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Summary Type-A spermatogonia can be found in different locations throughout the germinal epithelium of human seminiferous tubules. Generally they represent the population of germ cells adjacent to the basal lamina, but under special conditions they may be located in the adluminal compartment. This aberrant location is found not only in the terminal segments but also in the seminiferous tubules of men older than 65 years of age, and in cases of intratubular seminoma. Furthermore, in both cases, type-A spermatogonia may occupy an intermediate position between basal and intraluminal locations, without showing any signs of cytological damage.Supported by grants from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Ho 388/5-3) and the Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung  相似文献   

Summary The pattern of compartmentation of the seminiferous epithelium was investigated, using a lanthanum tracer technique, in human testicular biopsies of adult infertile men (age 27 to 44 years), where dislocation of spermatogonia from the basal lamina occurred. Spermatogonia type A and B were found in a two-or three-layered arrangement, in aberrant locations throughout the seminiferous epithelium, and in intratubular positions associated with fragments of Sertoli cell cytoplasm. Tracer impregnation was found around spermatogonia in a multilayered arrangement, indicating the extension of the basal compartment in a luminal direction. Single spermatogonia within the second or third layer of the seminiferous epithelium were regularly found to be surrounded by tracer. The junctional complex between the lateral membranes of adjacent Sertoli cells was devoid of tight junctions. Tracer penetration around spermatogonia in a more luminal position was prevented by intact Sertoli cell junctional complexes; tracer was also absent from intraluminal located spermatogonia associated with cytoplasmic fragments of Sertoli cells. The luminal extension of the basal compartment associated with the dislocation of spermatogonia clearly differs from the pattern of compartmentation during the movement of primary spermatocytes within undisturbed epithelium. There is a strong incidence of elevated serum levels of folliclestimulating hormone (>7 U/l), indicating a suppression of Sertoli cell function; this may be the cause for the dislocation of spermatogonia and the changes of compartmentation.  相似文献   

Parts of human seminiferous tubules containing late spermatids with condensed nuclei (Stage II) absorbed more transmitted light than did parts at other stages. Spermatogenic stages I, III, IV and VI were identifiable by phase-contrast microscopy.  相似文献   

The distribution of phosphodiesterase forms in somatic and germ cells, and their variations during testicular development and germ cell differentiation have been investigated. Seminiferous tubules from immature mice and Sertoli cells in culture possessed two enzyme activities which were comparable to forms described for different tissues and species: (a) a calcium-calmodulin-dependent enzyme with high affinity for guanosine 3',5'-(cyclic)-monophosphate (cGMP), and (b) a calcium-calmodulin-independent enzyme with high affinity for adenosine 3',5'-(cyclic)-monophosphate (cAMP) the activity of which increased in cultured Sertoli cells after treatment with FSH or dibutyryl cAMP. Seminiferous tubules from adult animals and germ cells at the meiotic and post-meiotic stage of differentiation possessed two enzyme forms that could be distinguished from those present in somatic cells of the seminiferous tubules: (a) a calcium-calmodulin-dependent form with high affinity for both cAMP and cGMP, similar to forms described in other tissues from different species, and (b) a calcium-calmodulin-independent phosphodiesterase with high affinity for cAMP and present only in post-meiotic cells, previously identified also in germ cells of the rat.  相似文献   

Testicular germ cell transplantation into the seminiferous tubules is at present the only way to induce spermatogenesis from a given source of spermatogonial stem cells. Here we show an alternative method that harnesses the self-organizing ability of testicular somatic cells. The testicular cells of embryonic or neonatal mice or rats and of newborn pigs were dissociated into single cells. Each of them reorganized into a tubular structure following implantation into the subcutis of immunodeficient mice. When mouse germline stem (GS) cells derived from spermatogonial stem cells and expanded in culture were intermingled with testicular cells of rodents, they were integrated in the reconstituted tubules and differentiated beyond meiosis into spermatids. Normal offspring were produced by the microinjection of those spermatids into oocytes. This method could be applicable to various mammalian species and useful for producing functional gametes from GS cells in a xenoectopic environment.  相似文献   

It has been long postulated that extracellular purines can modulate the function of the male reproductive system by interacting with different purinergic receptors of Sertoli and germinative cells. Many authors have described the biological changes induced by extracellular ATP and/or adenosine in these cells, and some hypothetical models for paracrine communication mediated by purines were proposed; however, the cellular source(s) of these molecules in seminiferous tubules remains unknown. In this study, we demonstrated for the first time that Sertoli cells are able to release ATP (0.3 nmol/mg protein) and adenosine (0.1 nmol/mg protein) in the extracellular medium, while germinative and myoid peritubular cells are able to secrete adenosine (0.02 and 0.37 nmol/mg protein, respectively). Indeed, all the three types of cells were able to release inosine at significant concentrations (about 0.4 nmol/mg protein). This differential secretion depending on the cellular type suggests that these molecules may be involved in the paracrine regulation and/or control of the maturation processes of these cells.  相似文献   

