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The prospective rise in atmospheric CO2 and temperature may change the distribution and invasive potential of a species; and intraspecific invasive lineages may respond differently to climate change. In this study, we simulated a future climate scenario with simultaneously elevated atmospheric CO2 and temperature, and investigated its interaction with soil salinity, to assess the effects of global change on the ecophysiology of two competing haplotypes of the wetland grass Phragmites australis, that are invasive in the coastal marshes of North America. The two haplotypes with the phenotypes ‘EU‐type’ (Eurasian haplotype) and ‘Delta‐type’ (Mediterranean haplotype), were grown at 0‰ and 20‰ soil salinity, and at ambient or elevated climatic conditions (700 ppm CO2, +5 °C) in a phytotron system. The aboveground growth of both phenotypes was highest at the elevated climatic conditions. Growth at 20‰ salinity resulted in declined aboveground growth, lower transpiration rates (E), stomata conductance (gs), specific leaf area, photosynthetic pigment concentrations, and a reduced photosynthetic performance. The negative effects of salinity were, however, significantly less severe at elevated CO2 and temperature than at the ambient climatic conditions. The Delta‐type P. australis had higher shoot elongation rates than the EU‐type P. australis, particularly at high salinity. The Delta‐type also had higher maximum light‐saturated rates of photosynthesis (Asat), maximum carboxylation rates of Rubisco (Vcmax), maximum electron transport rates (Jmax), triose phosphate utilization rates (Tp), stomata conductance (gs), as well as higher Rubisco carboxylation‐limited, RuBP regeneration‐limited and Tp‐regeneration limited CO2 assimilation rates than the EU‐type under all growth conditions. Our results suggest that the EU‐type will not become dominant over the Delta‐type, since the Delta‐type has superior ecophysiological traits. However, the projected rise in atmospheric CO2 and temperature will alleviate the effects of salinity on both phenotypes and facilitate their expansion into more saline areas.  相似文献   

Global change is predicted to promote plant invasions world-wide, reducing biodiversity and ecosystem function. Phenotypic plasticity may influence the ability of introduced plant species to invade and dominate extant communities. However, interpreting differences in plasticity can be confounded by phylogenetic differences in morphology and physiology. Here we present a novel case investigating the role of fitness trait values and phenotypic plasticity to global change factors between conspecific lineages of Phragmites australis. We hypothesized that due to observed differences in the competitive success of North American-native and Eurasian-introduced P. australis genotypes, Eurasian-introduced P. australis would exhibit greater fitness in response to global change factors. Plasticity and plant performance to ambient and predicted levels of carbon dioxide and nitrogen pollution were investigated to understand how invasion pressure may change in North America under a realistic global change scenario. We found that the introduced Eurasian genotype expressed greater mean trait values in nearly every ecophysiological trait measured – aboveground and belowground – to elevated CO2 and nitrogen, outperforming the native North American conspecific by a factor of two to three under every global change scenario. This response is consistent with “jack and master” phenotypic plasticity. We suggest that differences in plant nitrogen productivity, specific leaf area, belowground biomass allocation, and inherently higher relative growth rate are the plant traits that may enhance invasion of Eurasian Phragmites in North America. Given the high degree of genotypic variability within this species, and our limited number of genotypes, our results must be interpreted cautiously. Our study is the first to demonstrate the potential importance of jack-and-master phenotypic plasticity in plant invasions when facing imminent global change conditions. We suggest that jack-and-master invasive genotypes and/or species similar to introduced P. australis will have an increased ecological fitness, facilitating their invasion in both stressful and resource rich environments.  相似文献   

Clones of Spartina patens were collected from 19 locations throughout Gulf coast marshes of Texas, Louisiana, and Florida. Following three vegetative generations of de-acclimation from field conditions, genotypes were subjected to a salinity screening protocol in which salinity was increased in weekly increments of 5‰ (gram salt/kilogram solution). Plants were harvested when there was 50% death of aboveground tissue, which we defined as the lethal salinity level. The genotypes displayed highly significant intraspecific variation in lethal salinity level, which ranged from 63‰ to 93‰. Significant intraspecific variation was also observed in all plant morphological variables, as well as leaf rolling, leaf expansion rates at 2‰ and 20‰ salinity, aboveground, belowground, and total biomass, and belowground-to-aboveground biomass ratio. An ANOVA of principal component scores from a PCA of lethal salinity level and covariable-adjusted total plant dry mass further illustrated intraspecific variation within this species in these two traits expressed as one principal component. Correlation analysis revealed that intraspecific variation in salt tolerance was not strongly associated with intraspecific variation in plant morphological traits, leaf rolling, or leaf expansion rates.  相似文献   

