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In recent years, the absence of acquired antimicrobial resistance has become an important criterion to evaluate the biosafety of lactobacilli used as industrial starter or probiotic cultures. At present, however, standards for susceptibility testing of Lactobacillus strains or approved guidelines for interpreting the test results are not available. Hence, this study was carried out to contribute to the establishment of a standardized procedure for antimicrobial susceptibility testing of lactobacilli. The results obtained by testing 104 strains of the Lactobacillus acidophilus group were compared based on broth microdilution, disk diffusion, and Etest. Except for some specific agent-related effects, agreement between MICs resulting from the broth microdilution method and the Etest was good. In addition, inhibition zone diameters determined with disk diffusion correlated well with MICs from Etest and broth microdilution.  相似文献   

Staphylococcus aureus is a widespread human pathogen. One the most striking characteritics of this bacterium is resistance to methicillin and all beta-lactam antibiotics. The agar disk diffusion method is the most widely used in vitro susceptibility test, but recently molecular methods, e.g. Polymerase Chain Reaction, have been also introduced. We compared the detection of methicillin resistant coagulase positive Staphylococcus aureus isolated from clinical materials in Silesian microbiological laboratories by diffusion method and PCR through the detection of nuc and mec A genes. Our results show that PCR used for the detection of mec A gene increases the detection of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus strains by 10% as compared to the agar disk diffusion method. Among Staphylococcus aureus strains, detected as methicillin-resistant, 17% of organisms showed no presence of mec A gene.  相似文献   

Reproducibility of antimicrobic susceptibility tests was estimated by examining control data accumulated during a multicenter study for evaluating cefamandole and cephalothin. The precision of agar dilution minimal inhibitory concentrations was compared with the standardized Bauer-Kirby disc method. Regression lines were established for each antimicrobic and were used to calculate the range of minimal inhibitory concentration values that corresponded to the observed ranges in zone sizes, thus permitting a comparison of the two types of procedures. The precision of the disc method was equal to or greater than that of the agar dilution method.  相似文献   

The distribution for voriconazole and fluconazole susceptibility was determined by Etest and disk diffusion test in 143 clinical isolates. The majority of the strains of Aspergillus spp., Candida krusei, C. inconspicua, C norvegensis and Saccharomyces cerevisiae displayed resistance or decreased susceptibility to fluconazole in contrast to voriconazole. The absolute categorical agreement for voriconazole and fluconazole susceptibility results by the disk method and Etest was 90.5 and 74.8 % respectively. The error rate bounding analysis showed only 0.7 % of false susceptible results ( very major error) with voriconazole, but 2.8 % with fluconazole. Fluconazole can be used as a surrogate factor to predict voriconazole susceptibility but with lower reliability for susceptible-dose dependent and resistance category, especially in Candida glabrata isolates. The results of the disk method were not substantially influenced by the composition of media (Mueller-Hinton agar vs antimycotic Sensitivity Test agar), even if with the latter the results had fewer tendencies to produce false susceptibility of C.glabrata isolates to both of the triazole drugs. Disk test as well as Etest were shown to represent suitable methods for routine evaluation of susceptibility of clinical isolates of pathogenic fungi, including aspergilli, to fluconazole and voriconazole.  相似文献   

Infections caused by yeasts belonging to the genus Candida have increased dramatically in the last decades, especially in hospital settings. Concomittantly, antimycotic resistance has emerged, as well as the appearance of non-Candida albicans isolates. To standardize in vitro antifungal susceptibility tests, the agar diffusion test was developed using disks impregnated with the antimycotic compound. Electronic recording of the inhibition zone (BIOMIC), furnishes objective values for the minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC). The fluconazole susceptibility patterns were determined for Candida species isolated from 2.139 patients seen in outpatient clinics or in health-care centers in Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Candida albicans was the species most frequently isolated (62%), followed at a distance by Candida parapsilosis (11%), Candida tropicalis (8.5%), Candida glabata (3.5%) and Candida krusei (2.2%). MIC determinations showed that 88.1% of these isolates were susceptible to fluconazole, 5.1% were susceptible-dose-dependant and 6.8% resistant. An important proportion (92.1%) of the C. albicans isolates proved susceptible while resistance predominated in the remaining species. These results indicate that the BIOMIC method is rapid and simple, constituting a suitable tool for the epidemiologic surveillance of resistance in Candida species.  相似文献   

