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Understanding environmental drivers of species diversity has become increasingly important under climate change. Different trophic groups (predators, omnivores and herbivores) interact with their environments in fundamentally different ways and may therefore be influenced by different environmental drivers. Using random forest models, we identified drivers of terrestrial mammals' total and proportional species richness within trophic groups at a global scale. Precipitation seasonality was the most important predictor of richness for all trophic groups. Richness peaked at intermediate precipitation seasonality, indicating that moderate levels of environmental heterogeneity promote mammal richness. Gross primary production (GPP) was the most important correlate of the relative contribution of each trophic group to total species richness. The strong relationship with GPP demonstrates that basal-level resource availability influences how diversity is structured among trophic groups. Our findings suggest that environmental characteristics that influence resource temporal variability and abundance are important predictors of terrestrial mammal richness at a global scale.  相似文献   

Aim To integrate dietary knowledge and species distributions in order to examine the latitudinal, environmental, and biogeographical variation in the species richness of avian dietary guilds (herbivores, granivores, frugivores, nectarivores, aerial insectivores, terrestrial/arboreal insectivores, carnivores, scavengers, and omnivores). Location Global. Methods We used global breeding range maps and a comprehensive dietary database of all terrestrial bird species to calculate guild species richness for grid cells at 110 × 110 km resolution. We assessed congruence of guild species richness, quantified the steepness of latitudinal gradients and examined the covariation between species richness and climate, topography, habitat diversity and biogeographic history. We evaluated the potential of current environment and biogeographic history to explain global guild distribution and compare observed richness–environment relationships with those derived from random subsets of the global species pool. Results While most guilds (except herbivores and scavengers) showed strong congruence with overall bird richness, covariation in richness between guilds varied markedly. Guilds exhibited different peaks in species richness in geographical and multivariate environmental space, and observed richness–environment relationships mostly differed from random expectations. Latitudinal gradients in species richness were steepest for terrestrial/arboreal insectivores, intermediate for frugivores, granivores and carnivores, and shallower for all other guilds. Actual evapotranspiration emerged as the strongest climatic predictor for frugivores and insectivores, seasonality for nectarivores, and temperature for herbivores and scavengers (with opposite direction of temperature effect). Differences in species richness between biogeographic regions were strongest for frugivores and nectarivores and were evident for nectarivores, omnivores and scavengers when present‐day environment was statistically controlled for. Guild richness–environment relationships also varied between regions. Main conclusions Global associations of bird species richness with environmental and biogeographic variables show pronounced differences between guilds. Geographic patterns of bird diversity might thus result from several processes including evolutionary innovations in dietary preferences and environmental constraints on the distribution and diversification of food resources.  相似文献   

Aim To determine the relationship between the species richness of woody plants and that of mammals after accounting for the effect of environmental variables. Location Southern Africa, including Namibia, South Africa, Lesotho, Swaziland, Botswana, Zimbabwe, and part of Mozambique. Methods We used a comprehensive dataset including the species richness of mammals and of woody plants and environmental variables for 118 quadrats (each of 25,000 km2) across southern Africa, and used structural equation models (SEMs) and spatial regressions to examine the relationship between the species richness of woody plants and of mammal trophic guilds (herbivores, insectivores, carni/omnivores) and habitat guilds (aquatic/fossorial, ground‐living, climbers, aerial), after controlling for environment. We compared the results of SEMs with those of single‐predictor regressions (without controlling for environment) and of spatial regressions (controlling for both environment and residual spatial autocorrelation). Results The geographical variation of mammal species richness in southern Africa was strongly and positively related to that of woody plant species richness, and this relationship held for most mammal guilds even when the influence of environment and spatial autocorrelation had been accounted for. However, the effect of woody plant species richness on the richness of aquatic/fossorial species almost disappeared after controlling for environment, suggesting that the congruence in species richness patterns between these two groups results from similar responses to the same environmental variables. For many mammal guilds, the relative role of environmental predictors as measured by standardized partial regression coefficients changed depending on whether non‐spatial single‐predictor regressions, non‐spatial SEMs, or spatial regressions were used. Main conclusions Woody plants are important determinants of the species richness of most mammal guilds in southern Africa, even when controlling for environment and residual spatial autocorrelation. Environmental correlates with animal species richness as measured by simple correlations or single‐predictor regressions might not always reflect direct effects; they might, at least to some degree, result from indirect effects via woody plants. Interpretations of the strength of the effect of environmental variables on mammal species richness in southern Africa depend largely on whether spatial or non‐spatial models are used. We therefore stress the need for caution when interpreting environmental ‘effects’ on broad‐scale patterns of species richness if spatial and non‐spatial methods yield contrasting results.  相似文献   