The effects of elevated CO2 and drought on ecophysiological parameters in grassland species have been examined, but few studies have investigated the effect of competition on those parameters under climate change conditions. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of elevated CO2 and drought on the response of plant water relations, gas exchange, chlorophyll a fluorescence and aboveground biomass in four grassland species, as well as to assess whether the type of competition modulates that response. Elevated CO2 in well‐watered conditions increased aboveground biomass by augmenting CO2 assimilation. Drought reduced biomass by reducing CO2 assimilation rate via stomatal limitation and, when drought was more severe, also non‐stomatal limitation. When plants were grown under the combined conditions of elevated CO2 and drought, drought limitation observed under ambient CO2 was reduced, permitting higher CO2 assimilation and consequently reducing the observed decrease in aboveground biomass. The response to climate change was species‐specific and dependent on the type of competition. Thus, the response to elevated CO2 in well‐watered grasses was higher in monoculture than in mixture, while it was higher in mixture compared to monoculture for forbs. On the other hand, forbs were more affected than grasses by drought in monoculture, while in mixture the negative effect of drought was higher in grasses than in forbs, due to a lower capacity to acquire water and mineral nutrients. These differences in species‐level growth responses to CO2 and drought may lead to changes in the composition and biodiversity of the grassland plant community in future climate conditions.  相似文献   

The rising concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) is known to increase the total aboveground biomass of several C3 crops, whereas C4 crops are reported to be hardly affected when water supply is sufficient. However, a free‐air carbon enrichment (FACE) experiment in Braunschweig, Germany, in 2007 and 2008 resulted in a 25% increased biomass of the C4 crop maize under restricted water conditions and elevated CO2 (550 ppm). To project future yields of maize under climate change, an accurate representation of the effects of eCO2 and drought on biomass and soil water conditions is essential. Current crop growth models reveal limitations in simulations of maize biomass under eCO2 and limited water supply. We use the coupled process‐based hydrological‐plant growth model Catchment Modeling Framework‐Plant growth Modeling Framework to overcome this limitation. We apply the coupled model to the maize‐based FACE experiment in Braunschweig that provides robust data for the investigation of combined CO2 and drought effects. We approve hypothesis I that CO2 enrichment has a small direct‐fertilizing effect with regard to the total aboveground biomass of maize and hypothesis II that CO2 enrichment decreases water stress and leads to higher yields of maize under restricted water conditions. Hypothesis III could partly be approved showing that CO2 enrichment decreases the transpiration of maize, but does not raise soil moisture, while increasing evaporation. We emphasize the importance of plant‐specific CO2 response factors derived by use of comprehensive FACE data. By now, only one FACE experiment on maize is accomplished applying different water levels. For the rigorous testing of plant growth models and their applicability in climate change studies, we call for datasets that go beyond single criteria (only yield response) and single effects (only elevated CO2).  相似文献   

An invasive wetland grass primes deep soil carbon pools   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Understanding the processes that control deep soil carbon (C) dynamics and accumulation is of key importance, given the relevance of soil organic matter (SOM) as a vast C pool and climate change buffer. Methodological constraints of measuring SOM decomposition in the field prevent the addressing of real‐time rhizosphere effects that regulate nutrient cycling and SOM decomposition. An invasive lineage of Phragmites australis roots deeper than native vegetation (Schoenoplectus americanus and Spartina patens) in coastal marshes of North America and has potential to dramatically alter C cycling and accumulation in these ecosystems. To evaluate the effect of deep rooting on SOM decomposition we designed a mesocosm experiment that differentiates between plant‐derived, surface SOM‐derived (0–40 cm, active root zone of native marsh vegetation), and deep SOM‐derived mineralization (40–80 cm, below active root zone of native vegetation). We found invasive P. australis allocated the highest proportion of roots in deeper soils, differing significantly from the native vegetation in root : shoot ratio and belowground biomass allocation. About half of the CO2 produced came from plant tissue mineralization in invasive and native communities; the rest of the CO2 was produced from SOM mineralization (priming). Under P. australis, 35% of the CO2 was produced from deep SOM priming and 9% from surface SOM. In the native community, 9% was produced from deep SOM priming and 44% from surface SOM. SOM priming in the native community was proportional to belowground biomass, while P. australis showed much higher priming with less belowground biomass. If P. australis deep rooting favors the decomposition of deep‐buried SOM accumulated under native vegetation, P. australis invasion into a wetland could fundamentally change SOM dynamics and lead to the loss of the C pool that was previously sequestered at depth under the native vegetation, thereby altering the function of a wetland as a long‐term C sink.  相似文献   

