis that testosterone activates behavioral differences between alternative phenotypes in the white-throated sparrow. Alternative testable hypotheses include hormonal effects during early development and direct genetic effects.  相似文献   

Inversion polymorphisms have been linked to a variety of fundamental biological and evolutionary processes. Yet few studies have used large-scale genomic sequencing to directly compare the haplotypes associated with the standard and inverted chromosome arrangements. Here we describe the targeted genomic sequencing and comparison of haplotypes representing alternative arrangements of a common inversion polymorphism linked to a suite of phenotypes in the white-throated sparrow (Zonotrichia albicollis). More than 7.4 Mb of genomic sequence was generated and assembled from both the standard (ZAL2) and inverted (ZAL2(m)) arrangements. Sequencing of a pair of inversion breakpoints led to the identification of a ZAL2-specific segmental duplication, as well as evidence of breakpoint reusage. Comparison of the haplotype-based sequence assemblies revealed low genetic differentiation outside versus inside the inversion indicative of historical patterns of gene flow and suppressed recombination between ZAL2 and ZAL2(m). Finally, despite ZAL2(m) being maintained in a near constant state of heterozygosity, no signatures of genetic degeneration were detected on this chromosome. Overall, these results provide important insights into the genomic attributes of an inversion polymorphism linked to mate choice and variation in social behavior.  相似文献   

Cranial kinesis in sparrows refers to the rotation of the upper jaw around its kinetic joint with the braincase. Avian jaw mechanics may involve the coupled motions of upper and lower jaws, in which the postorbital ligament transfers forces from the lower jaw, through the quadrate, pterygoid, and jugal bones, to the upper jaw. Alternatively, jaw motions may be uncoupled, with the upper jaw moving independently of the lower jaw. We tested hypotheses of cranial kinesis through the use of quantitative computer models. We present a biomechanical model of avian jaw kinetics that predicts the motions of the jaws under assumptions of both a coupled and an uncoupled mechanism. In addition, the model predicts jaw motions under conditions of force transfer by either the jugal or the pterygoid bones. Thus four alternative models may be tested using the proposed model (coupled jugal, coupled pterygoid, uncoupled jugal, uncoupled pterygoid). All models are based on the mechanics of four-bar linkages and lever systems and use morphometric data on cranial structure as the basis for predicting cranial movements. Predictions of cranial motions are tested by comparison to kinematics of white-throated sparrows (Zonotrichia albicollis) during singing. The predicted relations between jaw motions for the coupled model are significantly different from video observations. We conclude that the upper and lower jaws are not coupled in white-throated sparrows. The range of jaw motions during song is consistent with a model in which independent contractions of upper and lower jaw muscles control beak motion. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

L Y Huynh  D L Maney  J W Thomas 《Heredity》2011,106(4):537-546
Chromosomal inversions have been of long-standing interest to geneticists because they are capable of suppressing recombination and facilitating the formation of adaptive gene complexes. An exceptional inversion polymorphism (ZAL2m) in the white-throated sparrow (Zonotrichia albicollis) is linked to variation in plumage, social behavior and mate choice, and is maintained in the population by negative assortative mating. The ZAL2m polymorphism is a complex inversion spanning >100 Mb and has been proposed to be a strong suppressor of recombination, as well as a potential model for studying neo-sex chromosome evolution. To quantify and evaluate these features of the ZAL2m polymorphism, we generated sequence from 8 ZAL2m and 16 ZAL2 chromosomes at 58 loci inside and 4 loci outside the inversion. Inside the inversion we found that recombination was completely suppressed between ZAL2 and ZAL2m, resulting in uniformly high levels of genetic differentiation (FST=0.94), the formation of two distinct haplotype groups representing the alternate chromosome arrangements and extensive linkage disequilibrium spanning ∼104 Mb within the inversion, whereas gene flow was not suppressed outside the inversion. Finally, although ZAL2m homozygotes are exceedingly rare in the population, occurring at a frequency of <1%, we detected evidence of historical recombination between ZAL2m chromosomes inside the inversion, refuting its potential status as a non-recombining autosome.  相似文献   

