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We used a series of laboratory studies to investigate factors contributing to variability in egg load of the parasitoid Binodoxys communis (Gahan) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), a biological control agent of the soybean aphid, Aphis glycines Matsumura (Hemiptera: Aphididae). The change in egg load in newly emerged females over time was determined in response to three treatments: post‐eclosion temperature, sugar meals, and host density. Binodoxys communis females emerge with an average egg load of approximately 40 mature eggs that increases to approximately 200 eggs within 24 h of emergence. The egg maturation rate over this time period is higher when females are held at 26 °C than at 18 °C. And although the egg load of sugar‐fed females was slightly higher than that of starved females, this difference was not statistically significant. Binodoxys communis females that were held with 150 hosts for 8 h laid more eggs than those that were held with 30 hosts, and they also matured more eggs over the subsequent 16 h than those held with 30 hosts or no hosts at all. However, we detected no difference in the egg maturation pattern between B. communis females held with the low host density and that of control females held with no hosts at all. Thus, we conclude that enhanced egg maturation in the higher host‐density treatment is more likely explained by a rapid replenishing of partially depleted ovaries than a host‐induced stimulus of egg maturation per se. Taken together, these results suggest a strategy of maintaining a high egg load and thus avoiding or mitigating the negative effects of egg limitation.  相似文献   

A theoretical debate about whether parasitoids should be time or egg limited now recognizes both as feasible, and interest has turned to determining the circumstances under which each might arise in the field, and their implications for parasitoid behaviour and evolution. Egg loads of parasitoids sampled from the field are predicted to show a negative response to host availability, but empirical support for this relationship is scarce. We measured how a parasitoid's egg load responded to seasonal fluctuations in host population density and recorded the predicted correlation. In early summer, parasitoids were at high risk of time limitation due to low host availability, and in late summer, their offspring were at greater risk of egg limitation due to high host availability. Despite clear seasonal changes in selection pressures on egg load and lifespan, the parasitoid showed no evidence of seasonal variation in its reproductive strategy. We made minor modifications to a previously published model to explore the effects of seasonal variation in host availability on optimal investments in eggs and lifespan and obtained several new results. In particular, under circumstances analogous to some of those observed in our field study, temporal stochasticity in reproductive opportunities can cause investments in eggs to increase, rather than decrease as previously predicted. Our model results helped to explain the parasitoid's lack of a seasonally varying reproductive strategy. Understanding the evolution of parasitoid egg load would benefit from a shift of research emphasis from purely stochastic variation in parasitoid reproductive opportunities to greater consideration of host dynamics.  相似文献   

Although adult parasitoids spend a majority of their lives above ground, females of several species must search for their host in the water or on the soil. Adult parasitoids above ground can use a variety of sensory cues to detect their hosts from a distance. However, their sensory cues can be impaired from volatile chemicals, and their visual stimuli can be decreased while submerging or burrowing in the water of soil during their search for their hosts. Searching underwater or underground would incur high foraging costs, that is, time and energy consumption and increase risk of drowning. Therefore, to reduce such costs and increase searching efficiency, the decision on where to start submerging or burrowing for attacking hosts is important for parasitoids. Furthermore, there are no studies that have examined the cues of submerging or burrowing parasitoids on their exploit for the decision to attack their hosts. We have examined the cues used by the egg parasitoid Tiphodytes gerriphagus attacking underwater hosts. We compared the searching behaviors of T. gerriphagus among four oviposition site conditions. The four sites investigated were oviposition site with both host adult chemical residues and presence of eggs, with only the presence of eggs, with only the host adult chemical residues, and without any cue. Our results indicated that T. gerriphagus more frequently contacted and submerged at oviposition sites with the adult residues rather than at oviposition sites without them. Nonetheless, the presence of underwater host eggs did not affect the host‐searching behavior. This suggests that T. gerriphagus decided to submerge at the oviposition site in response to the adult residues. Furthermore, our observation also suggested that T. gerriphagus has already detected that the adult residues might be volatile before contacting the oviposition site. Finally, we will discuss the exploitation patterns of host‐searching cue by parasitoids that need to submerge from the context of its reliability and detectability problems.  相似文献   