Aim To understand cross‐taxon spatial congruence patterns of bird and woody plant species richness. In particular, to test the relative roles of functional relationships between birds and woody plants, and the direct and indirect environmental effects on broad‐scale species richness of both groups. Location Kenya. Methods Based on comprehensive range maps of all birds and woody plants (native species > 2.5 m in height) in Kenya, we mapped species richness of both groups. We distinguished species richness of four different avian frugivore guilds (obligate, partial, opportunistic and non‐frugivores) and fleshy‐fruited and non‐fleshy‐fruited woody plants. We used structural equation modelling and spatial regressions to test for effects of functional relationships (resource–consumer interactions and vegetation structural complexity) and environment (climate and habitat heterogeneity) on the richness patterns. Results Path analyses suggested that bird and woody plant species richness are linked via functional relationships, probably driven by vegetation structural complexity rather than trophic interactions. Bird species richness was determined in our models by both environmental variables and the functional relationships with woody plants. Direct environmental effects on woody plant richness differed from those on bird richness, and different avian consumer guilds showed distinct responses to climatic factors when woody plant species richness was included in path models. Main conclusions Our results imply that bird and woody plant diversity are linked at this scale via vegetation structural complexity, and that environmental factors differ in their direct effects on plants and avian trophic guilds. We conclude that climatic factors influence broad‐scale tropical bird species richness in large part indirectly, via effects on plants, rather than only directly as often assumed. This could have important implications for future predictions of animal species richness in response to climate change.  相似文献   

Negative relationships between species richness and elevation are common and attributed to changes in single environmental properties associated to elevation, such as temperature and habitat area. However, research has lacked taxonomic breadth and comprehensive elevation studies that consider multiple groups from different trophic levels are rare. We thus analysed 24 groups of plants, arthropods, and microorganisms grouped into six trophic guilds (predators, detritivores, herbivores, plants, bacteria and fungi) along a relatively short elevational gradient (~600 m) in a subtropical forest in south‐east China. The total species richness of all organisms was not related to elevation, nor was the richness of plants, herbivores or microorganisms. However, species richness and abundance in two major trophic guilds of arthropods changed with elevation, which was mediated by changes in elevation‐associated habitat properties. Specifically, deadwood mass increased with elevation, which increased detritivore richness indirectly via detritivore abundance, thus supporting the ‘more individuals hypothesis’. In contrast, lower predator richness at higher elevations was directly related to lower mean temperatures, which had no effect on abundance. Our study demonstrates that even along relatively short gradients, elevation can have strong direct and abundance‐mediated effects on species richness, but with effects varying from positive to negative signs depending on local resource availability and the characteristics of groups or trophic guilds. If elevation positively influences local environmental properties that benefit a given group, richness can increase towards higher elevations. Thus, the effect of global change in mountainous regions should be evaluated within the local environmental context using multi‐taxon approaches.  相似文献   



To evaluate how environment and evolutionary history interact to influence global patterns of mammal trait diversity (a combination of 14 morphological and life‐history traits).


The global terrestrial environment.


Terrestrial mammals.


We calculated patterns of spatial turnover for mammalian traits and phylogenetic lineages using the mean nearest taxon distance. We then used a variance partitioning approach to establish the relative contribution of trait conservatism, ecological adaptation and clade specific ecological preferences on global trait turnover.


We provide a global scale analysis of trait turnover across mammalian terrestrial assemblages, which demonstrates that phylogenetic turnover by itself does not predict trait turnover better than random expectations. Conversely, trait turnover is consistently more strongly associated with environmental variation than predicted by our null models. The influence of clade‐specific ecological preferences, reflected by the shared component of phylogenetic turnover and environmental variation, was considerably higher than expectations. Although global patterns of trait turnover are dependent on the trait under consideration, there is a consistent association between trait turnover and environmental predictive variables, regardless of the trait considered.