Localization and synthesis of entactin in seminiferous tubules of mouse testis was studied by immunocytochemistry. Frozen sections from adult mice testes were subjected to anti-entactin and anti-laminin immunofluorescence. Both entactin and laminin were localized within the seminiferous tubule basement membrane and intertubular region of the testis. The addition of excess amount of entactin (but not fibronectin), premixed with anti-entactin antiserum, abolished the immunostain. Western blotting showed that a protein extract from a seminiferous tubule basement membrane preparation was recognized by anti-entactin anti-serum and comigrated with recombinant entactin. Enriched fractions of isolated primary Sertoli cells and peritubular myoid cells cultured for 6 days on a glass coverslip were able to synthesize and secrete entactin as detected by immunofluorescence microscopy. Entactin was also produced by TM3 (Leydig-like) and TM4 (Sertoli-like) cell lines as detected by both immunofluorescence and Western blotting. The distribution of entactin vs. laminin within both the cultured primary cells and the TM3 and TM4 cell lines differed. Entactin appeared mainly localized extracellularly. In contrast, laminin was mainly localized intracellularly. The above findings suggested that 1) entactin existed in the seminiferous tubule basement membrane and intertubular region of adult mice testis, co-localized with laminin; 2) entactin was synthesized by the cultured primary Sertoli cells and peritubular myoid cells and the TM3 and TM4 cell lines; 3) entactin was exocytosed with little intracellular accumulation, in contrast to an intracellular accumulation of laminin.  相似文献   

High levels of plasma estrogens constitute an endocrine peculiarity of the adult stallion. This is mostly due to testicular cytochrome p450 aromatase, the only irreversible enzyme responsible for the bioconversion of androgens into estrogens. To identify more precisely the testicular aromatase synthesis sites in the stallion, testes from nine horses (2-5 years) were obtained during winter or spring. Paraplast-embedded sections were processed using rabbit anti-equine aromatase, followed by biotinylated goat anti-rabbit antibodies, and amplified with a streptavidin-peroxidase complex. Immunoreactivity was detected with diaminobenzidine. Immunofluorescence detection, using fluoroisothiocyanate-conjugated goat anti-rabbit antibodies, was also applied. Specific aromatase immunoreactivity was observed intensely in Leydig cells but also for the first time, to a lesser extent, in the cytoplasm surrounding germ cells at the junction with Sertoli cells. Interestingly, the immunoreactivity in Sertoli cells appears to vary with the spermatogenic stages in the basal compartment (with spermatogonia) as well as in the adluminal one (with spermatids). Relative staining intensity in Leydig and Sertoli cells and testicular microsomal aromatase activity increased with age. The present study in stallions indicates that in addition to Leydig cells, Sertoli cells also appear to participate in estrogen synthesis, and this could play a paracrine role in the regulation of spermatogenesis.  相似文献   

Intercellular communication in rat seminiferous tubules   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Intercellular electrical coupling in seminiferous tubules from prepubescent and adult Wistar rats has been studied by using conventional techniques. It is found that cells in the seminiferous epithelium are electrically coupled. Experiments performed using "Sertoli cell-enriched" seminiferous tubules indicate the existence of intercellular ionic communication between Sertoli cells. Junctional conductance is independent of the direction of electrical field and it is affected by A23187 Ca ionophore (5 microM) but not by exposure to the neurotransmitter norepinephrine (1-5 X 10(-5) M). Intracellular resistivity (including junctional resistance) is higher in mature as compared to immature germinal epithelium. These findings suggest that cell metabolites or second messenger molecules could be transferred via the low-resistance pathways between epithelium cells to coordinate cellular activity.  相似文献   

Sertoli cells are the primary structural component of the fetal testis cords and postnatal seminiferous tubules. Live imaging technologies facilitate the visualization of cell morphologies and behaviors through developmental processes. A transgenic mouse line was generated using a fragment of the rat Gata4 gene to direct the expression of a dual-color fluorescent protein reporter in fetal and adult Sertoli cells. The reporter encoded a red fluorescent protein, monomeric Cherry (mCherry), fused to histone 2B and enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) fused to a glycosylphosphatidylinositol sequence, with a self-cleaving 2A polypeptide separating the two fusion proteins. After translation, the red and green fluorescent proteins translocated to the nucleus and plasma membrane, respectively, of Sertoli cells. Transgene expression in testes was first detected by fluorescent microscopy around Embryonic Day 12.0. Sertoli cell division and migration were visualized during testis cord formation in organ culture. Initially, the Sertoli cells had mesenchyme-like morphologies and behaviors, but later, the cells migrated to the periphery of the testis cords to become epithelialized. In postnatal seminiferous tubules, Sertoli nuclei were evenly spaced when viewed from the external surface of tubules, and Sertoli cytoplasm and membranes were associated with germ cells basally in a rosette pattern. This mouse line was bred to previously described transgenic mouse lines expressing EGFP in Sertoli cytoplasm or a nuclear cyan fluorescent protein (Cerulean) and mCherry in plasma membranes of germ cells. This revealed the physical relationship between Sertoli and germ cells in developing testis cords and provided a novel perspective on Sertoli cell development.  相似文献   