Plants are able to activate direct and indirect defences against egg deposition by herbivorous insects. A known indirect defence is the production of synomones to help egg‐ and egg‐larval parasitoids to locate their hosts. The wasp Ascogaster reticulata Watanabe (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) is a solitary egg‐larval parasitoid of the moth Adoxophyes honmai Yasuda (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), which lays eggs and feeds as caterpillars on the leaves of the tea plant Camellia sinensis (L.) Kuntze (Theaceae). Here, we studied whether or not oviposition by A. honmai induces tea plants to produce synomones that help the parasitoid to locate its host. An olfactometer bioassay suggested that synomones produced by the infested plants did not attract the parasitoid over a short range. However, a contact bioassay showed that tea leaves were induced to arrest the parasitoid 24 h after egg deposition and remained induced until the host‐egg masses were no more attractive to the parasitoids. Wing scales and deposits of adult moths and the contents of the egg masses did not induce the tea leaves to arrest the parasitoid, but the contents of the female moth's reproductive system did. Synomone induction was systemic: uninfested leaves in the vicinity of egg‐laden leaves also arrested the parasitoid.  相似文献   

Observed changes in mean temperature and increased frequency of extreme climate events have already impacted the distributions and phenologies of various organisms, including insects. Although some research has examined how parasitoids will respond to colder temperatures or experimental warming, we know relatively little about how increased variation in temperature and humidity could affect interactions between parasitoids and their hosts. Using a study system consisting of emerald ash borer (EAB), Agrilus planipennis, and its egg parasitoid Oobius agrili, we conducted environmentally controlled laboratory experiments to investigate how increased seasonal climate variation affected the synchrony of host–parasitoid interactions. We hypothesized that increased climate variation would lead to decreases in host and parasitoid survival, host fecundity, and percent parasitism (independent of host density), while also influencing percent diapause in parasitoids. EAB was reared in environmental chambers under four climate variation treatments (standard deviations in temperature of 1.24, 3.00, 3.60, and 4.79°C), while Oagrili experiments were conducted in the same environmental chambers using a 4 × 3 design (four climate variation treatments × 3 EAB egg densities). We found that EAB fecundity was negatively associated with temperature variation and that temperature variation altered the temporal egg laying distribution of EAB. Additionally, even moderate increases in temperature variation affected parasitoid emergence times, while decreasing percent parasitism and survival. Furthermore, percent diapause in parasitoids was positively associated with humidity variation. Our findings indicate that relatively small changes in the frequency and severity of extreme climate events have the potential to phenologically isolate emerging parasitoids from host eggs, which in the absence of alternative hosts could lead to localized extinctions. More broadly, these results indicate how climate change could affect various life history parameters in insects, and have implications for consumer–resource stability and biological control.  相似文献   

Host age is an important determinant of host acceptance and suitability for egg parasitoids. As host embryonic development advances, the quality of resources available to the parasitoid offspring typically declines, usually resulting in reduced acceptance levels by foraging females and lower offspring fitness. We examined the ability of the parasitoid Telenomus podisi Ashmead (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae) to parasitize and develop in Podisus maculiventris (Say) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) eggs of different ages. In laboratory experiments, we measured the effect of host age (6, 24, 48, 72, 96, or 120 h old) on parasitism rate and offspring fitness parameters such as survival, development time, sex ratio, and size. Contrary to our expectations, parasitism rate did not differ between host age treatments, nor did sex ratio allocation, offspring size, or the fecundity of newly emerged female offspring. However, parasitoid offspring had a longer development time with increasing host age. This trend was stronger for males than for females, which we suggest could reduce the degree of protandry among offspring emerging from older host eggs, thus increasing the rate of virginity upon leaving the emergence patch and resulting in more frequent off‐patch mating by female offspring in nature. Overall, our results suggest that all stages of P. maculiventris embryonic development are suitable for acceptance and development of T. podisi. Unlike most species of egg parasitoids, T. podisi has evolved mechanisms to utilize host resources, regardless of host developmental stage, with relatively minor fitness consequences.  相似文献   

