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Negative density dependence of clutch size is a ubiquitous characteristic of avian populations and is partly due to within‐individual phenotypic plasticity. Yet, very little is known about the extent to which individuals differ in their degree of phenotypic plasticity, whether such variation has a genetic basis and whether level of plasticity can thus evolve in response to selection. Using 18 years of data of a Dutch great tit population (Parus major), we show that females reduced clutch size with increasing population density (slopes of the reaction norms), differed strongly in their average clutch size (elevations of the reaction norms) at the population‐mean density and that the latter variation was partly heritable. In contrast, we could not detect individual variation in phenotypic plasticity (‘I × E’). Level of plasticity is thus not likely to evolve in response to selection in this population. Observed clutch sizes deviated more from the estimated individual reaction norms in certain years and densities, implying that the within‐individual between‐year variance (so‐called residual variance) of clutch size was heterogeneous with respect to these factors. Given the observational nature of this study, experimental manipulation of density is now warranted to confirm the causality of the observed density effects. Our analyses demonstrate that failure to acknowledge this heterogeneity would have inflated the estimate of ‘I × E’ and led to misinterpretation of the data. This paper thereby emphasizes the fact that heterogeneity in residuals can provide biologically insightful information about the ecological processes underlying the data.  相似文献   

Genetic assimilation emerges from selection on phenotypic plasticity. Yet, commonly used quantitative genetics models of linear reaction norms considering intercept and slope as traits do not mimic the full process of genetic assimilation. We argue that intercept–slope reaction norm models are insufficient representations of genetic effects on linear reaction norms and that considering reaction norm intercept as a trait is unfortunate because the definition of this trait relates to a specific environmental value (zero) and confounds genetic effects on reaction norm elevation with genetic effects on environmental perception. Instead, we suggest a model with three traits representing genetic effects that, respectively, (i) are independent of the environment, (ii) alter the sensitivity of the phenotype to the environment and (iii) determine how the organism perceives the environment. The model predicts that, given sufficient additive genetic variation in environmental perception, the environmental value at which reaction norms tend to cross will respond rapidly to selection after an abrupt environmental change, and eventually becomes equal to the new mean environment. This readjustment of the zone of canalization becomes completed without changes in genetic correlations, genetic drift or imposing any fitness costs of maintaining plasticity. The asymptotic evolutionary outcome of this three‐trait linear reaction norm generally entails a lower degree of phenotypic plasticity than the two‐trait model, and maximum expected fitness does not occur at the mean trait values in the population.  相似文献   

Phenotypes vary hierarchically among taxa and populations, among genotypes within populations, among individuals within genotypes, and also within individuals for repeatedly expressed, labile phenotypic traits. This hierarchy produces some fundamental challenges to clearly defining biological phenomena and constructing a consistent explanatory framework. We use a heuristic statistical model to explore two consequences of this hierarchy. First, although the variation existing among individuals within populations has long been of interest to evolutionary biologists, within‐individual variation has been much less emphasized. Within‐individual variance occurs when labile phenotypes (behaviour, physiology, and sometimes morphology) exhibit phenotypic plasticity or deviate from a norm‐of‐reaction within the same individual. A statistical partitioning of phenotypic variance leads us to explore an array of ideas about residual within‐individual variation. We use this approach to draw attention to additional processes that may influence within‐individual phenotypic variance, including interactions among environmental factors, ecological effects on the fitness consequences of plasticity, and various types of adaptive variance. Second, our framework for investigating variation in phenotypic variance reveals that interactions between levels of the hierarchy form the preconditions for the evolution of all types of plasticity, and we extend this idea to the residual level within individuals, where both adaptive plasticity in residuals and canalization‐like processes (stability) can evolve. With the statistical tools now available to examine heterogeneous residual variance, an array of novel questions linking phenotype to environment can be usefully addressed.  相似文献   

