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Transfected T cell receptor (TCR) beta chain genes are expressed as homodimers on the surface of immature (Sci/ET27F) but not on mature (58 alpha-beta-) T cell lines which lack TCR alpha, gamma and delta chains. The homodimer on Sci/ET27F cells is tightly bound to CD3 delta and CD3 epsilon while the association with CD3 gamma and CD3 zeta proteins is rather weak. Crosslinking of the TCR beta homodimers resulted in a strong and rapid calcium flux. In 58 alpha-beta- T cells the beta TCR chain could be easily visualized intracellularly but was not transported to the cell surface. The Scid cell lines considerably facilitate the molecular analysis of early differentiation events in the thymus which are likely to be regulated by the beta TCR homodimer.  相似文献   

In a previous study we presented data indicating that the expanded population of CD4(-)CD8(-) (DN) alphabeta T cells in TCRalpha-chain-transgenic mice was partially if not entirely derived from gammadelta T cell lineage cells. The development of both gammadelta T cells and DN alphabeta T cells is poorly understood; therefore, we thought it would be important to identify the immediate precursors of the transgene-induced DN alphabeta T cells. We have in this report studied the early T cell development in these mice and we show that the transgenic TCRalpha-chain is expressed by precursor thymocytes already at the CD3(-)CD4(-)CD8(-) (triple negative, TN) CD44(+)CD25(-) stage of development. Both by using purified precursor populations in reconstitution experiments and by analyzing fetal thymocyte development, we demonstrated that early TN precursors expressing endogenous TCRbeta-chains matured into DN alphabeta T cells at several stages of development. The genes encoding the gamma-chain of the high affinity receptor for IgE (FcepsilonRIgamma) and the CD3zeta protein were found to be reciprocally expressed in TN thymocytes such that during development the FcepsilonRIgamma expression decreased whereas CD3zeta expression increased. Furthermore, in a fraction of the transgene-induced DN alphabeta T cells the FcepsilonRIgamma protein colocalized with the TCR/CD3 complex. These data suggest that similarly to gammadelta T cells and NKT cells, precursors expressing the TCR early in the common alphabetagammadelta developmental pathway may use the FcepsilonRIgamma protein as a signaling component of the TCR/CD3 complex.  相似文献   

In the present study, we have explored the impact of deleting a single allele of PDK1 in T cell progenitors on alpha/beta and gamma/delta T cell development. The data show that deleting a single allele of PDK1 allows differentiation of alpha/beta T cells but prevents their proliferative expansion in the thymus. Accordingly, mice with T cells that are haplo-insufficient for PDK1 have reduced numbers of thymocytes and alpha/beta peripheral T cells. T cell progenitors also give rise to gamma/delta T cells but in contrast to the loss of alpha/beta T cells in T-PDK1 null and haplo-insufficient mice, there were increased numbers of gamma/delta T cells. The production of alpha/beta T cells is dependent on the proliferative expansion of thymocytes and is determined by a balance between the frequency with which cells enter the proliferative phase of the cell cycle and rates of cell death. Herein, we show that PDK1 haplo-insufficient thymocytes have no defects in their ability to enter the cell cycle but show increased apoptosis. PDK1 thus plays a determining role in the development of alpha/beta T lymphocytes but does not limit gamma/delta T cell development.  相似文献   

In order to study the relationship between assembly, surface expression, and signal transduction of the alpha/beta T-cell antigen receptor-CD3 complex (TCR.CD3), a series of T-cell mutants with a partial block in assembly of the complex was generated. By chemical mutagenesis, we produced somatic cell variants of the human T-leukemia cell line, HPB-ALL, which expressed low amounts of TCR.CD3 complexes on their surface. RNA and protein analyses demonstrated that most variants synthesized normal amounts of the individual members of the complex, i.e. TCR-alpha, TCR-beta, CD3-gamma, -delta, -epsilon, and -zeta. In these variants, less than 10% of the TCR.CD3 complexes inside the cell contained the CD3-zeta 2 homodimer due to an intrinsic deficiency in the formation of the TCR-alpha/beta heterodimer. The low level of assembly of CD3-zeta 2 into the TCR.CD3 complex and an additional decrease in the rate of export of the TCR.CD3 complex from the endoplasmic reticulum explained the low level of expression of alpha/beta receptors on the surface of these mutants. Only cells with the complete set of subunits of the TCR.CD3 complex on their surface were capable of transducing CD3-mediated signals. The results presented in this paper indicate that TCR-alpha/beta heterodimer formation is an obligatory requirement for assemblage of CD3-zeta 2 into a functionally competent TCR.CD3 complex.  相似文献   

