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Recombination between sequences of hepatitis B virus from different genotypes   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
A comparison of 25 hepatitis B virus (HBV) isolates for which complete genome sequences are available revealed two that occupied different positions in phylogenetic trees reconstructed from different open reading frames. Further analysis indicated that this incongruence was the result of recombination between viruses of different genomic and antigenic types. Both putative recombinants originated from geographic regions where multiple genotypes are known to cocirculate. A search of the sequence databases showed evidence of similar intergenotypic recombinants. These observations indicate that recombination between divergent strains may represent an important source of genetic variation in HBV.  相似文献   

L Sharmeen  M Y Kuo    J Taylor 《Journal of virology》1989,63(3):1428-1430
A 179-base fragment of RNA from the 1,679-base antigenome of hepatitis delta virus can not only self-cleave but, when the ends of the resultant fragments are brought into apposition by base pairing to another RNA, also self-ligate. Thus, processing events needed for genome replication in vivo may be strictly RNA mediated.  相似文献   

RNA of mouse hepatitis virus.   总被引:45,自引:39,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
The RNA of mouse hepatitis virus, a coronavirus, was isolated from the virus released early in the infection and analyzed by sucrose gradient sedimentation and electrophoresis. It was found to consist of a piece of single-stranded RNA of about 60S. Its molecular weight was estimated to be 5.4 X 10(6) by electrophoresis in methylmercury-agarose gels. At least one third of the RNA contained polyadenylated sequences. It is, therefore, probably positive stranded. The virus harvested late in the infection contained, in addition to 60S, some 30 to 50S RNA that are possibly degradation products of the 60S RNA. No difference in the electrophoretic behavior could be detected between the RNA isolated from a pathogenic (JHM) and a nonpathogenic (A59) strain.  相似文献   

新疆羊粪便戊型肝炎病毒RNA的检测与序列分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王永霞  马勋 《微生物学报》2010,50(7):937-941
【目的】为了了解新疆地区羊群中是否存在戊型肝炎的感染,我们从戊型肝炎病毒(Hepatitis E virus,HEV)IgG检测阳性的新疆某羊场采集54份1-3岁的羊粪便,【方法】利用逆转录套式聚合酶链方法(RT-nPCR),检测HEVRNA,其中6份为阳性,阳性率11.11%。【结果】将PCR扩增产物克隆,测序并进行序列分析,结果表明,6株羊源HEV检测株在HEV ORF2 189bp 99.38%-100%,为同一基因型;与HEVⅠ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ和Ⅳ型的同源性分别为78.67%-85.33%、81.33%-82.67%、78.67%-84.00%和84.67%-95.36%,与Ⅳ型最高同源性达94.04%-95.36%。以该189bp片段绘制进化树,发现与新疆牛源分离株、中国大陆猪源分离株(FJ610232)和中国大陆人源分离株(AJ272108)在同一分枝上,同属基因Ⅳ型;【结论】提示新疆羊群中可能存在HEV感染,并且羊可能是人类HEV传染源中除猪之外的新宿主。  相似文献   

Heterogeneity and evolution rates of delta virus RNA sequences.   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
F Imazeki  M Omata    M Ohto 《Journal of virology》1990,64(11):5594-5599
To investigate the geographical divergence of delta virus RNA sequences, 868 nucleotides (nt), including the delta antigen-coding region, were determined in isolates from two Japanese patients, M and S, by polymerase chain reaction and direct sequencing and compared with three previously reported nucleotide sequences. The sequence obtained for hepatitis delta virus RNA from patient M was approximately 92% identical to sequences previously obtained for two other strains of hepatitis delta virus, whereas the sequence of hepatitis delta virus RNA obtained from patient S was approximately 81% identical to the previously sequenced strains. This suggests that delta agent in Japan has a heterogeneous origin and the delta virus RNA sequence from Japanese patient S is the most divergent delta virus isolate yet analyzed. To study the evolution rate of delta virus RNA, viral isolates obtained 3 and 4 years apart from each of two patients were also sequenced. It was estimated that the substitution rate of viral RNA was 0.57 x 10(-3) nt per site per year in patient M and 0.64 x 10(-3) nt per site per year in patient S for the delta antigen gene.  相似文献   

Hepatitis delta virus (HDV) RNA subfragments undergo self-cleavage at varying efficiencies. We have developed a procedure of using repeated cycles of heat denaturation and renaturation of RNA to achieve a high efficiency of cleavage. This effect can also be achieved by gradual denaturation of RNA with heat or formamide. These results suggest that only a subpopulation of the catalytic RNA molecules assumes the active conformation required for self-cleavage. This procedure could be of general use for detecting catalytic RNA activities.  相似文献   

Abraham TM  Loeb DD 《Journal of virology》2007,81(21):11577-11584
Previous analysis of hepatitis B virus (HBV) indicated base pairing between two cis-acting sequences, the 5' half of the upper stem of epsilon and phi, contributes to the synthesis of minus-strand DNA. Our goal was to identify other cis-acting sequences on the pregenomic RNA (pgRNA) involved in the synthesis of minus-strand DNA. We found that large portions of the pgRNA could be deleted or substituted without an appreciable decrease in the level of minus-strand DNA synthesized, indicating that most of the pgRNA is dispensable and that a specific size of the pgRNA is not required for this process. Our results indicated that the cis-acting sequences for the synthesis of minus-strand DNA are present near the 5' and 3' ends of the pgRNA. In addition, we found that the first-strand template switch could be directed to a new location when a 72-nucleotide (nt) fragment, which contained the cis-acting sequences present near the 3' end of the pgRNA, was introduced at that location. Within this 72-nt region, we uncovered two new cis-acting sequences, which flank the acceptor site. We show that one of these sequences, named omega and located 3' of the acceptor site, base pairs with phi to contribute to the synthesis of minus-strand DNA. Thus, base pairing between three cis-acting elements (5' half of the upper stem of epsilon, phi, and omega) are necessary for the synthesis of HBV minus-strand DNA. We propose that this topology of pgRNA facilitates first-strand template switch and/or the initiation of synthesis of minus-strand DNA.  相似文献   

