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Nigerian gum exudates from Parkia bicolor and P. biglobosa, and gum from the seed pods of P. pendula growing in Costa Rica have been analysed. The two gum exudates are proteinaceous and have closely similar physicochemical properties and compositions, with galactose, arabinose, glucuronic acid and 4-O-methylglucuronic acid as their constituent sugars; rhamnose is absent, and they are dextrorotatory. The gum from the seed pods of P. pendula contains the same constituent sugars in different proportions, and is laevorotatory. These data may be of interest in the continuing studies of plant-animal interactions and mechanisms of seed dispersal associated with the genus Parkia.  相似文献   

Rye (Secale cereale L.) seedlings; contain two major flavone glucuronides, luteolin 7-O-diglucuronyl-4'-O-glucuronide (L3GlcUA) (1) and luteolin 7-O-diglucuronide (L2GlcUA) (2) in abundance in the apoplast of primary leaves; express a large number of peroxidase isoenzymes; and release H(2)O(2) into the apoplast during primary leaf development. We purified and characterized three neutral extracellular peroxidase isoenzymes (rPOXs N1, N2, and N3) that can oxidize L2GlcUA as a natural substrate. The isoelectric points and molecular weights of rPOXs N1, N2, and N3 were 6.1, 7.2, and 6.3, and 42, 37, and 51 kDa, respectively. The optimum pH of the rPOXs N1, N2, and N3 were 5.5, 5.5, and 8.5, respectively, and their optimum temperatures ranged from 45 to 50 degrees C for all isoenzymes. rPOXs N1, N2, and N3 recognized flavonoids with 3', 4'-OH groups as potential substrates, but not flavonoids with a glycosylated 4'-OH group or those without a 3'-OH group. The activities on phenol-type substrates were high in the order of guaiacol>catechol>o-cresol for all isoenzymes. rPOXs N1, N2, and N3 exhibited broad reactivity with endogenous hydrogen donors including luteolin glucuronides derived from the apoplast of rye primary leaves.  相似文献   

Kim S  Dale BE 《Bioresource technology》2008,99(12):5250-5260
Life cycle analysis enables to investigate environmental performance of fuel ethanol used in an E10 fueled compact passenger vehicle. Ethanol is derived from corn grain via dry milling. This type of analysis is an important component for identifying practices that will help to ensure that a renewable fuel, such as ethanol, may be produced in a sustainable manner. Based on data from eight counties in seven Corn Belt states as corn farming sites, we show ethanol derived from corn grain as E10 fuel would reduce nonrenewable energy and greenhouse gas emissions, but would increase acidification, eutrophication and photochemical smog, compared to using gasoline as liquid fuel. The ethanol fuel systems considered in this study offer economic benefits, namely more money returned to society than the investment for producing ethanol. The environmental performance of ethanol fuel system varies significantly with corn farming sites because of different crop management practices, soil properties, and climatic conditions. The dominant factor determining most environmental impacts considered here (i.e., greenhouse gas emissions, acidification, eutrophication, and photochemical smog formation) is soil related nitrogen losses (e.g., N2O, NOx, and NO3-). The sources of soil nitrogen include nitrogen fertilizer, crop residues, and air deposition. Nitrogen fertilizer is probably the primary source. Simulations using an agro-ecosystem model predict that planting winter cover crops would reduce soil nitrogen losses and increase soil organic carbon levels, thereby greatly improving the environmental performance of the ethanol fuel system.  相似文献   

High temperature extrusion cooking of rye was used as a pretreatment for ethanol fermentation, and yeasts and bacteria were compared for their fermentation rates. Extrusion cooking caused, on average, a 7.5% increase in ethanol yield in comparison to autoclaved samples. The best results were achieved for grain with a moisture of 21-23% which was extruded at temperatures of 160-180 °C. Extrusion decreased the relative viscosity of rye grain water extracts, so it was possible to mash it without α-amylase. The efficiency of fermentation of extruded rye without Termamyl was equal to that of autoclaved and traditionally mashed rye (using α-amylase). The rate of fermentation of extruded rye grain by Zymomonas was higher during the first stage, but the final ethanol yield was similar for the bacterium and the yeast. Though both microorganisms gave good quality distillates, the concentration of compounds other than ethanol achieved from extruded rye mashes, which were fermented by Z. mobilis, was five times lower than for yeasts.  相似文献   

