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Under certain environmental situations, selection may favour the ability of females to adjust the sex ratio of their offspring. Two recent studies have suggested that viviparous scincid lizards can modify the sex ratio of the offspring they produce in response to the operational sex ratio (OSR). Both of the species in question belong to genera that have also recently been shown to exhibit temperature-dependent sex determination (TSD). Here we test whether pregnant montane water skinks (Eulamprus tympanum) utilise TSD to select offspring sex in response to population wide imbalances in the OSR, by means of active thermoregulation. We use a combination of laboratory and field-based experiments, and conduct the first field-based test of this hypothesis by maintaining females in outdoor enclosures of varying OSR treatments throughout pregnancy. Although maternal body temperature during pregnancy was influenced by OSR, the variation in temperature was not great enough to affect litter sex ratios or any other phenotypic traits of the offspring.  相似文献   

What causes male‐biased sex ratios in mature damselfly populations?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. Several hypotheses to account for biased sex ratios in mature insect populations were tested by monitoring two field populations of the damselfly Lestes sponsa and by performing experiments in field cages. The population sex ratios are heavily male biased in this species. 2. The observed sex ratio at emergence was even and both sexes emerged synchronously. Females had longer maturation times but these were insufficient to explain the observed sex ratio shift. 3. Mass increases during maturation were consistently larger in females. In agreement with this, immature females made more flights per unit of time, which should make them more vulnerable to predation, however maturation probabilities were lower in females only in one field cage experiment. This inconsistency may be due to long bad weather conditions. Interestingly, predators reduced mass increase and this reduction was larger in females than in males. 4. Calculations based on the sex specific maturation times show that only slightly lower daily survival probabilities during maturation in females are enough to generate the observed sex ratio shift. 5. Mature survival was higher in males than in females in one field population but not in another, indicating that this cannot be a general mechanism causing the sex ratio. A higher maturation probability in males is therefore the most plausible mechanism causing the sex ratio shift in damselfly populations.  相似文献   

Shifts in species ranges are a global phenomenon, well known to occur in response to a changing climate. New species arriving in an area may become pest species, modify ecosystem structure, or represent challenges or opportunities for fisheries and recreation. Early detection of range shifts and prompt implementation of any appropriate management strategies is therefore crucial. This study investigates whether ‘first sightings’ of marine species outside their normal ranges could provide an early warning of impending climate‐driven range shifts. We examine the relationships between first sightings and marine regions defined by patterns of local climate velocities (calculated on a 50‐year timescale), while also considering the distribution of observational effort (i.e. number of sampling days recorded with biological observations in global databases). The marine trajectory regions include climate ‘source’ regions (areas lacking connections to warmer areas), ‘corridor’ regions (areas where moving isotherms converge), and ‘sink’ regions (areas where isotherms locally disappear). Additionally, we investigate the latitudinal band in which first sightings were recorded, and species’ thermal affiliations. We found that first sightings are more likely to occur in climate sink and ‘divergent’ regions (areas where many rapid and diverging climate trajectories pass through) indicating a role of temperature in driving changes in marine species distributions. The majority of our fish first sightings appear to be tropical and subtropical species moving towards high latitudes, as would be expected in climate warming. Our results indicate that first sightings are likely related to longer‐term climatic processes, and therefore have potential use to indicate likely climate‐driven range shifts. The development of an approach to detect impending range shifts at an early stage will allow resource managers and researchers to better manage opportunities resulting from range‐shifting species before they potentially colonize.  相似文献   

Understanding how individual differences in physiological performance modify behavioral responses to environmental variability and its fitness consequences is key to predicting the vulnerability of species and populations to environmental change. For many species, summit metabolic rate (MSUM; the upper limit to heat production) and basal metabolic rate (BMR; the lower limit related to energy acquisition and processing) often constrain aspects of physiological performance and behavioral activity. We examined the relationship between metabolic phenotypes, foraging behavior, and survival in overwintering black‐capped chickadees Poecile atricapillus inhabiting contiguous and fragmented forested landscapes. We found that birds with lower summit metabolic rates were generally more sensitive to winter weather and increased their use of supplemental feeding stations as ambient temperatures decreased. In highly fragmented forests, this relationship may have incurred strong survival consequences, as birds with lower summit metabolic rates were less likely to survive the winter season. Additionally, we found that chickadee populations persisting in fragmented landscapes were characterized by slightly higher thermogenic capacity (MSUM) and lower maintenance metabolic costs (BMR). We suggest that habitat loss and fragmentation present unique selection pressures that alter the relationships between environmental variability, behavior and physiology, and result in context‐specific fitness consequences.  相似文献   