Main conclusions

Our results suggest that changes in phylogenetic composition are not always coupled with changes in trait composition on a global scale and that environmental conditions are strongly associated with patterns of trait composition across species assemblages, both within and across phylogenetic clades.  相似文献   

The rate at which biological diversity is altered on both land and in the sea, makes temporal community development a critical and fundamental part of understanding global change. With advancements in trait‐based approaches, the focus on the impact of temporal change has shifted towards its potential effects on the functioning of the ecosystems. Our mechanistic understanding of and ability to predict community change is still impeded by the lack of knowledge in long‐term functional dynamics that span several trophic levels. To address this, we assessed species richness and multiple dimensions of functional diversity and dynamics of two interacting key organism groups in the marine food web: fish and zoobenthos. We utilized unique time series‐data spanning four decades, from three environmentally distinct coastal areas in the Baltic Sea, and assembled trait information on six traits per organism group covering aspects of feeding, living habit, reproduction and life history. We identified gradual long‐term trends, rather than abrupt changes in functional diversity (trait richness, evenness, dispersion) trait turnover, and overall multi‐trait community composition. The linkage between fish and zoobenthic functional community change, in terms of correlation in long‐term trends, was weak, with timing of changes being area and trophic group specific. Developments of fish and zoobenthos traits, particularly size (increase in small size for both groups) and feeding habits (e.g. increase in generalist feeding for fish and scavenging or predation for zoobenthos), suggest changes in trophic pathways. We summarize our findings by highlighting three key aspects for understanding functional change across trophic groups: (a) decoupling of species from trait richness, (b) decoupling of richness from density and (c) determining of turnover and multi‐trait dynamics. We therefore argue for quantifying change in multiple functional measures to help assessments of biodiversity change move beyond taxonomy and single trophic groups.  相似文献   

Aim Adaptive trait continua are axes of covariation observed in multivariate trait data for a given taxonomic group. These continua quantify and summarize life‐history variation at the inter‐specific level in multi‐specific assemblages. Here we examine whether trait continua can provide a useful framework to link life‐history variation with demographic and evolutionary processes in species richness gradients. Taking an altitudinal species richness gradient for Mediterranean butterflies as a study case, we examined a suite of traits (larval diet breadth, adult phenology, dispersal capacity and wing length) and species‐specific habitat measures (temperature and aridity breadth). We tested whether traits and species‐specific habitat measures tend to co‐vary, whether they are phylogenetically conserved, and whether they are able to explain species distributions and spatial genetic variation in a large number of butterfly assemblages. Location Catalonia, Spain. Methods We formulated predictions associated with species richness gradients and adaptive trait continua. We applied principal components analyses (PCAs), structural equation modelling and phylogenetic generalized least squares models. Results We found that traits and species‐specific habitat measures covaried along a main PCA axis, ranging from multivoltine trophic generalists with high dispersal capacity to univoltine (i.e. one generation per year), trophic specialist species with low dispersal capacity. This trait continuum was closely associated with the observed distributions along the altitudinal gradient and predicted inter‐specific differences in patterns of spatial genetic variability (FST and genetic distances), population responses to the impacts of global change and local turnover dynamics. Main conclusions The adaptive trait continuum of Mediterranean butterflies provides an integrative and mechanistic framework to: (1) analyse geographical gradients in species richness, (2) explain inter‐specific differences in population abundances, spatial distributions and demographic trends, (3) explain inter‐specific differences in patterns of genetic variation (FST and genetic distances), and (4) study specialist–generalist life‐history transitions frequently involved in butterfly diversification processes.  相似文献   

The diets and trophic guilds of small fishes were examined along marine sandy beaches and in estuaries at depths <1·5 m in western Taiwan, Republic of China. Copepods were the most frequently identified item in fish guts, indicating they are key prey for the fish assemblages studied. Piscivore, crustacivore, detritivore, omnivore, zooplanktivore and terrestrial invertivore trophic guilds were identified. The zooplanktivore guild contained the most fish species. Maximum prey size consumption was positively correlated with standard length (LS) in seven species and at the assemblage level and negatively correlated with LS in a single detritivorous species. The diet data and trophic guild scheme produced by this study contribute to an understanding of coastal marine food webs and can inform ecosystem‐based fisheries management.  相似文献   

