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Mating can affect female immunity in multiple ways. On the one hand, the immune system may be activated by pathogens transmitted during mating, sperm and seminal proteins, or wounds inflicted by males. On the other hand, immune defences may also be down‐regulated to reallocate resources to reproduction. Ants are interesting models to study post‐mating immune regulation because queens mate early in life, store sperm for many years, and use it until their death many years later, while males typically die after mating. This long‐term commitment between queens and their mates limits the opportunity for sexual conflict but raises the new constraint of long‐term sperm survival. In this study, we examine experimentally the effect of mating on immunity in wood ant queens. Specifically, we compared the phenoloxidase and antibacterial activities of mated and virgin Formica paralugubris queens. Queens had reduced levels of active phenoloxidase after mating, but elevated antibacterial activity 7 days after mating. These results indicate that the process of mating, dealation and ovary activation triggers dynamic patterns of immune regulation in ant queens that probably reflect functional responses to mating and pathogen exposure that are independent of sexual conflict.  相似文献   

Once inseminated, ant queens rapidly shed their wings and start to lay eggs. Here we test whether there is a causal link between dealation and oviposition in the ant Lasius niger. We show that artificially dealated virgin queens start to lay eggs shortly after wing removal, whereas winged virgin queens hardly ever lay eggs. Dealate virgins do, however, produce fewer eggs than mated queens. These findings indicate that dealation does induce egg-laying, and that other factors, such as mating and/or insemination, further stimulate oviposition under natural conditions. Received 2 January 2006; revised 8 February 2006; accepted 4 April 2006.  相似文献   

Disassortative mating is a powerful mechanism stabilizing polymorphisms at sex chromosomes and other supergenes. The Alpine silver ant, Formica selysi, has two forms of social organization—single‐queen and multiple‐queen colonies—determined by alternate haplotypes at a large supergene. Here, we explore whether mate preference contributes to the maintenance of the genetic polymorphism at the social supergene. With mate choice experiments, we found that females and males mated randomly with respect to social form. Moreover, queens were able to produce offspring irrespective of whether they had mated with a male from the same or the alternative social form. Yet, females originating from single‐queen colonies were more fertile, suggesting that they may be more successful at independent colony founding. We conclude that the pattern of asymmetric assortative mating documented from mature F. selysi colonies in the field is not caused by mate preferences or major genetic incompatibilities between social forms. More generally, we found no evidence that disassortative mate preference contributes to the maintenance of polymorphism at this supergene controlling ant social organization.  相似文献   

Infections early in life can have enduring effects on an organism's development and immunity. In this study, we show that this equally applies to developing ‘superorganisms’––incipient social insect colonies. When we exposed newly mated Lasius niger ant queens to a low pathogen dose, their colonies grew more slowly than controls before winter, but reached similar sizes afterwards. Independent of exposure, queen hibernation survival improved when the ratio of pupae to workers was small. Queens that reared fewer pupae before worker emergence exhibited lower pathogen levels, indicating that high brood rearing efforts interfere with the ability of the queen's immune system to suppress pathogen proliferation. Early-life queen pathogen exposure also improved the immunocompetence of her worker offspring, as demonstrated by challenging the workers to the same pathogen a year later. Transgenerational transfer of the queen's pathogen experience to her workforce can hence durably reduce the disease susceptibility of the whole superorganism.  相似文献   

Nonrecombining genomic variants underlie spectacular social polymorphisms, from bird mating systems to ant social organization. Because these “social supergenes” affect multiple phenotypic traits linked to survival and reproduction, explaining their persistence remains a substantial challenge. Here, we investigate how large nonrecombining genomic variants relate to colony social organization, mating system and dispersal in the Alpine silver ant, Formica selysi. The species has colonies headed by a single queen (monogynous) and colonies headed by multiple queens (polygynous). We confirmed that a supergene with alternate haplotypes—Sm and Sp—underlies this polymorphism in social structure: Females from mature monogynous colonies had the Sm/Sm genotype, while those from polygynous colonies were Sm/Sp and Sp/Sp. Queens heading monogynous colonies were exclusively mated with Sm males. In contrast, queens heading polygynous colonies were mated with Sp males and Sm males. Sm males, which are only produced by monogynous colonies, accounted for 22.9% of the matings with queens from mature polygynous colonies. This asymmetry between social forms in the degree of assortative mating generates unidirectional male‐mediated gene flow from the monogynous to the polygynous social form. Biased gene flow was confirmed by a significantly higher number of private alleles in the polygynous social form. Moreover, heterozygous queens were three times as likely as homozygous queens to be multiply mated. This study reveals that the supergene variants jointly affect social organization and multiple components of the mating system that alter the transmission of the variants and thus influence the dynamics of the system.  相似文献   