Sex investment ratios in populations of bumblebees are male biased, which contradicts theoretical predictions. Male-biased investment ratios in eusocial Hymenoptera are assumed to be non-stable for both the queen and her workers. In this paper, we show that male-biased sex allocation does not necessarily decrease fitness in the bumblebee Bombus terrestris. A male-biased investment ratio can be the result of an optimal allocation of resources when resources are scarce if (i) there is a large cost difference between male and female production, (ii) there is uncertainty about the amount of resources a colony can invest, and (iii) only a proportion of the investment made in an individual can be reused. This resource allocation then leads to split sex ratios depending on the amount of resources available to a bumblebee colony: colonies under low resource conditions will show a male-biased investment ratio, whereas colonies under high resource conditions allocate more resources towards females. However, the extent to which bumblebee populations show a male-biased sex allocation cannot be explained by cost differences between male and female production alone. In a recent paper, A. F. G. Bourke argued that male-biased investment ratios in bumblebee populations are a by-product of the occurrence of protandry (males emerge before females). Here we will extend Bourke''s argument and show that within a protandrous population, both protandrous and protogynous (females emerge before males) colonies exist. The existence of protandrous and protogynous colonies results in split sex ratios in time, because protogynous colonies rely on males produced by protandrous colonies (partial protandry).  相似文献   

Is arthropod predation exclusively satiation‐driven?   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Functional response models differ in which factors limit predation (e.g. searching efficiency, prey handling time, digestion) and whether predation behaviour is governed by an internal physiological state (e.g. satiation). There is now much evidence that satiation is a key factor in understanding changes in foraging behaviour, and that many predators are effectively digestion limited. Here, we ask if predation in a predatory arthropod can be explained from satiation-driven behaviour alone, or if behaviour is also influenced by the density of prey other than via the effect of prey ingestion on satiation. To address this question a satiation-based predation model is formulated, for which parameters are estimated on the basis of observations on digestion rate, satiation-related prey searching rate and prey capture behaviour, basically under high prey density conditions. The model predictions are subsequently tested against longer term predation experiments carried out at high and low prey densities. Since satiation can easily be linked with egg production, these tests are carried out both for predation and oviposition.
The predator–prey systems under study consist of females of two predatory mite species ( Neoseiulus barkeri and N. cucumeris ) and the larvae of two thrips species ( Thrips tabaci and Frankliniella occidentalis ) as their prey. For N. barkeri foraging on T. tabaci , the model gives good predictions at both high (4 larvae cm−1) and low (0.1–1 larvae cm−2) prey densities. For N. cucumeris foraging on F. occidentalis , the predictions hold at the high prey density, but are too low at low prey densities. Thus our analysis indicates that we cannot fully explain density-dependent predation rates from satiation-driven behaviour alone. Different mechanisms are suggested on how prey density may affect foraging efficiency other than via satiation.  相似文献   

Several biologically active compounds structurally include the enantiopure 2‐substituted‐1,4‐benzodioxane scaffold. The straightforward racemization that affects reactions involving most of the common chemical reactives is thus a crucial issue. The developing of a completely stereo‐controlled synthetic route that does not affect the enantiomeric excess is consequently mandatory. It is also important to set up a reliable chiral HPLC method, able to follow the reaction, and to improve the synthetic performances. Here, we report the chiral investigation of two different synthons, we specifically evaluated the synthetic pathways that could be run in order to afford them, avoiding the racemization processes, which could normally occur in basic conditions. In addition, we developed peculiar chiral HPLC methods in order to resolve the enantiomers, define the enantiomeric excess, and fully characterize these compounds.  相似文献   

High sex ratios are well documented in many Asian countries, including China. This study was conducted in three Chinese provinces to explore awareness of the high sex ratios and its effects. Questionnaires were completed by 7435 respondents; 46% were urban and 53% were female. Sixty-four per cent were aware of the high sex ratio, and the majority were able to identify a range of consequences both for society and for unmarried men. These high levels of awareness of the negative impacts of high sex ratios should ultimately help to reduce the sex ratio at birth.  相似文献   

