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River hydrogeomorphology is a major driver shaping biodiversity and community composition. Here, we examine how hydrogeomorphic heterogeneity expressed by Functional Process Zones (FPZs) in river networks is associated with fish assemblage variation. We examined this association in two distinct ecoregions in Mongolia expected to display different gradients of river network hydrogeomorphic heterogeneity. We delineated FPZs by extracting valley‐scale hydrogeomorphic variables at 10 km sample intervals in forest steppe (FS) and in grassland (G) river networks. We sampled fish assemblages and examined variation associated with changes in gradients of hydrogeomorphology as expressed by the FPZs. Thus, we examined assemblage variation as patterns of occurrence‐ and abundance‐based beta diversities for the taxonomic composition of assemblages and as functional beta diversity. Overall, we delineated 5 and 6 FPZs in river networks of the FS and G, respectively. Eight fish species were found in the FS river network and seventeen in the G, four of them common to both ecoregions. Functional richness was correspondingly higher in the G river network. Variation in the taxonomic composition of assemblages was driven by species turnover and was only significant in the G river network. Abundance‐based taxonomic variation was significant in river networks of both ecoregions, while the functional beta diversity results were inconclusive. We show that valley‐scale hydrogeomorphology is a significant driver of variation in fish assemblages at a macrosystem scale. Both changes in the composition of fish assemblages and the carrying capacity of the river network were driven by valley‐scale hydrogeomorphic variables. River network hydrogeomorphology as accounted for in the study has, therefore, the potential to inform macrosystem scale community ecology research and conservation efforts.  相似文献   

Increasing direct human pressures on the marine environment, coupled with climate‐driven changes, is a concern to marine ecosystems globally. This requires the development and monitoring of ecosystem indicators for effective management and adaptation planning. Plankton lifeforms (broad functional groups) are sensitive indicators of marine environmental change and can provide a simplified view of plankton biodiversity, building an understanding of change in lower trophic levels. Here, we visualize regional‐scale multi‐decadal trends in six key plankton lifeforms as well as their correlative relationships with sea surface temperature (SST). For the first time, we collate trends across multiple disparate surveys, comparing the spatially and temporally extensive Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) survey (offshore) with multiple long‐term fixed station‐based time‐series (inshore) from around the UK coastline. These analyses of plankton lifeforms showed profound long‐term changes, which were coherent across large spatial scales. For example, ‘diatom’ and ‘meroplankton’ lifeforms showed strong alignment between surveys and coherent regional‐scale trends, with the 1998–2017 decadal average abundance of meroplankton being 2.3 times that of 1958–1967 for CPR samples in the North Sea. This major, shelf‐wide increase in meroplankton correlated with increasing SSTs, and contrasted with a general decrease in holoplankton (dominated by small copepods), indicating a changing balance of benthic and pelagic fauna. Likewise, inshore‐offshore gradients in dinoflagellate trends, with contemporary increases inshore contrasting with multi‐decadal decreases offshore (approx. 75% lower decadal mean abundance), urgently require the identification of causal mechanisms. Our lifeform approach allows the collation of many different data types and time‐series across the NW European shelf, providing a crucial evidence base for informing ecosystem‐based management, and the development of regional adaptation plans.  相似文献   

The dynamics of population niches result from the variation in resource use within individuals and also from the variation between individuals. The prevalence of one mechanism or the other leads to competing hypotheses about the major mechanisms underlying the empirical observations of the contraction/expansion dynamics of the trophic niche in natural populations. In this study, we investigated how within‐ and between‐individual variation in resource use shapes the food niche dynamics of the woolly mouse opossum, Marmosa paraguayana (Didelphimorphia: Didelphidae), in a remnant of the highly seasonal Cerrado in south‐eastern Brazil. To do so, we analysed the faecal samples of live‐trapped individuals to determine their diets within the wet and dry seasons. In addition to a seasonal shift in the composition of the diet, the population trophic niche was significantly wider during the dry season than the wet season. This expansion resulted from larger between‐individual variation in the dry season that was not related to sex preferences, whereas the individual niche widths did not significantly increase from the wet to the dry seasons. Our findings add to the growing list of animal populations that show individual‐level variation in resource use. Furthermore, these results represent a pattern of individual‐level response to seasonal changes that is different from patterns reported for other organisms. We suggest that a pathway to build more realistic foraging models and produce more accurate predictions on population and community dynamics is to consider between‐individual variation and short‐term niche dynamics.  相似文献   

