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PVR, the Drosophila homolog of the PDGF/VEGF receptor, has been implicated in border cell migration during oogenesis and hemocyte migration during embryogenesis. It was earlier shown that Mbc, a CDM family protein, and its effector, Rac, transduced the guidance signal from PVR during border cell migration. Here we demonstrate that PVR is also required for the morphogenetic process, thorax closure, during metamorphosis. The results of genetic and biochemical experiments indicate that PVR activates the JNK pathway. We present evidence showing Crk (an adaptor molecule), Mbc, ELMO (a homolog of Caenorhabditis elegans CED-12 and mammalian ELMO), and Rac to be mediators of JNK activation by PVR. In addition, we suppose that not only Rac but also Cdc42 is activated and involved in JNK activation downstream of PVR.  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2019,29(20):3538-3548.e7
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The Drosophila Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) gene basket (bsk) promoter contains a DNA replication-related element (DRE)-like sequence, raising the possibility of regulation by the DNA replication-related element-binding factor (DREF). Chromatin immunoprecipitation assays with anti-DREF IgG showed the bsk gene promoter region to be effectively amplified. Luciferase transient expression assays revealed the DRE-like sequence to be important for bsk gene promoter activity, and knockdown of DREF decreased the bsk mRNA level and the bsk gene promoter activity. Furthermore, knockdown of DREF in the notum compartment of wing discs by pannier-GAL4 and UAS-DREFIR resulted in a split thorax phenotype. Monitoring of JNK activity in the wing disc by LacZ expression in a puckered (puc)-LacZ enhancer trap line revealed the reduction in DREF knockdown clones. These findings indicate that DREF is involved in regulation of Drosophila thorax development via actions on the JNK pathway.  相似文献   

Many organs, such as the liver, neural tube, and lung, form by the precise remodeling of flat epithelial sheets into tubes. Here we investigate epithelial tubulogenesis in Drosophila melanogaster by examining the development of the dorsal respiratory appendages of the eggshell. We employ a culture system that permits confocal analysis of stage 10-14 egg chambers. Time-lapse imaging of GFP-Moesin-expressing egg chambers reveals three phases of morphogenesis: tube formation, anterior extension, and paddle maturation. The dorsal-appendage-forming cells, previously thought to represent a single cell fate, consist of two subpopulations, those forming the tube roof and those forming the tube floor. These two cell types exhibit distinct morphological and molecular features. Roof-forming cells constrict apically and express high levels of Broad protein. Floor cells lack Broad, express the rhomboid-lacZ marker, and form the floor by directed cell elongation. We examine the morphogenetic phenotype of the bullwinkle (bwk) mutant and identify defects in both roof and floor formation. Dorsal appendage formation is an excellent system in which cell biological, molecular, and genetic tools facilitate the study of epithelial morphogenesis.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Axon pruning is involved in establishment and maintenance of functional neural circuits. During metamorphosis of Drosophila, selective pruning of larval axons is developmentally regulated by ecdysone and caused by local axon degeneration. Previous studies have revealed intrinsic molecular and cellular mechanisms that trigger this pruning process, but how pruning is accomplished remains essentially unknown. RESULTS: Detailed analysis of morphological changes in the axon branches of Drosophila mushroom body (MB) neurons revealed that during early pupal stages, clusters of neighboring varicosities, each of which belongs to different axons, disappear simultaneously shortly before the onset of local axon degeneration. At this stage, bundles of axon branches are infiltrated by the processes of surrounding glia. These processes engulf clusters of varicosities and accumulate intracellular degradative compartments. Selective inhibition of cellular functions, including endocytosis, in glial cells via the temperature-sensitive allele of shibire both suppresses glial infiltration and varicosity elimination and induces a severe delay in axon pruning. Selective inhibition of ecdysone receptors in the MB neurons severely suppressed not only axon pruning but also the infiltration and engulfing action of the surrounding glia. CONCLUSIONS: These findings strongly suggest that glial cells are extrinsically activated by ecdysone-stimulated MB neurons. These glial cells infiltrate the mass of axon branches to eliminate varicosities and break down axon branches actively rather than just scavenging already-degraded debris. We therefore propose that neuron-glia interaction is essential for the precisely coordinated axon-pruning process during Drosophila metamorphosis.  相似文献   

In an effort to identify the role of Rab11, a small GTP binding protein, during Drosophila differentiation, phenotypic manifestations associated with different alleles of Rab11 were studied. The phenotypes ranged from eye-defects, bristle abnormalities and sterility to lethality during various developmental stages. In this paper, our focus is targeted on eye defects caused by Rab11 mutations. A novel P-element insertion in the Rab11 locus, Rab11mo, displayed characteristic retinal anomalies, which could be reverted by P-element excision and expression of Rab11+ transgenes. During larval development, Rab11 is widely synthesized in photoreceptor cells and localizes to the rhabdomeres and lamina neuropil in adult eyes. Photoreceptors and associated bristles failed to be formed in homozygous clones generated in Rab11EP(3)3017 eyes. Decreased levels of Rab11 protein and increased cell death in Rab11mo third-instar larval eye-antennal discs suggest that the retinal defects originate during larval development. Our data indicate a requirement for Rab11 in ommatidial differentiation during Drosophila eye development.  相似文献   