It has long been recognized that reciprocal antagonism might lock host and parasite populations into a process of constant change, adapting and reacting in open‐ended coevolution. A significant body of theory supports this intuition: dynamic genetic polymorphisms are a common outcome of computer simulations of host–parasite coevolution. These in silico experiments have also shown that dynamical interactions could be responsible for high levels of genetic diversity in host populations, and even be the principle determinant of rates of genetic recombination and sexuality. The evolutionary significance of parasitism depends on the strength and prevalence of parasite‐mediated selection in nature. Here I appraise whether parasitism is a pervasive agent of evolutionary change by detailing empirical evidence for selection. Although there is considerable evidence of genetic variation for resistance, and hence the potential for selection, direct observation of parasite‐driven genetic change is lacking.  相似文献   

The total size of the world population is likely to increase from its current 7 billion to 8–10 billion by 2050. This uncertainty is because of unknown future fertility and mortality trends in different parts of the world. But the young age structure of the population and the fact that in much of Africa and Western Asia, fertility is still very high makes an increase by at least one more billion almost certain. Virtually, all the increase will happen in the developing world. For the second half of the century, population stabilization and the onset of a decline are likely. In addition to the future size of the population, its distribution by age, sex, level of educational attainment and place of residence are of specific importance for studying future food security. The paper provides a detailed discussion of different relevant dimensions in population projections and an evaluation of the methods and assumptions used in current global population projections and in particular those produced by the United Nations and by IIASA.  相似文献   

Although there have been many reports of aesthetic outcomes after breast reconstruction, there have been comparatively few studies examining patient satisfaction and related subjective issues. The variables affecting satisfaction are only beginning to be understood, and patient satisfaction issues were explored in a more homogeneous patient population. A questionnaire surveying overall and aesthetic satisfaction, postoperative recuperation time, and symptoms was used to elicit candid patient responses. Fifty-seven patients replied (86 percent response rate), of whom 38 had undergone transverse rectus abdominis musculocutaneous (TRAM) flap (pedicled, n = 29; free, n = 9) reconstruction and 19 had undergone nonautologous reconstruction. Although the median patient satisfaction score was higher for the TRAM flap group, this was not statistically significant (p = 0.92). Recuperation was significantly longer for the TRAM flap group, with only 47 percent of patients being able to resume full activities within 2 months after the surgical procedure, compared with 95 percent of the implant group (p = 0.002). Of the TRAM flap-treated patients, 50 percent described some postoperative abdominal weakness, but only 5 percent of all TRAM flap-treated patients said that abdominal weakness was actually a functional problem. Our results suggest that patients may derive equal satisfaction with the two methods of reconstruction. The postoperative recuperation time after TRAM flap reconstruction is significantly longer than that after nonautologous procedures, although the postoperative abdominal weakness after TRAM flap reconstruction is not as significant a clinical problem as previously thought. The patient-derived information on satisfaction should assist both surgeons and patients in matching reconstructive options with patients' expectations and lifestyle.  相似文献   

The majority of coral reef goby species are short-lived, with some highly abundant species living less than 100 d. To understand the role and consequences of this extreme life history in shaping coral reef fish populations, we quantitatively documented the structure of small reef fish populations over a 26-month period (>14 short-lived fish generations) at an inshore reef on the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Most species with life spans >1 yr, such as pomacentrids, exhibited a peak in recruitment during the austral summer, driving seasonal changes in the small fish community composition. In contrast, there were no clear changes in goby community composition, despite the abundance of short-lived, high turnover species. Species of Eviota, the most abundant gobiid genus observed, showed remarkably similar demographic profiles year-round, with consistent densities of adults as well as recently recruited juveniles. Our results demonstrate ongoing recruitment of these small cryptic fishes, which appears to compensate for an exceptionally short life span on the reef. Our results suggest that gobiid populations are able to overcome demographic limitations, and by maintaining reproduction, larval survival and recruitment throughout the year, they may avoid population bottlenecks. These findings also underline the potential trophodynamic importance of these small species; because of this constant turnover, Eviota species and other short-lived fishes may be particularly valuable contributors to the flow of energy on coral reefs, underpinning the year-round trophic structure.  相似文献   