Human hepatitis delta virus (HDV) RNA has been shown to contain a self-catalyzed cleavage activity. The sequence requirement for its catalytic activity appears to be different from that of other known ribozymes. In this paper, we define the minimum contiguous sequence and secondary structure of the HDV genomic RNA required for the catalytic activity. By using nested-set deletion mutants, we have determined that the essential sequence for the catalytic activity is contained within no more than 85 nucleotides of HDV RNA. These results are in close agreement with the previous determinations and confirmed the relative insignificance of the sequence at the 5' side of the cleavage site. The smallest catalytic RNA, representing HDV genomic RNA nucleotide positions 683 to 770, was used as the basis for studying the secondary structure requirements for catalytic activity. Analysis of the RNA structure, using RNase V1, nuclease S1 and diethylpyrocarbonate treatments showed that this RNA contains at least two stem-and-loop structures. Other larger HDV RNA subfragments containing the catalytic activity also have a very similar secondary structure. By performing site-specific mutagenesis studies, it was shown that one of the stem-and-loop structures could be deleted to half of its original size without affecting the catalytic activity. In addition, the other stem-and-loop contained a six base-pair helix, and the structure, rather than the sequence, of this helix was required for the catalytic activity. However, the structure of a portion of the stem-and-loop remains uncertain. We also report that this RNA can be divided into two separate molecules, which alone did not have cleavage activity but, when mixed, one of the RNAs could be cleaved in trans. This study thus reveals some features of the secondary structure of the HDV genomic RNA involved in self-catalyzed cleavage. A model of this RNA structure is presented.  相似文献   

Elements of local tertiary structure in RNA molecules are important in understanding structure-function relationships. The loop E motif, first identified in several eukaryotic RNAs at functional sites which share an exceptional propensity for UV crosslinking between specific bases, was subsequently shown to have a characteristic tertiary structure. Common sequences and secondary structures have allowed other examples of the E-loop motif to be recognized in a number of RNAs at sites of protein binding or other biological function. We would like to know if more elements of local tertiary structure, in addition to the E-loop, can be identified by such common features. The highly structured circular RNA genome of the hepatitis D virus (HDV) provides an ideal test molecule because it has extensive internal structure, a UV-crosslinkable tertiary element, and specific sites for functional interactions with proteins including host PKR. We have now found a UV-crosslinkable element of local tertiary structure in antigenomic HDV RNA which, although differing from the E-loop, has a very similar pattern of sequence and secondary structure to the UV-crosslinkable element found in the genomic strand. Despite the fact that the two structures map close to one another, the sequences comprising them are not the templates for each other. Instead, the template regions for each element are additional sites for potential higher order structure on their respective complementary strands. This wealth of recurring sequences interspersed with base-paired stems provides a context to examine other RNA species for such features and their correlations with biological function.  相似文献   

Simmonds P  Midgley S 《Journal of virology》2005,79(24):15467-15476
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is widely distributed in both human and ape populations throughout the world and is a major cause of human morbidity and mortality. HBV variants are currently classified into the human genotypes A to H and species-associated chimpanzee and gibbon/orangutan groups. To examine the role of recombination in the evolution of HBV, large-scale data retrieval and automated phylogenetic analysis (TreeOrder scanning) were carried out on all available published complete genome sequences of HBV. We detected a total of 24 phylogenetically independent potential recombinants (different genotype combinations or distinct breakpoints), eight of which were previously undescribed. Instances of intergenotype recombination were observed in all human and ape HBV variants, including evidence for a novel gibbon/genotype C recombinant among HBV variants from Vietnam. By recording sequence positions in trees generated from sequential fragments across the genome, violations of phylogeny between trees also provided evidence for frequent intragenotype recombination between members of genotypes A, D, F/H, and gibbon variants but not in B, C, or the Asian B/C recombinant group. In many cases, favored positions for both inter- and intragenotype recombination matched positions of phylogenetic reorganization between the human and ape genotypes, such as the end of the surface gene and the core gene, where sequence relationships between genotypes changed in the TreeOrder scan. These findings provide evidence for the occurrence of past, extensive recombination events in the evolutionary history of the currently classified genotypes of HBV and potentially in changes in its global epidemiology and associations with human disease.  相似文献   

Some influenza virus complementary RNA (cRNA) from infected chick cells is polyadenylated as judged by oligo(dT)-cellulose chromatography. However, none of the virion RNA or the vRNA synthesised in infected cells contain poly(A) sequences. cRNA containing poly(A) sequences was further characterised by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and under the conditions used only some size classes of cRNA were polyadenylated.  相似文献   

We previously reported the cloning and detailed analysis of the integrated hepatitis B virus sequences in a human hepatoma cell line. We report here the integration of at least one of hepatitis B virus at human satellite DNA sequences. The majority of the cellular sequences identified by this satellite DNA were organized as a multimeric composition of a 0.6-kilobase EcoRI fragment. This clone hybridized in situ almost exclusively to the centromeric heterochromatin of chromosomes 1 and 16 and to a lower extent to chromosome 2 and to the heterochromatic region of the Y chromosome. The immediate flanking host sequence appeared as a hierarchy of repeating units which were almost identical to a previously reported human satellite III DNA sequence.  相似文献   

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