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The influence of repeated experience of social defeats in daily agonistic interactions on voluntary consumption of 1% sucrose solution supplemented with vanillin (0.2%) was studied in male mice of CBA/Lac strain with genetic predisposition to catalepsy as compared to depression-predisposed C57BL/6J mice. Intact mice of both strains prefered sucrose solution to water under conditions of two-bottle free choice. Sucrose solution intake was shown to decrease in losers of both strains exposed to social confrontations as compared to controls. It was suggested that the high level of anxiety revealed in mice of both strains can be the determining factor of the decrease in sucrose solution consumption under conditions of chronic social stress.  相似文献   

Behavior of male mice of C57Bl/6J and CBA/Lac strains was tested in the elevated plus-maze and open field in order to estimate state anxiety in novel conditions. The cube and partition tests were used to reveal trait anxiety in the familiar conditions of the home cage. It is concluded that genetically defined state anxiety is more pronounced in CBA/Lac mice and trait anxiety in C57Bl/6J strain.  相似文献   

The effects of social stress caused by experience of defeats in mice during 3 or 10 consecutive days of intermale confrontations on serotonergic brain activity (5-HT, 5-HIAA levels and 5-HIAA/5-HT ratio) in some brain regions of CBA/Lac (CBA) and C57BL/6J (C57) inbred mice have been studied. It was revealed the significant changes in 5-HT methabolism in the brain regions of defeated mice (losers) of CBA strain after 3 intermale confrontations. However, after 10 days of social stress these changes (excluded amygdala) turned to the control measures testifying to the adaptive mechanisms of serotonergic system in CBA losers. In C57 strain, the three-day social stress produced the mild changes in the brain serotonergic activity both quantitatively as well as qualitatively. Nevertheless, losers subjected to ten-day intermale confrontations had more expressed changes in 5-HT, 5-HIAA levels of 5-HIAA/5-HT ratios in the brain regions studied. It seems that long lasting social stress induced the development of disbalance of the brain serotonergic activity in C57 losers: it was shown the hyperactivity in the hypothalamus and hypoactivity in the amygdala and nucl. accumbens. Apparently, this cause leads to the development of the pronounced anxiety shown earlier in this mouse strain.  相似文献   

Possible development of anhedonia in male mice under chronic stress produced by social confrontations was investigated. Cheese, instead of traditional sucrose solution, was used as a positive reinforcement. It has been shown that the controls, the winners with repeated experience of aggression accompanied by victories and the losers with repeated experience of social defeats, irrespective of their social status, preferred to eat cheese, but not pellets, under the free choice conditions--80% of total food. After three days of cheese deprivation, the least food motivation and the least level of cheese consumption were observed in the losers as compared with the controls and winners. Influence of social stress as well as negative psychoemotional state produced by social defeats, on development of anhedonia as a symptom of major depression, is discussed.  相似文献   

The development of catatonic reactions with rigid muscle tension due to stimulation of the skin at the scruff (catatonia-"pinch" test) and wax muscle plasticity (repeated pinch-induced catalepsy displayed on the parallel bars--BAR-test) was investigated in aggressive and submissive CBA/Lac male mice with repeated experiences of social victories (winners) or defeats (losers), accordingly. The expression of catatonic-like state in "pinch" test was significantly more in the losers after 20 daily agonistic confrontations in comparison with the winners. The catalepsy in the BAR-test was increased in animals with experience of agonistic confrontation in comparison with the controls, however expression of catalepsy reaction depended on kind and duration of agonistic interactions. The pronounced freezing predominated in the free behavior of the losers and, on the contrary, the winners demonstrated the abnormal undirected jumping. It was suggested that two contrast forms of catatonic syndrome accompanying by development of akinesia- or hiperkinesia-like states, are developed in the defeated and victorious (accordingly) mice of cataleptic CBA/Lac strain.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1988,36(5):1371-1378
The influence of male dominance on male-female social interactions was examined in black ducks, Anas rubripes, and mallards, A. platyrhynchos, that were raised from hatch in four different groups (male and female mallards; male and female black ducks; male mallards and female black ducks; male black ducks and female mallards). The mate preference of females, independent of the influence of male dominance, was determined by exposing females to four caged, isolated males, one from each different group. All females preferred the type of male they had been raised with since hatch. Females were then exposed to the same four males, now free-swimming, to determine how male dominance influenced the initial preference. Under these conditions, each female associated primarily with the most dominant of the four males, regardless of her initial mate preference. Mallards were the most dominant males in all tests. These results demonstrate that male dominance influences social interactions and is one factor contributing to hybridization between these two species.  相似文献   