Functionally mature human T lymphocytes express a cell-surface receptor for antigen (T cell receptor (TCR)-CD3) composed of at least six polypeptides (TCR-alpha and -beta; T3-gamma, -delta, -epsilon, and -zeta). Immature thymocytes and variants of T cell lines lacking one of the TCR.CD3 polypeptide chains fail to express surface receptor and accumulate the other chains intracellularly. Here we show that the assembly of the TCR.CD3 complex within the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) began with a core of CD3-gamma, -delta, and -epsilon to which TCR-alpha and -beta bound. A recently described intracellular protein, CD3-omega, participated in the assembly since it was found to be associated with the free TCR-alpha or -beta chains or with the CD3 chains. CD3-omega dissociated as TCR.CD3 complexes were formed in the ER. Association of non-disulfide-linked TCR-alpha and -beta chains with CD3 was detected before that of disulfide-bridged TCR-alpha/beta heterodimers. These data suggest that during assembly, the association of TCR-alpha and -beta chains with the CD3 complex precedes the formation of a TCR-alpha/beta dimer. The existence of intermediates consisting of CD3-gamma, -delta, and -epsilon chains and a single TCR-alpha or -beta chain was also confirmed by using a series of variant T cell lines lacking the TCR-beta or -alpha chain, respectively. Once the single TCR-alpha and -beta chains were associated with CD3, disulfide linkages were formed, and a 70-kDa form of the TCR was detected within the ER. This intracellular precursor of the TCR.CD3 complex was subsequently processed into the mature 90-kDa TCR as the TCR.CD3 complex passed through the Golgi apparatus. Assembly of the TCR.CD3 complex is a rather rapid process, whereas export from the ER occurs at a slow rate. After 1 h, 75% of the receptor complex remained within the ER.  相似文献   

The CD3 complex found associated with the T cell receptor (TCR) is essential for signal transduction following TCR engagement. During T cell development, TCR-mediated signalling promotes the transition from one developmental stage to the next and controls whether a thymocyte undergoes positive or negative selection. The roles of particular CD3 components in these events remain unclear. Indeed, it is unknown whether they have specialized or overlapping roles. However, the multiplicity of CD3 components and their evolutionary conservation suggest that they serve distinct functions. Here the developmental requirement for the CD3 delta chain is analyzed by generating a mouse line specifically lacking this component (delta-/- mice). Strikingly, CD3 delta is shown to be differentially required during development. In particular, CD3 delta is not needed for steps in development mediated by pre-TCR or gamma delta TCR, but is required for further development of thymocytes expressing alpha beta TCR. Absence of CD3 delta specifically blocks the thymic selection processes that mediate the transition from the double-positive to single-positive stages of development.  相似文献   

We have performed immunoperoxidase staining on cryostat tissue sections and immunofluorescence analysis on cell suspensions to identify cells expressing the alpha/beta T cell antigen receptor during ontogeny and adult life in chickens. We used the mouse monoclonal antibody, TCR2, which was previously shown to recognize the alpha/beta TCR in chickens. TCR2+ cells were observed in thymic cortex and medulla and in T-dependent areas of spleen, intestine, and cecal tonsils of young adult chickens. Some TCR2+ cells were found in the cortex of bursal follicles and in liver. The first TCR2+ cells appear in thymus on Day 13 of the embryonic life and it is only after hatching that TCR2+ cells begin to migrate to the periphery.  相似文献   

Although the mechanisms that determine TCR-alpha beta V gene repertoire are well studied, the genetic influences involved in TCR-gamma delta repertoire development are unclear. Unlike the TCR-gamma delta populations that localize in epithelial tissues, the circulating peripheral TCR-gamma delta V region repertoire is quite diverse. Previous studies have shown that three TCR-gamma chains and at least six TCR-V delta genes are expressed by splenic TCR-gamma delta cells. However, the relative frequency of individual gamma delta subsets among genetically diverse mice has not been determined. Therefore, the repertoire of TCR-gamma delta cells was examined using anti-TCR V region specific mAb against V gamma 2 and V delta 4 on TCR-gamma delta + cells from total splenocytes. We found that there was a strain-specific variation in TCR-gamma delta usage. The frequency of V gamma 2 expression in different strains varied from 54 to 12%, and the frequency of V delta 4 expression in different strains varied from 38 to 10%. However, the level of V delta 4 and V gamma 2 expression for an individual strain was highly consistent from experiment to experiment. F1 analysis between parental strains that differed in relative frequency of either V gamma 2+ or V delta 4+ cells revealed that high expression was genetically dominant, suggesting that positive selection events play a major role in the peripheral gamma delta repertoire. Variations in the levels of V gamma 2+ cells and V delta 4+ cells was not associated with Mls or MHC haplotype. Analysis of recombinant inbred strains revealed that high V delta 4 expression mapped to the TCR-gamma locus, while high V gamma 2 expression was influenced by the TCR-delta locus. Back-cross analysis confirmed that the TCR loci dominantly influenced the level of V delta 4+ cells and V gamma 2+ cells; however, there was clear evidence that multiple genes affect the TCR-gamma delta repertoire.  相似文献   