Plasma binding globulins bind steroid hormones and are thought to regulate hormone access to tissues. Mammals have both sex steroid binding globulin (SSBG) and corticosteroid binding globulin (CBG). Birds, however, have no detectable SSBG, leading to the early conclusion that birds have no plasma regulation of sex steroids. CBG, however, can bind androgens with relatively high affinity. In birds, therefore, the control of androgenic effects may be tightly regulated by glucocorticoid physiology because glucocorticoids compete with androgens for CBG binding sites. We report levels of total testosterone (T), total corticosterone, CBG, and estimated free T in the males, the more aggressive morph had higher levels of total T; female morphs did not differ. Approximately 96% of T was bound to CBG, but a lack of morph or sex-specific differences in corticosterone titers or CBG capacity caused patterns of free T to mirror those of total T. While CBG has the potential to greatly influence T availability to tissues, in this species interactions between T, CBG and corticosterone do not appear to alter general patterns of T availability to tissues.  相似文献   

Aim Ecological factors that vary along spatial scales can greatly influence the outcome of evolution. However, often it is difficult for researchers to identify significant ecological variables that might be associated with the geographical distribution of phenotypes and genotypes in nature. In this paper, we use remote sensing image texture analyses to investigate breeding territories of the white‐throated sparrow (Zonotrichia albicollis), a polymorphic passerine species that has been shown to segregate spatially according to morph. Our aim was to examine how an integrative measure of landscape feature, such as image texture, could be used to distinguish subtle differences in habitat use and, presumably, habitat selection. Location A population of white‐throated sparrows located 1.5 miles east of the Cranberry Lake Biological Station in the Adirondack Mountains of St Lawrence County, New York, was used in this study; the study site itself was approximately 1 km2. Methods We analysed 27 territories (16 white males; 11 tan males) to determine if image texture can be used to distinguish differences in vegetation and structure in territories of the two colour morphs. First (variance)‐ and second (homogeneity)‐order image texture measurements with three different window sizes were derived using the green, red, and near infrared bands of Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) data. Texture was then placed into t‐tests to determine statistical differences between the territories of the two male morphs. Results Significant differences between the territories of the two morphs were found in both variance and homogeneity texture measures in the red and green ASTER bands in all three window sizes. There were no differences with any near infrared texture measures. Main conclusions Examination of first‐ and second‐order statistical measures indicated that the territories of tan males have significantly more spectral variance than the territories of white males, while white males’ territories are significantly more homogeneous. These findings are consistent with the previous finding of the morphs settling in ‘high’ and ‘low’ neighbour density habitats that differ with respect to the amount of useable area on their borders. Previous study has also suggested that white and tan male territories differ according to overall landscape structure, not vegetation composition. Therefore, we suggest that red and green spectra may be more useful when examining differences in territory structure and possibly territory quality of similar edge‐type species. Our results suggest that image texture is a useful tool for ecological and evolutionary modelling of the distributions of phenotypes/genotypes across landscapes.  相似文献   

Variation in social behavior and plumage in the white-throated sparrow (Zonotrichia albicollis) is linked to an inversion polymorphism on chromosome 2. Here we report the results of our comparative cytogenetic mapping efforts and population genetics studies focused on the genomic characterization of this balanced chromosomal polymorphism. Comparative chromosome painting and cytogenetic mapping of 15 zebra finch BAC clones to the standard (ZAL2) and alternative (ZAL2(m)) arrangements revealed that this chromosome is orthologous to chicken chromosome 3, and that at a minimum, ZAL2 and ZAL2(m) differ by a pair of included pericentric inversions that we estimate span at least 98 Mb. Population-based sequencing and genotyping of multiple loci demonstrated that ZAL2(m) suppresses recombination in the heterokaryotype and is evolving as a rare nonrecombining autosomal segment of the genome. In addition, we estimate that the first inversion within the ZAL2(m) arrangement originated 2.2+/-0.3 million years ago. Finally, while previously recognized as a genetic model for the evolution of social behavior, we found that the ZAL2/ZAL2(m) polymorphism also shares genetic and phenotypic features with the mouse t complex and we further suggest that the ZAL2/ZAL2(m) polymorphism is a heretofore unrecognized model for the early stages of sex chromosome evolution.  相似文献   