Aim In terrestrial plant communities, the relationship between native species diversity and exotic success is typically scale‐dependent. It is often proposed that within local neighbourhoods, high native diversity limits resources, thereby inhibiting exotic success. However, environmental variation that manifests over space or time can create positive correlations between native diversity and exotic success at larger scales. In marine habitats, there have been few multi‐scale surveys of this pattern, so it is unclear how diversity, resource limitation and the environment influence the success of exotic species in these systems. Location Washington, USA. Methods I analysed nested spatial and temporal surveys of fouling communities, which are assemblages of sessile marine invertebrates, to test whether the relationships between native richness, resource availability and exotic cover supported the diversity‐stability and diversity‐resistance theories, to test whether these relationships changed with spatio‐temporal scale, and to explore the temperature preferences of native and exotic fouling species. Results Survey data failed to support diversity‐stability theory: space availability actually increased with native richness at the local neighbourhood scale, and neither space availability nor variability decreased with native richness across larger spatio‐temporal scales. I did find support for diversity‐resistance theory, as richness negatively correlated with exotic cover in local neighbourhoods. Unexpectedly, this negative correlation disappeared at intermediate scales, but emerged again at the regional scale. This scale‐dependent pattern could be partially explained by contrasting water temperature preferences of native and exotic species. Main conclusions Within local neighbourhoods, native diversity may inhibit exotic abundance, but the mechanism is unlikely related to resource limitation. At the largest scale, correlations suggest that native richness is higher in cooler environments, whereas exotic richness is higher in warmer environments. This large‐scale pattern contrasts with the typical plant community pattern, and has important implications for coastal management in the face of global climate change.  相似文献   

The diet of dingoes (Canis familiaris dingo) in the Australian Wet Tropics was examined by analyzing 383 dingo scats collected throughout the region for the presence of mammal prey remains. The scats yielded 29 native and 4 introduced mammal prey species from 14 families. The most important species in terms of percentage occurrence in the scats were Melomys cervinipes (22.2%), hoodon macrourus (17.0%), Perameles nasuta (12.5%), and Thylogale stigmatica (12.5%). The most important families were Muridae (37.1%), Peramelidae (29.5%), and Macropodidae (25.8%). Examination of small‐scale habitat preferences revealed species that preferentially use the forest edge ranked significantly higher in the diet than those that do not, and species that are terrestrial ranked higher in the diet than those that are arboreal. Relative abundance was also a significant factor in the ranked dietary occurrence of each species, with abundant species ranked significantly higher than those that are less abundant. These results suggest that dingoes in the Australian Wet Tropics are opportunistic predators of a wide variety of mammal species, with abundant terrestrial and forest edge‐dwelling taxa the most susceptible to predation.  相似文献   

Functional diversity is intimately linked with community assembly processes, but its large‐scale patterns of variation are often not well understood. Here, we investigated the spatiotemporal changes in multiple trait dimensions (“trait space”) along vertical intertidal environmental stress gradients and across a landscape scale. We predicted that the range of the trait space covered by local assemblages (i.e., functional richness) and the dispersion in trait abundances (i.e., functional dispersion) should increase from high‐ to low‐intertidal elevations, due to the decreasing influence of environmental filtering. The abundance of macrobenthic algae and invertebrates was estimated at four rocky shores spanning ca. 200 km of the coast over a 36‐month period. Functional richness and dispersion were contrasted against matrix‐swap models to remove any confounding effect of species richness on functional diversity. Random‐slope models showed that functional richness and dispersion significantly increased from high‐ to low‐intertidal heights, demonstrating that under harsh environmental conditions, the assemblages comprised similar abundances of functionally similar species (i.e., trait convergence), while that under milder conditions, the assemblages encompassed differing abundances of functionally dissimilar species (i.e., trait divergence). According to the Akaike information criteria, the relationship between local environmental stress and functional richness was persistent across sites and sampling times, while functional dispersion varied significantly. Environmental filtering therefore has persistent effects on the range of trait space covered by these assemblages, but context‐dependent effects on the abundances of trait combinations within such range. Our results further suggest that natural and/or anthropogenic factors might have significant effects on the relative abundance of functional traits, despite that no trait addition or extinction is detected.  相似文献   

