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This study of Astragalus holmgreniorum examines its adaptations to the warm desert environment and whether these adaptations will enable it to persist. Its spring ephemeral hemicryptophyte life‐history strategy is unusual in warm deserts. We used data from a 22‐year demographic study supplemented with reproductive output, seed bank, and germinant survival studies to examine the population dynamics of this species using discrete‐time stochastic matrix modeling. The model showed that A. holmgreniorum is likely to persist in the warm desert in spite of high dormant‐season mortality. It relies on a stochastically varying environment with high inter‐annual variation in precipitation for persistence, but without a long‐lived seed bank, environmental stochasticity confers no advantage. Episodic high reproductive output and frequent seedling recruitment along with a persistent seed bank are adaptations that facilitate its survival. These adaptations place its life‐history strategy further along the spectrum from “slower” to “faster” relative to other perennial spring ephemerals. The extinction risk for small populations is relatively high even though mean λ s > 1 because of the high variance in year quality. This risk is also strongly dependent on seed bank starting values, creating a moving window of extinction risk that varies with population size through time. Astragalus holmgreniorum life‐history strategy combines the perennial spring ephemeral life form with features more characteristic of desert annuals. These adaptations permit persistence in the warm desert environment. A promising conclusion is that new populations of this endangered species can likely be established through direct seeding.  相似文献   

The robber fly Mallophora ruficauda Weidemann (Diptera: Asilidae) is an important pest of apiculture in the Pampas of Argentina. As adults, they prey on honey bees and other insects, whereas the larvae are ectoparasitoids of Scarabaeidae grubs. Females of M. ruficauda lay eggs in grassland where the larvae drop to the ground after being wind‐dispersed and burrow underground searching for their hosts. A temporal asynchrony exists between the appearance of the parasitoid larvae and the host, with the parasitoid appearing earlier than the host. The present study investigates whether a strategy of synchronization with the host exists in M. ruficauda and determines which of the larval instars are responsible for it. Survival patterns and duration of the immature stages of the parasitoid are investigated to determine whether there is a modulation in the development at any time that could reduce the asynchrony. Experiments are carried out to determine the survival and duration of free‐living larval stadia in the absence of cues associated with the host. It is established that the first instar is capable of moulting to the second instar without feeding and in the absence of any cues related to the host, a unique event for parasitoids. Also, the first instar of M. ruficauda moults to the second stage within a narrow temporal window, and the second instar never moults in the absence of the host. After parasitizing a host, the second instar has the longest lifespan and is the most variable with respect to survival compared with the rest of the instars. All larval instars, except for those in the last (fifth) stadium, have a similar rate of mortality to that of second‐instar larvae. Additionally, it is established that the host is killed during the fourth (parasitoid) stadium and that the first‐ and fifth‐larval instars develop independently of the host. Finally, possible mechanisms that could aid in compensating for the asynchrony between the parasitoid and the host, promoting the host–parasitoid encounter, are discussed.  相似文献   

气候变化和人为干扰导致草原荒漠化加剧, 引发了严重的环境问题。因此, 对荒漠草原植物与环境变化关系的研究愈加迫切, 分析比较荒漠草原不同功能型物种叶片经济谱具有重要意义。该研究通过测定内蒙古荒漠草原生态系统不同功能型植物叶片的光合及叶绿素荧光参数、比叶面积和叶片氮素含量, 验证了荒漠草原植物叶片经济谱的存在, 明确了各功能型植物叶片性状间的关系及其在叶片经济谱中的位置。荒漠草原不同功能型植物叶片性状差异明显, 草本植物的比叶面积(SLA)、单位质量叶氮含量(Nmass)分别是灌木的2.39倍和1.20倍; 一年生植物单位面积最大净光合速率(Aarea)、SLA、光合氮利用效率(PNUE)分别是多年生植物的1.93倍、2.13倍和4.24倍; C4植物的AareaSLAPNUE分别是C3植物的2.25倍、1.73倍和3.61倍。除Aarea与单位面积叶氮含量(Narea)、PSII的实际光化学效率(ΦPSII)与SLA之间不存在显著相关关系外, 叶片性状间存在广泛的相关关系, 且均达到极显著水平。这验证了叶片经济谱在内蒙古荒漠草原植物中也同样存在。进一步分析表明, 一年生植物、草本植物、C4植物叶片在叶片经济谱中位于靠近薄叶、光合能力强、寿命短的一端; 而多年生植物、灌木、C3植物叶片靠近厚叶、光合能力弱、寿命长的一端。这说明荒漠草原中不同功能型植物可通过权衡其经济性状间的关系而采取不同的适应策略, 对于荒漠草原生态系统管理具有重要的理论指导意义。  相似文献   