Abiotic environmental stresses can give rise to morphological, biochemical and molecular changes that negatively affect plant growth and productivity. Among these stresses, soil salinity is the major threat. To deal and control effects of high salinity on plants, it is important to understand their responses to salt stress that disturbs the homeostatic equilibrium at cellular and molecular levels. In this regard halophytes (salt tolerant plants) can provide superior models for the study of salt stress defense parameters compared to salt sensitive species (glycophytes). Halophytes use highly developed, complex systems to tolerate salinity by maintaining a low cytosolic Na+/K+ ratio, sequestration of Na+ into vacuoles that then provides the osmotic potential sustaining water influx. Under low intensity stress conditions that moderately and/or transiently affect ion imbalance, the set of responses all plants initiate will be mostly to engage measures that assure ion balance. High salinity, especially over a prolonged time period, will challenge plant survival, which then requires different strategies that employ a variety of mechanisms. Plasticity and connectivity of these diverse mechanisms is engrained in species- and family-specific evolutionary history and their genetic complexity. Highlighting differences in the genetic and biochemical makeup between glycophytes and halophytes allows for comparisons between their approaches towards high salinity. This review provides a brief overview about different strategies and mechanism used by plants to avoid or confine adverse effects of high salinity.  相似文献   

Microsatellite variability is widely used to infer levels of genetic diversity in natural populations. However, the ascertainment bias caused by typically selecting only the most polymorphic markers in the genome may lead to reduced sensitivity for judging genome-wide levels of genetic diversity. To test this potential limitation of microsatellite-based approaches, we assessed the degree of nucleotide diversity in noncoding regions of eight different carnivore populations, including inbred as well as outbred populations, by sequencing 10 introns (5.4–5.7 kb) in 20 individuals of each population (wolves, coyotes, wolverines and lynxes). Estimates of nucleotide diversity varied 30-fold (7.1 × 10−5 –2.1 × 10−3), with densities of one single nucleotide polymorphism every 112–5446 bp. Microsatellite genotyping (10–27 markers) of the same animals revealed mean multilocus heterozygosities of 0.54–0.78, a 1.4-fold difference among populations. There was a positive yet not perfect ( r 2  = 0.70) correlation between microsatellite marker heterozygosity and nucleotide diversity at the population level. For example, point estimates of nucleotide diversity varied in some cases with an order of magnitude despite very similar levels of microsatellite marker heterozygosity. Moreover, at the individual level, no significant correlation was found. Our results imply that variability at microsatellite marker sets typically used in population studies may not accurately reflect the underlying genomic diversity. This suggests that researchers should consider using resequencing-based approaches for assessing genetic diversity when accurate inference is critical, as in many conservation and management contexts.  相似文献   

Identifying where animals come from during population recovery can help to understand the impacts of disturbance events and regimes on species distributions and genetic diversity. Alternative recovery processes for animal populations affected by fire include external recolonization, nucleated recovery from refuges, or in situ survival and population growth. We used simulations to develop hypotheses about ecological and genetic patterns corresponding to these alternative models. We tested these hypotheses in a study of the recovery of two small mammals, the Australian bush rat and the agile antechinus, after a large (> 50 000 ha), severe wildfire. The abundance of both species was severely reduced by fire and recovered to near or above pre‐fire levels within two generations, yet we rejected a hypothesis of recovery by external recolonization. While the agile antechinus showed genetic evidence for far greater dispersal capacity than the bush rat, neither species showed gradients in abundance or genetic diversity with distance from unburnt forest during population recovery. Population recovery was driven by local‐scale processes. However, the mechanisms differed between species, resulting from the spatial impacts of fire on habitat suitability. Agile antechinus populations recovered through population growth from in situ survivors. The bush rat followed a model of nucleated recovery, involving local recolonization from micro‐refuges in topographic drainage lines. Nucleated recovery by the bush rat was associated with changes in dispersal, and fine‐scale patterns of genetic admixture. We identified increased dispersal by females during recovery, contrasting with male‐biased dispersal in unburnt forest. Such flexibility in dispersal can potentially increase recovery rates compared to expectations based on dispersal behavior within undisturbed populations. Our study shows how the initial distribution of survivors, determined by fire effects on resource distribution, determines the subsequent scaling of population recovery patterns, and the sensitivity of population distribution and genetic diversity to changing disturbance regimes.  相似文献   