Current atmospheric CO2 levels are about 400 μmol mol?1 and are predicted to rise to 650 μmol mol?1 later this century. Although the positive and negative impacts of CO2 on plants are well documented, little is known about interactions with pests and diseases. If disease severity increases under future environmental conditions, then it becomes imperative to understand the impacts of pathogens on crop production in order to minimize crop losses and maximize food production. Barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV) adversely affects the yield and quality of economically important crops including wheat, barley and oats. It is transmitted by numerous aphid species and causes a serious disease of cereal crops worldwide. This study examined the effects of ambient (aCO2; 400 μmol mol?1) and elevated CO2 (eCO2; 650 μmol mol?1) on noninfected and BYDV‐infected wheat. Using a RT‐qPCR technique, we measured virus titre from aCO2 and eCO2 treatments. BYDV titre increased significantly by 36.8% in leaves of wheat grown under eCO2 conditions compared to aCO2. Plant growth parameters including height, tiller number, leaf area and biomass were generally higher in plants exposed to higher CO2 levels but increased growth did not explain the increase in BYDV titre in these plants. High virus titre in plants has been shown to have a significant negative effect on plant yield and causes earlier and more pronounced symptom expression increasing the probability of virus spread by insects. The combination of these factors could negatively impact food production in Australia and worldwide under future climate conditions. This is the first quantitative evidence that BYDV titre increases in plants grown under elevated CO2 levels.  相似文献   

Since 1850, glaciers in the European Alps have lost around 40% of their original area, releasing bare forefields, which are colonized by alpine pioneer species, setting the scene for later successional stages. These expanding pioneer communities are likely less restricted by resources and competition than late‐successional systems. We thus hypothesized that rising atmospheric CO2 concentration will enhance plant growth in these high‐elevation communities. Nine characteristic, perennial glacier forefield species were assembled in microcosms and grown at a nearby experimental site in the Swiss Alps (2440 m a.s.l.). The communities were exposed to an elevated CO2 concentration of 580 ppm by free‐air CO2 enrichment for three seasons. Four study species were additionally grown in isolation in containers, half of which received a low dose of mineral fertilizer (25 kg N ha‐1 a‐1) in order to explore a potential nutrient limitation of the CO2 response. Responses of growth dynamics and peak season biomass of the two graminoid species, four forbs and three cushion forming species were analysed by repeated nondestructive assessments and a final biomass harvest. After three seasons, none of the species were stimulated by elevated CO2, irrespective of mineral nutrient addition, which by itself enhanced growth in the fertilized plants by +34% on average. Increased CO2 concentration did not affect total (above‐ plus belowground) biomass but reduced aboveground biomass by ?35% across all species, even in the fast growing ones. This reduced aboveground biomass was associated with higher biomass partitioning to roots. Foliar nonstructural carbohydrate concentration increased and nitrogen concentration in leaves decreased under elevated CO2. We observed downward adjustment of photosynthetic capacity by on average ?26% under long‐term exposure to 580 ppm CO2 (assessed in graminoids only). Our results indicate that glacier forefield pioneers, growing under harsh climatic conditions are not carbon limited at current atmospheric CO2 concentration.  相似文献   

Effect of salinity (15, 25, 35, 45, and 55‰) on growth, biochemical composition, and lipid productivity of Nannochloropsis oculata CS 179 was investigated under controlled cultivation in a 19‐day study. The results demonstrate that the dry biomass of N. oculata was the highest at a salinity of 25‰ among the treatments in the first 10‐day cultivation (P<0.05). During days 14–19 (stage III), the dry biomass productivity was the highest at a salinity of 35‰ (P<0.05). The algae had the highest chlorophyll a content (26.47 mg g?1) at 25‰ in stage I, and it decreased continuously at stage III. Protein content (as% of dry biomass) of algae reached the highest value of 42.25 ± 2.10% at 15‰, and the lipid content was the highest of 32.11 ± 1.30% of dry biomass at 25‰. However, the lipid productivity of these algae was the highest at 35‰ (64.71 mg L?1 d?1; P<0.001). C16 series content was the highest among the total fatty acid methyl esters (FAME), and eicosapentaenoic acid C20:5n‐3 (EPA) content was high at the low salinity. Fatty acid profiles of N. oculata varied significantly under different salinities.  相似文献   