Multiple functional queens in a colony (polygyny) and multiple mating by queens (polyandry) in social insects challenge kin selection, because they dilute inclusive fitness benefits from helping. Colonies of the ant Plagiolepis pygmaea brash contain several hundreds of multiply mated queens. Yet, within‐colony relatedness remains unexpectedly high. This stems from low male dispersal, extensive mating among relatives and adoption of young queens in the natal colony. We investigated whether inbreeding results from workers expelling foreign males, and/or from preferential mating between related partners. Our data show that workers actively repel unrelated males entering their colony, and that queens preferentially mate with related males. These results are consistent with inclusive fitness being a driving force for inbreeding: by preventing outbreeding, workers reduce erosion of relatedness within colonies due to polygyny and polyandry. That virgin queens mate preferentially with related males could result from a long history of inbreeding, which is expected to reduce depression in species with regular sibmating.  相似文献   

In ant–plant protection mutualisms, plants provide nesting space and nutrition to defending ants. Several plant–ants are polygynous. Possessing more than one queen per colony can reduce nestmate relatedness and consequently the inclusive fitness of workers. Here, we investigated the colony structure of the obligate acacia‐ant Pseudomyrmex peperi, which competes for nesting space with several congeneric and sympatric species. Pseudomyrmex peperi had a lower colony founding success than its congeners and thus, appears to be competitively inferior during the early stages of colony development. Aggression assays showed that P. peperi establishes distinct, but highly polygynous supercolonies, which can inhabit large clusters of host trees. Analysing queens, workers, males and virgin queens from two supercolonies with eight polymorphic microsatellite markers revealed a maximum of three alleles per locus within a colony and, thus, high relatedness among nestmates. Colonies had probably been founded by one singly mated queen and supercolonies resulted from intranidal mating among colony‐derived males and daughter queens. This strategy allows colonies to grow by budding and to occupy individual plant clusters for time spans that are longer than an individual queen’s life. Ancestral states reconstruction indicated that polygyny represents the derived state within obligate acacia‐ants. We suggest that the extreme polygyny of Pseudomyrmex peperi, which is achieved by intranidal mating and thereby maintains high nestmate relatedness, might play an important role for species coexistence in a dynamic and competitive habitat.  相似文献   

Eelen D., Børgesen L.W. and Billen J. 2006. Functional morphology of the postpharyngeal gland of queens and workers of the ant Monomorium pharaonis (L.). —Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 87 : 101–111 The postpharyngeal gland (PPG) is unique to ants and is the largest exocrine gland in their head. In queens of the pharaoh's ant, Monomorium pharaonis, the gland contains approximately 15 finger‐like epithelial extensions on each side and opens dorsolaterally in the posterior pharynx. In these ants the PPG morphology varies considerably according to age and mating status. The epithelial thickness increases with age and reaches a maximum at 3 weeks in both virgin and mated queens. A considerable expansion of the lumen diameter occurs in both groups between 4 and 7 days. Virgin queens release their secretion into the gland lumen from an age of 7 days, whereas mated queens accumulate large amounts of secretion in their epithelium. The increasing epithelial thickness, together with the increasing lumen diameter, the presence of numerous inclusions in the epithelium and the release of secretion, are indicative for increasing gland activity. The gland ultrastructure indicates involvement in lipid metabolism and de novo synthesis of lipids. The PPG of workers consists of 12 finger‐like tubes at each side. There is a significant difference in epithelial thickness between nurses and repletes and between nurses and foragers. We suggest the PPG serves different purposes in pharaoh's ants: it is likely that the PPG of workers and virgin queens is used to feed larvae. In mated queens the gland probably plays a role in providing the queen with nutritious oils for egg production. The PPG may also function in signalling species nestmate and caste identity, as well as in the reproductive capacity of the queens.  相似文献   

