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Application to skin depleted of LC by treatment with the chemical carcinogen DMBA of a dose of contact sensitizer optimal for inducing contact sensitivity activates transferrable suppressor cells. Excision of solvent- or DMBA-treated skin at various times following application of the contact sensitizer DNFB indicated that the fraction of antigen which leaves the skin within the first few hours induces tolerance. An initial signal inducing unresponsiveness, observed within 1/2 hr, was overturned 3-6 hr later. A more permanent tolerogenic signal in the DMBA- but not solvent-treated lymph node resulted from an epidermal cell from DMBA-treated skin presenting antigen to suppressor cells. Therefore it is likely that suppressor cells are activated in DMBA-treated mice by an epidermal cell which migrates to the local lymph node. Local lymph node cells from DMBA-treated mice also have a diminished ability to present antigen in vivo but they do not activate suppressor cells.  相似文献   

Alloantisera specific to X-chromosome linked lymphocyte membrane antigens (Ly-X) were prepared by immunizing F1 male mice with identical F1 female lymphocytes. Independent B cell specific (anti Lyb-X) and T cell specific (anti Lyt-X) antibodies were detected. The Lyt-X antigen was expressed on Lyt-2+, 3+, and on Tla, Lyt-1+, 2+, 3+ T cell subpopulations. The problem of X-chromosome inactivation and the relationship ofH-2-linkedIr genes and Ia antigens, with X-linkedIr genes and lymphocyte alloantigens are discussed.  相似文献   

Supernatant fluid obtained after centrifugation of the suspension of viable lymph node cells of immunized animals proved to induce in vivo in the lymph node cells of intact mice sensitivity to lysis with a specific antigen in vitro. This property was possessed after chromatography of the supernatant fluid on Sephadex G-200 by the 3rd fraction (MW about 30000 dalton). DNA-ase, trypsin or deproteinization failed to influence whereas RNA-ase inactivated this fraction in respect to the inducing properties.  相似文献   

The comparison of the results of the author's own observations based on the tissue culture method, autoradiography and time lapse cinemicrography with the data of literature permits concluding that the lymphoid cells are capable of exchanging biological information through the cytoplasmic bridges arising between them. The data obtained show an active penetration of lymphocytes into the cytoplasm of reticular cells and macrophages.  相似文献   

Mixtures of isogenic thymocytes (TC) and lymph node cells (LNC) were shown to exhibit synergistic responsiveness to M and H-2 alloantigens in the mixed lymphocyte interaction (MLI). With respect to the kinetics and magnitude of proliferation and effector cell generation, the response occurring in synergizing cultures closely resembled that of optimal numbers of LNC or spleen cells (SC). In addition, the antigen specificity of effector cells generated by synergizing cultures was similar to that of effectors derived from cultures containing optimal numbers of responding SC. LNC-TC mixtures also exhibited synergy in response to the phytomitogens concanavalin A and pokeweed mitogen but not to phytohemagglutinin. Weakly positive synergy was observed in response to bacterial lipopolysaccharide. It is proposed that the phenomenon of synergy is not restricted to cultures containing mixtures of LNC and TC but also occurs in cultures containing optimal numbers of LNC or SC as a result of interactions between subpopulations of lymphocytes contained within these tissues.  相似文献   

Significant attention has been given to the role played by non-hematopoietic cells in the immune organs, including the lymph nodes, in hopes of understanding the development, maintenance, and regulation of the immune system. However, the molecular and cellular characterization of non-hematopoietic cells is still in its infancy. Here we show that non-hematopoietic cells in mouse lymph nodes can be fractionated into previously unidentified subpopulations according to the transgenic reporter expression of alpha-smooth muscle actin (αSMA). αSMA+ non-hematopoietic cells were predominantly detected in gp38+CD31 and gp38CD31 cells. Molecular expression profiles suggest similarities between αSMA+gp38+CD31 and αSMAgp38+CD31 subpopulations and dissimilarities between αSMA+gp38CD31 and αSMAgp38CD31 subpopulations. The results indicate that αSMA is a useful marker for further understanding the molecular and cellular characteristics of non-hematopoietic cells in the lymph nodes.  相似文献   