Circadian variations in concentrations of plasma corticosterone were investigated in the white-throated sparrow maintained on short (10-hr) or long (16-hr) daily photoperiods. In addition, the plasma concentrations of corticosterone were determined throughout a day in birds that were in the reproductively photosensitive spring migratory condition, the reproductively photorefractory post nuptial molt condition, and the fall migratory condition. Distinct unimodal rhythms were found in photosensitive birds. The daily rise occurred 12 hr after the offset of light in birds kept on both the short and the long photoperiodic regimens. There was no discernible daily variation in photorefractory birds kept on a 16 hr daily photoperiod and there was a bimodal rhythm in the birds that were in the fall migratory condition. The results are consistent with an hypothesis that assigns an important role to the circadian rhythm of corticosteroid concentration in the photoperiodic mechanism controlling seasonal reproductive and migratory conditions in the white-throated sparrow.  相似文献   

Supplemental feeding of a wintering population of 132 white-throated sparrows was suspended in midwinter to determine characteristics associated with the tendency to remain within previously established home ranges after a drop in food levels. Site-faithful birds tended to be dominant, to have high levels of subcutaneous fat and to reside in certain regions of the study area. The high site fidelity of dominant sparrows reaffirms the importance of dominance in structuring populations.  相似文献   

Intraspecific competition can influence refuelling at migration stopover sites. White‐throated sparrows Zonotrichia albicollis have genetically‐determined plumage morphs that differ in dominance behaviour and competitive abilities. This study examines the effects of plumage morph, sex and age, three likely indicators of competitive ability, on fall migration timing, body composition, and refuelling rates during stopover at Long Point, Ontario. We used quantitative magnetic resonance analysis and plasma metabolite profiling to determine body composition and refuelling rates, respectively. We determined sex and plumage morph genetically. Competitive ability did not influence migration timing. Controlling for structural size, males had larger lean mass than females, but we found no differences in body fat or lean mass between plumage morphs. Plasma metabolite concentrations indicated that the aggressive white‐stripe morph refuelled faster than the less aggressive tan‐stripe morph, though there were no differences among sex and age groups. We suggest that increased refuelling rates did not result in increased fat or lean mass because 1) individuals categorised as less competitive had longer stopover durations to compensate for slower refuelling rates; or 2) costs of behaving more competitively offset gains from faster refuelling rates.  相似文献   

Migrant white-throated sparrows (Zonotrichia albicollis) were released from boxes carried aloft by balloon and tracked with radar. All birds were released on clear nights when winds were light and opposed to the normal migration direction for the season. Birds were treated in one of two ways: Lens birds were fitted with frosted lenses prior to release; No Lens birds were released without lenses. No Lens birds that engaged in straight and level flight generally headed in the predicted migratory direction and as a group were not oriented with respect to wind direction. Lens birds did not head in the predicted migratory direction, but instead oriented downwind. This orientation behaviour is consistent with the relationship of orientation cues inferred from the field observations described in part I of this paper. The data show that flying birds deprived of all detailed form vision can determine wind direction.  相似文献   

To see if genetic differences correlate with differences in agonistic behavior, 225 encounters within and between color morphs of the white-throated sparrow (Zonotrichia albicollis) were observed in feeding groups of different sizes and morphic compositions. Tan morphs lack the M chromosome that replaces either of two chromosomes in the white morph. The data were analysed using quantitative models accounting for the proportions of morphs present, and the principal finding was that morphs are equally frequent recipients of aggression but the white morph was the aggressor more frequently than by chance expectation — regardless of the morph of the recipient, the size of the group or the morphic composition of the group.  相似文献   