Globally, Anastatus species (Hymenoptera: Eupelmidae) are associated with the invasive agricultural pest Halyomorpha halys (Stål) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae). In Europe, the polyphagous Anastatus bifasciatus (Geoffroy) is the most prevalent native egg parasitoid on H. halys eggs and is currently being tested as a candidate for augmentative biological control. Anastatus bifasciatus frequently displays behavior without oviposition, and induces additional host mortality through oviposition damage and host feeding that is not measured with offspring emergence. This exacerbates accurate assessment of parasitism and host impact, which is crucial for efficacy evaluation as well as for pre‐ and post‐release risk assessment. To address this, a general Anastatus primer set amplifying a 318‐bp fragment within the barcoding region of the cytochrome oxidase I (COI) gene was developed. When challenged with DNA of three Anastatus species —A. bifasciatus, Anastatus japonicus Ashmead, and Anastatus sp.—, five scelionid parasitoid species that might be encountered in the same host environments and 11 pentatomid host species, only Anastatus DNA was successfully amplified. When applied to eggs of the target host, H. halys, and an exemplary non‐target host, Dendrolimus pini L. (Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae), subjected to host feeding, no Anastatus amplicons were produced. Eggs of the two host species containing A. bifasciatus parasitoid stages, from 1‐h‐old eggs to pupae, and emerged eggs yielded Anastatus fragments. Confirmation of parasitoid presence with dissections and subsequent PCRs with the developed primer pair resulted in 95% success for 1‐h‐old parasitoid eggs. For both host species, field‐exposed sentinel emerged eggs stored dry for 6 months, 100% of the specimens produced Anastatus amplicons. This DNA‐based screening method can be used in combination with conventional methods to better interpret host‐parasitoid and parasitoid‐parasitoid interactions. It will help address ecological questions related to an environmentally friendly approach for the control of H. halys in invaded areas.  相似文献   

The parasitoid Anaphes flavipes (Foerster) (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) is a gregarious egg parasitoid which is widely used in biological control against important crop pest beetles of the genus Oulema (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Here, we present the first experimental examination of the influence of adult feeding and timing of host exposure on the longevity and fertility of this parasitoid. We confirmed a positive effect of adult feeding on longevity of both sexes. Fed parasitoids lived 3× longer than unfed ones. On the other hand, adult feeding and feeding time had no effect on female fertility. The number of hatched offspring was not increased by adult feeding, which suggests that the parasitoid emerges with already mature ovaries (proovigenic type). However, the fertility of fed females was strongly influenced by the timing of host egg exposure. By providing distinct groups of parasitoids with host eggs at different times, we were able to show lower fertility of fed females that had been offered host eggs more than 24 h after hatching. Our results thus show that the parasitoid's fertility is determined by her age at the time of parasitization rather than by feeding.  相似文献   

The host specificity of insect parasitoids and herbivores is thought to be shaped by a suite of traits that mediate host acceptance and host suitability. We conducted laboratory experiments to identify mechanisms shaping the host specificity of the aphid parasitoid Binodoxys communis. Twenty species of aphids were exposed to B. communis females in microcosms, and detailed observations and rearing studies of 15 of these species were done to determine whether patterns of host use resulted from variation in factors such as host acceptance or variation in host suitability. Six species of aphids exposed to B. communis showed no signs of parasitism. Four of these species were not recognized as hosts and two effectively defended themselves from attack by B. communis. Other aphid species into which parasitoids laid eggs had low suitability as hosts. Parasitoid mortality occurred in the egg or early larval stages for some of these hosts but for others it occurred in late larval stages. Two hypotheses explaining low suitability were investigated in separate experiments: the presence of endosymbiotic bacteria conferring resistance to parasitoids, and aphids feeding on toxic plants. An association between resistance and endosymbiont infection was found in one species (Aphis craccivora), and evidence for the toxic plant hypothesis was found for the milkweed aphids Aphis asclepiadis and Aphis nerii. This research highlights the multifaceted nature of factors determining host specificity in parasitoids.  相似文献   

The invasion of Halyomorpha halys (Stål) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) has caused severe economic damage in crops in North America and Europe, motivating research to identify its natural enemies, both in native and invaded areas. In its Asian native range, the main natural enemies are egg parasitoids, among which the most effective are Trissolcus japonicus (Ashmead) and Trissolcus mitsukurii (Ashmead) (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae) in China and Japan, respectively. In Europe, biology, host range, and impact of most native scelionid species are not well‐known. The present study aimed to investigate (1) presence and abundance of scelionid species that parasitize native Pentatomidae and Scutelleridae eggs in Northwest Italy, and (2) their ability to develop on H. halys eggs. During 4‐year field surveys, egg masses were collected and reared until bug nymph or adult parasitoid emergence. Then, the obtained scelionid females were tested for their ability to parasitize H. halys eggs in laboratory no‐choice experiments. Egg masses of all collected bug species were parasitized, and Telenomus spp. (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae), Trissolcus belenus (Walker), and Anastatus bifasciatus (Geoffroy) (Hymenoptera: Eupelmidae) were the most common parasitoids. In the laboratory, Trissolcus kozlovi Rjachovskij was the only species to significantly produce offspring from fresh H. halys eggs, whereas all tested Trissolcus species significantly induced host egg abortion (non‐reproductive effects). This study provides knowledge of the parasitoid species associated with native bugs, and represents a starting point to investigate the intricate interactions between native and exotic parasitoids recently found in northern Italy. These egg parasitoids could potentially be effective biocontrol agents of H. halys.  相似文献   