Theoretical models on the evolution of phenotypic plasticity predict a zone of canalization where reaction norms cross, and genetic variation is minimized in the environment a population most frequently encounter. Empirical tests of this prediction are largely missing, in particular for life‐history traits. We addressed this prediction by quantifying thermal reaction norms of three life‐history traits (somatic growth rate, age and size at maturation) of a Norwegian population of Daphnia magna and testing for the occurrence of an intermediate temperature (Tm) at which genetic variance in the traits is minimized. Size at maturation changed relatively little with temperature compared to the other traits, and there was no genetic variance in the shape of the reaction norm. Consequently, age at maturation and somatic growth rate were strongly negatively correlated. Both traits showed a strong genotype–environment interaction, and the estimated Tm was 14 °C for both age at maturation and growth rate. This value of Tm corresponds well with mean summer temperatures experienced by the population and suggests that the population has evolved under stabilizing selection in temperatures that fluctuate around this mean temperature. These results suggest local adaptation to temperature in the studied population and allow predicting evolutionary trajectories of thermal reaction norms under changing thermal regimes.  相似文献   

The univariate and multivariate study of variation for phenotypic plasticity is central to providing a clear understanding of hypotheses about the genetic control and evolution of reaction norms in natural populations. Arabidopsis thaliana is an ideal organism for the study of Genotype × Environment interactions (i.e., genetic variation for plasticity), because of the ease with which it can be grown in large numbers and due to the amount of information already available on its genetics, physiology and developmental biology. In this paper, we report on the plasticity, genetic variation and G × E interactions of four populations of A. thaliana in response to three environmental gradients (water, light and nutrients), each characterized by four levels of the controlled parameter. We measured nine traits and obtained their reaction norms. Path analysis was used to study the plasticity of character correlations. We found a tendency for A. thaliana reaction norms to be linear (either flat, i.e. no plasticity, or with a significant slope), in accordance with previous studies. We detected substantial amounts of genetic variation for plasticity in the light and nutrient gradients, but not in the water gradient. Dramatic restructuring of character correlations was induced by changes in environmental conditions, although some paths tended to be stable irrespective of the environment, thereby suggesting some degree of canalization.  相似文献   

Reaction norms of fourteen life history and morphological traits were investigated in four tetra- and two hexaploid genotypes of the annual weed species complex, Polygonum aviculare. The plants were cultivated in six treatments consisting of factorial combinations of three pot sizes and two fertility levels. All characters, except life span, were plastic but the relative importance of genotype (G), treatment (T) and interaction (G × T) to total variance was strongly trait-specific. Consistent genetic differentiation, not correlated with ploidy level, was found in metamer size and life history: genotypes originating from trampled sites had smaller metamers and shorter shoots while those originating from sites with a short growing season, due to weeding activities, had a shorter life span, an earlier flowering date and a higher biomass allocation to reproduction compared to genotypes from less disturbed sites. Significant variation was found in reaction norms for all characters, including a lower amount of plasticity in metamer size in genotypes with numerous metamers and a lower amount of plasticity in total weight in shortlived genotypes. This suggested that variation in phenotypic plasticity reflected developmental constraints imposed by contrasting life span and metamer size in different genotypes. There was no evidence for niche differentiation along the soil resource gradient, suggesting that the species is comprised of “general purpose” genotypes with respect to soil fertility. It is concluded that the Polygonum aviculare complex has evolved a “dual” adaptive strategy i.e. a combination of genetic polymorphism and high phenotypic plasticity.  相似文献   

Genetic variation for phenotypic plasticity is ubiquitous and important. However, the scale of such variation including the relative variability present in reaction norms among different hierarchies of biological organization (e.g., individuals, populations, and closely related species) is unknown. Complicating interpretation is a trade‐off in environmental scale. As plasticity can only be inferred over the range of environments tested, experiments focusing on fine tuned responses to normal or benign conditions may miss cryptic phenotypic variation expressed under novel or stressful environments. Here, we sought to discern the presence and shape of plasticity in the performance of brown trout sperm as a function of optimal to extremely stressful river pH, and demarcate if the reaction norm varies among genotypes. Our overarching goal was to determine if deteriorating environmental quality increases expressed variation among individuals. A more applied aim was to ascertain whether maintaining sperm performance over a wide pH range could help explain how brown trout are able to invade diverse river systems when transplanted outside of their native range. Individuals differed in their reaction norms of phenotypic expression of an important trait in response to environmental change. Cryptic variation was revealed under stressful conditions, evidenced through increasing among‐individual variability. Importantly, data on population averages masked this variability in plasticity. In addition, canalized reaction norms in sperm swimming velocities of many individuals over a very large range in water chemistry may help explain why brown trout are able to colonize a wide variety of habitats.  相似文献   