植物功能性状对生态系统服务影响研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
潘权  郑华  王志恒  文志  杨延征 《植物生态学报》2021,45(10):1140-1153
全面认识和理解生态系统服务的形成机制是维持其持续供给的前提。植物功能性状直接参与多种生态系统过程, 影响生态系统服务供给, 探讨植物功能性状与生态系统服务的关系是揭示生态系统服务形成机制的重要途径。该文采用系统的文献综述方法, 分析了植物功能性状与生态系统服务关系的研究特点, 总结了影响不同生态系统服务的主要植物功能性状, 阐述了可能的影响途径。结果表明: 植物功能性状与生态系统服务关系研究以草地和森林等自然生态系统为主; 大部分研究集中在生态系统供给服务和支持服务, 包括生物量、净初级生产力、土壤肥力等; 根据植物功能性状对不同生态系统服务的影响程度, 植物功能性状可以聚类为土壤保持服务相关性状、水分循环相关性状、多功能相关性状、产品提供服务与养分循环相关性状以及授粉与生物控制服务相关性状; 并阐述了植物功能性状指标影响不同的生态系统服务途径。围绕植物功能性状对生态系统服务的影响, 今后尚需进一步探讨生态系统多功能性、植物功能性状相关性、气候变化和人类活动不确定性、时空尺度差异等因素对二者关系的影响。  相似文献   

The frequency of large, high‐severity “mega‐fires” has increased in recent decades, with numerous consequences for forest ecosystems. In particular, small mammal communities are vulnerable to post‐fire shifts in resource availability and play critical roles in forest ecosystems. Inconsistencies in previous observations of small mammal community responses to fire severity underscore the importance of examining mechanisms regulating the effects of fire severity on post‐fire recovery of small mammal communities. We compared small mammal abundance, diversity, and community structure among habitats that burned at different severities, and used vegetation characteristics and small mammal functional traits to predict community responses to fire severity three years after one mega‐fire in the Sierra Nevada, California. Using a model‐based fourth‐corner analysis, we examined how interactions between vegetation variables and small mammal traits associated with their resource use were associated with post‐fire small mammal community structure among fire severity categories. Small mammal abundance was similar across fire severity categories, but diversity decreased and community structure shifted as fire severity increased. Differences in small mammal communities were large only between unburned and high‐severity sites. Three highly correlated fire‐dependent vegetation variables affected by fire and the volume of soft coarse woody debris were associated with small mammal community structures. Furthermore, we found that interactions between vegetation variables and three small mammal traits (feeding guild, primary foraging mode, and primary nesting habit) predicted community structure across fire severity categories. We concluded that resource use was important in regulating small mammal recovery after the fire because vegetation provided required resources to small mammals as determined by their functional traits. Given the mechanistic nature of our analyses, these results may be applicable to other fire‐prone forest systems, although it will be important to conduct studies across large biogeographic regions and over long post‐fire time periods to assess generality.  相似文献   

