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B. E. S. Gunning 《Planta》1978,143(2):181-190
Plasmodesmata were counted in the longitudinal and transverse walls in developmental sequences of merophytes in roots of Azolla pinnata R.Br. The differences between certain categories of longitudinal wall were traced to factors that govern the surface area of the cell plates, the density of plasmodesmata (number per unit area of cell plate), and the amount by which each type of plate expands. No evidence for secondary augmentation of plasmodesmatal numbers after the cell-plate stage of development was found, but plasmodesmata are lost from the walls of sieve and xylem elements during their differentiation. Losses caused by cell separation occur in other tissues. The relatively high density of plasmodesmata in transverse walls is based not so much on a high density in the cell plates as on the relatively low expansion that these walls undergo. There appears to be a compensatory mechanism that relates initial plasmodesmatal density to the future expansion of the cell plate. The root shows determinate growth, the apical cell dividing about 55 times. Beginning at about the 35th division there is a progressive failure to maintain the plasmodesmatal frequencies that were developed in earlier cell divisions in the apical cell. The divisions that occur within the later-produced merophytes also show progressive diminution of plasmodesmatal numbers. The result is that the apex of the root, and particularly the apical cell, becomes more and more isolated symplastically, a phenomenon which could account for its limited lifespan and the determinate growth pattern of the root.  相似文献   

Immunocytochemical localizations in Vicia faba L. protoplasts and cultures of regenerating Solanum nigrum L. protoplasts support former observations that in plant cells ubiquitin occurs within the cytoplasm, the nucleus, the chloroplasts and at the plasmalemma, but not within the vacuole or the cell wall. Immunoresponses were also observed within mitochondria and associated with the endoplasmic reticulum, which is in accordance with previous findings on animal cells. Moreover, the tonoplast membrane system was found to be labelled. For regenerating S. nigrum protoplasts, evidence is given that ubiquitin plays a role in selective degradation even of whole subcellular structures. Most of the discontinuous plasmodesmata formed in the newly deposited outer cell walls during the early stages of culture disappear later on, except for those near the periphery of division walls or of non-division walls, which are probably used for the formation of continuous cell connections during further culture. Outer-wall plasmodesmata which are destined to disappear show high immunoreactivity to ubiquitin antibody, but no conspicuous immunolabelling was observed with the remaining plasmodesmata. Thus, the selective disintegration of whole plasmodesmatal structures is obviously regulated by ubiquitination of plasmodesmatal proteins. A model for the mechanism of degradation of outer-wall plasmodesmata during extension growth of the cell wall is presented.Dedicated to Professor Dr. Andreas Sievers on the occasion of his retirementThis work was supported by grants to R. K. (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) and to M. S. (Bennigsen-Foerder Preis des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen). We thank Dipl.— Biol. Kirsten Leineweber for help with the V. faba protoplast isolation and Dr. Olaf Parge, Institut für Psychologie und Sozialforschung, Kiel, Germany, for giving assistance with the statistical analysis.  相似文献   

Klaus Schmitz  Rainer Kühn 《Planta》1982,154(5):385-392
Prior to a long-distance transport of photoassimilate in the sieve elements ofLaminaria, a parenchyma transport across the cortex must occur. It is suggested that this transport is a symplastic one. The structural basis for this statement, continuous cytoplasmic interconnections of cells along the transport pathway, is demonstrated here forL. hyperborea andL. saccharina. The distribution, size, and frequency of pit fields in cell walls of all planes were determined. The data suggest that the conductivity for assimilate transport in the cortex is highest in the long axis of the thallus, not radially across the cortex. The fine structure, arrangement and number of plasmodesmata in pit fields were studied. The estimated flux rates and the anatomical findings clearly point to a symplastic parechyma transport of photoassimilate in the cortex ofLaminaria.  相似文献   