Organisms are capable of an astonishing repertoire of phenotypic responses to the environment, and these often define important adaptive solutions to heterogeneous and unpredictable conditions. The terms ‘phenotypic plasticity’ and ‘canalization’ indicate whether environmental variation has a large or small effect on the phenotype. The evolution of canalization and plasticity is influenced by optimizing selection‐targeting traits within environments, but inherent fitness costs of plasticity may also be important. We present a meta‐analysis of 27 studies (of 16 species of plant and 7 animals) that have measured selection on the degree of plasticity independent of the characters expressed within environments. Costs of plasticity and canalization were equally frequent and usually mild; large costs were observed only in studies with low sample size. We tested the importance of several covariates, but only the degree of environmental stress was marginally positively related to the cost of plasticity. These findings suggest that costs of plasticity are often weak, and may influence phenotypic evolution only under stressful conditions.  相似文献   

Mate choice hypotheses usually focus on trait variation of chosen individuals. Recently, mate choice studies have increasingly attended to the environmental circumstances affecting variation in choosers' behavior and choosers' traits. We reviewed the literature on phenotypic plasticity in mate choice with the goal of exploring whether phenotypic plasticity can be interpreted as individual flexibility in the context of the switch point theorem, SPT (Gowaty and Hubbell 2009 ). We found >3000 studies; 198 were empirical studies of within‐sex phenotypic plasticity, and sixteen showed no evidence of mate choice plasticity. Most studies reported changes from choosy to indiscriminate behavior of subjects. Investigators attributed changes to one or more causes including operational sex ratio, adult sex ratio, potential reproductive rate, predation risk, disease risk, chooser's mating experience, chooser's age, chooser's condition, or chooser's resources. The studies together indicate that “choosiness” of potential mates is environmentally and socially labile, that is, induced – not fixed – in “the choosy sex” with results consistent with choosers' intrinsic characteristics or their ecological circumstances mattering more to mate choice than the traits of potential mates. We show that plasticity‐associated variables factor into the simpler SPT variables. We propose that it is time to complete the move from questions about within‐sex plasticity in the choosy sex to between‐ and within‐individual flexibility in reproductive decision‐making of both sexes simultaneously. Currently, unanswered empirical questions are about the force of alternative constraints and opportunities as inducers of individual flexibility in reproductive decision‐making, and the ecological, social, and developmental sources of similarities and differences between individuals. To make progress, we need studies (1) of simultaneous and symmetric attention to individual mate preferences and subsequent behavior in both sexes, (2) controlled for within‐individual variation in choice behavior as demography changes, and which (3) report effects on fitness from movement of individual's switch points.  相似文献   

In an island population receiving immigrants from a larger continental population, gene flow causes maladaptation, decreasing mean fitness and producing continued directional selection to restore the local mean phenotype to its optimum. We show that this causes higher plasticity to evolve on the island than on the continent at migration-selection equilibrium, assuming genetic variation of reaction norms is such that phenotypic variance is higher on the island, where phenotypes are not canalized. For a species distributed continuously in space along an environmental gradient, higher plasticity evolves at the edges of the geographic range, and in environments where phenotypes are not canalized. Constant or evolving partially adaptive plasticity also alleviates maladaptation owing to gene flow in a heterogeneous environment and produces higher mean fitness and larger population size in marginal populations, preventing them from becoming sinks and facilitating invasion of new habitats. Our results shed light on the widely observed involvement of partially adaptive plasticity in phenotypic clines, and on the mechanisms causing geographic variation in plasticity.  相似文献   

Little is known about the extent to which observed phenological responses to changes in climate are the result of phenotypic plasticity or genetic changes. We also know little about how plasticity, in terms of thermal reaction norms, vary spatially. We investigated if the thermal reaction norms for flower development of five crucifer species (Brassicaceae) differed among three regions along a south–north latitudinal gradient in replicated experiments. The mean response (elevation) of thermal reaction norms of flowering differed among regions in all study species, while sensitivity of flower development to temperature (slope) differed in only one of the species. Differences in mean responses corresponded to cogradient patterns in some species, but countergradient patterns in other. This suggests that differences among regions were not solely the result of adaptation to differences in the length of the growing season, but that other factors, such as herbivory, play an important role. Differences in development rate within species were mainly explained by variation in early phases of bud formation in some species but by variation in later phases of bud formation in other species. The differences in latitudinal patterns of thermal reaction norms among species observed in this study are important, both to identify agents of selection and to predict short‐ and long‐term responses to a warming climate.  相似文献   