Understanding the relationships among community structure, vegetation structure and availability of food resources are a key to unravelling the ecological processes that structure biological communities. In this study, we tested (i) whether the composition of small mammal communities changed across gradients in habitat quality in tropical forest fragments, and (ii) whether any observed change could be explained by the functional traits of species. We sampled 24 trapping grids in fragments of semi‐deciduous forest, in each of two 6‐month periods. We considered each trapping grid as a sampling unit, for which we collected three datasets: an environmental matrix (vegetation structure and food resource availability), the abundance of small mammal species (community structure) and a matrix of functional traits (ecological and morphological traits which express tolerance to habitat disturbance and trophic guild). We used an RLQ approach to evaluate the association between traits and environmental gradients. Forest‐specialist and scansorial–arboreal species were associated with more complex habitat that had greater litter and canopy cover and more fallen logs. In relation to trophic guilds, granivore (fruit seeds), insectivorous and omnivorous species were also associated with higher complexity habitat, while frugivores were associated with shrub cover and availability of fruits. We conclude that functional traits (habitat use, use of vertical strata and diet) provide valuable insights into the distribution of small mammals along gradients of habitat quality in tropical forest fragments. We highlight that communities studies in fragmented landscapes should investigate the different components of biodiversity not only in landscape‐scale but also in habitat scale. Abstract in Portuguese is available with online material.  相似文献   

Atmospheric nitrogen deposition and other sources of environmental eutrophication have increased substantially over the past century worldwide, notwithstanding the recent declining trends in Europe. Despite the recognized susceptibility of plants to eutrophication, few studies evaluated how impacts propagate to consumers, such as pollinators. Here we aim to test if soil eutrophication contributes to the temporal dynamics of pollinators and their larval resources. We used a temporally and spatially explicit historical dataset with information on species occurrences to test if soil eutrophication, and more specifically nitrogen deposition, contributes to the patterns of change of plant and pollinator richness in the Netherlands over an 80 yr period. We focus on bees and butterflies, two groups for which we have good knowledge of larval resources that allowed us to define groups of species with different nitrogen related diet preferences. For each group we estimated richness changes between different 20-yr periods at local, regional and national scale, using analytical methods developed for analyzing richness changes based on collection data. Our findings suggest that the impacts of soil eutrophication on plant communities propagate to higher trophic levels, but with a time-lag. Pollinators with nitrogen-related diet preferences were particularly affected, in turn potentially impairing the performance of pollinator-dependent plants. Pollinator declines continued even after their focal plants started to recover. In addition, our results suggest that current levels of nitrogen deposition still have a negative impact on most groups here analyzed, constraining richness recoveries and accentuating declines. Our results indicate that the global increase in nitrogen availability plays an important role in the ongoing pollinator decline. Consequently, species tolerances to soil nitrogen levels should be considered across all trophic levels in management plans that aim to halt biodiversity loss and enhance ecosystems services worldwide.  相似文献   

Aim To examine the relationship between ecoregions, as a proxy for regional climate and habitat type, and mammalian community structure, defined by species composition and richness (e.g. taxonomic structure) and ecological diversity (e.g. ecological structure) of non‐volant species. Location Madagascar. Methods Faunal lists of non‐volant mammal species occurring in 35 communities from five World Wildlife Fund ecoregions were collected from published and unpublished sources. Species were assigned to ecological groups defined by trophic status, locomotor habits, activity cycle and body mass. We used Mantel tests, cluster analysis and principal coordinates analysis to evaluate geographic patterning in taxonomic composition and species richness. We used stepwise multiple discriminant analysis to characterize patterns in the ecological diversity of the mammalian communities from each ecoregion. Communities from transitional habitats (e.g. representing more than one ecoregion) were used to test the predictive power of the analyses. Results Non‐volant mammal communities divided into clusters that correspond to ecoregions. There was a strong distance effect in the taxonomic structure of communities across the island and within both humid and dry forest communities, but this effect was weak within humid forest communities. Mammalian species richness was significantly lower in dry forest than in humid forest communities. The ecological structure of communities was also correlated with ecoregions. Changes in the relative percentages of omnivory, arboreal quadrupedalism, terrestrial/arboreal quadrupedalism and two body mass classes accounted for 98.1% of the variation in ecological structure. Transitional communities were projected in intermediate positions by the discriminant model. Main conclusions Our analysis demonstrates that the broad‐scale habitat and climate variables captured by the ecoregion model have shaped the assembly of non‐volant mammal communities in Madagascar over evolutionary time. The spatial pattern is consistent with ecological sorting of species ranges along environmental gradients. Historical processes, such as recent extinction and migration, may have also affected the structure of mammal communities, although these factors have played a secondary role.  相似文献   