Electrophysiological investigations of intercellular communication and membrane resistance in higher plants have been hampered by the difficulty in measuring these quantities independently. Uncertainty about the position of an electrode inserted into vacuolate tissue has further complicated such measurement. To overcome these problems sister cell pairs of a Zea mays L. Black Mexican Sweet suspension culture were used and dye was injected from the current-injecting electrode to determine the location of the electrode tip in each experiment. Of the impalements, 72% were cytoplasmic. The presence of plasmodesmata was fully incorporated into the electriccircuit model for the cell, and the resistance of the membrane of the current-injected cell was calculated, separate from the plasmodesmata resistance. This avoided some of the confusion resulting from work on multicellular tissue in which the position of the electrode and the extent of intercellular coupling is not determined. Using this technique, plasma-membrane resistivity was measured as 0.65 ·m2, the resistivity of the tonoplast and plasma membrane in series was 1.35 ·m2, and the resistance of a single plasmodesma was calculated to be 53 ± 11 G.Abbreviations BMS Black Mexican Sweet - PD potential difference - Rj resistance of the plasmodesmata in the junction between cells - Rm resistance of the plasma membrane of the current-injected cell - Rt resistance of the tonoplast - V1, V2 membrane PDs of sister cells This work was funded by an Australian Research Council grant to R.L.O. We are grateful to Dr. Maret Vesk (Electron Microscope Unit, The University of Sydney) for assistance with the preparation of EM sections, and to Dr. Richard Brettell (C.S.I.R.O. Division of Plant Industry) for assistance with the BMS culture.  相似文献   

During the early stages of culture, discontinuous branched half-plasmodesmata were found randomly scattered in the newly formed outer cell walls of regenerating Solanum nigrum L. protoplasts. During later culture stages, most of these outer-wall plasmodesmata, which had been exposed to the culture medium, disappeared, except for those near the periphery of division walls between daughter cells and those near non-division walls between secondarily associated unrelated cells. Moreover, in the peripheral parts of older division walls, there were continuous branched plasmodesmata which showed the typical morphological characteristics of secondary cell connections: several cytoplasmic strands joined in the median plane of the cell wall and were often linked by so-called median cavities. Evidence is presented that this type of continuous plasmodesma originates from the fusion of the half-plasmodesmata which persisted in the outer walls adjacent to the division wall. Due to growth of the cells after division, opposite parts of the outer walls of the daughter cells come into close contact and fuse, elongating the original division wall peripherally. Opposite half-plasmodesmata remaining in these parts of the outer wall may thereby also be brought into contact and fuse to form a continuous secondary cell connection in the secondarily coalesced wall part. Our assumption is supported by further experiments: (i) longterm video observations of living cells showed differences in the development of the shapes of regenerating cells and (ii) electron-microscopical investigations showed differences in the frequency of the, presumably secondary, cell connections in the peripheral parts of the division walls — both related to the firmness of the embedding medium. In the central parts of division walls, unbranched primary cell connections were found as well as a second type of continuous branched plasmodesma showing an entirely different branching pattern: the region of the middle lamella was always traversed by straight, unbranched parts of these plasmodesmata and the branches occurred exclusively within the younger wall layers. Evidence is given that these branches are modifications of originally unbranched primary plasmodesmata, developing during subsequent thickening of the division wall.The authors are indebted to Prof. H. Binding, Botanisches Institut, Universität Kiel, for making his cell-culture laboratory available to us and to Dr. F. Grundler, Institut für Phytopathologie, Universität Kiel, for placing the video equipment at our disposal. The work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

Callus was induced from hybrids between cultivated barley (Hordeum vulgare L. ssp. vulgare) and ten species of wild barley (Hordeum L.) as well as from one backcross line ((H. lechleri x H. vulgare) x H. vulgare). Successful callus induction and regeneration of plants were achieved from explants of young spikes on the barley medium J 25–8. The capacity for plant regeneration was dependent on the wild parental species. In particular, combinations with four related wild species, viz. H. jubatum, H. roshevitzii, H. lechleri, and H. procerum, regenerated high numbers of plants from calli.  相似文献   

A. Schulz 《Protoplasma》1995,188(1-2):22-37
Summary Root tips ofPisum sativum seedlings were exposed to 350 mM mannitol, which was shown to effect a transient but dramatic increase in phloem unloading, and investigated by electron microscopy. After chemical fixation and embedding, extremely thin sections of the root extension zone were examined. Outer, inner, and desmotubule diameters of 830 primary plasmodesmata in transverse walls of cortical cells were measured. Statistical analysis indicated that the majority of plasmodesmata had no neck constriction during osmoregulation. Compared to controls, a highly significant increase in mean plasmodesmata diameter was found, but the desmotubule diameter remained unchanged. Both loss of neck constriction and widening of the cytoplasmic sleeve indicate an increase in effective passage area of plasmodesmata. Spokes between plasma membrane and desmotubule were preserved. Continued exposure of the root tips to mannitol led to a return to control values for plasmodesmal diameters. In contrast to these responses, plasmolysis of cortical cells by 1,000 mM sucrose, diminishing phloem unloading, was accompanied by a reduction in those plasmodesmata classified as open. This is the first report showing a correlation between the ultrastructure of plasmodesmata and the rate of symplasmic transport. The role of the different plasmodesmal components in controlling the passage area of symplasmic transport is discussed.  相似文献   