Rising atmospheric CO2 levels can dilute the nitrogen (N) resource in plant tissue, which is disadvantageous to many herbivorous insects. Aphids appear to be an exception that warrants further study. The effects of elevated CO2 (750 ppm vs. 390 ppm) were evaluated on N assimilation and transamination by two Medicago truncatula genotypes, a N‐fixing‐deficient mutant (dnf1) and its wild‐type control (Jemalong), with and without pea aphid (Acyrthosiphon pisum) infestation. Elevated CO2 increased population abundance and feeding efficiency of aphids fed on Jemalong, but reduced those on dnf1. Without aphid infestation, elevated CO2 increased photosynthetic rate, chlorophyll content, nodule number, biomass, and pod number for Jemalong, but only increased pod number and chlorophyll content for dnf1. Furthermore, aphid infested Jemalong plants had enhanced activities of N assimilation‐related enzymes (glutamine synthetase, Glutamate synthase) and transamination‐related enzymes (glutamate oxalate transaminase, glutamine phenylpyruvate transaminase), which presumably increased amino acid concentration in leaves and phloem sap under elevated CO2. In contrast, aphid infested dnf1 plants had decreased activities of N assimilation‐related enzymes and transmination‐related enzymes and amino acid concentrations under elevated CO2. Furthermore, elevated CO2 up‐regulated expression of genes relevant to amino acid metabolism in bacteriocytes of aphids associated with Jemalong, but down‐regulated those associated with dnf1. Our results suggest that pea aphids actively elicit host responses that promote amino acid metabolism in both the host plant and in its bacteriocytes to favor the population growth of the aphid under elevated CO2.  相似文献   

We quantified the independent impacts of flooding salinity, flooding depth, and flooding frequency on the native species, Phragmites australis and Scirpus mariqueter, and on the invasive species Spartina alterniflora in the Yangtze River Estuary, China. Total biomass of all three species decreased significantly with increasing salinity, but S. alterniflora was less severely affected than P. australis and S. mariqueter. Elevated flooding depth significantly decreased their live aboveground biomass of P. australis and S. mariqueter, while S. alterniflora still had high live aboveground biomass and total biomass even at the highest flooding depth. These findings indicated that S. alterniflora was more tolerant to experimental conditions than the two native species, and an unavoidable suggestion is the expansion of this non-native species in relation to the native counterparts in future scenarios of increased sea-level and saltwater intrusion. Even so, environmental stresses might lead to significant decreases in total biomass and live aboveground biomass of all three species, which would potentially weaken their ability to trap sediments and accumulate organic matter. However, the relatively high belowground-to-aboveground biomass ratio indicated phenotypic plasticity in response to stressful environmental conditions, which suggest that marsh species can adapt to sea-level rise and maintain marsh elevation.  相似文献   

Increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations are expected to lead to increases in the rate of tree biomass accumulation, at least temporarily. On the one hand, trees may simply grow faster under higher CO2 concentrations, preserving the allometric relations that prevailed under lower CO2 concentrations. Alternatively, the allometric relations themselves may change. In this study, the effects of elevated CO2 (eCO2) on tree biomass and allometric relations were jointly assessed. Over 100 trees, grown at Duke Forest, NC, USA, were harvested from eight plots. Half of the plots had been subjected to CO2 enrichment from 1996 to 2010. Several subplots had also been subjected to nitrogen fertilization from 2005 to 2010. Allometric equations were developed to predict tree height, stem volume, and aboveground biomass components for loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.), the dominant tree species, and broad‐leaved species. Using the same diameter‐based allometric equations for biomass, it was estimated that plots with eCO2 contained 21% more aboveground biomass, consistent with previous studies. However, eCO2 significantly affected allometry, and these changes had an additional effect on biomass. In particular, P. taeda trees at a given diameter were observed to be taller under eCO2 than under ambient CO2 due to changes in both the allometric scaling exponent and intercept. Accounting for allometric change increased the treatment effect of eCO2 on aboveground biomass from a 21% to a 27% increase. No allometric changes for the nondominant broad‐leaved species were identified, nor were allometric changes associated with nitrogen fertilization. For P. taeda, it is concluded that eCO2 affects allometries, and that knowledge of allometry changes is necessary to accurately compute biomass under eCO2. Further observations are needed to determine whether this assessment holds for other taxa.  相似文献   