For many species, mating is a necessary yet costly activity. The costs involved can have an important influence on the evolution of life histories and senescence. Females of many species mate multiply, and this behaviour can inflict a longevity cost. Most studies investigating the effects of multiple mating on female survival have been conducted on insects, and the effects in other taxa are largely unknown. We investigate the effects of both a single mating and a second mating on longevity in female dumpling squid (Euprymna tasmanica), a species in which both sexes mate multiply. Through comparing the longevity of virgin, once‐mated and twice‐mated females, we found that a single mating reduced female life span by 15 days on average. A second mating resulted in an additional 8 day (on average) longevity cost, despite no difference in total clutch mass, number of clutches, single egg mass or number of eggs per clutch between once‐mated and twice‐mated females. This demonstrates a cost to multiple mating which may be independent of the cost of egg production. Furthermore, total clutch mass and female life span were positively correlated, whereas female life span decreased with increasing average water temperature. The presence of an additive effect of reproduction on longevity suggests that multiple mating in cephalopods may have benefits that outweigh these costs, or that there is a conflict in optimal mating frequency between males and females.  相似文献   

Summary In the fire ant,Solenopsis invicta, some winged virgin queens are known to shed their wings (dealate) upon removal of the mated mother queen. These virgin queens then develop their ovaries and begin to lay eggs, thereby foregoing the option of leaving on mating flights and attempting to found their own colonies. Such a response of virgin queens to queenlessness has not been reported for other ants. In order to determine if virgin queens of some other fire ants (subgenusSolenopsis) would respond in the same way, experiments were conducted onS. richteri, hybridS. invicta/richteri andS. geminata, a member of a species complex different from that of the other taxa. Just as inS. invicta, virgin queens ofS. richteri and the hybrid dealated and began to lay eggs within days of the removal of the queen. In addition, workers executed many of the reproductively active virgin queens, a phenomenon also found inS. invicta. In contrast, virgin queens ofS. geminata did not dealate or quickly begin to lay eggs upon separation from the queen. Reasons for the variability in the response of virgin queens of the different species may be 1) higher probability of reproductive success for unmated dealated queens compared to normal claustral founding inS. invicta andS. richteri linked to relatively frequent loss of the mother queen; or 2) phylogenetic constraint.  相似文献   

Across multicellular organisms, the costs of reproduction and self‐maintenance result in a life history trade‐off between fecundity and longevity. Queens of perennial social Hymenoptera are both highly fertile and long‐lived, and thus, this fundamental trade‐off is lacking. Whether social insect males similarly evade the fecundity/longevity trade‐off remains largely unstudied. Wingless males of the ant genus Cardiocondyla stay in their natal colonies throughout their relatively long lives and mate with multiple female sexuals. Here, we show that Cardiocondyla obscurior males that were allowed to mate with large numbers of female sexuals had a shortened life span compared to males that mated at a low frequency or virgin males. Although frequent mating negatively affects longevity, males clearly benefit from a “live fast, die young strategy” by inseminating as many female sexuals as possible at a cost to their own survival.  相似文献   

Divergent reproductive interests of males and females often cause sexual conflict . Males of many species manipulate females by transferring seminal fluids that boost female short-term fecundity while decreasing their life expectancy and future reproductivity . The life history of ants, however, is expected to reduce sexual conflict; whereas most insect females show repeated phases of mating and reproduction, ant queens mate only during a short period early in life and undergo a lifelong commitment to their mates by storing sperm . Furthermore, sexual offspring can only be reared after a sterile worker force has been built up . Therefore, the males should also profit from a long female lifespan. In the ant Cardiocondyla obscurior, mating indeed has a positive effect on the lifetime reproductive success of queens. Queens that mated to either one fertile or one sterilized male lived considerably longer and started laying eggs earlier than virgin queens. Only queens that received viable sperm from fertile males showed increased fecundity. The lack of a trade-off between fecundity and longevity is unexpected, given evolutionary theories of aging . Our data instead reveal the existence of sexual cooperation in ants.  相似文献   

Reproductive isolation between closely related species is often incomplete. The Western honeybee, Apis mellifera, and the Eastern hive bee, Apis cerana, have been allopatric for millions of years, but are nonetheless similar in morphology and behaviour. During the last century, the two species were brought into contact anthropogenically, providing potential opportunities for interspecific matings. Hybrids between A. mellifera and A. cerana are inviable, so natural interspecific matings are of concern because they may reduce the viability of A. cerana and A. mellifera populations – two of the world's most important pollinators. We examined the mating behaviour of A. mellifera and A. cerana queens and drones from Caoba Basin, China and Cairns, Australia. Drone mating flight times overlap in both areas. Analysis of the spermathecal contents of queens with species‐specific genetic markers indicated that in Caoba Basin, 14% of A. mellifera queens mated with at least one A. cerana male, but we detected no A. cerana queens that had mated with A. mellifera males. Similarly, in Cairns, no A. cerana queens carried A. mellifera sperm, but one‐third of A. mellifera queens had mated with at least one A. cerana male. No hybrid embryos were detected in eggs laid by interspecifically mated A. mellifera queens in either location. However, A. mellifera queens artificially inseminated with A. cerana sperm produced inviable hybrid eggs or unfertilized drones. This suggests that reproductive interference will impact the viability of honeybee populations wherever A. cerana and A. mellifera are in contact.  相似文献   