Heritable bacterial endosymbionts are common in aphids (Hemiptera: Aphididae), and they can influence ecologically important traits of their hosts. It is generally assumed that their persistence in a population is dependent on a balance between the costs and benefits they confer. A good example is Hamiltonella defensa Moran et al., a facultative symbiont that provides a benefit by strongly increasing aphid resistance to parasitoid wasps, but becomes costly to the host in the absence of parasitoids. Regiella insecticola Moran et al. is another common symbiont of aphids and generally does not influence resistance to parasitoids. In the green peach aphid, Myzus persicae (Sulzer), however, one strain (R5.15) was discovered that behaves like H. defensa in that it provides strong protection against parasitoid wasps. Here we compare R5.15‐infected and uninfected lines of three M. persicae clones to test whether this protective symbiont is costly as well, i.e., whether it has any negative effects on aphid life‐history traits. Furthermore, we transferred R5.15 to two other aphid species, the pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris), and the black bean aphid, Aphis fabae Scopoli, where this strain is also protective against parasitoids and where we could compare its effects with those of additional, non‐protective strains of R. insecticola. Negative effects of R5.15 on host survival and lifetime reproduction were limited and frequently non‐significant, and these effects were comparable or in one case weaker than those of R. insecticola strains that are not protective against parasitoid wasps. Unless the benefit of protection is counteracted by detrimental effects on traits that were not considered in this study, R. insecticola strain R5.15 should have a high potential to spread in aphid populations.  相似文献   

Coevolution between hosts and parasites may promote the maintenance of genetic variation in both antagonists by negative frequency‐dependence if the host–parasite interaction is genotype‐specific. Here we tested for specificity in the interaction between parasitoids (Lysiphlebus fabarum) and aphid hosts (Aphis fabae) that are protected by a heritable defensive endosymbiont, the γ‐proteobacterium Hamiltonella defensa. Previous studies reported a lack of genotype specificity between unprotected aphids and parasitoids, but suggested that symbiont‐conferred resistance might exhibit a higher degree of specificity. Indeed, in addition to ample variation in host resistance as well as parasitoid infectivity, we found a strong aphid clone‐by‐parasitoid line interaction on the rates of successful parasitism. This genotype specificity appears to be mediated by H. defensa, highlighting the important role that endosymbionts can play in host–parasite coevolution.  相似文献   

The term ‘idiobiont’ refers to those parasitoid species that permanently paralyse their hosts during parasitism, causing the cessation of host growth and development. This is in contrast to koinobiont parasitoids, which allow their hosts to continue developing after being parasitized. While no koinobiont species induce permanent paralysis in their hosts, a minority of koinobionts induce a temporary paralysis that does not interfere with overall host growth and development. We characterized transient paralysis induction in two koinobiont aphid parasitoids in the genus Binodoxys (Hymenoptera: Aphidiinae). Both Binodoxys species induced transient paralysis in Aphis glycines, with paralysis time ranging between 4.5 and 8 min (depending upon parasitoid species and host instar). In a separate experiment, B. communis was capable of inducing transient paralysis in nine aphid species. We addressed two hypotheses potentially explaining the adaptive value of temporary host paralysis in experiments using A. nerii, which is readily accepted but engages in strong defensive behaviour. The first hypothesis is that paralysis increases oviposition success by interfering with host defences and the second is that it aids in the avoidance of self-superparasitism. Paralysed aphids were more likely to be rejected by B. communis than were aphids that had never been stung or that had recovered from paralysis. This result supports the avoidance-of-self-superparasitism hypothesis and is inconsistent with the hypothesis that transient paralysis increases oviposition success of B. communis.  相似文献   