T cells can be divided into two groups on the basis of the expression of either alpha beta or gamma delta T-cell receptors (TCRs). Because the TCR delta chain locus lies within the larger TCR alpha chain locus, control of the utilization of these two receptors is important in T-cell development, specifically for determination of T-cell type: rearrangement of the alpha locus results in deletion of the delta coding segments and commitment to the alpha beta lineage. In the developing thymus, a relative site-specific recombination occurs by which the TCR delta chain gene segments are deleted. This deletion removes all D delta, J delta, and C delta genes and occurs on both alleles. This delta deletional mechanism is evolutionarily conserved between mice and humans. Transgenic mice which contain the human delta deleting elements and as much internal TCR delta chain coding sequence as possible without allowing the formation of a complete delta chain gene were developed. Several transgenic lines showing recombinations between deleting elements within the transgene were developed. These lines demonstrate that utilization of the delta deleting elements occurs in alpha beta T cells of the spleen and thymus. These recombinations are rare in the gamma delta population, indicating that the machinery for utilization of delta deleting elements is functional in alpha beta T cells but absent in gamma delta T cells. Furthermore, a discrete population of early thymocytes containing delta deleting element recombinations but not V alpha-to-J alpha rearrangements has been identified. These data are consistent with a model in which delta deletion contributes to the implementation of a signal by which the TCR alpha chain locus is rearranged and expressed and thus becomes an alpha beta T cell.  相似文献   

Neonatal treatment with a monoclonal antibody specific for the alpha beta TCR results in mice with a long term, severe depletion in the number of alpha beta T cells in the periphery. Significant numbers of T cells reappear in the periphery about age 65 days, but these cells tend to lack expression of CD4 or CD8. Splenocytes of antibody-treated mice are less sensitive to mitogen stimulation or stimulation with MHC allogeneic cells. The level of serum IgG but not IgM was decreased by the treatment. Anti-alpha beta TCR antibody treatment decreased single-positive T lymphocytes that express high levels of the CD3/alpha beta TCR complex from the thymus, suggesting that the treatment could act in part by affecting negative selection of alpha beta TCR+ thymocytes. This treatment does not, however, detectably affect either the homing or the numbers of gamma delta T cells which are abundant in the intestinal epithelium, but which remain a minor population in the spleen and lymph nodes. This supports the hypothesis that gamma delta T cells are developmentally autonomous from alpha beta T cells. These mice provide an excellent model system for assessing the developmental and functional role of gamma delta T lymphocytes in vivo.  相似文献   