Adaptive genetic differentiation and adaptive phenotypic plasticity can increase the fitness of plant lineages in heterogeneous environments. We examine the relative importance of genetic differentiation and plasticity in determining the fitness of the annual plant, Erodium cicutarium, in a serpentine grassland in California. Previous work demonstrated that the serpentine sites within this mosaic display stronger dispersal‐scale heterogeneity than nonserpentine sites. We conducted a reciprocal transplant experiment among six sites to characterize selection on plasticity expressed by 180 full‐sibling families in response to natural environmental heterogeneity across these sites. Multivariate axes of environmental variation were constructed using a principal components analysis of soil chemistry data collected at every experimental block. Simple linear regressions were used to characterize the intercept, and slope (linear and curvilinear) of reaction norms for each full‐sibling family in response to each axis of environmental variation. Multiple linear regression analyses revealed significant selection on trait means and slopes of reaction norms. Multivariate analyses of variance demonstrated genetic differentiation between serpentine and nonserpentine lineages in the expression of plasticity in response to three of the five axes of environmental variation considered. In all but one case, serpentine genotypes expressed a stronger adaptive plastic response than nonserpentine genotypes.  相似文献   

Variation in somatic growth rates is of great interest to biologists because of the relationship between growth and other fitness‐determining traits, and it results from both genetic and environmentally induced variation (i.e. plasticity). Theoretical predictions suggest that mean somatic growth rates and the shape of the reaction norm for growth can be influenced by variation in predator‐induced mortality rates. Few studies have focused on variation in reaction norms for growth in response to resource availability between high‐predation and low‐predation environments. We used juvenile Brachyrhaphis rhabdophora from high‐predation and low‐predation environments to test for variation in mean growth rates and for variation in reaction norms for growth at two levels of food availability in a common‐environment experiment. To test for variation in growth rates in the field, we compared somatic growth rates in juveniles in high‐predation and low‐predation environments. In the common‐environment experiment, mean growth rates did not differ between fish from differing predation environments, but the interaction between predation environment and food level took the form of a crossing reaction norm for both growth in length and mass. Fish from low‐predation environments exhibited no significant difference in growth rate between high and low food treatments. In contrast, fish from high‐predation environments exhibited variation in growth rates between high and low food treatments, with higher food availability resulting in higher growth rates. In the field, individuals in the high‐predation environment grow at a faster rate than those in low‐predation environments at the smallest sizes (comparable to sizes in the common‐environment experiment). These data provide no evidence for evolved differences in mean growth rates between predation environments. However, fish from high‐predation environments exhibited greater plasticity in growth rates in response to resource availability suggesting that predation environments may exhibit increased variation in food availability for prey fish and consequent selection for plasticity.  相似文献   

We evaluated hypotheses of intralacustrine diversification and plastic responses to two diet environments in Icelandic Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus). Full‐sib families of progeny of wild polymorphic charr from two lakes where morphs vary in their degree of phenotypic and ecological divergence were split, with half of the offspring reared on a benthic and half on a limnetic type of diet to estimate family norms of reaction. We focused on variation in craniofacial traits because they are probably functionally related to diet and complement a previous study of body shape in these charr. A hierarchical analysis of phenotypic variation between lakes, pairs of morphs within each lake, and two families within each morph found that phenotypic variation partitioned between families relative to morphs was reduced in the more ecologically diversified population, which is consistent with adaptive diversification. The effect size of plastic responses between lake populations was similar, suggesting little difference in the degree of canalization in contrast to a previous analysis of body form plasticity. Thus, the role that plastic morphological responses play in the adaptive diversification of morphs and different lake populations of Arctic charr may depend on the trait. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

Both plasticity and genetic differentiation can contribute to phenotypic differences between populations. Using data on non‐fitness traits from reciprocal transplant studies, we show that approximately 60% of traits exhibit co‐gradient variation whereby genetic differences and plasticity‐induced differences between populations are the same sign. In these cases, plasticity is about twice as important as genetic differentiation in explaining phenotypic divergence. In contrast to fitness traits, the amount of genotype by environment interaction is small. Of the 40% of traits that exhibit counter‐gradient variation the majority seem to be hyperplastic whereby non‐native individuals express phenotypes that exceed those of native individuals. In about 20% of cases plasticity causes non‐native phenotypes to diverge from the native phenotype to a greater extent than if plasticity was absent, consistent with maladaptive plasticity. The degree to which genetic differentiation versus plasticity can explain phenotypic divergence varies a lot between species, but our proxies for motility and migration explain little of this variation.  相似文献   

