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Game species like the red deer have been subjected to anthropogenic impacts for centuries. Translocations are often carried out—sometimes illegally—not only for sporting purposes, but also to increase trophy quality, reduce inbreeding, or mitigate bottlenecks after excessive persecution. Apart from the blurring of large‐scale genetic structure, translocations without adequate quarantine measure risk introducing pathogens into potentially immunologically naïve populations. It is therefore important to understand the frequency of clandestine translocations. Identification of non‐autochthonous animals and their potential origin is often difficult and, in red deer, has been hampered by the lack of large‐scale genotypic datasets for comparison. In the present study, we make use of a recently published European‐wide microsatellite dataset to detect and quantify the presence of non‐autochthonous red deer in a large population sample (n = 1,780) from Central Europe (Belgium). Using factorial correspondence analysis, assignment tests and Bayesian clustering algorithms we arrive at an estimate of 3.7% non‐autochthonous animals (or their descendants). Some of these animals were assigned to a nearby French population and may have immigrated into Belgium naturally, but the large majority must have been introduced by humans. Our analysis pointed to the British Isles and Germany/Poland as the potential origin of many introduced deer, regions known to have been source populations for translocations in Europe and beyond. We found evidence for recreational hunters using carcasses from farmed deer to fulfill mandatory hunting quotas. Our study is the first to quantify the extent of human‐mediated introductions in a European game species at such a large scale with large and representative sample sizes.  相似文献   

Theory suggests that condition‐dependent sexual displays should be more weakly expressed under adverse conditions than under more favourable ones. Here, we tested this hypothesis in wild red grouse Lagopus lagopus scoticus using a data set of nearly 1500 individuals from nine populations over 8 years, covering varying environmental conditions. We analysed whether male and female ornament expression (i.e. comb size) in a given site and year varied with various indices of environmental conditions: population density, Trichostrongylus tenuis nematode infection at the population level, and climate conditions [measured as winter North Atlantic oscillation (NAO) index]. We found that average comb size in males, but not in females, negatively correlated with population density, parasite infection levels, and winter NAO index. Furthermore, the coefficient of variation (CV) of comb size was higher in females than in males. CVs in both males and females were not clearly associated with the studied environmental variables. Our results support the idea that the expression of condition‐dependent sexual traits should be lower under more stressful environmental conditions, but only in males. We discuss the potential reasons behind the effect of environmental conditions on secondary sexual traits, and why these effects differ between sexes. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, ?? , ??–??.  相似文献   

The absence of information about how abundance varies across species' ranges restricts most modeling and monitoring of climate change responses to the range edge. We examine spatial variation in abundance across the northeastern range of North American beaver ( Castor canadensis ), evaluate the extent to which climate and nonclimate variables explain this variation, and use a species–climate envelope model that includes spatial variation in abundance to predict beaver abundance responses to projected climate change. The density of beaver colonies across Québec follows a roughly logistic pattern, with high but variable density across the southern portion of the province, a sharp decline in density at about 49°N, and a long tail of low density extending as far as 58°N. Several climate and nonclimate variables were strong predictors of variation in beaver density, but 97% of the variation explained by nonclimate variables could be accounted for by climate variables. Because of the peak and tail density pattern, beaver climate sensitivity (change in density per unit change in climate) was greatest in the interior and lowest at the edge of the range. Combining our best density–climate models with projections from general circulation models (GCM) predicts a relatively modest expansion of the species' northern range limit by 2055, but density increases in the range interior that far exceed those at the range edge. Thus, some of the most dramatic responses to climate change may be occurring in the core of species' ranges, far away from the edge-of-the-range focus of most current modeling and monitoring efforts.  相似文献   

We reconstructed the foraging tracks of lactating northern fur seals (Callorhinus ursinus) from two eastern Bering Sea islands (St. Paul Island and Bogoslof Island) using linear interpolation between GPS locations recorded at a maximum of four times per hour and compared it to tri‐axial accelerometer and magnetometer data collected at 16 Hz to reconstruct pseudotracks between the GPS fixes. The high‐resolution data revealed distances swum per foraging trip were much greater than the distances calculated using linearly interpolated GPS tracks (1.5 times further for St. Paul fur seals and 1.9 times further for Bogoslof fur seals). First passage time metrics calculated from the high resolution data revealed that the optimal scale at which the seals searched for prey was 500 m (radius of circle searched) for fur seals from St. Paul Island that went off‐shelf, and 50 m for fur seals from Bogoslof Island and surprisingly, 50 m for fur seals from St. Paul that foraged on‐shelf. These area‐restricted search scales were significantly smaller than those calculated from GPS data alone (12 km for St. Paul and 6 km for Bogoslof) indicating that higher resolution movement data can reveal novel information about foraging behaviors that have important ecological implications.  相似文献   

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