Yu C  Li L  Chen W  Jiao Y  Yang N  Yang E  Zhang J  Chen L  Li Y 《Helicobacter》2011,16(2):119-123
Background: The aims of this study were to compare disk diffusion with E‐test method for levofloxacin susceptibility testing of Helicobacter pylori and standardized breakpoints for disk diffusion as a stable and reliable method for determining qualitative levofloxacin susceptibility. Materials and Methods: We determined the levofloxacin susceptibility of 45 H. pylori strains isolated from Chinese patients by the E‐test method. Disk diffusion was evaluated as an alternative method to determine susceptibility and compared with the E‐test results by linear regression analysis. Results: The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values tested by E‐test method ranged from 0.047 to 32 μg/mL. Resistance to levofloxacin was detected in 16 (35.6%) isolates. The levofloxacin disk zone sizes obtained by disk diffusion method correlated well (r2 = .877) with the MICs obtained by E‐test method. As a consequence of regression analysis, isolates with inhibition diameters <12 mm were considered resistant to levofloxacin. There was 100% agreement between the two methods for levofloxacin, applying the regression‐based breakpoints. Conclusions: The disk diffusion method is equivalent to the E‐test method for testing levofloxacin susceptibility of H. pylori strains; it is more practical and inexpensive, and it is suitable for the analysis of a small number of isolates compared with the E‐test method.  相似文献   

Aims: In this study, we compared different methods of colistin susceptibility testing, disc diffusion, agar dilution and Etest using a set of Enterobacteriaceae isolates that included colistin‐resistant strains. Methods and results: Susceptibility of 200 clinical isolates of Enterobacteriaceae to colistin was tested to compare agar dilution (reference method), disc diffusion (50 and 10 μg) and Etest. MICs (minimum inhibitory concentrations) were interpreted using the criteria established by the European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing (EUCAST). Colistin exhibited excellent activity against Escherichia coli and E. cloacae (MIC90 = 0·5 mg l?1). In contrast, colistin was less active against Klebsiella pneumoniae (MIC90 = 16 mg l?1). Resistance rates varied from 0% in E. coli to 1·8% in E. cloacae and 13% in K. pneumoniae. High rates of very major errors were observed in the disc diffusion test using either the criteria of the Comité de l’antibiogramme de la Société Française de Microbiologie (CA‐SFM) or the criteria of the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI), respectively, 3·5 and 2·5%. When the criteria of Gales et al. were applied, the number of very major errors was reduced to one (0·5%). The Etest showed good concordance with agar dilution method. Conclusion: Disc susceptibility testing methods are unreliable on detecting colistin resistance. MIC should be determined to confirm the susceptibility results by disc diffusion. Significance and Impact of the study: We recommend the determination of MIC by Etest for all multidrug‐resistant Enterobacteriaceae when colistin is required for the treatment.  相似文献   

目的比较液基稀释法和纸片扩散法对临床常见皮肤癣菌的体外药物敏感性。方法应用Rosco纸片扩散法和微量液基法(参考美国国家实验室标准委员会NCCLS推荐的M38-P方案修改方案)测定临床分离的40株皮肤癣菌(包括红色毛癣菌、须癣毛癣菌、犬小孢子菌及絮状表皮癣菌)对两性霉素B、伊曲康唑、氟康唑和特比萘芬的体外药物敏感性。结果应用Rosco纸片扩散法,大部分菌株在7—9d时可读到清晰的结果。Rosco纸片扩散法和微量液基法结果中,特比萘芬、伊曲康唑和两性霉素B一致性较好,氟康唑较差。结论Rosco纸片扩散法操作简单,可选择用于皮肤癣菌对某些抗真菌药的药敏试验。  相似文献   

We assessed the usefulness of an agar diffusion method, NeoSensitabs, to determine in vitro sensitivity of 52 isolates of dematiaceous filamentous fungi against ten antifungal agents: amphotericin B, 5-fluorocytosine, ketoconazole, fluconazole, itraconazole, terbinafine, bifonazole, miconazole, clotrimazole, and griseofulvin. For the preparation of the inoculum, a spectrophotometric method including both Shadomy and Casitone agar (CAS) culture media was used. Dematiaceous filamentous fungi were sensitive to itraconazole, terbinafine and bifonazole. Ketoconazole (90.4%), miconazole (71%), and clotrimazole (46%) showed a variable susceptibility pattern. Most species were resistant to griseofulvin and fluconazole (96%). All isolates were resistant to 5-fluorocytosine. Sixty-three percent of strains were susceptible to amphotericin B and 28.8% resistant. Inhibition zones in the antifungal susceptibility testing did not vary according to culture medium, although fungal growth was better in CAS. Variations in antifungal sensitivity in Exophiala spinifera and Fonsecaea pedrosoi spp. would justify an in vitro susceptibility study when indicating antifungal therapy. These results show that NeoSensitabs agar diffusion method is simple, rapid, and low-cost and can be available to many clinical laboratories for the study of in vitro sensitivity of dematiceous moulds.  相似文献   