分析水分与养分添加对植物功能性状的影响, 对揭示植物对环境变化的响应和适应规律至关重要。该文通过施氮与增水(包括增雨、增雪)共6种处理(对照(N0W0)、雨添加(N0W1)、雪添加(N0W2)、氮添加(N1W0)、氮雨添加(N1W1)、氮雪添加(N1W2)), 对荒漠草地进行氮肥添加、水分添加的实验。实验持续了3年, 第4年以荒漠草地建群种植物钠猪毛菜(Salsola nitraria)植物功能性状为研究对象, 量化分析了钠猪毛菜10种植物功能性状对氮素和水分添加的不同响应。得出以下结论: (1)双因素方差分析结果表明, 施氮、增水的交互作用对钠猪毛菜的茎鲜质量、叶鲜质量、叶面积、比叶面积、叶饱和含水量、叶干物质含量存在显著影响(p < 0.05), 而施氮主效应对钠猪毛菜各植物功能性状指标不存在显著影响、增水主效应对钠猪毛菜各植物功能性状指标不存在显著影响。(2)在钠猪毛菜10种植物功能性状指标中, 株高、茎鲜质量、茎干质量、叶饱和鲜质量、叶干质量、叶面积、比叶面积的最大值均出现于N1W2处理中(p < 0.05), 其次为N0W0处理。叶饱和含水量的最大值出现于N0W0中, 其次为N1W2处理中。N1W0处理显著降低了叶饱和含水量(p < 0.05); 叶干物质含量值在各处理下均高于N0W0, 其中N0W1处理的叶干物质含量显著高于N0W0 (p < 0.05)。(3)各处理下, 叶干物质含量与比叶面积为负相关关系。在准噶尔荒漠草地, 钠猪毛菜植物功能性状在不同处理下的不同表现是适应环境变化的结果。  相似文献   

In this first detailed analysis of gaur Bos gaurus life‐history traits, data were collected from a 20‐month field study in South India and from captive gaur populations. Mean age of females at first parturition was 3 years; females remained fertile beyond the age of 15 years. Adult females were three times more abundant than adult males in the wild; survival of females was greater than males beyond three years of age. Life span of both sexes has not exceeded 24 years in captivity. Gaur life‐history traits are similar to those of other similar‐sized Bovini species.  相似文献   

植物性状研究的机遇与挑战:从器官到群落   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
何念鹏  刘聪聪  张佳慧  徐丽  于贵瑞 《生态学报》2018,38(19):6787-6796
植物性状(Plant trait)或植物功能性状(Plant functional trait)通常是指植物对外界环境长期适应与进化后所表现出的可量度、且与生产力优化或环境适应等密切相关的属性。近几十年来,植物性状研究在性状-生产力、性状-养分、性状间相互关系、性状-群落结构维持等方面取得了卓越成就。然而,由于大多数性状调查都是以植物群落内优势种或亚优势种为对象,使其在探讨群落尺度的性状-功能关系、性状数据如何用于改进或优化模型、性状数据如何与遥感连接等问题时,存在空间尺度和量纲不匹配的极大挑战。为了破解上述难题,亟需发展新的、基于单位土地面积的群落性状(Community trait)概念体系、数据源和计算方法等,推动植物性状数据与快速发展的宏观生态学新技术(遥感、模型和通量观测等)相结合,既拓展了植物性状研究范畴,又可推动其更好地服务于区域生态环境问题的解决。所定义的群落性状(如叶片氮含量、磷含量、比叶面积、气孔密度、叶绿素含量等),是在充分考虑群落内所有物种的性状实测数据,再结合比叶面积、生物量异速生长方程和群落结构数据等,推导而成的基于单位土地面积的群落性状。受测试方法的影响,传统的直接算术平均法或相对生物量加权平均法所获得的群落水平的植物性状(如叶片氮含量g/kg或%),虽然可以有效地探讨群落结构维持机制,由于无法实现对群落性状在量纲上向单位土地面积转换,使它很难与模型和遥感数据相匹配。基于单位土地面积的群落性状,可在空间尺度匹配(或量纲匹配)的前提下实现个体水平测定的植物性状数据与生态模型和遥感观测相联系,更好地探讨区域尺度下自然生态系统结构和功能的关系及其对全球变化的响应与适应。同时,它也可更好地建立群落水平的性状-功能的定量关系(非物种水平),为更好地探讨自然群落结构维持机制和生产力优化机制提供了新思路。  相似文献   