MADS-box基因家族是一类重要的转录因子家族,在调控植物的生长发育、信号传导等过程中发挥着重要作用。为研究云南栘[木衣][Docynia delavayi(Franch.)Schneid.]MADS-box基因家族的特征及其在种子不同萌发时期的表达情况,本研究以云南栘[木衣]不同萌发时期的种苗为材料,在转录组测序的基础上利用生物信息学方法从云南栘[木衣]转录组数据库中筛选MADS-box转录因子,分析其理化性质、蛋白保守基序、系统进化及表达模式,并采用实时荧光定量PCR(quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction,qRT-PCR)实验验证云南栘[木衣]MADS-box基因家族成员在种子不同萌发时期的表达情况。在云南栘[木衣]转录组数据中共鉴定出81个MADS-box转录因子,其编码的氨基酸序列分子量分布范围在6211.34–173512.77 Da之间,等电点介于5.21−10.97之间。系统进化分析显示,81个云南栘[木衣]MADS-box基因可分为15个亚组,其中DdMADS27、DdMADS42、DdMADS45、DdMADS46、DdMADS53、DdMADS61、DdMADS76、DdMADS77和DdMADS79可能参与对云南栘[木衣]胚珠的发育调控。结合云南栘[木衣]种子转录组数据与qRT-PCR实验分析发现,DdMADS25和DdMADS42可能参与调控种子发育,DdMADS37和DdMADS38可能对种子休眠有负调控作用。前人报道中MIKC*亚组多参与调控花器官发育,本研究首次发现MIKC*亚组的转录因子在种子萌发前期具有较高表达量,由此推测MIKC*亚组在种子萌发过程中起到调控作用。为验证该推测准确性,挑选了MIKC*亚组的DdMADS60和DdMADS75进行qRT-PCR实验,实验结果与转录组测序的表达趋势一致。本研究可为进一步从分子进化角度研究云南栘[木衣]MADS-box基因家族的生物学功能提供参考。  相似文献   

Maria Kwiatkowska 《Planta》1991,183(2):294-299
Translocation of [14C]gibberellic acid into antheridial cells of Chara vulgaris L. was investigated in relation to the presence of symplasmic connections between the antheridium and the thallus. It was found that manubria, capitular cells, and antheridial filaments were about three-fold more strongly labelled in young antheridia connected to the thallus by plasmodesmata than in older antheridia in which spontaneous symplasmic isolation had occurred. Plasmolytically induced symplasmic isolation of young antheridia severely diminished the radioactivity of all the cells, down to the level characteristic for spontaneously isolated antheridia. It is concluded that plasmodesmata are the main channel of gibberellin transport into antheridia. The change in the character of symplasmic connections during the course of morphogenesis might, among other events, constitute a signal determining a shift of cell metabolism in a new direction, in response to a rapid change in gibberellin level.Abbreviations GA(n) gibberellin (An) - GA3 gibberellic acid - IAA indole-3-acetic acid This study was supported by the Polish Academy of Sciences research project CPBP  相似文献   

Numerous branched plasmodesmata (pd) are present between bundle-sheath cells (BSCs) and specialized companion cells known as intermediary cells (ICs) in the minor-vein phloem of melon (Cucumis melo L.) and squash (Cucurbita pepo L.). These pd were found to be secondary, i.e., they form across existing walls. Sink, sink-source transition, and source tissues were sampled from developing and mature leaves. In sink tissue, IC precursors divide to produce the two to four ICs and associated sieve elements which are present by the time of the sink-source transition. Plasmodesmata along the interface between the IC precursor and adjacent BSCs in sink tissue are unbranched and few in number. Before the leaf tissue undergoes the sink-source transition, the number of pd channels (individual branches of pd) becomes more numerous. This increase in number of pd channels occurs at least in part and perhaps entirely by branching, resulting in more channels on the IC-side than on the BSC-side. In melon there is a 12-fold increase in the number of pd channels within the IC-side of the interface and a corresponding 9-fold increase in pd channels within the BSC-side. Thus, secondary pd form by the time of the sink-source transition and may be involved in phloem loading and photoassimilate export. The system described is well-defined and amenable to experimental manipulation: secondary pd form in large numbers, at a particular interface, over a short period of time, and in a highly predictable manner.Abbreviations BSC bundle-sheath cell - DAP days after planting - IC intermediary cell - LPI leaf plastochron index - pd plasmodesmata - PI plastochron interval We thank Edith Haritatos, Rich Medville, Esther Gowan, and Nancy Dussault for expert technical assistance. This research was supported by an NSF/DOE/USDA Cornell Plant Science Center fellowship (G.M.V.), Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council Grant GP0138401 and Université de Montréal, Fonds internes de recherche (D.U.B.), and NSF grant IBN-9419703 (R.T.).  相似文献   