Both mating and reproduction strongly affect the physiology of insect females. In the ant Cardiocondyla obscurior, a comparison among virgin queens, mated queens, and queens mated with sterilized males ("sham-mated") allows to separate the different effects of mating and egg laying. Here, we investigate whether and how different mating status is reflected in the cuticular lipid profiles of queens, i.e., the blend of chemicals that is thought to signal a queen's fertility. Surprisingly, discriminant analyses failed to reliably distinguish among virgin, mated, and sham-mated queens. A generalized linear model on individual substances showed only very subtle differences. While mating appeared to be positively associated with the proportions of 3-MeC(25,) 11-/13-MeC(27), 5-MeC(27), 3-MeC(27), and 12-/14-MeC(28) and negatively with C(27:1), fecundity was negatively associated with C(29:1), C(31:1), and a sterol derivative. We discuss these results in the light of the special life history of C. obscurior, with completely sterile workers and low egg laying rates in queens.  相似文献   

The acceptance of new queens in ant colonies has profound effects on colony kin structure and inclusive fitness of workers. Therefore, it is important to study the recognition and discrimination behaviour of workers towards reproductive individuals entering established colonies. We examined the acceptance rate of queens in populations of the highly polygynous ant F. paralugubris, where the genetic differentiation among nests and discrimination ability among workers suggest that workers might reject foreign queens. We experimentally introduced young queens in their natal nest and in foreign nests. Surprisingly, the survival rate of mated queens did not differ significantly when introduced in a foreign male-producing nest, a foreign female-producing nest, or the natal nest. Moreover, the survival of virgin queens in their natal nest was twice the one of mated queens, suggesting that mating status plays an important role for acceptance. The results indicate that other factors than queen discrimination by workers are implicated in the limited longdistance gene flow between nests in these populations. Received 8 April 2008; revised 16 June 2008; accepted 1 July 2008.  相似文献   

Most disturbed habitats in the tropics and subtropics harbor numerous species of invasive ants, and occasionally the same species has been introduced repeatedly from multiple geographical sources. We examined how experimental crossbreeding between sexuals from different populations affects the fitness of queens of the tramp ant Cardiocondyla itsukii, which is widely distributed in Asia and the Pacific Islands. Eggs laid by queens that mated with nestmate males had a higher hatchi ng rate than eggs laid by queens mated to males from neighboring (Hawaii x Kauai) or distant introduced populations (Hawaii/Kauai x Okinawa). Furthermore, inbreeding queens had a Ion ger lifespan and produced a less female-biased offspring sex ratio than queens from allopatric mating. This suggests that the genetic divergence between different source populations may already be so large that in case of multiple invasions eventual crossbreeding might negatively affect the fitness of tramp ants.  相似文献   

Throughout their lives, animals adapt their behaviour to environmental fluctuations and to their own requirements. In social insects, behavioural changes are often particularly conspicuous. For example, in many ant species, reproductive sexuals leave their maternal nests and engage in risky mating and dispersal activities. Female sexuals experience, during a short period of time, dramatic changes in terms of behaviour and environmental conditions. But because sexual activities of ants are not easily observed, few studies have quantified in detail how behaviour alters with maturation and mating. We studied how various behavioural traits of Leptothorax gredleri female sexuals, a species in which female sexuals attract males by ‘female calling’, change before and after mating. We tested the hypothesis that behavioural variation reflects the altered requirements of queens to adapt to a particular situation. To this end, we compared geotactic, phototactic and locomotor behaviour across a wide range of life stages from lightly coloured, unmated female sexuals to old, mated queens. The results showed that female sexuals of L. gredleri change conspicuously their geotactic, phototactic and locomotor behavioural traits over their life stages. Three different behavioural states were evident (1) from light to dark female sexuals, individuals have negative phototaxis and reduced locomotor activity; (2) mature female sexuals during the daily period of sexual activity have strong phototaxis, negative geotaxis and an important locomotor activity; and (3) freshly mated and old mated queens avoid light and decrease their locomotor activity. These sharp differences in behaviour between stages match the transition from the relative safety of the nest chamber to the adversary world outside the nest , and back.  相似文献   

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