Many traits studied in ecology and evolutionary biology change their expression in response to a continuously varying environmental factor. One well‐studied example are thermal performance curves (TPCs); continuous reaction norms that describe the relationship between organismal performance and temperature and are useful for understanding the trade‐offs involved in thermal adaptation. We characterized curves describing the thermal sensitivity of voluntary locomotor activity in a set of 66 spontaneous mutation accumulation lines in the fly Drosophila serrata. Factor‐analytic modeling of the mutational variance–covariance matrix, M , revealed support for three axes of mutational variation in males and two in females. These independent axes of mutational variance corresponded well to the major axes of TPC variation required for different types of thermal adaptation; “faster‐slower” representing changes in performance largely independent of temperature, and the “hotter‐colder” and “generalist‐specialist” axes, representing trade‐offs. In contrast to its near‐absence from standing variance in this species, a “faster‐slower” axis, accounted for most mutational variance (75% in males and 66% in females) suggesting selection may easily fix or remove these types of mutations in outbred populations. Axes resembling the “hotter‐colder” and “generalist‐specialist” modes of variation contributed less mutational variance but nonetheless point to an appreciable input of new mutations that may contribute to thermal adaptation.  相似文献   

The phenotypic plasticity of traits, defined as the ability of a genotype to express different phenotypic values of the trait across a range of environments, can vary between habitats depending on levels of temporal and spatial heterogeneity. Other traits can be insensitive to environmental perturbations and show environmental canalization. We tested levels of phenotypic plasticity in diverse Drosophila serrata populations along a latitudinal cline ranging from a temperate, variable climate to a tropical, stable climate by measuring developmental rate and size-related traits at three temperatures (16°C, 22°C, and 28°C). We then compared the slopes of the thermal reaction norms among populations. The 16–22°C part of the reaction norms for developmental rate was flatter (more canalized) for the temperate populations than for the tropical populations. However, slopes for the reaction norms of the two morphological traits (wing size, wing:thorax ratio), were steeper (more plastic) in the temperate versus the tropical populations over the entire thermal range. The different latitudinal patterns in plasticity for developmental rate and the morphological traits may reflect contrasting selection pressures along the tropical–temperate thermal gradient.  相似文献   

The idea of a general independence between the phenotypic plasticity and the mean value of a trait is, presently, a consensus. Here, we use the reaction norm of abdominal pigmentation (number of dark spots) of Drosophila mediopunctata in response to temperature, to test this idea. We raised eight strains, bearing two different chromosomal inversions and with varying mean phenotypic values, under 11 temperatures in a thermal gradient to test for predictions concerning mean phenotypic values, chromosomal inversions, and reaction norms. Our results revealed a strong effect of different phenotypic groups and no effect of different karyotypes on reaction norms. Moreover, we found a significant negative correlation between mean phenotypic value and the curvature of the reaction norms, revealing a high dependency of the reaction norm shape on mean phenotypic value. These results clearly reject the idea of genetic independence between mean value and phenotypic plasticity, and may indicate a pattern of correlation, which may include results from other traits and species, with an importance that has not been fully appreciated.  相似文献   

Studying the processes affecting variation for preadult viability is essential to understand the evolutionary trajectories followed by natural populations. This task requires focusing on the complex nature of the phenotype–genotype relationship by taking into account usually neglected aspects of the phenotype and recognizing the modularity between different ontogenetic stages. Here, we describe phenotypic variability for viability during the larval and pupal stages in lines derived from three natural populations of Drosophila melanogaster, as well as the variability for phenotypic plasticity and canalization at two different rearing temperatures. The results indicate that the three populations present significant phenotypic differences for preadult viability. Furthermore, distinct aspects of the phenotype (means, plasticity, canalization, plasticity of canalization) are affected by different genetic bases underlying changes in viability in a stage‐ and environment‐specific manner. These findings explain the generalized maintenance of genetic variability for this fitness trait.  相似文献   

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