通过对甘草属乌拉尔甘草(Glycyrrhiza uralensis)、光果甘草(G.glabra)、胀果甘草(G.inflata)及其人工杂交种组合G.uralensis♀×G.glabra♂、G.glabra♀×G.uralensis♂、G.uralensis♀×G.inflata♂、G.inflata♀×G.uralensis♂共68份材料的核基因ITS序列、叶绿体rbc L、mat K、trn H-psb A基因的序列分析,探讨了甘草属叶绿体DNA遗传方式。结果表明:(1)亲本种和人工杂交种ITS序列长度均为614 bp,其中34份人工杂交种ITS序列存在4处变异位点,且人工杂交种均检测出来自父本、母本ITS序列相同位点碱基的叠加,检测率为100%。(2)亲本种与人工杂交种的叶绿体基因rbc L、mat K、trn H-psb A序列长度相同,共有4处变异位点,人工杂交种在变异位点处的碱基与其相对应的父本碱基一致率高达97.1%。以上结果说明,该研究获得34份人工杂交种为100%杂交成功的F_1子代,核基因ITS序列可用于甘草属杂交种的遗传鉴定;甘草属叶绿体rbcL、mat K、trn H-psb A基因具有父系遗传特性,推测甘草属质体的遗传方式主要表现为父系遗传,这种质体遗传方式的发现为甘草属杂交种和遗传多样性研究提供了新的认识,也为杂交种的亲本鉴定提供分子依据。  相似文献   

周丽  胡春根 《广西植物》2016,36(8):949-955
该文使用简单重复序列间( ISSR)分子标记,对送春与多花兰种间杂交后代进行了研究。结果表明:从80个ISSR引物中筛选出14个扩增效果稳定的ISSR引物,对两亲本和59个F1代个体进行了ISSR扩增,得到107个扩增位点,扩增的片段大小位于90~2100 bp之间,平均每个引物扩增7.64条条带,得到11种类型的带。 ISSR标记在送春×多花兰的F1代中表现出一定的多态性,分离频率为44.86%,分离位点有83.33%符合孟德尔1︰1或3︰1的分离规律,产生偏孟德尔分离的位点占12.50%,余下的4.17%属于特殊分离带型。可能导致后代变异的位点为偏孟德尔分离的6条带、缺失的8条带或新生成的2条带。聚类图中父本和母本与F1代个体间的遗传距离较远,59个杂交后代先聚集成一组,再同母本相聚为一组,最后才同父本聚在一起,59个杂种均偏母本型。送春与多花兰的杂交后代在植株形态、染色体、遗传物质方面都具备双亲特点,61个个体间的ISSR分子量标记结果和植株形态学特征都说明,59个F1代杂种包含送春和多花兰的遗传特性是真杂种;F1代杂种既有双亲的互补特征带,又有双亲的重组片断即产生新的特异带,这说明送春与多花兰的杂交后代具有遗传变异的特点。该研究结果可以有效地对杂交后代进行定向选择,为兰花的杂交育种提供了分子依据。  相似文献   

E. de Faÿ  C. Sanier  C. Hebant 《Protoplasma》1989,149(2-3):155-162
Summary Cell to cell connections, including plasmodesmata and perforations, were examined in the non-conducting secondary phloem ofHevea brasiliensis. Samples were taken from trunks of numerous trees, from several clones, and prepared for thin sectioning and transmission or scanning electron microscopy and as optical sections for fluorescence microscopy. Numerous plasmodesmata were found clustered in primary pit-fields between the ray and axial parenchyma cells. Between the laticifers and adjacent parenchyma sheath cells, structures corresponding to functional plasmodesmata were not observed. But some unusual structural features were occasionally seen in these walls. These observations are discussed in relation to the possible function of the cell types, and to the loss of latex on the tapping ofHevea. It is suggested that the loading of the laticifer might first require a symplastic pathway for the transport of metabolites, at the end of which the assimilates must enter the apoplast. A transmembrane active transport system then transfers the metabolites in the laticifer. The presumable role of parenchyma cells in the loading of laticifers is emphasized.  相似文献   