Elevation of atmospheric CO2 concentration is predicted to increase net primary production, which could lead to additional C sequestration in terrestrial ecosystems. Soil C input was determined under ambient and Free Atmospheric Carbon dioxide Enrichment (FACE) conditions for Lolium perenne L. and Trifolium repens L. grown for four years in a sandy‐loam soil. The 13C content of the soil organic matter C had been increased by 5‰ compared to the native soil by prior cropping to corn (Zea mays) for > 20 years. Both species received low or high amounts of N fertilizer in separate plots. The total accumulated above‐ground biomass produced by L. perenne during the 4‐year period was strongly dependent on the amount of N fertilizer applied but did not respond to increased CO2. In contrast, the total accumulated above‐ground biomass of T. repens doubled under elevated CO2 but remained independent of N fertilizer rate. The C:N ratio of above‐ground biomass for both species increased under elevated CO2 whereas only the C:N ratio of L. perenne roots increased under elevated CO2. Root biomass of L. perenne doubled under elevated CO2 and again under high N fertilization. Total soil C was unaffected by CO2 treatment but dependent on species. After 4 years and for both crops, the fraction of new C (F‐value) under ambient conditions was higher (P= 0.076) than under FACE conditions: 0.43 vs. 0.38. Soil under L. perenne showed an increase in total soil organic matter whereas N fertilization or elevated CO2 had no effect on total soil organic matter content for both systems. The net amount of C sequestered in 4 years was unaffected by the CO2 concentration (overall average of 8.5 g C kg?1 soil). There was a significant species effect and more new C was sequestered under highly fertilized L. perenne. The amount of new C sequestered in the soil was primarily dependent on plant species and the response of root biomass to CO2 and N fertilization. Therefore, in this FACE study net soil C sequestration was largely depended on how the species responded to N rather than to elevated CO2.  相似文献   

In a field microcosm experiment, species‐specific responses of aboveground biomass of two California annual grassland communities to elevated CO2 and nutrient availability were investigated. One community grows on shallow, nutrient‐poor serpentine‐derived soil whereas the other occurs on deeper, modestly fertile sandstone/greenstone‐derived substrate. In most species, CO2 effects did not appear until late in the growing season, probably because the elevated CO2 increased water‐use‐efficiency easing, the onset of the summer drought. Responses of aboveground biomass to elevated CO2 differed depending on nutrient availability. Similarly, biomass responses to nutrient treatments differed depending on the CO2 status. For the majority of the species, production increased most under elevated CO2 with added nutrients (N,P,K, and micro nutrients). Some species were losers under conditions that increased overall community production, including Bromus hordeaceus in the serpentine community (negative biomass response under elevated CO2) and Lotus wrangelianus in both communities (negative biomass response with added nitrogen). Treatment and competitive effects on species‐specific biomass varied in both magnitude and direction, especially in the serpentine community, significantly affecting community structure. Individual resource environments are likely to be affected by neighbouring plants, and these competitive interactions complicate predictions of species' responses to elevated CO2.  相似文献   

Rising atmospheric CO2 concentration ([CO2]) and attendant increases in growing season temperature are expected to be the most important global change factors impacting production agriculture. Although maize is the most highly produced crop worldwide, few studies have evaluated the interactive effects of elevated [CO2] and temperature on its photosynthetic physiology, agronomic traits or biomass, and seed yield under open field conditions. This study investigates the effects of rising [CO2] and warmer temperature, independently and in combination, on maize grown in the field throughout a full growing season. Free‐air CO2 enrichment (FACE) technology was used to target atmospheric [CO2] to 200 μmol mol?1 above ambient [CO2] and infrared heaters to target a plant canopy increase of 3.5 °C, with actual season mean heating of ~2.7 °C, mimicking conditions predicted by the second half of this century. Photosynthetic gas‐exchange parameters, leaf nitrogen and carbon content, leaf water potential components, and developmental measurements were collected throughout the season, and biomass and yield were measured at the end of the growing season. As predicted for a C4 plant, elevated [CO2] did not stimulate photosynthesis, biomass, or yield. Canopy warming caused a large shift in aboveground allocation by stimulating season‐long vegetative biomass and decreasing reproductive biomass accumulation at both CO2 concentrations, resulting in decreased harvest index. Warming caused a reduction in photosynthesis due to down‐regulation of photosynthetic biochemical parameters and the decrease in the electron transport rate. The reduction in seed yield with warming was driven by reduced photosynthetic capacity and by a shift in aboveground carbon allocation away from reproduction. This field study portends that future warming will reduce yield in maize, and this will not be mitigated by higher atmospheric [CO2] unless appropriate adaptation traits can be introduced into future cultivars.  相似文献   