A subcellular fraction enriched in aleurone grains isolatedin glycerol from aleurone layers of wheat endosperm specificallyand reversibly bound GA1-(3H). Specific binding of GA1 to otherfractions including spherosomes, nuclei, mitochondria, and plasmamembranes was negligible. The Kd of binding to aleurone grainswas 1.5 µM and the number of specific binding sites 0.45pmoles per mg protein. The presence of Ca++ ions was absolutelyrequired for binding. Abscisic acid which inhibits giberellinaction in vivo prevented specific GA1-binding in vitro. GA1-bindingto aleurone grains is important to the primary action of thehormone which may involve mobilization of reserves from thealeurone grain-spherosome complex for utilization in membranebiogenesis. 1 Present address: Section of Cytology, Yale University Schoolof Medicine, New Haven, CT 06510, U.S.A. 3 Present address: Laboratoire de Biologie V?g?tale, Ecole NormaleSup?rieure, 24 rue Lhomond, 75231 Paris, France. (Received March 28, 1977; )  相似文献   

The effects of commercial and laboratory preparations were compared in the course of treatment of components of compound fodder. The most potent preparations were selected for the treatment of soybean flower, sunflower meal, and wheat and barley flour. Preparation 181-1008, which had a high proteinase activity, provided the highest yield of protein from soybean flour and sunflower meal. Preparations aGA, AG20X, and VR, characterized by high activities of pectinase and alpha-galactosidase, as well as laboratory preparation B2000Mix with a high activity of alpha-galactosidase, provided the highest yield of sugars from soybean flour. Preparations with high alpha-galactosidase activity were the most potent in hydrolyzing soluble carbohydrates from soybean flour. The highest yield of reducing sugars was observed after treatment of wheat and barley flour with preparations B2000Mix and aGa. Xylanase activity of these preparations was lower than that of preparations 3.130.2 and TG20X. Preparations 3.130.2 and TG20X were the most potent in hydrolyzing wheat middlings.  相似文献   

The effects of commercial and laboratory preparations were compared in the course of treatment of components of compound fodder. The most potent preparations were selected for the treatment of soybean flower, sunflower meal, and wheat and barley flour. Preparation 181–1008, which had a high proteinase activity, provided the highest yield of protein from soybean flour and sunflower meal. Preparations aGA, AG20X, and VR, characterized by high activities of pectinase and α-galactosidase, as well as laboratory preparation B2000Mix with a high activity of α-galactosidase, provided the highest yield of sugars from soybean flour. Preparations with high α-galactosidase activity were the most potent in hydrolyzing soluble carbohydrates from soybean flour. The highest yield of reducing sugars was observed after treatment of wheat and barley flour with preparations B2000Mix and aGA. Xylanase activity of these preparations was lower than that of preparations 3.130.2 and TG20X. Preparations 3.130.2 and TG20X were the most potent in hydrolyzing wheat middlings.  相似文献   

Significant differences in the two-dimensional electrophoresis patterns of proteins from developing rye grain were found to be associated with resistance and susceptibility to preharvest sprouting (PHS). Mass spectrometry of individual spots showing different abundance in PHS-resistant and PHS-susceptible lines identified proteins involved in: reaction to biotic and abiotic stresses, including oxidative stress, energy metabolism and regulation of gene expression. Highly differentiated abundance of proteins found in developing grain suggest that the diversification of processes leading to developing PHS resistance or PHS susceptibility starts from an early stage of grain development. A part of the identified proteins in rye grain were also reported to be associated with PHS in wheat and rice, which suggests that some mechanisms affecting precocious germination might be common for different cereal species.  相似文献   