Interspecific differences in the neuropeptide systems of the lateral septum (LS) often parallel differences in social behavior. In rodents, some closely related species that differ in aggressive behavior also differ according to the level of vasopressin (VP) innervation of the LS. In songbirds, the neuropeptides vasotocin (VT) and vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) affect aggression when administered directly to the LS. Here, we tested whether the density of VT or VIP innervation of the LS reflects patterns of intraspecific behavioral polymorphism in male and female white-throated sparrows (Zonotrichia albicollis), in which the "white-stripe" (WS) morph behaves more aggressively than the "tan-stripe" (TS) morph. We found that the WS birds had more VT-immunoreactivity (IR) than the TS birds in the ventrolateral subdivision of the caudal LS (LSc.vl) and in the medial portion of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BSTm). In addition, the TS birds had more densely stained VIP-IR in the LSc.vl than the WS birds. Males had more VT-IR than females in the LSc.vl and BSTm, and more VIP-IR in the LSc.vl. We also report sex and morph differences in VIP-IR in the basal hypothalamus, where VIP is synthesized and released into the portal vasculature. Males had nearly twice as many VIP-immunoreactive (ir) neurons in the infundibular nucleus than did females, and birds of the WS morph had more densely stained VIP-IR in the median eminence than TS birds. Our results support the hypothesis that differences in these neuropeptide systems underlie inter- and intraspecific differences in social behavior across vertebrates.  相似文献   

White-throated sparrows increase fat deposits during pre-migratory periods and rely on these fat stores to fuel migration. Adipose tissue produces hormones and signaling factors in a rhythmic fashion and may be controlled by a clock in adipose tissue or driven by a master clock in the brain. The master clock may convey photoperiodic information from the environment to adipose tissue to facilitate pre-migratory fattening, and adipose tissue may, in turn, release adipokines to indicate the extent of fat energy stores. Here, we present evidence that a change in signal from the adipokines adiponectin and visfatin may act to indicate body condition, thereby influencing an individual''s decision to commence migratory flight, or to delay until adequate fat stores are acquired. We quantified plasma adiponectin and visfatin levels across the day in captive birds held under constant photoperiod. The circadian profiles of plasma adiponectin in non-migrating birds were approximately inverse the profiles from migrating birds. Adiponectin levels were positively correlated to body fat, and body fat was inversely related to the appearance of nocturnal migratory restlessness. Visfatin levels were constant across the day and did not correlate with fat deposits; however, a reduction in plasma visfatin concentration occurred during the migratory period. The data suggest that a significant change in the biological control of adipokine expression exists between the two migratory conditions and we propose a role for adiponectin, visfatin and adipose clocks in the regulation of migratory behaviors.  相似文献   

Most work investigating modulation of testosterone (T) levels in birds has focused on northern temperate and Arctic species, and to a lesser degree, tropical species. Studies exploring modulation of T in birds in temperate regions of the Southern Hemisphere are lacking. Here we explore patterns of T secretion across the breeding season in two populations of temperate Zonotrichia capensis in Chile, located only 130 km apart, but separated by 2000 m in elevation. We then compared these T profiles to those of conspecifcs in the tropics and congeners in northern zones. We measured baseline T levels during pre-breeding in lowland Z. c. chilensis, early breeding in highland Z. c. chilensis and mid-breeding in both populations. We also tested for social stimulation of T secretion during mid-breeding in both populations. Lastly, we challenged the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis of the lowland population with gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) to determine maximum possible T production. We found that the highland population adjusted T secretion across the breeding season like northern species. Neither Z. c. chilensis population modulated T in response to social stimuli, nor the HPG axis of the lowland population was not maximally active during either pre- or mid-breeding. These results suggest that patterns of circulating T in the highland population of Z. c. chilensis in the Southern Hemisphere are similar to congeners in the temperate Northern Hemisphere, but those of the lowland population of Z. c. chilensis are not, and are more similar to conspecifics breeding in the tropics.  相似文献   

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