We took advantage of the distinctive system‐level measurement capabilities of the Biosphere 2 Laboratory (B2L) to examine the effects of prolonged exposure to elevated [CO2] on carbon flux dynamics, above‐ and belowground biomass changes, and soil carbon and nutrient capital in plantation forest stands over 4 years. Annually coppiced stands of eastern cottonwoods (Populus deltoides) were grown under ambient (400 ppm) and two levels of elevated (800 and 1200 ppm) atmospheric [CO2] in carbon and N‐replete soils of the Intensive Forestry Mesocosm in the B2L. The large semiclosed space of B2L uniquely enabled precise CO2 exchange measurements at the near ecosystem scale. Highly controllable climatic conditions within B2L also allowed for reproducible examination of CO2 exchange under different scales in space and time. Elevated [CO2] significantly stimulated whole‐system maximum net CO2 influx by an average of 21% and 83% in years 3 and 4 of the experiment. Over the 4‐year experiment, cumulative belowground, foliar, and total aboveground biomass increased in both elevated [CO2] treatments. After 2 years of growth at elevated [CO2], early season stand respiration was decoupled from CO2 influx aboveground, presumably because of accelerated fine root production from stored carbohydrates in the coppiced system prior to canopy development and to the increased soil carbohydrate status under elevated [CO2] treatments. Soil respiration was stimulated by elevated [CO2] whether measured at the system level in the undisturbed soil block, by soil collars in situ, or by substrate‐induced respiration in vitro. Elevated [CO2] accelerated depletion of soil nutrients, phosphorus, calcium and potassium, after 3 years of growth, litter removal, and coppicing, especially in the upper soil profile, although total N showed no change. Enhancement of above‐ and belowground biomass production by elevated [CO2] accelerated carbon cycling through the coppiced system and did not sequester additional carbon in the soil.  相似文献   

In recent years, increased awareness of the potential interactions between rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations ([ CO2 ]) and temperature has illustrated the importance of multifactorial ecosystem manipulation experiments for validating Earth System models. To address the urgent need for increased understanding of responses in multifactorial experiments, this article synthesizes how ecosystem productivity and soil processes respond to combined warming and [ CO2 ] manipulation, and compares it with those obtained in single factor [ CO2 ] and temperature manipulation experiments. Across all combined elevated [ CO2 ] and warming experiments, biomass production and soil respiration were typically enhanced. Responses to the combined treatment were more similar to those in the [ CO2 ]‐only treatment than to those in the warming‐only treatment. In contrast to warming‐only experiments, both the combined and the [ CO2 ]‐only treatments elicited larger stimulation of fine root biomass than of aboveground biomass, consistently stimulated soil respiration, and decreased foliar nitrogen (N) concentration. Nonetheless, mineral N availability declined less in the combined treatment than in the [ CO2 ]‐only treatment, possibly due to the warming‐induced acceleration of decomposition, implying that progressive nitrogen limitation (PNL) may not occur as commonly as anticipated from single factor [ CO2 ] treatment studies. Responses of total plant biomass, especially of aboveground biomass, revealed antagonistic interactions between elevated [ CO2 ] and warming, i.e. the response to the combined treatment was usually less‐than‐additive. This implies that productivity projections might be overestimated when models are parameterized based on single factor responses. Our results highlight the need for more (and especially more long‐term) multifactor manipulation experiments. Because single factor CO2 responses often dominated over warming responses in the combined treatments, our results also suggest that projected responses to future global warming in Earth System models should not be parameterized using single factor warming experiments.  相似文献   