Naïve T cells continuously traffic to secondary lymphoid organs, including peripheral lymph nodes, to detect rare expressed antigens. The migration of T cells into lymph nodes is a complex process which involves both cellular and chemical factors including chemokines. Recently, the use of two-photon microscopy has permitted to track T cells in intact lymph nodes and to derive some quantitative information on their behavior and their interactions with other cells. While there are obvious advantages to an in vivo system, this approach requires a complex and expensive instrumentation and provides limited access to the tissue. To analyze the behavior of T cells within murine lymph nodes, we have developed a slice assay 1, originally set up by neurobiologists and transposed recently to murine thymus 2. In this technique, fluorescently labeled T cells are plated on top of an acutely prepared lymph node slice. In this video-article, the localization and migration of T cells into the tissue are analyzed in real-time with a widefield and a confocal microscope. The technique which complements in vivo two-photon microscopy offers an effective approach to image T cells in their natural environment and to elucidate mechanisms underlying T cell migration.  相似文献   

Summary Electronmicroscopic and cytochemical studies were performed to localize interdigitating reticulum cells (IDC) in the popliteal lymph node of the rat.The morphological features of the IDC of the rat correspond to those described for other species, but also show similarities to normal macrophages in the rat. This is considered to be an argument in favour of the common origin of IDC's and macrophages.Ultrahistochemical studies with horseradish peroxidase (HRP) reveal no phagocytotic capacity of IDC's. After perfusion fixation containing ruthenium red (RR) the surface coat stains heavily: RR is also found deep in the membrane invaginations of the IDC, indicating the presence of polyanionic sialoglyco-proteins. The post-capillary-venules (PVC) are very permeable to both HRP and RR.The phosphotungstic acid-chromic acid stain (PTA-CrA) also reveals glycoproteins in the surface coat; these glycoproteins are susceptible to -neuraminidase, whereas glycoproteins in the Golgi complexes, lysosomes and in the vesicular complexes of IDC are not. The glycoproteins of the latter are susceptible to 0.1 N NaOH. These findings indicate that IDC produce different kinds of glycoprotein, one of which may be secreted and act as a factor for stimulating peripheral T-lymphocytes.Intimate contact between IDC's and PCV's could be observed. It is therefore conceivable that IDC's play an important role in the homing of T-lymphocytes.  相似文献   

We previously reported that cytokine gene transfer into weakly immunogenic tumor cells could enhance the generation of precursor cells of tumor-reactive T cells and subsequently augment antitumor efficacy of adoptive immunotherapy. We investigated whether such potent antitumor effector T cells could be generated from mice bearing poorly immunogenic tumors. In contrast to similarly modified weakly immunogenic tumors, MCA102 cells, which are chemically induced poorly immunogenic fibrosarcoma cells transfected with cDNA for IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, IFN-gamma, failed to augment the host immune reaction. Because priming of antitumor effector T cells in vivo requires two important signals provided by tumor-associated Ags and costimulatory molecules, these tumor cells were cotransfected with a B7-1 cDNA. Transfection of both IFN-gamma and B7-1 (MCA102/B7-1/IFN-gamma) resulted in regression of s.c. tumors, while tumor transfected with other combinations of cytokine and B7-1 showed progressive growth. Cotransfection of IFN-gamma and B7-1 into other poorly immunogenic tumor B16 and LLC cells also resulted in the regression of s.c. tumors. Cells derived from lymph nodes draining MCA102/B7-1/IFN-gamma tumors showed potent antitumor efficacy, eradicating established pulmonary metastases, but this effect was not seen with parental tumors. This mechanism of enhanced antitumor efficacy was further investigated, and T cells with down-regulated L-selectin expression, which constituted all the in vivo antitumor reactivity, were significantly increased in lymph nodes draining MCA102/B7-1/IFN-gamma tumors. These T cells developed into potent antitumor effector cells after in vitro activation with anti-CD3/IL-2. The strategy presented here may provide a basis for developing potent immunotherapy for human cancers.  相似文献   

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