Recent studies have interpreted intraspecific divergence in relative head sizes in snakes as evidence for adaptation of the trophic apparatus in gape-limited predators to local prey size. However, such variation might also arise from non-adaptive processes (such as allometry, correlated response, genetic drift, or non-adaptive phenotypic plasticity). We test predictions from these alternative hypotheses using data on the allometric relationship between head size and body size in two wide-ranging snake species: eight populations of adders ( Vipera berus ) and 30 populations of common gartersnakes ( Thamnophis sirtalis ). Our data enable strong rejection of the alternative (non-adaptive) hypotheses, because the relationship between head and body size differed significantly among populations, the geographic distance separating pairs of populations explained less than 1.5% of their divergence in allometric coefficients, and the within-population allometric coefficients were higher than the among-population coefficients in each species. In addition, the geographical variability of allometric coefficients in females did not parallel that in males, suggesting that allometric coefficients have evolved independently in the two sexes. Phenotypic plasticity also cannot explain the data, because laboratory studies show that the allometric relationship between head size and body size is relatively insensitive to differing growth rates. We conclude that the intraspecific head size divergence in these snakes is better explained by spatially heterogeneous selection to optimize prey handling ability, than by non-adaptive processes.  相似文献   

1. Floodplain rivers in Australia's wet/dry tropics are regarded as being among the most ecologically intact and bio-diverse lotic ecosystems in the world, yet there have been relatively few community-based studies of their aquatic fauna.
2. To investigate relationships between hydrological connectivity and biodiversity in the region, macroinvertebrates were collected from sites within two contrasting floodplain rivers, the 'tropical' Gregory River and 'dryland' Flinders River systems, during the dry season and analysed at various spatial scales. A subset of sites was re-sampled in the following dry season to explore temporal variation. The fauna consisted of 124 morphotaxa, dominated by gatherers and the Insecta.
3. As predicted, hydrological connectivity (the lotic or lentic status of waterbodies) had a major influence on macroinvertebrate assemblage composition and diversity, both in space and time. Assemblages from waterbodies with similar connection histories were most alike, and beta-diversity between assemblages was greatest between lotic and lentic waterbodies, tending to increase with increasing spatial separation.
4. At smaller spatial scales, a number of within-waterbody, habitat and water quality characteristics were important for explaining variation (61%) in the taxonomic organization of assemblages, and characteristics associated with primary productivity and habitat diversity were important for explaining variation (45%) in the functional organization of assemblages. However, much of the small-scale environmental variation across the study region appeared to be related to broad-scale variation in hydrological connectivity, which had both direct and indirect effects on macroinvertebrate assemblages.
5. Conservation of the biodiversity in Australia's wet/dry tropics may depend on conserving the natural variation in hydrological connectivity and the unregulated flow of floodplain rivers.  相似文献   

Spatial variation in ecological systems can arise both as a consequence of variation in the quality and availability of resources and as an emergent property of spatially structured interactions. We used a spatially explicit model to simulate populations of herbivore hosts and their parasitoids in landscapes with different levels of variance in plant patch quality and different spatial arrangements of high‐ and low‐quality plant patches. We found that even small variation in patch quality at a fine spatial scale decreased overall herbivore populations, as parasitoid populations on low‐quality plant patches were subsidized by those from high‐quality neighbors. On landscapes with large, homogeneous regions of high‐ and low‐quality plant patches, herbivore populations increased with variation in patch quality. Overall, our results demonstrate that local variation in resource quality profoundly influences global population dynamics. In particular, fine‐scale variation in plant patch quality enhanced biological control of herbivores by parasitoids, suggesting that adding back plant genetic variation into perennial production systems may enhance the biological control of herbivores by their natural enemies.  相似文献   