Genetic stochasticity due to small population size contributes to population extinction, especially when population fragmentation disrupts gene flow. Estimates of effective population size ( N e) can therefore be informative about population persistence, but there is a need for an assessment of their consistency and informative relevance. Here we review the body of empirical estimates of N e for wild populations obtained with the temporal genetic method and published since Frankham's (1995 ) review. Theoretical considerations have identified important sources of bias for this analytical approach, and we use empirical data to investigate the extent of these biases. We find that particularly model selection and sampling require more attention in future studies.
We report a median unbiased N e estimate of 260 (among 83 studies) and find that this median estimate tends to be smaller for populations of conservation concern, which may therefore be more sensitive to genetic stochasticity. Furthermore, we report a median N e/ N ratio of 0.14, and find that this ratio may actually be higher for small populations, suggesting changes in biological interactions at low population abundances. We confirm the role of gene flow in countering genetic stochasticity by finding that N e correlates strongest with neutral genetic metrics when populations can be considered isolated. This underlines the importance of gene flow for the estimation of N e, and of population connectivity for conservation in general. Reductions in contemporary gene flow due to ongoing habitat fragmentation will likely increase the prevalence of genetic stochasticity, which should therefore remain a focal point in the conservation of biodiversity.  相似文献   

The ability of animals to find and consume hoarded seeds (i.e. seed recovery) is a key stage within the seed dispersal process. However, the ecology of seed recovery is still poorly understood. Here, we analyze the factors controlling seed recovery by scatter‐hoarding rodents in an oak‐dominated temperate forest. We examined the relative importance of intrinsic seed traits (i.e. plant‐driven) and extrinsic seed factors (i.e. animal‐driven) on the probability of seed recovery. We found that seed recovery is mainly driven by extrinsic seed factors, mostly related to animal behavior (pilfering frequency, microsite preference, predation risk, burial depth and cache size). Important intrinsic traits such as seed size, seed quality and seed‐drop timing were, on average, of lower significance in the probability of seed recovery (2.8‐times less important than extrinsic factors); only seed quality was an important intrinsic trait. On the other hand, larger and nutritionally more valuable seeds showed a removal–recovery tradeoff as they enhance seed removal and hoarding (increasing dispersal quality) but also favour seed recovery (increasing predation). We find that other mechanisms beyond seed traits (e.g. masting) are needed to decrease seed recovery and, thus, increase seed survival. We conclude that, as seed recovery is mostly driven by animal behavioural factors, it substantially differs from other previous stages of the seed dispersal process that are more dependent on seed traits. We argue that seed recovery needs further attention to advance our understanding of the ecology of seed dispersal and the role of secondary dispersers as a selective force for seeds.  相似文献   

Wang C  Lu X 《Molecular ecology》2011,20(13):2851-2863
Socially monogamous female birds routinely mate with males outside the pair bond. Three alternative hypotheses consider genetic benefits as the major driver behind the female strategy. The inbreeding avoidance hypothesis predicts that females paired with closely related males should seek copulations with distantly related extra-pair partners to avoid fitness loss from inbreeding depression; the outbreeding avoidance hypothesis predicts the opposite; the kin-selection hypothesis suggests that regardless of social mate relatedness, females should give related males extra-pair fertilization opportunities to gain inclusive fitness if the costs from inbreeding are minor. We test these hypotheses with a facultative cooperative breeder, the ground tit (Parus humilis). Social pairs of ground tits formed randomly with respect to genetic relatedness. In both bi-parental and cooperative groups, a female's engaging in extra-pair mating was independent of relatedness to her social mate; however, females preferred extra-pair sires to which they were more related than to their social mates. Moreover, females had higher relatedness with either their extra-group extra-pair sires in both bi-parental and cooperative groups, or within-group helper sires in cooperative groups, than expected by chance. When more than one potential extra-pair partner was available around a female's nest, she tended to select a relative. There was no indication of fitness reduction from extra-pair mating, which occurred at an intermediate level of inbreeding. These data support the kin-selection hypothesis, although there might be alternative nongenetic reasons associated with the extra-pair mating preference. Our finding offers a new explanation for why female birds pursue extra-pair mating. It also may broaden our understanding of the role of kin-selection in the evolution of cooperative society.  相似文献   

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