Endogenous testosterone concentrations in rat seminiferous tubules were measured in relation to different stages of the cycle of the seminiferous epithelium. For this purpose, the seminiferous tubules were mechanically separated from the interstitial tissue on a cooled (1 degree C) petri dish under a stereomicroscope without added medium. After recognition of the stages of the cycle by transillumination, the specimens were rapidly transferred by dry forceps into test tubes for testosterone radioimmunoassay. The results of the dry dissection method were compared with measurements on tubules that were kept after separation in phosphate buffered saline (PBS, pH 7.4), in order to reveal the possible leakage of testosterone from the tubules. The maximal concentration of testosterone per unit length of seminiferous tubule was found in stages VII and VIII of the cycle (288 +/- 60 fmol/cm, mean +/- SEM, n = 12), and the minimal in stages IX-XII (219 +/- 57 fmol/cm, P less than 0.01). If the levels were correlated with unit volumes of the seminiferous tubules, identical concentrations of testosterone (521-542 fmol/mm3, approx. 500 nmol/l) were found in the different stages of the cycle. Despite the similarity of testosterone concentrations in the different parts of the seminiferous tubules the local concentrations of biologically active (i.e. free) testosterone may be modulated by extracellular and intracellular androgen binding components.  相似文献   

The morphology of the seminiferous tubules of dasyurid marsupials has been investigated in seven species. The tubules are large in diameter, ranging from 0-36 to 0-52 mm, and the total length of the tubules in the testis is small (less than 1 m). In dissected testes, most tubules were found to be in the form of simple loops and the number of loops ranged from one to four. Each loop had two openings into the duct draining the testis. There was only a single duct from the testis in the dasyurids examined. The large diameter, simple form and low number of tubules in the testis of these dasyurid marsupials make them unique among mammals which have been studied in this respect.  相似文献   

A convenient tool for studying metabolism of seminolipid in testis was developed by using mouse isolated seminiferous tubules prepared by collagenase treatment. Because more than 99% of [35S]sulfate-incorporation was distributed in seminolipid, its metabolism in seminiferous tubules can be analyzed without disturbance of the other sulfolipids in this assay system. Furthermore, the contents of seminolipid and its precursor, galactosylalkylacylglycerol, which were determined by liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization mass spectrometry, did not change within a few hours, indicating that the incorporations of [35S]sulfate into seminolipid solely reflects the turnover rate of this sulfolipid. As an initial application of this system, we characterized heat-susceptibility of the seminolipid turnover rate in mouse seminiferous tubules. Severe heating (44°C for 10 min) of the isolated seminiferous tubules suppressed the 35S-incorporation into seminolipid to 47% of heating at scrotal temperature (32°C for 70 min). In contrast, pretreatment of the testis in vivo under the same condition (44°C for 10 min) did not decrease the seminolipid turnover rate in the isolated seminiferous tubules. In addition, the activity of galactocerebroside sulfotransferase decreased in the temperature-dependent manner in seminiferous tubules as well as crude tubular homogenates, where the activity is significantly more stable in the former than the latter. The newly developed system could provide useful basic data for further analyses of seminolipid metabolism in the testis.  相似文献   

Centromere pattern in different mouse seminiferous tubule cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Centromere arrangement in different mouse seminiferous tubule cells was analyzed using an anticentromere antiserum from a patient with the CREST syndrome of scleroderma. A peptide of 18 kd was recognized by this serum on immunoblotting of mouse nuclear proteins from seminiferous tubule cells. In the cells studied by immunofluorescence, different patterns of centromere arrangement were observed. A speckled arrangement of centromeres was found in spermatogonia, double spots corresponding to meiotic bivalents were found in pachytene cells, and clusters of a haploid numer of centromeres were found in early and acrosome phase spermatids. In Sertoli cells, only three centromeric spots were detected, corresponding to the nucleolar organizer chromosome pairs. A relationship between the functional stage of the cell and the arrangement of and conformational changes in the centromeres is considered.  相似文献   

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