1. Flow variation can drive major abiotic changes in stream environments between seasons. Theoretically, disparate biotic communities could be maintained during different seasons at a single site if suitable refuges and colonist sources were available. Using isolated montane desert streams in south‐east Arizona as a model system, we hypothesised that two disparate aquatic insect faunas (montane temperate and neotropical) could be maintained at the same sites through strong seasonal variation in abiotic conditions. 2. We collected aquatic insects representing 59 families from seven streams during high‐flow (March–April) and low‐flow (June) sampling periods across two years. We assessed changes in aquatic insect community and functional feeding group composition by habitat (riffle, pool) and season (high flow, low flow). 3. Within sites, wetted stream area decreased by an average of 97% between high‐flow (predominately riffles) and low‐flow (predominately pools) seasons. Community composition likewise showed strong seasonal patterns; the montane temperate fauna was strongly associated with the high‐flow season while neotropical hemipterans and coleopterans were associated with the low‐flow season. Increased water temperature was significantly associated with this shift from temperate to neotropical assemblages. 4. Functional feeding group composition shifted dramatically by season. The proportion of predators increased from 24.5% (high flow) to 75.2% (low flow) while collector–filterers and shredders declined from 38.4% (high flow) to 1.7% (low flow). 5. We suggest that habitat ‘time‐sharing’ by disparate communities is facilitated via strong seasonal variation in temperature and flow and the presence of high elevation refuges or diapause stages for temperate montane taxa to survive the dry season.  相似文献   

Geographic variation in song is widespread among birds, particularly in species that learn vocalizations. The relationship between geographic distance and song variation is likely related to the degree of isolation between populations. To assess this effect of geographic isolation on song divergence, we examined patterns of geographic song variation in four species of Australian fairy‐wrens (Malurus), two with suspected histories of geographic isolation and two without. Song variation in all four species was consistent with patterns of isolation by distance, and allopatric subspecies in two species were more divergent in song than predicted by distance alone. Each species’ pattern was unique, and some interspecific variation could not be explained by geographic distance. These results indicate that patterns of geographic variation can be influenced by more than geographic distance and historical isolation alone. We suggest that morphological constraints, environmental influences, and sexual selection may all contribute to the variation observed for each species.  相似文献   

Population genetic studies in nonmodel organisms are often hampered by a lack of reference genomes that are essential for whole‐genome resequencing. In the light of this, genotyping methods have been developed to effectively eliminate the need for a reference genome, such as genotyping by sequencing or restriction site‐associated DNA sequencing (RAD‐seq). However, what remains relatively poorly studied is how accurately these methods capture both average and variation in genetic diversity across an organism's genome. In this issue of Molecular Ecology Resources, Dutoit et al. (2016) use whole‐genome resequencing data from the collard flycatcher to assess what factors drive heterogeneity in nucleotide diversity across the genome. Using these data, they then simulate how well different sequencing designs, including RAD sequencing, could capture most of the variation in genetic diversity. They conclude that for evolutionary and conservation‐related studies focused on the estimating genomic diversity, researchers should emphasize the number of loci analysed over the number of individuals sequenced.  相似文献   