Even for parasitoids with a wide host range, not all host species are equally suitable, and host quality often depends on the plant the host feeds on. We compared oviposition choice and offspring performance of a generalist pupal parasitoid, Pteromalus apum (Retzius) (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae), on two congeneric hosts reared on two plant species under field and laboratory conditions. The plants contain defensive iridoid glycosides that are sequestered by the hosts. Sequestration at the pupal stage differed little between host species and, although the concentrations of iridoid glycosides in the two plant species differ, there was no effect of diet on the sequestration by host pupae. The rate of successful parasitism differed between host species, depending on the conditions they were presented in. In the field, where plant‐associated cues are present, the parasitoid used Melitaea cinxia (L.) over Melitaea athalia (Rottemburg) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae), whereas more M. athalia were parasitised in simplified laboratory conditions. In the field, brood size, which is partially determined by rate of superparasitism, depended on both host and plant species. There was little variation in other aspects of offspring performance related to host or plant species, indicating that the two host plants are of equal quality for the hosts, and the hosts are of equal quality for the parasitoids. Corresponding to this, we found no evidence for associative learning by the parasitoid based on their natal host, so with respect to these host species they are truly generalist in their foraging behaviour.  相似文献   

We used field observations of freely foraging Aphytis aonidiae parasitoids in conjunction with results of laboratory studies of A. aonidiae and other Aphytis species to simulate lifetime patterns of behavior and reproduction. Field observations provided estimates of encounter rates with three classes of hosts, the mortality rate from predation on adult parasitoids, and host-handling times for oviposition and host feeding by adult wasps. A series of physiological parameters, including the egg maturation rate and the value of host-feeding meals, were estimated from previously published studies. Plasticity in parasitoid behavior was incorporated in two ways. For one set of simulations we used a behavioral rule derived empirically from observations of parasitoids made in the field, and for another we used a dynamic state-variable model to generate a set of behavioral rules that maximize lifetime reproductive success. As was expected, the empirically derived rule led to better matches with field observations than did simulations using the output of the dynamic model. Projections of lifetime reproductive success in the field ranged between three and 37 eggs within the 95% confidence intervals of the mortality rate and host encounter rate and depending on which behavioral rule was used. Lifetime reproductive success from the simulation with central estimates of the mortality and host encounter rates that incorporated the empirical rule was 6.25 eggs. Using the empirical versus the theoretical rule in the simulations led to a 10%-30% decline in projections of lifetime reproductive success, depending on mortality and host encounter rates. Regardless of the behavioral rule, the simulations underscored the observation that the host encounter rate was greater than the egg maturation rate. The overall oviposition rate was sufficiently high to lead to daily episodes of temporary egg limitation during which parasitoids must mature an egg before being able to oviposit.  相似文献   

The response of generalist egg parasitoids to alternative natural hosts that are present simultaneously is not well known. We investigated the behavior of Trichogramma pretiosum Riley (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) in relation to two field hosts Helicoverpa armigera Hübner and Spodoptera litura Fabricius, in choice and no choice tests. We quantified the effects of natal host species and post-emergence adult age on the oviposition preference of the parasitoids. H. armigera eggs were consistently preferred over S. litura eggs, regardless of the natal host and adult age. When only S. litura eggs were available as hosts, they were parasitized at statistically similar rates to H. armigera eggs (average of 17 ± 2.7 vs. 13 ± 3.0, H. armigera to S. litura). The adult lifespan and lifetime fecundity of T. pretiosum were variable but were affected by natal host species and/or host species to which they were exposed. Mean lifespan and fecundity of parasitoids that had developed in H. armigera eggs and were exposed to H. armigera eggs for oviposition were 13.9 ± 1.8 days and 98.7 ± 11.0 adult offspring. By contrast, those that developed in S. litura eggs and were exposed to S. litura eggs for oviposition lived for 7 ± 0.9 days and produced 53.8 ± 8.0 adult offspring. The ovigeny index (OI) was significantly lower in the parasitoids exposed to H. armigera eggs than in those exposed to S. litura eggs, regardless of the natal host, indicating that H. armigera eggs sustain the adult parasitoids better than S. litura eggs. These results are used to predict parasitoid behavior in the field when both hosts are available.  相似文献   