The Pak kinases are effectors for the small GTPases Rac and Cdc42 and are divided into two subfamilies. Group I Paks possess an autoinhibitory domain that can suppress their kinase activity in trans. In Drosophila, two Group I kinases have been identified, dPak and Pak3. Rac and Cdc42 participate in dorsal closure of the embryo, a process in which a hole in the dorsal epidermis is sealed through migration of the epidermal flanks over a tissue called the amnioserosa. Dorsal closure is driven in part by an actomyosin contractile apparatus at the leading edge of the epidermis, and is regulated by a Jun amino terminal kinase (JNK) cascade. Impairment of dPak function using either loss-of-function mutations or expression of a transgene encoding the autoinhibitory domain of dPak led to disruption of the leading edge cytoskeleton and defects in dorsal closure but did not affect the JNK cascade. Group I Pak kinase activity in the amnioserosa is required for correct morphogenesis of the epidermis, and may be a component of the signaling known to occur between these two tissues. We conclude that dorsal closure requires Group I Pak function in both the amnioserosa and the epidermis.  相似文献   

Throughout development cell-cell interactions are of pivotal importance. Cells bind to each other or share information via secreted signaling molecules. To a large degree, these processes are modulated by post-translational modifications of membrane proteins. Glycan-chains are frequently added to membrane proteins and assist their exact function at the cell surface. In addition, the glycosylation pathway is required to generate GPI-linkage in the endoplasmatic reticulum. Here, we describe the analysis of the cabrio/mummy gene, which encodes an UDP-N-acetylglucosamine diphosphorylase. This is a well-conserved and central enzyme in the glycosylation pathway. As expected from this central role in glycosylation, cabrio/mummy mutants show many phenotypic traits ranging from CNS fasciculation defects to defects in dorsal closure and eye development. These phenotypes correlate well with specific glycosylation and GPI-anchorage defects in mummy mutants.  相似文献   

ATM is a large, multifunctional protein kinase that regulates responses required for surviving DNA damage: including DNA repair, apoptosis, and cell cycle checkpoints. Here, we show that Drosophila ATM function is essential for normal adult development. Extensive, inappropriate apoptosis occurs in proliferating atm mutant tissues, and in clonally derived atm mutant embryos, frequent mitotic defects were seen. At a cellular level, spontaneous telomere fusions and other chromosomal abnormalities are common in atm larval neuroblasts, suggesting a conserved and essential role for dATM in the maintenance of normal telomeres and chromosome stability. Evidence from other systems supports the idea that DNA double-strand break (DSB) repair functions of ATM kinases promote telomere maintenance by inhibition of illegitimate recombination or fusion events between the legitimate ends of chromosomes and spontaneous DSBs. Drosophila will be an excellent model system for investigating how these ATM-dependent chromosome structural maintenance functions are deployed during development. Because neurons appear to be particularly sensitive to loss of ATM in both flies and humans, this system should be particularly useful for identifying cell-specific factors that influence sensitivity to loss of dATM and are relevant for understanding the human disease, ataxia-telangiectasia.  相似文献   

Profilins are key factors for dynamic rearrangements of the actin cytoskeleton. However, the functions of profilins in differentiated mammalian cells are uncertain because profilin deficiency is early embryonic lethal for higher eukaryotes. To examine profilin function in chondrocytes, we disrupted the profilin 1 gene in cartilage (Col2pfn1). Homozygous Col2pfn1 mice develop progressive chondrodysplasia caused by disorganization of the growth plate and defective chondrocyte cytokinesis, indicated by the appearance of binucleated cells. Surprisingly, Col2pfn1 chondrocytes assemble and contract actomyosin rings normally during cell division; however, they display defects during late cytokinesis as they frequently fail to complete abscission due to their inability to develop strong traction forces. This reduced force generation results from an impaired formation of lamellipodia, focal adhesions and stress fibres, which in part could be linked to an impaired mDia1‐mediated actin filament elongation. Neither an actin nor a poly‐proline binding‐deficient profilin 1 is able to rescue the defects. Taken together, our results demonstrate that profilin 1 is not required for actomyosin ring formation in dividing chondrocytes but necessary to generate sufficient force for abscission during late cytokinesis.  相似文献   