Aim To document continental‐ and regional‐scale variation in the size distributions of freshwater fish and examine some energetic, evolutionary and biogeographic explanations for these patterns. Location North America. Methods Regional species lists, coupled with habitat and body size information, were used to document the spatial patterns. Results At the continental scale, riverine specialist fishes show a unimodal, right‐skewed, body size distribution whereas habitat generalist and lacustrine specialist species exhibit bimodal size distributions, with only a slight preponderance of small‐mode species. Most large‐mode species are migratory. Resident species, unlike migratory ones, show a latitudinal increase in mean size, but the size increase across all species is steeper because the importance of large migratory species increases with latitude. Size distributions change from right‐ to left‐skewed with increasing latitude. Maximum body size does not change with increasing family richness but minimum size declines and skewness increases, consistent with diversification of small species. Skewness does not vary with mean family body size. Main conclusions Post‐glacial recolonization by large, habitat generalist, migratory species is the main determinant of latitudinal size distribution trends. There is little support for the energetic hypothesis, but the data are consistent with a negative Cope's rule.  相似文献   

Trophic strategies and spatial use habits were investigated in reef fish communities. The results supported the hypothesis of differential use of food resources among tropical and higher latitude reef fishes, i.e . the number of species and relative abundance of fishes relying on relatively low‐quality food significantly decreased from tropical to temperate latitudes. The species : genus ratio of low‐quality food consumers increased toward the tropics, and was higher than the overall ratio considering all fishes in the assemblages. This supports the view that higher speciation rates occurred among this guild of fishes in warm waters. It was also demonstrated that density of herbivorous fishes (the dominant group relying on low‐quality food resources) in the western Atlantic decreased from tropical to temperate latitudes. Spatial use and mobility varied with latitude and consequently reef type and complexity. Fishes with small‐size home ranges predominated on tropical coral reefs.  相似文献   

Ecological factors are known to cause evolutionary diversification. Recent work has shown that evolution in strongly interacting predator species has reciprocal impacts on ecosystems. These divergent impacts of predators may alter the selective landscape and cause the evolution of prey. Yet, this link between intraspecific variation and evolution is unexplored. We compared the life history of a species of zooplankton (Daphnia ambigua) from lakes in New England in which the dominant planktivorous predator, the alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus), differs in feeding traits and migratory behaviour. Anadromous alewife (seasonal migrants) exhibit larger gapes, gill-raker spacing and target larger prey than landlocked alewife (year-round freshwater resident). In 'anadromous' lakes, Daphnia are abundant in the spring but extirpated by alewife predation in summer. Daphnia are rare year-round in 'landlocked' lakes. We show that Daphnia from lakes with anadromous alewife grew faster, matured earlier but at the same size and produced more offspring than Daphnia from lakes with landlocked or no alewife across multiple temperature and resource treatments. Our results are inconsistent with a response to size-selective predation but are better explained as an adaptation to colder temperatures and shorter periods of development (countergradient variation) mediated by seasonal alewife predation.  相似文献   

Aim Species specialization is often considered as a stable species characteristic over the short term. However, this assumption has hardly been tested, even though it may impair our ability to track the impoverishment of biodiversity induced by the rapid replacement of specialists by generalists. We tested whether species specialization in birds varied over a short period of time, and assessed whether variations in species specialization influence community‐level metrics of biotic homogenization. Location France. Methods We studied the variations in specialization to habitat closure of 94 bird species over the period 2002–08, accounting for species variations in mean density, habitat preference and migratory status. We then quantified the temporal changes in a community specialization index, which measures functional homogenization. Results Specialization decreased over time for 35 species (37%), while 46 (49%) showed non‐significant negative trends and 13 (14%) had null or non‐significant positive trends. The more a species was specialized at the beginning of the study, the more it generalized. We additionally found that changes in the specialization level were density dependent: 34 species (36%) became more generalist in years of higher densities while only one became more specialized. At the community level, accounting for this inter‐annual variability in species specialization accentuated the trend in the functional homogenization of bird communities. Main conclusions Habitat specialization is a labile ecological trait, which may change in the short term following habitat degradation, density dependence and source–sink dynamics. Accounting for short‐term temporal variations in observed habitat specialization of species can increase our understanding of the effects of global changes on species strategies and community dynamics.  相似文献   