The effect of isolation on exploratory behavior has been shown to differ depending on the developmental stages of male rats. However, there has been little systematic comparison of the frequencies and the patterns of exploratory behavior across the developmental stages. The present study assessed the frequencies of exploration using the emergence test and exploratory patterns in the open-field test in three developmental stages of male rats: juvenile, post-puberty, and adult. A lower propensity for exploration was observed in rats isolated during the juvenile stage, as assessed by increased latency and decreased duration of exploratory behaviors compared to pair-reared rats, and this tendency was maintained in adulthood. Altered patterns of exploratory behavior were demonstrated both in rats isolated in adulthood, who showed an increased active pattern, and those pair-reared following puberty, who shifted to a more passive pattern. However, rats isolated during the juvenile stage did not change their exploratory patterns following puberty. These results suggest that the changes in the exploratory pattern, which can be observed in adulthood, are associated with the emergence of adult-like dominance relationships. Juvenile-isolated rats did not show these changes following puberty, suggesting the importance of social interaction as juveniles for the ontogenetic emergence of behavioral flexibility implicated in the regulation of exploratory patterns.  相似文献   

The goal of this study is to perform a comparative genetic investigation of testicle development during the postpubescence period (from days 70 to 90 of life) in the inbred mice lines PT and CBA/Lac. Interlinear differences in the body and testicular weight, serum testosterone concentration, number of epididymal spermatozoa, area of testicular epithelium, semeniferous tubule lumen, and insulae of Leydig cells were analyzed. It was found that the morphological and histomorphometric parameters of testicles in males from the PT line compared to the males of the CBA/Lac line did not reach a definitive stage with the end of the post-pubescence period and kept on developing until day 90 of life. Therefore, genetic differences remain in the postpubertal testicular development of laboratory mice.  相似文献   

Three strains of inbred mice, C57BL/6J (C57), CBA/Lac (CBA), and BALB/c (BALB) were examined in the elevated plus-maze after the injection of an anxiotropic drug, a 5-HT1A agonist ipsapirone (3 mg/kg; i.p.; 30 min). Treatment with ipsapirone had different anxiogenic effects on the behavior of mice in accordance with their genotype. In C57 mice the drug produced a significant decrease in the percentage of the open-arm time and the number of open-arm entries as well as in the number of full entries (when an animal was between the half and the end of an open-arm) and in the number of head dippings. Besides; the number of C57 mice which performed full entries after the ipsapirone injection decreased. In CBA mice ipsapirone reduced the number of enclosed-arm entries, the number of the passages from one enclosed arm to another and the number of head dippings. Only the number of passages dropped in BALB mice after the drug injection. Probably, just these parameters reflect anxiety in mice of the genotypes under study. It was suggested that the sensitivity of 5-HT1A receptors in C57 mice is the highest.  相似文献   

An augmented exploratory behaviour and motor activity and diminished anxiety after a restraint stress were found in CBA/Lac female mice [corrected] but not in C57BL/6J ones. In the Porsolt test the result was exactly opposite. A possibility of inherent anxiety-depressive pathological condition in the C57BL/6J mice [corrected] developing under the effect of repeated psychological stress, is assumed.  相似文献   