IL-4 has been shown to act as a growth factor for human T cells. In addition, IL-4 can enhance CTL activity in MLC, but blocks IL-2 induced lymphokine activated killer cell activity in PBL. In our study, the cloning efficiencies, Ag-specific CTL activity and non-MHC-restricted cytotoxicity of CTL clones generated in IL-2 were compared to those generated in IL-4. In a first experiment, T cells were stimulated with the EBV-transformed B cell line JY and cloned 7 days later with feeder cells and either IL-2 or IL-4. In a second experiment, stimulation of the T cells was carried out in the presence of IL-2 plus anti-IL-4 antibodies or IL-4 plus anti-IL-2 antibodies in order to block the effects of IL-4 and IL-2, respectively, produced by the feeder cells. Although the cloning efficiencies in the second experiment were lower than those obtained in the first experiment, the cloning efficiencies obtained with IL-2 or IL-4 were similar in both experiments. The overall proportion of TCR alpha beta+ T cell clones cytotoxic for the stimulator cell JY established in IL-2 or IL-4 were comparable. A striking difference between the clones obtained in IL-2 or IL-4 was that a large proportion of the clones obtained in IL-4 expressed CD4 and CD8 simultaneously, whereas none of the clones isolated in IL-2 were double positive. Also gamma delta+ T cell clones could be established with IL-4 as a growth factor. TCR gamma delta+ T cell clones isolated in either IL-2 or IL-4 were CD4-CD8- or CD4-CD8+, but the proportion of CD4-CD8+ clones isolated in IL-4 was higher. Interestingly, one TCR gamma delta+ clone isolated in IL-2 was CD4+CD8-. Most of the TCR alpha beta+ and TCR gamma delta+ CTL-clones isolated in IL-2 lysed the NK cell sensitive target cell K562. In contrast, only a small proportion of the TCR alpha beta+ or TCR gamma delta+ CTL clones isolated in IL-4, lysed K562. One TCR gamma delta+ T cell clone (CD-124) isolated in IL-4 and subsequently incubated in IL-2 acquired lytic activity against K562.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The alpha beta T cell antigen receptor (TCR) that is expressed on most T lymphocytes is a multisubunit transmembrane complex composed of at least six different proteins (alpha, beta, gamma, delta, epsilon and zeta) that are assembled in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and then transported to the plasma membrane. Expression of the TCR complex is quantitatively regulated during T cell development, with immature CD4+CD8+ thymocytes expressing only 10% of the number of surface alpha beta TCR complexes that are expressed on mature T cells. However, the molecular basis for low TCR expression in developing alpha beta T cells is unknown. In the present study we report the unexpected finding that assembly of nascent component chains into complete TCR alpha beta complexes is severely impaired in immature CD4+CD8+ thymocytes relative to their mature T cell progeny. In particular, the initial association of TCR alpha with TCR beta proteins, which occurs relatively efficiently in mature T cells, is markedly inefficient in immature CD4+CD8+ thymocytes, even for a matched pair of transgenic TCR alpha and TCR beta proteins. Inefficient formation of TCR alpha beta heterodimers in immature CD4+CD8+ thymocytes was found to result from the unique instability of nascent TCR alpha proteins within the ER of immature CD4+CD8+ thymocytes, with nascent TCR alpha proteins having a median survival time of only 15 min in CD4+CD8+ thymocytes, but > 75 min in mature T cells. Thus, these data demonstrate that stability of TCR alpha proteins within the ER is developmentally regulated and provide a molecular basis for quantitative differences in alpha beta TCR expression on immature and mature T cells. In addition, these results provide the first example of a receptor complex whose expression is quantitatively regulated during development by post-translational limitations on receptor assembly.  相似文献   

mAb directed against the TCR/CD3 complex activate resting T cells. However, TCR/CD3 signaling induces death by apoptosis in immature (CD4+CD8+) murine thymocytes and certain transformed leukemic T cell lines. Here we show that anti-TCR and anti-CD3 mAb induce growth arrest of cloned TCR-gamma delta + T cells in the presence of IL-2. In the absence of exogenous IL-2, however, the very same anti-TCR/CD3 mAb stimulated gamma delta (+)-clones to proliferation and IL-2 production. In the presence of exogenous IL-2, anti-TCR/CD3 mAb induced the degradation of DNA into oligosomal bands of approximately 200 bp length in cloned gamma delta + T cells. This pattern of DNA fragmentation is characteristic for the programmed cell death termed apoptosis. These results demonstrate that TCR/CD3 signaling can induce cell death in cloned gamma delta + T cells. In addition, this report is the first to show that apoptosis triggered by TCR/CD3 signaling is not restricted to CD4+CD8+ immature thymocytes and transformed leukemic T cell lines but can be also observed with IL-2-dependent normal (i.e., TCR-gamma delta +) T cells.  相似文献   

The human T cell receptor-T3 antigen complex is composed of at least five polypeptide chains. In addition to the 45-kDa/50-kDa heterodimer (alpha and beta chains) of the T cell receptor, the complex includes 25-kDa (T3-gamma) and 20-kDa (T3-delta) glycoproteins and a nonglycosylated 20-kDa (T3-epsilon) protein. Here we report that in pulse-chase biosynthetic labeling experiments we detect a new polypeptide chain (T3-p28) which is associated with the T3-delta and T3-epsilon chains during biosynthesis but not on the cell surface. T3-p28, which is not recognized by anti-T3 antibodies, can be chemically distinguished from the previously described T3-gamma chain. The carboxylic ionophore monensin blocks the apparent dissociation of T3-p28 from the T3-delta and T3-epsilon chains. Peripheral blood lymphocytes as well as all T cell leukemic lines tested contain T3-p28, except one HPB-ALL subline. Since the T3-p28 protein is only observed early in biosynthesis of T3-delta and T3-epsilon, it may function in intracellular transport or assembly of the T cell receptor-T3 complex.  相似文献   

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