Pulses of the steroid hormone ecdysone activate genetic regulatory hierarchies that coordinate the developmental changes associated with Drosophila metamorphosis. A high-titer ecdysone pulse at the end of larval development triggers puparium formation and induces expression of the DHR3 orphan nuclear receptor. Here we use both a heat-inducible DHR3 rescue construct and clonal analysis to define DHR3 functions during metamorphosis. Clonal analysis reveals requirements for DHR3 in the development of adult bristles, wings, and cuticle, and no apparent function in eye or leg development. DHR3 mutants rescued to the third larval instar also reveal essential functions during the onset of metamorphosis, leading to lethality during prepupal and early pupal stages. The phenotypes associated with these lethal phases are consistent with the effects of DHR3 mutations on ecdysone-regulated gene expression. Although DHR3 has been shown to be sufficient for early gene repression at puparium formation, it is not necessary for this response, indicating that other negative regulators may contribute to this pathway. In contrast, DHR3 is required for maximal expression of the midprepupal regulatory genes, EcR, E74B, and betaFTZ-1. Reductions in EcR and betaFTZ-F1 expression, in turn, lead to submaximal early gene induction in response to the prepupal ecdysone pulse and corresponding defects in adult head eversion and salivary gland cell death. These studies demonstrate that DHR3 is an essential regulator of the betaFTZ-F1 midprepupal competence factor, providing a functional link between the late larval and prepupal responses to ecdysone. Induction of DHR3 in early prepupae ensures that responses to the prepupal ecdysone pulse will be distinct from responses to the late larval pulse and thus that the animal progresses in an appropriate manner through the early stages of metamorphosis.  相似文献   

Drosophila cellularization and animal cell cytokinesis rely on the coordinated functions of the microfilament and microtubule cytoskeletal systems. To identify new proteins involved in cellularization and cytokinesis, we have conducted a biochemical screen for microfilament/microtubule-associated proteins (MMAPs). 17 MMAPs were identified; seven have been previously implicated in cellularization and/or cytokinesis, including KLP3A, Anillin, Septins, and Dynamin. We now show that a novel MMAP, Lava Lamp (Lva), is also required for cellularization. Lva is a coiled-coil protein and, unlike other proteins previously implicated in cellularization or cytokinesis, it is Golgi associated. Our functional analysis shows that cellularization is dramatically inhibited upon injecting anti-Lva antibodies (IgG and Fab) into embryos. In addition, we show that brefeldin A, a potent inhibitor of membrane trafficking, also inhibits cellularization. Biochemical analysis demonstrates that Lva physically interacts with the MMAPs Spectrin and CLIP190. We suggest that Lva and Spectrin may form a Golgi-based scaffold that mediates the interaction of Golgi bodies with microtubules and facilitates Golgi-derived membrane secretion required for the formation of furrows during cellularization. Our results are consistent with the idea that animal cell cytokinesis depends on both actomyosin-based contraction and Golgi-derived membrane secretion.  相似文献   

Aurora/Ipl1-related kinases are a conserved family of enzymes that have multiple functions during mitotic progression. Although it has been possible to use conventional genetic analysis to dissect the function of aurora, the founding family member in Drosophila (Glover, D.M., M.H. Leibowitz, D.A. McLean, and H. Parry. 1995. Cell. 81:95-105), the lack of mutations in a second aurora-like kinase gene, aurora B, precluded this approach. We now show that depleting Aurora B kinase using double-stranded RNA interference in cultured Drosophila cells results in polyploidy. aurora B encodes a passenger protein that associates first with condensing chromatin, concentrates at centromeres, and then relocates onto the central spindle at anaphase. Cells depleted of the Aurora B kinase show only partial chromosome condensation at mitosis. This is associated with a reduction in levels of the serine 10 phosphorylated form of histone H3 and a failure to recruit the Barren condensin protein onto chromosomes. These defects are associated with abnormal segregation resulting from lagging chromatids and extensive chromatin bridging at anaphase, similar to the phenotype of barren mutants (Bhat, M.A., A.V. Philp, D.M. Glover, and H.J. Bellen. 1996. Cell. 87:1103-1114.). The majority of treated cells also fail to undertake cytokinesis and show a reduced density of microtubules in the central region of the spindle. This is accompanied by a failure to correctly localize the Pavarotti kinesin-like protein, essential for this process. We discuss these conserved functions of Aurora B kinase in chromosome transmission and cytokinesis.  相似文献   

Homophilic cell adhesion mediated by classical cadherins is important for many developmental processes. Proteins that interact with the cytoplasmic domain of cadherin, in particular the catenins, are thought to regulate the strength and possibly the dynamics of adhesion. beta-catenin links cadherin to the actin cytoskeleton via alpha-catenin. The role of p120/delta-catenin proteins in regulating cadherin function is less clear. Both beta-catenin and p120/delta-catenin are conserved in Drosophila. Here, we address the importance of cadherin-catenin interactions in vivo, using mutant variants of Drosophila epithelial cadherin (DE-cadherin) that are selectively defective in p120ctn (DE-cadherin-AAA) or beta-catenin-armadillo (DE-cadherin-Delta beta) interactions. We have analyzed the ability of these proteins to substitute for endogenous DE-cadherin activity in multiple cadherin-dependent processes during Drosophila development and oogenesis; epithelial integrity, follicle cell sorting, oocyte positioning, as well as the dynamic adhesion required for border cell migration. As expected, DE-cadherin-Delta beta did not substitute for DE-cadherin in these processes, although it retained some residual activity. Surprisingly, DE-cadherin-AAA was able to substitute for the wild-type protein in all contexts with no detectable perturbations. Thus, interaction with p120/delta-catenin does not appear to be required for DE-cadherin function in vivo.  相似文献   

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