Ultra scale‐down (USD) approach is a powerful tool to predict large‐scale process performance by using very small amounts of material. In this article, we present a method to mimic flux and transmission performance in a labscale crossflow operation by an USD rotating disc filter (RDF). The Pellicon 2 labscale system used for evaluation of the mimic can readily be related to small pilot and industrial scale. Adopted from the pulsed sample injection technique by Ghosh and Cui (J Membr Sci. 2000;175:5‐84), the RDF has been modified by building in inserts to allow the flexibility of the chamber volume, so that only 1.5 mL of processing material is required for each diafiltration experiment. The reported method enjoys the simplicity of dead‐end mode operation with accurate control of operation conditions that can mimic well the crossflow operation in large scale. Wall shear rate correlations have been established for both the labscale cassette and the USD device, and a mimic has been developed by operating both scales under conditions with equivalent averaged shear rates. The studies using E. coli lysate show that the flux vs. transmembrane pressure profile follows a first‐order model, and the transmission of antibody fragment (Fab′) is independent of transmembrane pressure. Predicted flux and transmission data agreed well with the experimental results of a labscale diafiltration where the cassette resistance was considered. © 2009 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2010  相似文献   

Increased phenotyping accuracy and throughput are necessary to improve our understanding of quantitative variation and to be able to deconstruct complex traits such as those involved in growth responses to the environment. Still, only a few facilities are known to handle individual plants of small stature for non‐destructive, real‐time phenotype acquisition from plants grown in precisely adjusted and variable experimental conditions. Here, we describe Phenoscope, a high‐throughput phenotyping platform that has the unique feature of continuously rotating 735 individual pots over a table. It automatically adjusts watering and is equipped with a zenithal imaging system to monitor rosette size and expansion rate during the vegetative stage, with automatic image analysis allowing manual correction. When applied to Arabidopsis thaliana, we show that rotating the pots strongly reduced micro‐environmental disparity: heterogeneity in evaporation was cut by a factor of 2.5 and the number of replicates needed to detect a specific mild genotypic effect was reduced by a factor of 3. In addition, by controlling a large proportion of the micro‐environmental variance, other tangible sources of variance become noticeable. Overall, Phenoscope makes it possible to perform large‐scale experiments that would not be possible or reproducible by hand. When applied to a typical quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping experiment, we show that mapping power is more limited by genetic complexity than phenotyping accuracy. This will help to draw a more general picture as to how genetic diversity shapes phenotypic variation.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Diapause induction and photoperiodic response curves were determined for 33 strains of Tetranychus pueraricola derived from kudzu vine at three constant temperatures (15, 18 and 20°C) under a short-day condition (10 : 14 h; light : dark). Females of all but one of the strains entered diapause at all three temperatures with little variation in diapause percentages among the strains. The exception was the southernmost strain, which was found to be a non-diapause (ND) strain. The critical photoperiod gradually decreased towards the south at a rate of about 1 h for each 5 degrees of latitude. The diapause strains (D1 and D2) exhibited 100% diapause, whereas the ND strain exhibited 0% diapause. By crossing these strains, we determined that 'non-diapause' was a dominant character over 'diapause' and the character was controlled by simple Mendelian inheritance. To clarify why the female progeny from the crosses between the D1 and ND strains did not segregate into the diapause and non-diapause phenotypes in a 1:1 ratio in the B1 generation, round-robin crosses were carried out among the three strains. The results showed that the F1 generation was reproductively compatible and showed high egg hatchability with a female-biased sex ratio. In the B1 generation, the crosses between the D1 and ND strains and between the D1 and D2 strains exhibited extremely low egg hatchability and produced mostly female progeny, whereas offspring from the crosses between the D2 and ND strains showed more than 50% hatchability for B1 eggs and a female-biased sex ratio. Thus, the absence of segregation observed in the crosses between the D1 and ND strains appears to be due to the severe hybrid breakdown that occurred in the B1 generation.  相似文献   

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