The MS-2 automated system was compared with Rosco Neosensitabs agar diffusion for the gentamicin susceptibility of a group of 267 organisms isolated from clinical material. With Rosco Neosensitabs agar diffusion agreement with reference minimal inhibitory concentrations was 98.5%, while with the MS-2 system it was 100% if calcium and magnesium-supplemented MS-2 broth was used.  相似文献   

The MS-2 automated system was compared with Rosco Neosensitabs agar diffusion for the gentamicin susceptibility of a group of 267 organisms isolated from clinical material. With Rosco Neosensitabs agar diffusion agreement with reference minimal inhibitory concentrations was 98.5%, while with the MS-2 system it was 100% if calcium and magnesium-supplemented MS-2 broth was used.  相似文献   

Summary The diffusivities ofl-malic acid and glucose in an agar membrane entrapping small amounts ofEscherichia coli orRhodospirillum rubrum whole cells were measured using time lag (TL) and steady state (SS) methods. Diffusivities were overestimated by the SS method. For concentrations of immobilizedR. rubrum cells ranging between 104 and 109 organisms cm–3 agar (20 ng-2 mg dry weight cm–3 agar), the diffusion coefficient ofl-malic acid, determined by both methods, was related to the logarithm of the membrane cell content by a decreasing linear relationship. The diffusion coefficient of glucose obtained by TL analysis was not significantly affected by the presence in the membrane of 3 ng-0.3 mg dry wt.E. coli cm–3 agar. However, values arising from the SS method decreased linearly as a function of the amount of immobilized organisms. Membranes containingR. rubrum cells offered higher diffusional resistance tol-malic acid and glucose than those loaded with the same amount ofE. coli cells.  相似文献   

Calcium and magnesium transport in single cells   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

PMR1, the Ca2+/Mn2+ ATPase of the secretory pathway in Saccharomyces cerevisiae was the first member of the secretory pathway Ca2+ ATPases (SPCA) to be characterized. In the past few years, pmr1Delta yeast have received more attention due to the recognition that the human homologue of this protein, hSPCA1 is defective in chronic benign pemphigus or Hailey-Hailey disease (HHD). Recent publications have described pmr1Delta S. cerevisiae as a useful model organism for studying the molecular pathology of HHD. Some observations indicated that the high Ca2+ sensitive phenotype of PMR1 defective yeast strains may be the most relevant in this respect. Here we show that the total cellular calcium response of a pmr1Delta S. cerevisiae upon extracellular Ca2+ challenge is decreased compared to the wild type strain similarly as observed in keratinocytes. Additionally, the novel magnesium sensitivity of PMR1 defective yeast is revealed, which appears to be a result of competition for uptake between Ca2+ and Mg2+ at the plasma membrane level. Our findings indicate that extracellular Ca2+ and Mg2+ competitively influence the intracellular Ca2+ homeostasis of S. cerevisiae. These observations may further our understanding of HHD.  相似文献   

AIMS: To investigate the influence of the culture medium on antibiotic susceptibility testing of food-associated lactic acid bacteria (LAB) with the agar overlay disc diffusion (DD) method. METHOD: The antibiotic resistance profile of 39 food-associated lactobacilli and enterococci was determined with the agar overlay DD method using a defined medium (i.e. Iso-sensitest agar; ISA) or an undefined medium (i.e. de Man, Rogosa, Sharpe or MRS agar). RESULTS: The study revealed that ampicillin discs and, although to a lesser extent, also tetracycline discs consistently produced larger zones on MRS medium compared to ISA medium. For the antibiotics gentamicin, bacitracin and erythromycin, the radius of the inhibition zones produced on MRS medium was significantly smaller in relation to ISA. For categorizing LAB isolates into resistant, intermediate and susceptible groups, it was demonstrated that major errors can occur in determining bacitracin and gentamicin resistance if MRS medium instead of ISA medium is used. On the other hand, the performance of both media was found to be equivalent for testing tetracycline resistance. CONCLUSIONS, SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Despite the fact that MRS medium generally supports the growth of lactic acid bacteria much better than the nutrient-poor ISA medium, the present study clearly demonstrates that both media are not compatible in susceptibility testing against various classes of antibiotics. These results may stimulate future discussions on a generally recommended DD method for susceptibility testing of food LAB strains.  相似文献   

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