The sclerotia of the fungus Claviceps sp. are still a challenge for the milling industry. Ergot sclerotia are a constant contamination of the rye crop and have to be removed by modern milling technologies. Changing sizes and coloration of the sclerotia make it difficult to separate them from the grain. Ergot sclerotia are a problem when cleaning is insufficient and non-separated specimens or sclerotia fragments get into the milling stream and thus ergot alkaloids are distributed into the different cereal fractions. In model milling experiments, the residues of ergot in rye flour and the distribution of ergot into different milling fractions were investigated. Rye grains were mixed with whole ergot sclerotia and in another experiment with ergot powder and cleaned afterwards before milling. The ergot alkaloids ergometrine, ergosine, ergotamine, ergocornine, ergocryptine, ergocristineand their related isomeric forms (-inine-forms), and additionally ricinoleic acid as a characteristic component of ergot, were quantified in the different milling fractions. From the first experiment, it can be shown that after harvesting even simple contact of sclerotia with bulk grains during ordinary handling or movement of bulk grain in the granary is sufficient to contaminate all the healthy or sound rye grains with ergot alkaloids. Thereby, the amount of ergot residue correlates with the amount of peripheral layers of rye grains in the flour. In an additional experiment without sclerotia specimens, bulk rye grains were loaded with powder of sclerotia. After subsequent cleaning, aconcentration of ergot alkaloids was detected, which was tenfold higher than the ergot alkaloidconcentration of the experiment with intact ergot sclerotia.  相似文献   

Complete identification of the translocations involved in evolution of S. vavilovii, S. africanum and S. cereale from S. montanum was attained by meiotic analysis after Giemsa banding technique. Based on the original mitotic karyotype of S. montanum, the different chromosome arms were determined by centromere position and banding pattern of chromosomes for the four species and all of the possible interspecific hybrids. This first consistent scheme of cytogenetic relationships reveals: one translocation each, separating S. montanum from S. vavilovii and S. africanum, two translocations each, separating S. cereale from S. vavilovii and S. africanum, and three translocations each, separating S. cereale from S. montanum and S. africanum, respectively.  相似文献   

AIMS: The metabolism by bifidobacteria of exopolysaccharide (EPS) produced by Lactobacillus sanfranciscensis was investigated. To evaluate the significance of the EPS produced by Lact. sanfranciscensis during dough fermentation on the overall prebiotic properties of bread, metabolism by bifidobacteria of water-soluble polysaccharides (WSP) from wheat and rye was investigated. METHODS AND RESULTS: Polyglucose and polyfructan contained in WSP from wheat and rye were metabolized by bifidobacteria. In contrast, WSP isolated from fermented doughs were not metabolized by bifidobacteria. The arabioxylan fraction of WSP was metabolized neither by bifidobacteria nor by lactobacilli. All the bifidobacteria tested were able to metabolize fructan from Lact. sanfranciscensis. The kinetics of EPS metabolism by various bifidobacteria were characterized by diauxic utilization of fructose and EPS. CONCLUSIONS: Bifidobacteria metabolize fructan from Lact. sanfranciscensis. Polyfructan and the starch fractions from wheat and rye, which possess a bifidogenic effect, were degraded by cereal enzymes during dough fermentation, while the EPS were retained. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: EPS produced by sourdough lactic acid bacteria will improve the nutritional properties of sourdough fermented products.  相似文献   

Biochemical characterization of three mycobacterial ribosomal fractions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The induction of antituberculous immunity by crude ribosomal fractions isolated from Mycobacterium tuberculosis strain H37Ra, M. bovis strain BCG, and M. smegmatis was studied in CF-1 mice. Levels of antituberculous immunity similar to that induced by live BCG were induced by the BCG and H37Ra ribosomal fractions whereas that isolated from M. smegmatis was found to be inactive. Electrophoresis of the three ribosomal fractions in sodium dodecyl sulfate - polyacylamide gels followed by differential staining showed the two active ribosomal fractions to be similar in their proteins, carbohydrate-containing substances, and lipid profiles. The inactive smegmatis ribosomal fraction differed mainly from the active ones on the basis of its carbohydrate-containing substances profile and by the absence of lipids. The polysaccharides and the ribosomes present in the H37Ra ribosomal fractions were purified by affinity chromatography on concanavalin A - Sepharose 4B. Each purified preparation showed no or only low antituberculous activity when injected separately, but when mixed together a high protection was observed. The formation of complexes between the ribosomes and the polysaccharide fraction was suggested and appears to be necessary for the induction of antituberculous immunity.  相似文献   

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