植物功能性状及其多样性对环境变化的响应研究有助于揭示极端环境下植物适应策略和群落构建机制。通过实地调查和实验分析,研究艾比湖荒漠植物形态、生理和化学等8个功能性状的特征,并从多维性状和一维性状角度揭示功能多样性对土壤水分和盐分变化的响应规律。结果表明:高水盐环境下(SW1),(1)群落加权株高、叶绿素含量(SPAD)及叶片碳(C)和钙(Ca)含量显著高于低水盐环境,叶片氮(N)、磷(P)、硫(S)含量在不同水盐环境间无显著差异。(2)SW1环境下,沿乔木-小乔木-灌木-草本层次,上层生活型植物性状值普遍高于下层植物,其中灌木叶片仅N、钾(K)含量显著高于草本;沿该生活型层次植物性状呈趋同变化。(3)低水盐环境下(SW2),乔木叶片性状差异特征与SW1相似;小乔木叶片C、N含量分别显著高于和低于灌木及草本;相比于草本,灌木SPAD、S含量显著高,K含量显著低,株高、C、N、P含量差异不显著;SW2环境下各生活型植物性状呈趋同变化。(4)SW1环境下多维功能丰富度、功能离散度显著高于SW2环境,但均匀度无显著差异。(5)一维功能均匀度在不同水盐环境间均无显著差异,但化学性状的均匀度总体高于植物株高;高水盐环境下叶片N、S和Ca的功能分异指数显著高于低水盐环境。研究为掌握胁迫环境下的植物适应策略和荒漠植被恢复提供参考。  相似文献   

侯东杰  陆帅志  王静  郭柯 《生态学报》2020,40(18):6522-6531
植物功能性状反映植物适应环境变化过程中在不同器官形态与功能间的资源权衡与分配策略。典型草原围封后枯落物累积导致群落光照、热量和水分的重新分配并改变微环境特征。在此过程中植物地上功能性状将通过怎样的变化来适应新的环境,目前尚不清楚。2015—2017年每年8月对内蒙古地区3种典型草原共有物种羊草(Leymus chinensis)的植株、叶片和茎干功能性状进行了测量与分析。结果表明:枯落物累积显著增加了羊草的植株高度、单株重量、茎叶比和总叶面积;枯落物累积显著增加了羊草的叶片长度、叶片重量、单叶面积、节间长度和茎干重量,这些性状属于敏感性状;枯落物累积对羊草的叶片数量和节间数量无显著影响,相对而言,这些性状属于惰性性状;羊草的单株重量与植株高度、叶片重量呈极显著的正相关关系(P<0.0001);羊草的植株高度与节间数量、节间长度呈极显著的正相关关系(P<0.0001)。本研究结果从植物地上功能性状的角度阐明了典型草原植物对环境变化的适应方式,可为围封草原的合理管理提供基础数据与理论依据。  相似文献   