In leaf blades of Zea mays L. plasmodesmata between mesophyll cells are aggregated in numerous thickened portions of the walls. The plasmodesmata are unbranched and all are characterized by the presence of electron-dense structures, called sphincters by us, near both ends of the plasmodesmatal canal. The sphincters surround the desmotubule and occlude the cytoplasmic annulus where they occur. Plasmodesmata between mesophyll and bundle-sheath cells are aggregated in primary pit-fields and are constricted by a wide suberin lamella on the sheath-cell side of the wall. Each plasmodesma contains a sphincter on the mesophyll-cell side of the wall. The outer tangential and radial walls of the sheath cells exhibit a continuous suberin lamella. However, on the inner tangential wall only the sites of plasmodesmatal aggregates are consistently suberized. Apparently the movement of photosynthetic intermediates between mesophyll and sheath cells is restricted largely or entirely to the plasmodesmata (symplastic pathway) and transpirational water movement to the cell walls (apoplastic pathway).Abbreviation ER endoplasmic reticulum  相似文献   

Gibberellins in the embryo-suspensor system have been considered so far only in Phaseolus coccineus. We present in this report the localization of gibberellin-like substances in the suspensors of Tropaeolum majus L. and Cytisus laburnum L. The total gibberellin activity (expressed as gibberellic-acid equivalent in the -amylase bioassay) in 2000 suspensors (106 mg fresh weight; FW) of C. laburnum and in 600 suspensors (236 mg FW) of T. majus were 50.9 g g-1 FW and 8.9 g g-1 FW respectively.Abbreviation GA gibberellin  相似文献   

Allium sphaerocephalon pollen tubes grew into styles and penetrated micropyles of Allium cepa, but ovules started to degenerate about 16 days after pollination and no seeds developed. Seeds developed in vitro in ovaries excised from flowers 4 and 7 days after pollination. Seven weeks after culture initiation, seeds had grown in 4 of 96 excised ovaries, cultured on BDS medium supplemented with GA3. Although the culture medium supported seed maturation within excised ovaries of self-pollinated A. cepa flowers, no viable hybrid seeds were recovered from crosses with A. sphaerocephalon. Extended post-fertilization barriers may have restrained development of hybrid embryos in vitro. Ovary culture followed by in ovulo embryo rescue may be feasible for distant-species hybridization in Allium.  相似文献   

The transport of exogenous indol-3yl-acetic acid (IAA) from the apical tissues of intact, light-grown pea (Pisum sativum L. cv. Alderman) shoots exhibited properties identical to those associated with polar transport in isolated shoot segments. Transport in the stem of apically applied [1-14C]-or [5-3H]IAA occurred at velocities (approx. 8–15 mm·h-1) characteristic of polar transport. Following pulse-labelling, IAA drained from distal tissues after passage of a pulse and the rate characteristics of a pulse were not affected by chases of unlabelled IAA. However, transport of [1-14C]IAA was inhibited through a localised region of the stem pretreated with a high concentration of unlabelled IAA or with the synthetic auxins 1-napthaleneacetic acid and 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, and label accumulated in more distal tissues. Transport of [1-14C]IAA was also completely prevented through regions of the intact stem treated with N-1-naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA) and 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid.Export of IAA from the apical bud into the stem increased with total concentration of IAA applied (labelled+unlabelled) but approached saturation at high concentrations (834 mmol·m-3). Transport velocity increased with concentration up to 83 mmol·m-3 IAA but fell again with further increase in concentration.Stem segments (2 mm) cut from intact plants transporting apically applied [1-14C]IAA effluxed 93% of their initial radioactivity into buffer (pH 7.0) in 90 min. The half-time for efflux increased from 32.5 to 103.9 min when 3 mmol·m-3 NPA was included in the efflux medium. Long (30 mm) stem sections cut from immediately below an apical bud 3.0 h after the apical application of [1-14C]IAA effluxed IAA when their basal ends, but not their apical ends, were immersed in buffer (pH 7.0). Addition of 3 mmol·m-3 NPA to the external medium completely prevented this basal efflux.These results support the view that the slow long-distance transport of IAA from the intact shoot apex occurs by polar cell-to-cell transport and that it is mediated by the components of IAA transmembrane transport predicted by the chemiosmotic polar diffusion theory.Abbreviations IAA indol-3yl-acetic acid - 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - NAA 1-naphthaleneacetic acid - NPA N-1-naphthylphthalamic acid - TIBA 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid  相似文献   