After birth, mammals acquire a community of bacteria in their gastro-intestinal tract, which harvests energy and provides nutrients for the host. Comparative studies of numerous terrestrial mammal hosts have identified host phylogeny, diet and gut morphology as primary drivers of the gut bacterial community composition. To date, marine mammals have been excluded from these comparative studies, yet they represent distinct examples of evolutionary history, diet and lifestyle traits. To provide an updated understanding of the gut bacterial community of mammals, we compared bacterial 16S rRNA gene sequence data generated from faecal material of 151 marine and terrestrial mammal hosts. This included 42 hosts from a marine habitat. When compared to terrestrial mammals, marine mammals clustered separately and displayed a significantly greater average relative abundance of the phylum Fusobacteria. The marine carnivores (Antarctic and Arctic seals) and the marine herbivore (dugong) possessed significantly richer gut bacterial community than terrestrial carnivores and terrestrial herbivores, respectively. This suggests that evolutionary history and dietary items specific to the marine environment may have resulted in a gut bacterial community distinct to that identified in terrestrial mammals. Finally we hypothesize that reduced marine trophic webs, whereby marine carnivores (and herbivores) feed directly on lower trophic levels, may expose this group to high levels of secondary metabolites and influence gut microbial community richness.  相似文献   

Land‐use change is considered a major driver of biodiversity loss. In the western part of the Tarangire–Manyara ecosystem, we assessed large mammal species richness along a land‐use gradient (national park, uninhabited pastoral area and settled pastoral‐ and farmland). We found the highest species richness in the national park and in the pastoral area and lowest species richness in the settled and farmed area. There was little evidence of seasonal changes in species diversity. Except for top‐order carnivores, all functional feeding guilds were still represented in pastoral and settled areas. Although we did not find significant differences in body mass distributions and species’ representation of feeding guilds between the study sites, there was a trend that omnivores, mesopredators and top‐order carnivores tended to occur at lower species richness in agricultural areas than in the pastoral and fully protected areas. These results indicate that areas used for livestock keeping can maintain high wildlife species richness and that direct and indirect effects of agricultural and settlement expansions are the main drivers of species richness loss in the Tarangire–Manyara ecosystem and possibly other African savannah ecosystems. These results are useful for informed land‐use planning that aims to maintain species diversity and ecological connectivity between protected areas.  相似文献   

Terrestrial mammals are a key component of tropical forest communities as indicators of ecosystem health and providers of important ecosystem services. However, there is little quantitative information about how they change with local, regional and global threats. In this paper, the first standardized pantropical forest terrestrial mammal community study, we examine several aspects of terrestrial mammal species and community diversity (species richness, species diversity, evenness, dominance, functional diversity and community structure) at seven sites around the globe using a single standardized camera trapping methodology approach. The sites-located in Uganda, Tanzania, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Suriname, Brazil and Costa Rica-are surrounded by different landscape configurations, from continuous forests to highly fragmented forests. We obtained more than 51 000 images and detected 105 species of mammals with a total sampling effort of 12 687 camera trap days. We find that mammal communities from highly fragmented sites have lower species richness, species diversity, functional diversity and higher dominance when compared with sites in partially fragmented and continuous forest. We emphasize the importance of standardized camera trapping approaches for obtaining baselines for monitoring forest mammal communities so as to adequately understand the effect of global, regional and local threats and appropriately inform conservation actions.  相似文献   

Common species are fundamental to the structure and function of their communities and may enhance community stability through intraspecific functional diversity (iFD). We measured among‐habitat and within‐habitat iFD (i.e., among‐ and within‐plant community types) of two common small mammal species using stable isotopes and functional trait dendrograms, determined whether iFD was related to short‐term population stability and small mammal community stability, and tested whether spatially explicit trait filters helped explain observed patterns of iFD. Southern red‐backed voles (Myodes gapperi) had greater iFD than deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus), both among habitats, and within the plant community in which they were most abundant (their “primary habitat”). Peromyscus maniculatus populations across habitats differed significantly between years and declined 78% in deciduous forests, their primary habitat, as did the overall deciduous forest small mammal community. Myodes gapperi populations were stable across habitats and within coniferous forest, their primary habitat, as was the coniferous forest small mammal community. Generalized linear models representing internal trait filters (e.g., competition), which increase within‐habitat type iFD, best explained variation in M. gapperi diet, while models representing internal filters and external filters (e.g., climate), which suppress within‐habitat iFD, best explained P. maniculatus diet. This supports the finding that M. gapperi had higher iFD than P. maniculatus and is consistent with the theory that internal trait filters are associated with higher iFD than external filters. Common species with high iFD can impart a stabilizing influence on their communities, information that can be important for conserving biodiversity under environmental change.  相似文献   

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