The influence of social experience on rates of agonistic behavior was investigated in a cockroach, Nauphoeta cinerea. Social experience was manipulated by establishing three types of groups of four identically aged males: (1) ran-domly chosen, socially naive males (control); (2) males of similar status and activity level (from treatment 1); and (3) males returned to their original hierarchy after experiencing treatment 2. In the control groups, we found stable hierarchies, significant differences in the rate of agonistic behaviors exhibited among different status males, and a significant relationship between social status and level of agonism. We also compare activity levels within and among groups after males had novel social experiences. Among similar status individuals, we found less activity than when they wereintheir original groups. When males were returned to their original groups, the level of activity increased compared to the level of activity before treatment. The social status of males was unstable after these treatments. Losing tended to result in relatively more subordinate behavior, and winning in relatively more dominant behavior by a male. Within groups, the rate of agonism also increased over 5 days in groups of males that had no previous interactions with each other, while the rate of agonism remained the same in groups of familiar males. We interpret these results in light of male-male assessment and the maintenance of social status in this species.  相似文献   

Radium-224 was injected into 12-week-old male CBA mice in the range 2-64 kBq per mouse either as a single injection or as eight injections spaced at 3.5 day intervals over 4 weeks. Small but significant yields of myeloid leukaemia or osteosarcoma were obtained in all but the control groups. An effect of mode of administration (single or multiple injections) could not be demonstrated but the combined results showed: a maximum yield of myeloid leukaemia in the region 8-16 kBq 224Ra; a greater yield of osteosarcoma than myeloid leukaemia at 64 kBq 224 Ra injected.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1988,36(2):529-540
The presence of Trichinella spiralis infection in groups of male mice caused behavioural changes in both infected and uninfected mice. Also, for some behaviours, the extent of behavioural change in infected mice appeared to be determined by the number of muscle larvae they harboured. Infected mice showed a reduced frequency of exploratory and social behaviours compared with uninfected mice while uninfected mice performed more social investigatory activities towards those that were infected. Social interactions between infected and uninfected mice were also affected by familiarity. Behavioural differences shown to result from infection in mice familiar with each other were similar but more pronounced when the mice were unfamiliar. These results suggest that other factors may influence the behavioural effects of parasites on their hosts. For some behaviours, the greatest alterations in behaviour apparently caused by infection coincided with the period of infectivity to another host. The significance of this in relation to parasite transmission is considered.  相似文献   

We studied histomorphology of the CBA line mice liver after 30 and 90 days of the low dose gamma-radiation influence combined with incorporated Th(NO3)4 in doses 0.03; 0.1; 0.3 grams per kilogram of the living mouse weight. Morphophysiological and morphometric changes were shown. The liver mass and index were significant by increased after 30 days influence. The same changes after 90 days influence were not shown. The morphometric parameters (dynamics of double-nucleus and polyploid hepatocytes, nucleoluses numbers) gave evidence of the liver energy disbalance.  相似文献   

Daev EV  Dukel'skaia AV 《Genetika》2003,39(7):969-974
The effect of the house mouse female pheromone 2,5-dimethylpyrazine (2,5-DMP) on sperm differentiation in male CBA mice has been studied. For this purpose, mature males were treated with a 0.01% aqueous solution of the pheromone for six days. Control mice were similarly treated with physiologic saline. The mice were sacrificed 23 days after the treatment, and material for the analysis of sperm-head abnormalities was sampled from the caudal portion of the epididymis. Analysis of the frequency of abnormal sperms has demonstrated that the pheromonal treatment significantly increases the frequencies of various sperm-head abnormalities. Apparently, this results from disturbances in sex-cell differentiation germline cells caused by the induction of genetic damage at stages immediately preceding meiosis, as well as during the first and second meiotic divisions. The relationship between the effect of 2,5-DMP and the decrease in the fertility of male CBA mice that was earlier observed after a similar treatment is discussed.  相似文献   

Male CBA/CAY mice were exposed daily (6 days a week) for 30 minutes in an environmentally controlled waveguide to continuous 2.45 GHz microwave radiation for 2 weeks at average whole body absorbed dose rates of 0.05, 0.5, 10, and 20 mW/g. Shan exposed animals served as controls. Chain translocations were observed at diakinesis at metaphase I in microwave exposed animals. The yield of translocations increased with exposure, and varied nonlinearly with dose rate. An increase in incidence of univalents was seen after exposure at 10 and 20 mW/g. The findings are interpreted to indicate interference with normal spermatogenesis during the exposure period.  相似文献   

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