When [1-14C]indol-3yl-acetic acid ([1-14C]IAA) was applied to the upper surface of a mature foliage leaf of garden pea (Pisum sativum L. cv. Alderman), 14C effluxed basipetally but not acropetally from 30-mm-long internode segments excised 4 h after the application of [1-14C]IAA. This basipetal efflux was strongly inhibited by the inclusion of 3.10–6 mol· dm3 N-1-naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA) in the efflux buffer. In contrast, when [14C] sucrose was applied to the leaf, the efflux of label from stem segments excised subsequently was neither polar nor sensitive to NPA. The [1-14C]IAA was initially exported from mature leaves in the phloem — transport was rapid and apolar; label was recovered from aphids feeding on the stem; and label was recovered in exudates collected from severed petioles in 20 mM ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid. No 14C was detected in aphids feeding on the stems of plants to which [1-14C]IAA had been applied apically, even though the internode on which they were feeding transported considerable quantities of label. Localised applications of NPA to the stem strongly inhibited the basipetal transport of apically applied [1-14C]IAA, but did not affect transport of [1-14C]IAA in the phloem. These results demonstrate for the first time that IAA exported from leaves in the phloem can be transferred into the extravascular polar auxin transport pathway but that reciprocal transfer probably does not occur. In intact plants, transfer of foliar-applied [1-14C]IAA from the phloem to the polar auxin transport pathway was confined to immature tissues at the shoot apex. In plants in which all tissues above the fed leaf were removed before labelling, a limited transfer of IAA occurred in more mature regions of the stem.Abbreviations IAA indol-3yl-acetic acid - EDTA ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid - NPA N-1-naphthylphthalamic acid We are grateful to the Nuffield Foundation for supporting this research under the NUF-URB95 scheme and for the provision of a bursary to A.J.C. We thank Professor Dennis A. Baker for constructive comments on a draft of this paper and Mrs. Rosemary Bell for her able technical assistance.  相似文献   

K. Matzke  M. Riederer 《Planta》1991,185(2):233-245
The compositions of BF3/CH3OH depolymerisates of cutins and suberins from leaf and periderm samples from Picea abies [L.] Karst., Quercus robur L., and Fagus sylvatica L., respectively, were determined by quantitative capillary gas chromatography/mass spectroscopy. Long-chain monobasic, -hydroxymonobasic, dihydroxymonobasic, trihydroxymonobasic and epoxyhydroxymonobasic alkanoic acids constituted the major aliphatic monomers of leaf cutins. The total amounts of cutin monomers ranged from 629 mg · m–2 (Fagus) to 1350 mg · m–2 (Quercus). Cutin composition and amounts did not significantly differ between current year and three-year-old needles of Picea. Trans-esterification of periderm samples yielded a much greater variety of aliphatic monomers than obtained from cutins. In addition to the substance classes found with cutins, suberin depolymerisates also contained , -dibasic acids while dihydroxymonobasic acids were lacking. Depolymerisates from periderms taken from different locations on a Picea tree did not differ significantly in their relative composition. The results are discussed in terms of the distinctive characteristics of the aliphatic portions of cutins and suberins, respectively. Discriminant analysis is applied for formulating a quantitative and inarbitrary classification rule for cutins and suberins. The precision, statistical significance and robustness of this classification rule are tested by employing it to a large set of compositional data (70 plant species) from the literature. The relevance of data obtained by depolymerization methods for elucidating the physical structure of cutins and suberins in situ is evaluated.To whom correspondence should be addressedThe authors are indebted to Drs. J. Winkler and H. Krause (Laboratorium für Strukturchemie des Fachbereichs Chemie, Biologie und Geowissenschaften, Technische Universität München, Garching, FRG) for performing capillary gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and their valuable help in the identification of cutin and suberin constituents. The work was supported by grants from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and the Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Unterricht, Kultus, Wissenschaft und Kunst.  相似文献   

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