Background and AimsSize-dependent changes in plant traits are an important source of intraspecific trait variation. However, there are few studies that have tested if leaf trait co-variation and/or trade-offs follow a within-genotype leaf economics spectrum (LES) related to plant size and reproductive onset. To our knowledge, there are no studies on any plant species that have tested whether or not the shape of a within-genotype LES that describes how traits covary across whole plant sizes, is the same as the shape of a within-genotype LES that represents environmentally driven trait plasticity.MethodsWe quantified size-dependent variation in eight leaf traits in a single coffee genotype (Coffea arabica var. Caturra) in managed agroecosystems with different environmental conditions (light and fertilization treatments), and evaluated these patterns with respect to reproductive onset. We also evaluated if trait covariation along a within-genotype plant-size LES differed from a within-genotype environmental LES defined with trait data from coffee growing in different environmental conditions.Key ResultsLeaf economics traits related to resource acquisition – maximum photosynthetic rates (A) and mass-based leaf nitrogen (N) concentrations – declined linearly with plant size. Structural traits – leaf mass, leaf thickness, and leaf mass per unit area (LMA) – and leaf area increased with plant size beyond reproductive onset, then declined in larger plants. Three primary LES traits (mass-based A, leaf N and LMA) covaried across a within-genotype plant-size LES, with plants moving towards the ‘resource-conserving’ end of the LES as they grow larger; in coffee these patterns were nearly identical to a within-genotype environmental LES.ConclusionsOur results demonstrate that a plant-size LES exists within a single genotype. Our findings indicate that in managed agroecosystems where resource availability is high the role of reproductive onset in driving within-genotype trait variability, and the strength of covariation and trade-offs among LES traits, are less pronounced compared with plants in natural systems. The consistency in trait covariation in coffee along both plant-size and environmental LES axes indicates strong constraints on leaf form and function that exist within plant genotypes.  相似文献   

The present study describes the age and growth of the leatherjacket Meuschenia scaber, a common Australasian monacanthid and valued by‐catch of the inshore bottom trawl fishery in New Zealand. Age was determined from the sagittal otoliths of 651 individuals collected between July 2014 and March 2016 in the Hauraki Gulf of New Zealand. Otolith sections revealed alternating opaque and translucent zones and edge‐type analysis demonstrated that these are deposited annually. Meuschenia scaber displayed rapid initial growth, with both males and females reaching maturity in 1–2 years and 50% of both sexes matured at 1·5 years. Maximum age differed substantially between the sexes, at 9·8 years for males and 17·1 years for females. Growth rate was similar between sexes, although males reached greater mass at age than females in the early part of the lifespan. The length–mass relationship differed significantly between the sexes, with males displaying negative allometric growth and females isometric growth. Female condition was highest in July, declined in August with the onset of spawning and showed a slight peak in January and February, immediately following the spawning season. This study substantially extends the maximum longevity recorded for monacanthids, although males had much shorter lifespans and higher mortality, than females.  相似文献   

植物功能性状与森林生态系统服务的关系研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑华  潘权  文志  杨延征 《生态学报》2021,41(20):7901-7912
植物功能性状途径是揭示生物多样性与生态系统服务关系的重要视角,尽管植物功能性状与生态系统服务的关系在单一地点的研究取得突出进展,但对于植物功能性状与生态系统服务的关系仍缺乏整体认识。以森林生态系统为对象,通过系统文献检索及筛选,收集了216篇文献,应用整合分析和二分网络分析等方法,探讨了植物功能性状对森林生态系统服务及其权衡与协同关系的影响。结果表明:植物叶片功能性状关注最多,占研究性状数量的48%,生态系统服务中关注最多是生物量、土壤肥力、病虫害控制和固碳服务;81.1%的植物功能性状与生态系统服务关系组表现为稳定的正向或负向关系,而关联植物功能性状多的生态系统服务(生物量、固碳服务、土壤水分、土壤肥力和病虫害控制)往往与植物功能性状表现为不稳定关系;森林生态系统中存在6组"植物功能性状-生态系统服务簇(简称"性状-服务簇"):水循环相关的性状-服务簇、土壤保持相关的性状-服务簇、物质生产相关的性状-服务簇、灾害控制相关的性状-服务簇、养分循环相关的性状-服务簇和授粉相关的性状-服务簇,揭示了各性状-服务簇内生态系统服务的权衡或协同关系以及与各性状-服务簇关系密切的植物功能性状。该研究从总体上阐明了植物功能性状与森林生态系统服务关系的研究重点和进展、揭示了植物功能性状对森林生态系统服务影响效应的方向和强度,可为深化森林生态系统服务形成机制认识以及协调生态系统服务权衡关系提供科学依据。  相似文献   

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