盐度和淹水对长江口潮滩盐沼植物碳储量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
薛莲  李秀珍  闫中正  张骞  丁文慧  黄星 《生态学报》2018,38(9):2995-3003
盐生植物是盐沼有机碳储存的"临时库",也是土壤有机碳累积的主要来源,其碳储量大小对盐沼生态系统"碳汇"功能的发挥十分重要。以长江口潮滩本地种芦苇(Phragmites australis)和海三棱藨草(Scirpus mariqueter),及入侵种互花米草(Spartina alterniflora)为研究对象,采用单因素盆栽实验,模拟分析淹水盐度(0、5、10、15、25和35)、淹水深度(0、10、20、40、60cm和80cm)和淹水频率(每天、每3天、每7天、每10天和每15天)变化对各盐生植物地上、地下和总体碳储量大小的影响。研究结果表明,随着淹水盐度增加,芦苇、互花米草和海三棱藨草地上部分与总体碳储量均显著降低。土壤盐度可分别解释其地上部分碳储量变异的47.2%、66.5%和72.7%,与总体碳储量变异的34.7%、45.0%和62.0%。随着淹水深度增加,芦苇地上部分、总体碳储量和海三棱藨草地上部分碳储量均显著降低,其变异的68.6%、28.5%和71.1%可由淹水深度变化(10—80cm)解释。互花米草在80cm淹水深度下仍有较高的地上部分碳储量和总体碳储量。3种盐生植物碳储量对淹水频率变化的响应差异均不显著,所有处理地下部分碳储量差异也未达到显著水平。总体而言,互花米草对水盐胁迫的耐受性要强于本地种芦苇和海三棱藨草。尽管互花米草和芦苇具有相对较高的碳储量,但水盐胁迫对其碳储量的显著抑制作用不容忽视。海三棱藨草碳储量本就不高,输入土壤的有机碳量较为有限,海平面上升及盐水入侵等逆境胁迫会使其对盐沼"碳汇"贡献更加微弱。  相似文献   

Hybridization, both within and between taxa, can be an important evolutionary stimulus for bioinvasions. Novel intra-taxon hybridizations may arise either between formerly allopatric introduced lineages, or between native and introduced lineages. The latter can occur following a cryptic invasion of a non-native lineage, such as the nineteenth century introduction to North America of a European lineage of the common reed Phragmites australis. Previous studies found no evidence of natural hybridization between native and introduced lineages of P. australis, but produced some F1 hybrids under experimental conditions when the seed parent was native and the pollen parent was introduced. In this study we used microsatellite data to compare genotypes of P. australis along a transect of approximately 2,000 km in eastern North America. Although hybridization appears uncommon, simulations and principle component analysis of genetic data provided strong evidence for natural hybridization at two sites adjacent to Lake Erie in which native and introduced lineages were sympatric. The seed parent was the native lineage in some cases, and the introduced lineage in other cases. There is now the potential for P. australis hybrids to become increasingly invasive, and managers should consider as a priority the removal of introduced stands from sites where they co-exist with native stands.  相似文献   

Compared with non‐invasive species, invasive plant species may benefit from certain advantageous traits, for example, higher photosynthesis capacity and resource/energy‐use efficiency. These traits can be preadapted prior to introduction, but can also be acquired through evolution following introduction to the new range. Disentangling the origins of these advantageous traits is a fundamental and emerging question in invasion ecology. We conducted a multiple comparative experiment under identical environmental condition with the invasive haplotype M lineage of the wetland grass Phragmites australis and compared the ecophysiological traits of this invasive haplotype M in North America with those of the European ancestor and the conspecific North American native haplotype E lineage, P. australis ssp. americanus. The invasive haplotype M differed significantly from the native North American conspecific haplotype E in several ecophysiological and morphological traits, and the European haplotype M had a more efficient photosynthetic apparatus than the native North American P. australis ssp. americanus. Within the haplotype M lineage, the introduced North American P. australis exhibited different biomass allocation patterns and resource/energy‐use strategies compared to its European ancestor group. A discriminant analysis of principal components separated the haplotype M and the haplotype E lineages completely along the first canonical axis, highly related to photosynthetic gas‐exchange parameters, photosynthetic energy‐use efficiency and payback time. The second canonical axis, highly related to photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency and construction costs, significantly separated the introduced P. australis in North America from its European ancestor. Synthesis. We conclude that the European P. australis lineage was preadapted to be invasive prior to its introduction, and that the invasion in North America is further stimulated by rapid post‐introduction evolution in several advantageous traits. The multicomparison approach used in this study could be an effective approach for distinguishing preadaptation and post‐introduction evolution of invasive species. Further research is needed to link the observed changes in invasive traits to the genetic variation and the interaction with the environment.  相似文献   

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