The number of mature eggs remaining in the ovaries and the time left for oviposition determine the reproductive decisions of the hyperdiverse guild of insects that require discrete and potentially limiting resources for oviposition (such as seeds, fruits or other insects). A female may run out of eggs before all available oviposition sites are used (egg limitation), or die before using all of her eggs (time limitation). Females are predicted to change clutch size depending on whether eggs or time is the limiting resource. We extend this framework and ask whether the same constraints influence a strategy in which females modify eggs into protective shields. In response to egg parasitism cues, female seed beetles (Mimosestes amicus) lay eggs in vertical groups of 2–4, modifying the top 1–3 eggs into shields in order to protect the bottom egg from attack by parasitoids. We made contrasting predictions of how egg and time limitation would influence egg size and the incidence and level of egg protection. By varying access to seed pods, we manipulated the number of remaining eggs a female had at the time she received a parasitism cue. Although egg size was not affected, our results confirm that egg‐limited females protected fewer eggs and time‐limited females protected more eggs. Female body size explained the number of eggs in a stack rather than host deprivation or the timing of parasitoid exposure. Our results clearly show that host availability relative to female age influences the incidence of egg protection in M. amicus. Furthermore, our study represents a novel use of life history theory to explain patterns in an unusual but compelling defensive behaviour.  相似文献   

The phoretic relationship between the egg parasitoidTelenomus sp. cf.euproctidis Wilcox and its host the tussock mothEuproctis taiwana was studied in Okinawa, Japan. One third of the female moths studied in the field carried female parasitoid adults. No male moths carried parasitoids. Parasitoids were observed only in the anal tuft of the moth. Laboratory observation revealed that most of the parasitoids left the body of the moth at the time of the first oviposition of their host and proceeded to lay eggs on the moth egg masses.  相似文献   

Generalist parasitoids are well‐known to be able to cope with the high genotypic and phenotypic plasticity of plant volatiles by learning odours during their host encounters. In contrast, specialised parasitoids often respond innately to host‐specific cues. Previous studies have shown that females of the specialised egg parasitoid Chrysonotomyia ruforum Krausse (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) are attracted to volatiles from Pinus sylvestris L. induced by the egg deposition of its host Diprion pini L. (Hymenoptera: Diprionidae), when they have previously experienced pine twigs with host eggs. In this study we investigated by olfactometer bioassays how specifically C. ruforum responded to oviposition‐induced plant volatiles. Furthermore, we studied whether parasitoids show an innate response to oviposition‐induced pine volatiles. Naïve parasitoids were not attracted to oviposition‐induced pine volatiles. The attractiveness of volatiles from pines carrying eggs was shown to be specific for the pine and herbivore species, respectively (species specificity). We also tested whether not only oviposition, but also larval feeding, induces attractive volatiles (developmental stage specificity). The feeding of D. pini larvae did not induce the emission of P. sylvestris volatiles attractive to the egg parasitoid. Our results show that a specialist egg parasitoid does not innately show a positive response to oviposition‐induced plant volatiles, but needs to learn them. Furthermore, the results show that C. ruforum as a specialist does not learn a wide range of volatiles as some generalists do, but instead learns only a very specific oviposition‐induced plant volatile pattern, i.e., a pattern induced by the most preferred host species laying eggs on the most preferred food plant.  相似文献   

Oviposition patterns of the diamondback moth (DBM), Plutella xylostella L. (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae), differ between common cabbage (Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata) and Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa L. var. pekinensis) (Brassicaceae) host plants. This study shows that the moth prefers to oviposit on adaxial rather than abaxial leaf surfaces and petioles of both host plants. More eggs were laid in leaf veins than on leaf laminas of both host plants, especially in Chinese cabbage, where 94.6% of eggs were laid in veins. On Chinese cabbage, very few eggs were laid in clusters (≥2 eggs), whereas on common cabbage approximately 30% of eggs were laid in groups of 2 or more eggs. Removal of wax from common cabbage leaves dramatically increased the number of eggs laid singly on the leaf lamina of treated plants, suggesting that leaf waxes affect how eggs are distributed by ovipositing DBM. Eggs were most susceptible to removal by rainfall from the plant surface immediately (<1 h) after oviposition and when close to hatching (>72h old) whereas they were least susceptible 24 h after oviposition. Eggs laid on common cabbage plants were more susceptible to simulated rainfall than eggs laid on Chinese cabbage plants. On common cabbage plants, egg susceptibility to rainfall on different plant parts ranked adaxial leaf surfaces>petioles = abaxial leaf surfaces>stem, but there was no difference in egg susceptibility to rainfall on the various plant parts of Chinese cabbage. Furthermore, on common cabbage plants, eggs laid on both adaxial and abaxial leaf surfaces were afforded significant protection from the effects of rainfall by leaves higher in the plant canopy. On common cabbage plants, oviposition patterns reduce the potential impact of rainfall on eggs, possibly reducing the effect of this important abiotic mortality factor in the field.  相似文献   

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